Work of Fourth Lesson

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Foruth Lesson

 When you are given an assignment in a science subject you are often required to write a brief
report about it. In that report you have to state the problem (not always the statement is clear or
accurate enough), review the theory you have studied in your text book, actually solve the
problem (deriving the equations, performing the calculations, explaining the approximations and
assumptions you take, etc.), and give a final result answering the initially posed question; in
some cases, you will not be able to reach a solution, and then you should explain why it is not

In this activity, you are required to do a brief search on books and the Internet about this topic
and write a brief report (2-3 pages) about your findings
 Proof of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem on the line and on the plane.

 Let a continuous function f map a compact set of ℝ onto itself. Show that the function
has a fixed point.

 Let a continuous function f map a compact and convex set of ℝ2 onto itself. Show that
the function has a fixed point.

Assigment: encargo, tarea

His boss gave him three assignments to be completed by the end of the week
El jefe le dio tres tareas que debían ser completadas antes de el fin de semana
Aquí indica límite de tiempo, antes de

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