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EL115: Survey on English and American Literature /MIDTERM Activities/ Modules 3 and 4

Name: Raymart Santiago BSED-2B Rating:________

Instructor: MS. ESPERANZA ADUNA-RADTKE Date: February 8, 2024

NOTE: Answers with erasures are wrong.

I. Rearrange the letters to form the correct spelling of the word then give the definition of each. Write your
answers at the back of this page. (10 points)

1. YSP - SPY – authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present.

2. SUMNOM – SUMMON – To summon means to call forth or request the presence of someone or something,
typically through a formal or authoritative manner.

3. PREAVLENCE – PREVALENCE – Prevalence refers to the extent or frequency of occurrence of a particular

condition, phenomenon, or behavior within a given population or context.

4. MATHEIS – ATHEISM - Atheism is the belief or lack of belief in the existence of gods or deities.

5. VERTAN – TAVERN - A tavern is a place where alcoholic beverages are served, often accompanied by food
and socializing.

6. NOITATUPER – REPUTATION – the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something

7. BYLASPHEM – BLASPHEMY – the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things;
profane talk
8. SODUBIU - DUBIOUS - Dubious means doubtful or uncertain, often referring to something that is
questionable, suspicious, or lacking credibility.

9. YALLA - ALLAY – diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).

10. ALINFLUENTI – INFLUENTIAL – Having the power or ability to have a significant impact or influence on
others or the world.
II. Answer the questions in one sentence only.Write your answers on the spaces provided for. (10 points)

1. In the Bible, Barabas is the thief and murderer who was released from prison instead of Jesus. How does
Barabas' role in The Jew of Malta compare with that of this Barabas and with that of Jesus?
• In "The Jew of Malta," Barabas is shown as a crafty and vindictive man who deceives and exploits
people. This contrasts with his biblical status as a robber and murderer.

2. Who suffers and who dies in the play?

 The character Barabas, a wealthy Jewish trader, suffered and eventually dies. Other characters,
including Malta's Christian governor and several supporting characters also died.

3. Why did they (your answers in number 2) suffer or die?

• The characters suffer and die due to conflicts over religion, vengeance, and betrayal. The Christian
ruler of Malta takes Jewish belongings, including the wealthy merchant Barabas, which causing him
despair. Barabas wants revenge against those who oppose him, but his plans eventually get failed,
culminating in his own death. The drama also delves into religious tensions and political issues from
that historical period.
4. Are the evil actions of Barabas be justified as reactions to crimes committed against him?
• Yes, They can be seen as a reaction to the crime done towards him, but whether they are completely
reasonable it relies on one's perspective and ethical principles or values.
5. What are the implications of Marlowe's choices in the story?
 The criticize atheistic attempts, reveal religious insincerity, and address themes of revenge and greed.
Marlowe's characterization of the Jewish character Barabas also exposes issues of antisemitism and
societal issues.
 Copy from your Bible five verses when and why Adam and Eve were evicted from Paradise. Write your answers
on the space provided for. (10 points)

1. Genesis 3:6
 The woman looked at the fruit on the tree. She saw that it would be good to eat, and it was beautiful to
look at. She wanted to eat it because it would make her become wise. So she took some fruit and she
ate it. Then she gave some of the fruit to her husband who was with her. He also ate it.

2. Genesis 3:11-12
 The Lord God said, ‘Who told you that you had no clothes? Have you eaten fruit from the tree that I
said you must not eat?’ The man said, ‘It was the woman that you put here with me. She gave me some
fruit from the tree. So I ate it.’

3. Genesis 3:16-19
 God said to the woman, ‘I will cause you to have great pain when you give birth to children. You will
want to please your husband. But he will rule over you as your master.’Then God said to Adam, ‘You
listened to your wife and you did what she said. You ate fruit from the tree after I told you, “You must
not eat fruit from this tree.” Because you did that, I will curse the ground. You will have to work very
hard to make plants grow in it for your food. It will be like this for your whole life. Thorn bushes and
thistles will grow in the ground. But you will eat plants that grow in the fields. You will have to work
hard for a long time before you have any food to eat. You will do this for your whole life until you die.
Then you will return into the ground. That is where you came from. I made you from the soil of the
ground, and you will become soil again.’

4. Genesis 3:23
 So the Lord God sent Adam out of the Garden of Eden. To get his food, Adam had to dig the ground
that God had used to make him. 24 Then God put cherubs to be guards for the garden. God put them on
the east side of the garden. There was also a sword of fire that moved quickly from side to side. As a
result, nobody could go near to the tree that gives life.

5. Genesis 3:14
 The Lord God said to the snake,‘Because you have done this, I will curse you. Among all the farm
animals and wild animals, you are the one that I will curse. From now on, you will move across the
ground on your stomach. You will eat dust from the ground. You will do this for your whole life.
 At the back of this page, prepare a Fish Bone Graphic Organizer with the examples of five causes and 5
effects mentioned in the poem Paradise Lost. (10 points)

Cause: Cause: Cause:
Satans refusal
Disobedience to Satans greed to Manipulating that God is the
the rules. power. eve’s mind. powerful off all.

Effect: Effect: Effect: Effect:

There are The sins starts. Temptation to do Tried to compete
punishments. the sin. with God ending
being defeated.

“Your honesty matters a lot to me. You are loved to the bone marrow.” - EAR

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