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1. Would you consider and use Netflix’s offering if it is available in your home country?

I would definitely consider using Netflix. The main reasons for my choice are the following:

- Large selection of content

- Possibility to watch on demand anytime you want
- Good value → Reasonably priced

All this is showing in Netflix’s increasing number of users across the world and level of revenue.
2. Characterize and evaluate the product market investment decision of Netflix for its
current offering.

Characteristics of Netflix’s market:

- Netflix started with online DVD rental and then moved to streaming-video
- Content production (movies and series)
- 200 countries

Streamed video production and distribution worldwide

Product market investment decision: Invest to grow

3. Describe and evaluate the value proposition of Netflix for its current offering.
Benefits of Netflix’s offering:

- Large selection of movies and series provides choice

- Easy to use
- Personalized (provides recommendations)
- Original quality content
- Multiple languages
- Provides localized content depending on the country where you are
- Flexibility in viewing (stop and start anytime)
- Ad free
- Functional, social, self-expressive and emotional

Top ways to describe value proposition:

1. Good value
2. Selection
3. Convenience
4. Quality

Summing up all the characteristics into a statement:

Netflix creates and provides streaming video with a wide range of quality content (both films and
series) that you can view ad-free anytime and almost anywhere in the world and on multiple
devices for a low monthly fee. They even recommend what you may like based on what you are

The value proposition of a company’s offering can change over time and should be
evaluated periodically.
4. Outline and evaluate the assets and competencies of Netflix supporting their marketing

Netflix’s Assets

- Distribution rights to a large number of titles

- Well developed IT infrastructure → Ease of use
- Recommendation software → Personalize
- People in the organization (e.g.production stuff) → Quality
- Financial strength → Sustain many value propositions
- Large database of subscribers + Ratings
- Brand equity → Positive association, High awareness

Netflix’s Competencies

- Superior relationships with flim vendors → Ability to secure exclusive distribution rights
→ variety
- Strong web design → Ease of use
- Strong and high performing culture of the organization → Value
- Data driven → customer oriented→ Customization and quality

Netflix’s assets and competencies contribute towards value, selection, convenience, quality.
5. Outline and evaluate the product and distribution strategies of Netflix.

Product strategies

- Streaming services (full to limited)

- High compatibility with multiple devices
- Large range
- Original content (exclusives)
- Interactive content

Distribution strategies

- Initially DVDs by mail, while now is streaming

- Static devices (PCs, TVs)
- Mobile devices (use on-the-go)
- Multiple platforms

6. Outline and evaluate the pricing and promotion strategies of Netflix.

Pricing strategies

- Subscription based (monthly)

- Based on the number of screens, quality based, etc…
- Competitively priced offering → Good value

Promotional strategies

- Billboards
- TV ads
- Social media
- Sponsorships
- Word-of-mouth → dominant way in which the company aims to promote its offering
- Exclusives offerings

7. Develop and evaluate marketing strategy-based recommendations for what Netflix

should do for its current offering to overcome the challenges indicated in the case.

1. How would you characterize the most appropriate bases for segmentation of the wearable
device market?

Benefit fitness active people at a low price

➢ Income: low, medium, high

➢ Geographic: high vs low infrastructure
➢ Lifestyle: active vs inactive (There is also a fashion segment, those individuals who
would purchase a Fit Bit just because they want to be fashionable)
➢ Demographics: generation X, Z (young vs old)
➢ Profession
➢ Healthiness
➢ Loyalty

2. How would you characterize the motivations of consumers in this wearable device market?

➢ Wanting latest tech

➢ Medical necessity
➢ Trend setting
➢ Tracking steps
➢ Achieve goals
➢ Improve well-being
➢ Information sharing across devices
➢ Value (price vs benefits)

All of the points fall between these 3 categories: Functional, Social and Self-expressive

3. What unmet needs do you see in the wearable device market?

➢ Specialized needs (parents with young children)

➢ Student subscriptions
➢ Camera
➢ Battery life/charging
➢ Durability

4. What would a competitor analysis of the wearable device market look like and what are some
possible marketing strategy implications?

➢ Premium tech companies: Apple, Samsung

➢ Fashion groups: Fossil
➢ Fitness, sports: Nike, Garmin
5. Based upon the strategic marketing perspectives on consumers, competitors, and the market,
what are some recommendations you would have in support of a better marketing strategy for
one or more of Fitbit's offerings?

Political: countries legislations

Economic: recessions
Social: Taxi boycotts

1. What technology-related and non-technology-related environmental trends are influencing

Uber? How?

Technology related

- Advances in smartphone software and hardware —> drivers need to stay updated
- Advances in driverless cars —> long-term: lower costs, near term investment and R&D
- Advances in data usage —> Add data protection functions
- Advances in modes of transport
- Advances in big data —> offer urge pricing
- Advances in mobile communication networks —> coverage and convenience

Non technology related

- Economic

Recession —> driver opportunities going up

Regulation —> taxi boycott bans —> disruptions
Petrol Shortages —> fewer drivers

Environmental —> reduced car ownership —> demand goes up

- Social

COVID—> decrease in public transport use —> higher uber use

Work from home

2. What would an internal analysis of Uber look like?


- High brand equity/awareness —> lowers marketing costs

- High market share —> high market power, influence, economies of scale and creates entry
- Loyalty —> Easier to attract and retain customers
- Stable customer base
- Broad service range —> high market coverage


- Company strategy is ambiguous

- Risk to scale fast and quickly

3. What strategic uncertainties do you see for Uber? What scenarios might you consider in
response? Why?

- Uber driver strikes (highly likely or unlikely)

- Public transport development (extensive or minimal)
- Self-driving cars (rapid or slow developments in technology)
- Safety —> where does the liability fall on? (the uber or the driver)
- Regulations (high or low)

4. What are the marketing strategy implications of the internal and environmental analyses and
associated strategic uncertainties for Uber?

- Invest in electric and lower carbon emission vehicles

- More emphasis on sustainability

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