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Name: Group: Date:

Course and section:

Experiment 2a: Blood and Blood Stains

Objective: To study blood and its components.

To determine whether a stain contains blood and to establish the presence of
blood pigments.
Materials: Blood, Blood stains, Wright-Giemsa stain, microscope, Slides, coverslips, OBT

A. Blood films – view peripheral blood smear under the microscope and draw the cellular
components of blood (individual drawing).

1. A smear will be provided by the instructor.

2. Dip the smear in solution 1 five times.
3. Dip the smear in solution 2 five times.
4. Dip the smear in solution 3 five times.
5. Rinse the smear in tap water.
6. Let it air dry and focus it under the microscope under OIO.

B. Chemical test of blood – conduct the preliminary and confirmatory test for blood.

Blood Solution:
1. In a clean test tube put 5 drops of blood.
2. Add normal saline solution to the tube filling three quarters of the tube.
3. Mix well as this will be used in the succeeding procedure.

Preliminary test
Benzidine test
a) Chemical reagents: benzidine powder, glacial acetic acid and 3% hydrogen
b) Procedure
1. Put a pinch of benzidine powder in a test tube.
2. Pipette 2-3 ml of glacial acetic acid then dispense in a tube with benzidine
powder. Mix well until the benzidine powder has been dissolved.
3. Add the prepared solution with blood.
4. Add a drop of 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
5. Draw a positive result.
What is the color produced? ______________

Guaiacum test.
1. In panel I put a drop of blood solution.
2. In panel II put a drop of normal saline solution.
3. Flip the test card and drop the reagent onto the test card.
4. Draw a positive result.
What is the color produced? _____________
Experiment 2b: Blood Group System
Objective: To study the technique of grouping fresh blood by direct method.

Materials: Blood, lancet, glass slide Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D antisera.

1. Choose a person to be subjected to blood typing.
2. Gently massage the ringer to warm it up. This establishes good blood flow.
3. Sterilized the finger (middle or ring finger ONLY) using cotton wet with Alcohol.
4. Prick the finger using the lancet and wipe off the first drop of blood.
5. Make three separate blood drops on the glass slide.
6. Drop anti-A on the first drop, anti-D on the second and anti-B on the third drop.
7. Mix each drop using an applicator stick.
8. Let the instructor interpret the blood type.

Illustrate the result:

Anti-A Anti-D Anti-B

What is the blood type: ____________

Questions for Research:

1. What substance in the blood reacts with the reagents and the role of hydrogen
peroxide in the reaction?
2. What are the importance of microscopic examination of test from criminalistic
3. What are the microcrystalline tests for blood? Explain the principles of each test.
4. How to differentiate human from animal blood in forensic science?
5. What causes the agglutination if red cells in blood typing?
6. Answer the following.
Fill the table with (+) or (-) corresponding their blood types.
Blood type Anti-A Anti-B


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