Functional Pattern

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I. Mental Status
Awake, Awake, Conscious, Coherent
a. State of Conscious,
mental Coherent

Well-oriented to Patient was 2 years old so she can’t be

b. Orientation time, place, and interviewed
Able to recall Patient was pedia so she wasn’t able to recall
c. Intellectual events (past and events
Capacity present)

Able to speak Able to speak English and sometimes Bisaya

d. Vocabulary Level local dialect
fluently (Bisaya)
Attentive We interviewed the watcher instead
e. Attention Span throughout the
Ability to grasp Patient was pedia so we interviewed the
f. Ability to meaning of ideas watcher instead
Understand and relate ideas
II. Status of Spatial Senses

Able to respond Can hear audibly

a. Auditory to loud medium
Perception and low voice
tone; Distinguish
sound without
seeing the speaker
Normal vision; no Normal vision; no vision aids used
b. Visual Perception vision aids used

Able to talk Can talk but she was scared at first since she
c. Speech spontaneously was pedia and mostly rely on parents
Able to Patient was pedia so can’t distinguish
d. Tactile distinguish rough/smooth surfaces
Perception rough/smooth
Sensitive to odor Can determine different odors
e. Olfactory (bad, strong, and
Perception light)

III. Motor Ability

Ambulatory Patient can ambulate with the help of her father
a. Current Mobility

Good body Good body mechanics; able to sit comfortably

b. Posture mechanics; without any difficulties.
vertebrae are in
straight alignment
Able to perform Able to perform range of joint motion.
c. Range of Joint range of joint
Motion motion

Strong muscle The condition of the muscles and nerves is

d. Muscle and strength; well-coordinated.
Nerve Status Coordinated
None None
e. Loss of

IV. Body Temperature

36.5-37.5 °C 36.1 °C
a. Ranges

V. Respiratory Status
No wheezing,
a. Character bubbling, or 43 cycles per minute
None None
b. Use of
Respiratory Aids

VI. Circulatory Status

Regular, strong Pulse was regular, strong and it is palpable
a. Characteristics and palpable
of Arterial

b. Blood Pressure 90/60 - 120/80 No Blood pressure monitoring

Regular with Strong with pulse rate of 123 bpm
c. Apical-radial pulse rate of 60-
pulse 100 bpm

None PNSS 500L @ 60 cc/hr

d. Intravenous Fluid

VII. Nutritional Status

Able to chew and Intact, able, to chew, swallow and drink
a. Condition of grind food

Able to digest Able to digest food but patient suffers from

b. Digestion of food with normal diarrhea
Food bowel movement

Proportionate to 12.7 kg
c. Weight client’s body and

VIII. Elimination Status

Eliminates at least Eliminates thrice
a. Bowel once a day

No problem in No problem in voiding; patient uses diaper

b. Bladder voiding

IX. Reproductive System

a. Age of None
X. State of Skin and Appendages
a. Skin Moist, without Dry, without lesions wrinkled
lesion, firm
b. Hair Well combed, no Well combed, no infestation of lice and
infestation of lice absence of dandruff.
and absence of
c. Nails Well trimmed, Well trimmed, and clean.
and clean
XI. State of Physical Rest and Comfort.
a. Sleep/Rest Pattern Sleeps Sleeps comfortably, 8 hours of sleep
comfortably, at
least 8 hours of
b. Ability to relate Sociable, Patient was friendly, playful and approachable
others approachable and
c. Pain/ No pain/ Patient reported to have abdominal pain and
Discomfort Discomfort feels discomfort when defecating according to

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