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Jennevive Cabugsa BELSAC – PED -

BSED-ENG 2 February 3, 2024

Cite specific situations in a classroom, groups, or community where Communication,

Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking are exercised.

a. Communication
- An example of this could be in a political campaign because in this situation the
candidates for the election will be given a chance to speak to convey their ideas and
platforms to the people listening to them through verbal communication or speaking.
b. Collaboration
- One example of this could be in a classroom setting where a teacher will give a
group activity to the students that needs to be passed within the day. So, in this
situation, the students will find a group because the activity needs students to work
together so that the work will be divided so everyone can contribute to ensuring that
the given activity will be finished on time.
c. Creativity
- A situation that could be the best example of this could be in a community where you
are asked to make a project proposal for the beautification of your Barangay and
then suddenly you notice that there are a lot of plastic bottles that can be recycled.
That is why you came up with the idea that instead of throwing it you recycled it by
using it as DIY crafts for designs.
d. Critical Thinking
- One example is when a group of students has a specific problem for their math
project because they think it’s hard to solve so they come up with a solution to try to
solve it. In this way, the students will use their minds to think of a possible solution to
that specific problem to be solved.

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