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Metals and their Proper�es

Metals contain 1, 2 or 3 electrons in outermost shell. Metals lose valence electrons to make positive ions.
Metals are generally present in first three groups 1, 2 and 3.
Difference in the Physical properties of metal and Non Metals

• Metals are solids at room temp with the exception of mercury and gallium which are liquids at room
temp, whereas non – metals can be solids, liquids or gases
• Luster: Metals have the quality of reflecting light from its surface and can be polished. E.g.: Gold, silver
etc. where as only diamond is lustrous, all other non - metals are non – luteus
• Malleability: metal are malleable and can be made into thin sheets called as foils. Non – metals are
• Ductility: Metals can be drawn into wires. .
• Hardness: All metals are hard except sodium and potassium which are soft and can be cut with a
• Valency: Metals have 1 to 3 electrons in the outermost shell of their atoms. Non metals have 4, 5, 6
or 7 electrons in outermost shell
• Conduction: Metals are good conductors because they have free electrons. Non metals are insulator
except graphite
• Density: Metals have high density and are very heavy. Iridium and osmium have the highest densities
where as lithium has the lowest density.
• Melting and Boiling Point: Metals have high melting and boiling point - Tungsten has the highest
melting point where as Hg has low boiling point. Na and K have low melting points.

Chemical Reactions of metals

Reaction of Metals with Water

Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium reacts with cold water to form metal hydroxide and hydrogen

M(s) + 2H2O(l)  MOH(aq) + H2(g)

Metal + Water  Metal Hydroxide + Hydrogen

Reaction of metals with Steam

Magnesium, Zinc, Iron reacts with steam to form metal oxide and hydrogen

M(s) + 2H2O(g) MO(s) + H2(g)

Metal + Water Metal Oxide + Hydrogen
Iron does not react with cold water. Copper and Gold have no reaction with water and steam

Reaction of Metals with Dilute Hydrochloric Acid

Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Iron reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form:

M(s) + 2HCl(aq)  MCl2(aq) + H2(g)

Metal + Acid  Metal Chloride + Hydrogen
Lead reacts with warm hydrochloric acid slowly. Copper and Gold have no reaction with dilute
hydrochloric acid

Reaction of Metals with Oxygen

1. Metals react with oxygen to form a metallic oxide or basic oxide.

2. Active metals like (sodium Na, Potassium K) react instantaneously with oxygen to form metallic oxide.

Mubashir Sulehri [ 0322 4307040 ] O / AS / A – Level Chemistry

Metals and their Proper�es


3. Moderately reactive metals like (Magnesium, Aluminum, and Zinc) with oxygen after heating.
4. Least reactive metals like copper Cu, Silver Ag, Gold Au do not react with oxygen.

Uses of metals

• aluminium in the manufacture of aircraft because of its low density

• aluminium in the manufacture of overhead electrical cables because of its low density and good
electrical conductivity
• aluminium in food containers because of its resistance to corrosion
• copper in electrical wiring because of its good electrical conductivity and ductility


An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals fused together in molten state.

The various properties of a metal like malleability, ductility,
strength, hardness, resistance to corrosion and appearance
can be improved by mixing with other metals.

Pure metals are weak as the layers of atoms slide over each
other easily. But Alloys are harder than metals because, in
alloy of 2 metals, they have different sizes of atoms so this
disrupts the orderly layer of atoms making it difficult for atoms
to slide over.

Examples of Alloys
Cu Zn Sn
Brass 60-80% 40-20%
Bronze 80% 2% 18%

• Steel (mixture of iron, little carbon and trace elements)

• Brass (copper and zinc) – tough and corrosive-resistant
• Coin metals (copper with other metals e.g. nickel) – tough, resistant and stand up to wear

Points to Remembers
Alloys can be harder and stronger than the pure metals because the different sized atoms or ions in alloys
mean the layers of atoms [ ions ] can no longer slide over each other

stainless steel used in cutlery because of its hardness and resistance to rusting

Mubashir Sulehri [ 0322 4307040 ] O / AS / A – Level Chemistry

Metals and their Proper�es

Uses of Alloys

Stainless steel
is an alloy of iron containing Fe, C, Ni, Cr. This is the most expensive.
Applications for:
• Cutleries
• Medical instruments for hospital operations
• Kitchen sinks
• Steel objects in chemical factories and oil refineries
This is an alloy of copper which contains 90% of copper and 10% of tin.
Applications for:
• It is used in preparation of statues.
• In bearings, clips, electrical connectors and springs

Reactivity Series

The reactivity series is a list of metals with the mot reactive metal at the top and the least reactive metal at the
bottom. Like Reactivity series is given as [ from more reactive to less reactive ] potassium, sodium, calcium,
magnesium, aluminum, carbon, zinc, iron, hydrogen, copper, silver, gold

Reactive metals tend to form positive ions easily, by losing electrons and forming compounds. Unreactive
metals prefer to remain in uncombined form, as the element itself. The order of reactivity is determined by their
reactions with cold water, steam, dilute acids etc.
More reactive metals can displace less reactive metals from their compounds.
• E.g. Magnesium displaces copper from copper(II) chloride
Mg(s) + CuCl2(aq) MgCl2(aq) + Cu(s)
For observation, we’ll see magnesium metal coated with brown copper metal
Displacement takes place as Mg atoms transfer electrons to Cu2+ ions forming Cu atoms.
Mg(s) → Mg2+(aq) + 2e-
Cu2+(aq) + 2e- → Cu(s)
This shows that Mg is more reactive than Cu.
• E.g. The Thermit Reaction (Displacement from metal oxides)
Similarly, when iron(III) oxide and aluminium powder are heated in a crucible, with a magnesium fuse
to start the reaction. The aluminium is more reactive and takes the oxygen from the iron oxide, leaving
molten iron at the bottom of the crucible.
Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s)  Al2O3(s) + 2Fe(l)
This is called Thermit reaction large amount of heat is produced.
Reduction of Metal Oxides

Metal oxides can be reduced into metals by

• Electrolysis of molten metal oxide
• Reacting metal oxide with carbon
• Reacting metal oxide with hydrogen

The oxides of metals above zinc in the series can only be reduced to the metal by using Electrolysis. E.g. In
electrolysis of molten Al2O3, Al is obtained.

Mubashir Sulehri [ 0322 4307040 ] O / AS / A – Level Chemistry

Metals and their Proper�es

2Al2O3  4Al + 3O2

The oxides below aluminium can be reduced by heating with carbon or hydrogen, except zinc oxide which
cannot be reduced by the action of hydrogen

• Reaction of Metal Oxides with Carbon

The lower the position of metal in reactivity series, the easier for carbon to remove oxygen from metal oxide
by heating. At higher position, stronger heat is needed.

E.g. CuO can by reduced into Cu by C at Bunsen burner flame temperature as Cu is at the bottom of reactivity
2CuO(s) + C(s)  2Cu(s) + CO2(g)

For iron oxide to be reduced, it needs very high temperature.

2FeO(s) + C(s)  2Fe(s) + CO2(g)

• Reaction of Metal Oxides with Hydrogen

The lower position of metal in reactivity series, the easier for hydrogen to remove oxygen from metal oxide by
heating. At higher position, stronger heat is needed.

E.g. PbO can be reduced by H2 at Bunsen burner flame temperature

PbO(s) + H2(g) Pb(s) + H2O(l)

Decomposition of Metal Carbonates

More reactive metal carbonates like sodium, potassium carbonates do not decompose on heating. Medium
reactive metals undergo thermal decomposition to give metal oxide and CO2.

Carbonates of more reactive metals are decomposed at higher temperature, where as carbonates of less
reactive metals are decomposed at lower temperature.
E.g. decomposition of PbCO3 takes place at higher temperature

PbCO3(s)  PbO(s) + CO2(g)

whereas CuCO3 decomposes at low temperature. It can be decomposed by Bunsen burner flame

CuCO3(s)  CuO(s) + CO2(g)

Mubashir Sulehri [ 0322 4307040 ] O / AS / A – Level Chemistry

Metals and their Proper�es

Mubashir Sulehri [ 0322 4307040 ] O / AS / A – Level Chemistry

Metals and their Proper�es

Mubashir Sulehri [ 0322 4307040 ] O / AS / A – Level Chemistry

Metals and their Proper�es

Mubashir Sulehri [ 0322 4307040 ] O / AS / A – Level Chemistry

Metals and their Proper�es



Mubashir Sulehri [ 0322 4307040 ] O / AS / A – Level Chemistry

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