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Trainer Saqib
Date: 05/02/2023

Teacher Remarks:

Develop and Implement Business Plans
LEARNER’S Workbook

BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business

Develop and Implement Business Plans
Mode | Classroom Delivery
BSBOPS601 Develop and Implement Business Plans
Supporting: BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business; May also support other qualifications based on respective packaging rules

© Skillworks Australia Pty Ltd, 2021


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4
2. Unit Overview 4
3. Competency Standards 5
AQF Descriptor 5
4. Delivery Plan 8
Delivery Arrangement 8
Delivery Conditions 8
Lesson Topics and Plan 8
Suggested Learner Resources 10
5. Assessment Plan 17
Assessment Method 17
Submission of Work 18
Assessment Tasks and Schedule 19
6. Assessment Tasks 20
Assessment Task 1 20
Assessment Task 2 22
Assessment Task 3 25
7. Academic Policies and Processes 27
Assignment Cover Sheet 29
Unit of Competency : BSBOPS601 Develop and Implement Business Plans
Total Delivery Hours : TBA
Schedule : TBA
Cluster/Term : TBA

1. Introduction

Welcome to the learner’s guide for this unit of competency for the qualification BSB60120 Advanced Diploma
of Business. This guide provides you with essential information on competency standards, delivery plan and
schedule, assessment plan, assessment tasks and learning resources for this unit of competency.

The purpose of this learner’s guide is to:

▪ Provide you with information on delivery schedule and plan of this unit

▪ Ensure that you understand how students will be assessed in this unit

▪ Provide information on assessment methods, strategies, and evidence requirements

▪ Provide information on learning activities and assessment tasks

▪ List resources which may assist in student learning and assessment tasks

This unit also incorporates Foundation Skills that are embedded within the competency elements.

2. Unit Overview

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead a business operation that covers the steps
required to develop and implement business plans.

The unit applies to individuals who are running an organisation or who take a senior role in determining the
effective functioning and success of the organisation. These individuals may oversee the work of a number of
teams and other managers.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, the learner/trainee will be able to;

▪ Establish business plan

▪ Implement business plan

▪ Respond to performance data

As well as demonstrating the performance criteria, to be assessed as competent, the learner must
demonstrate their ability to apply the required knowledge and skills in a range of situations. These are
summarised in the Competency Standards section below.

Prerequisite Requirements

This unit has a NO prerequisite.

Skill Recognition and Credit Transfer

Appropriate credit(s) may be granted to eligible students against each unit of competency on presentation of
evidence of successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher qualification. Under the
Australian Qualifications Framework, this qualification recognises competencies achieved as part of a
Nationally Recognised Qualification from other institutes or universities.

Students may also apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the
required skills and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or
completed eligible assessments in equivalent or higher qualification.

Please refer to college’s RPL/Credit Transfer Policy for more information and applicable procedures. The policy
is available either through the faculty coordinator or college’s website.

3. Competency Standards

This unit is derived from the Business Service training package BSB for the qualification BSB60120 Advanced
Diploma of Business.

Competency standards for this unit are made up of unit descriptor (As provided in the Unit Overview),
performance criteria, required skills, required knowledge, embedded employability skills components,
assessment requirements and evidence guide.

They can also be viewed at:

View Unit

The learners must familiarise themselves with all the competency requirements for this unit of competency
and ensure that they have received all the relevant information and support from the trainer and assessor that
might be detrimental to their academic performance and outcomes.

AQF Descriptor

The Advanced Diploma qualifies individuals who apply specialised knowledge in a range of contexts to
undertake advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning. Graduates of an
Advanced Diploma will have specialised and integrated technical and theoretical knowledge with depth within
one or more fields of work and learning.

Graduates at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and
apply methods and technologies to:

▪ Analyse information to complete a range of activities

▪ Interpret and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems

▪ Transmit information and skills to others

Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined
responsibility in contexts that are subject to change and within broad parameters to provide specialist advice
and functions.
Performance Criteria

The following performance criteria specify the required level of performance for each of the elements of

Eleme Performance
nt Criteria

1.1 Identify organisational and legislative frameworks

relevant to development of a business plan
1.2 Review market requirements for the organisation’s
and service
1. Establish business plan 1.3 Identify and assess business requirements,
objectives, competitors and established plans
1.4 Develop performance objectives and measures for
business plan, in consultation with relevant stakeholders
1.5 Identify financial, human and physical resource
requirements for the business
1.6 Develop business plan

2.1 Communicate business plan to all relevant stakeholders

2.2 Confirm skilled labour is available to implement plan
2.3 Test performance measurement systems and refine,
2. Implement business plan where required
2.4 Prepare reports on key aspects of the business
2.5 Report system failures, product and service failures
and variances to the business plan as they occur

3.1 Analyse performance reports against planned objectives

3.2 Review performance indicators and refine, where required
3. Respond to performance data
3.3 Identify and coach under-performing staff
3.4 Establish ongoing review processes

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

▪ Develop and implement at least one business plan.

In the course of the above, the candidate must:
▪ Analyse and research business vision, mission, values, objectives, goals, competitors, financial targets,
management arrangements and marketing approaches
▪ Write a business plan, including:
o Description of the business
o Products and services
o Financial, physical and human resource requirements
o Regulatory requirements
o Marketing strategy
o Financial indicators
o Productivity and performance targets for key result areas
▪ Monitor and respond to business performance including evaluation of performance against key
results indicators
▪ Consult, communicate with and report to relevant stakeholders
▪ Provide analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a business plan.

Knowledge Evidence

The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:

▪ Organisational and legislative frameworks required for the development of business plans, including:
o Pre-existing strategic, business and operational plans
o Business vision, mission, values and objectives
o Permits or licences that may be required for new activity
▪ Processes for developing and monitoring business plans

▪ Customer needs and budgeting information

▪ Performance objectives and measures, including key results indicators

▪ Stakeholders involved in the development of business plans.

4. Delivery Plan

Delivery is in the form of instructor-led, classroom-based training sessions supported by simulated learning
and/or project sessions. Within the class room environment, delivery is supported by classroom-based
activities, tasks, lectures and structured lessons. Strategies for classroom-based learning focus on development
of skills and underpinning knowledge through practice, formative tasks, interaction, discussion, reading,
feedback, and practical examples of the theory.

Delivery Arrangement

The unit will be delivered over a prescribed period (term/semester) in a class-room training environment
through a structured learning program comprising of (but not limited to) lectures, presentations, case studies,
practical projects, group discussion and class-room based activities. Delivery schedule of this unit of
competency is provided at the beginning of this guide. Timetables will be advised at the beginning of each
academic term and posted on the notice board and college’s website.

It is expected that training/learning sessions will incorporate group/collaborative activities and tasks that are
relevant to the learning and evidence outcomes in this unit. The emphasis of learning, where possible, will be
on linking theoretical concepts and models with real-life situations to provide the learners with an opportunity
to gain an insight into key technological processes, professional environment and workplace practices.

Delivery Conditions

▪ Learners are required to attend the prescribed delivery sessions, in particular where assessment plan,
schedule, projects, and in-class activities and tasks are planned
▪ On commencement, the learners should review and understand all the course related information
including course structure, prerequisites and competency requirements for each unit of
▪ This unit of competency must be completed within the prescribed duration at the beginning of this
document. Due dates for the assessments will be set by respective assessors on commencement of
the unit and must be adhered to by all the learners
▪ The learners have the responsibility to maintain the required attendance and participate in all the in-
class activities and assessment/project tasks to be able to develop the required skills and knowledge.
▪ The learners must keep record of their activities, assessments and research and take an active
interest in exploring new concepts and ideas
▪ On expiry of the prescribed due dates for assessment, the learners will not be able to attempt any
assessments or the learning materials and must apply for a course extension. Learners should also
refer to other prevailing terms and conditions of delivery and assessment of this course and contact
the administration for further information if required.

Lesson Topics and Plan

The following lesson plans are planned for this unit. According to session times, trainers may expand these
lesson plans into their own session plans. Trainers must take a special note of the activities planned in the
right-hand column. These activities form part of “Formative Assessments”. The formative assessments are not
marked (assessed) but they contribute towards learning that prepares them for summative tasks.
The following topics are covered in the classroom training sessions. The topics for this unit include;

Less Top Activities

on ics

Unit overview, assessment information, assessment Review a

conditions Key concepts and definitions samples
Why plan? business plan
Strategic and business planning process in
organisations What do business plans look like? Discuss the
Who develops them? main
components of
Example and discussion on a sample real-life strategic plan the plan in the

The business planning process: TQM and BOM

case studies and
Key stakeholders in business examples
planning Audience
Externally and internally focussed business plans
Purposes and objectives of business planning Class discussion
Distinguishing between strategic and business
plans Developing business goals and objectives
Contents of a business plan
2 Legal and liability issues relevant to business

plans Management Concepts:

Total quality management

(TQM) Management by
objectives (MBO) Balanced
Strategic planning
Critical success

Business and internal analysis: Strategy

Business history/profile Pyramid:
Structure and management Application
team Products and services
SWOT analysis Develop USP
Available resources and UVP
3-4 statements for a
and IP The strategic presumed/own
Case Study:
Strategy pyramids Kellogg’s: Using
Business goals and objectives aims and
Sales and marketing strategy objectives to
(4Ps) Strategic alliances create a business
Value proposition/Competitive strength strategy

External analysis: Conduct a

market trend
Defining the market analysis for a
5-6 Industry/sector known
analysis Competitor consumer or
analysis Market electronic
trend analysis product
Market positioning
forecasts: Start-up Prepare a
budget/costs start-up cost
sheet for a
Profit and loss presumed
forecast Cash flow small
forecast Balance business
sheet forecast
Break-even analysis Conduct a
Identifying and assessing risks break even

Tying it all together: Sample

business plan
Writing an executive summary review and
9 Aligning business plan discussion
Developing an action/implementation
plan Obtaining necessary approvals
Presenting a business plan

Evaluating business plan performance: Tools and Assessment

techniques Review and revision follow ups and
Class discussion

Suggested Learner Resources

Friends G., and Zehle S., 2009, Guide to Business Planning (The Economist: 2nd Ed.), Bloomburg Press

Abrams R., and Doerr J., 2010, Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies (Successful Business Plan Secrets
and Strategies – 5th Ed.), Planning Shop

Bangs D.H., 2002, The Business Planning Guide, Kaplan Publishing

Wikibooks; How to Write a Business Plan:

Writing a Business Plan: business_plan.php

Small Business Planning:
Starting a Business:

Business Planning:

Referencing Guide

Harvard Referencing Generator:
Misc. Videos and Online Educational Channels (General ref)

List of some of the online educational channels. Search for the relevant topics and concepts.
Khan Academy Channel

TED Talks


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) Channel

Google for Education

Big Think


Microsoft Education

Stanford University Channel
Management Skills Courses

Harvard Business Review

5. Assessment Plan

Assessments for this unit have been developed by taking into account assessment guidelines as provided in the
training package and evidence requirements stipulated in this unit of competency. Assessment is an ongoing
process of gathering evidence to determine what each student/learner knows, understands and can do in
order to inform teaching and support learning of the intended curriculum.

The purposes of this assessment are;

▪ To collect evidences that demonstrate competency in the performance criteria of the unit and satisfy
skill, knowledge and employability skills requirements
▪ To provide feedback to the learners/trainees indicating the areas of improvement and
professional development
▪ To measure the effectiveness of the delivery plan and evaluate the learning outcomes

The required assessment criteria are provided in each assessment task for learner’s information.

Assessment Method

Assessment in this unit is based on assessment and evidence guidelines provided in the unit of competency
and the training package. The evidence is generated through summative assessment tasks. However, the role
of Formative Tasks is crucial in developing the required skills and knowledge in completing the summative
tasks. Formative tasks enable the trainers to evaluate their own delivery and adjust their facilitation based on
the outcomes from these tasks. The role of formative assessments is to improve learning and adapt to student

These tasks and activities usually take place throughout the unit and planned in accordance with the
summative assessment plan/schedule. The formative tasks are generally referred to as “Portfolio” tasks.
Portfolio is a collection of all the formative tasks completed during the learning sessions. The portfolio can be
used by students as an evidence of participation or example of work completed as part of their learning.

Formative tasks are not assessed.

For summative tasks, the following assessment methods are available to collect the aforementioned evidence
to demonstrate satisfactory performance in this unit;

▪ Written Assessment Tasks

▪ Practical/Analytical Tasks

▪ Test/Examinations

▪ Projects

▪ Observation

▪ Integrated Assessment

The Written Assessment Tasks and Tests have been developed to address various parts of Performance
Criteria as well as Required Knowledge.

The Practical Tasks are developed to demonstrate competence in Required Skills. These assessment tasks and
activities are mostly designed as in-class assessments, enabling the trainers to observe the work being
undertaken and completed (i.e. demonstration of a specific/required skill). Practical tasks may also include use
of online learning tools, equipment, activities, or use of software. Instructions for practical tasks are generally
provided within the task description. However, trainers/assessor may set certain conditions for conducting and
observing these tasks.
The Project (Individual or Group based) addresses various aspects of competency standard including
Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Employability Skills. The role of the project in assessment strategy is
to measure student/trainee competence as a form of Summative Assessment. It demonstrates the efficacy of
instructions and learning in the prescribed delivery period by assessing the overall performance of the
students/trainees for the purpose of grading/final results.

The Test/Exam is generally designed to test the Required Knowledge component of the unit of competency. It
may also be used to reinforce learning and test specific aspects of other part of competency where knowledge
of certain processes/procedures is required. A knowledge test may be verbal or written as specified in the task
description. Examinations are conducted under set conditions.

Observation forms part of in-class activities, participation in designated group processes, presentation and
provides an option where specific skills need to be demonstrated to the assessor.

Some of the assessments in this course may be used as Integrated Assessments; i.e. to use evidence created in
one unit/task to determine competency in another unit/task. The concept behind the design of the integrated
assessment is to limit repetitive tasks that test the same or similar competency elements in different units of

Optional/Supplementary Assessments

In addition to the above assessment instruments, the following methods can be used, if required, in the
context of assessment for this unit of competence, especially in the circumstances where assessment involved
components of online learning as well as actual workplace activities and/or performance.

▪ Workplace Verification through RPL application

▪ Competency Conversation at completion of the unit

To successfully complete this unit, learners must demonstrate that they have the skills and knowledge
needed as indicated in the Competency Standards (2).

Assessment can be both a formative and summative process. Formative assessment is used to provide
feedback to students and teachers to promote further learning. Summative assessment contributes to the
judgement of student learning for competency/award purposes.

Submission of Work

All the written works must be submitted in a hard copy, and an additional soft/electronic copy if required by
the trainer/assessor, with an accompanying “Assessment Cover Sheet”. Each Assessment Cover Sheet
should be signed by the student and must contain student details and date of submission. Assessment Cover
Sheets are available at the reception.

Material submitted for assessment—Word processed or handwritten assignments, reports, essays, projects,
etc. must contain student’s name, ID (if available), address and contact details. Within the context of these
assessment tasks, the assessor fulfils the role of client, manager or supervisor, as applicable. Work submitted
for “approval” within this context must demonstrate care and attention to detail, such that the student
inspires confidence that the work is being undertaken competently.

Where soft copy/electronic files are submitted, students are encouraged to name the files according to
established procedure. This would typically include a course or unit code, assessment or submission code, and
in the case of multiple files an alphanumeric identifier. Multiple files may also be required to be submitted
within an enclosing folder (with similar, appropriate naming conventions) or archive format—e.g. zip or rar.
Follow submission guidelines in each assessment task for specific instructions.
Assessment Tasks and Schedule

The following assessments are planned for this unit;

# Assessment Task/Activity Type Assessment

1 Compare and Analyse Business Plans Individu Written
2 Project: Develop a Business Plan Individu Written &
al Observation
3 Develop an Implementation Plan Individu Written

These assessment tasks/activities have been described in detail in the following section.

Task schedule to be advised by trainer/assessor based on the lesson and session plans.
6. Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1:

Assessment Task Compare and Analyse Business Plans

Schedule TBA

Performance Criteria:

1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.3, 3.2

Outcomes Assessed
Also addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge
as shown in the Assessment Matrix


The business plan is often described as a 'living document', providing a road map towards achieving business
goals and objectives. Creating a business plan sets out the effective use of time and resources and how a
business may take advantage of available business opportunities in the market. Business plans cover several
predetermined functions such as revenue targets, raising finance and specific marketing or operational
programs; and provide an analysis of firm’s internal and external environments the influence the components
of the business plan.

In this assessment task, you will be given two sample business plans from two different business/industry
sectors. You will be required to compare both the plans and write a report that includes a comparative analysis
of strengths and weakness of each of the plans.

Your analysis will compare and cover the following aspects of the plan;

▪ Analysis and interpretation of mission, vision and business objectives

▪ Key strengths of the plan

▪ Key weaknesses of the plan

▪ Competitive environment

▪ Strategic orientation (e.g. marketing strategy)

▪ Available/required resources

▪ Performance measures and/or benchmarks

Your analysis should be comparative, presenting contrasting aspects of both the sample plans and contain your
own views on key aspects of the plans as mentioned above. Merely re-producing or re-phrasing plan contents
will not be sufficient. To reinforce the underpinning knowledge and develop the required analytical skills,
schedule for this task may be arranged to coincide with the relevant classroom lessons, including practice and
discussion sessions.

The analysis should be word-processed, structured and presented in a report format. All external sources must
be cited using the Harvard Referencing System.
Assessment Criteria

The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have
addressed all of the criteria in your work.

▪ Used comparative analysis to report key aspects of the given business plans

▪ Analysis demonstrates an understanding of business plan components and their interdependence

▪ Report encapsulates and summarises key aspects of the given business plans

▪ Analysis of mission and vision reflects an understanding of business purpose, activity and direction

▪ Analysis of business objectives provides a contrasting view of relevant businesses goals and targets

▪ Identified strengths and weaknesses of each of the plans; e.g. elements that make plans more or
less effectives
▪ Presented a comparison of strengths and weaknesses of the plans

▪ Analysis of the competitive environment is relevant to the industry and the business’s market position

▪ Analysed each component of the marketing strategies using the 4Ps model

▪ Analysis reflects strategic position and orientation of the business within its competitive environment

▪ Identified and listed available and/or required financial, human and physical resource business
▪ Identified performance objectives and measures in the plans

▪ Compared and analysed performance measures and/or benchmarks

▪ Report is appropriately structured using headings, sub-heading as required and contains tables for
comparative analyses
▪ Plans are analysed in own language and al external sources are cited using an appropriate
referencing system

Submission Guidelines

This task must be prepared and submitted in a word-processed layout. Handwritten documents cannot be
accepted for this task.


▪ Comparative analysis of business plans

This assessment task must be completed in a designated session in presence of a trainer/assessor.

Electronic versions of the assessment task and email/electronic submission arrangements are at further
discretion of the trainer/assessor
Assessment Task 2:

Assessment Task Project: Develop a Business Plan

Schedule TBA

Performance Criteria:

1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.4

Outcomes Assessed
Also addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge
as shown in the Assessment Matrix


The purpose of a business plan is to explain in writing what your business idea is, why it is needed in the
marketplace, how it will succeed, and who will make it happen (Investopedia). For start-up businesses, a
business plan describes a business opportunity and tells you what to expect, and what alternative measures
you can take, to realise your business goals.

In this assessment task, you will develop a business plan for your own venture. If you are planning to start your
own business in the near future, this will be an opportunity to apply and enhance the required skills and
knowledge to develop and write a formal business plan. The process of writing the business plan will enable
you determine what commitments you will need to make to the venture. You may also complete this task for a
fictitious business and/or a business idea. However, even for a fictitious venture, the assumptions and context
should be realistic and viable.

You will need to have your business idea approved by your trainer/assessor before commencing this task.

The key areas covered in a business plan should ideally be common to the following purposes of writing a
business plan;

▪ Investigate and evaluate new business opportunities

▪ Present a case for finance

▪ Present a clear picture of the business and its potential

Your business plan will typically contain (but not limited to) the following components;

▪ Executive summary

▪ Business Overview/Profile
o History
o Management structure
o Legal considerations
o SWOT analysis
▪ Business Concept
o Core idea
o Goals and objectives
o Products and/or services
o Description
o IP/License/Acquisition
▪ Environmental Scan
o Industry environment and trends
o Competitor analysis
o PEST/PESTLE Analysis
▪ Marketing Strategy
o Market size
o Market description
o Market trends
o Customer profiles and target markets
o Distribution channels
o Sales outlets
o Storage and transport of goods
o Pricing policy
o Packaging
o Sales promotions and sales strategy
o Advertising strategy and costs
o Public relations
▪ Financial Forecasts
o Start-up costs
o Profit and Loss forecast
o Cash flow forecast
o Balance sheet forecast
▪ Performance and Controls
o Performance measures
o Quality objectives and measures
o Responsibilities
o Performance evaluation

The business plan development and writing is an extensive process and learners should make sure that they
attend all learning sessions, in-class activities and exercises to develop the required knowledge and skills to
complete this project.

Assessment Criteria

The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have
addressed all of the criteria in your work.

▪ Conceived a viable business idea to be developed into a plan for a start-up business

▪ Plan is summarised in an executive summary that covers all parts of the plan

▪ Developed /conceived a business description that provides background, history and/or background
of the people involved in the business
▪ Described new business structure in line with allowable formal structures (e.g. company, partnership,
sole trader)
▪ Outlined relevant legal obligations and requirements (e.g. insurance, liability, disclosure)

▪ Conducted a SWOT analysis of the business analysing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities

and weaknesses
▪ SWOT is relevant and realistic in relation to the chosen company or organisation

▪ Outlined the core business idea/concept

▪ The business idea/concept is realistic and logically attainable as a start-up business

▪ Defined business goals and objectives

▪ Objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound

▪ Described products and/or services and their characteristics

▪ Described any licensing, registration and/or IP requirements (e.g. patent)

▪ Developed a Unique Value or Sales Proposition (UVP/USP) that distinguishes business’s

products/services from competitors
▪ Analysed the external environment and conduct an appropriate analysis such as PES or PESTLE
as applicable in the business situation
▪ Identified and analysed at least two competitors and explained own market positioning

▪ Selected an appropriate market for the launch

▪ Determined market segment and consumer profiles for the planning purpose

▪ Market assumptions and targets are realistic and resemble a model business approach

▪ Marketing objectives are in alignment with overall company goals and objectives

▪ Developed a marketing mix (4Ps) that reflects a strategic approach

▪ Strategies are realistic and cover product, market and unique selling/value proposition of the
▪ Developed appropriate marketing tactics to implement the marketing plan

▪ Worked out start-up costs and identified fixed and variable costs

▪ Developed a profit and loss projection for the first year in line with expected costs, expenses and
▪ Developed a cash flow statement identifying monthly cash position

▪ Developed a balance sheet forecast based on P&L and cash flow

▪ The financial forecasts are prepared in conventional formats and are realistic, balanced and error free

▪ Conducted a breakeven analysis using a conventional formula

▪ Developed performance measures in key result areas

▪ Business plan includes methods of evaluation of performance against documented indicators in key
results areas
▪ The plan is written in a formal style using appropriate headings and subheadings to organise the

Submission Guidelines

This task must be prepared and submitted in a word-processed layout. Handwritten documents cannot be
accepted for this task.


▪ Formal business plan with relevant attachments

Electronic versions of the assessment task and email/electronic submission arrangements are at further
discretion of the trainer/assessor.
Assessment Task 3:

Assessment Task Develop an Implementation Plan

Schedule TBA

Performance Criteria:

2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

Outcomes Assessed
Also addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge
as shown in the Assessment Matrix


A business plan remains a written piece of paper until it is actually implemented. Once implemented, it acts as
a living or dynamic resource that helps to keep a business focus and continuously evaluate business
performance against stated objectives.

This assessment task compliments Assessment Task2. In this assessment task, you will develop an
implementation plan with a view to implement the business plan you developed in Assessment Task2.
Business plan implementation mainly involves clarification of objectives, task assignments with deadlines, and
charting business progress in reaching goals and milestones.

The implementation plan should be developed in as an ancillary document to the business plan listing each of
the objectives and breaking down strategic initiatives into tasks with realistic timeframes. Your
implementation plan may contain (but not limited to) the following components;

▪ Business goals and objectives

▪ Tasks and priorities

▪ Delegation of tasks/responsibilities

▪ Deadlines/Time allocation

▪ Required resources (including staff training or professional development)

▪ Internal communications

▪ Strategies to manage performance issues and problems

▪ Strategies to mitigate risks and manage contingencies

▪ Strategies to monitor and develop the plan on an on-going basis

This task needs inputs from Assessment Task2 and as such cannot be undertaken as a stand-alone task. It
should be completed in conjunction with Assessment Task2. Learners must also ensure that they keep pace
with relevant learning sessions and practice to develop the required knowledge and skill to complete this part
of the project.

Assessment Criteria

The following assessment criteria will be used for marking this assessment task. Ensure that you have
addressed all of the criteria in your work.
▪ The implementation plan is prepared as an ancillary document to the Business Plan completed in
Assessment Task2
▪ The implementation plan is relevant to and aligns with the Business Plan completed in Assessment
▪ The plan restates/refines the business objectives and identifies key tasks that must be accomplished
to achieve the objectives
▪ Tasks are grouped with relevant objectives and prioritised based on their importance and complexity

▪ Timelines/deadlines are realistic and within the scope of the plan

▪ The plan identifies financial, human and physical resource requirements for the business

▪ The plan identifies training, coaching and or development requirements of staff necessary to
implement the business plan
▪ Internal communication methods/processes are outlined to communicate and refer the plan to
relevant stakeholders
▪ Devised strategies to manage performance issues and problems

▪ Strategies incorporate means/mechanisms to test performance measurement criteria and

refine them if necessary
▪ Devised strategies to mitigate risks and manage contingencies

▪ Strategies cover risks and managing the risks of system failures and/or product failures and variances
to the business plan as they occur
▪ Devised strategies to monitor and develop the plan on an on-going basis

▪ Strategies provide means/mechanisms to analyse and continuously improve performance against

planned objectives
▪ The plan is written in a formal style using appropriate headings and subheadings to organise the

Submission Guidelines

This task must be prepared and submitted in a word-processed layout. Handwritten documents cannot be
accepted for this task.


▪ Formal implementation plan with relevant attachments

Electronic versions of the assessment task and email/electronic submission arrangements are at further
discretion of the trainer/assessor.
7. Academic Policies and Processes

Students with Special Needs

If leaners/learners have any special needs (e.g. physical disability, learning difficulty) regarding assessment,
they should be directed to discuss these with the Course Coordinator. The college will endeavour to make all
possible and reasonable adjustments to any aspect of assessment in order to address those needs. Some
examples of additional support could include:

▪ Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN)

▪ Assistive technology

▪ Additional materials or tutorials

▪ Assistance in using technology for online delivery components.

Reasonable adjustment

Reasonable adjustment refers to any modification made to the learning environment, certification
requirements, training delivery or assessment method to help learners with a disability access and participate
in education and training on the same basis as those without disability (IBSA, 2015).

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 were formed under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. They
clarify the obligations of training providers to ensure that learners who have a disability are able to access and
participate in education and training on the same basis as those without disability.

Some examples of reasonable adjustments could include:

▪ Personal support services, e.g. a reader, Auslan interpreter, a scribe

▪ assistive technology or special equipment, e.g. screen readers, magnifiers, alternative keyboards

▪ modifying the presentation method, e.g. visual, oral, print, electronic

▪ adjustments to timeframes, e.g. providing materials prior to class, extended time limits

▪ adjustment of the physical environment, e.g. specific furniture, arrangement of classroom.

The determination of “reasonableness” requires judgement that must take into account the impact on the RTO
and the need to maintain the integrity of the qualification. While reasonable adjustments can be made to the
ways in which evidence of performance is gathered and demonstrated, the criteria for making Competent/Not
Yet Competent decisions (and/or awarding grades) should not be altered in any way. That is to say, the
standards expected should be the same irrespective of the group and/or individual being assessed (Disability
Standards for Education 2005).

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfers

Learners may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the required
skills and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or completed
eligible assessments in equivalent or higher qualification.

Appropriate credit transfer may be granted to eligible learners against each unit of competency on evidence
to successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher nationally endorsed qualification. Credit
transfer learners will finish the course in a shorter duration and are advised to consult appropriate
authorities/bodies for applicable criteria if planning further study or stay in Australia.
Applicants who have completed formal training or who have relevant and current work or life experience and
consider they are able to meet the unit purpose may seek recognition.
The college acknowledges skills and knowledge obtained through
▪ Formal training (conducted by industry or educational institutions in Australia or overseas)

▪ Work experience

▪ Life experience

The main focus is on the learning outcomes of these experiences, not on how, when or where the learning

To be granted RPL, applicants will be asked to:

1. Present evidence of their

achievement; and/or
2. Undertake a challenge test;
3. Attend an interview with specialist staff.

This evidence will be validated through either satisfactory supporting documentation of support from a
recognised industry or workplace representative or challenge testing

Academic Policies and Procedures

Applicable policies and procedure related to this course including plagiarism, assessments, appeals and
complaints, can be found with the course coordinator as well as in the “Policies and Procedures” section of the
college’s website.
(Please provide answers of all assessments under this section)

Assessment 1: Compare and Analyze Business Plans

Introduction to chosen business plan

Traditional Home-Style Restaurant

The Traditional Home-Style Restaurant (THR) will be run by Jeff and Betty Wright as a family business, who
have worked together in restaurant and catering industries for more than 25 years. The Wrights will rent a
3,400 square foot location from West Roads Shopping Center, an established shopping mall situated in the
Benbrook neighbourhood of Fort Worth, Texas. The location needs new furniture, fixtures and equipment. To
modernise the restrooms and add more table space in the eating area, the facility will also require some extra
renovations. The target customers of the restaurants were locals of the community and tourists of all ages.

According to sales predictions, there will be 1700 consumers every week, generating revenues of $1,028,000
per year, or little over $19,777 per week. In a table service industry where $200 to $325 per square foot is
regarded as fairly profitable and hence a solid investment, this translates to about $302 per square foot in
revenues yearly, positioning THR as a very desirable idea for ownership. The total start-up expenditures will
be $363,000, of which the owners would contribute $174,000 and a planned bank loan will cover the rest.

EPlace Solutions
A unique online storefront called EPlace Solutions is set to provide a range of goods to customers throughout
the world. Mr. John Jones, a seasoned business visionary with an eye on success and profit, founded the

The timing of the market launch is nothing short of spectacular, as consumers throughout the world have
started to release the spending that they had been holding back due to the global crisis. With changing
consumer attitudes urging consumers to shop for the kinds of deals and prices that will be a huge part of the
EPlace Solutions business model, online shopping is at an all-time high. The Internet will be used extensively
for EPlace Solutions' marketing.

For customers wishing to buy low-cost things online, EPlace Solutions will provide a safe online marketplace.
Drop shipping will be used by the company, which will considerably increase its attractiveness and cut down
on its total overhead expenses.

The financials for EPlace Solutions are solid and demonstrate steady growth trends over the following five
years. The predicted profit position of the firm in any of the five years specified in the financials is not in any
way jeopardised by overhead costs, which are incredibly low. The entrepreneur does not anticipate needing
to immediately recruit any kind of staff because the majority of the duties can be done by one person, thus
there are no high salaries included in the financial mix.
Analysis and Interpretation of Mission, Vision and Business Objectives

Mission Statement

Traditional Home-Style Restaurant EPlace Solutions

The goal is to offer a distinctive and tranquil eatingThe mission of EPlace Solutions is to provide a reliable
experience that feels like home. The restaurant willonline marketplace for consumers that offer quality
work to attain this aim by: 1) offering menu itemsproducts at a reasonable price that drives profits for
made with high-quality ingredients at fair pricing; andthe parent company while adding value to our brand
2) being considerate of the welfare of the customersconstituents.
and employees by treating everyone with respect and

Analysis and Interpretation

As Traditional Home-Style Restaurant is a food-based company, their mission is to provide a wonderful eating
experience with healthy, tasty and high-quality menu items with affordable pricing. Moreover, the restaurant
is also focused on the wellbeing of the costumers and the staffs and plans to treat everyone fairly and with

EPlace Solution, as it is an online marketplace, its mission is to provide high-quality items to customers in
reasonable price that derives profit to the company and also adds to the reputation of the company.

Here, we can see that, both businesses, though are from different industries, focuses on providing high-end
quality products and services to the consumers. The restaurant plans to focus on their employees as well,
whereas the ecommerce business only focuses on customers as the owner plans to run it by himself at the
moment. Both the businesses want to build a good reputation among their consumer which ensures the
consumers will be back for more products or services which only adds up to the profit for the companies.
Therefore, even though these businesses are from different industries, they focus on their products and
services in order to gain profit and build an immaculate reputation amongst the consumers.

Business Objectives
Traditional Home-Style Restaurant EPlace Solutions
The following are the main goals of the restaurant The following are the main objectives of the
business plan: ecommerce business plan:
● being the best home-style eatery in ● Develop a strong customer base
western Fort Worth, Texas ● Create a broad marketplace
● to provide up wholesome food with ● Online security
outstanding service at affordable costs. ● Drive profits
● to obtain cover ratios of 1.00X for each
meal of lunch and supper
● to attain prime cost ratios that are less
than 65%

Analysis and Interpretation

Business objectives are the precise and quantifiable outcomes that organisations seek to retain as they
expand. Business objectives serve as a compass for the firm, directing how it should distribute its strengths,
shortcomings, and potential opportunities. The majority of the time, goals stay the same until the business's
conditions alter.
Traditional Home-Style Restaurant’s major goal is to be the best in its type of industry in Fort Worth, Texas.
Another objective is to provide an outstanding service and wonderful food items at affordable price which
ensures returning customers. The restaurant also focuses on obtaining cover ratios of 1.00X for each meal and
attaining cost ratios that are less than 65% in order to generate profit.

EPlace Solutions’ major objective is to build a solid consumer base and have a broad marketplace by
developing a strong customer service strategy that appropriately meets all of the particular requirements of
online shoppers. The company will also be focusing on making the ecommerce site safe and not prone to any
attacks for both the company’s and the customer’s safety. Making money will be EPlace Solutions' ultimate
goal, and the company plans to massively increase its income and profit streams over the next few years.

From above details, we can see that Traditional Home-Style Restaurant have to be very best among its
competitors to make commendable profit as its target market is limited in the area the restaurant is situated
in whereas EPlace Solution has a vast area to expand and plans to do so too. The ultimate business objective
for both the businesses is to make good profit and deliver best of its services.

Key Strengths of the Plan

Traditional Home-Style Restaurant:

The key strengths of the business plan for the restaurant are as follows:
● The owner plans to open the restaurant in a prime location in T and is easily accessible from
Interstate 30 (366.76-mile-long Interstate Highway in the southern states of Texas and Arkansas).
● Due to the owner's experience in the catering sector, he has already developed a client base and
approved vendors. These previous connections would prove to be useful for this new business.
● In comparison to its larger corporate competitors, because of the modest size, the restaurant can
give outstanding quality food and service by hand-selecting their market specialities.
● The same idea applies to their staffing needs; by carefully choosing their employees, the business
will work to provide service that's unmatched when compared to their bigger competition.
● The company also have a strong marketing strategy to retain returning customers and gain new
customers through Loyalty program, sponsoring and participating in local church, clubs, sports,
● The company plans to train the employees in regular basis and accomplish customer feedback
through customer surveys to maintain the quality service throughout the business.

EPlace Solutions
The key strengths of business plan for EPlace solutions are as follows:
● The creator of EPlace Solutions, Mr. John Jones, is an experienced businessman who is familiar
with the e-commerce and Internet-based markets. Throughout all stages of a company's growth
and evolution, his diverse skill set will be vital.
● Due to the fact that EPlace Solutions won't require office space or handle inventory, the company
will have very low overhead costs.
● According to the business model for EPlace Solutions, another key advantage is the company’s
expansion. The long-term prospects for EPlace Solutions are nothing less than fantastic as more
and more people conduct their shopping online.
● The business is not confined to provide service in a limited locations but have ability to serve
clients throughout the world.
● The company has a social media marketing plan.
Key Weaknesses of the Plan

Traditional Home-Style Restaurant

The weaknesses of the business plan for the restaurant are:
● The business is confined to a place and the owner has no intention to expand in near future.
● The business has limited services which can be a plus for the restaurant’s competitors.
● Extremely weak promotional strategy.
● No strategy to retain good employees.
● Hiring family members and expecting them to work for low and reduced wages can have a bad

EPlace Solutions
The weaknesses of the business plan for EPlace solutions are:
● The lack of funding is a major weakness in this business model.
● The owner’s decision to not hire any staff and do everything by himself is a bad decision and can
go very wrong with the company as well as the owner’s physical and mental health.
● The plan needs a strong marketing and promotional strategy as the company’s competitors are
giants like and
● The business plan does not clearly state its business strategy.

Competitive Environment

Traditional Home-Style Restaurant (THR)

● Major competitors for the restaurants are the fast-food industry giants like McDonalds, KFC, Pizza
Hut, Taco Bell, etc which even though are not healthy, people tend to go there for its affordable
● The restaurants listed below are other main competitors that are located in the five-mile radius of
the THR:
○ Hedarys Restaurant: Full-service restaurant with 17 employees but have higher prices
than that of THR
○ Applebee’s: Offers standard fare but food quality is average.
○ Chili’s: Chain restaurant that offers standard fare
○ Barbeque Ben’s: Operating since 1978 and targets same locality but not as much of a
direct competitor as the others in this list because it only serves barbeque items.
○ Cracker Barrel: Not located within the target area but have similar type of food items in
the menu as of ours and similar price as well.
● Non-direct competitors include supermarkets and convenience stores selling ready meals.

EPlace Solutions
There are many competitors for EPlace Solutions as the ecommerce market has been growing and sine the
Covid-9 pandemic, these online services have been growing like mushroom. Unlike THR, the competitors of
EPlace solution are not limited to a place but can be the companies that have similar business strategies
located all over the world. The main competitors are the industry giants that are already very well-established
in the marketplace such as Ebay, Amazon and AliExpress. There are other drop shipping websites like Spocket,
Dropified, etc are also the competitors of the ecommerce website.

Strategic Orientation
Traditional Home-Style Restaurant EPlace Solution
Marketing Strategy
Plans to develop a website, Facebook page and Plans to develop user-friendly website with Search
Twitter site. Engine Optimization (SEO) that will ensure to appear
in first few pages of search engines like
Social media marketing is not mentioned anywhere Social media marketing will be done through
but plans to email all the clients in database with the Facebook and Twitter.
help of local mailing service program notifying them
about the grand opening.
Volunteering and sponsoring will be done in local
churches, sports clubs and teams in the target market
Providing food samples in market area for the people
to taste.
Participate with Costco as “small business of the
Promotional Strategy
Loyalty Program will be implemented providing No promotional strategy has been indicated in the
clients with free food items. business plan.
Pricing Strategy
THR will make use of their favourable credit terms EPlace Solution plans to keep prices low by selling
with suppliers and change their menu to better reflect discounted or wholesale products.
seasonally, such as in local produce products to keep
prices low.
The restaurant will also pay particular attention to the
Prime Cost Report, which focuses on the labour and
cost of goods sold expenditures that may be
Exit Strategy
Restaurant furnishings, fixtures, and kitchenware No exit strategies mentioned in the business plan.
would be disposed of through auction.
Food inventory would be regarded as a write-off due
to its short perishable duration.

Available / Required Resources

Traditional Home-Style Restaurant EPlace Solutions
● ●
Rental space for the restaurant Website
● Furnitures, kitchenware, utensils, ● Computer / Laptop
● Manpower (Chefs, waiters/waitresses,
● Stationaries
● Point of sale system
● Website
Performance Measures or Benchmarks
● Both THR and EPlace Solution will be collecting feedback of the consumers regarding the products
and customer service.
● THR expects to make net profit of $1,234, $58,469 and $92,494 in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3
respectively whereas EPlace Solutions expects to make net profit of $191,457, $228,076 and
$286,000 in Year 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
● THR expects their net worth to be $223,300, $234,150 and $251,711 in Year 1, 2 and 3
respectively whereas EPlace Solutions estimates their net worth to be $116,457, $344,433 and
$630,533 in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 respectively.

● Business objective (2022) Sprout Social. Available at:
objective/ (Accessed: January 13, 2023).
● EPlace solutions - wise business plans® (2018) Wise Business Plans. Available at:
plan-2021-2022.pdf (Accessed: January 13, 2023).
● Restaurant Business Plan Sample & Template (2023) Fast Business Plans. Available at:
(Accessed: January 13, 2023).
● Thomas, S. (2022) Top 12 best dropshipping websites, AVADA Commerce Blog. AVADA Commerce.
Available at: (Accessed: January 13,
Assessment 2 : Project: Develop a Business Plan

Business Plan
Pixel Perfect Design Studio

Developed By
Our graphic design studio, Pixel Perfect Design Studio, is a fully creative agency founded by Sudha
Barahi and Pranesh Shakya in 50% partnership each. That specializes in creating unique and effective
branding and marketing materials for various businesses. We offer a wide range of services,
including logo design, business card design, brochure design, communication design, packaging
design and website design. The team of skilled and experienced designers will work closely with our
clients to understand their needs and create pixel perfect designs that accurately reflect their brand
and message. Additionally, we will be incorporating corporate video production and other video
services in the second year of the business launch.
In late 2022, Pixel Perfect Design Studio was founded in Canberra by me, Sudha Barahi in a
partnership with another individual, Pranesh Shakya, who I studied with and previously worked with.
I have a bachelor's degree in multimedia technologies. I also have some experience working in a
photography and graphic design studio as a graphic designer as well as in a production house and a
TV channel in Nepal as a graphic designer, video editor and motion designer. I studied Master’s in
Information Technology specializing in Software Design and Development and System Analysis.
Our studio’s mission is to provide high-quality and impactful design solutions to help businesses
communicate their message effectively and achieve their goals. We primarily offer a full range of
design services, including branding, print design, digital design and marketing.
In 2023, we will be opening our doors to clients and will establish a reputation for delivering creative
and effective design solutions on time and within budget helping them create a strong visual identity
and effective marketing campaigns.
As we move forward, we plan to provide corporate video production services as well in the future
providing innovative solutions like product videos, explainer videos, internal training videos,
promotional videos, sales presentations, social videos, etc. We also plan to expand our team with
talented designers and marketers, to better serve a growing client base and to stay at the forefront
of the industry.
We are excited to start this new chapter in our design journey and look forward to working with new
clients to help them achieve their business goals through effective design.

Our mission at Pixel Perfect Design Studio is to create powerful, effective branding and marketing
materials that help our clients stand out in the marketplace. We strive to understand our clients'
unique needs and goals and use our expertise in graphic design to develop visually striking and
strategically sound solutions. We are dedicated to building long-lasting relationships with our clients
and helping them achieve their business objectives through creative and innovative design. We
believe in the power of design to change the world and we are committed to delivering excellence in
everything we do.

At our studio, we specialize in creating visually stunning and effective branding and marketing
materials. We believe that strong design is at the heart of any successful brand, and it is our mission
to help our clients achieve their goals through the power of design.
We believe in the importance of creativity and attention to detail in every project we undertake. We
strive to push the boundaries and think outside the box to create truly unique and impactful designs.
We understand that effective communication is key to the success of any project, and we pride
ourselves on our ability to listen to our clients' needs and translate them into visually stunning
We are always looking for ways to stay up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies,
and we are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible service.
Our company philosophy is that we are a team of creative and strategic problem-solvers, dedicated
to helping our clients achieve their goals and succeed in their respective businesses.
Our vision at Pixel Perfect Design Studio is to become the premier choice for businesses looking to
create and enhance their branding and marketing materials. We aim to be a leading force in the
industry, known for our creativity, attention to detail, and exceptional customer service.
We strive to consistently deliver innovative and effective designs that help our clients stand out in
their respective markets and achieve their goals. We also aim to incorporate corporate video
production services soon and grow the company.
Our goal is to build long-lasting partnerships with our clients, working closely with them to
understand their needs and develop strategies that will help them succeed.
Our vision is to empower businesses of all sizes, from start-ups to established companies, to achieve
their goals and grow their brands through the power of design.
We aim to be a company that is not only respected for its design work but also for its
professionalism and integrity, always striving to exceed expectations and deliver results that are
nothing short of exceptional.


Following are the goals and milestones for Pixel Perfect Design Studio:
● Establishing the business: This includes incorporating the company, obtaining necessary
licenses and permits, setting up the office and studio, and creating a business plan.
● Building a portfolio: This includes creating a portfolio of work that showcases the
company's capabilities and expertise in branding and marketing materials. This could be
achieved by completing a few pro-bono projects for local businesses or non-profits.
● Building a team: This includes hiring designers and other staff as necessary.
● Securing initial clients: This includes identifying and securing at least 5 paying clients in
the first 6 months of operation.
● Building a strong online presence: This includes creating a professional website, social
media accounts and online portfolio.
● Creating a referral network: This includes building relationships with other businesses
and industry professionals, who can refer clients to the company.
● Expanding the services offered: This includes expanding the services offered by the
company to include corporate video production services.
● Increasing revenue: This includes increasing revenue by at least 20% in the first year of
operation, and by at least 10% each year thereafter.
● Expanding to other cities: This includes expanding the business to other cities in Australia
and also getting clients from outside of Australia as well.
● Building a reputation: This includes building a reputation as a leading provider of
branding and marketing materials in Canberra and the rest of the country.

Following are the target markets for Pixel Perfect Design Studio:
● Small and medium-sized businesses: Many small and medium-sized businesses in
Australia may not have a large in-house marketing or design team, and could benefit from
the services of a graphic design company that specializes in branding and marketing
● Start-ups: Start-ups often need to create a strong brand identity quickly, and a graphic
design company could help them do that by creating logos, website designs, and other
marketing materials.
● E-commerce businesses: E-commerce businesses need to create visually appealing and
effective marketing materials to promote their products and services. A graphic design
company could help them with designs for social media campaigns, email marketing, and
other digital marketing efforts.
● Professional service providers: Professional service providers such as lawyers,
accountants, or consultants may need to create a professional and polished image, and a
graphic design company could help them with the design of their website, business cards,
brochures, and other marketing materials.
● Non-profit organizations: Non-profit organizations often rely on strong branding and
marketing materials to attract donors and volunteers.
● Public sector organizations: Government agencies and other public sector organizations
in Australia may require branding and marketing materials to help them communicate
with the public and achieve their objectives.

The graphic design industry in Australia is considered to be a mature industry, with a relatively stable
market. However, the industry is undergoing changes due to the increasing use of digital technology
and the shift to online marketing. This has led to an increasing demand for digital marketing services,
including graphic design.
In the short-term, the industry is expected to continue to grow, as more businesses shift their
marketing efforts online and the use of digital technologies continues to increase. In the long term,
the industry is expected to continue to evolve and adapt to changing technology and consumer
To take advantage of these changes, a graphic design business in Australia would need to stay up to
date with the latest industry trends and technologies and be able to offer a wide range of digital
marketing services, including website design, social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO.
In order to successfully compete in the industry, a graphic design business would need to
differentiate itself by offering high-quality design services, exceptional customer service, and a deep
understanding of marketing and branding strategies. Additionally, the company could differentiate
itself by having a unique portfolio or focus on a specific niche, such as sustainability or inclusivity.
In terms of competition, there are many graphic design businesses in Australia, and competition can
be intense. However, by offering a unique value proposition and staying up to date with the latest
industry trends and technologies, a graphic design business can position itself as a leader in the
market and successfully compete with other businesses in the industry.

Although the graphic design industry is a growing industry, it is also a highly competitive industry.
Following are the direct competitors for our company based on the services they provide and the
locations they are located in:
● DAMS Designs
● Zenneo Designs
● Mugshot Creatives
● Percept Brand Design
● Handle Branding
Indirect competitors for such us could be marketing automation software or website builders that
offer design templates for business that want to create their own marketing materials like
This also include design agencies that specialize in specific areas such as web design, animation, or
illustration like PixelSavvy, MotionLab, etc. Advertising agencies are another indirect competitor like
Incil, AdVisible, etc.
Our graphic design company, Pixel Perfect Design Studio, is structured as a partnership. The
partnership is owned by Sudha Barahi and Pranesh Shakya, who will serve as the company's
managing partners. The ownership of the partnership is divided equally between Sudha and Pranesh,
each holding 50% of the company. As managing partners, Sudha and Pranesh will be responsible for
the day-to-day operations and management of the company. They will also share in the profits and
losses of the business and will be personally liable for the company's debts and liabilities.


Pixel Perfect Design Studio being a graphic design studio with expertise in designing branding and
marketing materials, following are the services we will be providing:
a. Brand Identity Design: Strategic branding is essential for every company to stand out in
this competitive business world. We offer various branding design services as listed
● Logo Design
● Business Card Design
● Brochure Design
● Business Stationary Designs
● Website Development
b. Packaging Designs: Our studio designs appealing and eye-catching packaging designs for
your products that help to elevate the sales of your product.
c. Visual Communication Designs: Visual communication design is important for any
business because it can help to convey the company's message more effectively, establish
a consistent brand identity, increase engagement, and ultimately drive sales and growth.
This includes:
● Infographics
● Presentations
● Data Visualizations
● Charts
● Posters
● Magazine
d. Social Media Marketing: Our graphic design company offers a variety of social media
marketing services to help businesses establish and grow their online presence. These
services include:
● Social media account setup and optimization
● Content creation
● Social media advertising materials
We will be adding more services in our design studio in future. Such as:
a. Corporate Video Production: We will offer corporate video production as a powerful tool
for marketing and branding. Our team of experienced videographers and graphic
designers work together to create engaging and high-quality videos that effectively
communicate our clients' brand story and message. Whether it's a company overview,
product launch, or employee testimonial, we bring a unique and creative approach to
each project, tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients.
b. Video Editing Services: Video editing services will be added in our graphic design studio
which typically involves enhancing and transforming raw footage into polished and
visually appealing videos. This can include tasks such as color correction, cutting and
splicing scenes, adding special effects, adding music and sound effects, and creating
motion graphics, VFX and animation.

a. Unique and Customizable Designs: Our studio offers personalized and creative graphic
designs tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of our clients.
b. High Quality Output: Our team of experienced designers and state-of-the-art equipment
guarantee the production of high-quality outputs that are visually appealing and
c. Cost-Effective Solutions: Our studio provides affordable design services without
compromising quality and creativity.
d. Fast Turnaround Time: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines, and our
team works efficiently to deliver projects within the agreed timeframe.
e. User-Friendly Designs: Our designs are user-friendly and accessible, ensuring a positive
experience for users and easy navigation on websites and other digital platforms.
f. Diverse Services: Our studio offers a range of graphic design services, including logo
design, website design, branding, and marketing material design.
g. Customer Support: Our team is dedicated to provide exceptional customer support and
ensuring our clients are satisfied with the final output.
h. Comprehensive Consultation: Our studio provides comprehensive consultation services
to ensure that our clients' ideas and needs are understood and incorporated into the
i. Latest Trends and Techniques: Our studio is knowledgeable of the latest trends and
techniques in the industry, and we continuously improve our skills to provide cutting-edge
j. Flexibility: We offer flexible packages and pricing options to cater to different budgets
and design requirements.

a. Customizable Design Packages: Offer flexible design packages that can be tailored to
meet each client's specific needs and budget.
b. Creative Concept Development: Provide a thorough and collaborative creative concept
development process to ensure each design project truly reflects the client's vision and
c. Innovative Design Techniques: Utilize cutting-edge design techniques and technology to
create visually stunning and impactful designs.
d. Experienced Design Team: Hire and retain a talented and experienced team of designers
who bring a diverse range of skills and perspectives to each project.
e. Streamlined Project Management: Implement a streamlined project management
system to ensure timely and efficient delivery of high-quality design work.
f. Comprehensive Branding Solutions: Offer comprehensive branding solutions that
encompass all aspects of a client's visual identity, from logo design to print materials to
website design.
g. Excellent Customer Service: Provide exceptional customer service and support,
maintaining open lines of communication with clients throughout each project.
h. High- Quality Printing Services: Partner with top-tier printing companies to offer high-
quality printing services and ensure that each printed deliverable meets the highest
i. Affordable Pricing: Offer competitive and affordable pricing without sacrificing quality, to
make professional design services accessible to a wider range of clients.
j. Ongoing Support: Provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that
clients' design needs are met even after a project has been completed.


Our graphic design studio is committed to providing high-quality design services to our clients.
However, it is important to note that there are certain limits and liabilities associated with our
a. Service Availability: Our design services are available during regular business hours,
Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. We may have capacity constraints and may not be
able to accommodate all projects.
b. Design Concept Approval: The final design concept is subject to client approval. If the
client requests changes or revisions, deadlines may be extended and additional fees may
c. Intellectual Property: The studio retains ownership of the design concepts until the client
has fully paid for the services. The client will be granted a license to use the design
materials for their intended purpose.
d. Printing Quality: The studio is not responsible for printing errors or inaccuracies. The
client is responsible for final proofing and approval of all printed materials. We will be
responsible for printing quality only if clients have given us the responsibility and agreed
to print the printable through partner printing house.
e. Delivery Timeframes: The delivery timeframes for design materials are estimated and
subject to change. Delays beyond the studio's control may occur, like when designs are
changed by the clients halfway through.
f. Legal Liabilities: The studio cannot be held liable for any legal issues arising from the use
of design materials, such as trademark infringement. The client is responsible for
obtaining any necessary permissions or licenses for the use of design materials.
g. Indemnification: The client agrees to indemnify and hold the studio harmless against any
claims or damages arising from the use of the design materials.
h. Warranty: The studio provides a limited warranty for its services, including the quality of
the design materials and their compliance with the agreed-upon specifications. The
warranty period is 30 days from the date of delivery.
i. Termination: Either party may terminate the agreement if the terms of the agreement
are not met. The client will be responsible for any outstanding fees and expenses incurred
up to the date of termination.


At our graphic design studio, we take great care to ensure that each project is produced and
delivered to the highest standards. Our process for producing and delivering services to our clients is
as follows:
a. Initial Consultation: We will schedule an initial consultation with the client to discuss the
project requirements, timelines, and budget.
b. Concept Development: Based on the information gathered during the consultation, our
design team will develop several concept options for the client to review.
c. Feedback and Revisions: The client will provide feedback on the concepts and any
necessary revisions will be made. This process may be repeated several times until the
final design concept is approved.
d. Production: Once the final design concept is approved, our team will begin the
production process. This may include creating final artwork, preparing files for printing, or
developing a digital product.
e. Quality Assurance: Before delivery, we will conduct a thorough quality assurance review
to ensure that the final product meets our standards and the client's requirements.
f. Delivery: The final product will be delivered to the client in the format agreed upon
during the initial consultation. For digital products, delivery may be via email or a file-
sharing platform. For print materials, we will arrange shipping or delivery as needed.
g. Ongoing Support: After delivery, we are available to provide ongoing support and make
any necessary updates or revisions to the design materials.
By following this process, we ensure that each project is completed on time, within budget, and to
the highest quality standards.

At our graphic design studio, we rely on a network of reliable suppliers to help us produce the high-
quality design services that we offer to our clients. Our suppliers include:
a. Printing Companies: We are partnering with MBE Canberra to produce high-quality print
materials for our clients. The company offers a wide range of printing options, including
offset printing, digital printing, and large format printing.
b. Graphic Design Software Providers: We use the industry-leading graphic design software
collection, Adobe Creative Suite, to produce our design materials. These software
programs allow us to create high-quality, professional designs quickly and efficiently.
c. Partner Design Studio: When necessary, we may engage 49 Hours Studio from Nepal to
assist with larger projects or to bring specialized skills to the table. 49 Hours Studio is a
reputed design studio in Nepal with experienced and highly skilled designers.
d. Stock Image Providers: We may use stock images in our designs when appropriate. We
will partner with reputable stock image providers 123RF to ensure that all images used in
our designs are high-quality and legally licensed.
By working with a network of reliable suppliers, we ensure that we have the resources and support
necessary to provide the best possible design services to our clients.


At our graphic design studio, we take intellectual property rights very seriously. To ensure that we
are operating within the law and protecting the rights of our clients, we have secured the necessary
special permits for the use of intellectual property in our designs. These permits include:
a. Copyright Permits: We will secure the necessary copyright permits to use any text,
images, or other content in our designs. This includes using client-supplied materials as
well as third-party content that we will have licensed.
b. Trademark Permits: If we use any trademarks in our designs, we will secure the necessary
permits from the trademark owners. This helps to ensure that we are not infringing on
the rights of others and that our designs are legally compliant.
c. Patented Technologies: If we use any patented technologies in our designs, we will
secure the necessary permits from the patent holders. This helps to ensure that we are
not infringing on the rights of others and that our designs are legally compliant.
By securing the necessary intellectual property special permits, we will be able to provide our clients
with confidence that their rights are protected and that our designs are legally compliant. This helps
to ensure that we are able to deliver high-quality design services that meet the needs and
expectations of our clients.


The graphic design industry in Australia is growing, with the market estimated to reach $4 billion by
2025. This growth is driven by increased demand for graphic design services from businesses of all
sizes, as well as from consumers seeking personal branding and marketing services.
The graphic design market in Australia is segmented into several key areas, including:
a. Small Businesses: Small businesses make up a significant portion of the market for
graphic design services in Australia. These businesses often require graphic design
services for branding, marketing, and promotional materials.
b. Corporations: Large corporations also make up a significant portion of the market for
graphic design services. These businesses require a wide range of graphic design services,
including website design, packaging design, and advertising materials.
c. Personal Branding and Marketing: An increasing number of consumers are seeking
personal branding and marketing services, including personal branding logos, website
design, and business cards.
Several key trends are shaping the graphic design market in Australia, including:
a. Digital Transformation: The growth of digital technologies is driving demand for graphic
design services in Australia, as businesses and consumers increasingly seek to establish
their online presence.
b. Increased Competition: The market for graphic design services in Australia is becoming
increasingly competitive, with new players entering the market and existing players
expanding their services.
c. Focus on Brand Identity: Businesses and consumers are increasingly focused on creating
a strong brand identity, driving demand for graphic design services that can help them
stand out from the crowd.
This market research highlights the opportunities and challenges facing the graphic design industry
in Australia. By understanding the size and growth of the market, the preferences and needs of
consumers, and the key trends shaping the industry, businesses can make informed decisions about
their strategies and offerings.

Starting a graphic design business in Australia can be a challenging and competitive process, as there
are several barriers to entry that can impact the success of new entrants. Some of the key barriers to
entry in the graphic design industry in Australia include:
a. Competition: The graphic design market in Australia is highly competitive, with many
established players and new entrants vying for market share. This can make it difficult for
new businesses to establish themselves and attract clients.
b. Cost of Entry: Starting a graphic design business can be expensive, as there are costs
associated with setting up a studio, buying equipment and software, and marketing the
c. Technical Expertise: Graphic design requires a high level of technical expertise and skill,
which can be a barrier to entry for some aspiring entrepreneurs. Those who lack the
necessary skills may need to invest in training or hire experienced designers to help them
get started.
d. Reputation and Branding: Establishing a strong reputation and brand can be a significant
barrier to entry for new graphic design businesses. It can take time and effort to build a
positive reputation and create a recognizable brand, which can be a challenge for
businesses starting out.
e. Intellectual Property Concerns: There are several intellectual property concerns that can
impact the success of graphic design businesses, including copyright, trademark, and
patent laws. Businesses need to be aware of these concerns and take steps to protect
their designs and intellectual property.
By understanding the barriers to entry in the graphic design industry in Australia, our studio can
better prepare to succeed in this competitive market. By addressing these barriers, our studio can
increase the chances of success and build a thriving graphic design business.


When developing a business plan for a graphic design studio, it's important to consider the threats
and opportunities facing the industry. These include:
a. Competition: Increased competition from established players and new entrants can make
it difficult for a graphic design studio to win new business and maintain profitability.
b. Technological Advancements: Rapid advancements in technology can quickly render
certain design techniques and software obsolete, making it difficult for graphic design
studios to keep up with the latest trends and best practices.
c. Economic Slowdown: Economic downturns can result in decreased demand for graphic
design services, making it difficult for studios to maintain profitability.
a. Growing Demand for Graphic Design Services: The increasing importance of branding
and marketing for businesses and individuals is driving demand for graphic design
services, providing opportunities for growth and expansion.
b. Expansion into New Markets: By expanding into new geographic markets or offering new
services, graphic design studios can take advantage of new opportunities for growth and
c. Diversification of Services: Diversifying services offered by graphic design studios, such as
web design and branding, can help to mitigate the effects of economic downturns and
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Product/ - High quality - Limited services - expansion of - Changes in
Service Offering graphic design - High costs of services consumer
services. custom design - Introduction to preferences
- Unique and solutions new design
creative design techniques
- Customized
approach to each
client's needs

Brand/ - Strong portfolio - Limited - Expansion into -Decrease in

Marketing - Good international international effectiveness of
promotional offers recognition markets traditional
- Inadequate - Collaboration marketing
branding and with channels
marketing budget complementary

Staff/HR - Experienced and - Limited staff - Expansion of -High

skilled graphic diversity staff diversity competition for
designers - Inadequate -Implementation top talent
- Positive employee of staff retention -Increasing costs
workplace culture benefits and HR programs of employee
support - Increase HR benefits and
-Dependence on support compensation
key personnel

Finance - Effective cost - Dependence on - Expansion into -Economic

control measures few major clients new markets downturn in
- High operation - Increase in Australia
costs financial planning -Increasing cost
-Inadequate and forecasting of production
financial planning and operation
and forecasting

Operations/ -Effective process -Inadequate -Get training for -Emergence of

Management and systems resources management of new
-Efficient project -No proper team and technologies
management management projects -Competition
teams from larger firms
Market -High demand for -Limited -Expansion into -Decrease in
branding and international international demand for
marketing services reach markets branding and
-Experienced staff -High competition -Diversification of marketing
in the local market services services.

Can any of your strengths help with improving your weaknesses or combating your threats?
If so, please describe how below.
Yes, some of the strengths can help with improving our weaknesses or combating our threats.
a. Effective project management can help in increasing resources.
b. Effective processes and systems can help in addressing inefficient use of technology
and dependance on manual processes.
c. Experienced and skilled graphic designer can help in addressing the weakness of
dependence of key personnel.

Based on the information above, what are your immediate goals/next step.
Investment in technology to address the weakness of inefficient use of technology
and implement innovative processes.
b. Diversification of services to increase the revenue streams and reduce dependence
on the local market.
c. Increase in resources and personnel to meet the demand for branding and marketing
services and improve the efficiency of operations.
d. Continuously monitor the market trends and consumer preferences to adapt to
changes and remain competitive.
e. Implement effective financial management strategies to control costs and maintain
positive cash flow.

Based on the information above, what are your long-term goals/next steps?
Expansion into international markets to take advantage of the opportunity for
growth and diversification.
b. Establish a strong brand identity and reputation in the global market to become a
leader in the branding and marketing industry.
c. Continuously invest in technology and innovative processes to remain at the
forefront of the industry.
d. Diversify the portfolio of services to meet the changing needs of clients and increase
revenue streams.
e. Develop a strong network of suppliers and partners to ensure a steady supply of
resources and improve the efficiency of operations.
f. Foster a positive corporate culture and work environment to attract and retain top
g. Continuously monitor and analyze the market trends and consumer preferences to
adapt to changes and remain competitive.
h. Implement effective financial management strategies to maintain profitability and


a. Brand Identity:

● Consistent visual elements across all branding materials, such as logo, business cards,
letterhead, and more.
● A comprehensive brand guideline, including color palette, typography, and imagery style,
to ensure consistency in all future branding efforts.
● Strong brand recognition, as customers will easily recognize the business through its
consistent visual elements.
● A professional image, as a well-designed brand identity conveys a level of competence
and attention to detail to customers.
● Cohesive marketing efforts, as a consistent brand identity helps create a unified message
and cohesive look across all marketing materials.
● Ease of implementation, as the comprehensive brand guideline provides clear direction
for all future branding efforts.

b. Packaging Design:
● Custom packaging design, tailored to the specific product and brand.
● Option for sustainable and eco-friendly packaging materials.
● Integration with the brand identity, ensuring consistent visual representation.
● Increased product appeal, as eye-catching packaging design can attract customers and
differentiate the product from its competitors.
● Improved brand recognition, as consistent packaging design helps to reinforce the brand
● Enhanced product functionality, as packaging design can also improve the functionality
and usability of the product.
● Increased sustainability, as the option for eco-friendly packaging materials can help the
customer appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

c. Visual Communication Design:

● Design of visual elements to communicate specific messages or information, such as
infographics, data visualization, and icons.
● Custom design tailored to the specific project and brand identity.
● Effective use of color, typography, and imagery to reinforce the message.
● Improved communication of information, as well-designed visual elements can make
complex information easier to understand.
● Increased engagement, as visually appealing elements can grab the attention of the
audience and keep them engaged.
● Reinforcement of brand identity, as the visual elements will be designed to align with the
brand guidelines.
● Ease of understanding, as the use of effective design elements can make information
easier to process and retain.

d. Social Media Marketing:

● Development of a social media strategy, including target audience, tone of voice, and
● Custom visual content, such as graphics and videos, tailored to the specific social media
● Implementation of the social media plan, including scheduling and posting of content.
● Analytics and reporting to measure the success of social media efforts.
● Increased online visibility and brand awareness, as the business will have a consistent and
effective presence on social media.
● Improved engagement with target audience, as the custom-tailored content will resonate
with the intended audience and encourage interaction.
● Better measurement and analysis of social media efforts, as the analytics and reporting
will provide valuable insights into what is working and what can be improved.
● Increased customer reach, as social media platforms offer a large audience and the
potential for significant growth.

6. Promotional Plan for Services

Packaging services: We will have some packages of services and make the total cost lower than the
accumulated individual prices for the same services. The services are packaged as follows:
a. Branding package:
● Logo Design
● Business Cards
● Email Templates
● Brochure
● Signage
b. Branding + Web Package:
● Branding Package
● Website
c. Social Media Marketing Annual:
● Social Media Marketing for a year
d. Social Media Marketing Half Yearly
● Social Media Marketing fo 6 months
Loyalty freebies:
● We will also give 1 month of social media marketing services free for a month in a year if
subscribed for a whole year and give a 10% discount as well.
● If our client needs to redesign their packaging, we will give them a 10% discount every
● If our client needs to update their website (not contents), we will give them a 10%

After-sale services we plan to provide are as follows:

a. Product Delivery: Delivery of final design files in various formats as agreed upon in the
project scope.
b. Warranty / Guarantee: Warranty or guarantee for 30 days for any errors or malfunctions
in the design work.
c. Ongoing Support: Availability of customer support for websites and social media
d. Training: Option for training for updating contents in website.

The target customer for our graphic design studio that specializes on branding and marketing
materials is likely to be small to medium-sized businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs who are
looking to establish or refresh their brand identity and improve their marketing efforts. They value
high-quality design and are willing to invest in their visual identity to increase their competitiveness
and attract new customers. They may come from a variety of industries, including technology, e-
commerce, retail, and service-based businesses.

For Consumers:
● Age: 25-45
● Gender: Both Male and Female
● Location: Metropolitan areas
● Income: $50,000 - $100,000+
● Occupation: Professional, Creative, Entrepreneur
● Education level: College Degree or Higher
For Businesses:
● Industry: Service-based businesses, e-commerce, retail, tech startups, small to medium-
sized businesses
● Location: Metropolitan areas
● Size: Small to Medium-sized businesses
● Stage in business: Start-up, Growing, Mature
● Annual Sales: $500,000 - $5,000,000+
This target customer profile represents businesses and individuals who value high-quality branding
and marketing materials and are willing to invest in their visual identity to grow their business or
personal brand. They are located in metropolitan areas and are tech-savvy and open to innovation.
They are either established businesses looking to refresh their image, growing businesses looking to
establish their brand, or start-ups looking to build their brand from the ground up. The target
customers are diverse in terms of industry, but they all share a commitment to growth and success.

S.N. Company Name Location Services
i. DAMS Designs 53 Alinga St, Brand Identity, Website Design,
Canberra ACT 2601 Environmental Design
ii. Zenneo Designs Canberra Graphic Design and Website Design

iii. Mugshot Creatives 706/19 Marcus Clarke Bran Identity, Website Design,
St, Acton ACT 2601 Creative Strategy

iv. Handle Branding Western Sydney Brand Identity, Packaging, Web,

Startup Hub, 5 Fleet Print Design
St, North Parramatta
NSW 2151
v. Percept Brand Design 1/80 Cronulla St, Branding, Packaging,
Cronulla NSW 2230 Communication designs
vi. Pixel Savvy Sydney Packaging Design, Creative
Branding, Animation, Motion
vii. MotionLab 81-83 Campbell St, Motion Graphics and Animation
Surry Hills NSW 2010

Our graphic design studio can position itself as a full-service branding and marketing solution
provider, offering a wide range of services including brand identity design, packaging design, visual
communication design, social media marketing, and corporate video production. The studio can
target both businesses and consumers, with a focus on small to medium-sized businesses in various
industries. By offering a comprehensive range of branding and marketing services, the studio can
differentiate itself from competitors and establish itself as a one-stop-shop for all branding and
marketing needs. The studio can position itself as a trusted partner, delivering high-quality and
effective branding and marketing solutions to help clients grow their businesses and increase their
brand recognition.
For our Graphic Design Studio, the marketing and advertising tactics include a mix of online and
traditional media. Online advertising includes utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach the target audience and promote the services offered. The studio
plans to regularly post creative and eye-catching graphics to engage with followers and attract new
customers. Social media marketing can be a powerful tool to reach potential customers, showcase
the company's portfolio, build brand awareness, and engage with the target audience.
In addition, the studio will advertise in print media such as local newspapers and magazines that
cater to the target audience. Finally, the studio will consider out-of-home advertising, such as
billboard advertising, to attract customers who are on the move and passing by the target location.
The frequency of advertising will depend on the budget and goals set by the studio, but a balanced
mix of regular and impactful advertising campaigns is crucial to maintain a consistent brand image
and reach new customers.
We want Pixel Perfect Design Studio to project a modern, innovative, and professional image that
showcases their expertise and experience in creating high-quality branding and marketing materials.
We want to communicate the ability to effectively communicate the clients' brand messages through
visually appealing designs, with a focus on attention to detail, originality, and creativity.
To market our business, our graphic design studio will use a combination of design elements, such
a. Logos - a well-designed logo can become a recognizable symbol for the business and help
build brand recognition.
b. Color - the use of a specific color palette can help reinforce the brand and make the
business more memorable to customers.
c. Signage - This can be in the form of outdoor signage, office/studio signage, or
promotional banners and flags. Signage helps customers find the location and conveys
the brand image.
d. Brochures These print materials can effectively convey our business's products and
services to potential customers.
e. Website Design: A professional, user-friendly website can help showcase the business's
portfolio and services. It should also be optimized for search engines and mobile devices.


Promotional budget before start-up:
a. Website development: $0 (It will be developed in-house)
b. Business Cards and Brochures: $500 (It is just printing cost; design will be done in-house)
c. Signage and flyers: $1,500
d. Website hosting: $350

Promotional budget after start-up:

a. Online Advertising: $2500 - $3500
b. Direct Mail and Marketing: $500
c. Social Media Marketing: $2000 - $4000
Business Name Pixel Perfect Design Studio
Which of the following pricing strategies will you employ? (Highlight one)
Cost Plus Value Based Other:
The costs of Based on your competitive Competitive Pricing
making/obtaining your advantage and brand
product or providing your (perceived value)
service, plus enough to make
a profit

Provide an explanation of your pricing model selection.

Include strategy info on your major product lines/service offerings. List industry/market
practices and any considerations to be discussed with your mentor.
Instead of basing prices only on company costs or goal profit margins, competitive pricing is
the act of intentionally choosing price points for your goods or services based on competitive
pricing in your market or niche.
We chose competitive pricing because it is simple and adjusts according to the competition.
This helps us to keep the price a bit lower in a way that does not hurt our business and helps
us stay ahead in the business.

Pricing List
Individual Items and Prices
Logo Design $400
Banners $300
Business Cards $200
Brochure Design $500
Signage Design $500
Stationary Designs $200
Web Development $1200-$5000
Postcard Design $150
Product Packaging $1000
Infographic $300-$800
Flyers $300
Email Templates $200
PowerPoint Design $500
Menu Design $300
Magazine / Report Designs $500
Social Marketing Services $1500-2000 /month
Packaged Items and Prices
Branding Package $1500
Branding Package +Web $1200 + Cost of Website
Social Media Marketing Annual Cost of SM Marketing x 11(1 month free)
Social Media Marketing Half Yearly 5% off in cost SM Marketing


As Pixel Perfect Design Studio is a start-up, what other place would be more suitable than a
coworking space like WOTSO. WOTSO Dickson is near CBD, in an easily accessible location and has its
own parking space. As we don’t need a big space, an office suite that suits us costs $2,200 a month.
There are no lock-in contracts.
Another benefit of renting a co-working space for our studio is that these spaces include many
amenities like:
● 24/7 secure access
● High speed internet
● Kitchen facilities
● Mail services
● Networking events (organized by WOTSO)
● Meeting rooms
● Printing Station
● Secure storage
The vital benefit of renting a space in coworking space for our studio is that we can find many clients
within this space for our studio.
Distribution channels for our graphic design studio are:
a. Direct sales: Our studio will be working directly with individual clients or businesses. This
offers us opportunities for personal interaction and a deeper understanding of the client’s
b. Agency Representation: We might be contacted by advertising agencies who act as
intermediaries between us and the clients.

Our graphic design studio specializes in designing branding and marketing materials. In order to
develop these designs, we use a combination of software, hardware and human expertise.
Production methods for designing will include software collection called Adobe Creative Suite that
comprises of many designing tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and video editing and visual
effects tools like Premiere pro and After Effects tools. For 3D modelling and animation, we will use
Maya 3D and Blender.
For website development, we will use the core technologies, HTML to structure the content and
layout the website, CSS for styling and visual presentation and JavaScript for adding interactivity and
dynamic behaviors to a website. Other tools that will be used to develop websites are:
● VS Code for Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing and managing code
● Git for version control
● React.js for building complex user interfaces
● PHP or java as a server-side programming language
● MySQL for database management system
● Apache as a web server
Hardware equipment that we require for studio to operate are:
● Computers: High-performance desktops or laptops with fast processors, large amounts of
RAM, and dedicated graphics cards are essential for running design software such as
Adobe Creative Cloud.
● Monitors: Large, high-resolution monitors with accurate color reproduction are essential
for graphic designers to be able to see the details of their work clearly.
● Printer with scanner: A flatbed scanner is used to digitize physical documents,
photographs, and artwork, making it easier to work with and manipulate in design
software. We need a printer to print and file physical copies of the designs. We won't be
needing large format printers as we won't be printing these in house.
● Digital cameras: A professional digital camera is needed for taking photographs or
shooting videos for design projects.
● Tablets: A digital tablet such as a Wacom tablet or iPad Pro with a stylus is used for
sketching and drawing directly into design software.
● External hard drives: Backup solutions such as external hard drives or cloud storage
services are important for keeping design files and data secure.
● Network Equipment: Routers, switches, and other network equipment are required to
create a secure and efficient network infrastructure for the graphic design company.
As it is service based, the cost is determined according to the service the clients need.

Maintaining quality consistency is an important aspect of graphic design work, and our graphic
design studio will achieve this through a combination of quality control procedures. Some quality
control procedures we will use are:
a. Style Guides: A style guide is a document that outlines the visual and typographical standards
for a brand or project. Designers can refer to the style guide to ensure consistency in color,
typography, imagery, and other design elements.
b. Peer Review: Peer review involves having other designers and team members review and
critique design work before it is delivered to the client. This can help to rectify any mistakes
or inconsistencies and ensure that the final product meets the quality standards.
c. Testing and Proofreading: Testing and proofreading are essential for catching errors or
inconsistencies in the final product. Designers will test the functionality of any interactive
elements and proofread all text for spelling and grammar errors.
d. Software Quality Assurance: Graphic design software can also help ensure consistency by
providing tools for version control, collaboration, and asset management. Designers will use
these tools to ensure that everyone on the team is using the correct version of the design,
and that all assets are stored in a centralized location for easy access.
e. Client Feedback: Encouraging client feedback can also help ensure that the final product
meets the client's quality standards. Our graphic design studio will set up a process for
receiving and incorporating feedback from the client to ensure that the final product meets
their expectations.
By implementing these quality control procedures, our graphic design studio can maintain quality
consistency in our work and deliver high-quality products that meet the expectations of our clients.

As a start-up, what better venue than a coworking facility like WOTSO? WOTSO Dickson is located in
the CBD, is conveniently accessible, and has its own parking spot. Because we don't require a large
area, a suitable office suite costs $2,200 per month. There are no contractual obligations.
Another advantage of obtaining a co-working space for our studio is that these places feature a
variety of amenities such as:
● 24-hour safe access
● High-speed internet access
● Reception service
● Kitchen facilities are available.
● Postal services
● Networking gatherings (organized by WOTSO)
● Meeting places
● Station for Printing
● Safe storage
The most important advantage of obtaining a space in a coworking space for our studio is that we
may locate numerous clients inside this location.
Our graphic design studio operates in a legal environment that includes various licenses, permits,
trademarks, copyrights, patents, insurance requirements, environmental regulations, and workplace
regulations. Here are some details regarding each of these aspects:
a. Business registration: The graphic design studio must be registered with the Australian
Business Register (ABR) in order to legally operate in Australia. This includes obtaining an
Australian Business Number (ABN) and registering for Goods and Services Tax (GST) if
b. Intellectual property rights: The studio must ensure that all branding and marketing
materials created for clients are protected under intellectual property laws. This includes
obtaining permission to use any copyrighted images or fonts, and protecting any original
designs or concepts created for clients under copyright laws.
c. Contractual agreements: The studio should have clear and legally binding contracts in place
with clients outlining the scope of work, delivery timelines, and payment terms. This will
protect the studio from any misunderstandings or disputes with clients.
d. Privacy and data protection: The studio must comply with Australian privacy laws, including
the Privacy Act 1988, which regulates the collection, use, and storage of personal
information. This includes obtaining consent from clients for the collection and use of their
personal information and ensuring that all data is stored securely.
e. Advertising and marketing laws: The studio must comply with Australian laws regarding
advertising and marketing, including the Australian Association of National Advertisers Code
of Ethics and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's guidelines on
misleading and deceptive conduct. This includes ensuring that all advertising and marketing
materials are truthful and not misleading in any way.
f. Employment laws: The studio must comply with Australian employment laws, including the
Fair Work Act 2009, which regulates minimum wage, leave entitlements, and other
employment rights. This includes ensuring that all employees are paid at least the minimum
wage, and that they are provided with appropriate leave entitlements.
g. Insurance: It is important to have the proper insurance coverage in place to protect your
business from potential legal liabilities. This includes general liability insurance, professional
indemnity insurance, and intellectual property insurance which costs approximately $1500
per year.
Our graphic design business will need following personnel:
Personnel Job Description Qualification No. Of Pay
Employee Structure
Graphic The core of a graphic Graphic designers 1 AUD 35/hr
Designer design business is its should have
graphic designers, training in graphic
who are responsible design or a related
for creating visual field, as well as
concepts, using experience in the
computer software industry.
to design, and
producing graphic
designs for clients.

Full Stack Web A full stack web This person 1 (self) AUD 40/hr
Developer developer is should have at
responsible for least a bachelor's
developing a fully degree in
functional website. computer science
or software
engineering and
an impressive

Photographer / A This person 1 AUD 40/hr

Graphic Designer photographer/Grap should have
hic Designer is experience in
responsible for graphic design.
taking pictures The person
when needed and should have
should work as Technical
graphic designer Certificates in
for the rest of the camerawork and
time. video editing and
an impressive
Social Media A social media The candidate 1 AUD 40/hr
Executive marketer is with Bachelor's
responsible for degree in Digital
creating, managing Marketing will be
and executing preferred.
social media
campaigns for the
clients. This person
will closely work
with clients and
graphic designers.

Administrative The Administrative A high school 1 AUD 25/hr

Support Support role is diploma or
responsible for equivalent is
providing typically required
administrative and for this role.
operational support Relevant
to the business. experience in an
This includes tasks administrative
such as invoicing, support role or
scheduling, office certification in
management, and office
data entry. management
may also be

2D-3D animation will be outsourced to the company in Nepal called 49 Hours Studio as the company
has highly skilled 3D modelers and 2D and 3D animators. This would be good for our studio as the
processes included in this work takes a long time and these personnels are expensive here in
Australia. 49 Hours Studio will be paid depending on the size and details of a project.


Sudha Barahi, Co-Founder/Manager and Web Developer
Sudha Barahi has over 3 years of experience in the graphic design industry, with a passion for
bringing brands to life through beautiful and impactful design. She graduated with a Bachelor’s in
Multimedia Technologies from Islington College and a Master’s in Software Design and Development
and System Analysis from Charles Sturt University. Prior to starting Pixel Perfect Design Studio,
Sudha worked as a graphic designer at 49 Hours Studio and South Asia Communications, where she
honed her skills in branding and digital design. Sudha has also freelanced as full stack web developer.
She is a creative problem-solver who brings a unique perspective and a commitment to excellence to
every project.
Pranesh Shakya, Co-Founder/Creative Director/Photographer/Videographer
Pranesh Shakya is a seasoned entrepreneur and creative director with over 5 years of experience in
the design industry. He graduated with a Bachelor’s in Multimedia Technologies from Islington
College. He also has a professional 3D animation degree. He has his own youtube channel where he
uploads animated rhymes for kids. He has also been working as a freelance photographer and
videographer. Pranesh is a strategic thinker who is passionate about helping businesses grow and
Together, Sudha and Pranesh bring a unique blend of creativity and business acumen to Pixel Perfect
Design Studio and are committed to delivering exceptional design services and results to their

Our studio will fill the gap in our management in following ways.
● We will outsource accounting and taxation services to a third-party provider that
specializes in these areas.
● We will get a bookkeeping software for bookkeeping purposes.
● We will incorporate law firm for all legal advices and other legal services.
● We will also incorporate a financial consulting agency.


Startup Expenses
Pixel Perfect Design Studio

Sources of Capital

Owners' Investment (name and percent

Sudha Barahi (50%) $25,000
Pranesh Shakya (50%) $25,000
Total Investment $50,000

Other Loans
Lumi Unsecured Business Loan $15,000
Total Other Loans $15,000

Startup Expenses

Capital Equipment List

Hardware and Software (incl camera and lenses) $12,000
Other $500
Total Capital Equipment $17,000

Location and Admin Expenses

$2,200 per
Rent & Related Costs month
Legal and accounting fees $3000
$1,500 per
Prepaid insurance year
Total Location and Admin Expenses $6,700

Advertising and Promotional Expenses

Advertising $1000
Signage $500
Printing $500
Website Hosting $350
Total Advertising/Promotional Expenses $2350
Reserve for Contingencies $15,000

Working Capital $15,000

Summary Statement

Sources of Capital
Owners' and other investments $50,000
Other loans $15,000
Total Source of Funds $65,000

Startup Expenses
Capital equipment $17,000
Location/administration expenses $6,700
Advertising/promotional expenses $2350
Contingency fund $15,000
Working capital $15,000
Total Startup Expenses $56,050


Your name here Sudha Barahi

Another owner Shakya

Loan Guarantors (other than owners)

Loan guarantor 1 Tamrakar

In start-up expenses, we did not need buildings. Real-estate or lease improvement expenses as we
will be renting an office suite in coworking space in WOTSO. We also don’t have any furniture and
utility expenses as WOTSO provides renters with all the furniture and utilities needed. As we don’t
have any collateral, we won’t be applying for loan from a bank, instead we will apply in an
organization that gives start-up loans to small business without any collaterals and in this case, we
will be applying for loan in Lumi Unsecured Business Loan which is the most awarded Australian SME
Lender in 2022.


Opening Day Balance

Pixel Perfect Design Studio

Current Assets
Cash in Bank $23,500
Prepaid Expenses $2,000
Total Current Assets $25,500

Fixed Assets
Hardware (incl camera, printer and modem) $9,000
Other $500
Total Fixed Assets $9,500

Total Assets $34,500

Liabilities & Net Worth

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $3000
Taxes Payable $1000
Total Current Liabilities $4000

Long-term Liabilities
Bank Loans Payable (greater than 12
months) $15,000
Total Long-term Liabilities $15,000

Total Liabilities $19,000

Owners' Equity (Net Worth) $15,500

Total Liabilities & Net Worth $34,500



Fiscal year May2023 – Apr2024
May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 YEARLY

Revenue (Sales)
Brand Identity 12,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 23,000 24,000 27,000 30,000 25,000 255,000

Packaging Design 2,000 4,000 5,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 6,000 7,000 7,500 18,000 14,000 12,000 101,500

Visual Communication
Design 3,000 4,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 85,000

Social Media
Marketing 4,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 102,000

Total Revenue
(Sales) 21,000 24,000 32,000 46,000 48,000 46,000 46,000 48,000 44,500 65,000 64,000 59,000 543,500

Cost of Sales

Cost of Sales 2,000 2,500 2,400 4,000 3,500 4,000 3,500 3,500 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 43,400

Total Cost of Sales 2,000 2,500 2,400 4,000 3,500 4,000 3,500 3,500 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 43,400

Gross Profit 19,000 21,500 29,600 42,000 44,500 42,000 42,500 44,500 40,500 61,000 59,000 54,000 500,100


Salary expenses 0

Payroll expenses 22,320 23,000 23,000 23,000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 275,320
Outside services 21 21

Supplies (office and

operating) 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 500 1,500

Accounting and legal 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 18,000

Rent & Related Costs 0 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 24,200

Telephone 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 660

Sub-total Expenses 23,875 26,776 26,755 27,255 26,755 26,755 26,755 27,255 26,755 26,755 26,755 27,255 319,701

Reserve for
Contingencies 2388 2678 2676 2726 2676 2676 2676 2726 2676 2676 2676 2726 31,970

Total Expenses 26,263 29,454 29,431 29,981 29,431 29,431 29,431 29,981 29,431 29,431 29,431 29,981 351,671

Net Profit Before

Taxes -7,263 -7,954 170 12,020 15,070 12,570 13,070 14,520 11,070 31,570 29,570 24,020 148,429

Federal Income
Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 9,195 0 0 9,665 21,290

Net Operating
Income -7,263 -7,954 170 12,020 15,070 3,375 13,070 14,520 1,405 31,570 29,570 2,730 148,429

Cash Flow (12 months) Begins: May-23
May- Total
Startup Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24
23 Item EST

Cash on Hand (beginning

15,500 15,500 6,037 -1,896 -1,727 10,842 25,911 38,480 51,549 66,618 77,687 109,256 138,825 552,582
of month)

Cash Sales 21,000 24,000 32,000 46,000 48,000 46,000 46,000 48,000 44,500 65,000 64,000 59,000 543,500
TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 0 21,000 24,000 32,000 46,000 48,000 46,000 46,000 48,000 44,500 65,000 64,000 59,000 543,500
Total Cash Available
15,500 36,500 30,037 30,104 44,273 58,842 71,911 84,480 99,549 111,118 142,687 173,256 197,825 1,096,082
(before cash out)


Cost of Sales 2,000 2,500 2,400 4,000 3,500 4,000 3,500 3,500 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 43,400
Gross wages (exact
22,320 23,000 275,320
withdrawal) 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000 23000
Accounting & legal 1,500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 18,000
Rent 2,200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 26,400
Telephone 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 660
SUBTOTAL 0 28,075 29,255 29,155 30,755 30,255 30,755 30,255 30,255 30,755 30,755 31,755 31,755 363,780
Reserve for contingencies 2,388 2,678 2,676 2676 2676 2676 2676 2676 2676 2676 2676 2676
TOTAL CASH PAID OUT 0 30,463 31,933 31,831 33,431 32,931 33,431 32,931 32,931 33,431 33,431 34,431 34,431 363,780
Cash Position (end of
15,500 6,037 -1,896 -1,727 10,842 25,911 38,480 51,549 66,618 77,687 109,256 138,825 163,394 732,302
Balance Sheet

Beginning Projected

as of as of
01/05/2023 01/04/2024

Current Assets
Cash in bank $23,500 $148,429
Accounts receivable - -
Inventory - -
Prepaid expenses 2,000 -
Other current assets - -
Total Current Assets $25,500 $148,429

Fixed Assets
Machinery & equipment $9,000 $9,000
Other fixed assets 500 -
Total Fixed Assets (net of
depreciation) $9,500 $9,000

TOTAL Assets $35,000 $157,429

Liabilities and Equity

Current Liabilities
Accounts payable $3,000 $30,000
Taxes payable 1,000 10,000
Total Current Liabilities $4,000 $40,000

Long-term Debt
Bank loans payable $15,000 $15,000
Total Long-term Debt $15,000 $15,000

Total Liabilities $19,000 $55,000

Owners' Equity
Invested capital $15,500 $15,500
Total Owners' Equity $15,500 $15,500

Total Liabilities & Equity $34,500 $70,500

Breakeven Analysis

Variable Costs
Cost Description Fixed Costs ($)
Variable Costs
Cost of Goods Sold $43,400 0.0%

Fixed Costs
Salaries (includes payroll taxes) $275,320
Accounting and legal $18,000
Rent $26,400
Telephone $660
Reserve for contingencies $31,970

Total Fixed Costs $352,350

Total Variable Costs 0%

Breakeven Sales level = 352526

1. Resume:

Mobile: 0431 461 427
Address: 14-16, The Avenue, Hurstville, NSW 2220
I am a Master of Information Technology graduate from Charles Sturt University. I am seeking a position as a
front-end web developer or a programmer in a challenging environment to commence my career that utilizes
my programming skills while providing me with generous opportunities for enhancing my software
development knowledge. I am certain that I will be a dedicated employee and help your company achieve its
● Exceptional customer service skills developed through the career in retail
● Excellent communication skills developed while dealing with customers
● Team player, but can work independently
● Good time management skills developed by managing time between study, jobs and personal life
● Good organizational skills
● Attention to details as it is an important entity while working as graphic designer
● Multilingual: Nepali, Newari, English and Hindi
● Proficiency in Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite
Professional Year Program (IT)
Nov 2019 - Present
QIBA, Sydney Campus
The Professional Year Program is a work readiness program designed to prepare university graduates for the
professional workforce. Topics include business communication, workplace relations and practices, WH & S,
professional networking, report writing and giving presentations.
Master of Information Technology Jul 2017 – Sep 2019
Charles Sturt University, Sydney campus, NSW
Key Achievements: High Distinction achieved in Programming in Java 1, Computer Organization and
Architecture, Database System / Distinction achieved in Object Modelling, System Analysis, Android App
Development, Programming in Java 2, Programming Principles
Key Subjects: Programming Principles, Programming in Java 1, Programming in Java 2, Database Systems,
Principles Programming using C#, Android App Development, Project Management, System Analysis
Bachelor of Information Technology Jan 2011 – Jan 2013
Islington College, Kathmandu, Nepal
Key Achievements: Distinction achieved in Introduction to Internet, Introduction to Programming, Further
Programming, Introduction to Communication, Enhanced Web Development, Logic, Commercial Web
Key Subjects: Introduction to Internet, Introduction to Programming, Further Programming, Enhanced Web
Development, Data Modelling and Database Systems, Commercial Web Development

Title: Build an android application
Feb 2013
Objective: To develop an application to keep trac
Tools: Android Studio, Java
Duties: This was an individual project in college. I built a small android application “Foodiary” that records a
user's food intake daily so that the user can keep track of it. The IDK I used for the application development in
Android Studio and the programming language was Java.
Outcome: Achieved a Distinction


Graphic Designer and Video Editor Jun 2015 – Nov

49 Hours Studio, Nepal

● Attend meetings with clients
● Study design briefs and requirements stated by clients
● Conceptualize visual based on requirements
● Prepare drafts to present ideas
● Develop illustrations and designs using software
● Change designs after client feedback
● Manipulate and edit raw footages
● Input music, dialogues, graphics and effects
● Ensure logical sequencing and smooth running of edited videos
● Create motion graphics for videos
● Arrange locations, equipment and transport for shoots
● Assist cameraman in shoots

● Improved my customer service skills while talking to my clients
● Developed my attention for detail skills

Graphic Designer and Video Editor Mar 2015 – Apr

South Asia Communications, Nepal
● Attend meeting with production team
● Take a brief from production team about their needs and specification
● Design posters and flexes for events
● Design print advertisements for episodes of TV programmes
● Assist in TV programme episode and advertisement editing
● Experienced how real time business works

Team Member Oct 2017 – Present
Woolworths Supermarket, Neutral Bay Village
● Greet customers
● Handle POS system
● Direct customers to correct store locations and answer customer queries
● Managed inventory and restocked shelves
● Ensure all the products are rotated according to the date and faced up
● Ensure the store is clean and presentable all the time
● Markdown products that are near the expiry date
● Print price tickets
● Change stripping in the shelves
● Plan weekly special setups


Programming Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA, Python, C#, BASIC

Operating Systems: Windows OS, Mac OS

Databases: MySQL
Frameworks: Bootstrap, Spring
Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, NetBeans, PyCharm,
Atom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver,
WordPress, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects,
Adobe Premiere Pro

Charles Sturt University Academic Achievement Award (Sem 201830) 2018
Charles Sturt University Academic Achievement Award (Sem 201760) 2018
London Metropolitan University School of Computing Excellence Award 2013
London Metropolitan University School of Computing Excellence Award 2012


Health, Environment and Women Empowerment Sector

Jun 2014-Oct 2016

Jagaruk Mahila Bikash Samuha, Nepal
ACS Tech and Employability Skills Half Day Conference

Jun 2, 2020
ACS Deep Tech Webinar

Jun 16, 2020

● Australian Computer Society (ACS) - Member ID: 4245597
Provided upon request

2. List of equipment:
S.N. Equipment Qty
1. Computer 4

2. Monitors 4

3. Camera 1

4. Printer 1

5. Modem 1

6. Phone 1

IX. References
6 marketing strategies for your graphic design business | upwork (no date). Available at: (Accessed: February 3,
The 8 types of Graphic Design You Need To Know (no date). Available at: (Accessed: February 3, 2023).
Australian Taxation Office (2022) Small business income tax offset calculator, Australian Taxation Office.
Australian Taxation Office. Available at:
business-income-tax-offset-calculator/ (Accessed: February 3, 2023).
Business Insurance for Graphic Designers (2022) Savvy. Available at: (Accessed: February 3, 2023).
Graphic designers (no date) Graphic Designers | Labour Market Insights. Available at:
occupationCode=232411 (Accessed: February 3, 2023).
Insurance, E. (no date) Edgewise insurance brokers pty ltd, Insurance for Graphic Designers |
Professional Indemnity Insurance for Graphic Designers. Available at:
insurance (Accessed: February 3, 2023).
Lumi Business Loans (2017) Lumi Australia - Small business loans. Available at: (Accessed: February 3,
State of the graphic design industry in Australia (no date) Available at:
(Accessed: February 3, 2023).
Top 10 companies in United States by revenue for January 2023 - ZoomInfo (no date). Available at: (Accessed: February 3,
Assessment 3: Develop an Impletation Plan
I. Business Goals and Objectives
Pixel Perfect Design Studio is a graphic design studio that specializes in branding and marketing
materials. Its objective is to produce strong, effective branding and marketing materials that assist its
businesses stand out in the market.
Following are the goals and objectives of Pixel Perfect Design Studio and its business plan
implementation stage:
1. Establishing the business: This includes forming the business, getting the licenses and
permissions, establishing the office and developing a business strategy.
2. Building a team: Building a team entail hiring graphic designers, social media executive
and administration support staff.
3. Building a Portfolio: This includes compiling a body of work that demonstrates the
company's capabilities and competence in branding and marketing materials. This might
be accomplished by working on a few pro bono projects for local businesses or non-profit
4. Securing initial clients: This includes identifying and obtaining at least 5 paying clients in
the first 6 months of operation is part of this process.
5. Building Strong online presence: Creating a professional website, social media accounts,
and an online portfolio are all part of developing a strong online presence.
6. Creating a referral network: Building a referral network entail developing relationships
with other businesses and industry specialists who may suggest clients to the company.
7. Expanding the services offered: This includes increasing the company's services to
include corporate video production services.
8. Increasing revenue: This means increasing revenue by at least 20% in the first year of
operation and at least 10% per year after that.
9. Expanding to other cities: Growing to other cities entails expanding the business to other
cities in Australia as well as attracting clientele from outside of Australia.
10. Building a reputation: This involves establishing a reputation in Canberra and around the
country as a top source of branding and marketing materials.

II. Tasks and Priorities

Legal and Regulatory Compliance
1. Register business with Australian Business Register (ABR)
2. Obtain Australian Business Number (ABN)
1. Set up bank account
2. Get loan from Lumi Australia
Office Setup
1. Rent an office suite at WOTSO, Dickson
2. Buying all equipment
3. Setting up the office
1. Research business law firm that is good for small business
2. Meeting with law firm
3. Contract with law firm
4. Research an accounting firm to outsource all accounting works
5. Meeting with an accounting firm
6. Contract with accounting firm
7. Job Advertisement on online job search sites
8. Interview candidates
9. Employ staff
10. Train the employees
Marketing and Branding
1. Build a website
2. Build social media profiles in different platform
3. Advertising and marketing the studio
1. Build a portfolio
2. Meeting with probable clients
3. Build referral network
Prioritizeing Tasks
Urgent Not Urgent
Important Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2
1. Register business with Australian 1. Research business law firm that is
Business Register (ABR) good for small business
2. Set up bank account 2. Meeting with law firm
3. Obtain Australian Business 3. Contract with law firm
Number (ABN) 4. Research an accounting firm to
4. Rent an office suite at WOTSO, outsource all accounting works
Dickson 5. Meeting with an accounting firm
5. Get loan from Lumi Australia 6. Contract with accounting firm
6. Buying all equipment 7. Train the employees
7. Setting up the office 8. Meeting with probable clients
8. Job Advertisement on online job
search sites
9. Interview candidates
10. Employ staff

Not Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4

Important 1. Build a portfolio 1. Build referral network
2. Advertising and marketing the
III. Delegation of Tasks, Responsibilities and Deadlines
IV. Required Resources
The resources that are required for the implementation of business plan for our studio are
1. Financial resources: Adequate funding is crucial for the successful implementation of our
business plan. This includes start-up capital, operating expenses, and resources to cover
unexpected costs.
2. Human resources: Our graphic design studio needs a talented and motivated team to
execute the business plan. This includes graphic designers, social media executives,
photographer and administration support staff.
3. Equipment and technology: We need to invest in the equipment and technology required
to run a graphic design studio, including computers, graphic design software, camera,
telephone, modem, printer and office supplies.
4. Office space: We need a suitable office space for your graphic design studio, which should
be accessible, secure, and well-equipped to meet the needs of our business.
5. Marketing and advertising: An effective marketing and advertising is crucial to the
success of a graphic design studio. This includes website development, social media
marketing, print advertising and networking.
6. Legal and regulatory resources: We need to ensure that our business complies with all
relevant legal and regulatory requirements, such as business licenses, permits, and taxes
that have been given in details in business plan.
7. Business support resources: We need access to business support resources, such as
accounting, financial planning, and legal advice, to help us effectively implement our
business plan.
8. Skill and knowledge training: Providing training to employees on the skills and knowledge
necessary to perform their job effectively is crucial. This includes software training, design
techniques, project management, and client communication.
9. Professional development: Encouraging and supporting professional development can
help employees to stay current with industry trends and advancements, and to grow their
skills and knowledge over time.
10. Performance coaching: Providing regular performance coaching can help employees to
understand and improve their performance, and to reach their full potential.
11. Team building and collaboration training: Encouraging and supporting team building and
collaboration can help to improve teamwork and communication within our studio.
12. Leadership development: Providing leadership development opportunities can help to
develop future leaders within the organization and ensure the long-term success of the
By having these resources in place and providing these training, coaching, and development
opportunities, we will be well-equipped to implement your business plan and successfully launch
and grow our graphic design studio.
V. Internal Communications
Effective internal communication is critical for the success of Pixel Perfect Design Studio while
executing its business plan. Here are some strategies to ensure strong internal communication:
1. Clearly define communication channels: We will establish clear and consistent
communication channels to ensure that all employees are able to effectively
communicate with each other and with leadership.
2. Encourage open and honest communication: We foster an open and honest
communication culture that encourages employees to share ideas, provide feedback, and
bring up concerns in a timely manner.
3. Regular team meetings: We hold regular team meetings to provide updates on projects,
share information, and discuss any challenges or concerns.
4. Encourage feedback: We encourage employees to provide feedback on the
communication process and make changes as needed to improve it.
5. Provide training and support: We will provide training and support to employees on
effective communication skills and techniques, including active listening, non-verbal
communication, and conflict resolution.
6. Use technology: We will utilize technology, such as email, instant messaging, and project
management software, to support effective internal communication.
7. Encourage cross-functional communication: We will encourage cross-functional
communication to ensure that all departments are aligned and working together
8. Foster a positive workplace culture: We will foster a positive workplace culture that
values and encourages effective communication, collaboration, and teamwork.
By following these strategies, we can ensure that Pixel Perfect Design Studio has strong internal
communication, which is key to the success of the business.

VI. Strategies to Manage Performance Issues and Problems

Following are the strategies we will implement to manage performance issues and problems:
1. Establish clear expectations and performance standards: We will clearly communicate
performance expectations and standards to all employees, and regularly review and
update them as needed.
2. Regular performance feedback: We will provide regular performance feedback to
employees, both positive and constructive, to help them improve their skills and meet
performance expectations.
3. Identify root cause of problems: When performance problems arise, we will work to
identify the root cause of the problem and develop a solution that addresses it.
4. Encourage open communication: We will foster an open and honest communication
culture that encourages employees to bring up performance issues and problems in a
timely manner.
5. Develop training and development programs: We will provide training and development
programs to help employees improve their skills and knowledge and to support their
professional growth.
6. Regularly review and monitor performance: We will regularly monitor and review
employee performance and address any performance problems promptly.
7. Encourage employee engagement: We will foster employee engagement by involving
employees in decision-making and encouraging them to take ownership of their work.
8. Offer support and resources: We will provide employees with the support and resources
they need to succeed, including access to technology and tools, mentorship, and
professional development opportunities.
By following these strategies, we can effectively manage performance issues and problems in our
graphic design studio and support the success of our business.

VII.Strategies to Mitigate Risks and Manage Contingencies

The strategies to mitigate risks and manage contingencies that we will implement while we execute
the business plan for our studio are as follows:
1. Develop a contingency plan: Having a well-defined and regularly updated contingency
plan in place can help us respond effectively to unexpected events and minimize the
impact on our business.
2. Risk assessment: We will regularly assess and evaluate potential risks to our business and
plan for how to respond to them.
3. Stay flexible: We will be prepared to adjust our plans quickly and respond to changing
circumstances as needed.
4. Maintain multiple sources of supply: Diversifying our sources of supply can reduce our
dependency on any one supplier and help mitigate supply chain disruptions.
5. Establish a system for monitoring and reporting: We will establish a system for regularly
monitoring key performance indicators and key risk indicators, and report any significant
changes promptly.
6. Foster a culture of preparedness: We will encourage our employees to think about
potential risks and to be proactive in identifying and mitigating them.
7. Have backup systems in place: We will ensure that we have backup systems, processes,
and resources in place to support business continuity in case of an unexpected event.
8. Regularly test contingency plan: Regularly testing your contingency plan can help us
identify any weaknesses and improve its effectiveness.

VIII. Contingency Plan:

1. Identify potential risks: This includes equipment failure, loss of key personnel,
economic downturn, or unexpected competition.
2. Prioritize risks: Evaluate the likelihood and impact of each risk and prioritize them
based on their potential impact on the business.
3. Develop response strategies: For each risk, develop a clear response strategy that
outlines the steps that will be taken to minimize its impact.
4. Assign roles and responsibilities: Clearly define who is responsible for each step in
the response process, and ensure that all relevant personnel are trained on their
5. Establish a communication plan: Develop a communication plan that outlines
how information will be shared internally and with external stakeholders in the
event of a risk materializing.
6. Regularly review and update the plan: Regularly review and update the
contingency plan to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.
7. Test the plan: Regularly test the contingency plan to identify any weaknesses and
make improvements as needed.
8. Establish a backup system: Ensure that we have backup systems, processes, and
resources in place to support business continuity in case of an unexpected event.

IX. Strategies to Monitor and Develop the plan on an ongoing basis

Following are the strategies to monitor and develop the plan in regular basis for implementation of
business plan of Pixel Perfect Design Studio:
1. Regular review and Assessment: Regular reviews assessment of the business plan will be
scheduled to assess its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments. The improvement
needed for the plan will be identified, new goals will be set and plan will be adjusted
accordingly. For regular review and assessment, a meeting will be conducted every
Monday with two partners and advisors (lawyers or financial advisors) if needed. In this
meeting, we will review goals and objectives, assess market and competitive landscape,
identify weaknesses and opportunities and make amends accordingly.
2. Feedback: Getting feedback is vital in the implementation process of business plan as it
helps identify strength and weaknesses, improve customer satisfaction, supports
continuous improvement and increases accountability. We will encourage feedback from
clients, employees, and other stakeholders to gather insights on how we can improve our
services. A survey will be sent to all stakeholder in regular basis in order to get the
feedback. Based in this feedback gathered, we will develop an action plan to address any
areas for improvement in the business plan.
3. Data analysis: We will use data analysis to track key metrics such as revenue, expenses,
and customer satisfaction. This process includes identifying, collecting, organizing and
analyzing relevant data. The data will be then compared to our target data.
Improvements will be made to our business plan accordingly.
4. Market research: We will keep an eye on the latest trends and changes in the graphic
design industry through market research and competitor analysis. We will refine our
business plan according to the outcome of the research.
5. Financial management: We will monitor our financial performance closely to ensure we
are meeting your financial goals and making sound business decisions. We will regularly
make sure that we are wisely using our finances according to our business plan. This will
be discussed in the weekly meetings.
6. Collaboration: We will foster open communication and collaboration among our team
members and other stakeholders to ensure everyone is aligned with our business plan.


Bonner, M. (2021) What is a business contingency plan?, The Balance. The Balance. Available at: (Accessed:
February 3, 2023).

Cooper, B. (2019) How to ruthlessly prioritize tasks to get more done, Zapier. Zapier. Available at: (Accessed: February 3, 2023).

Duggan, T. (2016) Effective communication plan, Small Business - Available at: (Accessed: February 3,

Morrison, C. (2022) Corporate communications plan: The roadmap for success, EveryoneSocial. Available
at: (Accessed: February 3, 2023).

Patrick Gleeson, P.D. (2019) Example of a business contingency plan, Small Business - Available at:
12292.html (Accessed: February 3, 2023).
Assignment Cover Sheet

Student ID CBTC210689
Student Name Sudha Barahi
Unit BSBOPS601- Develop and Implement Business Plan
Assessment Task - Title/Number Assessment 1 - Compare and Analyze Business Plan
Assessment 2 - Develop Business Plan
Assessment 3 - Develop an Inmplementation Plan
Trainer/Assessor Saqib
Date Submitted 05/02/2023

Note: Plagiarism/Cheating is a serious offence. If a student is found plagiarising/cheating, it may result in a penalty of
suspension/cancellation of student’s enrolment. In submitting their work, students must be aware of college’s Plagiarism
and Academic Misconduct Policy available in student handbook, college’s website and student administration.

Declaration of Originality:

By submitting this assignment for assessment, I acknowledge and agree that:

▪ This assessment task/work is submitted in accordance with the college’s Plagiarism and Academic
Misconduct Policy. I also understand the serious nature of academic dishonesty (such as plagiarism) and the
penalties attached to being found guilty of committing such offence
▪ No part of this assessment task/work has been copied from any other source without acknowledgement of
the source
▪ No part of this assessment task/work has been written by any other person, except to the extent of team and/or
group work as defined in the unit/assessment task
▪ A copy of the original assessment task/work is retained by me and that I may be required to submit the
original assignment to the trainer/assessor upon request
▪ The trainer/assessor may, for the purpose of assessing this assessment task/work:
o Provide a copy of this assignment to another member of the faculty for review and feedback; and/or
o Submit a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service. I acknowledge that a plagiarism
checking service provider may then retain a copy of this assessment task/work on its database for the
purpose of future plagiarism checking

Late submission: Late submission without a prior approval of the trainer/assessor will not be accepted and
may delay the assessment outcome. You may also need to resubmit work as per college’s Reassessment Policy.

I declare that this assessment is my own work.

Studen Sudha Barahi 05/02/2023


Admin Use Only

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