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Ines National High School GRADE LEVEL Grade 8

AND SECTION Cooperative
TEACHER Kristine Nycie Tolentino
TIME February 21, 2024/11:00-12:00 AM
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding in performing mensuration and calculation in bread and
pastry production.
B. Performance The learners independently performs mensuration and calculation based on job order specifications.
C. Learning TLE_HEBP9-12PB-La-f-1
Objectives a. Classify the conversion/substitution of weights and measure,

b. Perform accurate conversion/substitution weights and measure of ingredients, and

c. Explain the importance of converting weights and measure of ingredients.

II. Content General Conversion/Substitution of Weight and Measurements

III. Learning Resources
1. Teachers Guide Bread and Pastry Production Teachers Guide/ MODULE
2. Learners
Materials Grade 7 and 8 Most Essential Learning Competencies page 1
TLE – H.E.- B R E A D A N D P A S R T Y P R O D U C T I O N Quarter 3 – Module 1 :
Perform Mensuration and Calculation Pages 4-11- SDO of Olongapo City

IV. Procedures Teachers Activity

A. Review/ Lesson Preliminary Activity
Presentation Prayer Establish safe and
Checking of Attendance safe secure learning
Review: environment.

Directions: The teacher will flash a unit of measurement

on the screen and the students will guess its equivalent.
And then the teacher will explain further for better

B. Establishing the Applied knowledge

purpose of the Why do we need to measure the ingredients in baking accurately? of content within
lesson Answer: Measuring ingredients with extreme accuracy ensures they are and across the
distributed equally, and the product tastes the same in every batch. Food curriculum teaching
scales help processors adhere to production requirements and reduce the areas ( MATH)
risk of creating out-of-spec product.

C. Discussing New ICE BREAKER! Apply a range of

Concepts and successful
Practicing New Directions: The teacher will divide the class into two (2) groups. strategies that
Skills #1 they will play the game Bank and River, but the words bank and river maintain learning
environments that
will replaced to the words Celsius and Fahrenheit.
motivate learners to
work productively
by assuming
responsibility for
their own learning
Concepts and WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS Display proficient
Practicing New use Mother Tongue,
Skill#2 WEIGHT CONVERSION Filipino and
FORMULA EXAMPLE English to Facilitate
1.Gram(g) to Kilogram (kg.) Convert 500g to kg. Learning Process
Given: 500g
Gram =___g___ Solution : Gram=
1000 kg. ___g___
= 500g
1000 kg
= 0.5 kg
2. Kilogram to gram Convert 5 kg to g
1kg = 1000 grams Given : 5 kg
Kg = 5kg x 1000 grams
= 5, 000 grams

1. Milliliter(ml) to Litre (L.) Convert 10, 000 ml to L.
Given: 10, 000 ml
Ml = ml___ Solution : Gram=
1000 L ___ml___
1000 L
= 10, 000 ml
1000 L
= 10 L
2.Litre to Milliliter Convert 10 L to ml.
1 L = 1000 ml Given : 10 L
L = 10 L x 1000 ml
= 10, 000 ml


℃ = °F- 32 X 5/9 °F = ℃ X 9/5 + 32


60 - 140 120 - 248 180 - 356 240 - 464
70 - 158 130 -266 190 - 374 250 - 482
80 - 176 140 - 284 200 - 392 260 - 500
90 - 194 150 - 302 210 - 410 270 - 518
100 - 212 160 - 320 220 - 428 280 - 536

1. 120 C to degrees F 2. 302 degrees F to degrees C
F = C x 9/5 + 32 C = F- 32 x 5/9
=120 x 9/5 + 32 = 302 - 32 x 5/9
= 1080/5 + 32 = 270 x 5/9
= 116 + 32 = 1350/9
= 248 F = 150 C
E. Finding Maintain learning
Practical FLIP ME AND ANSWER! environment that
Application of promote fairness,
Concepts and Directions: The class will be divided into four(4) groups. Each group will respect and care to
Skills in Daily choose one (1) participant to solve the given problem. Each group will have a encourage learning
Living certain problem and they need to solve it after the bottle stand on the table.
The first group who will first finish will have a highest points. (10 points)

1. 140 C to degrees F
2. 248 degrees F to degrees C
3. 190 C to degrees F
4. 176 degrees F to degrees C

F. Making Why do we need to know the certain oven temperature when baking?
and abstraction
about the lesson

G. H. Making The teacher will summarize the topic and ask the learners questions that related to
Generalizations the topic.
& Abstractions
about the lessons
H. Evaluating Direction: Compute the following. Show your solution. Write it in a 1/2
Learning crosswise. (5 points each)

(assessment/test) 1. 280 C to degrees F

2. 140 degrees F to degrees C
3. 70 C to degrees F
4. 140 degrees F to degrees C

I. Assignment Essay form

Why do we need to measure dry and liquid ingredients accurately using
measuring tools?

V. Remarks

Prepare by: Observer:


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher
Why do we need to know the certain oven temperature when baking?
it can affect the texture and flavour of the dish or baked goods.

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