Cultural Assessment

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MEET Nesim
Z. Tustas, 52 years old,
Men, born and raised in Turkish, written in the Latin alphabet, is their
Turkey, an Islam, official language. However, minority languages
Currently, he is living at spoken by diverse ethnic groups, such as Kurdish
Coronon Sta. Cruz and Arabic, exist.
Davao del Sur with his
life partner and He was
never been married and
has no children. Also,
he mentioned he is a
cook in a small
restaurant in the said

‘’My name is Nesim Tustas, I am multiligual, I can

understand and speak a little bisaya, also I am fluent in
Arabic, German, Turkish, Pakistan or urdo and English
language. My parents separated when I was still a kid The majority of Turks are Muslims, and Islam plays
and I lived with my sister in Germany. Also, ma’am I am an important part in their everyday lives. Turkey, on
applying to become Filipino citizen and hopefully next
the other hand, is recognized for its secular
year I am one of the citizen of this country, because
ma’am if you wouldn’t ask I find Philippines a beautiful government and a varied spectrum of beliefs and
and peaceful country, unlike in Turkey, there are war customs.
and soldiers around’’ said in Turkish accent.

Nesim is from Turkey. He is a Muslim and many of
his practices in life are influenced by his culture and

Turkish food is famous for its variety and tastes.

Turkey, near the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has Kebabs, mezes (appetizers), and Turkish delight are
a rich cultural past, a varied population, and a popular dishes. Turkish tea and coffee are also
distinct combination of contemporary and important parts of the culture.
traditional characteristics.
Turkey's economy is varied, with businesses
ranging from agriculture to manufacturing to
services. Istanbul is a significant economic center.
The average workweek is Monday through Friday,
with weekends off.

Turkey's art and architecture have a long history,

including influences from the Byzantine, Roman,
and Ottoman empires. In Istanbul, iconic landmarks
such as the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque
represent this tradition.

Children between the ages of 6 and 18 are required

to attend school. Turkey features a combination of
public and private schools, as well as various
universities located around the country.

While modern Western attire is widely used,

traditional clothes may still be seen in rural regions
and on special occasions. Traditional clothing
includes the fez and the kaftan.

LIFE Traditional music and dancing, as well as modern

sports such as football (soccer), are popular
pastimes among Turks. Tea shops and cafés are
popular locations to meet.
In Turkish society according Nesim, family is
extremely important. Respect for elders is highly
valued, as are social relationships. Extended
families frequently live in tight quarters.

Nesim said that Turkey's healthcare system is a

combination of state and private providers. Medical Undoubtedly! Turkey is a country with a
tourism is becoming more popular in major cities, diversified cultural, historical, and geographic
which have well-equipped hospitals and clinics. history. Here are a few examples of Turkey's
variety. Because of its strategic location at the
Turkey, like many other countries, has health crossroads of Europe and Asia, Turkey has a
difficulties such as noncommunicable illnesses, air distinct combination of Eastern and Western
pollution, and lifestyle issues. To address these influences. Various civilizations have called the
issues, the government has been focusing on public
land home, including the Hittites, Phrygians,
health measures.
Urartians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and
Ottomans. Each of these civilizations has left its
imprint on Turkey, adding to the country's unique
cultural fabric.

In addition to modern healthcare, Nesim still

practice traditional medicine, such as herbal
medicines and techniques passed down through
generations. Moreover, Nesim believes that he can
manage his illness with adequate rest and help of
herbal medicines. In addition, he mentioned life
must be happy and we shouldn’t stress those things
we can’t control because stress is a number one
cause of illness according to him.
Transcultural nursing is a critical component of the
nursing profession in an ever-changing culturally
diverse world. Nurses should be as varied, if not
more so, as the patients they serve. This ensures that
no matter who walks in, there is someone on staff
that can relate with them, interact with them, and
better service their specific needs. We must show to
our patients that we value their culture by inquiring
about it, their values, and relevant health care

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