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1. Talk about why children should or should not do housework.

I think children should do housework for a number of reasons. First, doing

housework helps children develop some important life skills such as doing the
laundry, cleaning the house or taking care of others. They will certainly need
those skills in their lives later, when they start their own families. Second,
children can learn to take responsibility when they do housework. They know that
they have to do something even though they don't like to do it. So doing
housework is really good for children and I believe that they should do it
2. Talk about things you should do to make the environment better. You may use the
suggested ideas in the box. You can start talk with the sentence below:

You can make the environment better by:

- Reducing the amount of energy you use in home
- Using organic food
- Avoiding products that are made from plastic

* “These are several things I should do to make the environment better …”

There are several things I should do to make the environment better. First, I should reduce the amount
of energy I use in the home. For example, I have to turn off all the electrical appliances when they are
not in use. Second, I should use organic products because they are not only good for my health but
also good for the environment. Last, I should avoid using products that are made from plastic. As it
takes plastic a long time to break down, we should reduce the use of plastic as much as possible.

3. Talk about a TV music show that you like.

You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is it?
• How do you know it?
• What it is like?
• Why do you like it?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• The Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Idol, The • Among many TV music shows ...
X fac-tor, The Remix • I am a big fan of...
• through Internet, through TV, through • One of my favorite TV music show is ...
friends, through magazines • I like ... most.
• popular, new, interesting, celebrities’ • I know this program through ...
appear-ance • I watched the show for the first time on ...
• focusing on voice, relaxing, professional • In this program, ...
performances, • There are some reasons why I like the show.
• Firstly, ... Secondly, ... In addition, ...
Give your answer using the following cues. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
1. Among many TV music shows these days, I like ... most.
2. It is a competion in which ...
3. I know this program through ...
4. The show is rated as ...
5. I am a big fan of the show for some reasons.
6. Firstly, ... Secondly, ... In addition, ...

4. Talk about something you shouldn’t do to protect the environment

You can use the following questions as cues:
•What is it?
•How often do you do it?
• Who don’t you do it with?
• Why shouldn’t you do it?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• littering, cutting down trees, using nylon • Avoiding ... is what I do to protect the
bags, using private cars, ... environment.
• every day, once a week, three times a • Saying no to ... is the way that I do to protect the
month, every week, ... environment.
• friends, family members, relatives, • I do it everyday/ once a week/ every time I go
colleagues,... shopping, ...
• damaging health, devastating ecosystems, • My family members don’t..., either.
causing flood, eroding soild, ... • There are several reasons explaining for my
• I don’t do it because of some reasons.
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
What is it? __________________________________________
How often do you do it? __________________________________________
Who don’t you do it with? __________________________________________
Why shouldn’t you do it? __________________________________________
Protecting environment are activities that keep the environment clean and use natural
resources economically and appropriately. Saying “no” to the use of nylon bags is the
way that I do to protect the environment.
I do It every day. For example, when I go to the market or buy something at a store or
supermarket, in any situation, I often avoid using nylon bags.
Family members are well aware of protecting the environment so everyone says No to
nylon bags.
I don’t do It because of some reasons. Firstly, It devastates ecosystems; plastic bags
located in the soil prevent soil from retaining water and nutrients. Secondly, it
damages health, especially colored nylon bags . These bags, which contain lead, can
contaminate the food inside it, which damage the brain and cause lung cancer. Lastly,
it destroys organisms, nylon bags washed down into lakes, oceans kill
microorganisms when they swallow nylon bags.
To carry something, we can use cloth bags, paper bags or any kind of bag used
repeatedly and decomposed biologically instead of nylon bags. Remember that don’t
accept nylon bags from seller when buying something. It is a way for us to contribute
to protecting the environment

5. Talk about touchscreen, use the outline and suggested ideas below.

● INTRODUCTION: What is it? (touchscreen / used on many smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc)
- What are its uses? What are some examples?
+ allow people to use and interact with devices easily
+ reduce number of buttons on devices + make devices look more attractive
+ (Your own ideas)
- Have you ever used it? When / Where / How (often) do you use it? + (Your own ideas)
● CONCLUSION: How important is it to our life? Do you like using it? + (Your own ideas)

I'd like to talk about touchscreens, which are used on many smartphones, laptops and tablets today. The
touchscreen is a great invention because it allows people to use and interact with devices easily. They do
not have to press complicated buttons but can control everything quickly and conveniently by touching
the screen. Therefore, one of the main benefits of the touchscreen is reducing the number of buttons on
devices, making them more compact and lighter. Besides, touchscreens can make devices look more
attractive. I often use devices with touchscreens, such as my smartphone, and my father's laptop. I think
touchscreens are becoming more and more popular in Viet Nam, because everyone, including me, enjoys
using them.
6. Talk about an important invention you know:
You can use the following questions as cues:
• What is it?
• How does it work?
• What do you use it for?
• What benefits does it bring?
Useful languages:
Useful vocabulary Useful structures
• microwave, mobile phone, laptop, tablet, • ... is one of the most important inventions of
air- conditioning, car, airplane, ... human beings.
• handy, portable, light, convenient, ... • I would like to talk about ... which is one of the
• playing games, listening to music, most revolutionary creations in my opinion.
cooking, travelling to work and school, • It is used for many different purposes such as ...
cooling hot weather, ... • ... can help us in many ways such as ...
• contacting easily, serving well for • There are a lot of benefits brought about by ...
entertaining purposes, travelling more • ... has changed people’s lives by ...
quickly, saving time on cooking, ...
Complete the notes:
Structures of the talk Your notes
What is it? __________________________________________
How does it work? __________________________________________
What do you use it for? __________________________________________

Mobile phone is one of the most important technological inventions of human beings.
The use of mobile phone has become a vital part of people around the world.
It is handy, portable and cost-effective.
There are a lot of benefits which it brings about. Firstly, communication becomes
easier. We can not only call others but also see their face, which is interesting.
Updating their daily activities is quick via social networks. Next, mobile phone is also
used for other entertainment purposes such as playing games, chatting with friends,
watching videos, listening to music, or surfing the net. We can also do the shopping
without going to traditional markets. With just one screen and one touch, we can get
whatever we want and have them delivered to our home.
I use it for many different purposes. Firstly, I often play games, listen to music and
chat with my friends. In addition, I also use Grab application installed on my mobile
phone to call a taxi or a motorbike; it’s quick and cost-effective. Next, to get in touch
with friends, family or colleagues with lower price, I use online applications such as
Viber, Skype or Zalo. Lastly, I buy something online, too. The description of items
are displayed online, so it’s easy to find and choose what I like.
In fact, with only one smart phone, we can carry the whole world with us.

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