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3 Vocabulary

Staying healthy Healthy habits

1 Complete the tips with the correct verbs. 3 Complete the blog with phrasal verbs.

Six quick tips to stay healthy

Things I learnt this year
watch less TV.
1 Get off the sofa and _________
Last year I had exams and I was studying
Move your body!
really hard. I often worked until midnight
2 _________ exercise at least four times and I ate lots of fast food and sugary
a week. snacks. I couldn’t sleep because I felt
3 If you don’t like exercising alone, you stressed. The result? I got ill. I realised
can _________ sports with friends. then that it is really important to stay
4 _________ a healthy diet, with lots of healthy. Now I 1 take care of myself. One
different foods, and drink lots of water. thing I have started doing is I’m more
5 If you find you feel tired during the day, careful about what I eat and drink. I have
try to _________ less sugar. 2 _________ fast food completely and I
eat lots of fruit and vegetables instead.
6 Make sure you _________ plenty of
Another thing I’ve changed is that I now
fruit and vegetables. They are full
organise my day so I get enough sleep.
of vitamins.
I 3 _________ a routine and I 4 _________
early every day at six o’clock. I don’t
Health and well-being 5 _________ in the evenings any more.
I go to bed at 10 o’clock and I always
2 Complete the sentences with phrases 6 _________ my phone in the evening.
about health and well-being. Now, I can sleep all night and 7 _________
refreshed – well, most of the time!
Seven true health facts I exercise regularly and spend as much
time as I can outdoors. I don’t get stressed
1 drink enough water
It’s important to _________________ so often these days, but if I do, I always
because being hydrated can help 8 _________ my problems with my friends
or my mum. What healthy habits do you
you concentrate. think you can introduce into your life?
2 People who regularly _________ walking or
cycling in the countryside are happier.
3 Singing can help _________ and make you Extra challenge
feel happy. 4 Complete the sentences with your ideas
about what the people should do.
4 If you often _________ , you might feel sad
or depressed. ‘I eat chocolate every night before I go
to bed.’
5 Don’t _________ because a morning meal
You mustn’t .
can improve your memory.
Make sure you .
6 People who don’t _________ have more
‘I’m always so tired in the morning because
accidents because they are tired. I never go to bed before midnight.’
7 If you _________ , smiling can make you It isn’t a good idea to .
feel calmer. You must .

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