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For almost eighty years, we have been told that UFOs are

impossible. The very manner of their reported movements —

clearly and consistently described year after year — has
allowed for no easy explanation. After all, what allows a craft to
loiter indefinitely, accelerate instantly, make right-angle turns,
and do so without making a sound?

These were questions asked in the 1940s by American

scientists at places like Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
scientists who were charged with understanding the
operations of these so-called flying saucers. While we don’t
have access to any official answers they may have come up
with, we have learned that these unexplained aerial
phenomena (UAP) were considered a serious problem. Back in
1950, the brilliant defense scientist Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher told
one man in confidence that it was considered far more
important than the development of the hydrogen bomb.
One area of study that has long been considered a contender
to explain at least some of the capabilities of UAP is

Electrogravitics is a process that uses an electric field to charge

or polarize an object that has a specially constructed shape
(disc-shaped objects usually seem to work best). That is, you
charge one end of the disc with a positive charge and the
opposite end with a negative charge. The result is lift and
motion. Officially speaking, the effect is said to be fairly minor,
but in fact, there has been talk for years that much greater
progress has been made within the classified world.
While electrogravitics might well provide some explanation for the
performance of UAP, another is some form of spacetime
manipulation. The mathematician Miguel Alcubierre developed a
theory of warp drive during the 1990s. Alcubierre’s equations
showed it is possible that with enough energy, you could create a
disturbance in spacetime whereby the region directly in front of
you is contracted while the region directly behind you is expanded.
This distortion of spacetime would therefore propel you (or, more
accurately, your spaceship) forward, something like a surfer riding
a wave.

Being able to ride that wave within your own spacetime bubble
would allow you, at least in theory, to bypass the restrictions of the
speed of light because, in fact, you would be warping or folding
space itself. Within your spacetime bubble, you would continue to
obey all the laws of physics, but in effect, your ship would be
moving at a rate faster than light (FTL). The problem with doing
this, however, is that according to the equations, you would never
be able to generate the amount of energy necessary to make this
In 2018, discussion over a mysterious “metamaterial” arose. A
metamaterial is a highly complex material that is manufactured with
great complexity. At the microscopic level, it contains what is known as
a “lattice-like” structure. This microscopic structure can result in very
interesting and useful properties. It turns out that one of these
properties might include anti-gravitic effects. Another might include
some version of spacetime engineering.

Later in 2018, physicist Dr. Jack Sarfatti suggested that the lattice
structure of the metamaterial might be able to “warp” spacetime
without requiring massive amounts of energy. That is because when
an electromagnetic field interacts with the material, the result is a
“negative energy density.”

According to Sarfatti, this causes antigravity. He also theorized that this

specific material could reduce the speed of light inside it, a
phenomenon that is well-known and understood. By greatly slowing
down the speed of light, one is essentially changing Alcubierre’s
equations for creating a warp effect around a craft. This would also
account for the astonishing maneuverability and speed of UAP,
something that no one has been able to credibly explain.
In our world today, we are constantly looking for alternatives to
petroleum. One energy holy grail that scientists have been working on
for decades is controlled nuclear fusion. This is different from our
current nuclear power technology, which is based on nuclear fission.

Fission occurs when you split a radioactive atom (like Uranium or

Plutonium) to generate a tremendous amount of energy. The problem
is that splitting those atoms results in tremendous radioactive toxic
byproduct. Nuclear fusion is completely different. Instead of splitting
radioactive atoms, we would “fuse” tiny hydrogen atoms at extremely
high temperatures (millions of degrees) in a process that would
generate exponentially more energy than we currently get from fission

There is another potential source of energy when it comes to

UAP/UFOs: the Zero-Point Energy field. If you could shrink yourself
down to the size of an atom, and then shrink yourself millions of times
smaller still, you would potentially encounter great amounts of energy.
This would mean that energy could, in theory, be extracted anywhere,
whether here on Earth or in the virtual vacuum of space.
During the Pentagon’s secret UFO program known as AATIP
(Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), a series of
scientific papers was secretly solicited from leading experts around
the world in such matters relevant to UAP/UFOs.

The titles alone speak volumes: “Positron Aerospace Propulsion,”

“IEC Fusion as a Compact Energy Source,” “Warp Drive,”
“Spacetime Metric Engineering,” “Dark Energy,” “Extra
Dimensions,” “Metallic Glasses for Aerospace Use,” “Traversable
Wormholes and Stargates,” “Negative Mass Propulsion,”
“Antigravity for Aerospace Applications,” “Programmable Matter,”
“Invisibility Cloaking,” and quite a few others.

It is becoming clear that serious scientists are looking into a range

of exotic sciences and technologies as a way to better understand
UAP/UFOs. Many have wondered if these mysterious craft (and the
beings associated with them) are entering our reality somehow
through other dimensions. While we can’t say definitively that
these craft are inter-dimensional, we can’t rule the possibility out,
Claims abound of alien manipulation of our DNA. While
recognizing that this is highly controversial, it’s helpful to keep in
mind that the UFO subject itself was long considered to be
beneath any serious study. That is no longer the case, and we now
recognize that there are indeed inexplicable craft traversing the
skies and oceans of this world. Is it so impossible now to accept the
likelihood that this extraordinary technology is controlled by a
civilization of beings that are not from “here”?

If we do accept claims of alien DNA manipulation, we quickly find

that these other beings have mastered the science of
bioengineering in ways that we ourselves have not yet done — but
are moving rapidly toward mastering. We may soon find ourselves
at a level of genetic manipulation comparable to what they are
able to accomplish.
UAP/UFOs are supposed to be impossible, and yet they have
been reliably reported for an entire human lifetime, indeed
longer. This is to say nothing of potential cases of even more
ancient visitation, which become hazier the further back in
time we go. There are sciences and technologies involved that
demand further study.

The problem is that the stigma attached to UFOs has

prevented genuine, well-funded scientific research from taking
place. At least publicly available research: behind classified
walls exist all kinds of possibilities.

It is time that the human race recognizes the obvious. We are

being visited, probably monitored, and possibly influenced in
ways that we don’t yet understand. Even if not all those
possibilities turn out to be true, we are nevertheless facing a
substantial paradigm shift that includes exceptionally
advanced science and technology.

How exactly do we intend to meet this challenge? We can’t

begin even to contemplate this until we begin to grasp the
myriad ways in which UAP/UFOs challenge not only our
leading edge of science but our very notion of reality itself.

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