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Skill Enhancement Priest Enhancement

Agile (+2 balance, escape artist, rope use, tumble)** Improved turning (+2 turn attempts, +2 turn checks)
Alertness (+2 listen & spot) Natural spell (cast spells in wild shape) *
Animal affinity (+2 ride & handle animal)
Artistic (+2 artistic craft, disguise, perform)**
Athletic (+2 climb, jump, ride, swim)**
Borrower (change 1 cross-class skill into a class skill) Bardic Enhancement
Deceitful (+2 disguise & bluff) Extra music (use bardic music ability 2 extra times a day)
Diligent (+2 to any two: craft, decipher script, forgery,
gather information, knowledge, professional or search)**
Negotiator (+2 bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, sense Magic Enhancement
motive)** Augment summoning (+4 str & con)
Nimble fingers (+2 dis. device & open locks) Combat casting (+4 concentration check for spells in fight); this
Open-minded (gain 5 skill points) feat may be taken as a combat feat
Self-sufficient (+2 heal & survival) Greater spell penetration (additional +2 to overcome SR)*
Skill focus (+3 to skill, exceed maximum ranks) Magical aptitude (+2 spellcraft & knowledge arcana)
Stealthy (+2 hide & move silently) Mobile spellcasting (make DC 20 + spell lvl concentration check
Track (use survival skill to track) to move and cast spell in same action, but at +4 to the check; fail
= spell lost, but can still move); this feat may be taken as a
**may be taken more than once, but bonus applies to combat feat
different skills Spell penetration (+2 overcome spell resistance)

Personal Enhancement
Ability boost (+1 to one ability score)
Cat’s fall (ignore 20’ falling damage with a DC 20 Tumble
Diehard (remain conscious at negative hit points) -a bonus language for high intelligence may be exchanged to
Dive for cover (reroll failed Reflex save, but land prone)* transform a cross-class skill into a class skill
Elemental focus (+1 to elemental energy saves of one type)
Endurance (+4 check vs. nonlethal damage)
Fast crawl (move at ½ speed while prone)
Fleet of foot (add 10' to movement)* -1 additional feat may be obtained by exchanging two points of a
Force of personality (reroll failed Will save, but lose next character’s intelligence bonus instead of choosing two languages
action to recover from mental strain)*
Great fortitude (+2 fortitude saves)
Heroic defiance (delay harmful Fortitude effect by 1 round,
not hit point or ability point damage)*
Improved swimming (add 5 if S, 10' if M, to swim speed)*
Iron constitution (reroll failed Fortitude save, but lose next
action to recover from physical strain)
Iron will (+2 will saves)
Lightning reflexes (+2 reflex saves)
Nimble moves (move 10’ at normal rate in rough terrain)*
Run (5x run speed, +4 to jump w/running start)
Toughness (+3 hit points)
Combat: Archery
Deadly aim (trade att. bonus for dam. w/fired projectiles)*
Far shot (increase range increments by 50%)*
Imp. precise shot (ignore cover/conceal for ranged attack)*
Point-blank shot (+1 to hit & damage within 30’)*
Power throw (trade att. bonus for damage w/thrown wpn)*
Precise shot (waive -4 to hit when shooting into melee)*
Rapid shot (1 extra missile attack a round) *
Shot on the run (move before and after ranged attack)*

Combat: Ride
Improved overrun (+4 overrun check, no attack opp.)*
Imp. mounted archery (no penalty to hit while mounted)*
Mounted archery (½ penalty to hit while mounted)*
Mounted combat (negate hit on mount with ride check)*
Ride-by attack (move before and after mounted charge)*
Spirited charge (double damage with mounted charge)*
Trample (target cannot avoid mounted overrun)*
Unseat (make +4 bullrush check when hitting mounted foe
with your lance/spear during a charge to unseat him)*

Combat: AC
Adv. shield training (shield AC bonus increases by 1)*
Armoured grace (check penalty lower by 1/+4 att. bonus)*
Armour proficiency (lt, med, hy; no armour check penalty)
Armour training: AC (AC bonus based on base att bonus)*
Blind fight (reroll concealment miss, keep dex if blind)
Canny defence (AC: 2 + ⅓ base attack rating, round down)
Combat expertise (trade base attack for AC bonus)
Defensive stance (+2 str & saves, +4 con, AC; stay in one
Deflect arrows (deflect one ranged attack/round)
Dodge (+1 to AC)
Diversion (make bluff check to create a diversion; if
successful, make a hide check as a move action)
Improved feint (feint in combat as move action)
Improved shield bash (keep shield bonus to AC when
hitting with shield)*
Mobility (+4 to AC against some attacks of opportunity)
Quick donning armour (½ time to don/remove armour)*

Shield proficiency (no armour check penalty)

Snatch arrows (catch a deflected attack, 1/round) *
Two-weapon defence (off-hand weapon gives +1 to AC)*

Combat: Melee
Acrobatic charge (+4 skill bonus to charge over rough terrain)*
Chokehold (grapple target 1 size larger no penalty)*
Cleave (extra melee attack after dropping target)
Danger sense (reroll initiative 1/day per +2 base attack bonus)*
Deft opportunist (+2 bonus to attacks of opportunity)
Dumbo drop (disarm target larger than you at +4 bonus, gain +2 to creatures of same size or smaller)*
Elephantine threat (bullrush target larger than you at +4 bonus, gain +2 to creatures of same size or smaller)*
Exotic weapon proficiency *
Friendly switch (switch places with an ally as part of your movement without provoking an attack of opportunity)
Furious charge (+4 to attack roll when charging)
Greater cleave (1 extra cleave attack per +5 base attack bonus)*
Greater disarm (item lies 10’ from target)*
Greater trip (tripped target provokes attack of opportunity)*
Greater two-weapon fighting (0 primary, 0 off-hand)*
Improved bullrush (+4 bullrush check, no attack opportunity)
Improved disarm (+4 disarm check, no attack opportunity)
Improved grapple (+4 grapple check, no attack opportunity)
Improved trip (+4 trip check, no attack opportunity)
Improved two-weapon fighting (-2 primary, -2 off-hand)*
Improved unarmed strike (considered armed when unarmed)
Knife fighter (no penalty to use light weapon while grappling)*
Karmic strike (take attack of opportunity when hit by foe, but take -4 to your AC until your next turn; usable 1 day/+2 BAB) *
Leap attack (20' run + min. 5' leap, inflict 2x base weapon damage on a hit, jump DC = distance leapt; full-round action)*
Pack flanking (you and ally mêléeing the same foe allows you to get a flanking bonus, but not the ally unless he also has feat)
Power attack (trade attack bonus for damage with melee weapon)
Precise strike (extra die of damage with a light or one-handed piercing weapon; 1/day per 2 points of base attack bonus)*
Quickdraw (add 1 to your initiative roll)
Reckless rage (when raging, take -1 attack to gain +2 to damage)
Scorpion's grasp (attack 1/round with whip or kursari-gama at no penalty on successful grapple check; hold smaller foe in off-
hand at -20 to check; no AC penalty; still threaten nearby foes)
Specialization (+1 att./+2 dam. to the weapon prof. chosen)
Spring attack (move before and after a melee attack)
Staggering strike (on failed Fort. save, target is Dazed for 1 rnd; usable 1/day per +3 base attack bonus and sneak attack dice)*
Stand still (make a touch attack as an attack of opportunity to prevent foe from moving past, no damage, foe keeps actions )
Steel headbutt (bonus attack with helm at -2 penalty;1/day per +1 constitution bonus) *
Stunning fist (stun opponent with unarmed strike) *
Tiring critical (your crit Fatigues foe on a failed Will save)
Touch attack specialization (+2 to hit, 0 damage adjustment)*
Two-weapon fighting (-4 primary, -4 off-hand)
Vital strike (2x wpn dam., melee attack, 1/day +5 attack bonus)*
Watch your step (trip target larger than you at +4 bonus, gain +2 to creatures of same size or smaller)*
Weapon finesse (use dex missile attack bonus for melee attack)
Acrobatic charge: at least 1 rank in the balance, jump or tumble skill.
Advanced shield training: shield proficiency and +3 base attack bonus.
Armoured grace: armour proficiency and +4 base attack bonus.
Armour training: armour proficiency and +4 base attack bonus. +1 to armour bonus per +4 base attack bonus up to ½ of
armour bonus, rounded down.
Archery feats: proficiency with ranged weapon.
Chokehold: improved grapple.
Danger sense: quickdraw.
Dive for cover: lightning reflexes.
Dumbo drop: improved disarm.
Elephantine threat: improved bullrush.
Exotic weapon proficiency: 2 weapon slots must be used to become proficient with a weapon from outside one's culture.
Fleet of foot: run.
Force of personality: iron will.
Greater cleave: cleave.
Greater disarm: improved disarm.
Greater spell penetration: spell penetration.
Greater trip: improved trip.
Heroic defiance: diehard or endurance & base Fortitude save +4.
Improved mounted archery: mounted archery & base attack bonus +7.
Improved precise shot: precise shot.
Improved shield bash: shield weapon proficiency & two-weapon fighting tree.
Improved swimming: at least 1 rank in swim skill.
Iron constitution: great fortitude.
Karmic strike: base attack bonus +2.
Knife fighter: improved grapple.
Leap attack: at least 1 rank in jump skill.
Mounted feats: at least 1 rank in ride skill.
Natural spell: ability to take wild shapes.
Nimble moves: 1 rank in Tumble, Jump or Perform: Dance.
Precise strike: proficiency with the light or one-handed weapon used; +2 base attack bonus.
Scorpion's grasp: improved grapple.
Snatch arrows: deflect arrows.
Staggering strike: +3 base attack bonus or 3 sneak attack dice or any combination thereof totalling three.
Steel headbutt: +1 Constitution bonus.
Stunning fist: improved unarmed strike.
Touch attack specialization: must be able to cast touch or ray spells.
Two-weapon defence: two-weapon fighting trio OR specialization in two-handed weapon and +2 base attack bonus.
Two-weapon fighting before improved two-weapon fighting before greater two-weapon fighting.
Watch your step: improved trip.
Weapon specialization: proficiency with the weapon the feat is applied to.

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