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CLASS: IX – Session Ending Exam

TIME 2:30 HRS M.M: 50

Section A
*Answer the following questions (Q.1 to 16 one mark each)
1 How many SDGs are there ?
a) 13 b) 17 c) 22 d) 169
2 Which of these is not an example of body language?
a) Facial Expression b) Gestures c) Postures d) Verbal
3 Which of these is not a self-management skills
a) Financial strength b) Self confidence
c) Independent working d) Time management
4 The commonly available story speaking devices are
a) Google Story b) Amazon Echo c) Siri d) All the above
Speaker dot
5 AI stands for __________________.
6 Which of these is not a benefit of stress management?
a) Improving mood b) Staying happy with small thing
c) Increasing efficiency d) Increasing weight
7 Which of these is not an operating system?
a) Windows b) Linux c) SAP d) Android
8 Which of these is the oldest form of communication?
a) written b) oral c) e-mail d) whatsapp
9 Ctrl + S is used to __________________.
10 Ctrl + X is used to __________________.
11 ICT stands for __________________.
12 ROM stands for __________________.
13 ALU stands for __________________.
14 SDG stands for __________________.
15 BIOS runs before an Operating System starts – True or False
16 What is the Current Level of A
a) Weak/Narrow b) General c) Strong d) None of these

Section B
17 List out the advantages & disadvantages of Verbal communication. 2
18 List out the advantages & disadvantages of Non-Verbal communication. 2
19 List down the Input, Output and Storage devices in a Computer 3
20 List out the 3P’s of Public Speaking & Explain Them. 3
21 Why do we need to focus on self-management? List different Self-Management skills? 3
22 Describe the importance of stress management. 3
23 List out the barriers to effective communication. 3
24 List out the 7Cs of effective communication. 3
25 What is the difference between Verbal and Non-Verbal communication? Give examples. 3
26 Differentiate between Volatile & Non-Volatile Memory. 3
27 List down the Steps of Computer Startup (From powering on to Welcome Screen) 3
28 What is Booting & BIOS? Explain the role of BIOS. 3
*********ALL THE BEST *********

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