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The greek male status used as columns

- Atlantes
2. the greek council house which is covered meeting place for the democratically- elected
council is calles
3. The Estruscans originated in the houses
- Domus
4. Similar to the stadium, though longer type of building for house and chariot racing
5. The character of the roman architecture
-ostentation and ornateness
6. The roman palace building began by Augustus and added to by later emperors was the
- Palaces of the emperors rome
7. The space between triglyphs with or without sculpture
8. The greek wrestling school is called
- Palaestra
9. In the greek theatre, The scene building which was merely a tent or a booth in which the
performance prepare in the parascenia
10. The plan of the Collosseum, Rome is shaped in the form of
11.The triumphal arch that was built to commemorate the capture of jerusalem was
-Arch of titus
12. A quadriga is a
- Four-house Chariot
13. A place for all types of physical exercises
14. The recess or alcave with a raised seat where disputes took place
- Exedrae
15. The difference between the Roman and Greek theather is that the romans auditorium
encircled ___ of a circle
16. To celebrate victorious naval campaigns of the generals the usual monument built is the
- Rostral Column
17. Roman bridges are called
18. The luxurios country house of the romans which is surrounded by terraces and garden is the
- Villa
19. A kindred type to the theater
- Odeion
20. The Parthenon is a _ temple
- Doric
21. Sunk panels found in the ceiling of greek temples also coffers
- Lacunaria
22. Greek temples stood on a foundation of three steps
- Crepidoma
23. The origin of the corinthian capital, which is distinguished by its bell shape and the acanthus
leaf, is attributed to
- Callimachus
24. Marble mosaic pattern used on wall
-Opus Sectile
25. The structure used as halls of justice and commercial exchanges bg the romans
- Basilica
26. The crowning glory of the roman architecture is the
27. The aegean beehive- shaped type of tomb is called
28. The dividing wall running down the middle of the arena in a slightly oblique direction in the
circus is known as
- Spina
29. Roman rectangular temples stood a
30.A temple arranged with a single line columns surrounding the naos
- Peripteral
31. Characteristic of greek surface ornament
32. Most famous of all tombs and one of tne seven wonders of the world erected for king
33.The roman subterranean vault is called
34.The furnace that provided the warm baths to the thermane
35. The buttress whic is used for retaining earth
- Spur
36. The intercolumniation of a eustyle
- 2.25 D
37. The tomb of Asterus, a noted example of the tholos type tomb is also known as
- Tomb of agamemnon
38. The widely used order during the greek period
- Doric
39. The crepidoma is made up of two parts,namely stylobate and
- stereobate
40. The aeves if the greek temple are.
protected by a detail which is used to eject rainwater
41. The architect of trajan's Basilica, rome is
-Apollodorus of Damascus
42. The vault which was formed by the intersection of two semi- circular vaults of equal span
and used over a square apartment is the
- cross vault
43. The favorite of the romans among the five orders is the
- Corinthian
44. The building that serves as a senate house for the chief dignitaries of the city and as a
palace where distinguished visitors and citizens might be ertertained.
- Prytaneion
45. That which corresponds to the greek agora is the roman
- Forum
46. Amphitheaters are used in
-Gladiatorian contest
47.The town square which was the center of the greeks social and business life
- Agora
48. The curved arris formed by the intersection of vaulting surfaces is called
- groin
49. The epinaos is also called
- posticum
50. The sacred enclosure found in the highest part of the greek city
- Peribulos
51. A building in classic archutecture for plants, flowers, and running water , ornamented with
statues and forming a cool and agreeable retreat is caled
52. Vertical features such as columns were inclined inwards and towards the top to correct the
appearance of falling outwards
53. The entance passage in the Domus is called

54. The hippodrome was the prototype of tbe roman called

- The Circus
55. The dome of a circular building is the
56. A foot racecourse in the cities, where games were celebrated
- Stadium
57. A long combined building, served many purposes, used around public spaces and as a
shelter at religious shrines, an ancient covered walkway,in ancient greece, a covered walkway,
usually witha row of columns on one side and a wall on the other
- Stoa
58. The palatial public bath generally raised on high platform within an enclosing wall
- Thermae
59. The palace that forms the greater part of the medieval town of spalato, which has therefore
been called a city in a house is the
-House of pompeii
60. The wall facing developed by the romans which made of small stones laid in a loose pattern
roughly assembling the polygonal work

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