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Learning Objective:
Recognize their responsibility for caring for themselves, including the importance of healthy
eating, sufficient sleep and regular exercise, and explain how choices about these factors
affect their lives in the short and longer term.
Q1-Define the following:

Q2.In what ways do health issues affect the country as well as the individual?
If a person is not healthy, then he cannot be fully productive and therefore does not make a
full contribution to society. This makes his life difficult. This affects the community and the
country by diminishing productivity and adding more cost on medications for those unhealthy
Q3. Why do you think it’s easier to learn good habits early in life?
Young people are like sponges, they soak information and take them as habits. What we
practice in our early years becomes a pattern we follow all our lives.
Q4.What family habits can contribute to health problems?

 Ordering take away meals.

 Watching TV or playing with electronic devices instead of doing physical activity.
 Late bedtimes or long lie-ins.
Q5.Give examples of each of the following food groups.
Fruits: Apples, bananas, mango, oranges, kiwi...
Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, radish...
Proteins: Fish, poultry, meat, eggs, beans.
Grains: Bread, corn, rice, pasta, oat, cereal...
Dairy: Milk, yogurt, cheese...
b. What amount of fats and treats is good for regular diet?
Fats – Use sparingly and choose healthy oils like olive oil.
Treats – not recommended for daily intake as they are not actually needed for good health.
Q6.Read the following statements and decide whether they are True or False.

 Frying is the healthiest method for cooking food. T /F

 Eating homemade food contributes to a healthy body. T /F
 The average 6 -13 year old should sleep 9-11 hours per day . T/ F
 Using electronic devices helps us sleep well at night. T / F
 Regular exercise can harm bones and muscle. T / F
Suggested Answers for the true/false statements given above:
a. FALSE Grilling is healthier because as the meat cooks the fat drips off into the pan below.
Having less fat in your diet keeps your cholesterol lower and leads to a healthy heart. It is also
healthier to grill rather than fry vegetables as less moisture and nutrients are lost from the
b. TRUE Fast food contains high levels of salt, sugar and fat as well as other preservatives and
chemicals. When you cook for yourself at home you can use fresh ingredients and control the
methods to make the healthiest choices possible.
c. TRUE Health experts claim that sleep is of equal importance to diet and exercise in
maintaining good health. Children who get enough sleep are known to have better levels of
concentration, are less likely to become obese, can make better decisions, and have more
d. FALSE The blue light emitted from screens such as TV, phone & computer, delays the release
of sleep inducing melatonin meaning that the quantity and quality of sleep is greatly reduced. It
is best to stop using all electronic devices, including phones at least 2 hours before bedtime.
e. FALSE Regular exercise has many positive effects on the health: • strengthens bones and
muscles • maintains slim, lean body • decreases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes • lowers
blood pressure and cholesterol levels • improves mood • improves sleep quality

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