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SCOM1101: Communicating Science – Timetable 2024

Monday: All lectures pre-recorded: released at 8am on LMS (HB: Heather Bray, PP: Pieter Poot)
Tue/Wed/Thu: Face to face labs (on campus or on line) in green in a variety of venues

Week Date Day Lect/ Lecture Topics Assessment

9/1 26/2/24 Mon 1 Introduction (HB): Introduction to Unit & Assessments/ Key
Ideas in Science Communication / Science Communication in
practice /Plagiarism (Library)
9/1 26/2-1/3/24 Mo-Fri Lab1 On line activities – NO face to face lab
10/2 4/3/24 Mon 2 Fundamentals of communication (HB): Purpose Holiday but lectures
Labour day /Audience/Message recorded anyway
10/2 5-7/3/24 Tue-Thu Lab2 Face to face lab: introduction to each other and evaluating
11/3 11/3/24 Mon 3 What is Science (HB)? How did science become science?/ Ass 1 set
What does the ‘scientific method’ mean?/ Science as one (of
many) way(s) of knowing
11/3 11-15/3/24 Mo-Fri Lab3 On line activities – NO face to face lab
12/4 18/3/24 Mon 4 Presenting (HB): Presentation design/ Non-verbal
communication/ Managing nerves/ Presentation delivery
12/4 19-21/3/24 Tue-Thu Lab4 Face to face lab: 3m practice presentations
13/5 25/3/24 Mon 5 Finding information (Library): Finding Information/What is Ass 2 set
Citation/APA Referencing/Establishing Your Sources
13/5 26-28/3/24 Tue-Thu Lab5 Face to face lab: assessment 1 oral presentations (1) Ass 1 due: Mo 25
March 17:00
15/6 8/4/24 Mon 6 Data analyses (PP): Statistics; basic stats in Excel (variation, t-
test, ANOVA, regression/correlation)
15/6 9-11/4/24 Tue-Thu Lab6 Face to face lab: assessment 1 oral presentations (2)
16/7 15/4/24 Mon 7 Report writing (PP): Structure/content of a scientific
report/Tips for assessment 2
16/7 16-18/4/24 Tue-Thu Lab7 Face to face lab: practice writing an abstract
17/8 22/4/24 Mon 8 Dealing with misinformation (HB): cognitive biases, science
denialism, debunking

17/8 22-26/4/24 Mo-Fri Lab8 On line activities AND optional workshop for stats questions Note Thursday 25
April is ANZAC day….
18/9 29/4/24 Mon 9 Initiatives (developing a communication strategy)(HB): Ass 2 due: Fri 3 of
Developing/Delivering/Evaluating/Brief from client for May 23:59
Assessment 3/Time management Ass 3 set
18/9 30-2/5/24 Tue-Thu Lab9 Face to face lab: form teams to start developing Science
Communication initiative
19/10 6/5/24 Mon 10 Science online (HB): blogs/podcasts/science and social media
19/10 6-10/5/24 Mo-Fri Lab10 On line activities AND teams discuss SciCom initiative further
20/11 13/5/24 Mon 11 Science and society (HB): Ethical science /
Science Communication at UWA/Tips for Assignment 3
20/11 13-17/5/24 Mo-Fri Lab11 On line activities; teams discuss SciCom initiative further (face
to face classrooms are booked for students)
21/12 20/5/24 Mon 12 No lecture
21/12 21-23/5/24 Tue-Thu Lab12 Face to face lab: teams present their Science Communication Ass 3 due: Mo 20
initiative (Assignment 3) May 17:00; peer
review due: Fri 24
May 23:59

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