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Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

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N400 differences between physical and mental metaphors: The role of

Theories of Mind
Paolo Canal a, Luca Bischetti a, Chiara Bertini b, Irene Ricci b, Serena Lecce c,
Valentina Bambini a, *
Department of Humanities and Life Sciences, University School for Advanced Studies IUSS, Pavia, Italy
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy


Keywords: Whether Theory of Mind (ToM) contributes to metaphor understanding has been largely investigated in language
ERP acquisition and decay. Yet we know very little about the role of ToM in real-time processing of metaphors in
Experimental Pragmatics neurotypical adults. Here, we tested the relationship between ToM and metaphor through Event Related Po­
tentials (ERPs) by capitalizing on the difference between metaphors inviting inferences on physical (Boxers are
pandas) vs. mental aspects (Teachers are books). Physical metaphors involved a larger and sustained negativity
Theory of Mind
Reading the Mind in the Eyes compared to mental ones. This pattern resembled concreteness effects and suggests that physical metaphors may
benefit from both verbal and perceptual information. Moreover, higher scores in the Reading the Mind in the
Eyes Test (RMET), but not in the Animation task, were associated with a reduction of the N400 amplitude for
both physical and mental metaphors. When exploring the ERP temporal trajectory with Generalized Additive
Mixed Modeling, earlier differences between metaphors characterized individuals with higher RMET scores.
Among the various ToM components, thus, emotion recognition seems to be involved in the processing of
metaphors in general, with an earlier impact on the mental type. These findings highlight the multifaceted nature
of metaphor, at the crossroad of language, social and perceptual experience.

1. Introduction Pripas-Kapit, 2012): while some scholars suggest that ToM skills are key
as understanding a metaphor involves understanding how another
The extent to which the ability to understand other’s mental states, person sees the world (Happé, 1993), others claim that ToM is certainly
known as Theory of Mind (ToM), contributes to comprehend non-literal not sufficient to comprehend metaphorical language (Norbury, 2005)
language is at stake in the present work, where we investigated the and several studies failed to observe a significant involvement of socio-
electrical correlates of the brain activity during metaphor processing. cognitive skills in metaphor-related tasks (e.g., Olkoniemi et al., 2016).
Participants in a communicative exchange build up a representation of From an empirical point of view, most of the available evidence on the
the context that comprises the interlocutors’ thoughts and beliefs (e.g., role of ToM skills in metaphor comes from developmental and clinical
van Dijk & Kintsch, 1983), which are part of the common ground. This studies and is based on behavioral measures. Innovatively with the
information contributes to resolve the ambiguities that are ubiquitous in previous literature, this study aimed at providing fresh insights on the
language and to work out the intended meaning of a message (Grice, still open debate on the relationship between metaphor, pragmatics, and
1975; Sperber & Wilson, 2002). ToM skills are deemed instrumental to ToM by (i) focusing on neurotypical adults; (ii) adopting EEG-based
construct these representations via embedding others’ mental states and measures; and (iii) capitalizing on the contrast between metaphors
therefore are typically seen as crucial for understanding a broad range of inviting inferences on physical (Boxers are pandas) vs. mental aspects
pragmatic uses of language (e.g., Zufferey, 2010), such as conversational (Teachers are books).
implicatures (e.g., Surian et al., 1996), irony, and humor (e.g., Bischetti
et al., 2019; Monetta et al., 2009). As for metaphor, however, the role of
ToM skills is not straightforward (Bosco et al., 2018; Gernsbacher &

* Corresponding author at: Department of Humanities and Life Sciences, University School for Advanced Studies IUSS, Piazza della Vittoria 15, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
E-mail address: (V. Bambini).
Received 29 August 2021; Received in revised form 21 February 2022; Accepted 2 May 2022
Available online 28 June 2022
0278-2626/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

1.1. Defining metaphor metaphors echoes the contrast used in a classic ToM task such as the
Strange Stories between physical/causal inferences (e.g., someone get­
According to the classic definition, a metaphor, such as Lawyers are ting wet because a bush poked holes in his umbrella; Rice et al., 2015)
sharks, is a rhetorical device used in a variety of communicative contexts and mental states inferences (e.g., a misunderstanding of intentions,
(e.g., Ervas et al., 2017) in which two different concepts or domains, such as mistakenly interpreting a request as a potential robbery). On this
represented by the topic (or target) lawyers and the vehicle (or source) basis, Lecce et al. (Lecce et al., 2019) examined from a developmental
sharks, are linked together. From a psycholinguistic perspective, this is angle the idea that mental metaphors require greater involvement of
achieved through a mental process that determines which properties of ToM compared to physical ones. While both cases seem to require ToM
sharks can be ascribed to lawyers, characterizing them as aggressive and to a certain extent as they deal with inferring the speaker’s meaning (Del
vicious. Several theories on this “linking” mechanism exist, from Sette et al., 2020), only in the case of mental metaphors the specific
alignment (Bowdle & Gentner, 2005; Gentner & Wolff, 1997), to map­ speaker’s meaning refers to mental attributes. The study’s findings
ping (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980), and categorization (e.g., Glucksberg, confirmed this idea, showing that greater ToM skills were associated
2003). Focusing on its communicative role, Relevance Theory proposes with better understanding of mental (but not physical) metaphors in
that metaphor falls within a spectrum of non-literalness and involves early phases of middle childhood. Importantly, the difference between
inferring the speaker’s meaning through operations that adjust the mental and physical metaphors is not just in the grade of difficulty, as
denotation of the lexically encoded concepts and allow for the deriva­ both types scored high in accuracy, but specifically in the involvement of
tion of the implicature (Wilson & Carston, 2007). ToM. A similar view is supported also by other evidence showing
The variety and complexity of metaphor are attested by the many different behavior in mental vs. physical metaphors in children with
dimensions that characterize the differences between these expressions developmental disorders associated with ToM difficulties, such as
(e.g., Gibbs, 1999), which may concern: i) the linguistic structure autism spectrum disorder (Melogno et al., 2017). On the same line, there
(Shutova et al., 2013; Steen et al., 2010; Werkmann Horvat et al., 2021), is evidence that in schizophrenia impaired mental interpretation is
ii) the degree of novelty (e.g., Bowdle & Gentner, 2005), iii) the psy­ related to lower ToM scores, while this association is not present for
cholinguistic variables (e.g., Bambini et al., 2014), and iv) the content physical metaphors (Agostoni et al., 2019). More in detail, individuals
conveyed by the metaphor (metaphors about emotion, e.g., Kövecses, with schizophrenia were impaired in understanding both physical and
2003; metaphors about scientific concepts, e.g., Tang et al., 2017; etc.). mental metaphors, but it is only in the interpretation of mental ones that
The present work focuses especially on the latter aspect, and, specif­ the link with ToM emerged.
ically, it investigates the processing differences between metaphors that Overall, the empirical evidence suggests that not all metaphors are
convey physical vs. mental attributes, as this distinction seems key when alike when it comes to attribution of mental states and that ToM is likely
it comes to the role of ToM, as explained in the next section. to play a greater role when the meaning to infer is specifically expressing
mental characteristics. The association between ToM and metaphor,
1.2. Theory of Mind, metaphor, and the physical/mental distinction however, has never been investigated with reference to real-time pro­
cessing as reflected in the EEG. The use of this methodology could help
A seminal study on the role of ToM in metaphor understanding is understand when ToM plays a role in metaphors and what processes are
Happé (Happé, 1993), who, grounding on the relevance-theoretic view at stake.
that metaphor involves inferring the speaker’s intended meaning,
described first-order ToM as necessary for understanding metaphors in 1.3. ERP literature on metaphor
children with autism spectrum disorder. A few years later, Norbury
(Norbury, 2005) toned down this claim, highlighting that semantic The study of metaphor comprehension has often employed the Event
knowledge plays an even more central role, with ToM skills supporting Related Potential (ERPs) technique, focusing on two ERP components (e.
metaphor understanding by contributing to a better contextual repre­ g., Canal & Bambini, 2022): the N400 and a later positive component,
sentation. Following these early studies, most of the later literature referred to as P600 or Late Positive Complex (LPC). The N400 is a
considering the role of ToM skills in metaphor focused on acquisition in negative deflection of the ERPs reaching a maximum at 400 ms from
typically and atypically developing children and adolescents, especially stimulus presentation that is typically recorded from centro-parietal
in the case of autism (thirteen studies evaluated in a meta-analysis of electrodes and is a well-established index of lexical/semantic pro­
Kalandadze et al., 2018). Further works considered adult clinical pop­ cesses. More specifically, the N400 seems to reflect the effort spent in
ulations such as schizophrenia and other clinical conditions (Cham­ retrieving conceptual knowledge from semantic memory in dynamic
pagne-Lavau & Stip, 2010; Langdon et al., 2002; Thoma & Daum, 2006). interaction with the context (e.g., Kutas & Federmeier, 2011). The P600
Overall, the results are heterogeneous probably due to a range of factors, occurs a few hundred milliseconds later, reaching a maximum at about
including the characteristics of the task, the psychometric properties of 600 ms with a positive polarity: in recent views, its functional role is
the ToM measure, and possibly the type of metaphor and the specific linked to general monitoring processes (e.g., Bornkessel-Schlesewsky &
content conveyed by it. Schlesewsky, 2019) or broad sentence integration mechanisms (e.g.,
Focusing on the latter aspect, a relevant distinction proposed in the Brouwer & Hoeks, 2013).
literature concerns physical and mental metaphors. Early develop­ With respect to metaphor processing, most of the studies have re­
mental literature compared sensory metaphors (communicating an ported greater N400 effects for metaphors compared to literal sentences,
experience by referring to sensory modalities; e.g., Her perfume was whereas only a minority observed later positive effects (Canal & Bam­
bright sunshine) and psychological metaphors (communicating a psy­ bini, 2022). The functional interpretation of the metaphor-induced
chological experience; e.g., The prison guard was a hard rock), showing N400 is consistent with the general function attributed to this compo­
that mental metaphors were more difficult to understand (Cicone et al., nent: specifically, it has been related to the lexical/semantic operations
1981; Vosniadou et al., 1984; Wang & Dowker, 2010; examples from needed to access and elaborate the concepts evoked by the metaphors,
Winner et al., 1976), due to the complexity of dealing with the psy­ with slight differences depending on the approaches (Arzouan et al.,
chological dimension (Ortony et al., 1978). More recent literature 2007; Coulson & Van Petten, 2002; De Grauwe et al., 2010; Jankowiak
revived this distinction, by considering it in light of ToM involvement. et al., 2021; Lai et al., 2009, 2019; Pynte et al., 1996). Conversely, in the
Whereas physical metaphors require inference on physical attributes (e. few studies where a P600/LPCS was observed, this effect was linked to a
g., Dancers are butterflies), mental metaphors require inferences on psy­ broader interpretation of the metaphorical meaning (Bambini et al.,
chological attributes of the topic (e.g., Mammy is a candy). As pointed 2016; De Grauwe et al., 2010; Pynte et al., 1996; Weiland et al., 2014).
out in Lecce et al. (2019), the contrast between physical and mental This is in line with other studies on pragmatic processing that

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

highlighted a P600 effect when deriving the implicit meaning in the case greater for mental compared to physical metaphors. More specifically,
of irony (Regel et al., 2011; Spotorno et al., 2013), humor (Canal et al., we expected to observe not only a main effect but also an interaction
2019), as well as presupposed content (Domaneschi et al., 2018). between ToM scores and the metaphor type factor, on the amplitude of
Importantly, not all metaphors are alike. Evidence showed that when the ERP to metaphors. Since there is no previous literature exploring
metaphors are more familiar (see the distinction between novel – Science how ToM and metaphor interact in real-time processing, however, we
is a glacier – and conventionalized – A gene is a blueprint – metaphors in left it open whether the effect of ToM would hinge on early or late
Bowdle & Gentner, 2005) and when they are presented with the components, acknowledging that this leads to a different interpretation
adequate contextual ground, the N400 amplitude is hampered (Bambini of the results. When ToM modulates earlier components, this would
et al., 2016; Lu & Zhang, 2012). Furthermore, when testing the pro­ indicate a greater involvement in lexical/semantic aspects, whereas a
cessing of literary metaphors (Bambini et al., 2019), which are typically later effect would suggest that ToM contributes especially to the global
novel and creative, the effort spent in deriving the intended meaning interpretation of a metaphor.
was associated with sustained negative effects in the ERPs (see also It is worth noting that the experimental design used here has several
Arzouan et al., 2007; Tang et al., 2017). elements of novelty compared to the previous psychophysiological
More recent research has moved forward and investigated processing literature. First, we opted for a direct comparison between two types of
differences related to the modality and the content that the metaphors metaphors, without using a control condition (no literal nor anomalous
convey. For instance, studies have focused on ERP differences related to sentences were included in the materials). The reasons for this choice
the distinction between motion and auditory metaphors (Schmidt-Snoek were that: i) the ERP correlates of metaphor compared to literal
et al., 2015), as well as the extent to which visual primes influence comprehension are well established (e.g., Canal & Bambini, 2022) and
metaphorical meanings (Ronderos et al., 2021). Other studies (Forgács, we were not interested in replicating those effects; ii) it may be not
2020; Forgács et al., 2015; Lai et al., 2019) investigated whether met­ trivial to capture the ERP reflection of processing differences related to
aphor processing is more similar to the processing of abstract or concrete physical vs. mental content, and the direct comparison between meta­
words, exploiting the concreteness effect on the ERPs. Concrete words, phor types allows for collecting the largest possible number of obser­
as compared to abstract ones, typically elicit more negative N400 vations to gain a more desirable statistical power while keeping the task
components (West & Holcomb, 2000) with relatively long-lasting effects duration relatively limited; iii) building a control condition in which
(e.g., Barber et al., 2013). Lai and colleagues (Lai et al., 2019) observed metaphors and literal statements differ only in terms of figurativity is
that verbal metaphors (The church bent the rules) elicited more negative extremely difficult, as literal stimuli tend to be more familiar (Bambini
N400 than abstract verbal expressions (The church altered the rules) and et al., 2013; Cardillo et al., 2010), while the two conditions should be
that they were not statistically different from concrete verbal expres­ comparable also in terms of other characteristics and inferential pro­
sions (The bodyguard bent the rod). Although the debate is still open (see cessing required (for similar considerations, see Carston, 2021).
Forgács, 2020; Forgács et al., 2015), these findings support the idea of a A second element of novelty concerned the analysis. In the main
metaphor concreteness effect (Lai et al., 2019). analysis, we used single-trial analysis of the ERPs, which allows to test
the simultaneous effect of by-item and by-subject predictors and is a way
1.4. The present study to control for potentially confounding factors, such as metaphor famil­
iarity and frequency of the target word. Furthermore, in the exploratory
The aim of this work was to shed new light on the debate over the analysis, we adopted the innovative approach offered by Generalized
relationship between metaphor and ToM. To achieve this aim, we Additive Mixed Modeling (GAMM), to further investigate the effect of
designed the present study considering the perspective offered by the ToM. Till now used only in a limited number of ERP studies on language
ERP methodology and the importance of the type of content conveyed (Hendrix et al., 2017; Meulman et al., 2015; Tremblay & Baayen, 2010;
by the metaphor. Specifically, adopting the manipulation in Lecce et al. Tsiwah et al., 2021), this approach is highly promising as it allows for
(2019), we compared the processing time-course of two types of meta­ modeling the continuous ERP response over time with no need of
phor, which varied for content, either referring to mental characteristics selecting a posteriori time windows.
(e.g., Teachers are books, meaning that teachers know a lot) or physical
characteristics (e.g., Boxers are pandas, meaning that they have a black 2. Material and methods
eye) of the topics. To examine the relationship with ToM, we selected
two tests tapping on different aspects of the broader ToM construct: the 2.1. Participants
Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET, Baron-Cohen et al., 2001),
measuring emotion recognition, and the Animation Task (Castelli et al., The electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from 35 native
2002), capturing the ability to attribute intentions. speakers of Italian1 (20F, age: 23.6 y.o., range: 20–29) with normal or
Based on the previous literature, we derived two sets of hypotheses. corrected to normal vision. All participants were right-handed (scores >
The first one is somewhat preliminary and concerns the distinction be­ 85 in the handedness questionnaire, Oldfield, 1971) and none of them
tween mental and physical metaphors. Given the evidence described reported neuropsychiatric diseases. They received monetary compen­
above that indicates that metaphors elicit N400 effects and less often sation for their participation. All participants provided informed consent
later effects such as P600 (Canal & Bambini, 2022), and given also that before the start of the EEG experiment and the experimental protocol
concrete stimuli elicit more pronounced and prolonged negativities (e. was approved by the local Ethics Committee (Department of Brain and
g., Barber et al., 2013), we expected that the elaboration of physical
metaphors would lead to a larger N400 compared to mental metaphors.
This would indicate a tighter link with perceptual experience during
lexical/semantic processes associated with the metaphors. Conversely, To provide an estimate of the power of our study, we focus on the proba­
mental metaphors may possibly lead to a larger P600 due to higher ef­ bility to detect the difference between physical and mental metaphors. We used
the power analysis tool provided by Jake Westfall (Westfall et al., 2014). By
forts in the global interpretation.
providing information on a) the standardized variance parameters of the pre­
The second – more central – set of hypotheses concerns the effect of
dictors analysis that was carried out (i.e., residual variance= 0.92, variance for
ToM. Given the evidence derived from other fields that there is a link participant intercepts = 0.057, variance for participant slopes = 0.013, vari­
between ToM and metaphors in general (Del Sette et al., 2021) but ance for stimulus intercept = 0.008), b) the experimental design (stimulus-
mental metaphors seem to be more strongly associated with ToM than within-condition), c) the number of participants (N=34 after 1 exclusion), d)
physical ones (Lecce et al., 2019), we expected that (i) ToM would items (N=124), the power was rather strong, amounting to roughly 97%
impact the ERP response to all metaphors and (ii) this impact would be chances to reveal a small effect size of d=0.2.

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

Behavioral Sciences of University of Pavia, protocol n18/2017). Table 2

Examples of the experimental materials.
2.2. Assessment of ToM skills Physical metaphors Mental metaphors

Quei saltatori sono molle Gli attori sono maschere

ToM skills were assessed using two tests: the Reading the Mind in the Those jumpers are springs Actors are masks
Eye test (RMET, Baron-Cohen et al., 2001; Italian version, Vellante et al., Le ballerine sono farfalle I genitori sono scudi
2013) and the Animation Task (Abell et al., 2000; Castelli et al., 2002). Dancers are butterflies Parents are shields
Gli ubriaconi sono spugne Certi alunni sono asini
In the RMET, participants are presented with a series of pictures (n = 36)
Drunkards are sponges Some students are donkeys
depicting the eye region of the face and four adjectives for each picture, I gemelli sono fotocopie I filosofi sono aeroplani
and they are asked to choose the adjective that best describes what the Twins are photocopies Philosophers are airplanes
person in the picture thinks or feels. Responses are scored 1 (correct) or I vecchi sono tartarughe Alcuni capiufficio sono iene
0 (incorrect) and the final score ranges from 0 to 36. In the Animation Elderly people are turtles Some bosses are hyenas

task, participants are presented with a series (n = 8) of silent animations Note: Italian metaphors are translated literally into English (in italic) and the
with small and big triangles, created to resemble movements that could target words where EEG was time-locked are underlined. The two conditions are
be of two types, either Theory of Mind (i.e., movements with the displayed in the two columns (the experimental manipulation was between-
intention to deceive or tease) or goal directed (i.e., joint movements item).
representing shared actions “performed” by the two triangles). The
scoring is made by evaluating the accuracy of the scene description, and
Table 3
the degree of intentionality and complexity of the mental states referred
Characteristics of the experimental stimuli across conditions.
to the triangles in the interpretation of each scene. Descriptive statistics
of the two tests are reported in Table 1. Concerning the distribution of Physical Metaphors Mental Metaphors Comparison across Types

the scores in the experimental sample, two Shapiro-Wilk tests showed Length 7.36 6.95 t(121.88) = 1.12, p = .26
that distributions do not depart from normality (RMET: W = 0.98, p = (4–12) (4–12)
.80; Animation task: W = 0.97, p = .45) and do not show skewness that Frequency 1.27 1.41 t(120.48) = -1.60, p = .11
would be indicative of ceiling effects. (0.30–2.51) (0–3)

Familiarity 3.91 4.12 t(121.79) = -0.98, p = .33

2.3. Stimuli (2.04–6.56) (1.64–6.76)

Aptness 4.45 4.66 t(122) = -1.34, p = .18

A set of 155 non-conventional metaphors was initially constructed ex (3–6.24) (3–6.24)
novo, and the experimental factor of Metaphor Type was manipulated Physical 5.47 3.49 t(115.56) = 15.50, p < .001
between-item. The structure of the metaphor was always Spec Xs are Ys, Dimension (4–6.72) (1.36–6.05)
with topics (Xs) denoting human beings (plural nouns referring to social Mental 2.18 4.99 t(119.64) = -21.46, p < .001
roles) and vehicles (Ys) denoting concrete non-human entities associ­ Dimension (1.12–4.16) (3.56–6.52)
ated with Xs on the basis of either physical or mental characteristics (see
Note: Characteristics of the experimental stimuli (physical and mental meta­
Table 2 for examples). phors) at the level of the target word (Length and Frequency) and at the level of
In order to make sure that the two metaphor types were comparable the metaphor. Average values and range (in parentheses) are provided. The last
in terms of aptness and familiarity, and to measure how well each column displays the contrast between the two conditions (via independent
expression conveyed physical or mental meaning, we designed a web- samples t-tests).
based rating study of all expressions involving a total of 53 partici­
pants (40F, age: 23.91 y.o., range: 21–32, years of education: 15.83, single word (i.e., for the metaphor vehicle): length and (logarithmic)
range: 13–18). Each participant evaluated half of the materials of the frequency. Values of Familiarity and Aptness of the metaphors were also
initial set for Familiarity (How often do you think you have heard or used not statistically different across Types, while the judgment of how much
the metaphor in that or in a similar form?), Aptness (How appropriately do Physical and Mental content each expression conveyed showed the ex­
you think the metaphor describes the salient characteristics of the subject?), pected pattern: Mental metaphors were rated as more mental than
Physical characteristics (How much does the metaphor describe the subject Physical metaphors (+3.35), and Physical metaphors were rated as more
in terms of physical or action-related qualities?), and Mental characteristics physical than Mental metaphors (+2.55).
(How much does the metaphor describe the subject in terms of psychological
qualities, including personality or mental contents, such as emotions,
thoughts, and desires?). All judgments were expressed on 7-point Likert- 2.4. Procedure
type scales. A subset of 128 metaphors was selected on the basis of the
Aptness scores (> 3) from the rating study, and for having target words Participants were fitted with the EEG cap in a quiet and dimly lit
(i.e., the metaphor vehicles) of comparable length and word frequency recording room, sitting at approximately 80 cm from a 22 in computer
as extracted from the CoLFIS Database (Bertinetto et al., 2005). After the screen, and with a Cedrus® Response Pad RB-540 (Cedrus Corporation,
EEG experiment, we noted that four metaphors created to convey San Pedro, CA, USA) placed on the desk in front of them.
Physical meaning were actually rated as more Mental than Physical and They were instructed to carefully read for comprehension a set of
were discarded. The final set of materials consisted of 124 metaphors sentences that would appear on the screen in a word by word fashion
(62 for each type). and to perform two tasks. First, following one third of the trials (N = 41),
No differences between conditions (see Table 3 and Fig. 1) concerned participants were asked to perform a word-matching task in which they
the control variables that were taken into account at the level of the had to choose which of two adjectives (e.g., wise vs. dusty) better
matched the previous expression (e.g., Teachers are books). This task was
Table 1 used to keep participants focused on the sentence content and served as
Descriptive statistics of the experimental sample in the two ToM tasks. an indirect measure of comprehension (e.g., Bambini et al., 2011, 2016).
Moreover, at the end of the experiment, participants were asked to
Mean (SD)
perform a cued-recall task (on N = 30 items that were not used in the
Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task 27.15 (2.61) first task), in which, provided with the fragment of a sentence (Boxers
Animation Task 23.59 (3.02)
are…), they had to complete it (pandas). Only half of the fragments were

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

Natick, US) was used for signal processing using EEGLAB (Delorme &
Makeig, 2004) and FieldTrip (Oostenveld et al., 2011) toolboxes. Off­
line, the EEG was high-pass filtered (using a second-order − 12 dB/
octave slope − IIR Butterworth filter with a cut off frequency of 0.1 Hz)
and re-referenced to the average activity of the two mastoids. ICA
decomposition was used to identify and remove eye-related activity
only. The EEG was then segmented into epochs around the presentation
of the target words (from -900 to 1200 ms, with the baseline correction
applied using a 200 ms pre-stimulus interval), and artifact rejection was
performed using a semi-automatic procedure: epochs with EEG values
exceeding ± 80 μV (between -300 and 1200 ms) were rejected, and the
remaining epochs were further evaluated using visual inspection. The
criterion was to reject epochs with unusual activity while keeping those
epochs containing amplitudes beyond the threshold, when these
occurred on a small number (less than three) of electrodes on the pe­
riphery. One participant had a rejection rate above 35% and was
excluded from the analyses. The overall rejection rate for the remaining
participants was 15.55% for physical and 16.67% for mental metaphors.

2.6. Statistical analyses

We report three analyses, two of which were confirmatory and one

exploratory. The first analysis (Topographic Analysis) aimed at evalu­
ating the magnitude and scalp distribution of the effect of Metaphor
Type (Physical vs. Mental). The second analysis (Predictors Analysis)
aimed at testing the effect of by-item (metaphor’s Familiarity and ve­
hicle’s Word Frequency) and by-subject (RMET and Animation Task
scores) predictors on the EEG voltage. For the Topographic and Pre­
dictors analyses, we investigated the effect of Metaphor Type on the
ERPs restricting our interest to the time windows of the two components
generally involved in metaphor processing based on the literature, that
Fig. 1. Ratings of the materials. The characteristics (familiarity, aptness, is, the N400 and the P600. For the N400, we selected a 300–500 ms time
mental dimension, physical dimension, vehicle word frequency, and vehicle window, which is very often used to test the N400 (e.g., Coulson & Van
word length) of the final set of materials are displayed using box (vertical lines Petten, 2002; Kutas & Federmeier, 2011). For the P600, we selected a
correspond to the median value) and whiskers plots, for both Physical (orange)
500–800 ms time window, which covers the interval in which the P600
and Mental (light blue) metaphors. (For interpretation of the references to color
is typically tested in classic studies on syntactic manipulations
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
(Osterhout et al., 1996; Osterhout & Mobley, 1995; for an overview of
the P600 time-windows in the literature, see Kaan & Swaab, 2003;
presented during the experiment, while the other half were sentences of
Molinaro et al., 2011) and in pragmatic manipulations too (e.g., Spo­
identical structure not included in the EEG. Given the evidence that
torno et al., 2013). An exploratory analysis completes the results and it
greater elaboration of metaphors leads to better cued recall (e.g., Mar­
was intended to follow up the pattern emerging from the Topographic
schark & Hunt, 1985), we used this second task to stimulate active
and Predictors Analyses, and in particular to better characterize the
processing and further ensure comprehension.
effect of RMET scores across types of metaphors on the whole epoch, not
Sentences were presented in white on a black background as
restricted to specific time windows.
following: a fixation cross (400 ms and 250 ms blank screen) preceded
In the Topographic Analysis, all electrodes, except for Fp1, Fp2, and
the first two words of the sentence, which were presented for a variable
Fpz and the two ocular channels, were assigned to two topographic
time interval (216 ms plus 16 ms for each letter) followed by 250 ms
factors, with three levels each: Longitude (AF including all AF, F and FC
blank screen (cf. Otten & Van Berkum, 2007). The third word, the
electrodes, C including all C and CP electrodes, and PO, including all P,
copula, was presented for 300 ms followed by a variable blank screen
PO and O electrodes) and Laterality (L including all 7, 5, and 3 electrode
(ranging from 200 to 500 ms) to avoid habituation, and the target word
columns; M including 1, Z, and 2 columns; R including 4, 6, and 8 col­
was presented for 400 ms followed by a 850 ms blank.
umns). The models evaluated the simple effects of the factor Metaphor
Type (Physical, Mental) in each of the nine topographic cells of the
2.5. EEG recording and preprocessing interaction between topographic factors. In the Predictors Analysis, we
evaluated the effect of predictors in a region of interest selected on the
A Brainamp® system (Brain Products GmbH, Gilching, Germany) basis of the topographic cells that were sensitive to the experimental
was used to acquire the EEG in AC current at sampling rate of 512 Hz manipulation. In these regions, the models tested the interaction be­
and with a hardware low cut-off filter (10 s time constant). Fifty-seven tween Metaphor Type and by-item and by-subject regressors.
electrodes were mounted on the EEG cap following the 10–20 Interna­ For the analysis of both behavioral (using the logit link function for
tional System: Fp1, Fpz, Fp2, AF7, AF3, AF4, AF8, F7, F5, F3, F1, Fz, F2, accuracy data) and ERP data from the time windows, we fitted linear
F4, F6, F8, FT7, FC5, FC3, FC1, FC2, FC4, FC6, FT8, T7, C5, C3, C1, Cz, mixed models (LMM, Pinheiro & Bates, 2000) in R (R Core Team, 2019)
C2, C4, C6, T8, CP5, CP3, CP1, Cpz, CP2, CP4, CP6, P7, P5, P3, P1, Pz, using the lme4 package (Bates, Mächler, et al., 2015). We coded inde­
P2, P4, P6, P8, PO7, PO3, Poz, PO4, PO8, O1, Oz, O2. FCz electrode was pendent variables as following: categorical variables with two levels
the online reference electrode, while two electrodes were placed on the were effect-coded; topographic factors with three levels were coded
mastoid bones, and four additional electrodes (below and above the left using successive differences contrasts; numeric predictors were centered
eye and at the lateral canthi) were used to derive VEOG and HEOG on the mean (e.g., Schad et al., 2020). We set up an a priori contrast
channels to monitor the eye movements. MATLAB® (The MathWorks, between Physical and Mental Metaphors (the latter serving as reference

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

level) for each topographic cell and t-tests were used to evaluate the the highest order interaction, b) simplifying the structure removing from
reliability of each contrast. the model those terms that did not capture relevant portions of variance
In the exploratory analysis, the effect of Metaphor Type and the role (using the rePCA() function), and c) removing those factors that after
of three predictors (RMET scores, Word Frequency, and metaphor Fa­ adding correlations between parameters showed extremely high corre­
miliarity) on the voltage trajectories over time were tested during the lations with other terms. By doing so, the models reported are all
whole epoch (-200 to 1200 ms) and in a subset of electrodes, with identified, caused no convergence issues, and still explained comparable
Generalized Additive Mixed Modeling (GAMM; Lin & Zhang, 1999), amount of variance with respect to the models estimating more pa­
using mgcv (Wood, 2017) and itsadug (van Rij et al., 2020) packages. In rameters. Concerning the random structure of the GAMM analysis, we
this analysis, the ERP voltages were re-sampled every 20 ms (the final used a random smooth term for each trial, a random smooth for each
dataset consisted of more than 300,000 observations). To account for participant, and a random difference smooth for Metaphor Type at the
differences across conditions, we estimated a parametric term for Met­ level of each participant.
aphor Type describing overall differences due to this factor, and the Whenever possible, and following APA recommendations, we re­
difference smooth of Type over time (for useful tutorials on the use of ported the unstandardized measure of effect size (e.g., Pek & Flora,
GAMM, see Sóskuthy, 2017; Wieling, 2018). Moreover, tensor product 2018), using 95% confidence intervals estimated with Wald statistic,
interactions evaluated the influence of RMET, Familiarity, and Word using the confint() function.
Frequency on the EEG trajectories. Critically, a tensor product interac­
tion (Time by Metaphor Type by RMET) evaluated differences in the 2.7. Data availability statement
influence of RMET across the two levels of Metaphor Type on the tem­
poral development of the EEG amplitude. Data and the R scripts reproducing the results are available on the
When using LMM, we adopted the “parsimonious” modeling frame­ OSF platform (
work (Bates, Kliegl, et al., 2015) in which the random structure was
selected by a) fitting the maximal zero correlation parameters model for

Fig. 2. ERP Grand Averages and Scalp Maps. The figure depicts the ERPs from a set of 9 representative electrodes. Voltage amplitudes are displayed from − 200 to
1000 ms from the onset of the metaphor vehicle. Orange lines represent physical metaphors, while light-blue lines represent mental metaphors. On the bottom, the
scalp distribution of the effect (physical minus mental) is shown, for both time windows (300 to 500 ms on the left, and 500 to 800 ms on the right) tested. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

3. Results Table 4
Summary of the Predictors Analysis.
3.1. Behavioral Time Window

300–500 ms 500–800 ms
In the word-matching task, participants were highly accurate across
conditions (Physical: M = 97%; Mental: M = 98%), with no differences Intercept (Grand Mean) 0.11 (0.24) 0.16 (0.24)
t = 0.46, p = .65 t = 0.66, p = .51
between the two (z < 1). Moreover, participants were able to correctly Familiarity 0.09 (0.10) 0.08 (0.12)
retrieve the vehicle of the metaphor in 57% of the cases (Physical: M = t = 0.90, p = .37 t = 0.64, p = .52
56%; Mental: M = 58%), with no differences associated with Type (z < Word Frequency 0.11 (0.10) -0.25* (0.12)
1). t = 1.14, p = .26 t = -2.04, p = .044
Metaphor Type -0.66** (0.22) -0.79** (0.27)
t = -2.94, p = .005 t = -2.94, p = .005
3.2. ERPs Animation Task -0.44+ (0.25) -0.30 (0.24)
t = -1.78, p = .084 t = -1.24, p = .22
From visual inspection (Fig. 2), the brainwaves show the typical RMET 0.63* (0.25) 0.09 (0.25)
t = 2.50, p =.017 t = 0.37, p = .72
shape of ERPs elicited by written words, with the N1-P2 complex fol­
Metaphor Type: Animation Task -0.16 (0.21) 0.25 (0.24)
lowed by the negative deflection of the N400 component, which reaches t = -0.78, p = .44 t = 1.02, p = .32
a maximum around 400 ms. Differences between conditions are visible Metaphor Type: RMET -0.17 (0.22) -0.16 (0.27)
during both the N400 and the P600 time windows: Physical metaphors t = -0.80, p = .43 t = -0.61, p = .54
elicit a larger negativity compared to Mental ones, which onsets soon Note: The effect of the different terms (across rows) and in both time windows
after 300 ms in parietal locations and carries over until 900 ms. (across columns) is described. Models’ coefficients, standard deviation (in pa­
rentheses), t values, and corresponding p values are provided. Significance is
3.2.1. Topographic analysis indicated with stars (** p <.01; * p <.05; + p <.1).
300–500 ms time window.
The analysis of simple effects of Metaphor Type in interaction with Concerning the role of individual differences in the 300 to 500 ms
the topographic factors shows that Physical metaphors elicited more time window, RMET scores showed a robust effect on voltage amplitude
negative ERPs compared to Mental ones in all Parietal Occipital loca­ with a slope of 0.63, t(34.67) = 2.51, p = .017, CI [0.14, 1.12], while
tions, including Left with a difference of -0.63 μV, t(164.7) = -1.99, p = Animation Task scores had a marginally reliable effect with a slope of
.048, CI [-1.25, -0.01], Midline with a difference of -0.80 μV, t(164.6) = -0.44, t(34.01) = -1.78, p = .08, CI [-0.93, 0.05]. The effect associated
-2.53, p = .012, CI [-1.42, -0.18] and Right with a difference of -0.69 μV, with ToM skills thus had the opposite direction depending on the test: an
t(164.7) = -2.20, p = .029, CI [-1.31, -0.08]. The effects over Central increase of one standard deviation in RMET scores was associated with
Midline and Central Right amounted to -0.83 μV and -0.65 μV and were more positive and therefore less pronounced N400 amplitudes (+0.63
statistically reliable with t(164.7) = -2.64, p = .009, CI [-1.45, -0.21] for μV), while an increase of one standard deviation in Animation Task
Central Midline, and t(164.5) = -2.05, p = .042, CI [-1.26, -0.03] for scores tended to be associated with more negative and therefore larger
Central Right. The effect was not present over the remaining locations N400 amplitudes (-0.44 μV). In the 500–800 ms time window, individ­
(all ps > 0.19). These results are perfectly compatible with the scalp ual differences in ToM measures were not reliable predictors of the EEG.
distribution of the N400, that is, “largest over centro-parietal sites, with Models’ coefficients and relevant statistics are reported in Table 4.
a slightly right-hemisphere bias (at least for written words in sentences)” Concerning the role of by-item control variables, Familiarity of the
(Kutas & Federmeier, 2011; p. 623). metaphor and Word Frequency of the vehicle had limited impact on the
500–800 ms time window. N400 amplitude (no significant effects), although showing the expected,
The effect of Metaphor Type was reliable over Central Midline positive, direction. In the 500–800 ms time window, we observed an
electrodes with a difference of -0.76 μV, t(233.8) = -2.31, p = .022, CI effect of Word Frequency with a slope of -0.25, t(122.43) = -2.04, p =
[-1.40, -0.11], and over Central Right electrodes with a difference of .044, CI [-0.49, -0.01], attesting that a decrease of one standard devia­
-0.70 μV, t(231.6) = -2.15, p = .033, CI [-1.34, -0.06]. The difference due tion in Word Frequency was associated with more positive ERPs (+0.25
to Type approached significance in Frontal Midline locations with an μV).
effect of -0.65 μV, t(223.5) = -1.92, p = .06, CI [-1.31, 0.01], in Parietal
Occipital Midline locations with an effect of -0.62 μV, t(230.4) = -1.92, 3.2.3. Exploratory analysis with GAMM
p = .06, CI [-1.27, 0.01], and in Parietal Occipital Right locations with The statistics described so far followed a confirmatory approach
an effect of -0.63 μV, t(230.8) = -1.94, p = .05, CI [-1.27, 0.01]. The aimed at testing the behavior of the N400 and P600. The Topographic
difference was not reliable over the remaining locations (all ps > 0.18). Analysis confirmed that the negativity in the 300–500 ms time window
Even though the differences between conditions are still reliable during is very much compatible with an N400 effect, while the Predictors
this time interval, with physical metaphors associated with more Analysis highlighted a role of RMET scores in modulating the amplitude
negative ERPs, they seem less robust as compared to the previous time of the N400 of both types of metaphors (i.e., a main effect of RMET) but
window, and the area interested by the effect shrinks. no specific involvement in mental metaphors (i.e., no interaction be­
tween RMET and Metaphor Type). The lack of interaction between
3.2.2. Predictors analysis RMET and metaphor type may be due to the choice of the time window
Two clusters of channels were selected on the basis of the Topo­ of analysis, since research has previously shown that metaphor
graphic Analysis above: the N400 cluster included 5 out of 9 topo­ comprehension may affect only portions of the N400 time window (e.g.,
graphical regions (PO - Left, Midline, and Right; C - Midline and Right); De Grauwe et al., 2010; Lai et al., 2009, 2019; Lai & Curran, 2013). We
the P600 cluster included two topographical regions (C - Midline and thus further explored the interaction between ToM skills and Metaphor
Right). The analysis (see Table 4) confirmed that the effect of Metaphor Type, and the role of Familiarity and Word Frequency, on a set of twelve
Type was reliable in both clusters: in the 300–500 ms time window, the electrodes where the N400 effect was largest (Cz, C2, C4, CP1, Cpz, CP2,
Physical metaphors were more negative than Mental ones of -0.67 μV, t CP4, Pz, P1, P2, P4, Poz), and using GAMM as they are particularly apt
(40.28) = -2.94, p = .005, CI [-1.11, -0.22]; as for the 500–800 ms time for investigating the whole temporal trajectory of the ERP.
window, the effect of Type had the same direction and similar magni­ The results of the GAMM analysis are reported in Table 5 and Fig. 3.
tude with an average difference of -0.79 μV, t(41.17) = -2.94, p = .005, The deviance explained by the model attests at 9.45%, which is a low
CI [-1.31, -0.26].

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

Table 5 only one isobar (between 2 and 3 μV). The interaction between Time and
Summary of the GAMM model in the exploratory analysis. Familiarity was only marginally significant, revealing slightly more
Parametric coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value p positive voltages associated with the less familiar metaphors in a time
window between 1000 and 1200 ms.
Intercept 0.03 0.26 0.13 .90
Metaphor Type -0.42 0.26 -1.63 .10
4. Discussion
Smooth terms: Effective degrees of F value p
freedom The main hypothesis guiding this study was that ToM skills should
have an impact on processing metaphors and that this impact should be
s(Time) 13.83 91.76 < .001***
s(Time): Metaphor Type 4.21 2.89 .017* greater in processing metaphors that capitalize on mental characteristics
s(RMET) 1.00 1.39 .24 (e.g., Teachers are books) than metaphors capitalizing on physical char­
s(Fam) 2.10 1.55 .22 acteristics (e.g., Boxers are pandas). Our results offer evidence to support
s(Word Frequency) 1.00 0.02 .90 this hypothesis, although only partially. As expected, the main analysis
ti(Time, RMET) 7.96 0.87 .39
ti(Time, Familiarity) 5.20 1.80 .097+
highlighted a role of ToM skills in metaphor processing, hinging spe­
ti(Time, Word Frequency) 2.71 1.03 .37 cifically on the N400, but this role was observed equally in mental and
ti(Time, RMET): Metaphor Type 4.40 2.93 .015* physical metaphors. However, when exploring the whole temporal tra­
jectory of the ERP using GAMM, we found ToM scores to be associated
Random Smooth terms: Effective degrees of F value p with early processing differences (roughly between 200 and 400 ms)
freedom between metaphor types, with a greater impact on mental ones.
s(Time, Item) 621.19 4.44 < .001*** Although still initial, this evidence suggests that the specific role of ToM
s(Time, Participant) 270.96 22.23 < .001*** for mental compared to physical metaphors might be earlier rather than
s(Time, Participant): Metaphor Type 165.06 5.60 < .001*** greater. A further relevant aspect of our findings on ToM is that the
Note: The model tests the interaction between Metaphor Type and RMET scores, above effects on the ERP amplitude were found only for the RMET scores
further accounting for Familiarity and Word Frequency, in a subset of 12 centro- (and not for the AT scores), suggesting a different role in metaphor for
parietal electrodes. Metaphor Type models the difference between physical and the different aspects of ToM.
mental metaphors, with a negative parametric coefficient indicating more In addition, and preliminary to the ToM findings, our study high­
negative voltages for physical metaphors. Effective degrees of freedom indicate lighted processing differences between mental and physical metaphors.
how complex the corresponding smooth (s) or surface (ti) is. The present model In line with what we expected, physical metaphors exhibited a larger
accounts for 9.32% of deviance. Significance is indicated with stars (*** p <
(and sustained) N400 effect compared to mental ones, which suggests a
.001; * p < .05; + p < .1).
“metaphor concreteness effect” and point to a richer semantic repre­
sentation of physical metaphors.
value, yet greater than previous work, that is likely due to the relatively The discussion below is organized in two main parts: first, we will
high noise of the EEG measurement (Meulman et al., 2015). In the elaborate on the differences in the time course of mental vs. physical
parametric coefficient section of Table 5, one can see how the effect of metaphors, and then we will discuss and offer an interpretation of the
Metaphor Type approaches significance, suggesting that overall (i.e., ToM effects observed in the study.
during the whole epoch and independently of the time development of
the differences) amplitudes associated with Physical metaphors are
4.1. Metaphor concreteness effect
slightly more negative than those associated with Mental metaphors.
Looking at the simple smooth terms indicated by s() in Table 5, it is
By comparing the ERP correlates associated with reading mental and
possible to further appreciate a significant non-linear smooth for Time
physical metaphors we showed that inferring a meaning related to the
(edf = 13.83, F = 91.76, p <.001), showing that the voltage trajectories
physical characteristics of the topic elicited – compared to inferring a
for the reference condition (Mental metaphors) have a complex shape,
meaning involving mental characteristics – more negative voltages
just reflecting the wiggliness of the ERP waveform and attesting how far
during a time interval ranging from 300 to 900 ms. The timing and the
it is from a straight line (see the time development of both waveforms in
scalp distribution of the effect during the 300–500 ms are fully
Fig. 3 (a)). More importantly, the interaction between the non-linear
compatible with the engagement of the N400 component, which is
smooth for Time and Type (edf = 4.21, F = 2.89, p = .017) shows that
enhanced for physical metaphors. The more negative voltages for
the difference between metaphors is significant over time, that the effect
physical metaphors also occur during the following time window and,
is non-linear (edf > 1), and that more pronounced differences emerge
given that the scalp topography did not change, seems to be indicative of
between 385 and 817 ms (Fig. 3 (b)).
a continuation of the N400 and therefore a sustained negativity for the
Moreover, a significant smooth tensor interaction involving Time,
physical type. This pattern for physical as compared to mental meta­
RMET and Metaphor Type (edf = 4.40, F = 2.93, p = .015) emerged,
phors resembles the time-course of the difference between concrete and
pointing to differences in the temporal development of the effect of
abstract words, and suggests a sort of “metaphor concreteness effect”,
RMET across conditions (Fig. 3 (c), (d) and (e)). In particular, we can use
similar to the well-known word concreteness effect. In what follows we
visual inspection of Fig. 3 (e) to appreciate the time development (Time
will articulate this idea more extensively.
on the x-axis) of the ERP differences in Metaphor Type (represented with
It is relatively well established that the processing of (more) concrete
colors) for the different RMET scores (on the y-axis): the negative dif­
words is associated with more negative N400 components compared to
ference (the pink area between 200 and 1000 ms) shows an S-shape
abstract words (e.g., Barber et al., 2013; Dufau et al., 2015; Holcomb
which drives the interaction and attests how the effect of Metaphor Type
et al., 1999; Kounios & Holcomb, 1994; Van Petten, 2014; Welcome
occurs earlier for participants with higher RMET scores (roughly be­
et al., 2011). Negative differences due to concreteness are present also
tween 200 and 600 ms), and later for lower RMET scores (roughly be­
after 500 ms (e.g., Barber et al., 2013; Gullick et al., 2013; Huang et al.,
tween 500 and 900 ms). If we look at the impact that RMET scores had
2010; West & Holcomb, 2000) and have been associated with mental
on the two conditions separately, one can see how the influence of RMET
processes related to imagery and simulation (e.g., West & Holcomb,
is stronger in mental metaphors (Fig. 3 (c)) in a time interval roughly
2000), which are deemed to affect the N700 component. To interpret
ranging between 200 and 400 ms: the dark green area with a vertical
these differences, scholars capitalized on the tenets of dual coding the­
orientation sees three isobars (between 1 and 4 μV), compared to the
ory concerning the representation of verbal and non-verbal information
corresponding area in the physical metaphors (Fig. 3 (c)) where there is
(e.g., Paivio, 1971, 2007): according to this view, the elaboration of

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

Fig. 3. Visualization of the exploratory analysis. The figure depicts five panels. In panel (a) the smooth of time is represented for each condition (orange for physical
and blue for mental metaphors). Panel (b) depicts the actual smooth for the difference between physical and mental metaphors (the red dotted vertical lines indicate
when it is different from zero). In both (a) and (b), voltages are depicted (negative-up) on the y-axis. Panels (c) and (d) represent the surfaces for the time devel­
opment (x-axis) of the role of RMET (on the y-axis) on ERP voltages (the color-scale). The two panels show that the effect of RMET modulates the ERPs between 200
and 600 ms, and it is slightly more pronounced for mental metaphors between 200 and 300 ms. Panel (e) depicts the difference between (d) and (c), showing how the
effect of RMET shifts in time drawing the s-shape of the violet area: higher RMET scores show larger effects during the early period (200–600 ms), while for lower
RMET scores the effect mainly occurs between 400 and 1000 ms. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

concepts involves two separate but interconnected representational To give an example, books (in the mental metaphor – Teachers are books)
systems of verbal and non-verbal information. Concrete and abstract and pandas (in the physical metaphor – Boxers are pandas) are both
words are similar in terms of verbal representation, but they differ in concrete and highly imageable words, but the characteristics that are
terms of non-verbal representation, which is available for concrete promoted in the metaphors are very different, and this may drive the
words only. The larger N400 for concrete vs. abstract words would thus ERP effect. It is just through conceptual knowledge that we can appre­
be due to concrete words bearing more semantic information (from both ciate mental metaphors, while for physical metaphors we may make use
verbal and non-verbal systems) that “generally encourage more elabo­ of imagery and simulation, possibly scanning the relevant features of the
rate processing” (Welcome et al., 2011). perceptual representation of the vehicle in order to grasp the link, and
We argue that the more negative ERPs to physical compared to eventually the intended meaning.
mental metaphors could be interpreted as a metaphor concreteness ef­ This idea is not novel in the metaphor literature, and the metaphor
fect, and that physical metaphors might benefit from dual coding for concreteness effect could be easily accounted for by those theories of
meaning representation: while mental metaphors are processed using metaphor understanding that foresee a role of perceptual simulation and
more abstract information in the verbal code only, physical metaphors mental images. Within the Cognitive Linguistics account, Gibbs and
may involve the use of both verbal and non-verbal codes, inducing the Matlock (2008), for instance, proposed that when reading verbal met­
larger N400. Interestingly, the metaphor vehicles in our set of materials aphors individuals use imagination and simulate the action referred to
were all concrete words. We further checked whether the words in the metaphorically and this simulation provides important features that
two conditions reached similar concreteness levels (using the norms feed interpretative processes. The idea is also present in Paivio’s ac­
collected from Brysbaert, Warriner & Kuperman 2014, after translation count, who extended the dual coding theory to metaphor and proposed
from Italian into English), and found no differences across conditions (t that metaphors can be understood via verbal, imagery or both routes
< 1), with an average of 4.72 (full range: 3.19 to 5) for mental and 4.69 (Paivio & Walsh, 1993) and with recent psycholinguistic evidence
(full range: 2.66 to 5) for physical vehicle words. The metaphor supporting this view at least for low-familiar metaphors (Al-Azary &
concreteness effect thus seems to emerge from the concreteness or Katz, 2021). Finally, the metaphor concreteness effect is also compatible
abstractness that derives from the entire metaphorical expression, rather with the Relevance-theoretic pragmatic account proposed in Carston
than being function of the lexical properties of the single words used as (2010), claiming that visual images contribute to the inferential pro­
vehicles. To this respect, our findings extend previous ERP literature that cedure that derives the speaker’s meaning. For instance, when elabo­
reported metaphor concreteness effects comparing metaphoric and rating a metaphor like The surgeon was a butcher, we may rely on the
literal sentences (Lai et al., 2019), by showing concreteness effects due mental image of a “surgeon raising a butcher’s cleaver over the human
to the more abstract or concrete interpretation of different metaphors. body on the slab” (p.315) and use such image to better represent the

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

context and derive the implicated meaning of the expression. More speaker’s meaning, and thus might involve ToM to some extent, in the
generally, acknowledging the role of imagery and simulation for com­ case of mental metaphors the content to infer refers to psychological
prehending metaphors is in line with multimodal models of semantic attributes, making it legitimate to expect a greater involvement of ToM.
processing (e.g., Binder & Desai, 2011; Borghi & Cimatti, 2010; Pexman, The main analysis confirmed (i) but not (ii), showing that ToM skills
2020), according to which semantic representations are grounded in had a measurable impact on the N400 amplitude during the processing
perceptual experience. of both kinds of metaphors, regardless of the type: individuals with
Moreover, the metaphor concreteness effect that we observed has a higher RMET, and therefore more skilled in reading an emotion from the
particular value since it was found accounting for two variables that are eye-gaze, responded to all metaphors (either physical or mental) with a
known from the literature to have a great impact on the ERPs, that is, reduced amplitude of the N400. Since the N400 is a well-established link
metaphor familiarity and word frequency. This was possible thanks to of lexical-semantic processes for language processing in general and for
the flexibility of mixed-effects models, which allow to test the joint effect metaphor too (Bambini et al., 2016; Kutas & Federmeier, 2011), this
of by-item and by-subject variables and are gaining grounds also in ERP finding suggests that ToM is beneficial for those operations that involve
research (e.g., Dambacher et al., 2006; Frank et al., 2015). Overall, accessing and elaborating upon the meaning of the lexical elements in
however, the role of these by-item variables was not robust, possibly the metaphor.
because the ranges of familiarity and word frequency in our stimuli were In trying to interpret this finding more closely, it is important to
too narrow. highlight that the role of ToM skills emerged when considering the
An open question remains on whether the long-lasting effect (in the scores obtained in the RMET test, but not in the Animation Task (AT).
500–800 ms time window) can be interpreted as a sustained negativity This result was unexpected and, we think, should be read considering: a)
for physical metaphors, as we argued in the part of the discussion above. the multi-componential nature of ToM captured by the two tests and b)
The alternative explanation would be that the late difference between the methodological differences in the two ToM tasks. Indeed, important
metaphor types is due to a positivity (i.e., a P600) for mental metaphors differences characterize these two tests to the extent that they can be
compared to the physical condition. Indeed, one could expect that thought as tapping on different aspects of ToM: the AT measures the
mental metaphors pose higher efforts in sentence integration, because of general tendency to attribute intentions underlying movements and
the involvement of the psychological dimension (Ortony et al., 1978). actions, whereas the RMET is generally thought as a valid and reliable
Such greater difficulty could reflect in a P600, in line with the literature test of facial emotion recognition (e.g., Vellante et al., 2013), with sig­
that sees this component as an index of global interpretative efforts in nificant associations with emotion perception and cognitive empathy (e.
metaphors as well as in other implicit meanings (Bambini et al., 2016; g., Oakley et al., 2016). Another important difference is that the AT is
Brouwer & Hoeks, 2013). Indeed, we mentioned this possibility in our based on visual dynamic stimuli (i.e., moving triangles), whereas the
set of hypotheses, although in weak terms, given that metaphor-induced RMET uses stimuli that are both visual and verbal. Specifically, the
P600s are not ubiquitous and observed only in a small bunch of studies RMET requires participants to select the word that best matches the
(Canal & Bambini, 2022). However, while this explanation makes sense representation of the eye region by choosing one out of four alternatives.
at the theoretical level, by looking at the results we tend to dismiss it Some authors pointed out that the RMET test “may be heavily based on
because of two physiological factors such as the timing and the scalp vocabulary skills” (e.g., Olderbak et al., 2015), which may represent a
localization of the ERP difference between conditions. The effect at stake factor in linking RMET scores and N400 amplitude. We, therefore, argue
is preceded by a canonical N400 during the 300–500 ms time window on that the RMET/N400 link could reflect the facilitatory role of emotion
centroparietal electrodes. In the time window that follows, the scalp recognition skills when it comes to elaborate the meaning of the lexical
localization looks very similar, while a P600 would recruit a different set items in a metaphor. In line with Norbury (2005), this facilitatory role
of neural generators leading to changes in the distribution of the effect. might come from a better capacity to represent a natural context for
We therefore argued that the observed pattern is compatible with the these expressions.
idea that the late effect derives from the early effect (i.e., the N400), As for our hypothesis that ToM should be greater for mental
which carries over to the second time window. As argued above, the compared to physical metaphors, although this did not emerge in the
prolonged negativity is the outcome observed for concrete vs. abstract main analysis, interesting insights came from the exploratory one. There
words, and it seems reasonable to interpret it similarly in the case of we analyzed the whole epoch to further characterize the role of indi­
physical vs. mental metaphors. vidual differences in RMET scores: we observed that the latency of the
With respect to this issue, however, we should acknowledge a limi­ difference between metaphor types temporally shifts depending on the
tation of our design. Here we used a direct comparison between the individual scores. Participants scoring higher in RMET show the earliest
metaphor types, without including a literal “baseline”, because this differences between physical and mental metaphors, which onset as
allowed us to focus on the contrast of interest and gain a better power soon as after 200 ms, whereas in participants with lower RMET the
while keeping the task duration within reasonable limits. Yet, the use of differences between conditions surfaced later, around 500 ms. Further
a literal condition can help disambiguate the polarity of the effects. With inspection revealed that the less negative response associated with
a more complex design, thus, we could verify our interpretation of the higher RMET scores is driven by the specific effect of RMET on mental
long-lasting effect as a sustained negativity for physical metaphors metaphors, in an interval between 200 and 400 ms. In other words,
compared to mental ones, which would be confirmed when the literal RMET has a stronger relationship with the correlates of mental meta­
stimuli have a less negative response than both types of metaphor not phors, in a very early time window.
only in the N400 but also in the later time window. In functional terms, these findings seem to suggest that ToM, and
specifically emotion recognition, might aid the early recognition of
4.2. Metaphor and Theory of Mind metaphors when these are mental rather than physical. This interpre­
tation is in line with another ERP study on pragmatic processing, which
The core interest underlying this study was on the role of ToM in showed that higher social skills impacted ERP response to humor very
metaphor processing. For the first time in the literature, we investigated early on, facilitating its detection (Canal et al., 2019). It might be indeed
this topic by using the temporal resolution of the EEG, going beyond the that words that convey psychological implications are accessed and
behavioral investigations available till now. The literature led us to elaborated faster by those individuals who are better at recognizing
hypothesize (i) a general involvement of ToM in metaphor processing emotions. Although this interpretation is suggestive, the differential role
due to the process of inferring the speaker’s intended meaning but also of RMET in metaphor types calls for further scrutiny in future research.
(ii) a greater involvement of ToM for mental as compared to physical The present results thus offer one more piece of evidence to the
metaphors. Indeed, while both types of expression require to infer the debate about the involvement of ToM skills in metaphor, and provide

P. Canal et al. Brain and Cognition 161 (2022) 105879

several suggestions about this relationship that is elusive in many re­ Acknowledgment
spects. By using the ERPs and focusing on rather clearly defined pro­
cesses, such as those underlying the N400, we could highlight that ToM – This work was supported by the MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione,
as measured through an emotion recognition test such as the RMET, but dell’Università e della Ricerca) PRIN (Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante
not through the AT – covaries with the lexical-semantic processes at play Interesse Nazionale) 2015 project “The Interpretative Brain: Under­
in both metaphors (based on the predictors analysis) and that the standing and Promoting Pragmatic Abilities across Lifespan and in
involvement of ToM is more pronounced in mental metaphors in the Mental Illness”, project code 201577HA9M, awarded to VB and SL. We
early phases (based on the exploratory analysis). Finding a role of ToM thank two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments, and especially
may thus depend on metaphor content, and on how one can capture for suggesting the use of GAMM.
(choosing between the several assessment tools available) the various
components that contribute to the broader ToM construct. Yet we could References
not clarify how specific the effect of ToM skills is, that is whether ToM
skills would solely be associated with metaphor processing, or with Abell, F., Happé, F., & Frith, U. (2000). Do triangles play tricks? Attribution of mental
states to animated shapes in normal and abnormal development. Cognitive
literal sentences processing as well. We leave to future research a full Development, 15(1), 1–16.
characterization of this relationship, assessing the issue of specificity Agostoni, G., Bischetti, L., Bechi, M., Buonocore, M., Cavallaro, R., Lecce, S., Bambini, V.,
using further control conditions (e.g., a literal baseline) and possibly a & Bosia, M. (2019). Physical and mental metaphor interpretation: relationship with
Theory of Mind in patients affected by schizophrenia [Poster presentation]. In E.
larger set of ToM measures. Tonini, L. Bischetti, F. Ervas, F. Domaneschi, & V. Bambini (Eds.), Book of Abstracts -
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