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> ib-physics > hl-2025 > questionbank > space-time-and-motion > kinematics


Question 0 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A pilot intends to fly a plane from point A to point B . Due to strong winds, she points the nose of the plane in the direction shown
Easy (20)
by the vector P . Which of the choices below best represents the direction of the wind encountered by the plane?

A. B.

C. D.

Question 1 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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Which of the following is a vector quantity?
Easy (20)
A. Speed
B. Electric force

C. Electric current

D. Temperature

Question 2 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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The diagram below shows a car of mass m descending a slope. The car, initially at rest, covers a distance of 27.0 m in 3 s.
Easy (20)


The magnitude of the acceleration is given by

A. 3.0 m s−2

B. 6.0 m s−2

C. 9.0 m s−2

D. 81.0 m s−2

Question 3 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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An object moves at constant velocity for a period of time, after which it undergoes uniform deceleration until it comes to rest. A
velocity-time graph is plotted for this motion. On the graph, which of the following represents the displacement of the object? Easy (20)

A. Gradient of the line connecting the initial and final velocities.

B. x-intercept

C. y-intercept

D. Area under the graph

Question 4 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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An object of mass M on a string moves in a circle of radius r at a constant speed.
Easy (20)


Which of the following statements is true about the motion of the object:

I. The resultant work done on the object is zero.

II. The velocity of the object is constant.
III. The object is accelerating

A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III only
D. I and III only

Question 5 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A ball rolls horizontally off the edge of the top of a cliff. It hits the ground at a distance 2 m from the base of the cliff with a vertical
speed of 20 m s−1 . What is the height of the cliff?
Easy (20)

A. 20 m

B. 40 m

C. 60 m

D. 80 m

Question 6 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A basketball is launched at an angle and undergoes projectile motion. Air resistance is negligible. Which of the following is correct for
the direction of its velocity vector and its acceleration vector at the highest point of its trajectory? Easy (20)

Direction of velocity vector Direction of acceleration vector
A. horizontal no acceleration
B. no velocity no acceleration
C. no velocity downward
D. horizontal downward

Question 7 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A coin is tossed vertically upwards from a height of 1.5 m. What is the maximum height reached above the ground if the coin was
projected with an initial velocity of 3.0 m s−1 ? (Take g = 10 m s−2 ) Easy (30)

A. 0.45 m

B. 1.50 m

C. 1.95 m

D. 6.00 m

Question 8 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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The take off speed of a passenger aircraft is 75.0 m s−1 . A plane starts from rest and accelerates at a steady rate of 1.25 m s−2 .
Easy (30)
Which of the following correctly states the minimum duration of taxiing, and the minimum length of the runway needed for the take
off? Video

Duration of Taxiing Length of the runway

75. 0m s−1 (75.0 m s−1 )2
1.25 m s−2 (2)(1.25 m s−2 )
75.0 m s−1 (75.0 m s−1 )2
1.25 m s−2 1.25 m s−2
(75.0 m s−1 )2 75.0 m s−1
(2)(1.25 m s−2 ) 1.25 m s−2
(75.0 m s−1 )2 (75.0 m s−1 )2
(2)(1.25 m s−2 ) (2)(1.25 m s−2 )

Question 9 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A ball is projected in an environment where air resistance can be ignored.
Easy (30)


Which graph shows the variation of the resultant force R acting on the ball with the height h of the object?

A. B.

C. D.

Question 10 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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The graph shows the variation with time t of the velocity v of a car traveling along a straight and level road.
Easy (30)


What time does it take for the car to travel a distance of 31.5 m from t = 0?

A. 2s

B. 7s

C. 10 s

D. 12 s

Question 11 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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The graph shows the variation of velocity v with time t of a car.
Easy (30)


Which of the following can be deduced from the graph?

I. Displacement
II. Acceleration
III. Change in velocity

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II only

D. I, II and III

Question 12 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A ball is projected with an initial speed of 2 m s−1 making an angle of 35o with the horizontal as shown.
Easy (30)


Which expression gives the vertical component of the velocity vector?

A. 2 m s−1
B. 2 cos(35o ) m s−1
C. 2 sin(35o ) m s−1
D. 2 tan(35o ) m s−1

Question 13 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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An object moves 9 m east, then 12 m north.
Easy (30)
What is the magnitude of the total displacement of this object?
A. 3m

B. 15 m

C. 21 m

D. 36 m

Question 14 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 8]
Easy (40)
1. Define distance. [1]
Video (a)
2. An object moves in a straight line on a level road. The variation of the object's distance d with time t is shown on the
graph below. Video (bi)

Video (bii)

Video (biii)

Video (b(iv))

1. Describe the motion of the object between t = 0.5 s and t = 1.0 s. [1]
2. Calculate the instantaneous speed of the object at t = 0.5 s. [2]
3. On the axes below, sketch a possible graph of the variation of velocity v of the object with time t. There is no
need to add values to the axes. [2]

4. Determine the direction of the change in momentum of the object during the motion. [2]

Question 15 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A projectile is fired at an angle above the horizontal on the surface of Moon. Which of the following statements is correct about its
motion: Easy (40)

A. The magnitude of the horizontal component of its velocity remains unchanged until it falls on the surface of the moon.

B. The magnitude of the vertical component of its velocity remains unchanged until it falls on the surface of the moon.

C. The magnitude of the horizontal component of its velocity decreases steadily until it falls on the surface of the moon.

D. The magnitude of the vertical component of its velocity decreases steadily until it falls on the surface of the moon.

Question 16 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A football player kicks a ball initially at rest. The ball reaches a speed of 36 km h−1 in a time of 0.5 s. Which of the following is the
Easy (40)
acceleration of the ball in terms of the gravitational acceleration, g ?
A. 0.2 g

B. 0.5 g

C. 2g

D. 7g

Question 17 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A projectile is fired with a launch angle α above the horizontal and an initial velocity of 40 m s−1 towards a cliff that rises 300 m
Easy (40)
above the plane of projection. The cliff is 120 m from the launch point.

Assuming that air resistance has no effect on the motion, then the time of flight taken by the projectile to reach the plane of the cliff,
is given by;

A. t = 3s
B. t = 7.5 s
C. t=
D. t=

Question 18 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A cargo container is released from an airplane. A parachute is opened remotely a few seconds later to land it safely. Which graph
Easy (40)
shows the variation of the vertical acceleration with time t for the cargo container from when it leaves the plane until landing?
A. B.

C. D.

Question 19 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A student throws a ball with an initial velocity in the horizontal direction. Air resistance is negligible. At t = 2.0 s, the ball has
Easy (40)
travelled a distance x in the horizontal direction and a distance y in the vertical direction.
What are the horizontal and vertical distances covered at t = 1.0 s, in terms of x and y ?
Horizontal distance Vertical distance
x y
2 4
x y
2 2
x y
4 2
x y
4 4

Question 20 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 13]
Medium (50)
1. 1. Define acceleration. [1]
Video (ai)
2. A car is moving on a straight road. The variation of the car's velocity v with time t is seen in the graph below.
Video (aii)

Video (bi)

Video (bii)

Video (c)

Describe, in terms of acceleration, the motion of the car. [2]

2. A truck with a speed of 20 m s−1 passes by a stationary car. The car starts to move with an acceleration of 4 m s−2 just
as the truck goes past. Both of the vehicles move in the same direction.

1. Show that the time needed for the car to overtake the truck is 10 s. [3]
2. On the graph below, draw the variation in speed of both vehicles with time during the first 10 seconds of the
motion and comment about the areas under the graphs without calculation. [4]

3. In an accident scene, skid marks of a car stretching 100 m are found. According to the manufacturer of the car’s tires, the
deceleration that the car experiences with skidding tires is 5 m s−2 .

Determine whether the car exceeded the speed limit of 72 km h−1 . [4]

Question 21 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A small object is fired horizontally at a speed of 300 m s−1 from the top of a building. Air resistance is negligible. The object lands
Medium (50)
900 m from the base of the building. What is the height of the building?
A. 15 m

B. 34 m

C. 44 m

D. 88 m

Question 22 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 9]
Medium (50)
The graph shows how the speed v of a car varies with time t.
Video (a)

Video (b)

Video (c)

1. State the difference between average and instantaneous accelerations. [2]

2. Calculate the instantaneous acceleration of the car at t = 1.0 s. [2]
3. Determine, with explanation, whether the car covers more distance before or after the car reaches a constant speed. [5]

Question 23 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 7]
Medium (50)
While practising, a table tennis player hits a ball of mass 2.8 g that collides with the floor and then bounces back from the wall. The
Video (a)
speed of the ball just before reaching the floor is 8.0 m s−1 . The ball leaves the floor with an angle of 65° to the floor as shown.
Video (b)

Video (c)

1. Due to the collision with the floor, the ball losses 30% of its initial kinetic energy. Show that the leaving speed of the ball
from the floor is around 7 m s−1 . [2]
2. The ball strikes the wall just as it reaches the highest point of its motion. Determine the horizontal distance between the
bounce point and the wall. [3]
3. The ball collides elastically with the wall, with the time of contact during the collision is 0.040 s. Calculate the average
horizontal force exerted by the wall on the ball during the collision. [2]

Question 24 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A block of mass 16 kg is pushed and released along a rough horizontal surface at an initial speed of 2 m s−1 .
Medium (50)


The block travels through a distance of 16 m and is brought to rest. What is the magnitude of the frictional force that brings the
block to rest?

A. 2N

B. 4N

C. 8N

D. 16 N

Question 25 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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An object is moving in a straight line. The graph shows the variation of the velocity v of the object with time t.
Medium (50)


Which of the following is correct according to the graph?

I. At point A, the object changes its direction.

II. At point C the object is at rest.
III. The magnitude of the acceleration at point D is greater than at point B.

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II only

D. II and III only

Question 26 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 9]
Medium (50)
The motion of an object released from a high place in a vacuum is observed. The variation of its velocity with time is recorded and
Video (a)
the following graph is obtained.
Video (b)

Video (ci)


1. Discuss the role that observations play in the development of scientific understanding. [1]
2. Other than velocity and time, list two quantities that can be obtained from the graph. [2]
1. 3. The height of the release point is 70 m. Show that the speed v1 of the object just before the contact with the
ground is 37 m s−1 . [2]
2. The object rebounds from the ground with a speed v2 of 17 m s−1 . The mass of the object is 8.0 kg and the
contact time during the rebound is 0.50 s. Calculate the average force acting on the object from the ground. [4]

Question 27 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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The position of a body is located with a motion detector at constant time intervals.
Medium (55)


The distance between two successive positions of the body is given in terms of a constant d. Which of the following graphs could be
the variation of velocity v of the body with time t?

A. B.

C. D.

Question 28 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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The variation of displacement of a trolley with time t is shown on the graph below.
Medium (60)


The magnitudes of the instantaneous velocities of the trolley at times t1 and t2 are v1 and v2 respectively. Which of the following
correctly compares the instantaneous velocities with the magnitude of the average velocity of the trolley for the whole of the motion

v1 v2
A. Greater than the average velocity Greater than the average velocity
B. Greater than the average velocity Less than the average velocity
C. Less than the average velocity Greater than the average velocity
D. Less than the average velocity Less than the average velocity

Question 29 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A ball is released from rest at a height h above the ground. At each bounce At each bounce 75% of its kinetic energy is lost. Which
graph represents the variation of the ball's velocity v with time t from the beginning of motion until the moment just before the third Medium (60)

bounce? Assume the acceleration of the ball is in in the negative direction and that air resistance is negligible. Video

A. B.

C. D.

Question 30 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A ball is released from rest and falls vertically for 3 seconds on Earth. Air resistance is negligible. What is the average speed of the
ball during the motion? Medium (60)

A. 3 m s−1

B. 10 m s−1

C. 15 m s−1

D. 30 m s−1

Question 31 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 11]
Medium (60)
1. State the difference between distance and displacement. [2]
Video (a)
2. A dart player throws a dart horizontally with the speed of 15 m s−1 to hit a dartboard. The vertical displacement of the
dart is 0.35 m. Air resistance is negligible. Video (bi)

Video (bii)

Video (biii)

Video (biv)

1. Show that the time taken for the dart to reach the centre of the dartboard is approximately 0.3 s. [2]
2. Calculate the angle to the horizontal, in degrees, of the velocity of the dart as it hits the dartboard. [3]
3. Determine the displacement of the dart. [2]
4. On the axes below, sketch how the square of the velocity v 2 of the dart varies with the square of time t2 . (no [2]
need to add values on the axes)

Question 32 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 11]
Medium (60)
1. The diagram below shows a water slide. As a test, an object is released from point A, 6.0 m above the ground level. Point
B at the end of the slide is 2.0 m above the ground level. Location C is the point of contact of the slide with the ground.
The slide approximates a circular shape at this point.

Air resistance and friction on the object are negligible.

1. Draw the free-body diagram of the forces acting on the object as it passes point D . [2]

2. At the instant the object passes point C , explain why there is acceleration and yet no work is done. [2]
2. The object slides from point A to point B and is launched from point B with an angle.
1. Show that the speed of the object at point B is approximately 8.9 m s−1 [2]
2. At point B , the object is launched into the air and lands in a pool of water that is 2.2 m below point B .

After 1.1 s, it reaches the surface of the water. Show that the angle θ of the launch above the horizontal is
approximately 22°. [3]
3. Calculate the horizontal distance travelled by the object between losing contact with the slide and reaching the
water. [2]

Question 33 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 8]
Medium (60)
1. Define displacement. [1]
Video (a)
2. A table tennis ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a building. The variation of the ball's horizontal displacement s
Video (bi)
with time t is shown on the graph below.
Video (bii)

Video (c)

1. State which quantity is given by the gradient of the tangent to the graph at any time during the motion. [1]
2. On the graph below, sketch the expected variation of horizontal displacement with time when air resistance is
ignored. The original curve is given as a dashed line. [2]

3. A stone is then launched with a horizontal speed of 20 m s−1 from a height of 12 m above the ground.

Determine the magnitude of the displacement of the stone when it hits the ground if air resistance is considered to be
negligible. [4]

Question 34 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 12]
Medium (60)
In an experiment, the free-fall of a ball bearing is used to measure the acceleration due to gravity. The ball bearing is suspended with
an electromagnet. Then it is released from a height of h above a table.

[Source: Created with chemix - https://]

The time t needed for the ball bearing to reach the ground after release is measured. The experiment is repeated for different values
of h. The theoretically predicted relationship between time t and h is

2 2h
t =
1. State why there is a need to collect data for a range of values of h to verify this relationship. [1]
2. The experimental data for t2 and h are plotted on the graph below.

1. Draw the line of best fit for the plotted data on the graph. [1]
2. Suggest whether the data is consistent with the theoretical prediction. [2]
3. By using the line of best fit, determine a value for g and state the units. [4]
3. The theoretical relationship is for an object falling in a vacuum.
1. Compare the experimental result to the accepted value of g and suggest a reason for the discrepancy. [2]
2. State and explain whether the source of error in (c)(i) is a systematic or random error. [2]

Question 35 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A car moves clockwise in a circular path as shown. The direction of its instantaneous velocity at two different times is shown in the
diagram. Medium (60)


Which of the following vectors shows the direction of the change in velocity?

A. B.

C. D.

Question 36 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 9]
Medium (70)
A cannonball is fired horizontally from a cannon positioned at the edge of a cliff.

1. In the context of Newton's Laws, explain why the cannon recoils to the left when the cannonball is fired. [2]
2. The initial recoil speed of the cannon is 1.0 m s−1 and its mass is 1200 kg.
1. The total of opposing forces acting on the cannon during the motion of the cannon is 8.0 kN . Determine the
distance covered by the cannon after the firing. [2]
2. The mass of the cannonball is 9.0 kg . Show that the magnitude of the firing velocity of the ball is approximately
133 m s−1 . [2]
3. Calculate the magnitude of the displacement of the cannonball after 5.0 s. Air resistance can be ignored. [3]

Question 37 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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The graph shows the variation of velocity v of a ball with time t.
Medium (70)


The initial speed of the ball is very high. Which of the following statements could be true for the ball?

A. It is thrown vertically upward in the presence of air resistance.

B. It is thrown vertically upward in the absence of air resistance.

C. It is thrown vertically downward in the presence of air resistance.

D. It is thrown vertically downward in the absence of air resistance.

Question 38 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 9]
Medium (70)
Two blocks of masses 3.0 kg and 4.0 kg are held stationary with a thread connecting the blocks. The mass of 3.0 kg is on a rough
Video (a)
incline that makes an angle of 30° with the ground and it starts to slip up when the other mass is slightly more than 4.0 kg .
Video (b)

Video (c)

Video (d)

1. State two differences between static friction and dynamic friction [2]
2. Calculate the coefficient of static friction between the mass of 3.0 kg and the rough surface. [3]
3. The thread connecting masses breaks and the mass of 3.0 kg slides down. Show that the acceleration of the mass of 3.0
kg is around 1.5 m s−2 . The coefficient of dynamic friction between 3.0 kg mass and the rough surface is 0.40. [2]
4. Determine the speed of the mass of 3.0 kg after it has moved through a vertical height of 1.0 m. [2]

Question 39 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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An object is launched with an angle of θ from the ground and an initial velocity of v .
Medium (70)


Which graph shows the variation of the horizontal component vh of the velocity of the object with time t? (Air resistance is not

A. B.

C. D.

Question 40 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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[Maximum mark: 9]
Medium (70)
A ball of mass 1.6 kg is dropped from a very high building. The only forces acting on the ball are the force of gravity and air
Video (ai)
resistance. The graph shows the variation of the vertical velocity v of the ball with time t.
Video (aii)

Video (b)

Video (ci)

Video (cii)

1. 1. Define terminal speed. [1]

2. State the terminal speed of the ball. [1]
2. Estimate the vertical displacement of the ball during the 10.0 s of motion. [2]
1. 3. Calculate the instantaneous acceleration of the ball at t = 2.0 s. [2]
2. Determine the magnitude of the vertical component of air resistance at t = 2.0 s [3]

Question 41 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A stream flows east with a speed vs . A boat points due south and moves with a speed vo relative to the water.
Medium (70)


vo 1
The ratio =
vs 2
Which of the following is correct about the magnitude in m s−1 and the angle θ between the velocity of the boat and the side of the

Magnitude θ
A. 3 vo sin ( )
3 vo −1 1
B. cos ( )
C. 5 vo tan−1 (2)
5 vo −1 1
D. tan ( )

Question 42 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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An object is thrown vertically upwards at the edge of a cliff at height h above the ground. When the object passes the edge of the cliff
Hard (75)
while falling downwards, a second, identical object is released from rest. Air resistance is negligible. What increases for the second
object as the two objects fall? Video

A. Acceleration

B. Distance from the ground

C. Velocity relative to the object released earlier

D. Distance from the object released earlier

Question 43 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A mass m attached to a string is moving in a horizontal circular motion as shown. The tension on the string is T , and the angle with
Hard (75)
the vertical is θ .

Which of the following statements are correct for this motion?

I. Centripetal force = mg tan(θ).

II. Total gravitational and kinetic energy of the mass is constant.
III. If the rope is cut, the mass will fall downwards with a straight line trajectory.

A. Only I
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III

Question 44 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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Estimate the speed of an alpha particle that has accelerated from rest in a uniform electric field E = 50 N C −1 over a distance of
Hard (75)
2.0 m.
4 −1 Video
A. 0.5 × 10 ms
B. 5.0 × 104 m s−1
C. 5.0 × 105 m s−1
D. 5.0 × 109 m s−1

Question 45 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A mass moving with a constant speed u encounters a rough surface and comes to a stop. The mass takes a time t to stop after
Hard (75)
encountering the rough surface.

The coefficient of dynamic friction between the rough surface and the mass is 0.40. What which of the following expressions gives the
initial speed u?

A. 0.2gt
B. 0.4gt
C. gt
D. 2.5gt

Question 46 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A body is moving in a straight line with a constant acceleration of a. Its speed increases from u to v in a time of t. Consider the
Hard (80)
folloing expressions:
(v − u)t
I. ut +

1 2
II. vt − at

(v − u)t
Which expression(s) can be used to determine the displacement of the body during the time interval t?

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II only

D. II, and III only

Question 47 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A car is moving on a horizontal road. The variation of velocity v of a car with time t can be seen in the graph below.
Hard (80)


Which of the following graphs shows the variation of displacement s of the car with time t?

A. B.

C. D.

Question 48 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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An object is released from rest from a very high building. Air resistance is not negligible. Which of the following graphs shows the
variation of the gravitational potential energy of the object with time? Hard (80)

A. B.

C. D.

Question 49 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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An object starts to move in a straight line under the effect of two opposite forces of 12 N and 16 N .
Hard (80)

After 5 s, the displacement of the object is 25 m. What is the mass of the object?

A. 1 kg
B. 2 kg
C. 3 kg
D. 4 kg

Question 50 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

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A stone is thrown vertically upward in the presence of air resistance. Which of the following graphs best shows the variation of
Hard (90)
velocity v of the stone with time t until it reaches the maximum height above the ground?
A. B.

C. D.

Question 51 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

Toggle completion
An object is launched horizontally from a height in a vacuum. Which of the following graphs correctly shows how the square of the
velocity v 2 of the object varies with the square of time t2 ? Hard (90)

A. B.

C. D.

Question 52 Calculator Allowed Markscheme

−2 Toggle completion
A train, initially at rest, accelerates steadily at 1.0 m s . The distance travelled during each successive second, for the first five
Hard (90)
seconds of its motion, was recorded in meters. Which of the following correctly represents the distance covered in each successive
second? Video

(Diagram is not to scale)





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