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Nikiya Fields

Lessons Come From Experiences

I’ve been through a lot of things in my life but I’m learning a lot from my

experiences. Experiences can and unquestionably will have some sort of impact on a

person, speaking from experience.

The amount of obstacles that I have been through is such a ridiculous number.

There were a lot of lessons learned during these times, though. I learned a lot about

myself. I acquire skill in knowing who and what I should always stay away from . I

gained an understanding of what I really want in life and how I’m going to get it. I

also understand why I’m such an independent person when it comes to reaching my

goals and why I react the way I do in certain situations. I found things that I am

naturally good at that can contribute to reaching my goals and elevating my position

in the world.
I’ve come to realize that I am great with kids. “Why does that matter in the

world,”you might ask. My dream job is to be a Nurse and with nursing you will deal
Nikiya Fields

with a lot of kids of all ages. I like to help those in need of care and healthy habits. I

try to keep myself up with that, too.

My competency of knowing who and what to stay away from has expanded a lot

over the years. It came from maturing and the things that I went through. I ‘m very

intelligent when it comes to picking my friend group. I do get a little antisocial when

I’m in public but it’s mainly because I have developed the ability to read people and

understand their true intentions. My pure and accurate judgment has graduated to

another level and I feel like it will keep growing. The importance of this skill being in my

life forever is crucial to me for the reason that I feel, in a sense, it prepares me for

the workforce and also serious relationships. It has a great impact on my work ethics,

how I respond to certain conflicts with people, and my quantity of responsibility and

respect. I have been taught things that others would’ve been taught later in their

lives, which leads me to understand life better and the things that are most important
Nikiya Fields

to know.

On the whole, it’s quite safe to say that I am definitely one for a really serious job

and I'm reliable, school wise. I believe that when a person goes through the

consignment of things that i’ve experienced, they will always defeat whatever they’re

facing and coming out as a beautiful testimony. Their determination will become

stronger, dreams will become bigger, work ethics will become more noticeable and

attractive, and themselves will become a better and powerful person. In my belief, I

compare it to myself and how much I have grown, as it resembles the mark of my

growth. A multitude of experiences can really educate you on things that aren’t taught

in school.

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