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No Homework Policy

All of us is a dreamer, we want everything to be perfect. When we
were a kid we just wanted a big toy but when we start to attend at
school our principle and perception in life has changed. Yes, were
still a dreamer, and our first dream is to finished our study so that
those elegant dream like car, 3 story house, cafe business and 6
digit salary a month will become achieved.

They said that youth is the future leader in the next generation,
but how those youth become an effective and good leader if they
are frustrated and struggling in their study. They are pressured to
do their best because of those high expectation of society. How
they can enjoy their lives, if there so many task and responsibility
given to them. Last time there’s an issue about ‘No Homework
Policy’ and this issue involving teachers and students from
primary and secondary level.

As a college student, I will agree to this issue ‘No Homework

Policy’ even though I’m not a part of primary and secondary level.
When I was in my senior level, I experienced having a hard time
to accomplished all those paper works and homework. It’s not
easy for me to finish my homework after going to school because
as a eldest to our family I also have responsibility in house
chores. Socially, because of homework, we can’t have a bonding
to our family, classmate and friends even at weekends. Instead of
enjoying our weekend there we are staying at home doing our
homework, because we have no choice but to do it. Our mindset
is to pass, even if we don’t even enjoy our social life. While doing
homework, were losing society’s expectation and because of that
I was strongly agree to ‘No Homework Policy’

Financially, we are not all rich many of us are not financially stable. The
money we spend every day is from the hard work of our parents. We
budget our money and only get those thing that we need. But because of
some homework we have to print and search we have to less our
allowance instead of buying foods. The money that we have for our
daily expenses will get less because of those homework. I was strongly
agree to ‘No Homework Policy’

Emotionally, many of us experienced stress, pressure and we are tired all

day. Instead of resting our body and mind at weekends, there we are
thinking on how to do our homework to be pass by tomorrow. Because
of homework we are all experienced sleepless nights and we can’t even
eat at time. We prioritize our study even if were skipping our meals and
because of that I was strongly agree to ‘No Homework Policy’.

As a student, a struggling student I was very grateful to reach college
level. Sometimes I was about to give up but I always remember that I
was a dreamer and I want to payback the hard work of my parents. I
experienced a lot of struggling moments at my journey. But here am I
still fighting and doing my best. And now I stand for my fellow students
who struggling to their study as I strongly agree to ‘No Homework
Why Phones Should be Allowed in
School Essay
Phones have become a big part of our life no matter who we are. They are part of our
lifestyles from the moment we wake up to the moment we close our eyes. It is already a
major gadget that if it is taken away will just cause a major shift in people’s lives. Their
phone is part of their daily life and can’t be taken away just like that knowing 90 percent
of teens have a phone, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln made a study with 777
students and found that an average respondent used their technology 10.93 times on a
school day. (‘Mobile Devices and their Place in the Classroom.’) As you can see that’s
actually a pretty low number than expected of phone usage. Cellphones are portrayed
as such a negative technology that people seem to ignore the benefits they can bring
you. While students being addicted to cell phones can be a problem, schools should
allow students to carry cell phones with them because of their freedom to practice self-
discipline with their phone usage, maximize school resources, and students’ safe.

First, schools should allow students to carry cell phones with them because of their
freedom to practice self-discipline with their phone usage. Children need to learn to treat
freedom responsibly. What I mean by this is that if we get children to get used to
someone always being on them telling them what to do, as they grow up they won’t
know how to take their own decisions and know the limit to their freedom. Phones
should be allowed in class because it allows students to exercise self-discipline no
matter their age or activity, which is proved by a study by the University of
Pennsylvania, that self-discipline plays a big part in a student’s success. Also, them
having the freedom of their phone usage allows them to learn how to deal with freedom
in a workplace responsibly. Greenling, director of instructional technology, believes that
some classrooms are just not interesting enough and that’s why students get distracted
with other things like their phones because their brains are wired to do that. Before
passing notes, portable cassettes, or daydreaming was their form of distraction, so it will
still occur with or without cellphones. (Why Students should be using their Phones in

Additionally, phones also maximize school resources. Schools see a phone as an

obstacle to learning. They focus on what is wrong with a phone and not think of options
a phone can bring to your classroom. But many schools are realizing that students have
found ways to make good use of the phone, for example with educational apps like
Remind101 to remind students of their school work due date. This type of app a phone
is willing to offer does not just benefit the student but the teacher and the whole
classroom. Students being able to bring their own technology helps teachers maximize
their resources when not enough Ipads, Chromebooks, or devices are available.
Implementing phones into classrooms allows students to use their phones for more
school and less personal use. (Mobile Devices and their Place in the Classroom) This
benefits the school because they don’t have to spend money on tablets or laptops.
These devices are very helpful due to the fact there are many helpful acts like dictionary
apps for foreign students or Kahoot which are educational apps. (‘Why Students should
be using their Phones in Class.’) It is even more beneficial because they are free apps
without a charge. Nothing is better than saving schools money.

Finally, the most important reason Schools should allow students to carry cell phones
with them is students’ safety. Cellphones are slowly gaining a place in schools
according to statistics. K-12 grade schools had a ban percentage of cellphones which
dropped to 66% then to 35%, this has been a dramatic drop in a matter of years from
the beginning according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Cell phones
keep students connected to the outside world during times of emergency. For example,
during the school shooting in Florida many students were able to communicate with
their parents and call 911. Also, Leslie Meredith, TechNewsDaily, stated that after the
Chardon High school shooting, students either used their mobile devices to call 911 or
check in with their parents. After this incident and experiencing this emergency situation
they obtained new ideas for their “alert, lockdown, inform, counter, evacuate”, where
phones will be a big part of it. (‘Why Students should be using their Phones in Class.’ )

The argument of students being addicted to cell phones might come up. They say the
addiction to phones is affecting children’s mental health. Students can’t even focus in a
classroom with everything that is going on, on their phones. As studies show, Kids
spending hours in front of a screen instead of socializing is unhealthy. Due to this, skills
that help you into a successful person are being delayed.

Indeed, while students being addicted to cell phones can be a problem, schools should
allow students to carry cell phones with them. Instead of taking a look at all the
negatives let’s look at the benefits and how much easier it makes our lives. People
believe this technology is worsening people’s everyday life but don’t come to realize our
future consists of smart people creating new things to make life easier.

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