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Subject: {first} , grow even faster

Hi {{first}}.

You want to grow your business more so I'll make this short.

At Creative Deer, we specialize in empowering businesses like yours to build, launch, grow,
and scale with precision and purpose.

Just recently, we assisted another construction company in enhancing their operations and
achieving remarkable results.

Do you have 10 Minutes?

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
Creative Deer
Follow up 1:

Subject: RE: {{first}} , you don't want to miss this

Hi {{first}}

I wanted to touch base to see if you've had a chance to consider our offer. Your business's
growth potential is immense, and I believe we can help you far greater success together.

I'm excited to receive your response soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
Creative Deer
Fllow up 2:

Subject: RE: {{first}} , dont let this go

Hi {{first}}

Just wanted to check if you have been getting my past messages?

We could gain valuable insights from a brief conversation.

When are you free?

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
Creative Deer
Follow up 3:

Subject: RE: {{first}}, tick tick..

Hi {{first}}

I know you're really busy, but I just wanted to see if my emails have been reaching you.

Having a conversation would be incredibly valuable for us.

When is it a good time to call you?

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
Creative Deer
Follow up 4:

Subject: RE: {{first}}, 7 figures will go bye-bye soon

Hi {{first}}

Just reaching out one last time to ensure we're not missing out on a great opportunity to
further expand your business.

I assume you haven't responded yet for one of these three reasons.

1. You don't see a fit

2. You already have found a solution to expand your business
3. You're like a busy bee buzzing around, doing a million things at once, and forgot to buzz
back to me.

If one of these reasons is correct , then this is the reason we should talk

What does your calendar look like this week

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
Creative Deer

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