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Written by: Siddiq Rafi +60126169572



Technical Specialist Dr Aliza bt Sarlan, Dean of the Centre of Foundation Studies

Madam Jasmin binti Hassan, Program Leader of Humanities Cluster

Distinguish Guests, Fellow Committee Members, Recipients, Ladies & Gentlemen,

Assalammualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh, salam sejahtera and a very good evening to all of

you. I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy and doing well.

I am pleased to be part of the awards giving ceremony for the Mini Oscar Awards 2023 with all of
you this evening! I believe this event is something that the entire May 23 intake has been waiting
for. My heartfelt congratulations go to my team, the AceFos Organizing committee who have been
working tirelessly to realise this event, please give them a round of applause. Not to forget, another
round of applause for all of you nominees here today, I am sure all of you have worked incredibly
hard to be here today. Congratulations on not only being able to complete the assignment while also
working on many other assignments, but getting nominated for awards on top of that, truly
spectacular work.

Today’s event is to celebrate your hard work, so let loose and enjoy the day to the fullest, carpe
diem. Hopefully this assignment has taught you life lessons and maybe even led to discovering
talents in acting or directing. Again, I would like to say congratulations to today’s award recipients.
To the those of you who will unfortunately not be able to step onto this stage here today to receive
the awards, I say do not despair, for surely your time will come. My very own HOD of CnP has always
said and I quote, “Dalam hidup ni sebenarnya xde erti menang kalah, sama ada kita menang, atau
kita belajar.”. Maybe one day you will get to receive an even bigger award. Maybe one day one of
you will be giving this speech instead of me.

Till then, stay safe and do take care.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and thank you.

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