Engleza II

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15:: Language Assess
I Part of the‘ University of Cambndgfi

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First published 2016

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A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-1-107-46596—1 Starter Student’s Book with Online Assessment and

Practice, and Online Workbook
ISBN 978-1-107-46605-0 Starter Student’s Interactive eBook
ISBN 978-1-107-46607-4 Starter Student’s Interactive eBook with
Online Assessment and Practice, and Online Workbook
ISBN 978-1-107-46609-8 Starter Teacher’s Book
ISBN 978-1-107-46597-8 Starter Class Audio CDs (4)
ISBN 978-1-107-46601-2 Starter Class DVD
ISBN 978-1-107-46608-1 Starter Presentation Plus DVD-ROM
ISBN 978-1-107-46614-2 Starter Workbook with Answers, with
downloadable Audio
ISBN 978-1-107-48871-7 Starter Workbook without Answers, with
downloadable Audio

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u fi ‘ m f, Craig IIiaiIIe .
rTIertPucht Jef ‘3 ks, PeterIs-Jone ‘ _'
Contents Contents‘

Lesson and objective Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Everyday English Listening and Video Reading Speaking Writing
gilnitt Hello!
Getting started Talk about countries and flags
1A Say your name and country be: l/you/ we Countries Sound and spelling: Long and A conversation about who you are Three conversations meeting Who you are and where you’re from
short sounds other students
13 Talk about people you know be: he/ she/ they Nationalities; this/ these Syllables and word stress A conversation about people in People in a picture
16 Meet and greet new people Syllables and word stress; Greeting people; First day at work An online profile Greeting and meeting new people An online profile;
Main stress; Tone Meeting new people Capital letters and full stops
Q" Unit Progress Test

Getting started Talk about how many objects people have

2A Talk about your home town be: it’s/ it isn’t; Common adjectives; Sound and spelling: lh/ Three conversations about home Three posts: Our homes Homes and home towns My home town;
Possessive adjectives in / near towns A friend’s home
23 Talk about possessions and Plural nouns; have; Common objects 1; Sound and spelling: lsl, lzl, /IZ/; A conversation at the airport Possessions;
common objects a / an Numbers 1 Doyou ? What's in the bag?

20 Ask for and give personal Main stress in questions; Asking for and giving Finding a new flat A personal information form Asking for and giving personal A personal information form;
information Tone in questions personal information information Spelling
V " Unit Progress Test
M d .1: 1’ 7—

Getting started Talk about the food in a fridge

3A Say what you eat and drink Present simple: Food 1 Syllables and word stress; A conversation about food likes and Three families' weekly food: Food Food likes and dislikes
/ / y o u / we/ they Sound and spelling: lixl, lIl dislikes for one week
and /a1/
33 Talk about food and meals Adverbs of frequency Food 2; Time; Sound and spelling: lax/ and loxl Three conversations about dinner An article: The number one Saying the time;
What time/ When .7 breakfast in Meal times and what you eat
38 Order and pay in a café Syllables and word stress; Ordering and paying In a café A text message Ordering and paying in a café A text message;
Sentence stress in a café Contractions
‘ Unit Progress Test
Getting started Talk about who people are and what they do
4A Talk about your life and ask Present simple: Common verbs; study Sentence stress A conversation about work and travel A blog: Breakfast in Barcelona Work, home and study About you
about others’ Wh— questions to work and lunch in London
43 Talk about your family Present simple: Family and people; Sound and spelling: l6/ Photos of famous people and their Photo captions; Your family
he/ she/ it positive Numbers 2; families An international family
How old ?
4G Ask and talk about photos Sound and spelling: ltj/ and lgl Asking and talking Talking about family photos A photo caption Photos Photo captions;
about photos Word order
V * Unit Progress Test

Getting started Talk about an unusual hotel

5A Describe a town there is/ there are: Places in a town; there ls/ there are; Sound and A conversation about places in a town An article: Very hot! Very cold! A street in your town On my street
positive a few, lots of spelling: luxl and /A/
53 Talk about hotels and hostels there is/ there are: Hotels Sound and spelling: ljl; A conversation at a hostel reception A hostel review Hotels and hostels Questions about a town
negative and questions Word stress
50 Ask about and say where Emphasising what you say 1 Asking and saying Looking for a shop An email Places in a town About your town;
places are where places are and and but
I‘ nUitProgress Test

Getting rted Tal bs and routines

6A Talk about people’s jobs Present simple: Jobs; work/ job Main stress in compound Four people talk about their jobs A website: Jobs international People’s jobs Questions about jobs
he/ she/ lt negative nouns;
Sound and spelling: l3x/
SB Talk about daily routines and Present simple: Daily routine; for, Consonant groups; A conversation about taking photos An article: A good night’s sleep People’s daily routines and habits Questions about daily routines
habits he/ she/ itquestions from to , until Sentence stress at night
BG Make and accept offers would; Making and accepting A visit to the new flat An email about daily life Offering to pay for food and drink An email about daily life;
Emphasising what you say 2 offers because and also
' ‘ Unit Progress Test

Lesson and objective Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Everyday English Listening and Video Reading Speaking Writing
nit 7 Shopping and fashion
Getting started Talk about the clothes on a market stall
7A Talk about things you want to buy this, that, these, those Common objects 2; Sound and spelling: ibi, /p/, /g/ A conversation at a market stall Places to go shopping At a market stall
Prices and /k/
Sound and spelling: this, that,
these and those
73 Talk about clothes that people Possessive ’5; Clothes; Colours; Sound and spelling: /I/ and /d3/ A conversation about old clothes An article: They make colourful The clothes you wear A question about clothes
wear Revision of adverbs dark/ light clothes
70 Ask about and pay for things in Joining words Going shopping In a shop An advertisement and an email Going shopping An email reply to an
a shop advertisement;
Commas, exclamation marks and
question marks
‘ ‘ Unit Progress Test

Getting started Talk about your last new year

8A Talk about past events Past simple: be Past time expressions was/ were Three conversations about past events People who travel for work Past events Sentences about past events
BB Describe events in the past Past simple: positive Free time activities Sound and spelling: /t/ and /d/ Jane White's morning activities A story: Who killed Lady Grey? Yesterday’s activities Sentences about free time
80 Make and respond to suggestions Main stress and tone Making and Monday morning at work A thank you note Making plans A thank you note;
responding to Writing short emails, letters and
suggestions notes
‘ ‘ Unit Progress Test

Getting started Talk about an interesting holiday

9A Talk about travel and holiday Past simple: negative Transport; go Sound and spelling: the letter a; A conversation about a trip to A website: Garden camping A past travel experience Sentences about your last holiday
experiences Sentence stress Colombia
QB Talk about past holidays Past simple: questions The seasons; Sound and spelling: the letter 0 A conversation about summer holidays A diary entry: New Year down A past holiday Questions about a past holiday
The weather; like under
96 Make and respond to requests Syllables and spelling Making and A day trip to Henley An online post Asking for help and responding An online post about a trip;
responding to Making the order clear
requests " “ Unit Progress Test

Getting started Talk about communicating on the Internet

10A Talk about your home Present continuous: The home; in/ on Sound and spelling: itf/ and /6/; A monologue about a flat Text messages Present activities A text message to a friend
positive Sentence stress
103 Ask where people are and what Present continuous: Place phrases with Sound and spelling: /o/; Five phone conversations about A forum: Is your phone always A phone conversation to make plans An online forum comment
they’re doing negative and questions prepositions Main stress in questions present activities on?
100 Ask for travel information Sound and spelling: /19/ and /ea/ Asking for travel At the train station A message to a friend A conversation about travel information A message asking for
information information;
Word order in questions
‘ Unit Progress Test
. 3“ «In; ;

Getting started Talk about a climber’s experience

11A Talk about people’s lives Object pronouns Life events; Years Sound and spelling: /3x/ A conversation about Valentina An article: They were the first! Past life events Sentences about past life events
113 Talk about things you know how can for ability Abilities; can/ can’t A conversation about a job An article: Real life X-Men Your abilities Questions about abilities
to do (very/ quite) well advertisement
11!: Talk about opinions Main stress; Consonant groups Talking about opinions At Sophia's flat An email to a friend Interesting places to visit in An email to a friend;
a town / city Pronouns
~ Unit Progress Test

Getting started Talk about holiday plans

12A Talk about future plans going to: positive and Months and future time Sentence stress; going to Three conversations about summer A TV programme review: Outside Your next holiday Notes about holiday plans and
negative expressions; Ordinal holiday plans the comfort zone everyday activities
numbers; The date
123 Ask and answer about future going to: questions Common verbs and Sound and spelling: /v/ and /w/ Two conversations about weekend An article: Only 4,000 weekends Your future plans Questions about future plans
plans collocations plans in your life!
120 Make and accept invitations Sound and spelling: 00 Making and accepting At a dinner party Invitations and replies Inviting a friend An invitation and a reply;
invitations Paragraphs ,
‘ Unit Progress Test

Communication Plus p.103 Grammar Focus p.114 Vocabulary Focus p.132 Writing Plus p.154 Audioscripts p.160 Phonemic symbols and Irregular verbs p.165 Board game p.166—167
.. i‘ ‘

Classroom language
._ E-vur name and count”
Qua Listen and read.


T Work in pairs.

a Q Look at the picture. What countries can you see?

b C) Whatrother countries do you know in English?

Lb UNIT 1‘
mifrom Mexico

LISTENING AND GRAMMAR be: I / you / we negative

3 @3151 Read and listen to b Complete the sentences in the table.
the conversation. Choose the
correct answers. Positive (+) Negative (—)

n READING AND GRAMMAR c Complete the sentences in the table. CLARA Are you Sasha? I’m a student. (= lam) I’m a student. (= lam not)
SASHA Yes, thats ”ght- We from England. (= we are) We aren’t from England. (= we are not)
be: I / you / we positive and ”we you CLARA Hi, I’m Clara.
SASHA Oh, hi. Are you a student here?
questlons | Camila. (= lam ...) you from England? CLARA No, I'm not a student. I’m your c D Now go to Grammar Focus 1A Part 2 on p.114
We from the USA. Ho 0 ? teacher!
a m Listen. Then say Hi, I’m or (= we are ...) W y U
SASHA Oh sorry. [I Read the sentences. Make them true for you.
Hello, I’m and say your name.
1 Sasha is: 1 I'm a student. 4 I'm Laura.
[1 D Now go to Grammar Focus 1A Part 1 on p.114 a a student. b a teacher. 2 We’re teachers. 5 We're from TOKYO-
2 Clara is: 3 I'm from England.

9 Sound and spelling Long and short sounds a a student. b a teacher. _

e C) Tell a partner your sentences In 2d. Are they the same?
1 m Listen to the words. Notice the long (—) and short (A) sounds.
_ _ A A
a I’m b We're c from cl the VOCABULARY AND READING Countries
2 C ) Practise saying the words.
a Cl!!! Match the countries in the box with maps 1—8. Listen and check.

f C ) Practise the conversations in 1 b . the UK China the USA Spain Japan Russia Brazil Mexico

1 Work in pairs. Practise Conversation 1.

2 Work in groups of three. Practise Conversation 2.
3 Work with a new partner. Practise Conversation 3.
b Gm Read and listen to conversations
1_3_ Match the conversations with groups g C) Practise the conversations in 1b again. Use your
of people a—c in the picture below. own name.


1 2 3
V Hi, I’m Vilma. What’s your H Hello, I’m Harumi. L Hi, Ruben. How are you?
name? K Hi. I’m Katy. R Hi, Li. I’m fine. How are you?
c I'm Camila. P And I'm Paul. Hi. L Fine, thanks.
V Hi, Camila. Nice to meet you. H Are you from England? ,
P No, we're from the USA.

b CHE! Complete the sentences with the correct country. Listen 0 D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 1A on p.132
and check.
' [I Choose a city and a country in 3a. Write it
Oh» STUDENT GROUP on a piece of paper_

” 1 1 from Rio de Janeiro, in 1 m 3;. M0500” Russia-

Hi, I’m Paul. I’m from 2 .l’m from M E e C) Give your piece of paper to the.
m teacher and take a new one. Try to find the

of paper.
Hi, I’m Li. I’m from Beijing, in 4 . But I’m f_ 9
Beijing now. I’m a student in Shanghai. "533?» Are you from RUSSIa' :
No, I’m not. I’m from Maxi
M e ’ s Harumi. I’m from Tokyo, in 5 —

D Communication 1A
~-lona, in 7—, and my name’s Ruben.
Student A go to p.103.
. Ha. I’m a teacher and. . Student B go to p.108.

3' asheishe' they GRAMMAR be: he / she / they positive ll GRAMMAR

0 Nationalities
be: he / she / they negative and
a Gun Match 1—3 with a—c. Listen and check.
Maria Sharapova is a tennis player.
Shinji Kagawa is a football player.
a Complete the tables with the words in the box.
Bob and Mike Bryan are tennis players.
ll VOCABULARY Nationalities He’s Japanese. they isn’t is are aren’t she
They're American.
a Q Do you know the people in pictures a—h?
She’s Russian.
Ask your partner. + _

b Complete the table. She’s Russian. She Russian.

They’re Chinese. They Chinese.

sheis she’s
[1 Match the nationalities with pictures a—h. he i s . . . 1
theyare 2 _ Russian?
Almerlilcan Chilnese Mexlilcan Rulssian _ Chinese?
Spalnish Britlish Japlanlese Bra|zi||i|an c D Now go to Grammar Focus 18 Part 1 on p.114
b D Now go to Grammar Focus 18 Part 2 on p.114
c m Pronunciation Listen to the words in 1b. (I Write two sentences about 1—3.
How many syllables are in each word? 1 Rafael Nadal 3 Javier Herna’ndez and 6 CED Complete the sentences. Listen and check.
2 Li Na Guillermo Ochoa 1 A he Mexican? 3 A she Chinese?
Almerlilcan = 4 syllables
B No, B No,
e C) Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. Are they the same?
d m Listen and notice the stressed syllable. 2 A they 4 A they Brazilian?
American? B No,
e m Listen to the words in 1b again. Underline LISTENING 3 Yes, — 5 A he British?
the stressed syllables. Then listen and repeat. B Yes, _ .
a Om Read and listen to Liz talk about the people on her

O O ' Q D U J N H
f D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 18 on p.132 winter holiday. Complete 1—6 with the words in the box. [I Q Practise saying 1—5 in 40 with a partner.

American Alexander Penny Russian Mexican Anna Language Plus this/ these

LIZ This is 1
MARK Is she Spanish? . This is Anna.
LIZ No, she isn’t Spanish. She’s 2 - this = one person
MARK OK. And who’s this?
These are my friends, Penny and
LIZ This is 3 .
MARK Is he Brazilian?
these = two or more people
LIZ No, he isn’t Brazilian. He’s 4
MARK Oh, really.
LIZ And these are my friends, 5 and Simon. They’re
married. a SPEAKING
MARK Are they English?
LIZ No, they aren’t English. They’re 6 — from New York. D Communication 13 Student A go to p.103.
Student B go to p.108.
b C) Tell a partner about two of your friends. What
nationality are they?

Javier Herna’ndez and

Guillermo Ochoa — football players ,
all “ *’
. V

Everyday Englisé?>l
Nice to meet you
. a @1511 Complete the conversation. Listen and check.
Meetlng new people 2
a GEE] Watch or listen to Part 3. Are Sophia and LARISSA Hi' .
Megan friends? AMIRA Good evening.
, , , LARISSA I’m Larissa and this 1 Amira.
a C) Look at picture a. Is she in a new place? b $.15] Watch or listen to Part 3 again. m KARL Nice to meet you. I’m Karl.
t e correct answer. AMIRA Nice to 2 you too. How are you?
b GEE-3 Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your 1 MEGAN Nice to meet/ see you too, Sophie. KARL I’m good. And 3 ? ‘l.
answer in 1a. 2 DAVID So, this is your home/office. AMIRA I’m fine_ "
3 MEGAN OK. So, this is your desk/ chair. LARISSA I’m 4 too.
0 GEE-3 Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Complete the
sentences with words in the box. 0 GE Put the conversation in the correct order. b Q Work in groups of three. Practise the
Listen and check. conversation in 6a. Use your names.
Hi Good morning [:I MEGAN Nice to meet you too, Sophie.
|:| SOPHIA Nice to meet you, Megan.
RECEPTIONIST , Electric Blue Technology. [:I DAVID This is Megan Jackson. WRITING
SOPHIA , my name’s Sophia Taylor. It’s my
first day. LISTENING AND USEFUL LANGUAGE d C) Work in groups of three. Practise the a Read Sophia’s profile. What information about her
Meeting new people 1 conversation
' ' 40. Use your names.
'5 “9W-7


a @1132 Watch or listen to Part 2. Sophia meets the
manager of Electric Blue Technology. What’s his name?
This is Hassan. Q ELECTRIC BLUE
a Complete 1—3 with the words in the box.
I:I Daniel D Darren D David
Our people'in London
evening morning afternoon

7am—12pm:1 Hi, my name’s Sophia

12pm—5pm:2 Taylor. I’m from
Toronto in Canada.
I’m in an office with
hm Pronunciation Listen. How many syllables
are in the words and expressions? Megan Jackson.
hi (1) good Imorl ning good Ievelning
hell lo good Iaflterl noon
h @333 Listen to the sentences. Underline the words
c m Listen to the words and expressions in 2b you hear. Are both options in 1—2 possible? h D Now go to Writing Plus 10 on p.154 for Capital
again. Underline the stressed syllables. 1 I’m/ My name’s Sophia Taylor. letters and full stops.
hellg 2 I’m/ My name’s David.
c Write a profile about you and your English class. Here
d C) Look at the times with a partner. Use the 0 Cum Pronunciation Listen and notice the main stress. are some ideas:
correct expression. A How fl y0u? Hi/Hello, my
18pm 311am 56am B I’m good, thank you. And m? l'mfrom in
23pm 410pm 61pm A I’m M , thanks. l’rri in a class with in room

(I C) Practise the conversation in BC with a partner. [I Read other students’ profiles. ls everyone from the
same place?
e GEE Put the expressions in the table. Listen and
I’m fine, thanks. I’m OK, thank you.
a m ] Listen to phrases 1—5. Does the tone
Oh, not bad, thanks. I'm good, thank you.
change or stay the same -)?
1 Hello. 3 I’m well. 5 Thank you.
A© B© 2 How are you? 4 Nice to meet you.

b @521 Listen to the phrases in 5a again and

f C) Practise the conversation in 3c again, but
change roles and use expressions in 3e to reply.
U N I T 1 b Complete the nationalities.

I {
_Spam .h
a Underline the correct answer. .
Hello. I’m/ are Anna.
‘Are you students?’ ‘Yes, we’re/ we are.’
You am not/ aren’ta teacher. 1 Canad— 4 Jap
‘Am I / l a m right?’ ‘Yes, you are.’

‘ , _
Where are you/ you are?
We ’re/ am at home.

b Add is, isn’t, are or aren’t. 2 P o l _ _ 5 B r i t —

1 ‘ls your name Sandy?’ ‘No, i t — .
2 ‘Are Javier Hernandez and Guillermo Ochoa from Mexico?’ E
‘Yes, t h e y — . ’ Gm
4s (.0

‘ls Rafael Nadal Spanish?’ ‘Yes, he — . ’

a C) Look at the picture and answer the questions.
New York and Washington in the USA?’
3 A m e r _ 6iltal 1 Is it a ?
‘Yes, they are.’
0 hot country 0 big city 0 new house
5 ‘Are your friends football players?’ ‘No, they .’
2 What country do you think it is?
6 ‘_ yourteacher English?’ SOUND AND SPELLING
3 Count(1, 2, 3 ):
‘No, she .’
a m Do these words have long (—) or short (A) or . the windows on the blue house o the tables
c C) Ask and answer the questions in 1b. sounds? Write — or". Practise saying the words. okrthe people in the family i o the TVs
o the chairs 0 the cars
1 we’re 4 is 7 from 4 What other things do they have?
(1 Correct the sentences. 2 h 5 , 8 h
> They’s Spanish. e you re s e b C) What things in the picture do you have?
They’re Spanish. 3 it 6 not
1 No, he aren’t from China. 4 What your name?
2 YOU are OK? 5 | not a m Brazifian b m LOOk a t t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h e t a b l e .

3 Yes, I are. 6 Who she?

/r/ no /r/ sound
Russia are

. . America your
3 Write the names of the countries. from teacher
room morning
right afternoon
Brazil chair

c m Tick (I) the sentences with a /r/ sound.

Practise saying the sentences.
1 D I’m right. 5 D She’s from Brazil.
2 El He’s a teacher. 6 D The chairs are small.
3 El Good morning. 7 D How are you?
4 [:I This is my room. 8 D Laura’s American.


How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
for each objective.
litnaBir 3=verywell 2=we|l 1=notsowell
2 a s i R s u —
3 ipSan ICAN...
4 h i C a n — saymynameand country El
5 anaJ-p talkaboutpeoplelknow I:
6 larBiz I:
meet and greet new people


.1 .1 _. i341 ’ z c ‘ ;_

G 7 bé: it’s / it isn’t; Possessive adj ectives

9 Common adjectives

Common adjectives
a m Read and listen to Our homes.
Complete the table.

ll LISTENING GRAMMAR be: it’s / it isn’t home home

1 My flat is in a new part of
a m Match the words in the box with a Complete the table with it or it’s. Katia big fiat Miguel
"- antiago. It’s very big. My

pictures a—c. Listen and check.
+ Ravello is in Italy.
l'end Miguel is from Pomaire.
in Italy. Carlo Pietro and
town village city a beautiful village near
— Ravello isn’t in Russia. Susanna
isn’t in Russia. ifsntiago. This is his home —
Yuri Nina
? Is Ravello in Italy? Is in Italy? 9?: small house. KATIA
Q Which are you from?

b m Listen and match pictures a—c with b Complete the sentences with he’s, she’s or it’s.
b Sound and spelling /h/

the names in the box.

.1. 2%.; "P H

1 Giovanna’s from Ravello in Italy. a village near Naples.
2 Yulia’s from Vyborg. Russian. 1 01:5 Listen to the words. Which word has
Katia Yuri Carlo 3 Ricardo’s Spanish. from Madrid. no /h/ sound?
4 Akiro’s from 86ka in Japan. a small city near Tokyo.

home hi who what how hotel
5 Selim’s from Bursa in Turkey. a big city near Istanbul.
C Om Listen again. Complete the sentences : My flat in Ravello is big, old
with the words in the box. 2 C) Practise saying the words with /h/. and beautiful. My friends
C m l Listen and check.
Pietro and Susanna are from -,
is (x2) it it’s isn’t (x2)
(I D Now go to Grammar Focus 2A Part 1 on p.116
Naples. This is their home. _
c m Complete the sentences with the words It’s a big flat in a nice part of

Conversation 1 in the box. Listen and check.
town. CARLO
A Is 1 _ a big city? Language Plus in/ near
B No, no. It 2 — a city. big small old new
Nap/es is in Italy. Ravel/0 is near Nap/es.

[ w i l l
Conversation 2 My home is a
A 3 — a big city. lsmall house in
B Yes, it 4 — . ‘ old part of
Conversation 3 borg. My friend

A 5 — i t a city? I ‘ina is from St

B No, it 5 — . wtersburg. This i will:
her home. It’s a
all flat and it’s
and beautiful.
e Write sentences about you.
I’m from It’s a (village/town / city) (In / near)

f C) Tell a partner your sentences.

h Complete the sentences.
1 Javier is from Barcelona. home is in a nice part of the city.
d D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2A on p.134 2 Are you from Berlin? Where’s flat?
3 We’re from Bogota, in Colombia. home is near a big hotel.
4 Sarah is from England. village is near Hastings.
GRAMMAR 5 Pedro and Eva are from Mexico City. flat is very big.

Possessive adjectives c D Now go to Grammar Focus 2A Part 2 on p.116
1V ” 7.~-3....rI '.»-'N“m‘»"‘!r' 'k'“ *
7 r ‘ I ‘ "v" ;,

a Read Our homes again. Complete the table.

d Complete the sentences about a friend.
Pronoun Possessive adjective My friend is from . H i s / Her home is
you your e C) Tell a partner about your friend’s home.
she her
we our
D Communication 2A
Student A go to p.103.
Student B go to p.109.
Student C go to p.113.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 7 -
“7’. ,i’_
i I. . = . i ..

l l
I ,. i l

r \ " l UNIT 2‘
W fi i fi j ii i '

d Sound and spelling /s/, /z/ and /IZ/ ll VOCABULARY Numbers 1
1 G E Listen and practise these sounds. Which word
a @1111 Listen and repeat the numbers.
has an extra syllable in the plural?
1 /s/ books 2 /2/ keys 3 /12/ watches
2 m Listen to these words. Which word has an extra
II VOCABULARY Common objects 1

E LISTENING AND GRAMMAR Plural nouns syllable in the plural? Listen again and repeat.

knives bottles tickets apples villages phones

a ma Match 1—10 in picture a with the words in the a Gil-II Listen to the conversation '»
box. Listen and check. with John Munroe. Tick (J) the
words you hear.
e C) Work in pairs.

a computer a newspaper a knife a phone a key
I:I newspapers
a watch an umbrella a ticket a book a bottle of water Student A: say a singular word.
|:| computers
Student B: say the plural.
|:| phones
|:| watches Then swap roles.
b C) Two objects in 1a are not OK in an airport. What
are they?
El umbrellas

I:I bottles f D Now go to Grammar Focus 2 3 on p.116
I:I books
Language Plus a / an El knives
We use a before most nouns. o a key 0 a book GRAMMAR have
We use an before a, e, i, o, u. . an umbrella o an ice cream b Complete the table.
a Gil-II Look at the X-ray picture and complete the
Singular (= l ) Plural (= 2+) conversation. Listen and check.
c C) Cover the words in the box in 1a. Ask a partner A What’s in your bag?
a key keys
questions about the objects in the picture. B Mm, l have a 1b
a newspaper , and my 2k_s, and an
h Match the words in the box with numbers 1—12 in
a watch 3U .
- a knife A Do you have a 4p .7
B Yes. Oh, and a 5b ofw . Sorry!
seven two nine four eight eleven
d D Now go to Vocabulary Focus ZB Common objects 1 c Most nouns add —s in the plural. How are the plurals three six one ten twelve five
on p.133 of watch and knife different?
7‘: I

! c C) Work in pairs.
Student A: say a number.
Student B: say the next number.

Then swap roles.

(I D Communication 23 Student A go to p.104.

Student B go to p.108.

8 D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2 3 Numbers 1 on


b O E Listen to the forms of have.
a Write three things you have in your bag.
+ ?
I have a book. Do you have a book?

c m Pronunciation Listen again. Do the words

do and you have a long (—) or a short (A) sound? two bottles of water
Practise saying the sentences.

h C) Guess what is in your partner’s bag.

(I C) Ask a partner about objects 1—5 in 3a. Ask about:
1 here (in class)
2 at home £5130 you have a phone? -
Do you have an .316}: -
umbrella here?

QZOU have an umbrella

' ’ 7:; _ at home?

. V

Everyday Englisli;itQ:

What’s your address? LISTENING

a Gm: Watch or listen to Part 2. What does Sophia b CHE Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Tick (l) the
think? Tick (I) the correct sentence. correct information about the flat.
1 I:] The flat’s really nice. 1 E] small D big
2 I:] The flat isn't very nice. 2 El good for one person D good for two people
ll LISTENING 3 El neara supermarket D neara park
a Think about a good home for you. Tick M boxes.
1 E] a house 3 El old
I:] a flat |:| new
2 I:] in a village 4 El neara park
I:] in a city |:| near shops

b C) Tell a partner about your home in 1a.

A good home for

me is

c @1133 Watch or listen to Part 1. Answer the

1 Who asks questions, Sophia or the woman?
2 What kind of home does Sophia need, a flat or a house?

(1 CITES Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Tick (l) the

correct answer.
1 Sophia’s surname:
a D Tailor b D Taylor PRUNUNCIATION Tone in questions E WRITING
2 Her address in London:
a El Alpha Hotel b |:| Alfa Hotel a Read about Sophia. What’s the new information?
a C m Listen to the questions. Does the tone go
3 Her phone number: up 7' or down 3| at the end?
a El 07832 674893 b I:I 07832 647893
1 What’s yoursurname? Local Rentals: Customer information
2 What’s your phone number? First name: Sophia
Surname: Taylor
b Om Listen again and repeat the questions.
E USEFUL LANGUAGE Asking for and giving personal information Address: Alpha Hotel, high Street
Phone number: 07832 647893
a m Underline the correct answer. Listen and d GEE Pronunciation Listen to the questions. c C) Gm: Practise asking the questions with Email: sophiat@electricblue.com
check. Notice the main stress in each question. a partner. Then listen and check the tone.

1 A What’s your surname? 1 How do you speflthat? 1 What’s your address? 3 What’s the spelling?
h D Now go to Writing Plus 2C Part 2 on p.154 for
B It’s/ I’m Robinson. 2 Can you Mthat? 2 Where are you from?
2 A What’s your address? 3 Sorry, what’s the spining?
B It’s/ It’s on 7 King Street.
0 Complete the form with your information.
3 A What's your phone number?
B They’re/ It’s 0124 352738.
CIR] Listen again and repeat.
L o c a l Rentals: Customer Information
4 A What's your email address? 8 D Now go to Writing Plus 2C Part 1 on p.154 for a C ) Talk to different students. Ask about:
B He’s/ It’s chrisrobinson@powermail.com. The alphabet. First name:
o names (first name and surname) - address
o phone number o email address
b m l Listen to the answers to questions 3 and 4 f C) - / her surname. Then ask how Address:
in 2a again. Tick (I) the correct answer. Ask a partner hIS
to spell it. Write down the information. Ask about the spelling. Phone number:
1 a E] oh-one-two-four-three-five-two-seven-three-eight Email:
b E] oh-twelve-four-three-five-two-seven-three-eight g . Communication 2C Student A go to [3.104.
What’s your
2 a El chris-robinson-from-powermail-point-com Student B 80 t0 P-109- surname.

It’s Mishkin.
b E] chris-robinson-at-powermail-dot—com
mum w: .4,mt”i. «l
‘ “
c m Underline the correct word. Listen and
Can Yo u s ell
check your answer. F’ M-l-S-H-K-l-N. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS
that, please?
RACHEL Sophia Taylor. What/ How do you spell that?
SOPHIA T-A-Y-L-O-R. . now do the Unit Progress

‘ ‘1“? ‘4“ “ ‘Q “ ‘i‘i
i 1:114‘1‘4‘~ a l

UNIT 2 [1 Complete the crossword with the objects in pictures 1—8.

UU i,
Correct the underlined word. U
> b big houses. They’re
1 This is Katia and this is sh_e house. U:-
2 ‘Excuse me! Is this m bag?’ ‘Yes, it is! 9'
Thank you.’
3 Hiro’s from Soka. % a small city in
4 It n_0t a big flat.
5 They live in Madrid. This is th_ey home.
6 ‘Hi, we’re from New York. M city is big!’

Complete the sentences with the plural

form of the nouns in brackets.
1 They’re my . (key)
2 Are they your ?(knife)
3 I have two . (watch)
4 Are they your ? (bottle of
5 Oxford and Cambridge are
in the UK. (City)
6 Where are the ? (book)

Complete the sentences with the words

are his is they a m Look at the words in the box. Is the final sound /s/, /z/
they’re it’s isn’t or /1z/? Complete the table. Practise saying the words.

1 I’m from Ravello. a village phones villages keys addresses houses

in Italy. flats umbrellas tickets books computers
2 The men — at home.
3 ‘Are they big houses?’ ‘Yes,
/s/ /z/ /12/
4 my books. phones
5 — i t a city?
6 This is John and this is — flat.
7 ‘ls Madrid in Italy?’ ‘No, it ’ bm Tick (J) the words with a /h/ sound.
Practise saying the words.
VOCABULARY |:| hello I: is El how |:| watch
|:| her El home |:I who |:I happy
a Match 1—6 with the opposite adjectives I:I our D house D she l:| right
in the box. |:I his |:I where E] phone

boring difficult good

D- )
big small
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
for each objective. a C) Look at the picture and answer the questions.
3 = very well 2 = well 1 : not so well 1 What food can you see in the fridge?
flu... 2
“Do you have the same food in your fridge?
Which food in this fridge do you like?
interesting talk about my home town El 4 Which food in this fridge don’t you like?
new 5 When do you eat the food in the fridge?
talk about possessions and common objects D
ask for and give personal information D ' - ' ' ' V _; 7 b C) What other food do you know in English?

1 .__.U n 23 -
V ' ' ,2 ,
’ ‘ - .ré ' ‘

c C°mp'ete the ”me LISTENING AND GRAMMAR Present simple:

+ _ I / you / we / they questions
I eat meat, I —eat meat. a m Listen to a conversation with Rajit.
Whe like fish. ¥Vhee — like fish. Tick (I) the food he eats.
|:I fish
I: vegetables
|:| rice
|:I meat
|:| fruit
Pr n im 1 :I (I Underline the correct words.
a Om Match pictures 1—7 with the words in the box. ese t S p e / y o u / w e / they
Then listen and check. p051t1ve and negatwe 1 The Tang family eat/ don’teatfish. b m USE“ again. complete the
2 The Ruiz family eat/ don’t eat bread. conversation.
fruit rice meat bread vegetables eggs fish a WhiCh words in la can YOU see in pictures 1—3? 3 The Donati family like/ don’t like meat. A Rajit, what do you eat in a week?
Which word isn’t in the pictures? 4 The Tang family eat/ don’t eata lot of eggs. B Oh lots of things. I eat rice every day, and bread. I eat a lot of
5 The Donati family //'ke/ don’t like vegetables. fruit. I eat fish
I] Om Read and listen to texts a—c. Match them with A 1 you eat meat?
the families in pictures 1—3. e Q Which family’s food would you like to have for a B No, I don’t like meat.
week? Why? A Do you Z—vegetables?
B Oh yes, I like vegetables. i eat a lot of vegetables.
A Do you 3 — them every day?
B Yes. They’re very good for me.

c m Complete the questions in the table. Then listen

and check.
+ — ?
j @15-
| eat fish. I don’t eat fish. you fish?
a fi'_.eatllntolfiu:lt %‘ Fheyeatmeatand We like fruit. We don’t like fruit. you fruit?
' and vegetables every ' ’ eggs every day, but
day. And they eat meat they don’t eat fish.
d D Now go to Grammar Focus SA on p.116
with rice. They like And they don’t eat
eggs,but they don’t vegetables, but
out bread or fish. They 1 they eat fruit. They if} e D Practise the conversation in 3b with a partner.
don’t like fish. _ J really like bread. #

h Om Pronunciation Listen to the words in 1a again.

Which word has more than one syllable? Underline the 2 They eat 31°F °f ric? and a C) Ask and answer questions with a partner. Complete
stressed syllable. egetables. They hke frult and they
eat bread. They don’t eat fis ‘ or . the table with their answers.
meat. They are vegetarian I l
c C) Say two things you like ©. .591] g
Do you eat meat? -
43“" fl "1 Fuji".
fr like fruit and I Iik‘ei'ri‘gfi (:iDo you eat bread every day? .. _> —

(1 Sound and spelling /ix/, /1/ and /a1/ €2“g,Do you like fish?
1 G E Listen and practise these sounds.
_ A _
1 /ix/ meat 2 /1/ fish 3 /aI/l’m
2 W What sound d o the marked letters have in the yes / no? every day? like?
words in the box? Listen and add the words to the meat
sound groups below.
big eat nine sister it’s me rice
China five his teacher Hi

Sound 1 /ix/ Sound 2 /1/ Sound 3 /a1/ vegetables

meat fish l’m fruit

3 Q Practise saying the words.

I) C) Write words for three drinks. Then ask your partner

e D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3A on p.142
ai'tg’rtlficiyou drink' COB?

3 3 I a lw UNIT 3‘
a y s have?
b D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3 3 Food 2 on p.143 b @151 Listen again. Complete the table.
dinner early c Cl!!! Listen to sentences 1—3 in 2a. Underline the Name Dinner time Food
correct words. Julie
(I CHE Match the clocks with the times. Listen and
II READING For my breakfast, I have check.

a “lick (I) the boxes about your breakfast. YES NO YES NO c C) Do you like the same food as Julie, Misha and
coffee83 tea 83
b C) Talk about your answers in 1a with a W W
bread fruit I] GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency
have coffee — l‘cl'ggi 23’ w D (a) quarter past four |:| (a) quarter to five
above ice or ,- 3.3:: |:| four o’clock |:| half past four a CHE Listen and complete the sentences with the
if ' Ice cream fish words in the box.
L e C) Point to a clock in 2d for a partner to say the time.
V always usually sometimes never
cold pizza nothing f D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 33 Time on p.146 1 JULIE We _ have rice with meat and vegetables.
2 MISHA l have dinnerearly.
c C) Look at the pictures. What’s the Q l : l g Sound and spelling /oz/ and /ox/ 3 BIANCA People have dinner early in Spain.
number one breakfast in the UK? 4 BIANCA I have bread and cheese.
1 m Listen and practise these long sounds.

E VOCABULARY Food 2; Time 1/ox/ past half 2 /ox/ cr qufiter b Complete 2 and 4 with words in the box in 4a.
2 What sound do the marked letters have in the 1 always(100%) 3 sometimes (50%)
a Match sentences 1—3 with pictures a—c. words in the box? Listen and add the words to the 2 —(80%) 4 — ( O % )
1 l have lunch at twelve/ one o’clock. sound groups below.
2 They have dinner at six/ seven o’clock. c D Now go to Grammar Focus 3 B on p . 1 1 8
class all father afternoon water daughter
3 In my family we have breakfast at seven/ eighto'clock.
d Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the
Sound 1 /ox/ Sound 2 /ox/
past; four 1 I have breakfast at 9:00 at weekends. (sometimes)
2 I have a sandwich for lunch. (usually)
3 Q Practise saying the words.
3 l have breakfast. (never)
4 In the evening, I have dinner at about 7:00. (always)
h D Communication 33 Student A go to p.103.
Student B go to p.108. e Q Which sentences in 4d are true for you?

Language Plus What time ?/ When .7

|:I toast |:I eggs LISTENING What time do you have dinner? = When do you have dinner?
a m Listen to three people talk about dinner.
(I Read the text and find the answer to lo. Match 1—3 with a country in the box.
7' E NUMBER ONE BREAKFAST ‘ Poland Spain the USA Russia Mexico China
a Answer questions 1—4. Write another question with
In the UK, people like different food for breakfast. They your own idea.
sometimes eat a hot breakfast with eggs, but toast is the 1 In the morning, do you eat breakfast?
number one breakfast food. The number two breakfast food 2 In the evening, do you eat a big meal?
“cereal with cold milk and number three is fruit. 3 What time do you have lunch?
4 What do you eat for lunch?

e Q What’s the number one breakfast food in your C) Ask and answer the questions in 5a with other
country? What's the number one drink? students. Who has the same answers as you?

> .

in the evening

Everyday English"
I’d like a cup of tea, please ll SPEAKING
a C) Work with a partner. Student A: you work in a
café. Student B: you’re a customer. Use the menu on
p.28 and the conversation map below.
Hello"\ I ,
a C) What food on the menu do you like? Tell a a 053 Listen to 1—3. Is the pronunciation of of Hello. I’d like
the same? find something A/ (a drink)
1 of 2 a cup of tea 3 a glass of cola to eat?
\ Can I ? .

.- Wf/V
—_ .SANDWICfifilS: '
h (3% Listen to these phrases. Which other word
isn’t stressed?
@fcourse. That’s

Thank you. ./
V /
Here you are. '

a cup of coffee a piece of banana cake

cheese, tomato, egg 3,Qo 1%
c C) Practise saying the phrases in 2b. I] C) Swap roles and repeat the conversation.
‘ , banana, chocolate d C) Work in pairs. Practise more phrases with
"S" T? : . . DRINKS: -
a cup/ aglass/ a piece of . Use the menu in Ordering and paying in a café ‘ Hi, James. I’m in a café
‘ . , r .
1 . . . : 1a or your ideas. ? with Sophia. She’s my _
a Read the text
‘ tea, coffee, orange juice 2.50 a Gm Listen and complete the sentences. message. Who is it '. new friend at work. She's
1 MEGAN I’d a cup of coffee, please. from? Who is it for? Jrfrom Canada. She has g, 7
2 SOPHIA Can I a cup of tea, a cup of coffee new flat here in Lond si’
and a piece of chocolate cake, please? Talk to you later. Mega ..
h @113 Pronunciation Listen. This word has two
syllables: m Listen again and repeat.

coff I ee
I) m Put the words i n the correct order. Listen
Cm Which words have two syllables? Listen and and check.
1 have/ I / a cup of / can / coffee/ please?
sandwich banana orange tomato 2 please/an egg sandwich, / I’d like.
3 two / can / have / we / tomato sandwiches ?

c Cm Listen to the words in 1b again. Underline the c C) Practise saying the sentences in 3b with a
stressed syllable. partner.
d m Put the conversation in the correct order.
(1 C) Practise saying the words in 1b with a partner. Listen and check.
[:I A cheese sandwich, please.
e Find 1—3 in pictures a—c. El Of course. That’s £6.00, please.
1 a piece of chocolate cake 2 a key 3 ten pounds
[:I Certainly. And to eat? I) D Now go to Writing Plus 30 on p.155 for
[I Here you are. Contractions.
[:I Can I have a glass of cola, please?
f Gm Watch or listen. Put pictures a—c in the correct
order. [:| Thank you.
c Write a text message to a friend. Here are some
e Q Practise the conversation in 3d with a ideas:
g (Cm Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true partner. Change the drink, food and price. Hi,
or false? I'm (at school / at work/ in a café/ in a restaurant) with
1 Sophia has a new flat. He’s / She’s (Spanish/ a student/ very nice)
2 Sophia has a cup of tea. Talk (to you) / See you soon / later.
3 Sophia likes her flat.
4 The text message is from Sophia’s cousin. (I Read a partner’s text message. Who does he / she
write about?

F ‘ ‘1 " 4 “ «‘1‘ W “1“ “{‘W “

4 44‘3 ““.4, _. 44 44‘ ‘44

UNIT3 ; f . out your life and ask; as?"
h ‘l. l, "r ‘

n GRAMMAR c Look at 1—6 in the picture and complete the food words.
1 b 4 a s
a Write present simple sentences and questions with 2 r — 5 0 — 5
the words and phrases. 6 e
> (—) l / h a v e / l u n c h at home.
ldon’t have lunch a t home.
(?) you/ like/eggs
(+) we / eat/ bread every day.
(—) l/drink/juice.
(—) we / eat/ meat.
(+) you / like / fruit.
(?) they/eat/fish

h Underline the correct answer.

Always / / /always have a sandwich for lunch.
I drink sometimes / sometimes drink cola.
| eat usual/y/ usually eat lunch at home.
I never/ never don’tdrink milk.
Never l have/ / never have dinner at 9:00.
I don ’t sometimes/ sometimes don ’t have breakfast.

c C) Are the sentences in 1b true or false for you? SOUND AND SPELUNG
Tell a partner.
a CHE Which sounds are the marked letters — /1/, /ix/
d Correct the sentences. or /a1/? Tick (I) a or b. Practise saying the sentences.
> | not like rice. > It’s a biscuit.
ldon’tlike rice. a |:| /ix//ix//ix/
1 No, we not do. b /1//1//1/
2 Always l have breakfast. 1 Tea, please. 3 We drink milk.
3 We not eat fish. a |:| /ix//ix/ a D /a1/ /a1/ /i:/
4 ldrink usually water. b [I /1//1/ b [I /ix//1/ /1/
5 You like tea? 2 I’d like ice cream. 4 Rice is nice.
6 Yes, do |. a El /a1/ /a1/ /a1/ liz/ a CI /a1/ /1/ /a1/
b E] /ix//ix//ix//a1/ b |:] /ix//ix//i:/
El VOCABULARY bm Tick (J) the words with the /ox/ sound. Practise
saying the words.
a Complete the groups with words in the box.
1 El water 5 D potato
coffee dinner fish cakes juice banana 2 Dtomato 6 Dorange
3 El glass 7 D quarter
water, milk, 4 I: morning 8 |:] all ”5‘3 ‘‘‘‘

orange, apple,
breakfast, lunch,
ice cream, biscuits, “’ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS @293
b Q Which is your favourite group in 2a? How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 a Q Look at the picture and answer the questions.
for each objective. 1 Look at person a. Can you see ?
3 = very well 2 = well 1 : not so well 0 her parents 0 her brother 0 her child

flu... 2 Do you think this family all live together in one house?
3 Who in the picture ?
say what I eat and drink . works 0 studies

4 What do you think the people in the picture do next?

talk about food and meals

order and pay in a café h C) Who lives in your home?

; 27.7; r V a 5
. ; 'v “1’ - l
v -‘ I . , l
: )3“ . .. - .
a "t: ‘

30 .
‘l ‘
I ‘
a."o ."
, .
. "' .

.7 . l _' , -
‘ 3 . r L , :
3t: W ' w i s w s s ‘ i a w i
P 71». A w‘
: '
"l. 'v I-.
13.. , ’

A Whatd‘o you‘study? LISTENING

a CHE Listen to Tom and Miriam. Who lives in
Auckland but works in Wellington?

h CHE Listen again. Underline the correct answers.

1 Miriam is Brazilian/ a New Zea/ander.
2 Her home’s in Brazil / New Zea/and.
3 Herjob is/ isn’t near her home.
4 She is/ isn’t married.
5 Miriam and Bernardo speak English/ Portuguese together.
" 3


ll VOCABULARY Common verbs

a m Match sentences 1—5 with pictures a—e.
Listen and check.
1 I study at university. 4 We live in London. Present simple: Wh- questions
2 I work in an office. 5 We go to the gym I work in London. Flats are very expensive there. In
3 I speak Japanese. every day. Barcelona, in Spain, flats aren’t very expensive and they’re a @215 Complete the questions in the table. Listen and check.
nice and big. So I work in London, but I live in Barcelona! I
fly from Barcelona to London on Monday. | work there for Yes/No questions
b C) Which sentences in 1a are true for you?
three days and | stay with my sister. Then I fly to Barcelona
Yes, | work two days at home.
again and I work at home two days a week. I don’t speak 7
c D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 4A on p.136 Spanish very well, so I study Spanish at a language school _ y o u work at home. No, | work in an office.
and | go to classes on Saturday. I love Barcelona — it’s a Wh- questions
beautiful city and it’s great to live here!
E READING Where you live? | live in Auckland.
When you have dinner? I have dinner at 8:00.
a Read Matt’s biog. Which sentence is true? What you study at university? I study Italian.
1 ‘I live and Iwork in London.’
2 ‘I live in Barcelona and Iwork in London.’ h D Now go to Grammar Focus 4A on p.118
3 ‘I speak Spanish very well.’
6 m Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Listen
h Read Matt’s biog again. What does he say about and check.
these things?
1 you work / do / in an office? 4 university / study at / do you ?
1 flats in London 4 number of days at work
2 do / where / you work? 5 do / speak Spanish / y o u ?
2 flats in Barcelona (in Barcelona) 3 where/you live / do?
3 number of days at work 5 Spanish classes
(in London) 6 Barcelona [I CHE Pronunciation Listen to the questions in 40 again. Notice the
stressed words.
c C) What do you think of Matt’s life?
’I Do you work in an flice?

Language Plus study em Tick (J) the words we stress. Then listen to the questions in
at university/ school/ an English language school 4c again and repeat.
study English/ Spanish / Arabic 1 El question word (e.g. where) 3 [:| main verb (e.g. work)
a subject (art, maths) 2 El do 4 El preposition (e.g. in)

f C) Ask and answer the questions in 4c with a partner.

d Write sentences about you.
I live ... I work / study . . . I study English ...
e C) Tell a partner your sentences in 2d.
D Communication 4A
Student A go to p.104.
Student B go to p.109.

She has a sister and b Where do they live? Write the names of countries.
a brother 1 Daniela
2 Carlos
4 Maria
5 Mehmet
3 Alex

0 Daniela is forty-six. How old are ? (Write the numbers

1 Carlos 2 Alex 3 Maria
a Match sentences 1—6 with
pictures a—f. Language Plus How old .7
1 Film stars and brothers, Liam and

$1 .
How old is she?
Chris Hemsworth. She’s 25.
2 Colombian pop star Shakira with
How old are her children?
her parents.
They’re three and five.
3 Football player Cristiano Ronaldo
as a boy with his father and his two Note: We use be, not have,
sisters. to ask about age.
4 Hillary Clinton with her husband,
Bill Clinton, and their daughter,
d D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 43 Numbers 2 on p.146
5 Will Smith with his wife, Jada, and
Will’s three children. e C) Write the names of three famous people. How old
6 Actor George Clooney as a child are they? If you don’t know, guess! Read out the names.
with his sister, Adelia, and his What do other students think?
mother. READING AND VOCABULARY Numbers 2 as?" -" .

b Cum Listen and check. a Read An international family. Are the sentences true
or false?
c C) What other things do you 1 Pablo and Alicia have two small children. GRAMMAR
know about the people in the
2 Maria is married and lives in Turkey. Present simple: he / she / it positive
3 Only Pablo and Alicia live in Mexico.
a Look at the verbs in the table and answer the questions.
1 How are the verbs in A different from the verbs in B?
VOCABULARY Family and people An international 2 How is has different?

a Complete the table. Use words from 1a. e D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 4 8 Family and people on p.135
amily ” l / w e / you lthey
| work in an office.
he i she
He works in 8510 Paulo.
’ t f Sound and spelling /6/ We have two children. She has a sister and a
1 m Listen and practise this sound. Pablo and Alicia Moreno are brother.
mother father
/6/ mother married. Pablo is from Spain They live in New York. She lives in Buenos Aires.
son and Alicia is from Buenos
wife 2 Cm: /6/ is usually spelled th. Listen to the words and repeat. Aires, in Argentina, but they
brother live in New York. Their family h Complete the sentences with verbs from 4a.
this that father they brother then is very international! 1 He in an office.
2 He at home with his parents.
b Which word in the sentences in 1a means ? 3 Q Practise saying the words. Alicia has a sister and a brother. Her sister
Daniela is 46. She lives in Buenos Aires 3 Her mother a flat in New York.
1 mother and father 2 boys and girls
and her mother lives there too. Her brother
Carlos is 37. He lives in Brazil and he works c D Now go to Grammar Focus 48 on p.118
c Look at the family tree. Which people ?
in 8510 Paulo.
1 are married 3 have a sister
Alicia and Pablo have two children. Their d D Communication 43 Student A go to p.103. Student
2 have a brother 4 have a child /children
son Alex is 19. He’s at university in Mexico B go to p.109.
and he lives there too. Their daughter Maria
(I C) Work in pairs. is 24. She lives in Istanbul with her Turkish
Student A: choose a person from the family tree. husband, Mehmet. 5 SPEAKING
Student B: ask questions to guess who Student A is.
a C) Tell your partner about your family. Use the verbs
Then swap roles.
in the box. Listen, but don’t make notes. _
:53"; :Are you married? - have go study live work

_ Do you have children? - I] Q Say what you remember about your partner’s
family. Are you correct?
and talking about photos Sound and spelling: /tf/ and /d3,/
a Look at expressions 1—7 from Part 2. a C m Listen and practise these sounds.
Do we use them to ? 1 /t1/ teacher picture 2 /d3/ manager James
II LISTENING ask about photos

talk about your photos b m ] Listen to the marked sounds in the words. Which
a C) Ask and answer the questions. talk about another person’s photos one is different in each group?
1 Do you have photos of family and friends with you? 1 chips jeans question
This is my mother.
2 Where do you have them, on your phone or in your 2 large job choose
Do you have photos of your family?
wallet? 3 orange cheap match
Nice picture!
3 How often do you look at them? 4 page cheese Germany
Can I see them?
Who’s this?
h C) Look at picture a and answer the c C) Practise saying the words in 3b.
They’re lovely.
This is my sister, Jackie.
1 Is Sophia happy or sad?
2 Why does she feel happy / sad?
b m Look at expressions 1—4. Are ll SPEAKING
they in group a, b or c in 2a? Listen and
0 m Watch or listen to Part 1. Are your ideas check your answers in 2a and 2b. D Communication 4C Student A go to p.105. Student B go
in 1b correct?
1 This is a picture of my town.
to p.109.
2 It’s really nice.
[1 m i l Watch or listen to Part 2 . Answer the
Do you have any pictures of your home?
These are my friends, Sayeed and Mona.
1 How many people does Sophia talk about?
2 How many people does Megan talk about?
a Read Sophia’s information about her sister. What information
c m Pronunciation Listen to the
is new?
sentence. Answer the questions. Listen
3 Gm Complete the information about Sophia again and repeat.
and Megan’s families with the words in the
box. Then watch or listen to Part 2 again and This "is my mow 7'
check your answers.
1 Do the first two words join?
sister cousin teacher hotel computers
2 Is the pronunciation of s t h e same in this
and is?

Sophia's mother’s a 1 and her father's the

d m Complete the conversation with
manager of a 2 . She has a 3 , Jackie.
expressions in the box. Listen and
Jackie has two girls, Kylie and Amanda.
Megan has a brother, Mike. He works with 4
and is married to Helen. She’s the manager of a Great photo! Can I see them?
5 — . Megan also has a 5 , James. He’s funny. This is my sister Jackie with her two beautiful daughters, Kylie and
Do you have any photos of your friends? Amanda. They live in a new house in Toronto — it's very nice. Her
C) Talk about a favourite photo of your family. husband Tom isn’t there, because it’s his photo! They're a great family.
Who’s in it? A 1
B Yes, I do.
A 2 b D Now go to Writing Plus 40 on p.155 for Word order.
B Sure. This is a photo of my friend, Marco.
A 3
c Write about your photo from 1f. Here are some ideas:
B And this is me with my friend, Emilio.
A Yes, I know Emilio. 4 This is my with He's / She’s / They’re
B You’re right — he’s really funny. They live It's nice / lovely/ great!

e O Practise the conversation in 2d. (I Read about your partner’s photo. How many people does
Take turns to be A and B. he / she write about?
U N I T 4 d Match 1—6 with the words in the box.

REVIEW baby boy girl men woman women

a Look at the words and write present simple questions.
where / you / live Where do you live?
what / your name
when / y o u / have lunch
what time / you / go to work
where / your friends / from
what / you / study
where / your school

‘ 3.?
b C) Ask and answer the questions in 1a.

.‘ V ‘
'P‘I,‘ I I :
:‘9‘, -
I‘ \-
“ I “Q. ” ’ 3
. :K :t:
. © -

c Correct the underlined words.

> My son Mfootball. likes .. ‘ ' ‘.- ‘ ~ I . i :r\ a C) Look at the picture of a hotel and tick (I) the
1 Y o s h i m m Berlin. things you think are in each room.
2 Ourdaughtere_atrice every day. SOUND AND SPELLING
El a bed E] a phone
3 My city m two universities. |:I a chair I:I a computer
4 Naifggto school at 8:30. a W m ONE or TWO /6/ sounds in each
|:I a TV |:| pictures
5 My dad teachs Spanish. sentence. Practise saying the sentences.
5 My brotherm Russian. 1 These are my friends. 5 They teach at the b C) Talk about the questions.
2 lstudy there. university.
1 What are the good things and bad things about this
d m the correct answer- 3 This is my father. 6 I like their daughter. hotel room?
1 When are/ ’s/ do you work? 4 They’re at the cinema.
2 What other buildings do you think are near these rooms?
2 Maria is live/ live/ lives in Istanbul.
3 Would you like to stay in this hotel?
3 Where are/ is/ do you from? b CHE Look at the information in the table.
4 What are/ is/ do you have for breakfast?
5 What are/ is/ do their names? W “5/ /S/
6 What time do you gos / go/ goes to school? teach manager study
picture gym office
a VOCABULARY Child Julia cinema

a Cross out the answer c @253 Are the marked sounds the same (S) or
which is NOT possible. different (D)? Practise saying the sentences.

> | work in a factory/ in an > We're on page seventy—two. D

office / tenets. The office is number sixty-three. 5
1 I meet my friends for Gary is a manager.
coffee/ to the gym / people at work every day. John speaks German.
| play home/ football/ the guitar. It’s a picture of the gym.
| live in Italian/ a small house / a big city. Is the university nice?
I teach at university/ to the cinema / young children. It’s a question about children.
I study English/ at university/ to school. It’s a small cinema.
I speak Spanish/ Russia/ Chinese.

b C) Which information in 2a is true for you? Tell

How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
c Complete the numbers.
for each objective.
> ”MY—nine 5 96—5“ 3 =very well 2 =we|l 1 = not so well
1 31 — o n e 6 53—three
2 24 four 7 48 eight ICAN
3 75 — f i v e 8 67 — s e v e n _

talk about my life and ask about others

4 82 — t w o 9 100 a —
talk about my family
ask and talk about photos

There are lotS:=-' l l- ‘
, z
{G here i s / there are: positive
, ’2‘ ‘ .

Old houses
VOCABULARY Places in a town
‘ Placesinatown
’4} 1‘ by 7
a Gun Match the words in the box with b Which places in 3a are these?
' raw, the places in pictures a—f. Listen and 1 ‘My daughter goes there every day from 8:00 to 4:00.’
check. ‘We go there for dinner every Saturday night.’
‘I often drink coffee there with my friends.’
II READING café shop restaurant
‘You’re in room 305. Here’s your key.’
school bank hotel
‘They have fruit and vegetables and also newspapers and magazines.’
a C) Look at the pictures of Ghadames and ‘l’d like £500, please.’
Esperanza Base. Which place is ?
c D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 5A on p.148
3 lots of old houses, shops and cafés — so what’s
different? Ghadames is in the Sahara. It’s very hot in M h Read about the two places and check your
the day (sometimes 55°C). The houses have very thick answers in 1a. d Sound and spelling /ux/ and /A/
walls and they’re always cool. In the old town there 1 CHE Listen and practise these sounds.
_ A
are streets for men and children and there are different c Are the sentences about Ghadames (G) or 1 /ux/ school 2 /A/ lunch
streets (on the roofs of the houses) for women. Esperanza Base (EB)? 2 W What sound do the marked letters have in the words in the box?
Now, there’s a new town with new houses and flats, 1 ‘lt’s always cold here.’ Listen and add the words to the sound groups below.
but in summer lots of people go to live in the old 2 ‘Our new flat is very hot in summer.’
3 ‘lt’s so small — you never get lost.’ Russia food new two who mother
houses because they aren’t hot.
4 ‘The men and women don’t always walk together. I
umbrella beautiful sometimes
5 ‘The school is small, but it’s very good.’
Sound 1 /ux/ Sound 2 /A/
d C) Do you think Ghadames and Esperanza
school lunch
Base are nice places to live? Why / Why not?
3 C ) Practise saying the words.
Language Plus a few, lots of

l ’ ‘ a m u Listen to a conversation about places in a town. Look at the
map and match 1—5 with the words in the box.

a few cars bookshop café bank restaurant food shop

bm Listen again. Are

J" the sentences true or
W m
false? '
1 There are lots of shops in
New Street.
a few houses lots of houses
2 Nice people work in the

speranza Base is Argentinian and it’s in Antarctica. 3 The café is Italian.
It’s cold in summer (0°C) and very cold in winter a GRAMMAR 4 The coffee and cakes in

(-10°C). There are homes for about 100 people there. there is / there are: positive the café aren’t good.
5 It's a Chinese restaurant.
There are ten families with children, there’s a school
a Complete the sentences. Check your answers in 6 The restaurant is cheap.
and there are two teachers. There’s also a bank and
the texts in 1b.
a hospital. There are a few cars, but there’s only one c C) What is the same
Singular: There 1 a new town / a school.
road — it’s 1.5 km long! about the town on the
Plural: 2 are lots of old houses / two teachers.
map and your town?
h m Pronunciation Listen and write the OLD STREET
sentences. How many words are there in each?
c D Now go to Grammar Focus SA on p.120 a Think of a street in the town where you are now. Make notes. Use
words from this lesson.
(1 Write two true sentences about your street.
There’aa... Thereare... lt’sin... lt’anear...
Use there’s or there are.
b C) Describe your street, but don’t say its name. Do other students
e C) Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. know the name of the street?


Is there a hoste’ J1
your town? there is / there are: negative there is / there are: questions
3 Own Complete the sentences with isn’t or aren’t. a Gun Complete the questions. Listen and check.
Listen and check. 1 Singular: a car park here?


2 There
any blankets.
a restaurant. 2 Plural:
Yes, there’s a car park here.
any cafés near here?
a m a Match the words in the box with pictures 1—5. a C) Look at pictures 1—3 of Turkey. Choose adjectives to Yes, there are cafés near here.
b Find more examples of there isn’t and there aren’t in
Listen and check. talk about them. Compare your ideas with your partner.
Sandra’s review. b D Now go to Grammar Focus 58 on p.120
0 beautiful o great 0 nice o boring
bath room bed TV shower - exciting o interesting 0 old 0 big
c Think about the town or city you’re in now. TIck (J) the c Write questions using Is there ? and Are there ?
sentences that are true. Correct the false sentences. about your partner’s town, city or street. Here are
I] Read Sandra’s review of a hostel in Turkey. Does Sandra
1 El There’s a big museum in this town/city. some ideas:
like the hostel?
2 El There are lots of shops here. 0 cafes 0 swimming pool 0 cinema
3 |:] There aren’t any hostels. o supermarket 0 hospital 0 restaurants
o Read the review again. Tick (J) what’s in the hostel.
4 |:] There are two stations.
secondfloor |:|small rooms D big rooms I:Icafé 5 El There aren’t any parks. d C) Ask your partner about their town, city or street.

first floor |:| restaurant D TVroom I:I small rooms (1 C) Read your sentences and listen to your partner’s giifire there any cafés in
sentences. Are they the same? your town?
I:I café I:l kitchen I:| TVroom

d C) Would you like to stay at the hostel? Why / Why not?

i " There aren’t any ,. > Is there a supermarket
ghaseums in this town. “4&9; in your street?

a m i ] Listen to a hostel receptionist and Barry, D Communication SB
h Sound and spelling /j/ a guest. ls Barry happy with the hostel? Student A go to p.105.
1 m 1 Listen and practise this sound. Student B go to p.110.
/I/ shower b Cm Listen again. Tick (J) the things in the hostel.
2 m Listen to the words in the box. Underline the /I/ El free rooms D café [l wi—fi
sound in each word. |:| car park |:| kitchen |:| showers

shop fish sure Russia c C) Why do people like hostels? Why do people I i ”
, _ hotels?
3 Q Practise saying the words.

c D Now go to Vocabulary Focus SB on p.149

d Clan Pronunciation Listen to the words. Notice the

stressed syllables. Practise saying them.
@tel hot_el

The C a v e H o s t e l
e Q Which things in pictures 1—5 in 1a aren’t in a . This is a great hostel in Goreme, in Turkey. It’s in
hostel room? l Cappadocia, a very old part of the country. You can
do lots of things here. My favourite thing is going in
r .i' ‘ 2 " a hot aIr balloon. You can see really beautiful places
- _ i from the am
The hostel has different rooms with different prices.
On the first floor, there are small rooms for two people
with baths. On the second floor, there are big rooms
with six beds in them. They’re very cheap, but there
isn’t a shower or a bath in the big rooms. There aren’t
any blankets or pillows — you pay for those. There isn’t
a restaurant or café in the hostel, but there’s a kitchen
on the ground floor. There aren’t any TVs in the rooms,
but there’s free wi-fi. It’s a very simple place to stay, but
it’s clean. And the people are very friendly. Faruk, the
manager, sings karaoke really well!
- e2}
Everyday English ”
Is there a supermarket near here? ll USEFUL LANGUAGE Asking and
saying where places are
a GEE Complete the questions with words in the
box. Listen and check.
near where there
a C) Ask and answer the questions.
1 What food shops or markets are there near your home? 1 ’s yourflat?
2 Do you go to these shops or markets? How often? 2 Is a supermarket near here?
3 Is the food good / expensive? 3 Are there any shops here?

h CHE Watch or listen to Part 1 . Answer the h m Match the two possible answers in a—c
questions. with questions 1—3 in 4a. Listen and check.
1 Does Megan like Sophia’s flat? a Yes, there are. There’s one in this street. /
2 What does Sophia need? No, sorry, there aren’t.
3 Does Sophia know where to buy food near her flat? b Yes, there’s one near my flat. / No, sorry,
there isn’t.
c It’s in the next street. / It’s in this street.

0 01% Put the conversation in the correct order.

PRUNUNCIATION Emphasising what you say 1 Listen and check.
a @113 Listen to the sentence. 6 m m Listen to the sentences. Underline one word A El Great, thank you. And is there a good restaurant
MEGAN It’s a really nice flat, Sophia. with strong stress in each sentence. in this part of town? a Read part of an email from Sophia to her parents.
A Excuse me, can you help me? She writes about her new flat. Does she only write
1 My country is very hot in summer.
m fl Listen to the sentence again. Is really more A El OK, thanks for your help. about the good things?
2 James’s new car is really fast.
or less stressed the second time? A El Are there any good cafes near here?
3 This film is so boring.
B |:I Yes, there’s one in the next street — Café Milano.
My new flat is great. It’s big and it’s in a nice
b T'Ck (I) the correct rule. I] CHE Listen again and repeat. B |:| No, I’m sorry, there aren’t any restaurants near
We say really with a strong stress to: here. But there’s one near the station. part of town. The flat is near my office and
1 [:I speak loudly B |:I Yes, of course. there’s a beautiful park in the next street.
2 [:I make the meaning stronger B D No problem. There isn’t a supermarket near me, but there’s
a shop in the next street.
[I C) Practise the conversation in 40 with
a partner.

LISTENING b . Go to Writing Plus 5C on p.156 for and and but.

a @1133 Watch or listen to Part 2- Answer the b CE! Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Are the I: Write about your part of town. Use there’s/ there isn’t/
questions. sentences true or false? E SPEAKING there are/ there aren’t. Use and and but.
1 Do Sophia and Megan find a shop? 1 Sophia thinks a café is a shop.
2 Who do they meet in the street? 2 James sees Megan and Sophia first. D Communication 5C Student A look at the d Read about your partner’s part of town. Is it the
3 James lives in the next street. information below. Student B go to p.111. same?
4 There's a supermarket in the next street.
5 There’s a shop near James’s flat.
a Conversation 1. You’re on a street you don’t know.
Ask Student B about:
0 a hotel o cafes

b Conversation 2. Now you’re on a street you know.

Use the information to answer Student B’s questions.
o a bank: in the next street
o shops: not near here — near the hospital

UNIT5 b Write the words. it

it; : a - out people’s jobs
Review it.

ll GRAMMAR l d e b 5orom

a Correct the sentences.
There an Italian restaurant. There’s an Italian restaurant.
There is a museum in this street?
Yes, there’s. 2werhos 6wotel
There are a shower.
There aren’t a free rooms.
Is there swimming pool in the hotel?
No, there not is.
3 i p o w l l — _ 7iw-if
b Complete the sentences.

% O
_ ‘ - - ' 1
_ . .». , " 1 - ,».' "‘ ’ v ‘ r ,' ‘
1 Is — a bank near here? 7
V '
* .
. s.
‘ -
‘ ‘
2 Are there _ bottles of water in the room? V .77» , . . J.- l

. . . , . -, ‘i t " 1 '- .
3 there a supermarket in this street? \ ,.
. .

' . .

,v _
'C‘ 1.
'2" h
A :7 , ; ‘ ,
” -i- i i -,_-,. "-.’ ,.
' .'»
_4 ‘_

, ‘.
4 Is there — TV in the room? 4thab 8kanblet V ”1
a , a,
- "
A .
_ 5 ,.‘ i V ,
. ‘
i ’
. " ‘~ »4 ‘ \
’3' h l " 3 b
> —A ,

5 there any cafés near here? a

, '
- ‘ . ,_‘ 1" "_ t
(r - x
s A.-. .,t , ' ‘ .<
> " . >
_.- i
6 Is there — teacher in the room?
V ,i , ‘v 1‘ t t. .
. ‘ ';’ '» " u , ,_ V , , , “ ‘ _ 1 . ’ 5.3-:-
a _ , . ._ ' .y . g, , i , . 7 _,7 n7 ‘ .U,-,. , , —- * W . .L - s .
g, ‘>
1 .._. i i , - r‘ ‘
. fr N ‘ .»- y; ‘ . ,'
0 C) Ask and answer the questions in 1b. I 1
a Gm: Complete the table with the words in the box. ‘ '.
V " w
- . '
x.- - ‘
o .

. _ A


Practise saying the words.

V i- —; , V' E
I _ '

I l

1 3 - "
up you umbrella lovely Russia beautiful new

" ’ =fifi#¥9oo w ‘
00 ;_ 41351;)51'7; 1"
brother school mother museum pool
, fir 700'¢.£yfl5—
' ’4 9:. ( H {1.4.5.

1:2 2“;
a What are these places? Use the words to complete

* L afia '3tt’e4’1wm
the crossword.
/ux/ /A/

you up "” went


mus Macaw— 3%!

A . 1 > '

w as}? - . -' .‘pgurgr,(300 ”‘7 -. _~

” ##6## merit-,4-
b m 1 Look at the information in the table. 315011 +PM144’“ ' '
fl;. ‘-

in”) “ s , ~ 1&1?!“
/o/ /a0/ /90/ ‘
'49 w
' \ ’71: masts-«r 9 oo
shop shower pillow " $17)\‘\"3¥800
hospital flower know
hot towel hotel

c CHE Are the marked sounds the same (8) or

different (D)? Practise saying the words.
> town —shop D
1 hot — hotel 4 go — pillow
2 shower — how 5 hot — towel
3 0K — know 6 flower — hospital


How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 GETTING STARTED
for each objective. ©zm
3 = very well 2 = well 1 : not so well
a C) Look at the picture and answer the questions.
flu... 1 What jobs do the people and the robots do?
2 How many hours do the people work every day?

describe a town
3 How many hours do the robots work every day?
talk about hotels and hostels
ask about and say where places are I] C) Think of two questions to ask the robots.

* _ 47‘-


a Match the words in the box with pictures a—h.

football player student receptionist waiter taxi driver factory worker office worker shop assistant





Welcome to Jobs international. Our people go
around the world and help others. Meet two
of them.

h Gm: Pronunciation Listen to the d Gm; Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words in
two-word jobs in 2a. Which word is the box.
1 I:] the first word study play (x2) sit meet (x2)
2 I:] the second word
1 DIANA | all day, but I some interesting people and go to
lots of different places. i don’t work at night.
C) Practise saying the words.
2 FELIPE | in a team and the weekend is the most important time
of the week in my job. I don’t games in the week — well,
1 - 4 .I.» - : _ ‘ . c m Listen to four people talk about
sometimes on Wednesdays.
their Job. What do they do? 3 FATIMA I
business at university. It’s really interesting.
'- U ' Z A I'm a doctor F ' . . M:' l“lm a teacher a t a 1 — 3 4 SHONA | work in a shop and a lot of different people.
2 — 4
from Brazil and I work in a small . l in Samoa, but I’m from
hospital in Ghana. [love the work ‘alia. I teach English here e Q Which job do you like in 2c? Which job don’t you like? Say why.
here because it’s very interesting. ;. after school I play sports with
I do different things every day. And 2» children. They love rugby and f D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 6A on p.151
the people are so friendly. Life isn’t ieyball. The children are really
always easy here, but it’s great to 12 — a lot of fun. This is a really
help people.
GRAMMAR Present simple: he / she / it negative
a (jam Complete the sentences with does or doesn’t. [1 Sound and spelling /3x/
Listen and check.
ll READING DIANA I don't work at night.
1 ( 3 m Listen to the words. Do the marked letters
sound the same?
1 She work at night.
a C) Look at the pictures. What places are in the (1 Write questions for Luiza and Fred.
FELIPE I don’t play games in the week.
work university
pictures? What jobs do people do there? What; do?-) What do you do? 2 m l Listen to the words in the box. Which words
2 He play games in the week.
1 Where work? have the sound /3x/?
h Read about Luiza and Fred on the Jobs international 2 like the people? I) D Now go to Grammar Focus 6A on p.120
website. Are your ideas in 1a correct? 3 likethejob? first verb near girl receptionist world

0 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 3 Which letter often comes after the vowel to spell the
c Read the website again. Are the sentences true or e C) You are Luiza or Fred. Ask and answer the verbs in brackets. sound /3x/?
false? questions in 1d.
1 Alex is a taxi driver. He in the morning. (“Gt work) 4 C) Practise saying the words with /3x/.
1 Jobs international people don’t work in their home countries. 2 Sam is a bank worker. He his job. (not like)
Luiza works in a big hospital. What do you'?dui’£e7l"“‘ - 3 Lucy is a shop assistant. She much each day. (not
Her work is sometimes boring.
She likes the people in Ghana.
4 Matteo is a waiter. He on Monday. (not work)
Fred goes home after classes. Language Plus work / job
His students like playing sport. D Communication 6A Student A go to p.105.
She works in a hospital. work = verb Student B go to p.110.
i like my work. work = noun
48 it’s a good job. job 2 noun (doctor, teacher)

_ _ _ _ _ 4 9 ‘ -

‘0 '@ Daily routine
a m Listen to an interview with Paul. What are his
answers to the questions?
1 Do you go to bed early?
2 When do you wake up?
| always wake up at about 4:00 in the 3 What do you do then?
morning. I don’t want to sleep, so I get up 4 What about your wife? Does she wake up?
and I do yoga. Then I go to bed again. Then
People say it’s good to sleep for I get up at 8:00 in the morning and | go to
b C) Talk about the questions with a partner.
eight hours every night but is it work. I feel fine — I never feel tired.
1 What do you think about Paul’s daily routine?
true? Some people sleep for only
2 What do you think about his photos? Think of adjectives to
five or six hours and they feel fine
n X‘- in the morning. And some people I A b; . talk about them.
1‘ g, sleep twice every night -‘ .3 «‘31 -
1 R ! {A *‘f ."

V GRAMMAR Present simple:

he / she / it questions
I finish work at 6:00 in the evening and I arrive home a Complete the questions in the table with do or does.
at 6:30. | read a book or phone a friend. Then I
go to bed for three hours. My husband works in a you he / she / it
restaurant and he gets home at about 12:00 at night. Do you go to bed early? she wake up?
So I get up, and we have dinner and then we watch When you wake up? When he get up?
TV until about 3:00. Then I sleep until 7:00.

'3 . NOW go to Grammar FOCUS 6'3 on P-122 f C) Ask about your partner’s routine.
_ . _ . _ o the morning . the evening
II READING AND VOCABULARY Daily routine c m PronunCIation Listen to the questions With . meals . sleep
when in 3a and notice the stressed words. Tick (l) 0 work / school / university
the words we stress.
3 D Talk about when you do these things. Use the f D Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
phrases In the box. 1 DO you sleep ...? 1 E] question word (when)
2 I:] do
. for eight hours 0 for five or six hours
in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night
. twice every night
3 I:] up

1 have dinner 4 have coffee

2 When do you usually
k t
t b d (I Write questions about Beatriz and Anneli on g C) Work With a new partner. ASK questions about
2 go to English class 5 read a book ° wa e up ° ge up ° go 0 e page 50 their fir—st partner’s routine.
3 work 6 sleep 3 When do you usually . . . ?
o go to work or school o finish work or school 1 What time/ Beatriz/finish work? A..- ' H ' :5;-
2 Where / her husband / work? VAX/hen does Liza get ‘1n -
b Read about Beatriz and Anneli. Match what they say ° get home in the evening 3 What time / he/get home? ‘
with pictures a and b. 4 When/Anneli/wake up?
Language Plus for, from to , until
5 What/she/do then? I] SPEAKING
c Match the marked words in the text with pictures 1—3. I Bhours I 6 H o w / s h e /feel in the morning?
I l
D Communication GB Student A go to p.105.
11:00 pm 7:00 am
e C) Ask and answer the questions in 3d Student B go to p.113.
with a partner.
/ sleep for eight hours.
I sleep from 1 1:00 to 7:00.
I sleep until 7:00.

g Sound and spelling Consonant groups

1 m These words start with two consonant sounds
together. Listen and practise saying them.
sleep breakfast twelve
d Complete the verb phrases with the words in the box.
Then read the text again to check your answers. 2 m Listen to the words in the box. Underline the two
consonant sounds that are together.
have watch go arrive/get finish .
play small bread frurt flat study speak
1 to work 4 TV C) . .
2 home 5 work 3 Practlse saying the words,
3 dinner

e D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 63 on p.137

Everyday EngIISl-lgiia UNIT 6‘


Making and accepting offers 2
a Q You’re in a café with your partner. Use the ideas
a CHE Watch or listen to Part 2. Answer the below to make a conversation.
questions. A B

ll LISTENING 1 What does James want to do?

2 Do Sophia and Megan want him to help?
{Offer something
to drink.
/ Say yes. ’
a It’s your first week in a new flat.
b m Complete the sentences with words in the
Tick (I) four things you need. Offer something
box. Listen and check. to eat. \ 3
1 E] a bowl 4 D a spoon Say no.
2 D a glass 5 D a knife can help I’ll @ er to pay. (I’ll pay) | ‘ / ‘ — J
3 Dacup 6 Daplate
\ Say no and
1 | go with you. Say yes. offer to pay.
b C) Tell a partner your ideas in 2 I’ll you buy things.
1a. Do you need the same things? 3 come with you.

c GEE Watch or listen to Part 1. c m Do these replies answer yes or no? Listen and
Answer the questions. check. a Read part of an email from Sophia to her sister. She
1 Who do Megan and Sophia meet? writes about a day in her life in London. Where do
That’s great, thanks. Don’t worry, it’s OK.
2 Where do they all go? Sophia and Megan have coffee? Why?
Thanks, but I’m fine. Thank you, that’s very kind.
(I CHE Watch or listen to Part 1
again. Underline the correct word.
d Complete the conversation with the words in I walk to work every day because my flat is near
1 The flowers are for Megan/ Sophia. the box. Listen and check. the office. | start work at 8:30 and I finish at 5:30.
2 Megan and James want tea/ coffee. I work with Megan. We go out to a café for coffee
3 Sophia needs another cup/ spoon. great can help right supermarket every day because the coffee machine in the office
4 Sophia wants to go shopping today/ isn’t very good. We also have lunch there. They have
nice sandwiches and chocolate cake — my favourite!
tomorrow. A I need to go to the 1
Megan always says, ‘l’ll pay.’ She’s very nice.
B |2 come with you.
A That’s 3 ! A n d I need to make dinner.
B l’ll 4 you. b D Now go to Writing Plus 60 on p.156 for because
A All 5 , thank you very much. and also.

e C) Practise the conversation in 3d with a partner. 0 Write about a day in your life. Use because and also.

I C) Use different words and expressions to make (I Read about your partner’s day. Do you do the same?
a new conversation.

I need to go to
the shops. I'“ 80 With you.
E USEFUL LANGUAGE Making and accepting offers 1
a m Complete the conversations with the words 0 CHI! Put A’s questions in the correct order in the
in the box. Listen and check. conversation. Listen and check. ll PRUNUNCIATIDN
A like a /would you / cup of tea? Emphasising what you say 2
thanks please like (x2)
B Yes, please.
A piece of cake / you like a / a n d would? a CHE Listen to the sentences and notice the
1 SOPHIA Would you a cup of coffee? strong stress. Then listen again and repeat.
B No, it’s OK, thanks.
JAMES Yes, 1 l o a n go with you. 2 fl come with you.
2 SOPHIA I have b'scu'tS! Would you one' [I Q Practise the conversation in 2c with a partner.
Megan? Ask about different food and drinks. b Cm Listen to the mini-conversations.
MEGAN No, It’s OK, Underline the strong stress.
Conversation 1
b m Pronunciation Listen to the mini- ' Would you likea glass ,, E}: 13:53:.
.7 of orange juice? , »' Yes, pleased-2:72“ A I can’t do this exercise.
conversations in 2a again. Do you hear
B Joe can help you.
a /l/ or a /d/ sound in would? Listen again '
Conversation 2
and repeat.
Wouldyou likea a, c I need to get to the station this afternoon.
k V... _ sandwich? ’ ‘ No,thanks.;~m D I'll drive you.

c C ) Practise the mini-conversations in 4b with a


UNITB b Complete the table with the words and phrases in the
box. (out things you want to bu;
Review arrive get start to bed lunch shower te-sehoel

M o l — / to work
ll GRAMMAR 80 1

a Tick (I) the sentences that are correct. Correct the 2 — Up

> My sister doesn’t lives at home. 3 k
finish wor
My sister doesn’t live at: home.
> ldon’t study Russian. breakfast / 4 — / dinner

1 |:] She don’t like cake. have a5

2 E] Marcus doesn’t meets many people. a coffee

3 [:I This town doesn’t have a university. 6

— / home
4 E] lwork not on Fridays. get
5 |:] We don’t talk much at work.
6 El Isabella speaks not French.
c C) What do you do every day? Tell a partner.
b Complete the sentences with do, don’t, does or
1 — your sister work in a bank?
No, she 2 a m Look at the information in the table.
3 — you meet people at work?
/A/ /ox/
Yes, | 4
up, lunch, cup, rugby sport, boring
5 — you and your friends play football? come, lovely, worry four
No, we 6 small, always

c Write present simple questions with the words and

phrases. bm Are the marked sounds the same (8) or
different (D)? Practise saying the words.
> what time / you / get up
What; time do you get up? 1 always — boring 4 four — cups
2 small — lunch 5 sport — worry

what / you / eat in the morning
where / your brother / work 3 lovely — rugby 6 come — up
you / speak/ English
your teacher / speak / French
c C m Match the words that start with the same

what time / t h e lesson / start
consonant group. Practise saying the words.
when / it / finish
bread class flowers player sport start twenty

d C) Ask and answer the questions in lo.

> flat—fiow—ere
1 twelve— 4 clock—
VOCABULARY 2 study— 5 breakfast—
3 plate— 6 spoon—
a Complete the job words.


“ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS a C) Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 Are the people in the boat ?
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 E] on holiday |:| friends
for each objective. |:] shopping for food I:I family
3 = very well 2 = well 1 : not so well El shopping for clothes

flu... 2 What question does the woman in the boat ask?

3 What clothes can you see in the picture?

talk about people’s jobs

b C) Talk about the questions.
talk about daily routines and habits
1 What do you like to buy when you go shopping?
make and accept offers

2 What clothes do you have?

3 What colour clothes do you like?

_ _ _ - ll '~ If _ _ — ‘

books? this, that, these, those

a m Listen to the prices. Tick (I) the phrase you
a Gas Sue and Mike are at a market stall. Listen to their heat
conversation and answer the questions. 1 £3.80 2 €25
a El three pound a El twenty-five euro
ll READING AND VDCABULARY Common objects 2 1
Who likes the picture and the chairs?
Who likes old objects, Sue or Mike? eighty b E] twenty-five euros
3 How much is the radio? b E] three pounds c |:I twenty-five of
a Read about three places to shop. Which f Sound and spelling /b/ /p/ /g/ and /k/
4 Does Mike think it’s a good price? eighty euros
place is in the picture? ’ ’
1 Complete the words in the table. They are all common objects. c E] three pound and
b m Listen to Sue. Complete the sentences with this, eighty
'3 Which place is good for these peOIole? Sound 1 /b/ Sound 2 /p/ Sound 3 /g/ Sound 4 /k/ that, these or those.
1 ‘I want a new bed for my flat.’ ag lant lass up b m Practise saying the prices below. Listen and
1 ‘I like picture. What do you think?’
2 ‘I love old books and magazines.’ goLall —late —uitar ntJSG 2 ‘Or chairs. They’re really nice.’ check.
3 ‘I always finish work at 7:00 pm.’ —icture _ lo 3 ‘Oh, look. books are interesting.’ 1 £5.99 3 €4.50
4 ‘I think old lamps are beautiful.’ _ _ __ 2 $16.50 4 $100
4 ‘Look at radio. That’s so cool.’
2 m Listen and check.
c Look at the picture and read about The 3 Which sound is spelled in different ways in the table? c Complete the table with the words in 2b. c m l Read a n d listen to the conversation.
Saturday Market again. Find the words 4 C) Practise saying the words. Then complete the gaps.
for objects a—f. Singular this A Excuse me. 1 — is that clock?
Plural B 2 €13.50.
d C) Talk with other students about 2 Q Work in pairs. A Hmm. And 3 — are these cups?
which object you would like to buy in Student A: you have a market stall. Write five things you sell. Don't show Student B.
Which words mean ? B 4 €5 each.
the picture. Say why. Which objeCt d0 Student B: what does Student A sell?
most people want? 1 here, near me 2 there, not near me
d C) Practise the conversation in BC with a partner.
égDo you sell guitars? - Change the marked words and the prices.
e D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 7A on [1 Sound and spelling this, that, these and those
p.133 1 m Listen to this, that, these and those. Which words ? e C) How much are these things in your country?
Do you have glasses?
0 have a short vowel sound
c a cup of coffee in a café 0 a kilo of apples
0 have a long vowel sound
o a phone 0 a bottle of water
0 end in a /s/ sound
0 end in a /z/ sound
2 C ) Practise saying the words. I! SPEAKING
_ :57 D Communication 7A
e D Now go to Grammar Focus 7A on p.122 Student A go to p.106.
Places to go Student B go to p.111.
Books & Co. f C) You and your partner are in the shop below. Talk
about the objects in the box with this, that, these or those.
Open 9 am—6 pm
A very interesting bookshop.
They sell old and new books bags plates guitar picture chair books lamp
and they also have magazines,
pictures, old photographs and
music. If you like old books and 'ZZ‘LOOk at those bags: ’_f 2 -
pictures, this is the place for er? '
‘éxt’fe‘ really nigg

The Saturday Market

Open 6 am—li pm
Here you can buy something
for your home or you can just
look around. They sell lots of
old things. You can buy clocks,
radios, suitcases, lamps,
pictures, chairs anything!

The Mega Home Store

Open 8 am—8 pm
A great place to buy things for
your home. They sell beds,
pillows, tables, chairs and
lamps. Everything is new, but
it isn’t expensive. There’s also
a good café with drinks, pizzas
and sandwiches.
‘ V V V V V ‘ V ‘ V ‘
. , I ’
" ._ ' E GRAMMAR Possessive ’5; Revision 0f
4. , ‘ adverbs
) _ _ a GEE Complete the sentences with a name from 4b. Listen
.4 ~ {e
\ and check.
‘ -
‘ 1 GIUSEPPE Is this my old T-shirt?
(Iarolina Herrera KATE No, it’s — ’ s T-shirt. (= It’s his T-shirt.)
makes clothes with lots '7‘. 2 GIUSEPPE Are these your jeans?
of different colours, but she o KATE N0, they’re — ' 3 jeans. (= They’re her
usually wears a black skirt and jeans.)
a white shirt.
I] . Now go to Grammar Focus 7 8 on p.122

0 C) Look at the picture of Greg, Sara, Giuseppe and Kate.

Ask and answer questions about the Costa family.

[1 GM Kate talks about the people in her office. Put the

word in brackets in the correct place in the sentences.
Listen and check.
Everyone wears different clothes at work. 1My boss wears a blouse and
trousers (always). 2She wears a skirt (never) — she doesn’t like them.
Tom Ford makes \lmnmlor' “any; is g
3Johnnie wears jeans and a white shirt (usually), 4but he we ‘ 5 black
beautiful clothes, for men a young designer with
I: ashion designers often make very different and interesting trousers (sometimes). 5And Fran wears a dress (often), 5but on Fridays
and for women, but he unusual ideas, but he usually
I th f r | h ti w r ri | th .
i.-. ‘ _ V
‘1 often wears a white shirt and a wears a white T—shirt, black she wears jeans (usually).
c 0 es 0 peop e, b u t t ey some mes ea bo ng c 0 es % black or dark grey jacket.
jeans and a black jacket.
They often wear the same clothes and the same colours e C) Think of people you work or study with. What do they
usually wear? Tell a partner.

II VOCABULARY Clothes E READING Language Plus darkl light

I dark we I ’igmb/Ue 3 Put the words and phrases in the correct order to make
a C) Look at the pictures of the models and the fashion designers. a Read about the fashion designers.
I darkgreen I Iightgreen questions. Write another question with your own idea.
Which clothes do you like? What is the same about them?
1 wear / at work (or school) / do you l w h a t ?
2 wear / do you l w h a t colour clothes .7
b GEE Match the words in the box with a—g in the pictures. Listen b Read the text again. Are the
and check. sentences true or false? Correct the
b D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 7 8 on p.152 3 your brother’s (orsister’s, father's, mother’s) clothes/ do you / wear?
4 in your home / do you l w e a r shoes?
false sentences.
jacket coat shirt skirt trousers T-shirt dress 1 Fashion designers sometimes wear c C) Work with a partner.
b C) Ask and answer the questions in 6a. Add extra
boring clothes. Student A: choose a picture in 1a. Don't tell your partner!
information to your answers.
2 Tom Ford never wears a blackjacket. Talk about the colours and the clothes.
c Q ' clothes do you often wear together.7
Which 3 Carolina Herrera often wears a white Student B: guess the picture your partner talks about.
skirt. Then swap roles.
d Sound and spelling /j/ and /d3/ 4 Alexander Wang usually wears a jacket.
1 m Listen and practise these sounds. _ _ _
1 /I/ shirt 2 /d3/ jacket 0 3) Is It atgood IdteIa for fatihlo: ll LISTENING
I n r w r Ir .
2 C m What sound do the marked letters have in the words in the box? Listen Vfl'Tyg/ fivfiy (not? e C0 es
a (jam Listen to Kate and Giuseppe Costa. Tick (I)
and add the words to the sound groups below. '
the clothes you hear.
German international fashion
lar e
g g
Ian ua e
villa e
su ar
VOCABULARY Colours [I T-shirt
|:| jeans
El skirt
I:I trousers
I: shoes
I:I shirt
Sound 1 /1/ Sound 2 /d3/
a Look at the picture of Tom Ford.
I) m Listen again and complete the information.
shirt jacket Complete the sentence about him
with colours in the box. who? what clothes? why?
3 C ) Practise saying the words.
black. grey. whiteO Greg doesn’t wearl doesn’t like

e D Communication 73 Student A go to p.104. Student B go to p.110. Sara doesn’t wear/ doesn’t like
Tom Ford often wears a shirt and
a or dark jacket. Giuseppe doesn’t wear/ doesn’t like

,_ is“,
Everyday Englis'lit5D

Can I help you? E WRITING

a Sophia saw an online advertisement.



Chairs, lamps, small tables, a big bed — all in good condition.

Not expensive!

«(A Q
a Number the things you can buy from 1 to 4.
Email me for more information:

1' - ‘
1 = I like going shopping for this / these very much.
4 = I really don’t like going shopping for this / these.

[3 food I:I clothes I: things for the home |:I IT things
Read her email. What information does she want to know?
b C) Talk with a partner about your ideas in 1a. Do you
like shopping for the same things?

c m Watch or listen to Part 1. Answer the questions. Dear Jack,

1 Who sees some nice cups? 2 Who buys something? a LISTENING AND USEFUL You have an online ad for things you want to sell. I need a
LANGUAGE chair, a bed and a lamp. How old are these things? How
[I m Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Complete the Going shopping 2 much are they? Can I pay online by credit card?
information about the cups with a number. Thank you!

1 Price:£ 3 Sophia needs:
a @218 Watch or listen to Part 2. Are the Sophia
2 Number in the shop: 4 Megan wants:
sentences true or false?
1 Megan pays five pounds.
2 She uses a card to pay.
h D Now go to Writing Plus 70 on p.157 for Commas,
USEFUL LANGUAGE PRUNUNCIATIUN Joining words exclamation marks and question marks.

3 Sophia doesn’t buy anything.

Going shopping 1
a Om: Listen and notice the extra sounds i n
b Cm: Complete the sentences with words in 0 YOU see these online advertisements.
a m Who says each expression — the customer these sentences. the bOX. Listen a n d c h e c k . —
(C) or the shop assistant (8)? Listen and check. 1 Wegonly have three- ’ . For sale
1 How much are these cups? 2 I'd like “Now“ these cups. your that 5 here 3 you no CDs — lots of different music — old and new: pop, techno,

2 I’d like two of these cu s, lease. . . jazz, classical and more. Cheap prices!
3 They’re three pounds epachp C) Practise saying the sentences. 5 OK, two pounds, please. . . . _
Email me for more Information.
4 Certainly. _ _ c Here are. h @ t' k
5 Can I look around? b Complete the rules wuth the sounds In the box. 5 Enter PIN, please. arry an Iques.co.u
6 Can I help you? — . C OK, problem. For sale
5 your receipt. Books for learning English - dictionaries, grammar books,
7 Of course. /W/ /J/ coursebooks. All in good condition.

b Cm Put the conversation in the correct order. We add a sound between words ending c @1213 Complete a conversation between a Email me for more information:
Listen and check. with /ix/ and words starting with a vowel. shop assistant and customer. Use phrases in melissa@mymail.com
El ”.5 fifteen pounds We add a sound between words ending 4b. Listen and check.
El Certainly ' with /ux/ and words starting with a vowel. 8 How much ?(sh0es)
8 Twenty pounds.
Write an email to ask about one of the advertisements. Here
I:I It’s ten pounds for the small one. .
6 Here are some Ideas:
Can I help YOU-7' c GEE Listen to these sentences. Which extra 3 Enter You have a/an/some How much . . ?
D And how ”“10“ '5 the small bOW'? /j/ or /w/ sound can you hear? Listen again and c OK... lneed... Canlpay...?
[I OK, then I’d like the large bowl, please. repeat.
' this
- large bowl.7 8 And receipt How old ...?
[:I Yes, you can. How much IS 1 Would you like twovor three?

2 These are for meg/and you. d C) Practise the conversation in 4c with a [I Read a partner’s email. What objects does your partner ask
0 C ) Practise the conversation in 2 b with a
3 Would you like threevor four? partner. Change the things you buy and the about? DO YOU 33k about the same things?
4 Are they for yeti/or me? price.

d C) Practise the conversation in 2b again, W" [1 C) Practise the sentences in 3c with a partner.
ask about glasses. Change the prices. 5 SPEAKING
D Communication 7C
Student A go to p.105.
Student B go to p.112.

UNIT7 b Complete the descriptions using the colours and
clothes. ,ia’bout past events
Review white light blue light brown red green dark blue

shirt coat skirt jeans shoes

II GRAMMAR (1‘ ”§\
a Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. 3%
3 \,
these this those that’s

1 a dress
I: u- ‘1 7;;
2 trousers and black
3 a grey and a jacket
4 44 & 4 ; r"
_ !
- p g.
n. l ‘ h “

4 a light green and a — hat ’L ’5’ 3“

5 a— blouse and a red

1 — is my dad’s car. 2 I love 6 dark blue and a T-shirt

c C) How many hats / coats / jackets / shoes do you

have? What colour are they? Tell a partner. uETTING STARTED
SOUND AND SPELLING 3 C) Look at the picture of a New Year show and
3 —anexpensivecar. 4 flowers in the talk about the questions.
a Gm: Answer the questions. Practise saying the
windows are nice! 1 Would you like to be there? Why / Why not?
2 What other things do you think happened here that
1 Which words have the /k/ sound? Underline them. night? Here are some ideas:
b Underline the correct answers to complete the
conversation. 0 music 0 fireworks
suitcase clock place chair cup jacket coat dark
0 dancing 0 eatingfood
10 Hi Lee. Do you know Kate? 1This/ That/ These are
0 shopping 0 meetingfriends
2Kaz‘e’s/ Kates/ Kates’daughters, Amy and Anna. 2 Which words have the /b/ sound? Underline them.
LEE Hello! Nice to meet you, girls. Who’s who? h C) Talk about the questions.
blue black brown blouse bed bowl
10 This 3is/ are Amy.
1 Where were you last New Year?
ANNA And I’m Anna.
3 Which words have the /p/ sound? Underline them. 2 What things did you do?
LEE I like your bag, Anna.
3 Where were you last weekend?
ANNA Oh, thanks. It’s my 4dads/ dads’/ dad’s. Amy and l pink lamp photograph picture pillow plate plant
4 What things did you do?
have a swimming lesson today.
10 Yes, the 5girl’s / girls / gir/s’ lesson starts at nine. 4 Which words have the /g/ sound? Underline them.
ANNA And then we go to the café!
magazine bag light grey green thing
c C) Practise the conversation in 1b in groups of three.

b m m Complete the table with the words in the box.

VOCABULARY Practise saying the words.

a Complete the names of these common objects. dress shoes sugar Spain international jeans
large fashion T—shirt jacket Germany this skirt

/_f/ /s/ /d3/



How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
for each objective.
3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well
3 a c

talk about things I want to buy

talk about the clothes that people wear
ask about and pay for things in a shop
5 a l — p 6 a p — t


GRAMMAR Past simple: be positive El LISTENING AND GRAMMAR Past

simple: be negative and questions
a Complete the table. Find examples of the past simple
of be in the texts about Cara, Antonio and Ava. a m Listen to Cara, Antonio and Ava talking to
+ friends. Write the correct name i n each conversation.

ll READING |1 we 3
Conversation 1
Conversation 2
you were you were Conversation 3
a C) Look at the events in pictures a—d. Choose one you Hi Jenny,
like and one you don’t like. Tell a partner. Say why. Thanks for your email. I’m he / s h e / it 2 they were
sorry my reply is late! I was in h C m Match events 1—3 with adjectives a—c. Listen
New York three days ago for again and check.
work and then I was in Dublin b m Pronunciation Listen to sentences 1—4. 1 the meeting a exciting
yesterday at a meeting about Are was and were stressed? Practise saying the
newspaper photography. Life’s 2 the concert b interesting
busy at the moment! 3 the game c fun
Cara 1 We were in Munich. 3 We were in Newcastle.
2 l w a s in Madrid. 4 I was in New York. C @113 Listen to Conversation 1 again. Complete the
conversation with the words in the box.
c D Now go to Grammar Focus 8A Part 1 on p.124

(1 Write sentences about where you were:

0 this morning o last night 0 yesterday afternoon

a concert a meeting
e C) Compare your
sentences in 2d with
b Read about Cara, Antonio and Ava. Which events in
a partner. Were you
1a do they talk about?
in the same places?

c Read the texts again. Which cities does each person

talk about?
was (x2) were ( x 2 ) wasn’t

d C) Talk about Cara, Antonio and Ava’s lives with a ‘Yesterda VUGABULARY Past time expressions
LARRY you at work yesterday?
partner. Who would you like to meet? Why? w a s in D b l i n . ’ a Today is Friday of week 3. Put the number of CARA Yes, | , but I here in the office.
‘ . 1- ‘ " A . . sentences 1—4 in the correct place on the timeline. LARRY Where you?
CARA l was at a meeting in Dublin.
weekl I weekZ I week3 LARRY Oh, it interesting?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday- CARA Yes, it was really interesting.

1 We were in Munich on Wednesday. (I D Now go to Grammar Focus 8A Part 2 on p.124

2 We were in Newcastle two weeks ago.
3 we were in Bristol last Lek.
e m Complete the conversation with was, were,
4 lwas in Dublin yesterday.
wasn’t or weren’t. Listen and check.
A You at work yesterday.
b Look at the underlined words in 3a. Change them
B No, it a holiday for me.
with words in the box.
A Nice. you at home all day?
months this morning Saturday year B No, | .| in town in the morning and then
I at a party last night.
A the party good?
C D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 8A on p.144
B Yes, it a lot of fun.

d C) Work in pairs. I Q Practise the conversation in 4e with a partner.

Hi everyone, it’s Ava.
Last week I was on Student A: say a past time expression. Change some of the information.
tour with my band in Student B: say where a person you know was.
" V '" V 000 ’ _ i ' v 4... _1 Europe: three cities
ei ’.- -'°ple ;In O ,3“ l was at a football game
in five days. We Then swap roles.
My name’s Antonio Marotto. I’m the doctor for our team. It’s a great job — '' I ‘Iaiifihe morning and then at the
were in Munich on
I really like helping our players. I often go away with the team. We were in cinema last night.
Wednesday and then
Newcastle two weeks ago for a game and we were in Bristol last week. we were in Vienna
It’s fun to travel with the team. on Thursday. But
Saturday was the
best night. We were
‘At a game in Madrid in Milan and about 5 SPEAKING
+ h n M!" 1,000 people were at
our concert. D Communication 8A Student A go to p.106.
Student B go to p.111. Student C go to p.113.
5. ‘ ‘

_ _ _ _ _ _ — 6 5 ‘ -
Who killed LatI GRAMMAR Past simple: positive LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Free

Grey? a Read the police interviews again and find the past
time activities
simple forms of the verbs in the table. 3 mm Complete the sentences with the correct past
simple verbs. Listen and check.
II READING AND LISTENING Verb Past form Verb Past form
| 1w
We 2w
home with Sue Black.
for a walk.
a C) Look at picture a and answer the questions with a partner. c On: Read and listen to the police kill killed go went JANE |3r a book in the garden. At home |
interviews. Which people are A, B and C 4w TV.
1 Do you think this is . . . ? a breakfast b lunch c dinner talk have
on the plan? LORD GREY We 5h coffee together. We 6t about
2 Are the people ? a rich b poor stay see business.
watch read
h Read Who killed Lady Grey? and underline the correct answers. [I Q Who do you think killed Lady Grey?
Match verbs 1—6 with a word or phrase in the box to
1 Lady Grey’s diamonds were in the bedroom/ living room. Why?
make more past simple phrases.
2 The guests were there until 3:00/ 4:00. I) Answer the questions about the table in 2a.
3 Someone killed Lady Grey with a bag/ a knife. 1 What do we add to the verbs in A to make the past form? a drink to a café at home breakfast a film
4 At 3:15 the diamonds were/ weren’tin the bag. 2 Do the verbs in B all change in the same way or in shopping to my friends the newspaper
different ways?
1 went , 4 had ,
Who killed Lady Grey? c Sound and spelling /t/ and /d/
2 read 5 watched
3 stayed 6 talked
1 ( I n Listen and practise these sounds.
Lord and Lady Grey live in a 1 /t/talked 2 /d/ killed c CED Listen to Jane White talk about what she did
big house in London. Lady 2 GEE Listen to the past forms in the box. Which -ed before she went to Lord and Lady Grey’s house for
Grey has some very expensive endings sound ? lunch. Put pictures a—e in the correct order.
diamonds. They are always in o more like /t/ o more like /d/
a bag under her bed.
stayed watched finished worked played
One weekend, Lord and Lady Grey had guests at their
house for lunch. After lunch, Lady Grey was tired, so she
3 Q Practise saying the words.
went to her bedroom to sleep. Lord Grey stayed with the
guests until 3:00 and then they went home. At 3:15 he went
to the bedroom with some tea for his wife. Lady Grey was (I C) Cover the table in 2a. Test a partner.
on the floor. She was dead. There was a knife next to her
and a bag but no diamonds. Student A: say a verb.
Student B: say the past form.

Then swap roles.

e D Now go to Grammar Focus 8 8 on p.124 d CE!!! Complete what Jane White says with phrases
in 3b. Then listen again and check.
‘I 1 at about 9:00. After that I 2 . Then I went into
town and l 3 . After that I 4 near Lord and Lady
Grey's house. A few of my friends were there. I talked to my
friends and we 5 together.’

e D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 8B on p.138

f Complete the sentences about free time activities.

1 When I was a child, I .
2 After work/ university, I often
James Green ‘After lunch, I went Jane ‘Vhite ‘After lunch, I went 3 At weekends I like to .
with Lord Grey to the living room and we into the garden. Sue Black was with me.
4 (your idea)
had coffee. We saw Jane White through She said ‘Oh, my phone is on the table!’
the window. She was in the garden with a and she went back into the house. I Q Tell other students your sentences in 3f. What
book. At 3:00 I went home with Sue Black. stayed in the garden and read a book.
free time activities were / are popular ?
She lives near me, so we went in my car.’ At 3:00, I went home and watched TV. ’
a when everyone was a child
b after work/ university
Sue Black ‘After lunch, I went Lord Grey ‘We had lunch c at weekends
into the garden. I saw Jane White in until 2:00, then I stayed in the living
the garden and we went for a walk room with James Green. We had
together until 3:00. Then we all went coffee together and we talked about El SPEAKING
home. James Green lives near me, so business. At 3:00 the guests went
I went with him in his car.’ home.’ D Communication 83 Student A go to p.106.
Student B go to p.111.
’_ _ $3,515.;-

Everyday English _ ’P"M in stress a‘nd‘tone‘ ’

Let’s go somewhere this weekend ‘ ”a, Thank you note USEFUL LANGUAGE Making and
- it», responding to suggestions
a @1111 Listen to the conversations. Underline the
word you hear. Are both options possible?
c Cm: Watch or listen to Part 1. Are your answers in
1 MEGAN We c a n / could go shopping again some time.
1b correct?
SOPHIA Yes, OK. Good/ Great idea.

d @112 Watch or listen to Part 1 again. 2 MEGAN So, shall we/ let’s go there for the day next
Tick (J) the correct sentence. Saturday?
SOPHIA OK, that’s a nice/ lovely idea.
1 a El Sophia helped Megan on Saturday.
b E] Sophia doesn’t like shopping. [1 Complete the conversation with words or expressions
[1 Cum Complete the conversation with the words in in 2a and 2b. There is sometimes more than one
c E] Sophia and Megan both enjoyed shopping.
the box. Listen and check.
[I Sophia wants to go shopping again.

A go to the cinema tonight.

El Megan wants to go shopping this afternoon. we idea go sorry
B , I’m not free. l have a dinner with my family.

El Sophia wants to go to a café and then go shopping.
A Let’s for dinner on Saturday. A go tomorrow night.

B Saturday? I’m , I can’t. I'm away on Saturday. B OK,
e @113] Watch or listen to Part 2. Who went to a

party? Who watched TV? A Shall go on Sunday?

B Yes, that’s a lovely e D Practise the conversation in 2d with a partner.
Take turns to be A and B.
f GEE Watch or listen to Part 2 again and answer the
II LISTENING questions.
1 What was the problem with the party? b C) Have a phone conversation with your partner.
a C) Ask and answer the questions. 2 What’s difficult for Sophia? PRONUNCIATIUN Main stress Then swap roles.
0 0 '

1 On the first day at work / university / school after the 3 What’s Megan's idea for next weekend? and tone
weekend, how do you feel? 4 Does Sophia feel happy or sad at the end of the Shall we go to a
, I’m sorry, I’m not free.
2 What do you talk to your friends about on this day? conversation? Why? a Gil-E Listen to the expressions. Notice the main restaurant on Friday?
I have a work dinner.
b Sophia arrives at work. Choose the answer you think g Q Talk about the questions. 1 Yes, that’s a great idea. 2 Yes, that’s a lovely idea.
is correct. 1 Is it difficult to meet new people in your town / city? W h y / 5 WRITING
1 Sophia asks David about: Why not?
b Oil-E Listen to the expressions in 3a again. Does
a London and work 2 What are good ways to meet new people?
the tone rise 1 or fall 3| after the main stress? a Read Sophia’s note to Megan. Why did Sophia write it?

’0 090 090 n90 990 090 not! 000 09-

b his home town and family

00° no: 000 0,0 can a,»

2 Sophia and Megan talk about: Dear Megan,
c C) Work with a partner.
a shopping This is a. card. to sag thank gen for goar heLp
Student A: say sentences 1 and 2.
l b a party on Saturday. It was fun to go shopping with
Student B: answer with phrases in 3a.
gou and you helped, me find, some good, shops. I
1 Let’s have a cup of coffee.
b hope we can go shopping again some time soon.
2 Shall we go for a walk?

coo 9°:
. 0
Best wishes,
Then swap roles. Sophia

El SPEAKING b D Now go to Writing Plus 80 on p.157 for Writing
short emails, letters and notes.
a Work in pairs. Read the ideas below and think about
what you want to say. I: Write a note to a friend to thank them for something.
Here are some ideas:
Here are some flowers / chocolates to say thank you for
Euggest going to a ' . _ ltwas... Ihope...
'estaurant on Frida . :0“ Le “0t free inaday' '
ou aveawor inner.
/ [1 Read another student’s note. What do they say thank
,. Suggest Saturday. F you for?
i ‘ ; : " i fi “ t - '
Vet Say yes. Suggest an '
* ‘ i ’ i 0»‘ 5(; ‘u ~ " ’ " u ~ I" b a t o n "
§_ Q V " Q 1 “ , “.‘I‘;\,"!\ Italian restaurant.
b\"’&\.‘3 \, \V i i i . ‘ p!.\i
You went to an
<0..t,"R" 1‘, ‘il
Italian restaurant last
weekend. Suggest a
Mexican restaurant.

. Agree with Student B.

_, goodbye.
UNIT8 phrases in the box.
Review a computer game a football match
a magazine a pizza the radio

II GRAMMAR have a drink, a coffee, 1 , a shower

listen to music, 2
a Write past simple sentences and questions with be
and the words and phrases. watch 3 , a film

> (?) where / you yesterday read a book, 4 , the newspaper

Where were you yesterday? play the guitar, 5 , football
(+) | / i n a meeting. — , a café
8010 the cinema, a party, 6
(?) /you OK
(—) James / at work this morning.
(?) where / he (1 Correct the sentences.
(+) Yasmin and Adele / in New York two weeks ago.
I was in Manchester before two weeks ago.
(—) we / in Paris six years ago
We were in Rome at weekend.
I had coffee with Lily at Friday.
h Complete the text with the past simple form of the
We went a party yesterday.
verb in brackets.
I listened music last night.
Last week my family and I1 (be) in Dublin. We played the football this morning.
We 2 — (arrive) on Wednesday morning. First,
we 3 — (visit) my dad’s family. My dad and his
brothers 4 (talk) for a long time. Then we SOUND AND SPELLINO
5 — (go) to a big museum in the city centre. We
6 — (see) lots of interesting things there. In the a @1131 Look at the words in the box. Is the final
evening we 7 (watch) a film at the cinema. sound /t/ or /d/? Complete the table. Practise
We 3 — (stay) at the Dylan Hotel. The rooms saying the words.
9 — (not/ be) very big but I 1°
Jrei+leel talked stayed watched
(like) the bathroom and the food 11 (be) great!
Every morning | 12 listened played helped
(have) toast, eggs, fruit,
coffee a n d cake for breakfast.
/t/ /d/


a Tick (J) the correct answer. b GEE! Look at the information i n the table.

”day is WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBER 2015; /eI/ laI/

Is 7:30 pm. play, stay, day white, knife, wife
game, paper, radio night, right
1 Wednesday 30 September 2015 great, grey
a El two weeks ago
b |:I yesterday c @1135] Are the marked sounds the same (8) or
2 2:30 pm Wednesday 14 October 2015
different (D)? Practise saying the words.
a El lastnight
1 white — night 4 stay — grey
b |:| this afternoon
3 October 2005
2 great — game 5 paper — knife GETTING STARTED
3 right — day 6 radio — play Gm
a El ten years ago
b |:I last month
4 Tuesday 13 October 2015 a C) Look at the picture and answer the questions.
a El yesterday 3 REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS 1 What country do you think it is?
b I:I a few days ago 2 What transport can you see?
5 Saturday 10 October 2015 How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 3 What time of year is it?
a El this morning for each objective. 4 What is the weather in this place?
b D last Saturday 3 = very well 2 = well 1 : not so well
b C) Talk about the questions.
6 Sunday 11 October 2015
a I:I six months ago MN... 1 Where did you go on your last holiday?
b I:I on Sunday 2 What weather do you like on holiday? Why?

talk about past events

describe events in the past
b C) Ask and answer questions with Where were c Q Ask your partner one question about their
you ?and a past time expression. make and respond to suggestions last holiday.

injuring" "’ :

l r , UNIT 9‘

FIND W 3 '
Through the country by bus
We didn’t go to big cities. We went by bus and
we stayed in small places in the country. In one
place we stayed with a family. We didn’t stay
House With a big garden and swimming POOL Free in their house — we camped in their garden.
How does it work? L bikes. Near to restaurants, a river and a 200. We bought food in the town and we cooked
Do you want a cheap holiday in a beautiful place? Why not camp in COST: $4 a night meals in the house. And we went swimming
someone’s garden? It's cheap and you can make new friends. We have HOW TO GET THERE: Go to Villavicencio by plane or . ‘ every morning in their pool. It was very cheap
more than 1,000 gardens in 70 countries and you can camp in them all! bus. Then get a taxi or another bus to our house. Alessandro and the family were very friendly. We stayed
“ W K
.ar'v .

Old house with a big garden. 20 minutes from the centre

oi Cambridge.
I 42 big tents with beds and showers inside. E GRAMMAR AND LISTENING
' _ 40 minutes from the city of Marrakesh.
COST: $15 a night ’ ‘ cosr: $50 a night
Past simple: negative
HOW TO GET THERE: Go to Cambridge by bus from London. HOW TO GET THERE: Fly to Marrakesh and
Then walk to the house trom the bus station (5 minutes). a Read Alessandro’s travel blog. Which place from the
then get a taxi or drive a car. Garden camping website does he write about?
i ..-.',”. “ a n ”

Read the blog again. Tick (I) the correct sentences.

1 a They went to small places. b They didn't go to small places.
2 a They had a car. b They didn’t have a car.
3 a They stayed in the house. b They didn’t stay in the house.
4 a They used the kitchen. b They didn’t use the kitchen.

0 Look at the b sentences in 3b. Complete the rule.

Past simple negative (—):

/ / y o u / h e / she/ it/ we/ t h e y + _ _ + verb
, a: f i l

d D Now go to Grammar Focus 9A on p.126 ‘

e m } Pronunciation Listen to the sentences. ls didn’t

ll READING E VOCABULARY Transport Language Plus go stressed or unstressed?
[SCREEN 10 l 1 We didn’t stayintheir house.
a Q Where do you usually stay on holiday? Here are a @115] Find words on the Garden camping website to 2 We didn’t have a car.
some ideas: match pictures 1—5. Listen and check.
0 a t a hotel 0 at a campsite I m Listen to Alessandro. He says more things about
0 a t a hostel o with friends or family his trip. What does he say about ?
. emails o money o bikes 0 photos
I) C) Read How does it work? on the Garden camping
website. What do you think of the idea? go to the go to work go home go on holiday g
C) What do you like about Alessandro’s holiday?
cinema NOT ire-ahe- NOT ifs-home
What don’t you like?
V, , a great idea! ‘
Egan's work
h Complete the tables.
h Think about your last holiday. Which sentences are true?
No, thanks? go bus a bus f _ If they aren't true, make them negative. Then write a true
plane a taxi
Sound and spelling the letter a positive sentence.
1 GEE! The letter a can have different sounds. 1
. . I stayed in a hotel. 5 I went to bed early.
0 Read about three gardens on the Garden camping L'Ste” and practise the words. 2 I visited museums. 6 I cooked my own food.
c Find verbs in the texts that mean:
website. Which answers (a—d) are incorrect? Correct 1 kB/ tax' 2 /g;/ car 3 “31/ plane 4 ID/ watch 3 I bought a lot of clothes. 7 I watched TV.
the wrong answers. a go by car b go by plane
2 m Listen to these words. Are the marked letters 4 I had my computer with 8 | read lots of books.
1 Laurence’s place: Sound 1, 2, 3 or 4? me.
(1 D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 9A on p.153
a old house c inthe centre what flat train father 1 lolioln’t stay in a hotel. I stayed in a hostel.
b big garden d nearthe bus station
2 Youssef’s place: e D How do you ..?
3 m Listen to these words. Which one in each I Q Tell a partner
a small tents c not in Marrakesh 1 go to work or university
group has a different a sound? your sentences m 3 h '
b showers cl not very cheap 2 go to a big town or city nearby
1 bank want man
3 Guadalupe’s place: 3 go home late at night
a biggarden c nearsome restaurants 4 go to a party
2 have
3 party
b pool cl expensive 5 go on holiday
4 plant glass want
D Communication 9A Student A go to p.107. Student B
4 C ) Practise saying the words. go to p . 1 1 0 .

_ _ _ _ _ — 73 ‘ -

VOCABULARY The weather c m Listen to the questions from the conversation.

9B there? a Om What does Duncan say about the weather in
Choose one word from the box to complete the three
Melbourne? Complete the sentences with hot or cold.
Listen and check. do does did

1 It’s and
II VOCABULARY The seasons sunny and then
1 Where you go on your summer holiday last year?
2 How you get there?
it’s and
a m Match the words in the box with pictures a—d. rainy.
3 you enjoy it there?
Listen and check.
d D Now go to Grammar Focus 9 8 on p.126
winter summer spring autumn
2 I like the snowy,
e m Complete the two conversations about last
in Scotland at
weekend. Listen and check your answers.
I) Q Ask and answer the questions. Conversation 2
New Year. Conversation 1
1 Do you have four seasons in your country? A go / cinema C go/restaurant
2 Which seasons do you like? Which seasons don’t you like? last weekend? last night?
B Yes, I did. D Yes, I did.

READING Language Plus like

A What/ see?
B The new James Bond
c Where/ go?
D A new Thai restaurant.
a Read about the Duncan family’s holiday. What was / like sunny weather. = I think sunny weather is good.
different about this New Year for them? What’s the weather like? = How’s the weather?
I C) Tell a partner about last weekend. Use the
conversations in 4e and your own ideas.
b Complete Michael’s notes with the words in the box. b D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 98 on p.145
party shopping beach hot
c Sound and spelling the letter 0
1 m l The letter 0 can have different sounds. Listen
with {11n in may
and repeat the words.
_ _ A
:Z—‘mapark-greou; 1 /90/ snow 2 /a0/ Cloudy 3 /D/ hot
fireworks! 2 m Listen to these words. Are the marked letters
and swung weather; Sound 1, 2 or 3? g Q Work in new pairs.
holiday town cold Tell your new partner
about your first partner.
3 m 1 Listen to these words. Which one in each group
has a different 0 sound? Listen again and repeat.
1 got job go
2 know not slow
a Think about a past holiday. Make notes about the:
3 phone now down
The Duncan family, from Edinburgh, 0 place 0 food
went to Melbourne, Australia, for New o weather - things you did
Year. Read Michael Duncan’s diary (I D Communication 9B Student A go to p.107.
Student B go to p.112. . ' I] Write questions to ask about your partner’s holiday.
1 When the holiday? When was the holiday?
wursday 31 December
Where go?
We went shopping in Chapel Street - it has lots
of interesting shops, restaurants and cafés.The
LISTENING AND GRAMMAR What the weather like?
weather changes all the time here. It’s hot and Past simple: questions What eat?
sunny one minute and then it’s cold and rainy. We What do?
went to a big NewYear’s Eve party in a park in the a Gm: Listen to Kiril and Angie talk _ I. (your idea for a question)
evening.The children loved the fireworks. about summer holidays. Tick (l) the - I"
Friday 1 January correct sentence. c Q Ask and answer the questions in 5b about your
Australia is 11 hours ahead of Scotland. NewYear 1 El They’re on holiday now.
arrived early this year! It’s also summer time here 2 I:I They talk about past and future holidays.
and it’s very different to have NewYear in the sun. 3 El They only talk about past holidays.
I like the snowy, cold weather in Scotland at New
Year, but in Melbourne it was very hot today and it
didn’t feel like NewYear. Everyone went to
bm Listen again. Match 1—3 with a—c.
the beach! 1 Kiril last year a Greece
2 Angie last year b the south of France
3 Angie two years ago 0 Moscow
V-\ 5' ~.

- ' ugh-i
Everyday English 7:
Can you do something for me? ll USEFUL LANGUAGE Making and responding to requests
a C M Listen to the questions. Underline the word 6 Complete mini-conversations 1 and 2 with
you hear. Then answer the question below. the phrases in the box. Listen and check.
1 Can/Cou/dyou take it fora minute? 1 _
II LISTENING 2 Can/ Could you do something for me? Oh, OK! I ” d’o 't then.-
3 Can/ Could you pick us up from the station later, Thanks, thats really k'nd 0f you.
a Q Talk about a place near your town or city with a partner. please?
1 A Could you help me with the shopping?
Ask and answer the questions. 4 C an
/ C ou
l d you meet usa t t esaion
h t t ' , pease
| ? B Sure, no problem.
1 Where’s a nice place to visit for a day? Why? Is it OK to use can and could in all the sentences? A
2 What can you see and do there?
2 c Can you get the children from school?
3 Do you go there often?
b m Put the possible replies to the questions in D I’m sorry, I can’t. I have a lot of work to finish.
4a into the table. Listen and check your answers. 0
h m Look at pictures a and b and talk about the
questions. Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your answers. of course, No, I can’t, Yes, certainly. d C) Work in pairs. Take turns to make requests and
1 Do you think Sophia and Megan like Henley? I’m sorry, I can’t. Sure, no problem. reply. Use the ideas below and can / could.
2 What do they see in the shop? 1 help me with my work 3 meet me after class
2 give me your book 4 phone me this evening
c m Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Are the sentences Yes No
true or false? fiftould you meet
1 They decide to go to the museum before lunch. afigme after class?
2 Megan decides to go in the shop.
3 The clock is difficult to carry.

d C) What do you buy when you visit another place?

a Work in pairs. You talk on the phone. a Read about Sophia’s weekend. What information about the clock
E PRDNUNCIATIUN Syllables and Look at the ideas below and think is new?
spelling about what you want to say.
A B Last weekend I went to Henley with my new
a m Listen to the marked word in the sentence. Do , friend, Megan. First, we went for a walk by
you hear all the letters? I Say hello and Say hello the river. It was beautiful. Next, we went to
It’s very different from Toronto. who you are. and ask how a small museum and had lunch. Then, we
went shopping and I saw a lovely clock. It
" Answer. Ask for help A/ Student A i5.
m Listen again and repeat the marked word. was quite expensive (£150!), but I bought
3 with something. \) it and we took it back to London. It was
/ Sayyes. , really heavy! Henley is a nice town — it's very
b m 1 Listen to these words. Underline the letters you Ask Student B to
different from Toronto.
don’t hear. come shopping with
you today. \’ Say no — you’re
restaurant interesting favourite busytoday. b D Now go to Writing Plus 9C on p.158 for Making the order clear.
every family vegetable camera Ask about
tomorrow. 0 W 't I' t b t t . t th I H
Say yes. n e an on me pos a ou a rm 0 ano er p ace. ere are
c Q Practise saying the words in 2c. t / — J some ideas:
I 'Say thanks and
I goodbye. Say goodbye. . Last weekend, / month, / summer, lwent to with
First, we It was Next, we Then, we
LISTENING is a nice / beautiful / lovely city / town / place.
b Q Have a phone conversation with
a @2113 Look at picture c and answer the questions. your partner. Then swap FOIGS- d Read another student’s online post. Do you like the activities
Watch or listen to Part 2 and check your answers. he / she did?
1 Who does Megan call? 2 What does she want?

b @2113 Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Underline the

correct answer.
1 Sophia and Megan take the train/ drive home.
2 Megan says the problem is the clock/ weather.
3 James can/ can’t meet Megan and Sophia at the station.

6 C) Who do you usually ask for help — a friend or

someone in your family? Why?


UNIT9 i?”
Review l]

l: ‘
II GRAMMAR b Underline the correct answers.
A Was it 1cold/ wet/ warm?
Underline the correct answers. B Yes! It was —10°C! There was lots of if
2snow/ snowy.
1 We didn’t stay/ stayed in a hotel last year.
2 I didn’t take/ took any photos this morning. A Wow! It never 3sn0ws/ snowy in my [J: ‘,
3 She doesn’t/ didn’t buy a book yesterday. country. r»;
4 They didn’t have/ had fish for dinner last night. c Do I need an umbrella?
We don ’t watched / didn’t watch a film last week.
He didn’tgot/ didn’tgeta taxi to the airport.
D I don’t know. It’s 4rainy/ rain — but it’s
very 5wind/ windy too! ‘4 P
Look at the answers and complete the questions. E Was it 6wet/ hot?
F Yes, very! It was about 35°C! But it L
> ‘ M yesterday?’ ‘Yes, it did. It rained in the
was 7cloud/ cloudyall the time. We
didn’t see the sun.
1 ‘ — football last week?’ ‘No, I didn’t— b u t l played
2 ‘What time yesterday?’ ‘I got up at six o’clock.’ SOUND AND SPELLING
3 ‘ any photos at New Year?’ ‘Yes, I did. I took
some photos at the party.’ a GEE! Which of the marked letters in each group
‘Where yesterday?’ ‘I went to the park.’ has a different sound? Underline the word. Practise
‘ your phone yesterday? ‘Yes, of course! I use saying the words.
my phone every day!’ train car plane rain Cm

‘What for breakfast today?’ ‘I had cereal and camp what hot not a C) Look at the picture and answer the questions.
coffee.’ go boat snow wind
1 What room are the people in?
flat camp take tram
C) Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions cloud home cold no
2 What are they doing? .
in 1b. 3 How often do you think they do this? >
bus sun drove lovely
4 Who is the man at the computer talking to? What do you
think he’s saying? '
Correct the past simple sentences. b CM Complete the table with words in the box.
5 How do the other people feel? Why?
Where they did stay? Where dial they stay?

1 Do you arrived last night? 6 What you cooked? cinema beautiful dtfterent expensive
interesting camera lovely difficult b C) Talk about the questions.
2 Yes, I arrived. 7 We don’t visit Pedro
restaurant business favourite museum 1 Do you have a computer at home? Where do you use it?
3 No, | not. yesterday.
2 Do you speak to family and friends on the Internet? How
4 What did you bought? 8 Saw you the garden?
often? Who do you speak to?
5 I didn’t watched TV.
We always say all the We don’t always say all 3 What programmes do you use to speak to people on the
letters the letters Internet? ‘ "

cinema different
4 What are the good things and bad things about speaking
to people on the Internet and not on the phone?
3 Write the words.




How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1

for each objective.

3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well

1ritan 4 m a r t

talk about travel and holiday experiences


2atix 5e|nap
3rungedundro 6 p i s h talk about past holidays
make and respond to requests

' rcu

I’in sitting in y UNIT 10‘

a Read the messages. Are they for people who are near b Read the messages again. Where are the writers?
or far away?

0 Q Do you sometimes send a message to someone
O Come in here! We're watching the game. It’s when you’re in the same place? Why / Why not?
J Germany and Brazil.
L (63—11!)
O . M um , l ’ m s t u d ymg
’ C, St eves
' t a lk'mg t 00 Present continuous: positive
really hard for m y ~’ much — I can’t hear
exam. Can I have the TV. Tell him t o be a Look at the sentence from message 1. Does it mean
a cup of coffee, quiet!
please? 0 now or usually?
5313‘ -‘
We’re watching the game.
L (rim—J I

4 — h Complete the rule with -ing and be.

Q |’ m s r'tt'
l n g l 'n t h ecar (. I’m cookin g y our
outside the house. 7/ dinner and there’s
Can you come and no butter — can Present continuous positive (+):
help me with m y you stop watching I / y o u / h e / s h e / i t / we/they+ +verb+
suitcase? It’s really TV and go t o t h e
heavy! Thanks! @ supermarket for me?
SEND c m Pronunciation Listen to the sentence in 4a.
Underline the stressed words.

F i l m
(I Underline four more examples of the present
continuous in messages 2—5 in 3a.

ll VUCABULARY The home a LISTENING AND SPEAKING e D Now go to Grammar Focus 10A on p.126
a @131 Match the words in the box with pictures a—f. a m Listen to Mimi talk about her "
Listen and check. flat. Put pictures 1—3 on page 81 in f It’s 2 pm on Sunday. What are you doing? Write
the order Mimi talks about them. a message to a friend.
bedroom garden living room Hi Jules,
diningroom kitchen bathroom b m Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? I’m having lunch at a new restaurant in the centre of town
with my sister. It’s really good! We’re eating lots of focal.
1 Mimi’s flat isn’t big.
h D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 10A on p.150 2 The light in herflat is good.
3 There are three chairs in the living room.
g C) Read your message to the class. Listen to the
4 There's a dining room in her flat.
c Sound and spelling /u"/ and /0/ other students. Is anyone doing the same thing?
5 She uses her computer in her living room.
1 C m Listen and practise these sounds.
1 /t_f/ kitchen 2 /6/ bathroom 0 C) Do you like Mimi’s flat? Why / Why not?
2 m What sound do you hear in the words in the box,
Sound 1 or Sound 2? Listen and add the words to the Language Plus in/ on D Communication 10A Student A go to p.107.
sound groups below. in + room on + floor, wall Student B go to p.112.
There’s a desk in my bedroom. The books are an the floor.
cheese month birthday thanks chips
Put the cake in the kitchen. There are pictures on the wall.
both March question three watch

Sound 1 /g”/ Sound 2 /(-)l d C) Think about your home and the rooms it has.
kitchen bathroom Tell a partner about your home.

3 Which letters usually spell /tf/and which spell /9/?

4 C ) Practise saying the words.

(I C) Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

e C) Choose a room in your home and write the names
1 How many bedrooms are there in your home? of some objects in that room. Then tell your partner
2 Where do you eat your dinner? about them.
3 Is there a TV in your home? Where?
4 Do you have a garden? If yes, is it big or small?
5 Which room do you like best in your home?

Some people always have their phone on and
they use it all the time- in a caté, in the car,
Warbed! is this a good iden3:1ell us what
you think! Ah‘tt'Is your phoneal'Ways on?

My phone is usually on, but not at the cinema
of course, and not on a planet have it on at

I never have my phone with me when I’m with 1 My photte is always off! I use it whtfispeak it C am: Complete the table. Listen and c m

people in a restaurant. I don't want to talk on ii to a friend, or maybe at the airport or on a + _

the phone when I'm eating.And | always turn it rain- sometimes I need to tell my mum that
off at night. m_ , the train’s late. But then I turn it off. I don’t like I’m working. I’m
talking on the phone.
I’m having dinner. I’m dinner.

My phone’s always on in the day— when I’ m

at home and when l’ m at work, but I turn it off d @255 Complete Dan’s questions. Listen and check.
at night. Iwant to sleepl 1 DAN What doing?
LOU I’m at the bus stop. I’m going home.
2 DAN working?
LOU No, I’m not working.
3 LOU I’m watching a film.
ll READING E VOCABULARY Place phrases with prepositions LISTENING AND GRAMMAR Present DAN Oh, what watching?
continuous: negative and questions
a Match the phrases in the box with a Find phrases on the website with in, on or a t a n d the nouns in 9 m a Pronunciation Listen to the questions in 3d
pictures a—e. the box. Add them to the table. a GEE Listen a n d match conversations 1—5 with again. Which word has the main stress?
pictures a—e.
at the cinema in bed in the car eaté airport car work bed plane
f D Now go to Grammar Focus 1 0 8 on p.128
in a restaurant on a mountain cinema train restaurant home

g D Communication 108 Student A go to p.107.

b C) Look at pictures a—e again. Answer in on at Student B go to p.112.
the questions. in a Qafé
1 What object is in all the pictures?
2 Which are . . . ?
o a good idea 0 quite normal 0 a bad idea a You and a partner are in different places. You want to
b C) You’re in a place in 2a and your partner calls you. Tell your
partner what you’re doing. Your partner guesses the place. meet. Before you speak on the phone, make notes.
c Read the comments on the website and Think about these questions:
answer the questions.
0 Where are you? (Choose a place from Vocabulary Focus
1 You phone the five people from the website. @313 591mg t9 work - 108 on page 149.)
They’re in a restaurant. Who will answer?
o What are you doing? (Think of two or more activities.)
2 You phone the five people at 3 am. Who will
0 When do you want to meet? (Think of a day, a time and
a place.)
c D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 1 0 3 on p.149
(I C) Which person do you think ...? b C) Phone your partner and have a conversation.
a has good ideas d Sound and spelling /a/ o Ask where your partner is and what he / she is doing.
b has a problem
1 @511 Listen to the sound /9/ in these words. Is it a long or a short o Plan when and where to meet your partner.
sound? Is it stressed or unstressed? N C ) Do you think ...?
e Write a comment about you and your Hi, Tom.
teacher student cinema station 1 Dan likes Lou
phone for the website. gfia t are you doing?
2 m Listen to these words. Underline the /a/ sound in each word. 2 Lou likes Dan

f C) Read your comment to your partner. How do you know?

dinner England garden television
Are you the same? 1,Are you free this evening? Do you
waiter breakfast listen driver
NEE" want to go to Café Cabana?

3 Q Practise saying the words.

EIIeryday English 5 ‘ ;

nd and spelling: lio/ .

What time’s the next train to a A message asking

a C) Look at picture a and talk about the questions.
1 How does Sophia feel?
2 What does Megan offer to do?

b @1313 Watch or listen to Part 1. Check your ideas in 1a.

c m Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Answer the questions.

1 What does Megan say about James?
2 Do they know what time the train leaves?


PRONUNCIATIDN Sound and spelling: travel information
/19/ and /ee/ D Communication 10C
a Who says these expressions — a passenger (P) or Student A go to p.106.
a @211 Listen to these words. Which word has a the station official (SO)? Student B go to p.111.
different sound?
a LISTENING The next train is at 4:35.

here yeah really
a Q Look at picture b. What questions do Megan
Which platform is it?
Excuse me.
b Gum Listen and complete the table with the words and Sophia ask the station official? The train leaves in three minutes. a Megan helped her friend Amelia plan a holiday in
in the box. No, you change at Reading. Paris. Amelia sends Megan a message. Read it and
b m Watch or listen to Part 2. Check your Yes? How can I help? answer the questions.
chair care hear real hair
ideas in 3a. What time’s the next train to London?
near there clear pair meal 1 Where’s Amelia now?
Is it a direct train?
2 Which two questions does she ask?
0 m Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Complete It’s Platform 3.
the information. ". j TODAY V ' "
Sound 1 /19/ Sound 2 /e9/
b m 1 Listen and check your answers in 4a. Hi, Megan. l’m travelling to Paris right now on
1 TIme of next train:
here yeah Then listen again and repeat. he train. Sorry, I can’t remember two things.
2 TIme n o w : —
First, where do I find a taxi at the station? And
3 Platform: . much is it from the station to the hotel? |
c m Complete the sentences with at or in.
gave a lot of euros iwth me Thanksl
d D In your country, what is an easy way to Listen and check.
i“ c m Listen again and repeat. ~ a a i

travel — train, bus, car? ‘ 1 The next train leaves half an hour.
2 The next train leaves five o’clock. I] D Now go to Writing Plus 10C on p.158 for Word
order in questions.
d W Put the conversation in the correct order.
Then listen and check. 0 Write a message to a friend. Ask two questions in
A your message. Here are some ideas:
[I So, at 5:15. And is it a direct bus? Hi
[:| Great! Thanks for your help. I’m going / doing/ having
[:I What time’s the next bus to Cambridge? Sorry, I can’t remember
Excuse me. Where/ How/When ?
|:| OK, and which bus stop is it? Thanks
|:| The next bus leaves in 20 minutes. d C) Read another student’s message. Try to answer
[:| It’s stop 7, near the ticket office. the questions.
I:I No problem.
[:I Yes? How can I help?
[:I No, you change at Birmingham.

e C) Practise the conversation in 4d with a

partner. Take turns to be the station official
and the passenger. Change the times, kind of
transport and the platforms / bus stops.

ll GRAMMAR b Complete the questions with in, on or at.

1 Do you listen to music the car?
a Correct the present continuous sentences. 2 Do you sleep trains / buses / planes?
> Carmen be wearing a yellow T-shirt. 3 Do you read bed?
Carmen’s wearing a yellow T—ehirt. 4 Do you eat the cinema?
1 You wearing my shoes! 4 The lesson starting. 5 Were you home yesterday lunchtime?
2 They're geting a taxi. 5 She’s haveing lunch. 6 Did you play football school?
3 I'm writeing to Mimi. 6 We waiting. 7 What’s the floor in this room?
8 Are there any pictures the walls? l
h Write present continuous questions with the words A4 ‘
and phrases. C C) Ask and answer the questions in 2b. ~
1 where/you/sit? 5 why/you/study/
2 you/wear/black shoes? English ?
3 it/rain? 6 what/yourfriends/ do?
4 y o u / u s e / a computer? a Notice the three sounds and the marked letters.
1 /11/ choose
C Q Ask and answer the questions in 1b.
2 /6/ three
3 /6/they’re
d Complete the phone conversation with the verbs in
brackets. b @2211 Complete the table with the words in the box.
CATHY Hi, it’s me. Practise saying the words.
MATT Oh, hi. What 1 (you / do)?
CATHY I’m on the train. bathroom birthday change cheese kitchen mother
MATT Oh, of course. Well, | 2 (cook) dinner. So, question thanks the three theyire weather
3 (you / listen to) music?
CATHY Mm, no. | 4 (talk) to you, of course.
MATT Oh, very funny. What’s the weather like there? /t_f/ /0/ /6/
CATHY Not good. It 5 (rain) outside. choose three they’re
MATT Well, it 6 (not/ rain) here — it 7 (snow)!
But Gwen and Carla are in the garden.
CATHY The garden? Why? What 8 (they / do)?
MATT They 9 (make) a snowman! C a m Are the two marked sounds in each sentence

the same (S) or different (D)? Practise saying the

E VOCABULARY sentences.
1 We're here. 4 It’s real hair.
a Write the rooms. 2 Wear a pair of shoes. 5 Yeah, it’s there.
3 Their house is near. 6 Where’s the chair?

a C) Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 What did this man do before he went into his tent? What i
are his plans tomorrow? ‘
2 Tick (J) the things the man can do in his tent tonight.
“’ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Why can’t he do some things?
El listen to music El cook dinner
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 |:I read a magazine I:I do yoga
for each objective. |:I have a coffee |:I sleep well
3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well I:I play the guitar

MN... 3 What do you think he is writing in his book?

4 What questions do you want to ask him? Write down
talk about my home El three.

ask where people are and what they’re doing D

in C) Would you like to be where this man is? W h y /
ask for travel information I: Why not?

‘ l

_ 87 -
UNIT 11‘
She m a t h l m t g’“ ‘ i‘ . ‘* I . IL
' . Ject pronouns El LISTENING AND GRAMMAR
, Life events
1 963 Object pronouns
a GEE-3 Listen to two friends talking about Valentina
Tereshkova. Tick (l) the questions you can answer
after listening to their conversation.
II READING 1 D Where did she go to school?
a C) Think of two famous people 2 D Why did she get the job?
3 CI How did she meet her husband?
from your country (present or past). #2 HE MADE THE FIRST
4 E] Where does she live now?
Ask and answer the questions with ' ' " ' COMPUTER GAME 5 D What does she want to do in the future?
1 Why are / were they famous? ' V Leonardo Torres y
2 What do you know about them? Quevedo (1 852—1936)
3 Do you think people from other # 1 THE FIRST WOMAN Who was he?
‘. countries know about them? W h y / IN SPACE A Spanish engineer
. Why not? Valentina Tereshkova (born 1937) What did he do?
" . In 1914 he made
Who '3 she?
b Read They were the first!. Who ? A Ruslsian cosmonaut a machine called
died over 50 years ago ‘The Chess Player’.
What did she do?
You could play chess
had new ideas for machines In 1963 she flew in Vostok 6. She against it and it was the
lived in a village as a child went round the Earth 48 times and first computer game in the
came from a poor family she was in space for almost 3 days. world.
had one child b GEE Listen again and answer the questions you
Her life His life
lived in France She was born in 1937 in a small village ticked in 3a.
He was born in 1852 and grew up in the city of
in Russia. Her father was a tractor driver Bilbao, in Spain. When he was 1 6 he went to live
c C) Read They were the first! and her mother worked in a factory. in Paris and two years later he went to university c CM!!! Complete the sentences from the conversation
again. Choose one thing about She finished school at 16 and started work in a in Madrid. After he finished university he travelled with the words in the box. Listen and check.
each person you think is interesting factory. In her free time she studied and she also around Europe and studied new ideas.
and say why. went parachute jumping. Leonardo got married in 1885 and had eight
he him she her
In 1963 she got married and the next year she children. His family was very rich, so he had lots
had a daughter, Elena. After that, Valentina of time to have ideas for new machines — like 1 _ ’ s a Russian cosmonaut. Do you know about
never flew into space again. ‘The Chess Player’. ?
2 She married a cosmonaut. She met in 1963.
E VOCABULARY Life events was on the same space programme.

a m Look at these events in a person’s life. Match events 1—6 with pictures a—f. Listen and check. d Underline the correct words to complete the rules.

1 die 1 We use he and she before/ aftera verb.

e Sound and spelling /3x/
2 We use him and her before/ aftera verb or preposition.
2 grow up 1 m Listen to the words.
university worked thirty e D Now go to Grammar Focus 11A on p.128
3 finish university
Are the marked letters ?
4 get married a all the same sound SPEAKING
b two different sounds
5 go to school c three different sounds a Write four or five events in your life and the years.
2 m Underline the letters in these words that have 1997~201 1 — I lived in Budapest.
6 be born the sound /3x/. Listen and check. 20’] ’I ~ I started university.

Thursday first world shirt early weren’t girl b D Work in pairs. Read your partner’s sentences and
ask some questions.
b Write the events in three lists. [I Read They were the first! again. Write past simple sentences about the
3 C ) Practise saying the words.
1 everyone does this years below.
2 most people do this Valentina Tereshkova Leonardo Torres y Quevedo
3 only some people do this o 1937 o 1953 o 1963 o 1964 o 1852 . 1868 o 1914 o 1936 f D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 11A on p.139
. . 1 9 5 7 — Valentina was born.
c C) Compare your lists With
other students. Are they the
same? Language Plus Years
To say a year, we say the numbers in pairs: c C) Tell the class two things about your partner’s life.
1937 -) 19 37 nineteen thirty-seven 2016 -) 20 16 twenty sixteen 3,.
Note: 1900 = nineteen hundred 2000 = two thousand
2005 2 two thousand and five
UNIT 11‘

.' G‘ can for ability VOCABULARY Abilities E GRAMMAR can: questions

‘ ' @Abilities
a Match the verbs in the box with pictures a—d. a m Complete the conversations. Listen and
check your answers.
cook sing swim paint 1 CELIA And sing?
ANDY Yes, .
II READING d Q Which real person / people in Real life X-Men can
2 CELIA dance well?
do something useful?
a C) Look at 1—3 below.
What’s difficult for you to do?
Why / Why not? E GRAMMAR b D Now go to Grammar Focus 118 Part 2 on
1 be cold for a long time can: positive and negative
2 swim underwater 0 m 1 Pronunciation Listen to the sentences.
3 pull or carry big objects a Underline the correct answer i n the table.
Tick (I) when can / can’t is stressed.

+ l/You/He/She/ can/can’t swim. 1 E] I can sing quite well. 3 El Can you sing?
h Read Real life X—Men. Does it talk more about X-Men
_ We / They 2 El Ican’t dance very well. 4 El Yes, I can.
or about real people? can / can’t fly.

[I Q Practise saying the sentences. Underline

c Read Real life X-Men again. Answer the questions. b Underline examples of c a n / can’t in Real life X-Men. the correct words to complete the rules.
b D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 113 on p.140
1 How long can Wim Hof stay in a cold bath? What is after can/ can’t, a noun or a verb?
2 How long can the Bajau Laut people stay undenNater? Dan is/ isn’t stressed in positive sentences and
3 How does Seema Bhadoria pull things? c D Now go to Grammar Focus 1 1 8 Part 1 on p.130 Language Plus (very / quite) well questions.
[can swim very well. 2 I’m very good. Can is/ isn’t stressed in negative sentences and
lcan swim well. 2 I’m good. short answers.
lcan swim quite well. = I’m OK.
lcan’t swim at all. = It’s impossible for me. e m Complete the conversation with the
correct form of can. Listen and check.
IHE FISHMEN c Q Talk about people you know and what they can or Andy play the guitar?

> W > W >

The Bajau Laut people in Southeast Asia can
can’t do. Yes, he
swim underwater for a long time. Sometimes
they can go underwater for more than five Andhe ride a horse?
minutes. They can also see very well in the Yes, heride a horse very well.
The X-Men films are about ‘superhumans’. They can do water _ it helps them to see the fish! he teach?
amazing things, for example, Iceman can make ice and
Firestar can make fire and fly. Of course, X-Men aren’t real, B No, he teach at all.
and people in the real world can’t do the same things. But a
few people can also do some amazing things! LISTENING f C) Practise the conversation in Se with a
a Read the job advertisement. Does the school want someone
who can do one thing or lots of things?
Job alert a C) Work in pairs. Write one question with can
for each topic.
We need people to work at our r 0 sport Can you play tennis?
summer school in West Lynn. . food Can you make a cake?
We want people who can do lots of different things — o language
sing, dance, play the guitar, draw, ride a horse, but we . music / art
also want good teachers!
Wim Hof is from the Netherlands and he’s often called Seema Bhadoria is an amazing young woman
‘The lceman’. He can’t make ice, but he can sit in a from India — she can pull really big objects If you’re interested, please send us an email or give b C) Work with a new partner. Ask and answer
bath of ice for one hour, 52 minutes and two seconds. with only her teeth. When she was only 18 us a call
your questions in 6a.
He doesn’t feel cold. In 2009, he ran more than 40 years old she pulled a plane with her teeth!
_.,._— . .7
kilometres in -20°C wearing only shorts! She can also pull a ship and a big truck.
b m i l Listen to Celia, the head teacher at the school, talk fighytennis’é I i
to Andy. Is he a good person for the job?

c Cl!!! Listen again. What can Andy do? Complete

sentences 1—4 with the words and phrases in the box.
c Q Work with your
teach rideahorse playtheguitar sing dance first partner again.
Tell them about
1 He can and 3 He can’t very well. your second
quite well. 4 He can’t at all. partner.
2 He can very well.

Everyday English
UNIT 11‘

What do you think? a WRITING

a Read Sophia’s email to a friend in Canada. What does
she like about her life in London?

Hi Lisa,
a C) Ask and answer the questions.
Thanks for your email — it was nice to hear from
1 What’s your favourite room in your house? you.
2 What things have you got there?
Things in London are going well. It’s a big city and
h C) Look at pictures a—c. Which is the best description of the there are lots of things I can do. I’m making some
new friends here. | work in an office with a girl
story, 1 or 2?
called Megan. She’s from London and she’s very
1 Sophia, Megan and James arrive home. They tell James about the friendly. She helped me a lot when l arrived. I also
fun things they did in Henley. Sophia knows where she wants to put know her cousin James. He’s very kind. I often see
the clock. them at the weekend.
2 Sophia, Megan and James arrive home. Megan and James talk
My flat is quite big. It’s comfortable and I like it a
about places to visit in London. They like different places. Sophia lot. It’s near my office, so I can walk to work every
can’t choose a good place for the clock. day. I like that!

c m Watch or listen. Check your answer in 1b. I miss my family at home and I miss my friends,
too! Write again soon.

d CHE Watch or listen again and answer the questions. Love,

What does James think of the clock? Sophia

What did Sophia think of Henley? L _J
Why doesn’t Megan like London Zoo?
Why doesn’t James like the Tower of London? h D Now go to Writing Plus 110 on p.159 for
Why does James think a clock in the bedroom is a bad idea? Pronouns.
Where does Sophia choose to put the clock?
c Write an email to a friend. Tell them about your life
e C) Are there any interesting places to visit in / near your now. Here are some ideas:
town or city?
0 Say hi and thank the person for his / her email.
(Hi... Thanks . . )
PRDNUNCIATION consonant o Write about your life — your job or studies.
E USEFUL LANGUAGE Talking about opinions groups (I’m working/ studying )
. Write about family and / or friends.
a LOOK at the expressions. D0 we U59 0 Look at expressions 1—4. Are they in group a, b, c or d in
a @1519 Listen to the words. Notice how the (My parents are well /see my friend Luisa every )
them to ? 2a? Listen and check.
marked letters are pronounced. Listen again and ° Say {500d and 35" the person to write to YOU-
a 35k an opinion 1 Yes, I agree. 3 What do you think of London? repeat. (Goodbye for now Love / Best wishes )
b give an opinion 2 Do you like this clock? 4 I’m not so sure.
c have the same opinion 1 /t/ right 2 /13k/think 3 /st/t0urist
(I Read another student’s email. What’s interesting
d have a different Opinion d GEE Put the words in the correct order to make expressions. about their life?
b GEE] Listen and match the marked letters in
1 Did you like Henley? L'Ste” and CheCk- 1—6 with a—f.
2 Idon’t think so. 1 very interesting/museum i s / l t h i n k t h e .
1 ask 3 find 5 restaurant
3 Maybe you’re right. 2 you think/what d o / n e w restaurant/of the?
2 dance 4 difficult 6 six
4 Idon’t think the bedroom is a good idea. 3 YOU’FG/ i think / right.
5 I think London Zoo is very nice. 4 so/think/ I don’t. 3 Int/ C /sk/ 8 /nd/
6 What about the Tower of London? 5 the colour blue/ I don’t think / is a good idea . b ilt/ d /ks/ f /ns/
7 lthink you’re right.
8 What do you think? e Complete the conversation with your ideas. t: C) Practise saying the words.
A What do you think of English?
m Listen and check your you
answers. A Yes, maybe you’re right. What about the grammar?
b @m Pronunciation Listen to A Really? I don’t think so. lthink your language is very difficult.
sentences 1—8 in 2a again. YOU D Communication 11C
Student A go to p.106.
Underline the main stress. Listen A Well, all languages are a bitdifficult.
Student B go to p.113.
again and repeat. YOU

f C) Practise the conversation in 2e with a partner. Take turns

to be A.

c ‘ w “3‘41‘1‘42‘1‘3‘4‘i ‘4’1‘2
UNIT 11 , i l ‘ -‘_P h [if l _ 1V

n GRAMMAR b Complete the verb phrases with the words in the box.

a Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun. d'nner baSketba” a mOtorb'ke songs to work walls
1 I like Rob, but I don’t think he likes . play cards 1 volleyball
2 Those shoes are beautiful. Can I buy , please? ' ’ — ’
3 Sarah’s a good friend. I met at university. 5mg 2
4 My husband and | live in the city, but my parents live in a paint a picture, 3
small village. They sometimes visit at the weekend. ride a horse, 4 l a bike
5 They had a baby boy and they called Antonio. drive a car, 5
6 Happy birthday! I got a present!
7 Your car is dirty. You need to clean 000k 6

I) Look at the table. Then complete the conversation

with the words and phrases in the box.

dance play tennis ride a horse

Igor X // I
Melanie ./ X //

can (x4) can’t can she can you

he can’t I can she can

c Q Which of the things in 2b do you do every day?

A 1 Igor dance? . . .
B N012 _ But he 3 play tennis very well and he Which do you sometimes do.7 Which do you never do.7
4 ride a horse.
A Whatabout Melanie?5 ridea horse? SOUND AND SPELLING
B Yes, 6 . She can ride a horse and she 7 —
dance, bUt She : 9 play mm“? 7 a Om Tick (J) the words with an /3x/ sound. Practise
I; Whatmabout you. play tennis. saying the words.

es, .
I:| thirteen El cooked
c C) Ask a partner about the activities in 1b. Use Can El born . El swam
you ? [I univerSIty I:I thirty
El rode |:| worked
El sand |:| married

a Complete the text with the correct form of the verb b @1131 Are the marked sounds the same (8) or
phrases in the box. different (D)? Practise saying the words.
1 six — thanks 4 tourist — danced
have a baby boy finish school go to school be born 2 dance _ answer 5 ask _ school
go to university die grow up get married 3 right _ white 6 sing _ sang

My parents met in London and | 1 in England, but

my family came here to New Zealand when l was three. I
2 here and I don’t remember anything about England.
I3 when lwas sixteen. I got a job in a factory, but it “’ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS @2111
wasn’t very interesting. So I 4 and studied for two more
How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1
a C) Look at the picture and answer the 2 What did this man do ..? h C) Talk about the
questions. 0 the day before the holiday questions.
Then I 5 in Australia. I studied engineering and I met for each objective.
Barbara — she’s now my wife! 3 = very well 2 = well 1 = not so well 1 Do you think this family are going to go ? ' the morning of the holiday 1 When you go on holiday, do
Barbara and | 6 five years ago. We both got good jobs I 0 AN o on a long or short holiday ° a month before the holiday you pack too much or not
--- . somewhere near or far 3 What do you think this family are enough?
in Australia, but then my father 7 .50 we came back _

here to New Zealand to be with my mum. . somewhere hot or cold going to do 0” holiday? Why? 2 What do you sometimes
talk about people’s lives D
0 to stay with family or in a hotel 4 HOW does the 8t” 0“ the far left forget to take when you go on
We 8 last year. we '5 300d! talk about things I know how to do D o all the way by car or drive to the airport of the picture feel? Why? holiday?

talk about opinions I: Why?

_ _ _ _ _ — 9 5 ‘ -
UNIT 12‘

12 a long hott"
Imgoing have
VOCABULARY Months and future time expressions; Ordinal numbers
a It’s Monday morning. Put time expressions 1—6 in the correct place on the timeline.
1 this evening 2 tomorrow 3 this Wednesday 4 on Friday 5 atthe weekend 6 next Monday

n READING b Underline the correct answer in the rule.

a Q Talk about everyday objects and activities that are We use be+ going to to talk abOUt ”OW/ the future.
important to you. Think about: Language Plus The date c C) Ask and answer the questions With a partner.
0 food and drink (my morning coffee ...) i‘ f" c W PronunCIatIon LIsten t0 the Use time expressions in your answers.
What’s the date today? It’s the fifth of August.
. yourthings (my sofa ...) sentences in 2a again. Notice the sentence When’s your birthday? It’s an the twentieth of March. 1 When’s your next English lesson?
, things you do (listen to music ...) stress and the pronunciation of going to. 2 When’s your next English test?
Note: With dates we use ordinal numbers:
Answer the questions. first, second, third, fourth 3 When’s your birthday?
h Read about Outside the comfort zone. Is it about ? 1 Do we stress going, the main verb 0, both?
1 a fun holiday 2 a dangerous competition 2 Can we hear the words going to clearly?
b D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 12A on p.147
C) Practise saying the sentences.
o Read about the programme again. Answer the questions.

1 Where do peoD'e 0” the programme g0?

2 Do they have an easy time? Why / Why not?
d D Now go to Grammar Focus 12A Part 1 on
p. 130
LISTENING E GRAMMAR going to: negative
3 What do the two best people get?
a Cl!!! Listen to Paola (P), Yaz (Y) and Nikita (N) talk a @151 Listen and complete the sentences.
about their holiday plans this summer. Match them 1 PAULA I going have a normal holiday.
(I C) Read the people’s ideas for after the programme. 8 Write three sentences about something
you re gorng to do after class. with pictures a—c. 2 YAZ We going do that this year.
Which is the best idea? Tell a partner.
Afizer class I’m going to meet my friend, Diego.
b m Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? h D Now go to Grammar Focus 12A Part 2 on p.130
GRAMMAR going to: positive f C) Tell other students your sentences in 2e. 1 Paola often goes to a cooking school for her holiday.
2 The trip to Nonrvay is a different kind of holiday for Yaz. c @121 Complete the conversations. Listen and
a @1113 Complete Mick’s sentences with the words in the box. 3 Nikita doesn’t want to make money on the farm. check.
Listen and check. 1 A After class, I’ not to do my homework.
c Q Which holiday plan do you like? Which don’t you B Why not?
to are going ’ 1:: like? Why? A I’m tired. I’m going do it tomorrow.
62th going to hair?" ‘ 2 c After class, I’ not to go home.
1 I'm to sleep for a long time. "are; “
2 Melissa's going have a long hot bath. D Why not?
3 Joel and Shelley going to have their 0 I’m going meet friends in a café.
favourite food and drink.
d C) Practise the conversations in SC. Use your ideas
to have similar conversations.

In this exciting new TV programme, ten people go and live B SPEAKING

in the mountains for ten days. Every day they do something
difficult and sometimes dangerous. It’s usually cold and wet a Write two things you’re going to do on your next
and they don't have a lot of food. They need to stay safe and holiday. Think about:
comfortable (if possible!), but it’s not easy. The two people 0 places o activities 0 places to stay
who do the best win a prize of £25,000! 0 things to buy o sports 0 people
It starts on Channel Six next Tuesday at 8:30 pm.
h Write two things from your everyday life you aren’t
going to do on your holiday.
It’s Day 5 on Outside the comfortzone and 0 things you do at school / work
everyone is thinking about the first thing they're 0 things you do at home
going to do after the programme finishes.
c Q Talk to other students about your ideas in 6a and
of 6b. Do you all have the same ideas?
I'm going to eat a big meal
steak and chips.
i®going to so to the beach.

I'm going to slee for

a long time.
What are you goingto UNIT 12‘

VOCABULARY Common verbs and collocations

do this weekend? 0 C) Tell a partner ,
a Clm Match the verbs in the box with the words
and phrases in 1—8. Listen and check. which activities in 2a 43;? g-
’LY 4,000 WEEKENDS IN Y paint clean use make invite visit go do
and 2b You do at
the weekend,
'33" always
" ..-_lsometlmes
Ioften i?
I neVéléfm.
1 SPort/YOUF homework d D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 128 on p.141
What's your answer to this question? Perhaps it's 'I don't know' or 'Not a lot'? 2 friends / someone to a party
In her new book, What the most successful people do on the weekend, Laura 3 a friend / a museum
Vanderkam says these are bad answers. She says the weekend is a time to relax, but 4 a list/ lunch 3 Sound and spelling /v/ and /w/
also a time to do interesting things. With only 4,000 weekends in our life, each one 5 a picture / a wall 1 m Listen and practise these sounds.
is important. So don't just sit on the sofa and watch TV. It's a good idea to plan the 6 Your “a“ W'”d°‘”s 1 /v/visit 2 /w/ weekend
weekend — then you can use the time well. Here are some of her ideas: 7 your phone / the Internet
1 Plan three to five activities to do at the weekend and write them down. Be sure 8 for a walk / shopping 2 GEE Listen to these words and practise saying them.
you do these things.
2 Plan to read a book. Buy a book for the weekend and then plan a time to read it. h Find examples of each verb on page 98. Add them 'nwte verb watCh w'th evenmg we” never
3 Write a list of 100 'big’ things you’d like to do in your life. Choose one to do this to 1—8 in 2a.
4 Get up early. Between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning is the best time to do things.
Plan to wake up early and do something before breakfast!
5 Turn off your phone and don't use your computer. You can read your emails on
LISTENING AND GRAMMAR going to: questions
Monday. On Sunday evening, go for a run, play some music or do yoga, so you
a Listen to Lee and Marcus talk to a friend about their weekend plans. Write their names on the line.
relax and don’t think about work.
6 Don’t clean your house or flat at the weekend. It’s a time to do things you like! No PLAN — CLEAR PLAN
[1 Listen again. Tick (I) the things you know u SPEAKING
after listening to the conversations.
1 IE the name of the film Lee’s going to see a Write questions to ask your partner about their plans.
2 IE Lee’s plans for Sunday Use the ideas below and going to.
3 |:] Marcus’s shopping plans 0 this evening . the weekend
4 E] the name of the restaurant Marcus’s going to go to 0 on your next birthday
5 |:] Marcus’s plans for Sunday
_ _ _ h C) Ask your partner your questions in 4a. Listen to
c m T'Ck (J) the correct questions 'n 1‘2- the answers and write your partner’s name on the line
Listen and check. in 3a.
1 a El What are you going to do on Saturday?

II READING b D What X0” are 80mg t9 0'0 0“ Saturday? I: C) Compare your line with other students. Who has
2 a D You 30mg“) 2‘30 ShODplng? clear plans for the future?
a C) Talk about sentences 1—3 in small groups. Which b I:I Are you going to go shopping?
are true for you? 7 Pat like to _
(I D Now go to Grammar Focus 123 on p.130
1 Weekends are too short and we don’t have many of them. - - make at cheesecake
2 It’s not a good idea to do a lot at the weekend. '
e m Put the words in the correct order to
3 It’s important to use the time well at the weekend. ' PM“; "'9 room
- Learn Chinese make questions. Listen and check.
b Read about Laura Vanderkam’s new book. Which ’ : read “L two“ 1’9 Stew?!“ King 1 what / you /this weekend / do / going to / are ?
sentence in 1a is her main idea? 5“” 0‘ bu)? 2 go o u t / y o u / are / going to?
* go parachutmg 3 what/goingto/film/see/are/you? .
c C) Look at pictures a—e. Which does Laura say are 4 you / are / buy / going to / what?
good things to do at the weekend? Which aren’t good? 5 go / going to / where / you / a r e ?

f C) Have two conversations with

(1 Look at Wendy, Dermot and Rini’s plans for the ,
aw book . a partner.
weekend. Match them with ideas 1—3 in the text. 1 , §Lt in the Park mi “m "‘9 “
1 Student A: you’re Lee. if
Student B: ask questions 1, 2 and 3 in 3e. ,-
e D What do you think of Laura’s ideas? Which do
2 Student B: you’re Marcus.
you like? Which don’t you like? Why / Why not?
:7 :' 7 ":5 weekend tO- Student A: ask questions 1, 4 and 5 in Be.
a..=;;jéreat ideas! I’d like to try them. > '8 weekend I’m going to:

a ; rThat’s not my idea of

" sf- 3 good weekend, _ . :

UNIT 12‘
Everyday English
Would you like to come for
spelling a
Q An invitafiou- ‘ ll PRUNUNCIATIUN Sound and a WRITING
dinner? A:
spelling: 00 a James and Megan wrote invitations to friends. Read
the invitations and the replies. Do Jon and Emma say
a (3m: Listen to these sentences. When is 00 an yes or no? Why?
/ux/ sound? When is it an /0/ sound?
ll LISTENING 1 Good — now you’re both here.
2 I’ll bring the food.
a You invite friends for a meal. Which of these things Hi Jon,
do you do? Write Yes, No or Sometimes. b CHE Listen to these words. Put them in the It’s my birthday on Saturday. Would you like to come
0 make special food 0 use the best plates correct place in the table. to my party? It’s at my flat and it starts at 9:00.
. wearyour bestclothes 0 play music when you eat See you then, I hope.
0 eat at a fixed time . cook with your friends cool cook spoon look
book soon football
h D Talk about your ideas in 1a with a partner.
Sound 1 /U/ Sound 2 lux/
c Look at pictures a and b. Why do you think James
calls SOphia? good food Hi James,
Thanks, I’d love to come, but I’m not in London.
d m 1 Watch or listen to Part 1. Check your answer c C) Practise saying the words in 2b with a partner. I’m in Sheffield and I’m staying here till Sunday.
in 1c. Hope you have a great time! See you next week.
e m Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Underline the
correct answer. a SPEAKING
1 Sophia’s plates are new/ old.
2 Sophia wants to help James/ thank James. D Communication 12C
Student A go to p.108. Hi Emma,
3 James is/ isn’t happy about the invitation.
Student B go to p.113. I’m in town this afternoon. Would you like to meet
for coffee?
We could go to Café Roma. It’s just near your
E USEFUL LANGUAGE Making and office. I’m free at 4:00. Is that OK for you?
accepting invitations Megan

a Look at the expressions. Do we use them to ?

make an invitation c say no to an invitation
accept an invitation
Hi Megan,
Would you like to come for dinner? E LISTENING Sorry, I’m working till 6:30.
I’d love to, but
I’d love to come. Thank you. a C) Look at picture c and talk about the questions. Café Roma’s a great idea. Maybe we could meet
there tomorrow for lunch. Are you in town then?
Are you free on Friday? 1 Where is James going?
Sorry, I’m busy then. Emma
2 Why did he buy flowers?
Saturday’s OK.
b m Watch or listen to Part 2. Check your answers h D Now go to Writing Plus 12C on p.159 for
W Listen and check your answers. in 3a. Paragraphs.

b m 3 Complete the conversation with the words c m Watch or listen to Part 2 again. What is
in the box. Listen and check. c You want to meet a friend. Think of a place and time.
Sophia’s news? Tick (J) the correct answer.
Write an invitation. Here are some ideas:
sorry thank love like OK free busy
1 El She’s going to leave herjob. Would you like to ? We could
2 El She's going to go back to Canada.
I’m free at Is that OK for you?
A Would you 1 to come to the cinema? 3 E] She’s going to stay in London. See you
B Yes, I’d 2 to come. 3 you.
A Are you 4 on Saturday?
(1 Match 1—4 with a—d. (I Read another student's invitation. Write a reply.
B No, 5 , I’m 6 on Saturday. But Sunday’s
1 James is surprised
7 a James and Megan
2 Sophia wants to
A OK, we can go on Sunday. helped her.
say thank you
b Megan is there too.
3 Sophia wasn’t because
6 C) Practise the conversation in 2b with a she has new friends.

happy in London
partner. d she missed her
4 Now she wants to
friends in Canada.

”Pb. ’ k . ‘

U N I T 1 2 b Complete the ordinal numbers.

ommunlcatlon Plus
. > 6th 5L L L h
Revrew 1 2.. s____d
2 30th t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ h
3 21st t____y-f___t 1A Student A
4 3rd t___d
II GRAMMAR 5 15th f_______ h a You’re Yoshi from Japan. You’re a student. Complete
6 9th n___ h the conversation.
a Complete Emily’s email with be going to and the A Hello, |’ m
verbs in brackets. c Complete the questions with the words in the box. B Hi, | m Bella. Nice to meet you
A Are you from — ?
Busy week! clean do invite make use visit B No, I’m not. l’mfrom the USA. And you?
A l’mfrom
Hi Minna, 1 Do you often _ B Are you a teacher?
museums? A No, I'm a — . And you?
: 1have so many diatln: f;)r tlEIIstIIweeIkzl This afternoon 2 Are you going to
B I’m a teacher.
_ s u y a n 9“ — k tth k d?
(work) from Tuesday to Thursday. On Wednesday 3 gizayoeua e wegnen
I 3— (cook) for my parents and sport yesterday? b Have a conversation with Student B.
then on Thursday evening Marco 4
(cook) dinner for me! 4 Are you going to
G Choose a name and a country and have another
your bedroom today?
l5 — (not / work) on Friday morning 5 Do you the conversation. Jenna = British Denis = Russian Sandra and Pietro = Italian

because you 6 — (arrive) at lunchtime! 7

Jay 7 — (have) a party on Friday 6 rrfmet every day. a Look at the picture and the information box. Then
evening. Do you want to go? He a—
you gonng to
f l t 2A Student A cover the box.
(not / invite) a lot of people. someone or a mea nex
week? a Read the information about Kate.
It’s a busy week for me! So I 9 b Tell Student B the names of the peop|e w ; ‘'~
Name: Kate
and answer Student 8 ’ 5 question s 3- Afiégfi‘ '
and we 1 0 — (not / go) to lots of different Town I city: Ely — small city near Cambridge, in England
places! I hope that’s OK. Home: beautiful, old house
6 Listen to Student B talk about the people in the
See you on Friday! SOUND AND SPELLING picture. Then ask Student B about the nationalities
b Tell Students B and C about Kate.
of the people.
Emily a m . t h e /v/ sounds in the phrases and , 7 >7 ‘
underline the /w/ sounds. Practise saying the phrases. igf

1 visit in the evening 5 watch TV with Vicky and : .: i 9 ; ,1: .

b Correct the sentences. . . . . ? $39

I . I 2 we never inVIte Wendy William

> ‘ls your friend gomg to have lunch With us?’ ‘No, she not.’ 3 I love weekends in winter 6 on Wednesday the twelfth
N0, She is” t' 4 win video games every of November
1 ‘You are going to watch TV this evening?’ ‘No, I'm not.’ week
2 Are your mum going to cook your dinner this evening?
0 Listen to Students B and C talk about two people. What 48 Student A
3 ‘Are YOU 80mg to Clean Your bedroom?’ ‘Yes, "m going.’ b Complete the table with the words in the box. information is the same about all three people?
4 What do YOU 80mg t0 W93! t0m0rr0W? Are the 00 sounds short (/u/) or long (/ux/)? Practise a Read the information about Omar on your card.
5 ‘Are your friends going to visit you today?’ ‘Yes, they’re.’ saying the words.
6 What you going to do next summer? SB Student A ‘l’m a student. I’m 19 and I study English at Cairo University,
good book football boots in Egypt. | live at home with my parents. My mother is a
c C) Ask and answer the questions in 1b. Use cool look school soon 3 Ask Student B the time i n these cities: teacher and my father works at the Bank of Cairo. He’s a
be going to. bank manager. l have one brother. He’s married and he
. Paris . Moscow
0 Rio de Janeiro
lives in Dubai. He works at Dubai Airport.’
/U/ lux/ 0 Istanbul

a V 0 CABULARY cooking spoon

b Answer Student B's questions about the time in h Tell Student B about
these cities. Omar.
a Gross—eutthe answers which are NOT possible.
1 tomorrow/ on tomorrow 5 next/atweekend / .
2 this/in/next/ on Friday 6 on/in Sunday 3 REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS 0 Listen to Student B talk about Monica. Find six
3 at/ in the weekend 7 in/on three weeks _ . I . I things that are the same about Omar and Monica.
4 on/ this/ in/ nextJune 8 this/atafternoon HOW well d'd you do 'n “”5 ”mt? WrIte 3: 2. or 1 ’1 They’re both students.
for each objective.
3 = very well 2 = well 1 : not so well Tokyo New York Mexico City Berlin [I D Now go back to p.35
flu... c . Now go back to p.27

talk about future plans

ask and answer about future plans
make and accept invitations

102 _ 1 0 3 -
. . ‘
Communlcatlon Plus

28 Student A 20 Student A 58 Student A 40 Student A

a Look at the picture. Student B has a similar picture. a Ask Student B about his / her: a Read the information about a hostel on your card. a Look at the pictures. The two people are your friends.
Ask and answer questions to find seven differences. 0 surname 0 phone number You want to show the pictures to Student B. Think
. address

~ H as
0 email address
HABBY’S HOSTEl about what you want to say.

o ,r ; , : 5 ?49*

,.g ", : _fmu
‘ surnamefffg 0 big rooms with no shower
o small rooms with a shower
0 free wi—fi
h Read the information on your card. Answer Student B’s
o a small café
Note: There isn’t a swimming pool or a car park. Rob, teacher, interesting Carla, hotel manager, happy

Surname: Ramirez
b Cover the information under .
Address: 5 High Street
the pictures. Show them to .0, These are my “%
Phone number: 0124 364592 b Student B has information about a hotel. Ask and
Student B and talk about ,gfriends, R°b and Cangg;
answer questions to find what things are the same and
Email address: toniramirez@powermail.com your friends.
what things are different in the hotel and the hostel.

c Ask Student B about ”‘zfioo you have photos-T "‘

c D Now go back to p.20 " * .-=ls there a swimming pool his / her two friends. ‘
ggiof your friends? If 25$
at ,4}.q in the hotel?

78 Student A [I D Now go back to p.37

".390 you have a phone ,I1;,

:5;~__ in your picture?

6A Student A BB Student A
a“ l‘have tWo p h ; a Look at the information about Rosa and Franco.
’7‘L-fi4» 7 4‘ 4 f , a Gamal and Peter live
Make positive (+) and negative (—) sentences. in the same flat. Read
+ work very hard have a lot of free time
about Gamal’s daily
b D Now go back to p.19 + work at a hospital sit very much
-) a doctor Gamal is a student. He
usually gets up at 9:00
4A Student A and has breakfast. Then
he goes to university at
a Read the information.
+ work long hours sit down a lot 10:00. In the afternoon
0 You live in Paris in he studies in the library
+ like his job work in summer
France, but you work -) a teacher and he gets home at
three days a week in 5:00. In the evening
London, in the UK. he works in a café near
0 You work two days a their flat. He starts work
week at home. at 7:00 and finishes at
o You study French b Tell Student B about Rosa and 11:00. He goes to bed at
and you go to lessons Franco. Don’t say their jobs. 12:00.
on Friday.
a Look at picture 1. Make notes about their clothes.
I: Ask Student B about b Ask Student B questions about Peter. Then write the
I) Start a conversation with Student B about their life. Lidia and Hassan. answers.
Use the questions below to help you. b Tell Student B about the clothes the people in picture
Say: Tell me about .
1 are wearing. Find out their names and write them
Can you guess their jobs?
under each picture.
re do you live?
70 Student A
' . Do you work in ..?
o When /wake up? 6:50 . When /finish work?
V i Eff" a Conversation 1. You’re a shop assistant. Student B o When/getup? o When/get home?
_ Doyou spga is your customer. You have six glasses and they are 0 W h a t / d o then? 0 W h a t / d o in the evening?
£2.00 each. Your customer can pay by card. Start a 0 When/start work? 0 W h e n / g o to bed?
I: Listen to Student B talk about the clothes in conversation with Hello, can I help you?
c Listen to Student B and reply. picture 2. Tell him / her the people’s names. 0 Answer Student B’s questions about Gamal.
”1:55 :3“: ‘ b Conversation 2. You're a customer in a shop.
(1 D Now go back to p.58 Student B is a shop assistant. You want to buy four d When does Gamal see Peter?
plates. Ask how much they are.

c D Now go back to p.61

_ 1 0 5 -
. . V
Communication Plus

7A Student A BB Student A 10A Student A 9A Student A


a You have a market stall. You sell the objects in the box. a Look at the pictures of Leo’s day yesterday. Make notes a Read notes about your trip to Seville, in Spain.
about what he did. Make sentences from the notes. Use the past simple.
cups glasses plates bags knives o Seville — south of Spain o shopping — didn’t buy
o plane to Madrid anything
Write a price for each object.
0 then train to Seville . restaurants — very good
o small hotel — city centre food
b Try to sell things to Student B. 0 lots of photos . a concert — you liked it!

ii ’7 It’s only £5 — , .* , I] Tell Student B about your trip.

aiii-Lita; very cheap.- " Them £3 each: ..~ -
‘fAflA'fi-‘ey're very beautifdlz;
c Listen to Student B talk about a trip to Dubai. Find
four things you both did on your trips.
c At Student B’s stall you see three things you like:
0 a beautiful old picture o a lamp 98 Student A
. some interesting old books

g; t’s very expenslfj a Read the information about the weather in Mumbai,
Try to buy them
for a good price. ‘a fife; ls £10 OK'Agi‘J, in India. Listen to Student B and reply.
Weather in Mumbai

8A Student A Yesterday hot, sunny

Today clouoly, warm
a Ask Student B about Hanan.
Summer 51 lot of rain, hot
3:; “Where was she “ Where was she l .
<- a year ago? weekend? :41» b Ask Student B these questions about the weather in

Berlin, in Germany.
a You are in picture 2. Tell Student B:
h Tell Student B what Leo did yesterday. . where you are (I ’m sitting in ) {gill/hat was the weather " ~ {Ftat’s the wea )3“
o what's in the next room (There’s a next door.) <5 like yesterday? like today? 1.2. '
I] Listen to Students B a n d C talk about Marcella. 0 what you're doing (I’m )
c Listen to Student B talk about what Nina did
yesterday. What activities are the same?
b Listen to Student B. Are they talking about picture 4, ; What’s the weather like?
c Answer Student C’s questions about Henri. ,5,
5 or 6? *4? in winter?
1 year ago last weekend on Monday 100 Student A
in Chile at a party in Paris at work in G Choose picture 4 or 5. Describe it to Student B.
Germany a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what c D Now go back to p.75
you want to say. Then start the conversation with (I Listen to Student B again. Which picture are they
Student B with Excuse me. talking about now?
d What is the same for all three people?
0 You want to go to Manchester.
110 Student A . Time now: 11:15 am. 108 Student A F t it?
. Ask about the next train.
a You and Student B live in the same city. Talk about 0 Ask about the platform. . a Look at the picture. What are the . , .
0 You have a big suitcase — it’s difficult to run. 4 people doing? Make notes. ' ii I . ,
good places for tourists to visit. This is what you think
of the four main places to visit:
[1 Student B has a similar picture. _‘ ,
the Museum — very interesting b Conversation 2. Now read your second card. Think
Central Park — OK, nice about what you want to say. Listen to Student B and
Ask and answer questions to find " l ‘ "
the Old Town — a bit boring reply. five differences. You start. Ask '
the Mega Department Store — very expensive about Ali.
9 You’re an official at a bus station.
, ‘6 :-

Qis‘Ali in the kitchen?

9?; What do you think 0 Time now: 2:45 pm.
A?» 7 of Central Park? -
Time Bus stop Price
A .3 .i
Oxford 3:00 pm 4 £16 a;w Is he eating?
é; Really? ldon’t r

‘43:; think so. Oxford 4:00 pm 3

b D Now go back to p.93 c D Now go back to p.85

c D Now go back to p.83

'106 _ 1 0 7 -
. . V
Communicatlon Plus

126 Student A 13 Student B 2A Student B 4A Student B

a You want to invite Student B to: a Read the information about Carla. a Read the information.
1 go for a walk at the weekend. Name: Carla 0 You live in Monterrey,
2 meet for coffee in town. Town / city: Hamilton — small city near Toronto, in Canada in Mexico, but you
Home: nice, new flat work four days a week
Think about what you want to say. Start the in Austin, Texas, in the
conversation with Student B. Try to find times when b Listen to Student A. USA.
you’re both free. 0 You work one day a
c Tell Students A a n d C about Carla. week at home.
265% Would you like to go for-egg ‘2 r: , ,s 0 You study Spanish and
walk at the weekend? you go to lessons on

MON wank 8:00—6:00 FRI work 8:00—6:00 Sara = Spanish Tony = American Marta and Luiza = Brazilian
yoga, 7:00-8:50
(I Listen to Student C talk. What information is the
“"53 W 8:00—6:00 SAT 60m 7-00 Pm a Look at the picture and the information in the box. same about all three people?
WED SUN . .5. g 5 Then cover the box. I: Start a conversation with Student A about their life.
12:00-15:00 Use the questions below to help you.
THURS W 3‘00'5’00 I) Listen to Student A talk about the people in the 28 Student B
i picture. Then ask Student A about the nationalities of
the people. a Read the information on your card. Answer Student A’s
b D Now go back to p.101 questions.
" ,DO You work in (.5?

1A Student B Surname: Adams

Die you ape-1'", ,.
Address: 8 Park Road
a You’re Bella from the USA. You’re a teacher. Phone number: 0124 732816
Complete the conversation. 0 Tell Student A the names of the people Email address: alexadams@powermail.com
A H , . and answer Student A’s questions.
ello, l m YOShI. 40 Student B
B Hi, I’m — . Nice to meet you.
A Are you from England? Z B Student B b Ask Student A about his / her: a Look at the pictures. The two people are your friends.
B No, I’m not. I’m from _ . And you? 0 surname 0 phone number You want to show the pictures to Student A. Think
0 email address about what you want to say.
A I’m from Japan. 7 a Look at the picture. Student A has a similar picture. . address
3 Are you a — ' Ask and answer questions to find seven differences. 5:.

A No, I’m a student. And you?

B I’m a — _ 0 == 7‘
. , wurwrnsmshfl
at; :._ - 4

I) Have a conversation with Student A. U) _ ‘ G =

c D Now go back to p.20
E I. '~ \
G Choose a name and a country and have another 2 I l Mia, student, kind Fred, bankmanager, funny
conversation. 48 Student B
h Ask Student A about
Do you have ph otos
a Read the information about Monica on your card. ,9
his / her two friends. 70f your friends?
SB Student B
‘l’m Spanish. I’m 20. | live in Madrid and I study English at
a Answer Student A’s questions about the time in c Cover the information
university. I live at home with my parents. I have a brother
these cities. and two sisters. My brother works at Madrid Airport.
under the pictures. ‘17 ‘13’1856 are my friengfi
He’s married and he has two children.’
Show them to ‘éaa and F”4:1;-
Student A and talk 5
about your friends.
b Listen to Student A talk about Omar.
Paris Rio de Janeiro Moscow Istanbul (I . Now go back to p.37
c Tell Student A about Monica. Find six things that are
the same about Omar and Monica.
b Ask Student A the time in these cities:
o Tokyo 0 Mexico City ’1 They’re both students.
0 New York o Berlin

c D No w g0 back to p .27
b . Now go back to p.19

. . V
Communication Plus

58 Student B 78 Student B 5C Student B 8B Student B

a Read the information about a hotel on your card. a Conversation 1. You’re on a street you know. Use the a Look at the pictures of Nina’s day yesterday. Make
information to answer Student A’s questions. notes about what she did.
a hotel: not near here — near the station
cafés: Black Cat café in this street

rooms with showers and TVs b Conversation 2. Now you’re on a street you don’t
0 restaurant know. Ask Student A about:
0 swimming pool 0 a bank 0 shops
0 car park
C D Now go back to p.45
Note: There isn’t free wi-fi in the hotel. You pay for it.

b Student A has information about a hostel. Ask and

7A Student B
answer questions to find what things are the same and
a You have a market stall. You sell the objects in the box.
what things are different in the hotel and the hostel.
pictures clocks lamps chairs old books
@fihere free wi-fi In the hestel? -
Write a price for each object.

a Look at picture 2. Make notes about their clothes. b At Student A’s stall you see three things you like:
0 some beautiful plates o an interesting shopping bag
BA Student B b Listen to Student A talk about the clothes in picture 1. . a good knife for your kitchen
Tell him / her the people's names.
a Look at the information about Lidia and Hassan. Try to buy them for a good price.
Make positive (+) and negative (—) sentences.
c Tell Student A about the clothes the people in picture 2 h,
A" 2.,
+ meet a lot of people — work in the morning ‘ 7 are wearing. Find out their names and write them under éfiiéyre expensive. Is £2 ‘7‘ 1;:
+ work in a restaurant — sit very much ' . each picture.
—) a waitress ’5! h Listen to Student A talk about what Leo did
C Try to sell things to Student A. yesterday.

C Tell Student A what Nina did yesterday. What

+ meet a lot of people - work in the day a; They're £10 each. ' ; ,lt’s only 55::
activities are the same?
+ like his job - work very hard ‘ :.They’re very old. (gifts; very cheap};
-) a taxi driver d D Now go back to p.58
10C Student B
9A Student B 8A Student B a Conversation 1. Read your first card. Think about what
a Read notes about your trip to Dubai, in the UAE.
you want to say. Listen to Student A and reply.
b Ask Student A about a Answer Student A’s questions about Hanan.
Rosa and Franco. Make sentences from the notes. Use the past simple.
0 You’re a n official a t a train station. 1
Say: Tell me about . 0 Dubai — north of the UAE 1 year ago last weekend on Monday 0 Time now: 11:15 am.
Can you guess their jobs? plane to Dubai in Germany at a party at at university 0 Platform 6 is two minutes’ walk away.
didn’t stay in a hotel her home
c Tell Student A about Lidia and Hassan. Don’t say .. my brother’s apartment (he lives in Dubai) Time Platform
their jobs. .. then taxi around the city Manchester 11:17 am 6
lots of photos
shopping — lots of clothes
Manchester 11:35 am 6 . , i“
restaurants — very good food h Ask Student C about Marcella.

b Listen to Student A talk about a trip to Seville. fi'i‘Where was she ‘ b Conversation 2. Now read your second card.
' {Where was she I
é a year ago?
Think about what you want to say. Then start the
0 Tell Student A about your trip. Find four things you
i9 conversation with Student A with Excuse me.
both did on your trips.
9 You want to go to Oxford.
0 Time now: 2:45 pm.
0 Ask about the next bus.
. Ask about the bus stop.
c Listen to Students A and C talk about Henri.
. Ask about the price. (You only have £15 with way

d What is the same for all three people?

C D Now go back to p.85
110 _ 1 1 1 ‘ -
. . ‘
Communication Plus

10A Student B 7:: Student B 68 Student B 118 Student B

a Conversation 1. You’re a customer in a shop. Student A a Peter and Gamal live in a You and Student A live in the same city. Talk about
is a shop assistant. You want to buy four glasses. Ask the same flat. Read about good places for tourists to visit. This is what you
how much they are. You’d like to pay by card. Peter’s daily routine. 2‘ think of the four main places to visit:
Peter works in a bank. He the Museum — 0K
h Conversation 2. You’re a shop assistant. Student A always wakes up at 6:30. He Central Park — boring
is your customer. You have three plates and they are gets up at 7:00, has coffee the Old Town — lovely
£3.00 each. Your customer can pay by card. Start a and goes to work. He starts the Mega Department Store — lots of fun
conversation with Hello, can / help you? work at 8:30 and he finishes
at 5:30. He gets home at
I What do you think
c D Now go back to p.61 6:00, has dinner and watches
3‘ of the Museum? -
TV. Sometimes he goes out,
but he always goes to bed
QB Student B at 10:30.
‘i‘iaeally? I don’t
2* " think so.
fi — “ ‘ 6

a Ask Student A these questions about the weather h Answer Student A’s questions about Peter.
in Mumbai, in India.
c Ask Student A questions about Gamal. Then write the
answers. b D Now go back to p.93
: ‘What was the weather
"age, like yesterday? f f : 1n,

’. @ayn does he go to university? 2A Student 0

What’s the weather
like today?
a Read the information about Dave.
Name: Dave
What’s the weatherli
a. Town / city: Newcastle — small city near Sydney, in Australia
in summer? ‘53;
o When /get up? 9:00 o What / do in the evening? Home: big, new flat
0 When / g o to university? 0 When/start work?
a Listen to Student A. Are they talking about picture 1,
0 What/ do in the afternoon? . When / finish work? I] Listen to Students A and B talk about two people.
2 or 3?
h Read the information about the weather in Berlin, 0 When /get home? o When / g o to bed?
in Germany. Listen to Student A and reply. 0 Tell Students A and B about Dave. What information
b You are in picture 6. Tell Student A: (I When does Peter see Gamal?
Weather in Berlin is the same about all three people?
o where you are (I’m sitting in )
o what’s in the next room (There’s a next door.) Yesterday wet, windy
0 what you’re doing (I’m ) Today sunny, cold 120 Student B
c Listen to Student A again. Which picture are they Winter snows, cold a You want to invite Student A to:
talking about now? 1 go out for a meal one evening.
c D Now go back to p.75 2 go shopping for clothes.
8A Student t:
d Choose picture 1 or 3. Describe it to Student A.
Think about what you want to say. Listen to Student A
a Listen to Students A and B t a l k about Hanan.
and reply. Try to find times when you’re both free.
103 Student B
b Answer Student B’s questions about Marcella.
.43: Would you like to go 5 3
a Look at the picture. What are the out for dinner?
people doing? Make notes. 1 year ago last weekend on Monday
in Greece at a party in a meeting
b Student A has a similar picture. in Venice at work
Ask and answer questions to find
>- work 8:00—6:00
theatre 8:00 pm Marcella
five differences. Student A starts. n: c Ask Student A about Henri.

{new in the kitchen?

E work 8:00“6:00
E Spanish CLASS 7:00-8:50 9’ Where was he ._ Where was he last: .
-.. a year ago? weekend? g.
on homing — not [1% ‘7'
B: ,1?

on hoLidauJ — not here

{glam eating? =
a sport: 9:00—1:00

d What is the same for all three people?

h D Now go back to p.101
c D Now go back to p.83

'112 _ 1 1 3 -

_ RM 44 4 444 44 4 4 _ f t .
i, D ' V “ “ ‘ { ‘ { “ ‘ { ‘ { ‘ { ‘ { ‘ { “ V “ { “ ‘ { ‘ { “ “ ‘ { “ ‘ { “ ‘ { ‘
. , . ._ .
‘ ‘ ‘ u." L i

Grammar Focus 1A be:I/you/we

Grammar Focus

Part 1: Positive and questions Part 2: Negative

a Write sentences with ’re or ’m. a Write one positive (+) and one negative (—) sentence
for 1—5.
1 I am from New York. I’m from New York.
Part 1: Positive and questions 1 We / from Brazil
2 We are students.
m cm 3 You are Roberto. We’re from Brazil. We aren’t from Brazil.
You / Rebecca

Positive (+) Yes/No questions (?) Short answers 4 l a m fine, thanks.
5 We are from Mexico. | / a teacher
| I’m fine, I Am I a t home? Yes, lam. No, I’m not.
We / in Paris
you You’re right. you Are you OK? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. b Put the words in the correct order to make questions. | / OK

we We’re from the USA. we Are we in London? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. you /are / how? How are you?
a r e / f r o m / t h e USA / you?
b Write short answers.
you You’re John and you Are you students? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
w e / i n / Russia/are? 1 A Are you from the USA? 3 A Are we in Spain?
Hannah. , ,
Are you from Spain? NOT Yea—are—Frem—Spam? OK/ | / am ? B Norm—not. B N o , — .
Yes, lam. NOT Yes—Fm.— name/your/what’s? 2 A Are you Eric? 4 A Are you students?
111p B Yes, B Yes,
ham -) I'm Y Part 2: Negative
c D Now go back to p.8
ou are -) ou're
0 D Now go back to p.9
We are -) We’re
Negative (—)
I I’m not from Italy. 13 be: he / she / they
Wh- questions (?)
you You aren’t a teacher. ‘ Tip
Where am I? ’ Part 1: Positive Part 2: Negative and questions
How are you? we LWgAaren t from the I am not _) I’m not
a Complete the sentences with he’s, she’s or they’re. a Complete the sentences with isn’t or aren’t.
' You are not -) You're not 1 She Italian. She’s Brazilian.
Where are we? you You aren’t teachers. We are not -) We’re not 2 They American. They’re English.
Where are you? . . 3 He — Chinese. He’s American.
I ’m not from BraZIl. NOT i—amn—‘t—from—Brazfl.
4 They — Russian. They’re English.
5 H e — S p a n i s h . He’s Italian.
1 B be: he / she / they 6 She — Brazilian. She’s Japanese.

1 — Italian. 2 h Tick (J) the correct questions. Correct the wrong

Part 1: Positive
1 D He is Russian? 4 Q Are he Italian?
2 B Is she Brazilian?

5 |:| She is Chinese?

he He’s Japanese. 3 D Are English they? 6 D Are they Japanese?
she She’s Russian.
c Complete the conversations with is, isn’t, ’s, are,
they They’re American. Yes/No questions (?) Short answers
aren’t or ’re.
he Is he Japanese? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
A Who is this?
‘ Tip she Is she Russ/an? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. B He 1 — my friend, Lee.
He is Japanese. —) He’s Japanese. they Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. A 2 — he Chinese?
They are American. —) They’re American. m B No, he 3 . He 4 from the USA.
A Who are they?
Part 2: Negative and questions Wh' QUBStions (?) B They 5 my friends, Nick and Anna.
m he / Where’s he / she from? A 6 they from England?
_ she Who’s he / she? B No, they 7 . They 8 Russian.

he He isn’t Japanese. they Where are they from? d D Now go back to p.11
Who are they? 5 __Spanish. 6 American.
she She isn’t Russian.
, . Is he Japanese? NOT tsrlapanese? OR Hens—Japanese?
they They aren tAmer/can. Are they American? NOT W ..OR They—areflmefieafi'
. h D Now go back to p.11
Yes, he is. NOT Yes—he’s.
Q Tip
She is not Russian. -) She isn’t Russian. ‘ TIP
They are not American. -) They aren’t American. Where is he from? —) Where’s he from?
Who is she? -) Who’s she?

Grammar Focus

2A be: it’s / it isn’t; Possessive adjectives 2A be: it’s / it isn’t; Possessive adjectives
Part 1: it’s/ it isn’t Part 1: it’s/ it isn’t Part 2: Possessive adjectives
it: a place / a thing they: 2+ places / things a Complete the sentences with it’s or they’re. a Complete the sentences.
1 — a beautiful town near Barcelona. 1 ‘Hi, I’m Jack. What’s — name?’ ‘l’m Selim.’
Q; no 2 I’m from Istanbul. — in Turkey. 2 She’s from Brazil and — name’s Maria.
It is in Chile. -) It's in Chile.
3 850 Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are big cities. — 3 They’re from America and — names are Sam
It is not in Italy. -) It isn't in Italy.
in Brazil. and Erica.
4 My flat is small. — in a new part of town. 4 We live in Moscow. — f l a t is in an old part of
Part 2: Possessive adjectives 5 Our homes are old. — in a nice part of town. town.
6 His home is in St Petersburg. — a big, old flat. 5 ‘ls this — book?’ ‘Yes, it is, thank you.’
7 The flats are in an old part of town. — big and 6 They’re from London, but — parents are from
+ — Pronoun adjective m
beautiful. Mumbai.
it It’s an old hotel. It isn’t a new hotel. | my My flat is small. 8 They’re from a small village in China. — near
they They’re old houses. They aren’t big houses. you your [sf/7’5 your book? _ Beijing. h D Now go back to p.17
he his His home is old and beautiful.
m she her She’s here with her friend. h D Now go back to p.16

, , , , _ , , they their Is that their home?

It Is it a big hotel? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
ZB Plural nouns
they Are they new houses? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. your bag NOT MTG—bag
their house NOT they’re-house
a Write the plurals. b Underline the correct words.
Is it in Ireland? NOT lain—Ireland? OR +t—is—in—lrelafld?
1 an egg — 5 a town Moscow is big cityl a big city.
Yes, it is. NOT Yes—it’s:
2 a knife — 6 a phone Villajoyosa is a town/ towns in Spain.
3 a girl — 7 a village It’s smal/l a small house.
4 a country— 8 a city They’re new flatl flats.
ZB Plural nouns Two bottlel bottles of water, please.
SPELLING: Plural nouns He’s a big baby/ babies.
New York and Washington are cities/ citys in the USA.
most words book —) books
Two tickets/ tickefes to London, please.
-) add —s boy —) boys
house —) houses
a book c D Now go back to p.19
consonant + -y city -) cities
-) -y add -ies baby -) babies
ends in -0, -ch, -ss, -s, -sh and -X watch —) watches 3A Present simple: I / you / we / they
-) add -es glass —) glasses
a Complete the sentences with the words in the box. b Look at the information about the Brown family.
irregular knife -) knives Write five sentences about them.
do (x2) don’t (x3) eat
books NOT a—beeks meat /
1 I like rice, but I — like bread. fish X
2 you like fruit?
t bl
3 A Do they eat meat? B Yes, they . vege a es /
3A Present simple: I / you / we / they 4 We _ — fruit every day. ”C9 J
5 leat rice, b u t l — l i k e it. bread x
ma 6 A Do you like fish? B No, |
+ — Yes/No questions Short answers They eat ... They don’t eat ...
I llike fish. /don’t like fish. I Do llike fish? Yes, Ida. No, ldon’t.
c Write sentences about things you eat and drink.
you You eat meat. You don’t eat meat. you Do you eat meat? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
I eat rice. I eat vegetables every day. I don ’1‘ like coffee
we We eat a lot of We don’t eat a lot of we Do we eat a lot of Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
vegetables. vegetables. vegetables?
d D Now go back to p.25
they They like eggs. They don't like eggs. they Do they like eggs? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

I don't like fish. NOT I-Hot-like-fis-h: Do you eat meat? NOT Yeti-eat-meat?
Yes, Ido. NOT Yes—Hike.-
No, we don’t. NOT Ne—we—defilt—lrke-
/ do not like rice. -) / don’t like rice.


Grammar Focus

3B Adverbs of frequency 38 Adverbs of frequency

a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 sometimes/at 10:00/ have dinner/we M°"day Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa
2 l / i n the evening/ have coffee / never 3 4 5 3i

3 have a tomato sandwich / | /for lunch / usually aflQ'COffee 310° ("flee i
4 w e / a t home/always/have dinner - alCafe’ i
5 at lunchtime/always/eat f r u i t / l 7
6 usually/ in a café / l / have lunch 1; 12:30 12:30 12:30
‘ . ‘-»"?“-'= lonch at lunch at lunch at lunch at
I] Look at Monica’s diary. Complete her sentences with W0“
adverbs of frequency. 1‘ f l " . '. “ ' '
1 ‘l have coffee in a small café.’ withthe
2 ‘ l — e a t breakfast.’
We always have breakfast at I usually have a sandwich for We sometimes eat fish for I never eat cake.
3 ‘My friends and l — have lunch at work.’
7:00. lunch. dinner. NOT l—Hever—donit-eat-eakee
4 ‘We — have dinner at home.’

Q Tip c D Now go back to p.27

Adverbs of frequency go before the verb.
4A Present simple: Wh- questions
a Complete the questions with ’s, are or do. h Write questions for the sentences. Use the question
1 Where — t h e y work? word in brackets.
4A Present simple: Wh- questions
2 W h a t — y o u eat for breakfast? 1 | work in Madrid. (where)
3 Where — your home? Where do you work?
4 What — the time? 2 We go to work at 7:00 in the morning. (when)
5 Where — y o u study English? 3 I eat a sandwich for lunch. (what)
6 Where — you from? 4 We study at a big language school in Madrid. (where)
7 What time — you go to university every day? 5 I study business at university. (what)
8 When — he at home? 6 | go to my lesson at 6:00 in the evening. (when)
When theg go to school '.7
t: . Now go back to p.33

Wh- questions with be Wh- questions with other verbs

What’s your name? My name’s Lucia. Where do you live? I live in Barcelona. 4B Present simple: he / she / it positive
When are you a t home? We're a t home this evening. What do you study? We study Russian.
a Underline the correct words.
Where are they from? They’re from Brazil. When do they go to school? They go to school at 8:00.
She always dr/nk/ drinks tea for breakfast.
NOTWhaHemmifiORWhere—yeu—are—frem? NOTWhereyeuWORWhere-live-yau? My son studies/ studys Spanish at university.
He works/ workes in a supermarket.
‘TIIJ ‘Tm The car have/ has new lights.
Wh- word + is/ are + person (you/ they, etc.)? Wh- word + do + person (you/ they, etc.) + verb? She has breakfast and then she gas/goes to school.
The dog live/ lives in the garden.

[1 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences about Carmen with

4B Present simple: he / she / it positive the verbs in the box.

Cm: SPELLING: verb + -s have drink eat live study

most verbs work —) works
-) add -s live -) lives 1 She — in Madrid. 4 She — coffee.
My brother works in a hotel.
he . . 2 She — English. 5 She — a computer.
He lives In a small house. consonant + -y study-) studies
3 She — bananas.
she Ingrid lives in Berlin. -) -y add -ies
She works in an office. ends in -0, -ch, -ss, -5, go -) goes c . Now go back to p.35
it My room has a big window. -sh and -x do -) does
-) add -es teach -) teaches
It has a big tab/e.
irregular have —) has

a He studies NOT He-studys

/ / you/ we/ they work in a hotel. She has NOT She-haves
He/ She works in a hotel.

Grammar Focus

5A there is / there are: positive 5A there is / there are: positive

a Write three more sentences about Regent Street on
On Regent Street
page 120. Use there’s or there are and the words in
there's a supermarket.
the box.
there's a cinema.
there are two cafés. house car park
there are lots of people.

Cm: 1
Singular There’s a cafe.
one cafe. b Look at the picture. Change the sentences to make
Plural There are cafes. them true.
three cafes. 1 There’s a taxi. 4 There are three women.
2 There are two 5 There are three girls.
There’s = There is restaurants. 6 There’s a boy.
There’s a cafe. NOT There-a—eafé: 3 There's one shop. 7 There are two schools.
There are three cafes.
NOT There-s—thfee-eafés—
0 D Now go back to p.40

53 there is / there are: negative and questions

53 there is / there are: negative and questions
a Complete the sentences with a negative H or 0 Complete the conversation with the correct form of
@251 question (?) form of there is or there are. there is/ there are.
any cafés in my street. A Excuse me, any hotels near
Singular There isn’t a shower. ' a cinema in this part of town. here?
a blanket. / / LL’ a hotel near the station? B No, . But one
Plural There aren’t any pillows. ’” 5 any shops near the hotel? near the station.
any rooms. Are there. mg howls 1 any restaurants on High Street. A And a restaurant near the
rear here? a café near here? hotel?
a restaurant near the cinema. B Yes, . It’s a very good one.
Q Tip any supermarkets near the hostel?
There is not a hotel. -) There isn't a hotel. d D Now go back to p.43
There are not any cafés. -) There aren't any cafes. h Add anyto the sentences if possible.
Use any after there aren’t.

)4 There aren’t good restaurants in this town.
Are there shops near the hotel?
W'Wl ‘ Is there a TV in the room?
Yes/No questions Short answers Sorry, there aren't free rooms.
Singular Is there a cafe? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. There’s a café on the first floor.
There are two cinemas near here.

Plural Are there any small Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
BA Present simple: he / she / it negative
NOTThere—ie—a—eafé?OR There—are—srnall—reoms?
NOT¥es,—t-here’tOR Northerewote a Complete the sentences with don’t or doesn’t. b Make the sentences negative.
I They do—H’t
speak French. Pia works in a shop. Pia doesn‘t; work in a shop.
‘TIIJ 2 He — like chocolate cake. My brother works in a car factory.
Use any after Are there ? 3 She — eat toast for breakfast. My parents like coffee.
4 We — go to work early. We live near the station.
5 Eva and Marek like theirjobs. He studies Italian.
6 Blanca and her sister live in Spain. They go to work early.
BA Present simple: he / she / it negative 7 Her brother work in a bank. Akira lives in Tokyo.
8 My sister, Lucia, and | eat fish. Their son works in a bank.
Cm He doesn't work on Monday. NOT He—doeenlt—works-on—Mondaye
OR He-den’t—werks—oh—Mono‘ayt c D Now go back to p.49
OR He—net—werks—oh—Mohday
he He doesn’t work on Monday.
she She doesn’t study Spanish. Qfip
it The village doesn’t have a school. I do not work at night. —) / don’t work a t night.
He does not work a t night. -) He doesn’t work a t night.

120 _ 1 2 1 -
Grammar Focus

BB Present simple: he / she / it questions BB Present simple: he / she / it questions

Cm a Complete the questions. b Underline the correct words.
Yes/No questions Short answers 1 A He works in a restaurant. 1 Does your daughter like school?

he Does he work in a bank? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. B — he like it? Yes, she likes/ does. She thinks it’s great.
2 A I’m a taxi driver. Do you like ice cream?
she Does she get up early? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
B _ _ you meet interesting people? Yes/ No, I don’t. I never eat it.
it Does the party start at 9:00? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t. A My brother’s in London. Does he watch football?
B — he live there? No, he don’t/ doesn’t. He only likes tennis.
Does he work in a bank? NOT Boes—he—wofies—.?
A My children go to school at 7:30. Do you start work early?
Yes, she does. NOT ilesrsheewarks.
B What time they get up? Yes, we are/ do. We start at 5:00 in the morning!
No, she doesn’t. NOT Hershedwsflh—wafle
A She often works in the evenings. Does your wife work in a restaurant?
B When she get home? No, she doesn’t work/ doesn’t. She’s a hotel
Wh- questions receptionist.

he Where does he work?

c D Now go back to p.51
she When does she get up?
it What time does it start?
7A this, that, these, those
Where does she work? NOT Where-she-dees—werle?
ORH” F I 2 Doesshegetupearlg? a Underline the correct words.
1 Excuse me, is this/ these your coat?
2 Who's this/ thatman in the next room?
7A this, that, these, those 3 How much are those/ thatwatches?
4 This is/ are my wife, Susanna.
5 Are this/ these your glasses?
this, these 2 here, near me that, those = there, not near me

b Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those.

’My brother wants this car.’ ’I love these flowers.’ ‘My sister wants that car.’ ’/ love those flowers.’
Singular this car that car this / that/ these / those + be this / that/ these/ those + noun 1 ‘Look a t are o u r 3 ‘Who are
Plural these flowers those flowers That's my car. / like that car. beautiful house.’ people?’
Is this your bag? These flowers are beautiful.
0 D Now go back to p.57

7B Possessive ’s 7B Possessive ’s
a Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. b Write new sentences. Use the names in brackets.
1 It’sM . (Mara /skirt) 1 His new jeans are dark blue. (Sam)
It’s . (Steven / shirt) Sam’s newjeans are dark blue.
It’s . (Liza / dress) 2 His house is near the station. (Jake)
They’re . (Luke/ jeans) 3 Her shoes are brown. (Louise)
They’re . (Sara / shoes) 4 I like her new coat. (my friend)
It’s . (Tim / jacket) 5 Their new car is blue. (Ross and Emma)
6 Her new dress is lovely. (Penny)
7 He’s his best friend. (Ron)
8 Their room is on the first floor. (the boys)

c D Now go back to p.59

Kristina’s Zane’s sister. Zane and Kristina's parents are Lara and Jim.
Millie’s Kristina's friend. -) Millie is Kristina's friend. , . .
. My brothers jeans are red. NOT Hejeans-ary-brefirer—are-red:
KRISTINA My brother’s Jeans are red. . , . . . ,
The 'rls’ dresses are bea t'f l The glrls dresses are beautiful. (2+ girls) NOT ThefrrI-s-dresses—
gr u I U' are-beautri‘q girl)

Grammar Focus

8A Past simple: be 8A Past simple: be

Part 1: Positive
Part 1: Positive
a Complete the sentences with was or were.
1 l— at home yesterday. 5 The film really great.

2 He — in the office in the morning, but not in 6 Melissa at school last week.
I / you / he / she / it / was in Munich yesterday. / was not in Munich yesterday —) / wasn't in Munich the afternoon. 7 Ahmed and Jamal at the football game on
You were in Madrid yesterday. yesterday 3 We — at the cinema last night. Saturday.
He / She was in Rome yesterday You were not in Madrid yesterday -) You weren't in Madrid 4 They in Buenos Aires last month. 8 The concert very good.
It was fun. yesterday
we I you I they We were in Istanbul last weekend. b D Now go back to p.65
You were in Moscow last weekend.
They were in Paris last weekend.
Cma Part 2: Negative and questions
Yes/No questions Short answers
The next dag I No, it wasn‘t interesting.
She was in Rome yesterday NOT She-is—m—Reme—yesterday It was reallg boring!
OR She—were—iri—Reme-yesterday
Were you in Madrid Yes, you were. No, you weren’t. (Was the film interesting?)


‘fip Was she in Rome Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
We often use past forms of be with past time expressions like yesterday?
yesterday, last night, two days ago, on Saturday, this morning. Were they in Paris Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
(See Vocabulary Focus 8A on p.144.) yesterday?

b Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Part 2: Negative and questions Cm: a Complete the text with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. 1 last night / were you / a t the cinema ?
Wh- questions Were you at the cinema last night?
‘lt 1 — Saturday yesterday, but I 2
Where was she yesterday? at work all morning. | 3 (not) at my desk football game / was / on Saturday/ he at the?
I I you I he I she I it / wasn’t in Munich yesterday —|4 — in a meeting. It 5 — very were / the supermarket / they at / yesterday?
When was the meeting?
You weren’t in Madrid yesterday boring. In the afternoon | 5 at home with a you three / where were / years ago ?
He / She wasn’t in Rome yesterday Where were you yesterday? book — it 7 great. In the evening, my friend interesting / film /was the ?
It wasn’t fun. When were they in Milan? Masha and | 8 at the cinema, but the film China / y o u in / when were?
9 — (not) very good. We 10 tired so was the / concert / where?
we I you I they We weren’t in Istanbul last weekend.
Where were you yesterday? NOT JW‘heli=e—yer:i—vv'ei=e—yesterelay? I1 1 — (not) out late.’ a boring / was i t / meeting ?
You weren’t in Moscow last weekend.
They weren’t in Paris last weekend.
c D Now go back to p.65
I wasn’t at home yesterday NOT #mnat—at—hemeyesterday
OR l—net—wasbeme—yesterdaye

83 Past simple: positive

BB Past simple: positive a Match verbs 1—6 with the past forms in the box. Complete the text with the past form of the verbs in
Cm; ma arrived had watched saw stayed went
the box.

Regular verbs + Irregular verbs + have (x2) go (x2) stay read talk watch get
talk / talked to Sue yesterday go I went to a party on Friday 1 go — 4 see
2 have 5 watch Last Saturday, Mr Jones 1 _ g o t _ up late and he
play They played tennis on Saturday have We had sandwiches for lunch.
3 stay 6 arrive 2 — a big breakfast. Then he 3
like He was nice — / liked him. see I saw Peter yesterday shopping. He 4 a pizza for lunch and in the
b Underline the correct words. afternoon he 5 to his mother on the phone for
arrive They arrived last night. / went to a party. NOT W W
1 She goed/ wentto Spain last week. an hour. In the evening he 6 at home and he
We had sandwiches. NOT We—did—have—sandwiehes:
/ talked to Sue. NOT i-was-taflt—te—Sue: 2 l was sees / saw my sister at the weekend. 7 football on TV. He 8 to bed at
3 It wasn’t a very interesting evening. Everyone talkd/ talked 10:30 and 9 a book until 11:00.
SPELLING: -ed endings D See Irregular verbs on p.165
about work.
most verbs talk -) talked 4 | staied/ stayed in a cheap hotel near the station. Complete the sentences about you or your friends.
-) add -ed play-) played ‘fin Use the past simple.

We watch/ watched Germany v. Uruguay last night.

The past simple form is the same for all persons, e.g. I played 6 She read/ readed a magazine in the garden. 1 Lastweekend,
verb ends in -e like -) liked
tennis, He played tennis, We played tennis, etc. 2 Yesterday,
-) add -d
3 This morning,
4 Last Monday,

e D Now go back to p.67

124 _ 1 2 5 -
Grammar Focus

9A Past simple: negative 9A Past simple: negative

Gm: a Complete the sentences with the past simple negative form of the verb in brackets.
1 I didn't play football. (play) I a friend. (visit)
stay We didn’t stay at a hostel. 2 l — e a r l y . (get up) | shopping. (go)
3 l — c e r e a l for breakfast. (have) | any photos. (take)
finish They didn’t finish work early.
4 I — my phone. (use) | to the radio. (listen)
see I didn’t see them at the party. 5 | my emails. (read)
get She didn’t get a taxi to the airport.
I] Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. arrive play g0 (X2) have get-U13
I didn’t see them. NOT l—o‘onlt—saw-them: Make one positive and one negative sentence.
We didn’t stay. NOT We—didfi—t—stayed:

Q “I:
In the negative:
o add didn’t before the verb
She didn't get. a taxi tothe airport. - the verb doesn't change

1 Last week Jan Met—UL at 2 He — t o work by bus. 3 He at work at 9:00.

QB Past simple: questions 6:00. He 4 M P — at 7:00. He — to work by train. He — at work at 10:00.
‘ FF
Yes/No questions Short answers
@d they go to the part3?
Did you see the film? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
. . .19) rérrt‘f’édY
Did she work in a cafe’? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
Did they go to the party? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.
4 H e — a pizza for lunch. 5 After work, h e — 6 In the evening, h e — t o
Didyou work ? NOT Didyou—werkeH He — spaghetti. basketball. He — t e n n i s . the cinema. He — to a
Didshego... ? NOTDId—she—went—2 restaurant.
Yes, she did. NOT Yes,—s+re—wofked:
No, she didn’t. NOT No—shedidnlhwofle 0 D Now go back to p.73

Wh- questions QB Past simple: questions

Where did you work?
3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. c Complete the answers to the questions.
Where did she go?
1 you go / where did / on holiday? 4 you / meet / who did? 1 A Did you go home early?
When did they arrive? 2 see/whatdid/you? 5 you/whatdid/eat? B Yes; did .lleft at4o’clock.
3 you have / did / a good time? 6 like i t / y o u / did? 2 A Did they enjoy their holiday?
Where did you work? NOT Where-you-waflfed?
B No, . ltwas boring.
OR Were—drd—yeu—woflred?
h Complete the questions with did or d o / does. 3 A Did he watch the football game?
Where did she go? NOT WheredIH—she-went?
1 Where y o u go 5 What you do B No, . H e w a s a t the Cinema.

last night? after class last week? 4 A D'd YOU 80 t0 the supermarket?
10A Present continuous: positive 2 you see Jim 6 What time _ their 3 Yes, - We got some bread
yesterday? lessons usually start? and cheese.
We use the present continuous to talk about now. 3 What time he go 7 What time she 5 A Did your sister work in a restaurant?
m to work every day? start work yesterday? 3 N0: — - She worked in a café.
+ 4 — they go to the 8 Who — you see at
cinema even! Saturday? the party last night? d . NOW go back to [3-75
I I’m writing an email.
you You’re working a lot.
he / she He’s/ She’s studying.
10A Present continuous: positive
it It’s raining. 9 % a Write the -ing forms of the verbs. h Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in
we We’re watching TV 1 eat brackets.
“Its ruining and I’m writingis email ..." 2 cook — 1 I (wear) jeans and a T—shirt. 5 Lisa and Matt (play) football in the park.
they They’re eating a big dinner.
3 talk — 2 We (listen) to Coldplay’s new song. 6 He (watch) a film in the living room.
I’m working hard. NOT l—ovn—hard— OR #m—worlehard: Qfip 4 listen — 3 Lisa (study) in her bedroom. 7 Our children (cook) dinner for us.
I’m having breakfast. NOT +m-havemg-breakfast: lam writing an email. -) I’m writing an email. 5 g e t — 4 They (have) dinner at the moment. 8 | (write) this email at work.
I’m sitting in the car. NOT #m—sitmg-m-the—ear We are watching TV. -) We’re watching TV. 6 have —
He is studying. -) He’s studying. 7 wear— c D Now go back to p.81
8 go
'126 _ 127‘-

Grammar Focus

103 Present continuous: negative and questions 103 Present continuous: negative and questions
Cum a Complete the sentences using the negative form of b Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
the present continuous. 1 wearing/a coat/you /why/are?
I I’m not waiting for the bus. 1 She isn’t—swam (study). She’s watching TV. 2 working / she / is ?
2 T h e y — ( h a v e ) lunch. They’re having breakfast. 3 you / doing/ a r e / w h a t ?
you You aren’t listening!
3 l — ( w o r k ) . I'm at home. 4 are/where/going/you?
he / she She isn’t reading a book. 4 He (play) football. He's watching the game. 5 she / is / phoning / who?
it It isn’t raining. 5 We — (stay) in a hotel. We’re camping. 6 a computer game / playing/ he / is?
6 Are you OK? You — (eat).
we We aren’t staying in a hostel.
0 Write two questions to ask your partner about now.
they They aren’t working. Use the present continuous. Ask and answer your
She isn’t reading. NOT She—net—reae‘inge
OR She-is—n—t—read:
(1 D Now go back to p.83
Gem Gun
Yes/No questions Short answers Wh- questions
you Are you waiting for the bus? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. you What are you doing?
11A Object pronouns
he / she Is she reading a book? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. he I she Where is he going? Underline the correct words.
Is it
Are they
Yes, it is.
Yes, they are.
No, it isn’t.
No, they aren’t.
is it
are they
We’re waiting at the station. Please come and meet we/ us.
She was in town. We saw her/ him there. JULIE THOMPSON, ACTOR
My parents live in London. It/ They have a small flat.
Are you waiting? NOT t e a - M W What are you doing? NOT W W I bought a pizza. Do you want to have it/ herfor dinner?
Where are my keys? Do you have they/ them in your bag?
Here’s a photo of my new boyfriend. I met it/ him last 1 My car
week at a party. It’s a very old Volkswagen, but I use
1 1A Object pronouns every day.
Complete the text with the words in the box.
Subject Object m ‘ Tip My brother
ronouns rono ns he she it we me him her us 2 — works in Japan so we don’t
p p u _ We use itand them to talk about things and places.
see 3 very often, but he always
I me I talked 1‘0 Mark last flight He 061M961 me. It isn’ta very interesting book. I don’t want to finish it.
stays with 4 at New Year.
you you You were in town yesterday. lsaw you. NOT She 161135” ””6 6.51“ ’g been. ’ 56’ iii ”5’” {6 “m5“ “9" Write sentences about your favourite things and
It’s a nice town. I like It. The singer, Lana del Rey
he him He’s a great singer. I like him. NOT , people. Use pronouns in your sentences.
I think 5 ’s a wonderful singer. I
she her She lives nearby. loften visit her. can listen to 6 for hours.
(I D Now go back to p.89
it it I live near Henley. It’s a nice town. I like it. My husband, Paul
We got married 30 years ago and
we us We were at the party. Did you see us?
’re very happy. He always
they them These shoes are nice, but they’re r f listens to 8 when l have
expensive. I can ’t buy them. x problems.

He called me. NOTHe-caw‘led-l:

He‘s a great singer.

I like him.

Grammar Focus

113 can for ability “ 3 can for ability

He can‘t swim veiywell. Part 1: Positive and negative Part 2: Questions
‘Tin a Complete the sentences with can or can’t. a Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
" ' 1 / cannot swim. -) [can't swim.
In all persons ( l / y o u / h e / she/ it/ we/ they) can/ can’tand 1 I studied Spanish at university for three years. 1 you ride / can / a horse?
I — speak with Spanish people. 2 well /cook / can he?
the verb don’t change.
2 Her meals are terrible. She — cook! 3 sing and / can / play the guitar / they?
3 My brother and I don’t like the sea or swimming pools. 4 can / draw pictures / she?
Part 2: Questions We — swim. 5 speak / both Japanese / can you / a n d Mandarin?
4 I went to guitar lessons. Now | — play some 6 he drive / a car and / can / a bus?
easy songs.
Part 1: Positive and negative Yes/No questions + — 5 I don’t have a bicycle, but I — ride one. '1 D NOW go back to p.91
We use can to talk about things we know how to do. Can you swim? Yes, you can. No, you can’t. 6 Idon’t like that band. They sing.
. Can she swim? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.
+ H You/ He/ Shel lt/ 03" sw1m. . 7 b D Now go back to p.91
_ We / You / They can’t fly. Can they sWIm. Yes, they can. No, they can I t.

_ Can you swim? NOT You-eafi—sW'

I can swrm well NOT Yes, I can. NOT Yes—Fem
12A going to: positive and negative
She can swim well. NOT 8he—eafis—smm—weil: No, I can't. NOT Nari—Het—swem:
He can’t swim well. NOT He—net—eafi—svwm—weil: Part 1: Positive
a Complete the sentences with going to and the verb in brackets.
1 I’m hungry. I’m — (eat) a sandwich. 4 It’s very cold today. I’m — (wear) a coat.
1 2A going to: positive and negative 2 It’s very hot. He’s — (have) a swim. 5 She’s tired. She’s — (go) to bed.
3 We’re bored. We’re — (watch) a DVD.
Part 1: Positive Part 2: Negative
We use be + going to to talk about things we plan to do in the W b D Now go back to p.96
Part 2: Negative
+ I I’m not go on a holiday. a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. b Complete the conversation with the correct form of
I I’m have a cup of coffee. you / we I they You aren’t going to read a book. 1 his homework at/ he’s going / the weekend /to do be going to and the verb in brackets.
2 visit my parents / aren’t/ next week / we / going to A What are your plans for this evening?
you / we / they You’re going to go shopping. he / she / it She isn’t visit her sister.
3 going to / Friday night/ I’m / party on / have a B l1 (stay) home.
- . have chicken toni ht.
he / she I 't She s g We aren’t going to have a bath. 4 they aren’t/ to play football /going / on Saturday A That’s not very interesting.
5 isn’t/cook dinner / she / going t o / t h i s evening B Maybe not. But I 2 (cook) a nice dinner.
I’m going to have a bath. NOT +gerhg—te—have—a—bafih: NOT W W
6 to meet / tomorrow evening / we’re going / some friends A OK, and then maybe watch a DVD?
OR +m—gerng—have—a—bath—’
' .
B No, l 3 — (not/watch) a DVD. I 4
OR #mge—to—have—a—bath:
(read) a book. And you?
A Well, | 5 — ( n o t / c o o k ) dinner. I 5
(get) a pizza and then I 7 — (go) to a party.
123 going to: questions Would you like to come?
B No, thanks. | 8 — (have) a quiet evening.

Yes/No questions Short answers 0 D Now go back to p.97

I Am / see you soon? Yes, lam. No, I’m not.
you / we I they Are you going to go out? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
128 going to: questions
he I she I it Is he leave home? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
a Make questions with be going to. b Complete the questions with be going to and the words in brackets.
Are you going to ? NOT You—are—gemg—te—2
1 you /see / a film /tonight? 1 A at home tonight? (you / stay)
Yes, lam. NOT ¥es,—l—’m—geinge
Are you going to see a film tonight? B No, we aren’t. We’re going to go out.
Cm 2 what / you / do / this evening? 2 A What — ? (she / buy)
Wh- questions 3 t h e y / g o / Italy/next summer? B A new coat.
4 when /you / have / lunch? 3 A shopping? (you /go)
I When am / see you?
5 how / she / get / the airport? B Yes, I am. Do you want to come with me?
you / we / they What are you going to do? 6 when /we / clean /the flat? 4 A Who — ? (they/ invite)
he / she / it Where is he live? B Oh, just a few friends. They don’t want to have a big party.
5 A TV? (he / watch)
What are you going to do? NOT What—yeugoing—te-de? B No, he isn’t. He’s going to work.
OR +%hat-yeu-afegei+ig-to-do?
I: D Now go back to p.99

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Vocabulary Focus‘
Vocabulary Focus 23 Common objects 1

1A Countries
a CI!!! Listen and write the countries on
the map.

the USA Brazil the UK / Britain

Spain Mexico Russia China Japan a book (books) a bottle of water a computer (computers) a key (keys) a newspaper
(bottles of water) (newspapers)

. 2
the USA = the United States of America
ii; 331'" “ W E E = - g
the UK = the United Kingdom
uus ROCKBPIflflié
”magnum-O « l g ;

I) O!!! Listen again and practise saying

the countries.
a knife (knives) a phone (phones) a ticket (tickets) a watch (watches) an umbrella (umbrellas)
c C) Add the name of your country in
English to the list in a. Practise saying it. a Gun Listen and repeat the objects. c C) Guess your partner’s words.

(it As it a watch?
” i
(I D Now go back to p.9 b Write three objects on three pieces of paper. -
Don’t show your partner!

a book
a phone an umbrella [I D Now go back to p.18
1 B Nationalities
a Complete the tables with countries from page 9.
7A Common objects 2
Country Nationality Country Nationality
a m Listen and repeat the objects.
-ian -ish

b? .
7 1 K 0 l'

* ‘ Australia Australian Poland Polish

a 1 — Brazilian - 5 — — Spanish

Ifil 0 a bag (bags) a chair (chairs) a clock (clocks) a cup (cups)

Canada Canadian Turkey Turkish
I I N Z the UK/
Italy Italian A L\‘ 6 British

2 Russian
-an 7 Chinese
a guitar (guitars) a lamp (lamps) a picture (pictures) a plant (plants)
I el 3 — Mexican 8 Japanese

= 4 — American

b m Listen and repeat the countries and (I C) Work in pairs.

a plate (plates) a radio (radios) a suitcase (suitcases)
nationalities. Student A: say a country.
Student B: say the nationality. b C) Work in groups of three. Cover the pictures and *1 ~ ‘3‘???
c Write your nationality. make sentences. Add one more object each time. At home, I have a guitar. "
Then swap roles.

e D Now go back to p.10

c . Now go back to p.56 ' :At home, I have a guitar, ten plates
4., J” and three big plants.

Vocabulary Focus‘

2A Common adjectives 43 Family and people

a Gm Listen and repeat the adjectives. I] Look at the words in a. Complete 1—10.

1 small big 2 old new

3 good bad

llll Iljr\\\\
:69— \l\\\
5 interesting boring 6 easy difficult

7 right wrong 8 beautiful 9 funny

b D Work in pairs. c Complete the sentences with an adjective. There is no correct answer.
(1 Complete the sentences with words from a and c.
Student A: say an adjective. 1 New York is a — c i t y . 4 The English language is
Student B: say the opposite. 2 Harry Potter books are — . for me. 1 They have three c n, a b y and two g — s .
.~-=;_- 7 3 My house is very — . 5 My best friend is 2 I'm Sue and this is Boris. He’s my h — d .
3 That w — n is my s — r .
C) Tell a partner your sentences. Are the adjectives the same? 4 They have a new b — y . It's a g — I . Her name’s Lucia.
5 My yoga class has ten p — e : nine w — n and only one m — n !
d D Now go back to p.17
e D Now go back to p.34
Vocabulary Focus‘

4A Common verbs BB Daily routine

a m Listen to the sentences. Repeat the verbs. a Cm Listen to Danny’s daily routine and complete the times.
3/4! —; 'T ‘7 ~ ‘

1 Danny wakes up at 2 He gets up at

2 | work in a factory.

5 He starts work a t 8 He gets home at


9 He has dinner at 10 He goes to bed at

b m 3 Listen and repeat the verb phrases.

a shower
brea kfast to school
wake start get
up have lunch go to work . . work . home
get . finish arrive
dinner to bed
7 We play tennis on Saturdays. 8 I meet my friends for coffee every day. coffee

have breakfast/ lunch / dinner NOT have-the—breakfastrhave—a—lufieh

go to work NOT go—te—the—work
h Complete the phrases with verbs in a. I: Write two sentences about you with phrases in a and b. go to bed NOT gefi-fihe—bed
1 % in an office / in a bank lstuoly Englishl play football.
2 — football / the guitar c Read about Misha’s daily routine. Then complete the sentences
3 in a flat/ in New York C) Tell a partner your sentences. about him with words in a and b.
4 5 and 6 — Italian . 1 He at 7:00.
I sleep from 11:00 to 7:00 every night. 2 He at 730
7 8 and 9 — at d D Now go back to p.32 In the morning, | get up and have breakfast. I finish at 7:30. 3 He at 800
It’s 30 minutes by bus to go to work. 4 He — at 8:30.
1 0 — people / a friend
I work from 8:30 until 12:30, then I have lunch for halfan hour. 5 He at 1230
1 1 — to the gym / home
Then I work for three hours until I go home. 6 He at 400
7 He — at 11:00 in the evening.

(I D Now go back to p.50

136 _ 137‘-
Vocabulary Focus‘

BB Free time activities “ A Life events

a Can Listen to five people talk about free time activities. Put their activities in the correct order. a Put the life events in the order you think is correct.

. '3

D I went to the cinema. D I went to a party. D I went shopping. I: I went to a café.

2 have (past simple: had)

D be born
\ “it- D finish university D grow up D get married
(past simple: was born) (past simple: finished) (past simple: grew up) (past simple: got)

I: I had a pizza. D I had a drink. D I had a coffee.

3 listen (past simple: listened); watch (past simple: watched)

I: I listened to music. E] I watched a football match. D I listened to the radio. D I watched a film on TV.
I: go to school B have a baby D finish school B stop working
4 read (past simple. read (/red/)
(past simple: went) (past simple: had) (past simple: finished) (past simple: stopped)

I: | read a book. El | read a magazine. D | read the newspaper.

5 play( past simple played)

5: rial

» (n

D go to university I: die
(past simple: went) (past simple: died)
I: I played the guitar. D I played a computer game. D I played football.

I) m Listen and repeat the verb phrases in a. d @511 Look at the answers and complete the
b GEE] Listen and repeat the present and past verbs e C) Read the first part of your sentences in d. Stop questions. Listen and check.
in a. at the verb! Your partner guesses the second part of
6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. 1 u go to school? A In Valencia.
the sentence.
c Complete the sentences with the correct past simple
1 l — ( g o to) university when l was 18 and | 2 (I — f i n i s h ? A In 2012-
verb. (finish) university when I was 24. 3 0 do after that?
égen Friday, I went 2 Nelson Mandela — (be born) in 1918 and he A I went to Canada.
1 We — football on TV last night. 7‘? ‘ 4 0— g o there?
(die) in 2013.
2 He had breakfast and the newspaper.
3 My father — (stop) working when he was 68. A My brother ”V65 there.
3 l — to a party last night until 2:00. {$949, try asain’L (get married) when she was 21 and 5 0— like it? A Yes. I had a great time.
4 She —
4 l — t o music on the bus this morning. “f" '7 4-:
she — (have) a baby two years later.
5 We went to a café and — a pizza. 5 I — (finish) school when I was 16 and | 8 Q Ask and answer the questions i n d with a
f Now 0 back to .67 (get) a job in a car factory. partner. Say answers that are true for you.
(1 Write two true sentences about a free time activity in a. . g p
6 Michelle Obama — (be born) in 1964 and
On Friday, I went to a party. s h e — (grow up) in Chicago. f . Now go back to p.89
138 _ 139‘-
Vocabulary Focus‘

1 1 B Abilities 128 Common verbs and collocations

a @1312 Listen and repeat the verbs. a GEE-3 Listen and repeat the verbs and their past forms.
make (past simple: made) go (past simple: went) clean (past simple: cleaned)

W h y ; -.7:--‘:.._ ' ..

swim cook paint sing make a cake go to the beach

(past simple: swam) (past simple: cooked) (past simple: painted) (past simple: sang) visit (past simple: visited)

r - .
visit a friend visit a museum visit London

dance drive a car play cards invite (past simple: invited) use (past simple: used)
(past simple: danced) (past simple: drove) (past simple: played)
I “ !

invite someone to a party invite someone for a meal use a computer

do (past simple: did)

ride a horse ride a bike run
(past simple: rode) (past simple: ran)

h Cum Complete the phrases with verbs in a. Listen and check. I: Write four sentences about what

you did:
. yesterday 0 last night
0 last weekend a last Monday
Yesterday I drove my car to work.
I danced at a party last weekend. do sport do yoga do your homework do the cleaning do the washing

1 — a picture Q Tell a partner your sentences. b Underline the correct words.

mas: were;
as??? “’51 9'72?“ " He’s 85 kilos. He eats a lot and he never does/ makes sport.
\ l O ‘ l O ‘ l - w I — l

It’s my birthday next week. I’m going to visit/ invite some friends to my flat for a meal.
She's going to paint/ drawthe walls of her room dark green. Don’t ask me why!
[I D Now go back to p.91 We were in Moscow and we visited/ went Red Square.
I’m going to do/ make some coffee.
A woman comes on Wednesday. She does/ makes all the cleaning and washing for us.
3 — a song 4 _—dinner
Excuse me, can I clean/ use your phone? i need to call my sister.

c Write three sentences with the phrases in a.

i’m going to clean my bedroom tomorrow.

C) Tell a partner your sentences.

5 — basketball 6 — t o work
(I D Now go back to p.99
_ 141‘-
Vocabulary Focus

3A Food 1 e C) Talk to your partner. Which drinks are in the pictures?

a GE Listen and repeat the words.
/ i W

_’think it’s tea.
h C) Talk to a partner. What food is in the pictures?
l ‘4‘- I ! “ E AA‘VV -

f D Now go back to p.24

33 Food 2
a GEE Listen and repeat the words.

breakfast lunch dinner

I have breakfast at 7:30. NOT +have—a—break-fas—t—5H139:
She has lunch a t 12:30. NOT 5he—has—a—Iufieh—ai—1-2739:
We have dinner a t 7:00. NOT We—have—a—dmnefiat—FGG-
c Match pictures 1—6 with the words in the box.
b GEE Match the words in the box with pictures 1—12. Listen and check your answers.
coffee cola fruitjuice milk tea water Then listen and repeat.

orange sandwich butter biscuit banana pizza potato tomato apple icecream cheese cake


c C) Which food in b do you eat for (I D Now go back to p.27


d m Listen and check your answers in c. Practise saying the words.

0 breakfast 0 lunch 0 dinner
Vocabulary Focus‘

8A Past time expressions JUNE 93 The seasons and the weather

a m i l Listen and repeat the days of the week. Monday a Can Listen and repeat the seasons.
b Complete the sentences.
1 Today is 6
2 Yesterday was .
3 My favourite day is — , because

C) Tell a partner your answer in 3. 8 a

-y 9

.." '7: _/, 5,77
'4’3 3:




spring summer autumn winter

c m Listen and repeat the past time expressions. dm Complete the table with words in the box.
Listen and check. b C) Look at weather pictures 1—5 below. Which season do you think it is in each picture?

ago last on this c m Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Listen and check.

windy sunny snowy rainy cloudy
1 Sunday Yesterday
a week
two months 2
ten years
yesterday a year ago
Monday 1 It often rains in England. (verb)
“any .: Fnday There’s a lot of rain in England. (noun)
It’s often — in England. (adjective)
a ednogrdayP two months ago NOT before-twe—meflhhs—age
on Monday NOT at—Mofiday
Complete the sentences with words from c and cl.
I was in Warsaw the weekend.
They were at the World Cup _ _ year ago.
Were you at home — morning?
at the weekend two days ago or on Monday
l was at a meeting two days
We were at work — Friday. (noun)
2 It often snows in Antarctica. (verb) It’s — and cold today. (adjectives)
He was at his friend’s house — night.
There’s always snow in Antarctica. (noun)
f D Now go back to p.65 It's always — in Antarctica. (adjective) d m the correct words.
Do you like hot and sun / sunny weather?
Is the weather cloudy/ cloud today?
Is winter cold and snow/ snowyin your country?
ls summer hot and sunny/ sun in your country?
Does it rainy/ rain in autumn in your country?

e C) Ask and answer the questions in d with a partner.

last night this morning
3 There’s a lot of wind in my town. (noun) f . Now go back to p.75
It's often in my town. (adjective)

_ _ _ _ _ _ — 145‘-
Vocabulary Focus‘

28 Numbers 1 12A Months and future time expressions

a Om Listen and repeat the numbers. a m Listen and repeat the months.
1 December, January, February 3 June, July, August

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
one two three four five six seven eight nine
2 March,Apri|, May 4 September, October, November

b Q Which seasons are 1-4 in a in your country?

0 @1133 Listen and repeat the time expressions.

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
thirteen NOT threeteen, fifteen NOT fiveteen
' 'X’niomg‘;
:-"£' Tuesdav

20 30 40 50 (i0 70 80 90
:3 Wednesday

T h u r s d a y — 'r:
i ..u. o .

twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety l " Friday I
i .-
Fir Saturday 1.1 '2:
thirty NOT threety, forty NOT feufity, fifty NOT fivety ‘N
“W: Sunday 1;..1
o Monday .13
1.»; M o n d a y 1 ' "a:
b m Listen to a—g. Underline the number you hear.
tomorrow on Monday this Friday
a 13/30 c 15/50 e 17/70 g 19/90
b 14/40 d 16/60 f 18/80
'1 Monday
_ 7» Tuesday r TIE WedThuFriSat
c D Now go back to p.19 Wednesday ' t
10 11
i ’ Thursday
33 Time ,4 Cunm;- «
H 13I : 9 16 17 18

a m Match the clocks with the times in the box. a t the weekend next Tuesday in two weeks
Listen and check.

two o’clock twenty past two (a) quarter past two (I Complete groups 1—4 with words and phrases in the e Complete the sentences with a time expression.
half past two (a) quarter to two twenty to two box. Some of them can go in more than one group. 1 I’m going to have (meal)
2 I’m going to go on holiday
Thursday three months June winter year thewinter
3 I’m going to visit a friend
h m Listen again and repeat the times.
4 I’m going to buy a new (object)
1 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
c Complete the sentences. 2 this afternoon, Monday, week, March, month, summer
D Tell a partner your sentences.
3 in March, the summer, two weeks
1 My EniSh class is 8 1 — . d . N o w go b a c k to p _ 2 7
4 next Monday, week, March, month, summer
2 My favourite TV programme is at — .
3 My school / j 0 b starts at

C) Tell a partner your sentences.

Ordinal numbers
43 Numbers 2 a @132 Listen and repeat the ordinal numbers.

a m Listen and repeat the numbers.

a hundred

thirty-four NOT thrifty—afid—feur OR W m m twenty—

m {Went}
f|rst second

h C) Work with a partner. I: . Now go back to p.35 fourteenth twentieth

ten’m elevel’lth twelfth
Student A: say a number in the box. thii‘eemh
Student B: say the next two numbers.
b C) Work with a partner. g
c D Now 0 back to .97
p . 0
thirtieth 'rt -
52 41 29 68 98 36 82 75 59 first),
Student A: say a number.
Student B: say the ordinal number.
'w; ‘
"A ,_
2;,- .ftttéenr
' "in any}:
Vocabulary Focus‘

5A Places in a town 53 Hotels

a m Listen and repeat the places. a Gun Listen and repeat the words.

supermarket school
6 0 fi room
0 @
pillow shower

wi-fi blanket car park towel

There’s wi-f/ in the room. NOT -Fhere%—a—wf—fi-rin—H=re—roefl=t OR fhere—are-wf—flLm-hbe-reon‘r

hotel hospital cinema

b Q Which word is different in each group? Compare your answers with your partner.
1 shower pillow bath 4 car park towel blanket
2 TV wi-fi room 5 bed room bath
3 shower blanket pillow

c D Now go back to p.42

restaurant bank shop 103 Place phrases with prepositions

a GED Listen and repeat the phrases.

in the car in a taxi in a restaurant in a cafe

at the station at the airport at the bus at the at a party at home at work at school
stop cinema

on a bus on a train on a plane on holiday

b Correct the phrases with prepositions. c C) Think about people you know. Where are they now?
1 It’s 10:00, but he’s still at the bed. . 1G . ,

2 I’m waiting for the p l a n e o n the airport. . 1 I‘ .~‘h’k my sister is on a plane.
3 I can't talk now. I’m on the car. I’m driving home. i. .5 - -
4 Are you in home or are you at the work?
5 I’m having a coffee on a café.
6 John isn’t here. He’s still in the holiday. [I . Now go back to p.82
c D Now go back to p.41

'1 48 1 4 9 -
Vocabulary Focus‘

10A The home BA Jobs

a @2413] Listen and repeat the jobs.

‘ bathroom I


taxi driver

shop assistant
\ , _
living room '

IT worker

a Q) Look at the picture. Where are objects 1—6? 0 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
Ask and answer questions with a partner. 1 My family has dinner in the d
1 the glass 3 the book 5 the guitar r — every evening.
2 the bag 4 the football 6 the plate 2 We have a small g behind our house. We
often sit there on summer evenings.
3 My bedroom has a large w and I can see
the mountains. teacher doctor
4 I don’t need a chair — I can sit on t h e f .

There are lots of pictures on the w — in the

dining room. b Cover the words and pictures in a. Correct the c C) Do you know people who do the jobs in a?
b Om Match the words in the box with a—d in the 6 After dinner I like to read in the l spelling in each job. Then check your answers. Tell your partner.
picture. Listen and check. r _ _ . 1 studint 6 fotball player a:
7 My brother is always in the b — he likes long 2 waitres 7 receptonist '
wall window floor door
showers. 3 factery worker 8 bank woker
8 There are two d — s in the dining room — one 4 shop asistant 9 ofice worker
goes to the kitchen, the other to the living room. 5 taxi drivar

d D Now go back to p.80

d D Now go back to p.49

150 _ 1 5 1 -
Vocabulary Focus‘

7B Clothes and colours 9A Transport

a CHE Listen and repeat the clothes.


c Q Which kind of transport do you

prefer? Why?

b m Listen and repeat the colours. (1 Notice how we use go by, getand take
light dark light dark light dark light dark with different kinds of transport.
blue blue brown brown green green grey grey rde black white yellow

bus get a bus
go by train take a train
plane a tax:

go by bus NOT go—wffla—busrgo-by-bhe-bus

c What do the people usually wear? Write sentences. geta bus NOT get—bus

E] | go to work by train. |:l She flies to Tokyo

D I went to work by every month.
train. |:] She flew to Tokyo last

1 Enrico usually wears a dark grey- D He gets / takes a bus 5 D They always walk to
jacket and a light blue shirt. to school. school.
B He got/took a bus to D They walked to
school. school this morning.

3 ’ D She Often drives to f Think of three places you went to in the last year.
work. Write how you went there.
I: Yesterday she drove
to work. I went to a friend’s house by bike yesterday.
Ifiew to Turkey last summer.

C) Tell a partner your sentences.

g D Now go back to p.72

d D Now go back to p.59

Writing Plus‘
Writing Plus 3C Contractions
a Look at the sentences and read about contractions. l’m (contraction) = l a m She’s (contraction) = She is
I’m in a cafe with Sophia. She’s my new friend at work. We use contractions in speaking and writing, usually in
10 Capital letters and full stops informal situations.

a Look at the sentence. Read the information about 0 Add capital letters and full stops to each be: positive and negative
capital letters and full stops. sentence.
T + _
My name’s Sophia Taylor.
they’re married. Full form Contraction Full form Contraction
we're from brazil

Capital letters lam l’m l a m not I’m not
We use capital letters (A, B, C, D ): 2 he's a student
0 for names (Sophia Taylor, Olga Vasin, Maria Gonzalez) 3 this is ruben you are you’re you are not you aren’t
0 names of places (Toronto, Canada, High Street) 4 i’m in a class With amy lee we are we’re we are not we aren’t
o for nationalities (Italian, British, Chinese) 5 my name is sandro
he is he’s he is not he isn’t
. at the beginning of a sentence (My name’s ) 6 their flat is in mexico city it's small
she is she’s she is not she isn’t
Full stops
.=fu|l stop (1 D Now go back to p.13
it is it’s it is not it isn’t
We usually use full stops at the end of sentences. they are they’re they are not they aren’t
My name’s Sophia Tay/oe)
It is a pizza. -) It’s a pizza.
b Write the capital letters. Present simple: negative c Add the words i n brackets to each sentence. Use
l a A 6 h contractions.
Full form Contraction
2 b 7 q from Sweden. (He is)
3 d 8 r l / y o u / we do not l / y o u / we don’t
tomatoes. (They are)
4 e 9 t / do not eat fish. 9 I don’t eat fish. l t — f i v e o’clock. (is not)
58 I — have a big meal in the evening. (do not)
I] Match the contractions i n the box with 1—8. You — a teacher. (are not)
OK. (I am)
20 The alphabet and spelling aren't isn’t don’t I’m you’re she’s they're we’re We — eat meat. (do not)
Spanish. (lam not)

Part 1: The alphabet 1 you are they are
2 she is are not
a m i Listen to how we say the letters of the alphabet.
d D Now go back to p.29. Try to use contractions in
3 lam we are
your text message.
4 do not is not
/e1/ (day) lixl (we) le/ (ten) /31/ (hi) /9u/ (no) /ux/ (you) lax/ (car)
Aa leI/ Bb Ibix/ Ff /ef/ Ii /31/ 00 lou/ Qq lkjux/ Rr lax/
Hh /eItj'/ Cc /six/ L| /e1/ Yy /wa1/ Uu /jux/ 40 Word order
Jj /d3e1/ Dd ldix/ Mm lem/ Ww /dAb91q/
Kk lkeI/ Ee lix/ Nn len/ (‘double u') a Look at the examples and the word order. b Tick (I) the correct sentences.
Gg /d3ix/ Ss les/ 1 El Tennis we play.

Word order
Pp lpix/ Xx leks/ 0 subject + verb D We play tennis.
Tt ltix/ Zz lzed/ I work. I: I don’t teach children.
Vv lvix/ You don ’1‘ work. I:| Don’t teach children |.
. subject + verb + object I:I They there don’t study.
b Add the letters to the group with similar sounds. Part 2: Spelling Clara and Lisa don’t have a brother. El They don’t study there.
Say the letters. They speak French. I:I My sister in Japan lives.
Some words in English have double letters in their . subject + verb + preposition + noun D My sister lives in Japan.
R H Q 0 Z Y C F written form. My daughters study a t university. C] These are my friends.
vrlage They don’t live in a flat. |:| These my friends are.
1 (you) U, Q, W 5 (ten) N, L, _, M, S, x Other words in English have letters in theirwritten form 0 subject + verb + object + preposition + noun [I l have a flat in New York.
2 (day) J, _, A, K 6 (car) _ that might seem different from what you hear. I don ’t have a phone in my bag. I:| l in New York have a flat.
3 (hi) I, _ 7 (no) _ Iity/srti/ I like milk in my coffee.
4 (we) T, _, B, D, E, G, P, V c Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
[1 CM Correct the spelling. Listen and check. We can use here or there after a verb.
Remember to use capital letters and full stops.
Then practise spelling the words. I live there.
c D Now go back to p.20 1 don't speak / they / German
You don ’t work here.
1 adress 5 smal 9 rong there / have coffee / you
2 vilage 6 dificult 10 nife we I in a factory / don’t work
3 umbrela 7 intresting teaches / at the university/ my dad / Italian
4 hapy 8 rite the computerl l l a t the office / don’t like
have / in New Zealand l a nice house/they
e D Now go back to p.21
d D Now go back to p.37

154 _ 1 5 5 -
Writing Plus‘

5C and and but 70 Commas, exclamation marks and question marks

a Look at the sentences a n d read about and and but. h Underline the correct words. a Look at the sentences and read about commas, b Add commas to each list.
The flat is near my office and there’s a beautiful park in the 1 I love London, but it’s very expensive/ nice. exclamation marks and question marks. 1 For sale: old books newspapers magazines.
next street. 2 The hotel has free wi-fi and there’sl it doesn’t have a TV in Chairs, lamps, small tables, a big bed — all in good condition. 2 I love old cups plates and glasses.
There isn’t a supermarket near me, but there’s a shop in the every room. Not expensive! 3 She’s wearing black trousers a white shirt a grey jacket
next street. 3 Ghadames is a very hot city, but the old houses are always How much are they? and black shoes.
cool/ it’s sometimes 55°C. , = comma ! = exclamation mark ? = question mark 4 They sell radios clocks pictures lamps tables chairs
® and @ 4 There are lots of expensive hotels, but there are lots of/
Commas 5 For sale: coats jackets hats shoes shirts dresses
It’s big and it’s near my there aren’t any cheap hostels. 6 We need bread milk cheese and apples.
c We use commas in lists of nouns (things or people).
office. 5 There are lots of good books in the bookshop and they are
Books for learning English — dictionaries» grammar books»
very boring/ the shop assistants are very friendly.
coursebaaks c Add a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (l) to
6 The Maris Hotel is beautiful and it’s near the seal the each sentence.
® and ® c We often finish a list with and + noun. We don’t use a
restaurant isn’t very good.
comma before and in lists. How old are these things
There isn ’t a and it isn’t near my
I need a chaiba bed and a lamp. Thank you
supermarket office. Add and or but to each sentence.
Exclamation marks Write soon
1 I live in Spain, Idon’t speak Spanish. New bookshop
o We use exclamation marks to mean Look at this or This is
® but ® 2 The food is good, it’s very expensive! Can I pay by credit card
3 Their house is nice it’s near the station. How much are they
There isn ’t a but there’s a shop in 4 Not expensivefi
This hotel room is small the shower is cold.
supermarket the next street. Question marks
5 The city has a good university I’d like to study d D Now go back to p.61. Try to use commas,
there. o We use question marks at the end of questions.
exclamation marks and question marks in your email.
© but ® 6 There isn’t a supermarket here, there is a market How much are they®
in the next street.
There’s a shop in but there isn’t a
the next street, supermarket.
d D Now go back to p.45. Try to use and and but in
your writing.
80 Writing short emails, letters and notes
a Look at the note and read about writing short emails, I] Put a—e in the correct order to make a note.
letters and notes. a
60 because and also ‘i W ““5 great amt it was goods to
“W“Wemwmedafim inthea .»

0 0 90.0
a Look at the sentences a n d read about because Underline the correct answers. Dear Megan, 4

ago 90° “0“ 0.0 9.0 you 0.0 0.0 0.9

and also. 1 She plays sport also she teaches sport. / . She also teaches Ckhopewecangotofinecamerton
b .‘
This is a card, to sag thank goa

I walk to work every day because my flat is near the office. sport.
for gour heLp on Saturday. It was

We go out to a café for coffee every day. We also have 2 I feel good in the morning because [sleep for seven hours
fun to go shopping with gou and. HL Suzg,

the main
lunch there. a t night. / . Because I sleep for seven hours at night.
goa helped. me find, some goooL part

3 I speak English. I also speak Italian because my parents
We use because and also to join ideas. shops. I hope we can go shopping

ltalian/ are Italian.
. Because joins two ideas in one sentence. We use
again some time soon.

4 Michael works at night. His wife also works/ works also
because to give a reason. It answers the question Why?
at night.

5 We always eat at home because likel we like cooking.
Best wishes, m

:1 Why do you like Sophia.

a 9,9
6 He's a student. He also lsl ’s also a waiter.

all! yourjob?

Use because and also to join the ideas. Complete the email with the words and phrases in
I want to go shopping. I need some cups. (because)
We start emails, letters and notes like this: the box.
I like my job because it’s interesting. I want to go shopping because I need some cups. 0 Dear (name),
He sleeps in the morning because he works at night. 0 Hi (name), hope wishes sorry ltwas Here are Dear talked
She teaches English at the school. She teaches French. (also)
o Alsojoins two ideas in M sentences. It means and. In the main part, we use phrases like:
She teaches English a t the school. 5he also teaches French.
He plays football and tennis. He plays rugby. . This is a note to say
1 I don’t like my job. It’s boring. (because)
He plays football and tennis. He also plays rugby. (= He 0 Thanks for your email / letter/ note.
2 She doesn’t have breakfast. She isn’t hungry in the
plays football, tennis and rugby.) Thank you for 1 — Allie,
morning. (because)
0 We use also before the verb: Here is/are 2 — some photos of the party on Saturday
3 I need to make lunch. I need to go to the supermarket.
He sleeps in the morning. He also sleeps in the l was night. I’m 3 l was late!
afternoon. It was 4 — good to meet your friends. I
4 The children are nice. They’re very funny. (also)
0 We use also after be: I hope 5 — to Debbie and Nasim — they’re really
I’m a doctor. I’m also a teacher. We often use the past simple, e.g You helped me find some nice!
d D Now go back to p.53. Try to use because and also
good shops. /stayed at home. / went into town. I6 we can meet for coffee next week.
in your writing.

We finish emails, letters and notes like this: Best 7 — ,
0 Best wishes, Kirsty
0 See you soon,
(name) d D Now go back to p.69
156 _ l 5 7 -
Writing Plus‘

90 Making the order clear 110 Pronouns

a Look at part of Sophia’s online post and read about . -- m??? j -‘ y x,
a Look at part of Sophia’s email to Lisa and read about Leonardo Torres y Quevedo was an engineer. 5 [H He lived
' mmer I went to the UK With Sasha and Yfifa.
making the order clear with first, next, then. 1 subject and object pronouns. from 1852 to 1936. In 1914 6it/ he invented a machine
“ii t, / Then, we went to London. It was great. We"

First, we went for a walk by the river. it was beautiful. I work in an office with a girl called Megan. She’s from called ‘The Chess Player’. 7lt/He was the first computer
Next, we went to a small museum and had lunch. London and she’s very friendly. I also know her cousin game in the world.8lt/ You could play chess against 9it/
that, we stayed with Yuri’s family in Cambridnf',
Then, we went shopping and I saw a lovely clock. James. He’s very kind. I often see them a t the weekend. them.
, 4m. , '

When we write about events in the past, it’s good to make We use subject and object pronouns so that we don’t Swap the underlined words with the subject and
the order clear. We use phrases like: Add the words and phrases in brackets in the correct repeat nouns and names. object pronouns in the box.
0 First, place to make the order clear.
First, we flew to Berlin. / work in an office with . _ll'I called Megan She’s from he her him him it it me
We visited Emma’s family in the country. We went to the city.
0 Then, Next, After that, London and she’ very friendly. us she she they they we
(then, first)
After that, we took a bus to Claudia’s village.
First, we visited Emma’s family in the country. Then, we went
Then, we went shopping. lalso knowgve’s very kind. > I met a doctor and an IT worker. The doctor and the IT
to the city.
We usually use Nextfor the middle event, not the last worker live in Madrid.
1 I went to a cafe. I went to the park. (first, after that)
event. I work in an office withé Err] called Mega?. [also They live in Madrid.
2 It was sunny and warm. It was sunny and cold. (then,
First, we went to the 200. Next, we had lunch. Then, we know er cousin James I often see them a the weekend 1 Why is my sister eating that sandwich? My sister made
went shopping. that sandwich for me!
3 We went to a restaurant. We saw a film. We went home.
. Read more about pronouns in Grammar Focus 11A on 2 Do you like this picture of my wife and me? Valerie gave
(next, first, then,) p.128
h Underline the correct words. this picture to my wife and me.
4 I finished work. I went for a walk by the river. I met Terry at
We often use you to mean ‘people in general / everyone’. 3 My friends have a baby boy called Luke. My friends talk
The weather was very bad! 1Then, / First, it rained. 2First, / the station. (first, after that, next)
You can study English on the internef. about the baby boy called Luke all the time!
Next, it was very windy. 3Then, / Aflet; it snowed! 4 Neil and Andy are students. Neil, Andy and I met at
(I D Now go back to p.77. Try to make the order clear
h Underline the correct words. university.
in your online post.
Seema Bhadoria is a young woman from India. People call 5 I’m Ivana Marikova. Do you remember Ivana Marikova?
1she/ her ‘The Strong Woman’. 2Shel Her can pull a truck 6 That’s Sophia and that’s James. James likes Sophia but
with her teeth. m doesn’t like James!
X-Men aren’t rea|.3They/ Them are ‘superhumans’ in films.
Do you know 4they/ them? . Now go back to p.93. Try to use pronouns in your

108 Word order in questions

Wh- questions with be
a Look at part of Amelia’s message to Megan and read
about word order in questions.
120 Paragraphs
Where was your phone?
First, where do I find a taxi a t the station? And how much is it
How much is it from the station to the hotel? a Look at Megan’s email to Emma and read about Match paragraphs a—b with 1—2.
from the station to the hotel? paragraphs.
Yes/No questions b Underline the correct words.
1 There’s a new
Do they have a garden? 1 Where are you/ you are going? Hi Emma, restaurant in town.
We could meet tomorrow.
Who is that/ that is? It looks really good.
Did Eduardo visit you? I’m in town this afternoon. Would I’m free in the afternoon.
Did you use/ You did use your phone on the plane? Paragraph 1 =
Can you call me, please? you like to meet for coffee? invitation What do you think?
You can/ Can you help me?
Is she working? How many taxis there were/ were there? We could go to Café Roma. It’s
Paragraph 2 =
What film is your sister watching/ is watching your just near your office. I'm free at making plans
sister? 4:00. Is that OK for you? for the time and
Wh- questions Thanks for the lunch Would you like
7 There is/ Is there a garden? place
Megan invitation, but I can’t to go there on
How many rooms does your house have? 8 How you do often/ often do you watch TV?
come today. I’m busy. Saturday?
Where do | find a taxi?
I: Put the words in the correct order to make Paragraphs divide writing into groups of ideas. We use
When did the train leave? questions. Add capital letters and question marks. them to make our writing clear. In Megan’s email she
uses two paragraphs — one for the invitation and the c Rewrite the emails with two paragraphs.
What is Selma doing? there / at the station / a cafe / is
other for making plans. 1 Do you have any plans for the weekend? I'd like to see a
Questions with be are different.
Is there a cafe’ at the station?
To start a new paragraph, write the next sentence on a film. We could meet at the cinema at 6:30. Is that OK for
1 where l the bus stop / is
new line, like this: you?
Yes/No questions with be do / when / start / work / you
2 It’s my birthday next Friday. I’m going to be 30l® Would
Is Mimi’s flat big? you / t h e tickets / buy l did
you like to come here for a meal on Saturday? I’m going to
some bread l y o u / buy l can
Were you at work today? I’m sorry, I can’t invite a few friends.
doing l what l you l a r e
the film l is / what time
come this afternoon.
I’m working today. (1 D Now go back to p.101. Try to use paragraphs in
your invitations.
d D Now go back to p.85 Would you like to
meet on Tuesday?

158 _ 159‘-
gottt11141414;4;4;4;4;{;1;<;4}4;4‘4‘?i4‘4i4i4‘4‘4‘4545‘54f.f 5.

Unit 4 S What’s his job?

M He works with computers.
M Oh, sorry. Sophia, this is my cousin, James. And
James, this is Sophia — we work together.
Can 8 OK.
M And this is Helen, his wife. She works in a hotel.
8 Nice to meet you.
I Yes, nice to meet you too.
TOM Where are you from, Miriam? She’s a manager. M Sophia’s from Toronto.
MIRIAM I’m from Brazil — Rio de Janeiro, but I live
Unit I @151 Unit 3 here in New Zealand now.
S Ah. Nice photo.
M And this is James. He’s my cousin. He’s really great!
I Really?
S But I live here now.
Om PARTI INTERVIEWER What things are OK at an airport?
JOHN Most things are fine. Computers are fine, and
m T Where do you live?
M | live in Auckland — it’s really nice there.
S Oh,yes.
M James lives near you. Maybe we can go and see
I In London?
S Yes. Really near here.
RECEPTIONIST Good morning, Electric Blue T And where do you work?
phones, and watches of course, all no problem. Conversation 1 M lwork in Wellington.
him? M James lives near here too.
I Whatabout umbrellas? INTERVIEWER Are you from China, Julie? S Yes I’d like that. Thank you, Megan. S Oh, right. Where’s your flat?
SOPHIA Hi, my name’s Sophia Taylor. It’s my first day. I Yes, they're fine. T Wellington? But that’s so far away. I It’s in the next street.
R Sophia? Sophia Taylor? From Canada? IULIE No, I'm not. My parents are Chinese, but I‘m
I So, what’s not OK? M Yes, | go to work three days a week — I fly. M James, do you know? Is there a supermarket near
S Yes, that’s right. American.
T Do you work at home?
R Come on in!
I Well, bottles of water, they’re not OK.
I And of course, no knives?
I What time do you have dinner? M Yes, | work two days at home. Unit 5 here?
I No, sorry, there isn't.
I In my family, we usually have dinner at about

Cm: PART 2
I Er, no!
7 o’clock.
T Are you married?
M Yes, m y husband’s name is Bernardo.
On: M Well, are there any shops near here? We need
I And what do you have? some tea.
T Is he Brazilian? A Excuse me! Where are the shops? Are they near
DAVID Is this Sophia? @112 PART 1 I We usually have rice with meat and vegetables.
M Yes, he is. here?
I Yes, there’s one near my flat I can show you.
RECEPTIONIST Yes. S Well, thank you very much.
RACHEL Good morning. T Ah, OK. Do you speak English or Portuguese at B Yes, there are a few shops in New Street, that’s just
D Hello! I No problem — no problem at all. It’s this way.
SOPHIA Good morning!
SOPHIA Good morning. Conversation 2 home? near here. There's a small food shop and there’s also
R Can I help you? M We speak Portuguese, of course! a good bookshop. It’s really big and the people there
D Welcome, Sophia. I’m David. I Where are you from, Misha?
S Well yes I need a flat near here. are very nice! Oh, and there’s a nice Italian café in
S Nice to meet you, David. R OK — sure — we can help! Please sit down. OK, so
MISHA I’m from Russia.
I And when do you have dinner? Om New Street, near the station. They have very good Unit B
D Nice to meet you, too. How are you? a flat just for you? cakes, and great coffee.
S I’m good, thank you. And you? S Yes, just me.
M | always have dinner early.
I What time?
I e Oh, it’s the Hemsworth brothers. They’re A Whatabouta bank? m
D I’m fine, thanks. OK, well, come with me, please. R One bedroom? Australian film actors. It’s Liam and his older brother B A bank Yes, there’s a bank in Old Street. It’s near INTERVIEWER Paul, you usually take photos at night.
S OK! M At 5 o'clock.
S One bedroom is fine, yes. Chris. the school. Do you go to bed early?
I And what do you have?
R One or two questions, if that’s OK? 2 d This is Shakira, she’s a singer from Colombia. And A And restaurants? PAUL No. Usually around 11 o'clock.
M Different things, but I like fish for dinner.
Om PART3 S Of course. in this photo she’s with her parents. B Well, there’s a new Chinese restaurant. That’s in Old I And when do you wake up?
R What’s your name? 3 f And this one — this is Ronaldo the football player — Street. It’s near the cinema. But it’s expensive. P | always wake up at about 2:00am every night.
DAVID Hi, Megan — Sophia’s here.
MEGAN Oh. Already? Great! S Sophia Taylor. Conversation 3 Cristiano Ronaldo. He’s about ten in this photo, and I And what do you do then?
D Sophia, this is Megan Jackson. R 0K. That’s Sophia S-O-F-l-A? I Are you Spanish or Mexican, Bianca? he’s with his father and his two sisters.
4 c This is an old photo of Hillary Clinton, and that’s
ml P Well, I get up and I go out. I walk in the city at night
and I take photos. Then I go home and I sleep until
SOPHIA Nice to meet you, Megan. S No. S-O-P-H-l-A. BIANCA I’m Spanish.
her husband Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea. RECEPTIONIST Good afternoon.
R Ah yes, sorry. Sophia — er Taylor. How do you spell I What time do you have dinner? morning.
M Nice to meet you too, Sophie. BARRY Good afternoon. Do you have a free room
that? B I usually have dinner between 9 and 10 o’clock. 5 b This is a photo of Will Smith with his wife Jada I What about your wife? Does she wake up?
S Mm, Sophia. My name’s Sophia, not Sophie. tonight?
S T-A-Y-L-O-R. I You have dinner late. Pinkett—Smith. The three children are Jaden, Willow P No, she never wakes up. She just sleeps!
M Oh! Yes, yes, of course. I’m sorry. Sophia. R Tonight ?Yes, we have four free rooms. They all
R T-A-Y-L-O-R. And what’s your address? Do you have B Yes. People never have dinner early in Spain. and Trey Smith.
S That’s OK! have wi-fi.
M Nice to meet you, Sophia! an address in London? I What do you have? 8 a It's a photo of George Clooney as a boy. I think
he’s about seven. And he’s with his mother and his B Oh good. Is there a car park here? Gum PART 1
D So, this is your office. Your home for the next year. S Well yes, but it’s a hotel. B I usually have meat and vegetables, but I sometimes
sister. R No, I’m sorry, we don’t have a car park. MEGAN James, hi! You again!
M It’s not home, David! R 0K. have bread and cheese.
B Oh. Is there a restaurant or cafe? JAMES Yes, me again! Hi, Sophia!
D No, OK. Well, you’re in here with Megan, and she S It’s the Alpha Hotel, A—L—P—H—A.
R No, but there’s a kitchen. SOPHIA Hi, James.
can help you with R Alpha Hotel. Right. And what’s your phone number, @Il m : PARTI B Right. Well, are there any cafés near here? I They’re nice flowers.
M Everything! please? MEGAN Good morning!
MEGAN Hi Sophia. How are you? R Yes, there are two cafés on this street. M Yes. They’re for Sophia — for her flat.
S Thank you, Megan. That’s great. S Well, it's my mobile number. It’s 07832 647893. SOPHIA Hithere.
SOPHIA I’m well. In fact, I’m very well! B Oh that’s good. And the room is there a I Yes Oh yes, your flat's near here.
D Sorry, but I need to R 07832 67489 M So how’s the new flat?
M What’s that? A key? shower in the room? S That’s right. Just there, in fact.
M Oh,yes, of course. S No, sorry, it’s 647893. S Oh, it’s great. I really like it. You must come and
S It sure is! R No, but there’s a shower next to the room. 1 Oh, right.
D See you later, Sophia. R 647893? see it.
M Your new flat! B So, it’s not my shower? M Come with us Is that OK, Sophia?
S Sure. Thank you, David. S That’s right. M I’d love to Are you OK, Sophia?
S That’s right. R No, other guests use it too. There are two showers. S Yes, why not?
D Bye! R OK, thanks. Well now we have two nice flats in S Well, yes and no It’s an email from my sister.
M Great. B Really?! What kind of hotel is this? I Are you sure?
M OK, so this is your desk. this part of London. This one. It’s an old flat. Very M In Canada?
8 I’m so happy! Come on — time for a coffee! R Well, it's not a hotel. It’s a hostel. S Yes!
S Oh, right. Good! big rooms. S That’s right.
M Yes, good idea. I Well yeah, I’d love to. OK great!
S Hmm.
M So, welcome to your new office, welcome to
Electric Blue Technology, and welcome to the UK! R And this one. It’s quite big, and it’s a really nice flat.
S OK — something to drink? M Is she OK?
S 0h, she’s fine. It’s just
@1113 PART! 8 Good. Come on.
M Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee, please. S They’re lovely flowers. Thanks again, Megan.
S Thank you, Megan! Thank you very much! S Oh, yes. That is nice. M she’s in Canada. MEGAN It’s a really nice flat, Sophia.
S Coffee. OK. M No problem.
R It’s near here. We can go there now. S And my parents, and my brother. SOPHIA Yeah, I like it here. But I need to get some
ASSISTANT Hi. I I really like your flat, Sophia.
S OK, great! M And you’re here in London. things — you know, to make it a home.
S Hi. So two cups of S Yeah, thanks. I like it here. Would you like a cup of
Unit 2 Gm PART 2
M No um
S Tea — right. Cake?
I’d like tea. Yes, a cup of tea, please. 8 It’s difficult. M Of course.
S Would you like a cup of tea?
I Yes, please.
Cum RACHEL So, this is it. One bedroom. And a kitchen, of M No, thank you. Gm PART 2 M Oh, yes, please.
S Oh no!
M Yes, thanks.
course. And it’s quite big! S OK. Can I have a cup of tea, a cup of coffee and a S Ah, there’s just one problem.
Conversation 1 SOPHIA Yes, it is. It’s beautiful. piece of chocolate cake, please?
MEGAN Yeah Do you have photos of yourfamily? M What's the problem?
I What’s that? No coffee? Well, you have tea now, I
SOPHIA Yes. Yes, I do. S ldon’t have any tea.
INTERVIEWER Carlo, where are you from? R Yes, it’s a very good flat for one person It’s a nice A OK So that's a cup of tea, a cup of coffee and a know that!
M Oh, c a n I see them? M Oh.
CARLO I'm from Ravello, in Italy. street. And near a park. piece of chocolate cake. S Yes, but there are only two cups. And one glass!
S Sure OK. This is my mother. She’s a teacher. S I need to go shopping!
I Ravello? Is it a big city? S Oh, good. S That's right. Thanks. Look!
M Oh, yes. Nice picture! M Well, is there a supermarket near here?
C No, no. It isn’t a city. It’s a small village near Naples. R Take a look. M Sorry, but I’d like a piece of chocolate cake too. M You need to go shopping!
S And this one, this is my father. S ldon’t know.
S Thank you. Sorry! S I know, I need a lot of things. Cups, glasses
M Oh, right. Is he a teacher too? M Well, are there any shops near here?
Conversation 2 S OK, thank you. It’s a good flat — it’s great. I like it. I S Sure — no problem. Can we have two pieces of S No, he’s a manager. He works for a big 8 I don’t know!
M Well, I can go with you. I’ll help you buy things.
really like it. chocolate cake, please? S That’s great, thanks.
I Where are you from, Katia? supermarket. M Come on. We can look for a shop.
R OK, great! A Certainly. M What do you need? Cups, glasses, what else?
KATIA I’m from Santiago. M And who’s this? S 0K!
A That’s £11.00, please. S Mm, I need plates, and
| Santiago? In Chile? 8 This is my sister, Jackie. And her two girls.
S Here you are. M Do you want to go today? We can go this afternoon.
I( Yeah.
| It’s a big city.
A Thank you.
M Oh, they’re beautiful. How old are they?
S This is Kylie, she’s ten, and this is Amanda, she’s
min PART 2 8 0K, great. I don’t have a lot of things, but I have
M So — the flat? MEGAN Umm there’s one in this street. lthink. biscuits! Would you like one, Megan?
K Yes, it is. It’s a very big city. eight.
S It’s nice. Look — it’s quite big and very beautiful. SOPHIA I think maybe that’s a shop there. M No, it’s OK, thanks.
M 0h.They’re lovely.
M Oh yes, lovely. M No, it’s a cafe! S James?
S Yes, they are So, what about you? Do you have
Conversation 3 S And it’s quite old. I like that. photos? S Oh dear. Well, maybe we can have tea there! I Yes, please!
I Yuri, where are you from? M Is it nearthe office? M James?
M Yes, ldo! Justa minute Ah, here we are. So
YURI I’m from Vyborg, in Russia. S Yes, it is. It’s also near a park. It’s great. this is Mike. JAMES Megan. Hi.
I Is i t a city? M Sorry. It’s from my cousin, James. M How are you?
S Oh right. Who’s Mike? Is he your husband?
Y No, it isn’t. It's a big town. It's near St Petersburg. S That’s OK. M No, I’m not married! He’s my brother. I I’m good, thanks.
M Sorry. I can answer later. So, London's now home! S Oh! He looks nice. S Hithere.
S Yes! London’s now home. M He is. He lives in Scotland.

160 _ 161‘-
M Well, you know me!
m PART 2 @2114 PART 2 S Yes, that’s true.
Cam PART 2 Conversation 4 Cm
JAMES I’ll come with you if you like. I love shopping! FRANK OK, that’s ten pounds, please. M Ifind London difficult too, sometimes. I know— let’s MEGAN Why don’t you put it down? L Hi Dan. CELIA Hi, Andy! I’m Celia, nice to meet you!
SOPHIA Oh, thank you, James, that’s very kind. MEGAN Here you are. go somewhere this weekend. So you can see a JAMES Megan, hi! How are you? D Hi, it’s me again. Can you talk now? Or are you ANDY Hi, Celia! Nice to meet you, too.
But I’m sure you have other things to do — it’s the E Thank you. Enter your PIN, please. different town. We could go to Henley. M Hi, James. I’m OK, thanks. having dinner? C Well, let’s start. First question, what fun things can
weekend. M OK, no problem. S Henley? Where’s that? J Did you go to Henley? L No, I’m not having dinner. I’m watchinga film. you do with the students?
I Oh, that’s OK. F Thank you. And here’s your receipt. M Oh, it’s a small town, it’s not farfrom London. lwent M Yeah, and we’re still here! D Oh, what are you watching? Is it good? A Well, I can play the guitar.
MEGAN Sophia and l are fine, James. M Thank you. Can you see anything you want? to school there. J Oh, right L Yes it’sjusta film. I can’t talk now. Maybe later C Great. And can you sing?
5 But nice to see you again. See you soon, maybe. SOPHIA No, I don’t really like anything. S Really? M James, can you do something for me? OK? A Yes, I can. I can sing and play the guitar quite well.
Bye. M OK — well, there’s another shop near here. M Yes, it's a beautiful place. Look. J Well yes maybe. D OK. Oh, and I can ride a horse very well. You wanted
M Bye, James. See you later. S But now you have some nice new cups! S Oh, yes, it looks nice. M Could you pick us up from the station later, please? someone who can ride a horse.
I OK Bye. Thanks forthe biscuit. M Yes, Ido! M So, shall we go there for the day next Saturday? In London. Conversation 5 C That’s right — great! Now, our students also like
S Bye. S OK, that’s a lovely idea. I'd like to see some different J Mm OK. From where? Paddington? L Hello. This is Lou. I’m sorry, I’m not here at the parties and they like dancing. Can you dance well?
F Bye. Thank you. places. Let’s go to Henley! M Yes. moment. Please leave a message. A No, I can’t. I don’t really like dancing, so I can’t
Unit 7 J OK. Is there a problem? Can’t you take the
D Hi, this is Dan. Urn, well I guess you’re sleeping, so dance vew well.
C That’s OK. And what about your teaching?
er, I’ll call you tomorrow. Tomorrow morning. OK?
m Unit 8 Unit 9 M No, it’s just we’ve got this clock. Maybe we can go out together. Yeah. Bye. A Teaching?
J Clock? C Yes, can you teach well?
SUE I like this picture. What do you think? For the
kitchen. Cm m M Yes, it’s very heavy. So could you meet us at the
m PARTI A What? Sorry. I’m not a teacher. I can’t teach at all.
station, please? C Really? But but did you read the advertisement?
MIKE Hmm it’s OK. MICHAELA So how was your trip to Colombia?
S Or these chairs. They’re really nice.
Conversation 1 ALESSANDRO Oh it was great. It was very relaxing — I
J Why did you buy a clock? SOPHIA Oh, this clock! A Well sort of but not very well. ljust read some
LARRY Were you at work yesterday? M I didn’t. Sophia bought it. TAXI DRIVER Eight pounds fifty, please. of the words ’sing, dance, ride a horse — you
M No, I don't really like them. That clock’s quite nice. didn’t read my emails for three weeks!
CARA Yes, I was, but I wasn’t here in the office. J Sophia? S Mm OK justa minute. know
S But it’s new! M Where were you? In Bogota?
L Where were you? M Yes, Sophia bought a very big clock. MEGAN Hey! Let me. C But we want teachers — English teachers.
M Yeah, well, who wants an old clock? A No, no, we didn’t go to big cities at all. We wanted to
C lwas ata meeting in Dublin. J Oh, right, Isee! S No, no! A Oh. Sorry!
S Hmm Oh, look. Those books are interesting. And see the country, so we went by bus and we stayed in
L Oh, was it interesting? M So, can you help us, please? M Please!
look at that radio. That’s so cool. small towns and villages. The best place we stayed
M Is it? It’s very old! C Yes, it was really interesting.
was with a family.
J Sure, no problem.
M Oh, thanks, James, that’s really kind of you.
S No! I’ll get it. Could you take the clock, please?
M Sure!
S I know, but it's beautiful. I love old things M In their house? SOPHIA Are you sure you’re OK with the clock, James?
J No problem. S Thanks. Thank you very much.
M Hmm. Conversation 2 A Well, we didn’t stay in their house. We camped in
M Bye. T Oh, thank you! JAMES Fine—justfine.
S Excuse me. DENIZ Were you at the game last Saturday? their garden. They had a swimming pool. They also S It isn’t too heavy?
J Bye. See you later. M It is really heavy! Shall we carry it together?
STALLHOLDER Yes? ANTONIO No, lwasn’t — not the game here in had bikes, so we saw lots of nice places nearby. I J No, no!
S OK! Why did I buy it? I’m so glad James can meet
S How much is that radio? Manchester. took some beautiful photos! S OK.
us in London.
ST The radio? £135. D Oh, really? Were you away? M I’d love to see them. J It’s a great clock.
M What?! That’s very A Yes, lwas away with the team in Bristol. A Of course. Unit 10 M Yeah, James is really kind.
S 80, what time’s the train? S I like it.
S OK, I’ll buy it! M Was it cheap to camp?
D How was the game there?
A It was good — really exciting. A Yes $4 a night! Om M I don’t know! We need to check. J Yeah, it looks really good.
S Thanks for meeting us.
m M $4! That’s really cheap.
A Yeah, it was good, because we didn't have a lot of
MIMI I really love my flat — it’s great! But it's very small
and I need to think about how I use the space. One m PART 2 MEGAN Yes, thank you, James.
J No problem. Did you like Henley?
KATE Look at all our old clothes! There are a lot! We Conversation 3 money! really good thing is the windows. I have really big SOPHIA Excuse me. S Yes, very much. We had a nice time.
need to throw some away. VICTOR Were you at home at the weekend? windows, so lots of light comes into the flat. The STATION ASSISTANT Yes? How can I help? J Oh, that’s good.
GIUSEPPE Yeah, you’re right. Is this my old T—shirt?
K No, it’s Greg’s T-shirt. He never wears it.
AVA No, lwasn’t. lwas away.
V Oh, where were you?
m place doesn’t feel very small. Everything is in one big
room. The living room area has a TV, a small table
S What time’s the next train to London? M We can go somewhere in London next weekend.
ST The next train is at 4:35. J I think London Zoo is very nice.
G Are these yourjeans? A l was in Milan with my band — there was a concert. KIRIL Where did you go on your summer holiday last
and two chairs. There’s also a small kitchen area in S What time is it now? M London Zoo?
K No, they’re Sara’s jeans. V Great! Was it fun? year, Angie?
one corner. I don't have a dining room. l have a table ST What time is it now? What time does it say on your J Yes!
G But she sometimes wears these. A Yes, it was. And Milan is a beautiful city. ANGIE I went to an island in Greece.
where | eat my meals and I do all my work on my clock? 12:30. Well, that’s not right. How much did M I don’t think the 200's very interesting.
K But she doesn’t like them. K Great! How was the weather?
computer. It’s next to the kitchen. Then the bedroom you pay for that clock? Anyway, it's 4:32 now. J Oh? Why not?
G OK. Waitjusta minute—that's my shirt. I
sometimes wear that.
Om PARTI A It was hot and sunny. What about you, Kiril?
K I stayed here in Moscow. It rained a lot of the time. I
has, well, a bed, of course a n d a small lamp on a MEGAN The train leaves in three minutes! Quick! Let's M Well, it’s more for children.
table. So I don’t have a big flat, but I live in the city go! J Idon’t think so.
K Really? DAVID Hi, Sophia. How was your weekend? want to go somewhere different this year.
centre — the city is my home! S Sorry, which platform is it? M What about the Tower of London?
G Well, no not really. SOPHIA Yeah, it was nice. Yours? A Well, try Greece. It isn’t expensive to fly there.
D Well, you know, busy with friends. So, how do you ST It’s Platform 3. It’s across the bridge and down J Oh no! I don’t think the Tower of London’s a good
K So ?
G Fine — out it goes. like it here in England?
K Hmm but, well, I don’t like flying.
A Oh, I see. Well, what about the south of France? I @1151 the stairs. idea.
S Oh, I love it. Well, I like London, but that’s not M Thanks! M Really?
went there two years ago. It was beautiful.
Conversation 1 ST Would you like some help with the clock? I can J There are lots of tourists.
m PART 1 England! Where are you from, David?
D I’m from Bristol. It’s in the west of England.
K Oh, really? How did you get there?
LOU Hello. carry it if you like. S Well I’m a tourist!
A By train. And, you know, the weather was really
SOPHIA So, where are the cups? S Oh, right. Do you miss your family? DAN Hi, it’s Dan. How are you? S No thanks, we’re fine. M A kind of tourist.
MEGAN OK, let’s see. Ah These cups are nice. D Oh, you know, my parents, but I love living in l Fine. Look, Dan, I’m busy. I can't talk now. S Where’s a good place for the clock?
K Did you enjoy it there?
S Yes, they are. London. Well l um D Are you working? I can hear a lot of people there. J In here?
A Yes, I did. I had a great time. Try to go this year!
M But there are only three.
FRANK Can I help you?
S Oh, of course. See you later. l Well, no, I'm not working. I’m in a café. I’m with some
people and they’re talking. I’ll call you later, OK?
Unit 11 M Whatabout the bedroom?
J I don’t think the bedroom is a good idea.
S Yes, how much are these cups?
MEGAN Good morning, Sophia.
S on, hi Megan!
Gm; PARTI D OK. Cum S Why not?
E They’re five pounds each. M How are you? SOPHIA It’s beautiful here. A What are you reading? J You can hear it all the time. It’s difficult to sleep.
M That’s a good price. MEGAN I'm so happy you like it. S Not for me!
S But I need six. Do you have any more?
S Yeah, OK, thanks. Thank you for Saturday. You
S Very different from Toronto. So, what’s the plan for
Conversation 2 B Oh, it’s about Valentina Tereshkova.
J Oh. OK.
really helped a lot. A Who’s she?
F No, I’m sorry. We only have three. L Hi. S But maybe you’re right. It is better here in the living
M Oh, that’s all right. I love shopping. today? B She’s a Russian cosmonaut. Do you know about
S Oh dear. D Hi, it’s Dan again. What are you doing? room. Maybe over there.
S ltwas fun. M Well, first we c a n go to the museum. her?
E These cups are the same price. L I’m at the bus stop. I’m going home. J OK. Here?
M Yes, it was. We could go shopping again some time. S 0K. A No. What did she do?
S Mm no ldon’t think so. Can I look around? D Oh, OK. Look, do you want to go out this evening? S Maybe. What do you think, Megan?
S Yes, OK. Good idea. M And then maybe some lunch? B Well, she was the first woman in space. She went
L I don’t know. Look, I can’t talk now. M y bus is
F Of course. M Steph, did you get my email? S Lovely! into space in 1963. It says here, 400 people wanted M Yes, perhaps. Or maybe No, lthink there is
M Sophia, these cups are really nice. coming. good.
S Well, I’m full. So much food! the job, but they asked her.
D Oh. I’ll call you later, then. S Yes, I think you’re right. What do you think, James?
S Yes, they are. But I need six.
M Yes, I know but not for you for me!
Gm PART 2 M I know!
S Oh wow! I love that clock!
A Why did they ask her?
J I think this clock is very heavy!
B Well, she was young, and she was quite small. And
S Oh. Do you need some cups too? MEGAN Thank you. M Oh yes — really nice. Conversation 3 she also did a lot of parachute jumping.
M Not really, but I really like them and they're so SOPHIA So, how was your Sunday? S Let’s have a look. L Dan Hi. A Oh, so she went in planes a lot.
cheap. Excuse me I’d like two of these cups, M It was OK. l was at a party in the evening. M OK Are you OK? D Hi Lou. Are you at home now? B Yes! And she married a cosmonaut, too. She
please. S Was it good? S lthink so. L Yes. Look, I can’t talk now. met him in 1963. He was on the same space
F Certainly. M Yeah but the food wasn't very nice. M Is it very heavy? D Are you working? programme. And they had a daughter.
S Oh dear. S Yeah, it’s really heavy. Can you take it fora minute? L No, I’m not working. I’m cooking dinner. A So, did she go into space again?
M lwas tired. lwent home early. Whatabout you? M Of course! D 0h, OK. Look, what about this evening? D No, she only went once. But she said she would
S Me? S Thanks! OK. L No, sorry, I'm too tired. Let’s talk later, OK? like to fly to Mars one day. She said that when she
M How was your Sunday? M That’s OK. was 70!
S Oh, it was OK. I went for a walk in the afternoon. S Thank you.
And then I stayed at home and watched TV.
London’s really big. It’s difficult to meet people.

162 _ 163‘-
Unit 12 Can PART 2 Phonemic symbols
Cm SOPHIA Hi. Is that you, James?
JAMES Yes, it is. Vowel sounds
PAOLA This summer, I’m not going to have a normal S OK. Come on in!
holiday. I’m going to do something different. I read Short
J These are for you.
about a cooking school in the mountains. I’m going S on thank you. They're beautiful. /9/ /ae/ /u/ /o/ /1/ /i/ /e/ /A/
to learn how to cook really well. It’s a two-week J Oh, Megan —you’re here too. Hi. breakfast man put got chip happy men up
course. I think it’s going to be fun! MEGAN Hi, James. You look smart!
YAZ Every summer my family normally gets a house J Er, yes. Thank you.
nearthe beach and we spend the holiday there. But Long
S Good — now you’re both here.
we aren’t going to do that this year. For a change, J Yes, we’re both here. /3x/ /ox/ /ux/ o/ /ix/
we’re going to go on a trip to Norway. There’s a boat S Well, ljust I wanted to say thank you —to both shirt part who walk cheap
that goes along the coast of Norway. They say it’s a of you. It was my first month in a new city and you
very beautiful trip. really helped me a lot. And well I’m really
NIKITA Most summers | go to another country — last feeling at home here now. Diphthongs (two vowel sounds)
year I went to Munich in Germany. This summer, I’m M Great.
not going to travel abroad. I’m going to stay in this S Iwasn’t sure about staying in London.
/e9/ /19/ /09/ /:)1/ /a1/ /e1/ /90/ /aU/
country. I’m going to stay on a farm and I’m going to J Oh? hair near tour boy nine eight window now
work there. They aren’t going to pay me, but it’s not S No. But now | feel like I have new friends here, so
important for me. I want to do something different
and be outside all day.
So last week I decided. I’m going to stay.
M Oh, that’s wonderful news.
J Yeah, great! /p/ /b/ /f/ /v/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/
M Oh, that’s so nice.
picnic hook face very time dog cold go
S Yes, yes it is. Now let’s have dinner.
Conversation 1 J Great /0/ /6/ /tf/ /d3/ /s/ /z/ /I/ /3/
JESSICA What are you going to do this weekend, Lee? S OK, sit down, both of you, and I'll bring the food. think the chair job sea zoo shoe television
LEE Oh, I don’t know. Nothing much. M Lovely!
J Are you going to go out? J Thank you, Sophia.
/m/ /n/ /13/ /h/ /1/ /r/ /w/ /y/
L I’m going to see a film. me now sing hot late red went yes
J What film are you going to see?
I. I don’t know yet. I don’t know what’s on.
I What about Sunday?
Irregular verbs
I. Well, I’m going to go out somewhere maybe. See
Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple
what the weather’s like.
be was meet met
Conversation 2 begin began pay paid
JESSICA So what are you going to do this weekend,
Marcus? buy bought put put
MARCUS Well, on Saturday I’m going to get up early catch caught read read
and I’m going to go for a run. Then I’m going to go
shopping. choose chose ride rode
J What are you going to buy?
M Well, I want to buy a new jacket and some shoes.
come came run ran
And in the evening I'm going to meet some friends do did say said
for a meal.
J Where are you going to go? drink drank see saw
M There’s a new restaurant called Sandy’s. We’re drive drove sell sold
going to go there. And on Sunday, I'm going to go
play tennis. eat ate send sent
feel felt sing sang
SOPHIA Hi, James?
find found sit sat
JAMES Hello, Sophia! fly flew sleep slept
S How are you?
J I’m fine. How about you? forget forgot speak spoke
S Yes, really good. I bought some more things for my
get got spell spelled / spelt
flat today and I’m just putting them away.
J Oh, great. Oh, so, mm, lwanted to ask you Would give gave swim swam
you like to come for dinner? You know, at my flat?
S Well, that's really kind of you, James. I'd love to, go went take took
but grow up grew up teach taught
J Oh, good.
S No, I’d love to, but I just think you’ve helped me have had tell told
so much. You know, you met us at the station, the
hear heard think thought
J Oh, that was nothing. know knew understand understood
S No, but I’d like to say thank you. So, would you like
to come for dinner at my flat? learn learned / learnt wake up woke up
J Oh, well, yes. I’d love to come. Thank you. leave left wear wore
S Are you free on Friday?
J Oh, no. Sorry, l’m busy then, a work thing, but lose lost write wrote
Saturday’s OK.
S Great! Come on Saturday.
S See you then.
J See you then.
S Bye.
J Bye.

164 165
Board game

Make the question.

chocolate cake / have / l /
Ask other students to pick you
up at the station.
a piece o f / c a n / please?
Offer to buy other Say these prices.
students a cup of coffee. £7.99 $15.30 €100 I-I'I-I-I-I-I

Say four countries

What time did you get
up this morning?
Make and answer the
Say and spell the four
Say and spell four
places in a home.
Make and answer the
tomorrow / going / do /
usually / when / y o u /
and their to / are / w h a t / y o u ?
g e t / home / do?

co BACK roun/

Say and spell Make and answer the Make the question.
four foods. question. Say and spell four jobs. , doing / you / a r e / what? Say ordinal numbers
live / you / where / do? 1-10.

Make and answer the

question. Say and spell four ;

you /are / Spanish? colours.

no on FOUR , co on FOUR 7 .
Spell your name and Who lived with you Say and spell three Say two plans you have
country. when you were a child? kinds of transport. for next weekend.

Make the question.

Think of three other
much / how / these /
ways to say ‘hello'.
shoes / are ?
Make and answer the Ask other students
Say Whirl: .a Invite other students to Make the question.
Say the numbers 1-12. question. their opinion about a
the cinema tomorrow. Edinburgh /time’s / the /
do/ have/you/of/ photos/ supermar e 's' place you all know.
train / next / what / to?
friends / your / any?

FOUR on on roun C. *
SQUARES Make and answer the
Say and spell four question. say “"0 things you can
watch and two things Say four life events. Say two things you
places in a town. hotels / your/ in / t h e r e /
are/any/town? you can play_ can't do well.

Make and answer the question.

Are you from a city, town or village? were / YOU / where / Say two things you can do well.
weekend / last?
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