Independent Mindanao

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The idea of an independent Mindanao has been around for decades and has
been the subject of debates and discussions among various groups, including
politicians, academics, and advocacy organizations. It is based on the historical and
cultural differences between Mindanao and the rest of the Philippines, as well as on
the economic disparities and political marginalization experienced by the region.
It is a delusional and silly idea.

Why? Because it is part of the Philippines. By history, by religion, by people and

by the Constitution. Honestly, we should be ashamed of leaving Mindanao behind.
Fortunately, we are on the track of regaining people's confidence in Mindanao.

Mindanao is an island with 70 to 80 percent catholic and 30 to 20 percent Muslim

population. The Muslims were neglected by the government when it comes to
education, social development, and cultural enhancement thereby leaving them in a
disadvantageous state and exploited due to their ignorance. They rebelled by fighting
the government due to the injustices and inequalities they encountered.

Now the Muslim has learned to manage by themselves and rule the Muslim area
(autonomous Muslim area and the bansang Moro basic laws) There are more
Christians in mindanao than the Muslim and I believe, the Christians will not allow the
separation from the Philippines

Mindanao will always be part of this country, it is an asset that needs to be

developed. A promising asset with huge potential. All it needs is infrastructure, stability,
and our support as Filipinos.

In addition, If Mindanao that we currently control are giving us headaches wait till
these guys who wreck everything gain control of their own state and make alliances
with other rouge nations, not only that but they would have their own sovereign state to
be a potential safe haven for terrorists.

Instead of Separation, just give them support so that they will feel that the
government prioritizes them and they are not left behind.

If there is a movement to remove Mindanao as part of the Philippines, expect me

to be one of those who will express opposition to it. And most Filipinos will do the same
I believe.

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