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Activity # 4 (Performance Task 3)

Name: ANGELICA D. BALLESTEROS Strand and Section: STEM 11 L

Date/ Week No. WEEK NO. 4 FEB 19, 2024 Score:

DIRECTIONS: Search for an article (2020 - Present) that is related to your strand and evaluate the information using the
table below.

Title of the Article: "How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Drug Discovery"

(Link Address:)

Accuracy Answer: The content of the article is grammatically

● Is the content of the article grammatically correct and comprehensible. It effectively explains how
correct and comprehensible / artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the process of
grammatically correct but not drug discovery.
comprehensible / incorrect grammar but
comprehensible / incorrect grammar and
not comprehensible? Justify your answer

Author Answer: YES

● Is the author and publisher information
included and visible in the article? Author: Science Daily

Publisher:Science Daily

Currency Answer: The content of the article is current and

● Is the content of the article current and relevant
updated frequently?

Date Published: August 15, 2023.

Fairness Answer:
● Is the content of the article balanced, The article presents a balanced view of the topic by
presenting all sides of an issue and discussing both the benefits and challenges of using
multiple points of view? Justify your artificial intelligence in drug discovery. It highlights the
answer advancements made possible by AI while also
acknowledging the limitations and ethical
considerations associated with its implementation.

Relevance Answer:
● Is the content of the article relevant to The content of the article is highly relevant to the STEM
your topic? Justify your answer field, specifically to technology and its impact on
scientific research. It explores the intersection of
artificial intelligence and drug discovery, which is a
significant area of innovation in STEM.

Excellent (10 pts.) Average (7 pts.) Below Average (4 pts.)
Area of Focus Points
High Achieving Moderate Achieving Poor
A complete response with Good solid response with
Explanation Explanation is unclear.
a detailed explanation. clear explanation.
Shows complete Shows substantial Response shows some
Knowledge understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
question. question. question.
Goes beyond the Hardly meets the
Meets the requirements
Content requirements of the requirements of the
of the question.
question. question.

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