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Beakfast is the most important meal that students need because it is
the source of their energy for their school activities. Breakfast
consumption is associated with positive outcomes for diet quality,
micronutrient intake, weight status and lifestyle factors. An effective
intervention to improve public health and education could be to
increase breakfast intake. Breakfast affects students' performance on
cognitive tests. There is strong evidence that children who regularly
eat breakfast perform better academically. Researchers can help the
respondents to see more importance in eating breakfast for them to
be more active, especially for the student in their class participation.
The study aimed to know the relationship of breakfast consumption to the class participation of the
student at MRSCI. The researchers need to know the causes and the effects of breakfast
consumption on their class participation.

The research specifically sought answer to the following questions.

2. How much food in take does 3. How the breakfast in take

1. The respondent the respondents consume before relate to the class participation
categorize in terms of: going to school in terms of? of the students in terms of:

1.1 Age 2.1 Calcium 3.1 Recitation

1.2 Gender 2.2 Iron 3.2 Attendance
1.3 Strand 2.3 Vitamin B 3.3 Performance task
The researchers mainly focused on the relationship
of breakfast consumption to the class participation of
student at Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.

The study are limited to 50 grade 12 senior high

school student of Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.
This research is conducted on academic year 2021-2022.
According to Ziggiju M. et. al.(2018). The purpose of this action
research is to identify hindering factors for active participation in
classroom based teaching learning process at Debre Markos
University Burie Campus. To improve quality of education,
enhancing students' class participation has become very decisive.
The finding of the study revealed that students participation about
active participation was low and active participation of students was
challenged by different problem like lack of awareness about active
learning practices and lack of preparation in advance on the lesson.
According to (Gao et al., 2021), a healthy lifestyle has a significant
impact on the academic achievement of adolescents wherein breakfast
consumption had a positive predictive effect on it. Furthermore, it says
that achievement motivation played a partial mediating role in the
relationship between breakfast consumption and academic
achievement. In addition, They stated that direct and indirect effects
were moderated by the socioeconomic status of students, which meant
that the effect of breakfast consumption on achievement motivation
can differ depending on their socioeconomic status.
The researchers will use Quantitative research. According to Pritha B.(2020).
Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative research, which involves
collecting and analyzing non-numerical data. It can be used to make predictions,
test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider populations. Quantum
research is widely used in the natural and social sciences: biology, chemistry,
psychology, economics, sociology, marketing, etc.

The researchers will use correlational research as their research design.

According to Pritha B.(2022). Correlational research design investigates
relationships between variables without the researcher controlling or
manipulating any of them. Correlation reflects the strength and/or direction of the
relationship between two (or more) variables. The direction of a correlation can be
either positive or negative. And that is why the researcher use this research design
because our topic is about the connection breakfast consumption to the class
participation of a student at Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc.
The researcher used probability sampling and the researcher decided to use
a simple random sampling technique. According to (Simkus., 2022). Simple random
sampling technique is a sampling technique in which each member of a population
has an equal chance of being chosen, through the use of an unbiased selection

The researcher used probability sampling and the researcher decide to use a
simple random sampling technique since on the study the researcher need to
conduct a survey to a random respondent in Mystical Rose of School Caloocan Inc.
To assess the relationship of breakfast consumption to the participation in class
The researchers will use questionnaire as their research instrument. Based
on Mcleod(2018), Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of
questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.
Questionnaires can be thought of as a kind of written interview. They can be
carried out face to face, by telephone, computer or post.

This study specifically used likert scale. According to Pritha B. & Kassiani N.
(2020). LIKERT SCALE is a rating scale intended to gauge views, attitudes, or
actions. It consists of a statement or inquiry followed by five or seven answer
statements. Respondents select the choice that best reflects their feelings about
the statement or question. In 1932, Rensis Likert released the paper "A Technique
for the Measurement of Attitudes," which presented a system for assessing
attitudes and his eventual namesake, the Likert scale. For example, how are you
currently feeling: pleased, sad, or angry?
P-Value or Probability Value is a number
showing how likely it is that your data would
have occurred under the null hypothesis of
your statistical treatment.
Pearson's correlation coefficient, (r) is the
most basic way of measuring a linear
correlation. And it expresses the strength of
the relationship between two variables.
To qualify for the response on the rating scale,
the five-point rating scale tool was used.
Kummer, Daphne Jane
Hermosura, Gio
HE - 12 ZIRCON Penaflor, Shajina B.
GROUP 2 Ramos, Jenny
Real, Regine
Yayong, Aljohn S.

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