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This study presents a description of the general methods and

approaches used in realizing the study's objectives. Specifically, it

includes the following subtopics: Research Design, Locale of the study,

Respondents, Research Instrument, Sampling Technique, and Data

Gathering Procedure.

Research Design

This study will apply descriptive research design. According to

Shone McCombes (2019), descriptive research design is a type of

research methodology that aims to describe or document the

characteristics, behaviors, attitudes, opinions, or perceptions of a group or

population being studied.

This study applies descriptive research design because the

researchers want to determine the factors affecting the effectiveness of

teaching performance of elementary teachers.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in the Elementary School of Parang,

Maguindanao Del Norte specifically in Parang North District constituents

by seven schools including Parang Central Elementary School headed by

Esmael E. Adam, Making Elementary School headed by Jonie Ilan,

Miramar Elementary School headed by Nasser K. Tando, Mac-Ale

Memorial Elementary School headed by Maisara D. Sarasar, E. Molina Sr.

Memorial Elementary School headed by Lilibeth M. Tanggote,

Macasandag Elementary School headed by Sakina D. Acmad and

Lidasan Elementary School headed by Quintenaida I. Abangad. These

Schools were chosen based on population size.

In terms of population size, Parang Central Elementary School has

the largest population of 60 compared to Making Elementary School which

has 36, Mac-Ale Elementary School has 22, Miramar Elementary School

has 16, E. Molina Sr. Elementary School has 11, while Macasandag

Elementary School has 13 and Lidasan Elementary school being the

smallest in number with only 12.


The total respondents of the study were one hundred forty-five

(145) Permanent elementary teachers in Parang North District.

For Parang Central Elementary School, the number of respondents

is fifty-eight (58); for Making Elementary School, the number of

respondents is twenty-five (25); for Mac-Ale Elementary School, the

number of respondents is twenty (20); for Miramar Elementary School, the

number of respondents is fifteen (15); for Molina Elementary School, the

number of respondents is ten (10); for Macasandag Elementary School,

the number of respondents is eight (8); and for Lidasan Elementary

School, the number of respondents are nine (9).

Research Instrument

The questionnaire was used as the main data-gathering instrument.

The instrument to be prepared focused on answering the statement of the

problem. The factors affecting the effectiveness of teaching performance

of elementary teachers. The questionnaire contains thirty-five (35)

questions. The questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents.

The data-gathering instrument was structured on a scale ranging

from 1-4. Where (1) is strongly disagree, (2) is disagree, (3) is agree and

the last one is (4) strongly agree. This legend will help the researchers to

analyze the result of conducting data-gathering.

The survey questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part of the

survey questionnaire is the demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of age, sex, marital status, highest educational attainment, length of

service, and teaching position.

The second part of the survey questionnaire is the Factors Affecting

the Effectiveness of teaching performance of elementary teachers in terms

of age, marital status, highest educational attainment, experience, and

monthly salary.

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather the needed data, the following procedures were

undertaken. First, the researchers secured a written permit from the

Academic Head of the Education Department Second, the researchers

gave the permission letter to the Elementary Schools of Parang North

District principals. Third, the researchers set a date or schedule for

conducting the survey and informed the respected respondents to reserve

a good amount of time in the said survey. Fourth, the researchers will

distribute the survey questionnaires to the respondents explaining the

purpose of the study, and ensure that each participant corresponds to their

predefined criteria. Lastly, right after the administration for the data

collection analysis and interpretation. The researcher will collect their

accomplish survey questionnaire and prepare for the analysis and

interpretation of data.

Sampling Technique

This study will use a total population sampling method to select the

participants for the survey. The researchers will include all the

government-employed permanent teachers who have relevant experience

and knowledge on the topic of the study. Total population sampling is a

type of purposive sampling technique that involves examining the entire

population that has a specific set of characteristics (Laerd 2023). This

method is appropriate for this study because the population size is

relatively small and the population shares a rare trait. According to

Sugiyuno (2014), total population sampling can provide accurate and

comprehensive data for the research objectives.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data will be collected tallied and tabulated to present the

results clearly and understandably. Descriptive statistics such as

frequency counts, percentage of distribution, and weighted mean were

used in analyzing the data.

Frequency counts and percentage distribution will be used to

present the demographic profile of the respondents such as age, sex,

marital status, highest educational attainment, length of service, and

teaching position.

The Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of teaching performance of

Elementary Teachers in terms of age, marital status, highest educational

attainment, experience, and marital status were analyzed using frequency

and weighted mean.

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