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College of Education - URS Morong


CC: Chem4 Biochemistry
Exploring Protein

● Purification

● Amino Acid Sequencing Insert your picture

Study Paper ● Immunoglobulins and our Body’s Immune
o How Corona Virus Vaccines Work
o Types of Vaccines
● Automated Peptide Synthesis

I. Introduction

Proteins make organ structure possible which is produced by the cell using the amino acids
available. Should there be lacking amino acids or inability of the cell to absorb essential amino
acid, the function of the cell will be at stake. In the previous study paper, you were able to
explore different amino acids structurally. In this study paper, you will identify the step-by-step
process of studying proteins; from purification to amino acid sequencing, know how the
immune system respond to foreign bodies including viruses and the role of immunoglobulins,
understand how the automated peptide synthesis works, define the role and function of
enzymes and how they affect biochemical reactions.

II. Individual Task

Using e-books and articles online and the uploaded e-book in our G-Classroom, answer the
following items. Please note that there should be one essay per item while one paragraph
per question of a given item. (Please be guided by the rubric that follows)

1. How do we get the proteins out of the cells? What are the different types of
chromatography? What is the difference between agarose gels and polyacrylamide gels in
2. Why are the proteins cleaved into small fragments for protein sequencing?
College of Education - URS Morong

3. Describe the Immunoglobulins and our Body’s Immune Response. How do Corona Virus
Vaccines work? What are the types of vaccines?

Essay Response 10 7 4 0



A. Response to Written Written response Response to Response lacks any

Essay Question response addresses at least 2 writing prompts is comprehension of
Writing Prompts addresses all of 3 essay writing unclear or vague the essay question
essay question prompts clearly and and/or addresses or appears to
(content) writing prompts directly. only one writing address a different
clearly and prompt in a clear, essay question.
directly. direct manner.
No essay response

B. Quality and Response Response indicates Response lacks Response is

Clarity of indicates depth simplistic or focus or unfocused, illogical
Thought and complexity repetitive thoughts demonstrates or incoherent.
(content) of thought in in answering the confused or
answering the essay question. conflicting No essay response
essay question. thinking. provided.
College of Education - URS Morong

C. Organization & Response is well Response is Response is fairly Response is

Development of organized and organized and organized and disorganized and
Ideas (writing) developed with developed with developed, underdeveloped,
appropriate general supporting presenting providing little or
support to ideas provided generalizations no relevant
make meaning (reasons/general without adequate support.
clear (well- examples). support.
chosen No essay response
examples). provided.

D. Grammar, Response is free Response has 3 or Response has 4-5 Response has 6 or
Usage, and from any errors less errors in errors in more errors in
Mechanics in grammar, grammar, usage, grammar, usage, grammar, usage,
(writing) usage, and and mechanics. and mechanics. and mechanics.
No essay response

III. Group Task

There are so many proteins coming from plant and animal sources. Pretend that you are a
laboratory technician whose task is to extract, purify, sequence and identify protein of a given product
(Choose from products that are available in supermarkets, Lazada or Shopee). Present the explanation
using Canva app. Be guided by the rubric that follows.

Group Activity and Presentation Rubrics

Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Amateur

10pts 8pts 6pts 4pts

Cooperation All the members Few members are not Half of the The members
worked together; the working; the leader members only didn’t participate
leader distributes the designates task to work for the at all; the leader
task equally among those he can trust; the group; the leader works alone for
members; the leader leader and members works with two to the group; the
and the members experienced a little three members leader and the
College of Education - URS Morong

have no conflict misunderstanding. only; the leader members have

during group activity. can’t misunderstanding
communicate to .
his members.

Presentation All of the members of Almost all of the The group The group
the group lively members of the group presented their showed no
presented their lively presented the outputs without interest at all in
outputs; everyone outputs; some have a enthusiasm; lots presenting the
has a significant part significant part in the of problems and task.
in the presentation; presentation; the difficulties in
the group presented group presented the presenting is
the task without task with minimal experienced by
problems and problems and conflicts. the group.

Materials/Props The materials used The materials used are The materials No materials.
are relevant and not as relevant and not were not
significant to the as significant to the appropriately
presentation; presentation; good used to connect
overwhelming variety of creativity. the concepts of
creativity captures the presentation;
the audience’s lacks creativity.

Content The group developed The group committed a The group has The group has
a logical order of few errors in logical lots of errors in irrelevant
information. Their order of information. ordering information and
information is Some of the information. without order.
relevant to the topic. information is

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