Dee Jay AlbaBSIT

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Dee Jay Alba BSIT-S6A5


I. Directions: Give your answers to the following:

1. Compare and contrast the childhood life during those times of Rizal with your childhood
Ans. Rizal's childhood was like a sheltered garden, while mine is like a public park, open to
various experiences.

2. What do you think is the relevance of knowing and comparing one’s childhood to one’s
Ans. Knowing your childhood roots you and helps you understand yourself as an adult.

3. Compare Rizal’s family with the modern Filipino family.

Ans. Rizal's family was a traditional, big structure, while modern families are diverse in size and

4. Write a short analysis about Rizal’s childhood education.

Ans. Rizal's education was formal and strict, emphasizing critical thinking and religion.

5. What big difference do you see between his and your childhood education? Why do you think
it is a big difference?
Ans. His education was stricter, focused on classics in Spanish, while mine prioritizes STEM and
allows individuality.

6. Explain the relevance of the “Story of the Moth” in Rizal’s life.

Ans. The "Moth Story" symbolizes selfless sacrifice, which guided Rizal's life.

7. How would you relate your own life to the Story of the Moth?
Ans. I see the moth as overcoming challenges, even through personal sacrifice, to benefit others.

8. What do you think are the possible reasons why Rizal’s early education was better compared
to his brother and sisters?
Ans. Gender, potential, and resources likely gave Rizal better educational opportunities than his

9. What significance do you see on the birth of Jose Rizal to us Filipinos and to our country?
Ans. Rizal's birth inspired nationalism, a critical spirit, and remains a symbol of hope and

10. Do you see Rizal on someone else this generation? Do you think, at this point, there is a need
for the Philippines to have a Rizal on a different body.
Ans. While needs differ, the Philippines could benefit from individuals with Rizal's values of
integrity, courage, and dedication to the nation.

II. Directions: Print a family picture and a childhood picture of yours. Paste both of them on a
separate sheet of yellow paper. Then write a short memory of your childhood with your family.

Crisp mountain air tickled my nose as I wrapped my small hand around my dad's warm,
calloused one. He hoisted me onto his shoulders, and suddenly, the world transformed. Below, a
sea of emerald green pine trees stretched out, dotted with the colorful rooftops of Baguio. My
parents and siblings, all bundled in thick jackets, pointed out landmarks – Burnham Park,
Session Road, and the spires of Mines View Park. Laughter and chatter filled the air, a
symphony of joy against the backdrop of the bustling city below. As the cool breeze ruffled my
hair, I knew this moment, nestled amongst the mountains with my family, would forever be
etched in my memory.

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