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Sub Plans

In the boxes provided, please write your class schedule and any lesson plans for blocks requiring coverage.
Please also highlight any blocks or duties that require coverage. If any resources are needed to teach your
lesson, please ensure that they are provided for the teacher who is covering.

Teacher’s Name: Jesse Wang

Location: Classroom 2H
Classroom Routines to note: Can use classroom iPad 2H-1 to use class dojo to choose random students to
answer and add and subtract points. iPad password code is 090989.

Time Date: 1st March, 2024

8:20-9:05 English: Narrative L3 Details
1 Introduce students to writing a personal narrative story. It can be a day
during the holiday or any day they remember well. Suggestions include a
birthday, holiday, or special day for them such as adopting a pet. Go over
examples included in the ppt and then have students write in their blue
English books. No worksheets are required. Have students try to add as many
feeling words using the 5 senses and adjectives to describe their story. Files
located in \\\International\Grades\Grade 2\2023-2024\0.
English\19. W23 Feb 26- Mar 1\Writing. Thurs Fri

9:05 – 9:55
9:55 – 10:25
10:25 – 11:15
11:15 – 12:00 Inquiry: Island Life: Geography Task 9 Part 1
4 Review different types of islands with the students. Ask students to identify
pictures of island types: barrier islands, continental islands, volcanic islands,
artificial islands, and coral islands. Have students try to guess keywords using
pictures such as inhabited vs uninhabited, and urban vs rural. Introduce
students to the PowerPoint research project students will need to work on
over the weekend. Students will start planning their ppts using the Island
Research Planning worksheet provided and using their iPads to scan the QR
codes in the lesson ppt or using They may work together in pairs
but every individual must complete a worksheet. Students must choose an
island listed in the lesson ppt. Towards the end of class, students must do a
skills assessment on the worksheets provided. Worksheets will be left on the
desk. Files located in \\\International\Grades\Grade 2\2023-
2024\1. Inquiry\4. Island Life\12. Geography Task 9
12:05 – 13:00 Lunch: Recess Duty
Teacher needs to stay with students during lunch

13:00 – 13:50
13:50 – 14:35
14:35 – 14:45
14:45 – 15:35
Dismissal Need cover, students will split into bus students and gate students. Teacher
15:35 needs to lead the students to the gate.

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