Topic 1

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Topic  Introduction to

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Describe manufacturing and its history;
2. List the types of manufacturing;
3. Explain the role manufacturing plays in the economy;
4. Explain the design process; and
5. Describe manufacturing processes.

In the world that we live in today, it seems as though everything we use in our
daily lives has been manufactured in a factory. This is very obvious when we drive
a car, make calls using a mobile phone, browse the Internet, or use home
appliances such as a television, hi-fi system, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner and
so on.

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Take a moment to look at the things around you: your mobile phone, computer,
table, chair, paper clip, and others. They are made of raw materials that have been
transformed into useful products through an activity called „manufacturing‰.
Some products are made of metal, while others are made of plastic, glass, ceramics,
rubber or others. Some products like the paper clip, nail, clothes hanger, spoon,
eraser, and cup are made of a single part. Other products such as the pen, pencil
sharpener, mobile phone, air-conditioner, and the automobile are made of
different parts assembled together.

Manufacturing (from Latin manu factura, „making by hand‰) is the use of

tools and labour to make things for use or sale. The term may refer to a vast
range of human activity, from handicraft to high tech, but is most commonly
applied to industrial production, in which raw materials are transformed into
finished goods on a large scale.

Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials into finished products

(refer to Figure 1.1). It is the backbone of any industrialised nation. Manufacturing
not only creates wealth but also provides job opportunities, improves quality of
life, and provides many of the essential things used in our daily lives.

Figure 1.1: Industrial robots at work on a car assembly line


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When did people learn to make things? History has it that the early cavemen made
tools just from stones. By striking one stone on another, our ancestors learned to
make simple cutting tools that were used to defend themselves and to hunt for
food. They literally turned useless materials (stones) into something useful. In
other words, they produced or manufactured tools.

The skills of producing things were passed on from one generation to another over
thousands of years. During the Bronze Age, people learned how to make stronger
and better tools using metals. As human knowledge developed, society as a whole
progressed further.

Manufacturing, as we understand it today, began in the „industrial revolution‰

during the 18th century. During this period, many countries underwent the change
from a largely agricultural economy to full-scale industrialisation. The foundations
for the industrial revolution were laid in the 17th century, with the expansion of
trade, accumulation of wealth and social and political changes. This was followed
in the 18th century by a period of great discoveries and inventions in the field of
materials, transportation, and power sources and in the mechanisation of

The change from agricultural economies to industrial economies was initiated by

the mechanisation of the textile industries. These small industries were replaced
by a factory system, which, in turn, increased the need for machines and power
units to drive them more reliably than the water wheels used as the power input.

The mechanical engineering industry was born out of the need for machines and
motive power sources of ever-increasing size and complexity. During this time, a
series of inventors and engineers invented early steam pumping and rotating
engines to drive these machines. The development of railway and the steam
locomotive transformed the transportation of raw materials and finished goods.

Mechanisation and reliable power sources enabled many manufacturers to

produce more goods than required by their own country. The surplus goods were
sold to other countries and abroad, thus making way for worldwide trade and
business activities. Today, we find all sorts of goods produced all around the world
in our supermarkets and shops.

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We can classify manufacturing into four types as shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2: Types of manufacturing

Below are the explanations for each type of manufacturing:

(a) Custom Manufacturing

Custom manufacturing is an old system, but it is still practiced by small
business communities. In this system one person, usually with the help
of others, makes the entire product. The people involved in this type of
manufacturing are often highly skilled and experienced. Some examples
of custom manufacturing include the making of shoes by a cobbler, clothes
by a tailor and jewellery by a goldsmith.

(b) Intermittent Manufacturing

The custom manufacturing system is suitable only for a small number of
products. To meet a larger demand, usually, a factory is established and
products are made in small batches, e.g. a dozen or more shoes are made at
one time. This system of manufacturing is called intermittent manufacturing.
Intermittent manufacturing is widely used today.

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(c) Continuous Manufacturing

Continuous manufacturing is used when many products are needed. The
parts move down a manufacturing line that is made up of several stations,
each performing a specific task. Each station is manned by a trained worker
who completes a specific operation. The part takes shape as it moves down
the manufacturing line. The completed parts move down to an assembly line
where they are assembled to form the final product.

(d) Flexible Manufacturing

Flexible manufacturing is a new type of manufacturing. This uses
sophisticated machines that are controlled by computers. A number of
machines are grouped together in what is known as a manufacturing cell.
Each cell is usually served by a robot that feeds the part to the various
machines in a particular manufacturing sequence. Different computer
instructions or programs can be downloaded for each successive part passing
through the cell. Each cell in the flexible manufacturing is highly automated.


1. Define manufacturing in your own words.

2. Give one example for each type of manufacturing discussed in

Subtopic 1.3.

Share your answers with your coursemates on the myINSPIRE online

learning platform.


Manufacturing is a commercial activity that exists for two main purposes:

(a) Creating Wealth

It is not sensible to invest money in a manufacturing plant unless the return
on investment is much better than what we could earn from saving the
money in a bank account.

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(b) Satisfying a Demand

It is not sensible to produce a product that is difficult to sell. Even if people
want to buy the product, there is no point in producing a product that
satisfies a demand unless it can be sold with a profit.

We defined manufacturing as the process of converting raw materials into useful

products. When this conversion occurs, value is added to the raw material. This
increase in value represents the creation of wealth for both the manufacturer and
the country as a whole.

Manufacturing makes a vital contribution to the local and national economies of

many nations. Without the income earned from manufacturing and the hundreds
of jobs that the manufacturing sector creates, a nation that depends mainly on this
sector will be unable to sustain an acceptable level of employment and pay for its

The manufacturing sector plays a key role in the continuing growth and wealth of
a nation. This sector is mainly responsible for:

(a) Research and development;

(b) Generation of wealth; and

(c) Employment.

Manufacturing jobs also usually pay more than jobs in other sectors such as health
and services. Moreover, every direct job in manufacturing creates several indirect
and „spin-off‰ jobs in other sectors. Manufacturing is, in fact, the economic
foundation of the other sectors, and cannot be measured merely in terms of direct

The manufacturing sector is one of the four main sectors that generate wealth. The
other three sectors are agriculture, mining and construction. Other sectors, such as
financial and trade merely redistribute this wealth and are built on the products
created by the wealth generating sectors. Among the four sectors, production or
manufacturing plays a unique role because, unlike agriculture or mining, it is not
limited by natural resources, and unlike construction, most manufactured
products are easily exported across national and international boundaries.
Consequently, the manufacturing sector will continue to play a fundamental role
in the economic health of industrialised nations.

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The manufacturing sector is divided into many types, namely in the manufacture
of the following:

(a) Chemical products;

(b) Engineering products;

(c) Food and drink products;

(d) Paper and board products;

(e) Printing and publishing products; and

(f) Textile, clothing and footwear products.

Each of these can be further sub-divided. For instance, engineering products can
be sub-divided into electrical and electronic products, instrumentation,
mechanical engineering and transportation engineering.

One important factor to be considered in the manufacturing sector is the sourcing

of raw materials. In some countries, the raw materials are imported from
other places and converted into useful products. In others, such as the United
Kingdom, there is a large supply of in-house raw materials like iron, copper and


Manufacturing is a commercial activity that exists for two main

purposes. Explain them.


Manufacturing essentially involves the application of science and technology to
the production of everyday products. From the initial design stage up to final
testing of the products, knowledge in the field of science and technology is
essential. The entire process usually requires a collaborative effort between
managers, engineers and technicians to ensure the successful development of a
new product. The successful commercialisation of a new product usually involves
three major steps as shown in Figure 1.3.

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Figure 1.3: Steps to commercialise new products in manufacturing

Competitive pressure from the global market has forced many manufacturing
companies to invest large amounts of money in improving quality, productivity
and technology. As technologies become more advanced, it becomes necessary to
educate the workforce to learn these new technologies and adapt to the change.


When we say „design‰, we usually mean working out the form or shape of
something by using a paper and a pencil. In the field of engineering, however,
design involves many additional things. These include problem identification,
conceptual design, material selection, stress calculations and part sizing, and
selection of manufacturing processes. The various stages involved in the design
process can be summarised and illustrated as in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4: Various stages in the design process

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Below are the explanations for each of the stages in the design process:

(a) Recognition of Need

Design usually starts with the recognition of a need. Once we identify a need,
then we can decide what to do about it. Recognising a need is often
considered as a highly creative process because the need may be only a slight
dissatisfaction with an existing product or a feeling that something is not

For instance, the need to do something about the compressor of an air-

conditioning unit may be due to the noise level. There are many other needs
that continuously lead to the development of new products and processes,
such as the need for cleaner air, fresh water, better public transportation,
better working and study environments, smoother traffic flow, faster access
to information and, generally, a better quality of life.

(b) Definition of the Problem

Once a need is recognised, what should be done about it becomes the design
problem (this problem then needs to be clearly defined). For instance, if the
need is to reduce the noise level of a compressor, it may be necessary to
modify the compressor mounting. This becomes the design problem.
Compared to the statement of need, identification of the design problem is
more specific. Just to give you another example, if the need is for cleaner air,
the problem would be to reduce the pollutants discharged from a chemical

Definition of the problem should include all the details for the product
that is to be designed. We call these details the „specifications‰. The
specifications are the input and output quantities, the characteristics and
dimensions and the limitations on these quantities. The specifications also
define the cost, the number of parts to be manufactured, life expectancy,
operating conditions, handling requirements and reliability.

Our freedom to design is also restricted by the manufacturing processes,

materials and the facilities available. For instance, in a small factory, a cold-
drawn machine may not be available. This becomes a constraint to
the design. Knowing this, we have to design the product that can be
manufactured using other processes. Sometimes, the materials available
impose a restriction on the design. For instance, many materials may be listed
on a supplierÊs catalogue, but all may not be available due to shortages. Once
the problem has been identified, the next stage is to come up with a
conceptual design.

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(c) Conceptual Design

Conceptual design is based on the specifications drawn up in the previous
stage. Usually, it is necessary to come up with several designs that answer
the problem. The designs should consider several other factors, such as
manufacturing processes, materials availability, assembly requirements,
manpower requirements and cost. The most feasible design is selected for
the analysis.

(d) Analysis and Optimisation

The conceptual design is analysed in the next stage called analysis
and optimisation. Analyses are carried out to determine the strength
characteristics, performance, reliability and other features of the product. If
the analyses results are not satisfactory, it may be necessary to go back to the
conceptual design stage and re-design the product. The conceptual design
and analysis stages are, therefore, closely related to one another.

(e) Evaluation of Design

The evaluation stage is an important phase of the entire design process
because it provides the final proof of a successful design. In this stage, we
usually have to test a prototype of the product. By doing so, we discover if
the product really satisfies the need and whether it is reliable or not. Other
important questions that we need to answer are: Is the product economical
to produce? Is it easily maintained or serviced? Can a profit be made from its

(f) Presentation
Communicating our design to others is the crucial final stage of the design
process. Presentation is basically a sales job. When we present our new
design to the management, supervisory persons or potential investors, we
are attempting to sell or prove to them that our design can answer the
problem. Unless we can do the presentation successfully, the time and effort
spent on obtaining the design or solution can be wasted.

We have to consider several factors when designing a product. These factors

include strength, deflection or stiffness, wear and corrosion resistance, safety,
usability, cost, processing methods, weight, life, noise, shape, style, size, thermal
properties, surface finish, lubrication needs, marketability, maintenance and the
ability to be recycled. Some of these factors are directly related to the dimensions,
the materials and the processing of the product.

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In engineering design, we are usually required to follow established standards and

codes, such as British Standards or ASME codes, to ensure a safe and acceptable
design. This particularly applies to products that result in failure, serious injury or
death to the users and others. Such product includes pressure vessels, gas and
steam pipelines, hoists, aircraft engines, ship hulls etc.


With the aid of a diagram, describe various stages in the design process.
Share and compare your diagram with your coursemates on myINSPIRE.


Rubber is one of the most widely used materials in manufacturing

nowadays. Search the Internet and in your own words, describe the
process of producing rubber. Post your findings on myINSPIRE.


To make a product, we usually go through many different processes. There are
also several methods to make a product. What processes to use and what methods
of manufacture to use depend on many factors such as the shape of the final
product; the materials to be used; the surface finish; the cost of production; the
time, facilities and equipment available; and of course, expertise.

Manufacturing processes can generally be divided into two processes:

(a) Discrete Parts Processes

Discrete parts processes apply mainly to the metalworking industries where
many single items are produced.

(b) Continuous Processes

On the other hand, continuous processing is used in the chemical and textile
industries such as in the production of continuous film, fibres, plastic ropes,
textiles, etc.

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Then, the manufacturing processes used in the metal working industries can
be further sub-divided into casting processes, forming and shaping processes,
machining or metal removal processes, joining processes and finishing
processes. In making a complex product such as an automobile engine, several
processes are involved or combined.

Generally, we can identify six main categories of manufacturing processes as

illustrated in Figure 1.5. The details of these processes will be discussed in later

Figure 1.5: Six main categories of manufacturing processes


Explain the following:

(a) Custom manufacturing;

(b) Intermittent manufacturing;

(c) Continuous manufacturing; and

(d) Flexible manufacturing.

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1. In your own words, describe the history of manufacturing.

2. The successful commercialisation of a new product usually
involves three major steps. Explain these steps.
3. What are discrete parts processes and continuous processes in
4. List the six main categories of manufacturing processes.

 Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials into finished


 Manufacturing, as we understand it today, began during the „industrial

revolution‰ in the 18th century.

 Manufacturing is a commercial activity that exists for two main purposes.

 The design process includes problem identification, conceptual design,

material selection, stress calculations and part sizing, and selection of
manufacturing processes.

 We can classify manufacturing into four types.

 The manufacturing processes can generally be divided into discrete parts

processes and continuous processes.

Continuous manufacturing Innovation

Custom manufacturing Intermittent manufacturing
Design process Manufacturing
Development Products
Flexible manufacturing Research

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Groover, M. P. (2015). Automation production systems and computer-integrated

manufacturing (4th ed.). Pearson.

Groover, M. P. (2015). Fundamentals of modern manufacturing: Materials,

processes, and systems (6th ed.). Wiley.

Kalpakjian, S., & Schmid, S. R. (2014). Manufacturing engineering and technology

(7th ed.). Prentice Hall.

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