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Month : Des-23
Kode/Nama Salesman : SMC003 - TOHA ADI SAPUTRA
Monthly Salesman Incentive
% Maximum Incentive Per Slab SMC
Distributor Booster Total
10% 20% 30% BOOSTER TARGET ACTUAL % ACH % INC Prerequisite
DRIVE FOCUS Weight Incentive Incentive Incentive
97.00% - 99.99% 100.00% - 104.99% ≥ 105.00% ≥ 105.00%
Ach. Sell Out Total Product (excl. IFFO) vs Target 30,00% 160.000.000 213.373.586 133,4% 9,00% - 450.000 450.000
Ach. Sell Out Category (excl. IFFO) vs Target 20,00% -
Adult Dairy 2,50% 29.395.143 51.685.881 175,8% 6,00% - 60.000 60.000
Beverages 2,50% 30.157.258 85.711.790 284,2% 6,00% - 60.000 60.000
Culinary Dairy 2,50% 10.110.235 29.209.472 288,9% 6,00% - 30.000 30.000
Sales Performance
Coffee 2,50% 7.000.137 5.195.386 74,2% 0,00% - - -
Confectionery 2,50% - - #DIV/0! 0,00% - - -
NBC 2,50% 5.143.510 5.431.951 105,6% 6,00% - 15.000 15.000
Nestle Nutrition 2,50% 28.810.103 16.877.529 58,6% 0,00% - - -
Children Dairy 2,50% 34.218.087 19.266.594 56,3% 0,00% - - -
95.00% - 97.99% 98.00% - 99.99% ≥ 100% ≥ 100.00% -
Outlet Active vs Target (Sunrise Standard Salesman) 20,00% 285,00 208,00 73,0% 0,00% 27,1% - - -
95.00% - 97.99% 98.00% - 99.99% ≥ 100% ≥ 100.00% -
Outlet Active Product Category 10,00% -
Adult Dairy 2,0% 28,00 26,00 92,9% 0,00% - - -
Beverages 2,0% 103,00 90,00 87,4% 0,00% - - -
Culinary Dairy 1,0% 4,00 9,00 225,0% 3,00% - 15.000 15.000
Coffee 0,5% 91,00 54,00 59,3% 0,00% - - -
Confectionery 0,5% - - #DIV/0! 0,00% - - -
NBC 0,5% 56,00 45,00 80,4% 0,00% - - -
Nestle Nutrition 1,2% 31,00 25,00 80,6% 0,00% - - -
More Stores 2.0 Children Dairy 2,3% 123,00 80,00 65,0% 0,00% - - -
Slab Attached -
Market Return 0,00% 0,00% 0,0% 0,00% - - -
Incremental SKU Sold (2) 20,00% -
1.0 - 1.59 1.6 - 1.99 ≥ 2.0 ≥ 2.0 -
GT Channel (Provision Pasar) 10,00% 5,48 2,56 (2,9) 0,00% - - -
GT Channel (WS) - - - - - - -
3.0 - 3.99 4.0 - 4.99 ≥ 5.0 ≥ 5.0 -
MT Channel (LSM & LMM) 5,00% 47,00 31,00 (16,0) - - - -
0.2 - 0.59 0.6 - 0.99 ≥ 1.0 ≥ 1.0 -
ATC Channel (Mobility) 5,00% - - - - - - -
ATC Channel (Institution) 3,57 2,05 (1,52) - - - -
Total 120,00% 36,00% 27,05% - 630.000 630.000
Outlet Active dengan minimum threshold/month standard by channel (Prerequisite: outlet active dengan master data customer sesuai PICOS, Oct: 50%, Nov: 60% & Dec: 70%)
SKU Sold growth vs Highest Q2 2023 Excl IFFO (with actual Provision, Pasar & Wholesale: 8 SKU Sold, LSM & LMM: 60 SKU Sold, & Mobility, Institution: 6 SKU Sold to get maximum slab)
Maximum Incentive 30% Gaji Pokok (distributor)
Gaji Pokok Rp0,00

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(Salesman) (Operation Manager) (Head of Area) (Area Sales Manager)

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