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Idea: Además explicar la analogía de la taza

En francia a finales del siglo XIX varios matemáticos, entre los que destaca Henri Poincare con su estudio
del problemas de los tres cuerpos, invitaron a Brouwer a distintas conferencias que llevaron/propiciaron
a que él conociera los problemas en los que estaban inmerso sus contemporáneos.
Esto propicio su interés por intentar resolverlos y como consecuencia, consiguió algunos logoros en
distintos campos. In 1912 he proved the hairy ball theorem for the two-dimensional sphere, as
well as the fact that every continuous map from the two-dimensional ball to itself has a fixed
Brouwer also generalized the Jordan curve theorem to arbitrary dimension and established
the properties connected with the degree of a continuous mapping.
Nosotros nos centraremos aquí Brouwer fixed point theorem.

Se dice/ o se cree que la idea que dio comienzo al teorema fue debido a /was due to a tea of coffe. One
day/un día Brouwer estaba sentado con una taza y al remover el azucar vió que el torbenillo generado
hace mover todos los puntos de la superficie menos a uno de ellos, dicho punto podría ser considerado
inmovil. Esto fue el germen que dió lugar a su teorema.

Este teorema aparece en múltiples rama de las matemáticas. Por enunciar solo algunas:

In mathematical economics , as another example , in its primitive application the Brouwer

theorem is used to prove the existence of an equilibrium in a pure exchange economy. For
example, the author Debreu proving the existence of equilibrium for abstract economics.

In general equilibrium models, the fixed-point algorithm have gotten great results for practical
purpose by people like Herbert Scarf who has developed revelant algorithms in this field

In mathematical analysis , as an example , it is an essential tool in the theory of ordinary

differential equations . A mathematician John Milnor got a proof in a article with only four paper
long. In our case, we are going to demonstrate the theorem in this branch of mathematics
using contraction mapping principle when the n-dimensional space is n=1.

There exists many forms to proof the Brouwe fixed-point theorem

In France, at the end of the XIX century several mathematicians, among which Henri Poincare
stands out with his study of the three body problem, they invited to Brouwer a diferent
conference that led him to know the problems in which his contemporaries were immersed.
It led to his interest to try if he could solve them, as a consequence, he get some achievements
in field mathematics. In 1912 he proved the hairy ball theorem for the case two- dimensional
sphere, as well as the fact that every continuous map from the two-dimensional ball to itself
has a fixed point. He also to get The Jordan curve theorem generalized to arbitrary dimension
and outside of mathematics he founded intuitionism.
But in this activity, we take our attention about Brouwer fixed point.

It is believed that the idea where beginning the theorem was due to tea of coffe. One day,
Brouwer was sitting with a cup and when he removed the azucar saw that the whirlwind
generated makes move all the points of the surface except one of them, said point could be
considered immobile. This was the germ that gave rise to his theorem.

This theorem appears in multiple branchs of the mathematics. To mention just a few.

In mathematical economics , as another example , in its primitive application the Brouwer

theorem is used to prove the existence of an equilibrium in a pure exchange economy. For
example, the author Debreu proving the existence of equilibrium for abstract economics.

In mathematical analysis , as an example , it is an essential tool in the theory of ordinary

differential equations . A mathematician John Milnor got a proof in a article with only four
paper long. In our case, we are going to demonstrate the theorem in this branch of
mathematics using contraction mapping principle when the n-dimensional space is n=1.

Explicas que todo comenzo con la observación del movimineto de las partículas de una taza de café . De
wiki y aqui

The Brouwer fixed point theorem es la base de los distintos teoremas de puntos fijos los cuales son de
gran importancia en el análisis funcional, además tambi
Hacer un resumen histórico de lo que vas a tratar . Eplicando lo de Poincare, versión topológica del
asunto y después john -……. Dio una versión analítica del aasunto en el año 1978

Caso unidimensional, explicarlo como wiki y old paper

Caso bidimensional
THEOREM 1. An even-dimensional sphere does not possess any continuously differentiable field of unit
tangent vectors

theorem1. It is not possible for a continuous function f to map the unit ball B" = {xl llxll < 1) of n-
dimensional Euclidean space onto the unit sphere sn- I = {xl llxll = 1) and to satisfy f(x) = x for all x on Sn-1

Se parecen mucho, en una dice que no existe o posee campo continuamente diferenciable, es decir, en
algún punto se incumple la propiedad de diferencibilidad o continuidad sobre la derivada. Haciendo que
no se cumpla dicha popiedad.

Esto está relacionado con el segundo teorema ya que este afirma que que a partir de una función
continua to map the ball onto Sphere
Lo que significa que

Sirve para decir que existen otros casos además del que se va a demostrar que es de carácter analítico
There are several fixed-point theorems which come in three equivalent variants: an algebraic
topology variant, a combinatorial variant and a set-covering variant. Each variant can be proved
separately using totally different arguments, but each variant can also be reduced to the other
variants in its row. Additionally, each result in the top row can be deduced from the one below it
in the same column

The Brouwer fixed-point Theorem trata sobre el concepto de punto fijo. El concepto de punto fijo en
matemática consiste en la existencia de un punto x del dominio de una aplicación cuya imagen f(x) tiene
el mismo valor, es decir, f(x)=x
 When you are given an assignment in a science subject you are often required to write a brief
report about it. In that report you have to state the problem (not always the statement is clear or
accurate enough), review the theory you have studied in your text book, actually solve the
problem (deriving the equations, performing the calculations, explaining the approximations and
assumptions you take, etc.), and give a final result answering the initially posed question; in
some cases, you will not be able to reach a solution, and then you should explain why it is not

In this activity, you are required to do a brief search on books and the Internet about this topic
and write a brief report (2-3 pages) about your findings
 Proof of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem on the line and on the plane.

 Let a continuous function f map a compact set of ℝ onto itself. Show that the function
has a fixed point.

 Let a continuous function f map a compact and convex set of ℝ2 onto itself. Show that
the function has a fixed point.

1.pdf (

Analytic Proofs of the "Hairy Ball Theorem" and the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem (
A Less Strange Version of Milnor's Proof of Brouwer's Fixed-Point Theorem (

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