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The Admission Board


Ministry of Education and Skill Development

Date: 13/02/2024

Sub: Seeking Admission in Class 11 for my Nephew

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Prem Bdr. Chhettri bearing c.i.d. no. 10211000867, would like to seek admission in class eleven for my
nephew Purna Bdr. Chhetri.

Purna faces certain health considerations, specifically episodic abdominal pain, necessitating frequent
check-ups. Additionally, he is presently undergoing dental braces treatment, requiring regular visits to a
hospital in Thimphu. Opting for admission here would be more convenient for him and our family,
eliminating the need for extensive travel and potential disruptions to his classes.

Moreover, Purna's parents are uneducated and engage in manual labor jobs. Their recent relocation
from an old building in Tshimalakha to a semi-permanent cottage has adversely impacted Purna's
academic performance due to a lack of proper guidance. If granted admission, I am committed to
providing the necessary support to facilitate his academic improvement.

Purna exhibits a strong interest in pursuing science for higher education. Leveraging my technical
background, I am well-equipped to offer valuable guidance to enhance his academic prowess in this
field. Additionally, he actively engages in sports, participating in football, volleyball, and earning national
recognition in lawn tennis and badminton. With the right opportunities, he possesses the potential to
excel not only in extracurricular activities but also in his studies.

In light of the foregoing, we respectfully request your consideration and support for Purna's admission.
We would be immensely grateful for this opportunity.


Prem Bdr. Chhettri (guardian)



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