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6, 15 MARCH 2023 5083

SIM-P—A Simplified Consensus Protocol

Simulator: Applications to Proof of Reputation-X
and Proof of Contribution
Damilare Peter Oyinloye , Je Sen Teh , Norziana Jamil , and Jiashen Teh , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Blockchain is a distributed ledger in which partic- anonymous) financial transactions between various parties.
ipating users with varying levels of trust agree on the ledger’s Blockchain has been applied in other various areas includ-
content using a consensus mechanism called consensus protocols. ing the Internet of Things (IoT) [1], [2]. For example, it has
There has been a rising interest in the design of consensus pro-
tocols since they play a central role in blockchain architecture. seen use in privacy and energy management of IoT devices [2]
However, many recently proposed consensus protocols lack exper- and authentication for smart farming [3]. Blockchain can be
imental verification which hampers the possible deployment of likened to a fully replicated distributed database system that
these protocols in real-world blockchain networks. In this arti- records all network transactions. Every full node within the
cle, we propose a simple tool called simplified consensus protocol network stores a copy of the blockchain along with transac-
simulator (SIM-P) that can accurately simulate the behavior of
these consensus protocols with ease. It is an agent-based stochas- tion information while partial nodes (or lightweight nodes)
tic simulator that relies on the sequential Monte Carlo method to only store parts of the blockchain required for verification
model how block publishers are selected. The likelihood of each purposes. As opposed to a conventional centralized ledger
node (represented as agents) being selected as a block publisher hosted by a single point of authority, the blockchain is thus
is represented by independent trials in a binomial experiment. collaboratively managed by multiple participating nodes. This
We provide a base SIM-P model that simulates Proof of Work
(PoW) for benchmarking purposes. The PoW model also serves collaborative environment requires a consensus or decision-
as the basic structure of the simulator that can be adapted to making mechanism that allows nodes to agree upon transac-
other protocols. We showcase the flexibility of SIM-P by propos- tions that will be included in the blockchain. Therefore, a vital
ing two additional simulation models for Proof of Reputation-X architectural component of the blockchain is its underlying
and Proof of Contribution, both of which lack experimental ver- consensus mechanism, referred to as the consensus proto-
ification in their original design specifications. We show how the
simulator can be used to produce vital metrics, such as through- col. In addition, these protocols also usually decide on which
put, resistance against the 51% attack, and energy consumption. node will be given the authority to add a new (data) block
We verify the accuracy of SIM-P by comparing PoW’s simulated to the chain.
results with theoretical estimates and historical Bitcoin data. Consensus protocols have been existing before the emer-
Index Terms—Blockchain, consensus protocol, proof of contri- gence of blockchain technology. They have been used in
bution, proof of reputation, Proof of Work (PoW), simulator. distributed computing environments to ensure overall system
reliability. In the blockchain context, consensus protocols are,
at its core, a set of regulations used by nodes in a blockchain
network to determine if a transaction is valid. This provides
assurance to all parties that they hold the same, up-to-date
LOCKCHAIN technology has seen a meteoric rise
B in popularity since its inception. Cryptocurrencies,
arguably its most well-known application, facilitate safe (and
transaction ledger. Blockchain consensus protocols can be
classified into two distinct classes: 1) proof-based consensus
protocols, which require that nodes provide proof of effort or
Manuscript received 26 May 2022; revised 4 July 2022, 16 August resource expenditure and 2) voting-based consensus protocols,
2022, and 12 October 2022; accepted 10 November 2022. Date of pub- which require participating nodes in the network to exchange
lication 14 November 2022; date of current version 7 March 2023. This results of verifying new blocks or transactions before making
work was supported by the Institute for Information and Communications
Technology Promotion (Development of Security Primitives for Unmanned the final decision about which node is allowed to commit a
Vehicles) under Grant 2020-0-00374. The work of Damilare Peter Oyinloye new block to the chain. Well-established consensus protocols
was supported by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) Nigeria. include Proof of Work (PoW) [4], Proof of Stake (PoS), [5]
(Corresponding authors: Damilare Peter Oyinloye; Je Sen Teh.)
Damilare Peter Oyinloye is with the School of Computer Sciences, and their variants [6].
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden 11800, Malaysia, and also with the Numerous lesser known alternative blockchain consensus
Department of Computer Science, Kwara State University, Ilorin 23401, protocols have been proposed over the years, many of which
Nigeria (e-mail:
Je Sen Teh and Jiashen Teh are with the School of Computer Sciences, were designed for specific areas, such as medicine [7], IoT [1],
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden 11800, Malaysia (e-mail: jesen_teh@ [2], agriculture [3], or electric vehicles [8], [9]. Unfortunately, many of these protocols remain only of academic interest and
Norziana Jamil is with the Institute of Informatics and Computing in
Energy, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang 43000, Malaysia. have yet to see real-world applications [10], [11], [12], [13],
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3221916 [14], [15], [16]. However, they still possess unique features
c 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
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that may be useful for the advancement of blockchain technol- SIM-P can be used to obtain performance metrics for consen-
ogy [17]. These alternative consensus protocols can be broadly sus protocols by performing a comparison between the base
divided into several categories based on how block publishers model (PoW) and other models (PoRX and PoC). This article
(or block leaders) are selected, some of which are as follows. is concluded in Section VI.
1) Consensus protocol based on effort or work (CPE).
2) Consensus protocol based on wealth or resources
3) Consensus protocol based on past behavior or reputation In this section, we take a look at some of the existing
(CPPB). blockchain simulators. We focus only on open-source sim-
4) Consensus protocol based on representation (CPR). ulators that have been described in peer-reviewed academic
Many simulators have been proposed over the years for publication venues. Alharby and van Moorsel [18] proposed
blockchain networks that use popular protocols, such as PoW Blocksim, a tool designed to construct discrete-event system
and PoS [18], [19], [20]. Although these were blockchain models for blockchain systems. It supports the analysis of a
simulators rather than simulators that catered specifically to large range of blockchain systems. The base model of the sim-
consensus protocols, they still provided experimental data for ulator (the main model) is made up of the common blockchain
these protocols in terms of performance and security. However, abstraction layers, such as the network layer, consensus layer,
adapting some of these simulators to other protocols, espe- and incentives layer. The base model can be used for a wide
cially alternative protocols, is nontrivial. Additionally, these range of blockchain systems and can be easily extended to
simulators also include the other technology layers in the include other system or deployment requirements. The base
blockchain network which are not required if the goal is model and other models of the Blocksim are simulated using
just to simulate a consensus protocol. Hence, there is a Python. These models include Ethereum and other PoW-based
need for a simple yet flexible consensus protocol simulator blockchain models.
that can be adapted to various types of consensus protocols Faria and Correia [19] proposed another discrete-event sim-
with ease. ulation framework, also called Blocksim, that helps in the
To this end, we propose a simplified consensus protocol design, implementation, and evaluation of both existing and
simulator (SIM-P) which is an agent-based stochastic simula- new blockchain networks. To avoid confusion with the ear-
tion framework. SIM-P relies on the sequential Monte Carlo lier Blocksim tool, we refer to this one as Blocksim(F). It
(MC) method to model how block publishers are selected, i.e., follows a stochastic simulation model which represents ran-
the likelihood of nodes (represented as agents) being selected dom phenomena by sampling from a probability distribution.
as block publishers is represented by independent trials in It provides a framework and a set of base simulation models
a binomial experiment. We provide a base model based on common to several blockchain systems. Blocksim(F) simu-
PoW, on which we verify the accuracy of the proposed sim- lates fundamental blockchain layers such as the consensus and
ulator using theoretical and real (historical) Bitcoin data. In incentive layer but does not include the network layer. Users
addition, models for other protocols can be easily developed have the option of extending these models to evaluate their
by simply modifying the base model and adding additional own design and implementation decisions. BlockSim(F) can
attributes. We also provide simulation models for two alterna- be used to simulate Bitcoin and Ethereum.
tive protocols—Proof of Reputation-X (PoRX) [14] and Proof As its name implies, Bitcoin Simulator [21] was designed to
of Contribution [16]—to showcase the flexibility of SIM-P. As simulate the Bitcoin blockchain. Various protocol and network
an additional contribution, we provide an experimental com- parameters can be specified by users, such as the number of
parison of these protocols against PoW in terms of throughput, nodes and network bandwidth. The main goal of this simulator
security against the 51% attack, and energy consumption, all was to study the tradeoff between performance and security. It
of which can be measured using SIM-P. A summary of our simulates the execution of a blockchain network at the block
contributions is as follows. level rather than the transaction level. Bitcoin Simulator does
1) A multiagent-based, stochastic simulator for consensus not provide fine-grained control over the application, limiting
protocols. its applicability for broader adoption. It also inserts a series
2) PoW simulation model as a base model or benchmark. of static time stamps to simulate the PoW consensus pro-
3) Proof-of-concept models for other consensus protocols, tocol, which does not precisely characterize the behavior of
such as PoRX and PoC. real-world blockchain systems. For example, Bitcoin dynami-
4) Performance and security analysis of PoRX and PoC cally adjusts PoW difficulty, and nodes complete the tasks in
benchmarked against PoW. stochastic time intervals. Also, Bitcoin Simulator is based on
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. a discrete-event network simulator known as NS3 [22]. This,
Section II provides a brief look at related work, comparing unfortunately, limits its scalability as it can only support up
the different types of blockchain consensus protocol simula- to 6000 nodes.
tors. Section III presents an overview of blockchain consensus Vibes [20] is an extension of the Bitcoin Simulator with
protocols and their classifications followed by stochastic sim- several improvements. VIBES supports a Web-based interface
ulation and agent-based modeling. The architecture of SIM-P for users to visually track the growth of the network. VIBES
and its applications to protocols, such as PoW, PoRX, and improves the scalability of the Bitcoin Simulator by employ-
PoC, are presented in Section IV. In Section V, we show how ing a fast-forwarding algorithm that designates a coordinator

Authorized licensed use limited to: United Arab Emirates University. Downloaded on March 05,2024 at 15:06:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


to control events according to existing nodes’ best guesses F EATURES OF A B LOCKCHAIN C ONSENSUS P ROTOCOL S IMULATOR . N
on the block creation time. Such a centralized coordinator is D ENOTES THE N UMBER OF B LOCKS G ENERATED , BD D ENOTES
better suited for single-node simulations at small or medium- AVERAGE B LOCK D ISCOVERY T IME , D D ENOTES DYNAMIC D IFFICULTY
scale but could be a performance bottleneck for extreme-scale N UMBER OF O RPHAN B LOCKS , TP D ENOTES T HROUGHPUT,
applications. Similar to Bitcoin Simulator, VIBES takes the AND SP D ENOTES S ECURITY PARAMETERS
same approach of inserting timestamps to hypothetically carry
out the PoW workload. Both Bitcoin Simulator and VIBES
are coarse estimators of real-world blockchain executions due
to the lack of real PoW implementations or a decentralized
Blockbench is a simulation framework for analyzing private
blockchains with throughput, latency, scalability, and fault-
tolerance as performance parameters [23]. It currently supports
Ethereum, Parity, HLF, and Quorum, which are four promi-
nent private blockchain platforms, but claims to also be able The simulation framework does not model malicious agents
to evaluate any private blockchain. It covers four layers of the and has a high runtime complexity. DAGsim was designed to
blockchain network (consensus, data model, execution engine, facilitate the expansion of its feature set.
and application). These simulators, including DAGsim which is also an agent-
BlockLite is a lightweight single-node emulator of based simulator, are better suited for the design and analysis of
blockchain systems [24]. BlockLite is designed to execute the entire blockchain network rather than just individual proto-
real PoW workload along with peer-to-peer network commu- cols. They simulate a wide range of blockchain layers that are
nications and hash-based immutability. It conducts the real interdependent and also depend on a wide range of parameters.
PoW workload by actually computing and comparing block Modifying these simulators to specifically simulate a consen-
hash values against predefined thresholds. It employs a prepro- sus protocol is not a trivial task since the various abstraction
cessing approach to avoid the per-node computation overhead layers covered by these tools (summarized in Table I) need
at runtime and thus scales to thousands of nodes. Moreover, to be taken into consideration. Hence, SIM-P fills this gap by
BlockLite offers an easy-to-use programming interface allow- providing an open-source consensus protocol simulation tool
ing for a building block-like customization to the system. that can be used to analyze protocols with ease.
SimBlock [25] is an event-driven blockchain network simu- Ideally, a consensus protocol simulator should be able to
lator. It treats the creation of blocks, and sending and receiving simulate several key metrics which include the number of
of messages as events. SimBlock, in contrast to other simu- blocks generated, average block discovery time, dynamic dif-
lators, makes it easier to alter the node’s behavior, making it ficulty fluctuations, incentivization, block orphaning, through-
possible to observe how the actions of the nodes affect the put, and other security parameters. Table II summarizes the
blockchain network. SimBlock does not perform the actual key features supported by each of these existing simulators,
hash computation to determine the success of a node in a min- along with the proposed simulator, SIM-P.
ing round. Rather, the sum of the block generating capacity of
each node and the block generation difficulty determines when
mining is successful. Also, the neighbor nodes selection tech-
nique can be implemented using SimBlock. Since the success A. Consensus Protocols
probability of block generation is used to determine block cre- A consensus protocol is the backbone of a blockchain
ation time, it is unnecessary to replicate the mining process, network—enforcing integrity and consistency. It also con-
which uses a lot of processing power. Instead, a network with tributes to tamper-proofing and the immutability of the
numerous nodes can be simulated. blockchain. In general, these protocols allow nodes to col-
DAGsim is an asynchronous, continuous-time, and laboratively verify transactions and decide on who is allowed
multiagent simulation framework for DAG-based proto- to append a new block to the chain while at the same time
cols [26]. It models honest and semi-honest participants in the preventing malicious nodes from appending falsified data.
network to analyze the behavior of the IOTA cryptocurrency. These protocols can be broadly categorized into two groups:

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proof-based and voting-based protocols. Some of these proto- reputation is Dl and the conversion rate factor between repu-
cols are well known and referred to henceforth in this article tation and difficulty is Rc . If R is less than or equal to Rm , the
as mainstream consensus protocols. Several examples include difficulty for the node is calculated as
PoW [4], PoS [5], and their variants [6]. In contrast, we refer Rm − R D
to relatively new consensus protocols that rely on other types Dl = D + · (2)
Rm Rc
of mechanisms as alternative new consensus protocols. Some
of these alternative protocols are designed for specialized but if R is greater than Rm , the new reputation influenced
applications but general-purpose variants also exist. Examples difficulty for the node is calculated as
include PoRX [14], PoC [16], Proof of Familiarity (PoF) [27], R − Rm D
Dl = D − · . (3)
Proof of Luck (PoL) [15], Proof of X-Repute (PoX-R) [28], Rm Rc
and PoRX [14], Next, we provide the technical details for The value of Dl of each node is then passed on to the under-
PoW, PoRX, and PoC since they will be the three protocols lying PoX module to adjust the node’s likelihood of being
simulated in this work. selected as a block leader. For example, if the underlying pro-
1) Proof of Work: PoW is arguably the most widely tocol is PoW, Dl will be used to calculate the node’s target in
adopted consensus protocol since the introduction of Bitcoin (1) instead of D.
in 2009 [29]. In PoW, nodes amass computational power At the end of each cycle, nodes are awarded reputation for
to increase their chances of being selected to add new contributing positively to the network or otherwise penalized.
blocks to the blockchain and receive a mining reward [30]. The reward and punishment module for PoRX are governed
Computational power is expended to solve a hash puzzle, the by the following rules.
solution of which is included in the resulting block. Due to 1) If a node wins the right to produce a block and the
its stochastic nature, the process of solving this hash puzzle is resulting block is successfully added to the blockchain
computationally intensive, which causes PoW to consume an with all of its transactions verified, the node receives
immense amount of energy [31]. Apart from wasteful energy both reputation and mining rewards (e.g., tokens).
consumption, other drawbacks of PoW include low throughput 2) Nodes that fail to produce blocks within a specific
and possible decentralization due to mining pools. time period or fail to produce an expected number
Solving the aforementioned hash puzzle is, at its core, a of blocks will be penalized, i.e., have their reputation
brute force search for hash values that fulfill certain require- values deducted.
ments. Difficulty D defines how difficult it is to find a hash 3) If the current reputation value of a node is equal to or
value below a specific target T. For a node to be selected to greater than Rm and the node produced at least 1 block
publish a valid block, the node must produce a hash below in the last cycle, the node’s reputation R will be divided
T, which is a 256-bit number with leading zeros. With a by Rr , which is reputation value regulator.
higher target, nodes will find the desired hash value at a higher Let the reward and competition cycles be denoted by Cr and
rate. Therefore, difficulty/target can be adjusted to control the Cc , respectively. Additionally, let B be the number of blocks
network’s throughput. The target of a node is calculated with produced by a node in a reward cycle while the maximum
respect to global difficulty as number of blocks generated by a node with maximum reputa-
2208 tion during the competition cycle is Bmax . The reward Er for
T = 0xFFFF · (1) good behavior is then computed as
where the numerator 0xFFFF · 2208 is hexadecimal value of B
Er = Cr
the highest possible target. Cc · R
Rm · Bmax
2) Proof of Reputation-X: PoRX [14] integrates a reputa-
if Er > 1, Er = 1, else
tion component into PoX protocols, where the X refers to the
consensus mechanism such as work in PoW or stake in PoS. (1 − Er ) · (Rm − R)
R=R+ (5)
Nodes increase their likelihood of being selected to publish a d
block by accumulating an additional resource known as repu- where the divisor d is used for optimization. Users can vary
tation through good conduct and behavior history. Reputation the value of d based on their requirements. Participating nodes
earned is stored in the reputation module that dynamically with undesirable behavior are penalized during the penalty
adjusts puzzle-solving difficulty for individual nodes. The goal cycle. Next, let the number of blocks produced by a node
of PoRX is to eliminate the risk of centralization from the use and the minimum number of blocks produced by a node with
of ASIC and mining pools. In PoRX, nodes with higher reputa- maximum reputation during the penalty cycle, Cp , be denoted
tion have lower mining difficulty (MD) as compared to nodes by Bp and Bmin , respectively. The penalty Ep for a node is
with a lower reputation. After successfully finding a block, then computed as
a node is rewarded with more reputation along with mining Bp
fees. However, if a node fails to produce a block within a stip- Ep = Cp
ulated time, it faces a reduction in reputation. Reputation also Cc · R
Rm · Bmin
experiences a decay over time. if Ep > 1, Ep = 1, else
Let node reputation, maximum reputation, and global diffi-  
culty be denoted as R, Rm , and D, respectively. Additionally, 1 − Ep · (R)
R=R− . (7)
a node’s local difficulty level after being influenced by its d
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3) Proof of Contribution: PoC [16] was designed to 1) Monte Carlo Simulation: MC simulation [33] is one
address the problem of high energy consumption in PoW. example of stochastic simulation. It is used to model the prob-
To achieve this goal, its designers combine the functionali- ability of different outcomes in a process that cannot easily
ties of PoW and the energy-efficient component of the PoS be predicted due to the intervention of random factors. It is
consensus protocol which is similar to Peercoin’s consensus a technique used to understand the impact of risk and uncer-
algorithm. Unlike what is obtainable in Peercoin, where PoW tainty in prediction and forecasting models. Generally, MC
is used generate to blocks first, and when the mining reward assigns random values to variables with uncertainty and runs
decreases, PoS is used for minting new blocks. The difficulty the model to generate results. This process is repeated with
in Peercoin is adjusted by coinage. PoC is a combination of different (random) values assigned to the variable. At the end
PoW and behavior staking where the nodes’ stake is based on of the simulation, the results are averaged across all itera-
the honesty of the node and not coinage as in Peercoin. The tions to provide an accurate estimate. MC simulation can be
number of times a node adds a valid block to the blockchain classified into two types known as the sequential (SMC) and
is referred to as success time while the success time’s coef- nonsequential (NSMC) MC. The main difference between the
ficient determines the MD of the miners. This implies that two is the nature of the system states being simulated. NSMC
similar to PoRX, each node has a different difficulty level. randomizes system states over the duration of the simulation.
The higher a node’s success time score (STS), the more likely The simulation is repeated to obtain a statistically reliable
it is for it to be selected as a block producer. It is possible average. Results are nonchronological and are produced by
for other nodes to verify the STS and MD of other nodes simulating each system state separately. In contrast, SMC is
by viewing transactions in the blockchain. Also, a blacklist is chronological in nature whereby the evolution of system states
maintained by nodes to deter misbehavior and to improve the can be observed over a specified duration. The SMC sampling
network’s resilience to attacks. A node that acts maliciously method is based on sampling the probability distribution of
will be added to the blacklist and have its MD increased. In the state components. One of the advantages of SMC over
addition, all difficulty rewards are revoked. NSMC is its ability to model all contingencies and attributes
A difficulty factor Df is introduced to properly adjust each in the system [34], [35]. SMC forms the basis of SIM-P since
node’s difficulty according to its success time Stm . If Stm = 0, the selection of block leaders in a consensus protocol has a
Df = 1 but if the Stm = 0, then Df is calculated as chronological component, i.e., blocks are produced after a cer-
tain duration to allow previous blocks to be broadcasted over
1 the network.
Df = (8)
r + e−(Stm −u)/y 2) Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation: Agent-based
where r determines the upper bound convergence of the func- modeling and simulation (ABMS) is an approach for modeling
tion. The maximum reward for each node can be controlled complex systems that are made up of interactive autonomous
by varying r. u affects the position of the mean and the value nodes or agents [36]. These interactive agents are modeled
of y determines the growth rate, i.e., higher values of y lead to individually and have unique behaviors often defined by rules
slower growth. The St -scaled difficulty for a node is given as and their interactions with other agents. These interagent inter-
actions can then be observed to identify the emergence of
Dn = D · D−1
f (9) structures, patterns, and behaviors that were not specifically
programmed into the models.
where D, Df , and Dn are the overall network difficulty, diffi- Two distinct features of ABMS (as compared to other simu-
culty factor in (8), and the node’s new difficulty with respect lation approaches) include the ability to model heterogeneous
to Stm . A node will proceed to mine with Dn as its difficulty, agents across a given population and an emergence of self-
with its target calculated using (1). When a new valid block is organization. ABMS allows the modeling of social systems
added by a node, the latter’s success time Stm is incremented that are made up of agents that interact and influence each
and has its difficulty recalculated using (8) and (9). other. We designed SIM-P with ABMS as its foundation since
the latter can cater to evolving occurrences or emergent phe-
nomena resulting from changes to a node’s attributes. Since
B. Stochastic Simulation ABMS is flexible, SIM-P can also be modified with ease to
Stochastic simulation is a model of a system with variables simulate networks of different sizes or other consensus pro-
that change stochastically (at random) according to individ- tocols. It also supports the use of a single agent or multiple
ual probabilities [32]. First, random variables are generated agents with different levels of description.
and placed into a system model. After executing the simula-
tion, the model’s outputs are recorded and the procedure is
repeated with a new set of random values. These steps are IV. D ESIGN OF SIM-P
repeated until a sufficient amount of data is obtained. The SIM-P is a simplified simulator for consensus protocols
final output distribution gives the most likely estimations as based on agent-based modeling and SMC. It is able to accu-
well as a frame of expectations for which value range the ran- rately simulate the stochastic nature of block discovery without
dom variables are more or less likely to fall into. The random actually having to compute the underlying mechanism such as
variables are generally instantiated using a random number computing hash values. SIM-P represents each node in the
generator (RNG) [19]. blockchain network as an agent. Probabilistic decisions such

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as the selection of block leaders are represented as individual underlying attribute such as hash rate (PoW) or stake (PoS).
trials in a binomial experiment. PoW is used as the base model Using PoW as an example, the output of the hash function
of the simulator, from which simulation models for other pro- in PoW is assumed to be sampled from a uniformly random
tocols can be developed. Thus, PoW will be used as a concrete distribution. This is a reasonable assumption, considering the
example of how the SIM-P works for ease of understanding. To fact that double hashing is performed with a good hash func-
decide if a node has successfully found a solution to the hash tion (SHA256). Thus, we can assume that all the 256-bit hash
puzzle in PoW, a random number is generated and compared values generated by miners during mining are equiprobable,
to the node’s probability of success. If the random number i.e., they have an equal probability of occurring. Assuming
being generated is smaller than or equal to the probability of also that the outputs of the RNG being used in the simulator
success, the node is declared the block leader. We will later are being uniformly sampled from the interval of [0, 1], set-
describe how this simple approach involving random numbers ting a threshold within this interval based on Ps is an accurate
can accurately represent the stochastic process of block leader representation of the stochastic nature of the mining process.
selection. The probability of success of each participating node For example, if Ps = 0.9, we can set the threshold value to be
is calculated with respect to the MD, hashing power (number 0.9 to ensure that 90% of the values generated by the RNG
of hashes per second), and the maximum possible target. would fall below 0.9. Statistically, a node with Ps = 10−x is
Let X be a set of active nodes that participate in the consen- then expected to find a solution at least once after 10x attempts.
sus mechanism. These nodes have several attributes that affect This can be expressed as
their chances of being selected as block leaders. For example, Ps
the main attribute for PoW is the hash rate H while other pro- Pr(r <= Ps |r ∈ [0, 1]) = = Ps . (14)
tocols such as PoRX would have reputation, R. The chances
Users can choose to either end the simulation with one of
of a node being selected to publish a block are determined by
the following methods or set other criteria based on their
a combination of one or more of these attributes, which varies
depending on the protocol being simulated. The number of
1) Assign a desired value to the simulation time St .
times a simulation will be repeated (trials) and the target are
2) Calculate the coefficient of variation (COV) for the
denoted by St and T, respectively. In each trial, St =1 is equiv-
population sample which is the maximum degree of
alent to 1 s in real time. The target is computed with respect to
divergence between the data points. The simulation ends
the difficulty of finding a block, D. We assume that the prob-
after COV falls under a certain threshold after a specified
ability of a node winning the right to produce a block follows
minimum number of trials Smin . COV is computed as
the binomial distribution. The binomial distribution is used
when there are exactly two exclusive outcomes of a trial for a Std
COV = (15)
fixed number of independent trials. This accurately describes mean
the block leader selection of a consensus protocol since each and if St > 1
attempt to find a block (e.g., finding the correct hash) are std(Tra (1 : St − 1))
independent trials that have two exclusive outcomes (success COV = . (16)
mean(Tra (1 : St − 1))
or failure). The average time it takes a node to find a block
When using the second ending criteria, the recommended set-
and the time it takes a node to find a block are denoted as Tra
ting for accurate results is COV = 0.05 and Smin = 10 000.
and Tr , respectively. The probability that a node successfully
Fig. 1 shows the convergence plot for several experiments
finds a block per trial is
using the same set experimental setup, where time (in sec-
T onds) refers to the average time required to find a block. This
Pts = (10)
Nt plot shows that when using COV < 0.05, the results for all
where Nt is the number of possible outcomes. The probability experiments converge after around Smin = 10000 iterations
of failure per trial is or trials. We found that these results consistently match the-
oretical values (see Section IV-A). However, users can adopt
Ptf = 1 − Pts . (11) different values for COV, keeping in mind that the higher the
COV, the higher the extent of divergence between the data
The probability that a node finds a solution to the hash puzzle points while a lower COV leads to longer simulation times.
based on its hash rate is given as The time record average Tra is computed at the end of the
simulation as
Ps = 1 − Ptf · H (12) 
Tra = . (17)
where H is the hash rate. Naturally, the overall probability of St
failure (a node not being able to find a solution) is given as A summary of the steps involved in each iteration of SIM-P
Pf = 1 − Ps . (13) is as follows.
1) Compute Ps (12) for each node using their attributes.
For each trial, a random number r is generated and compared 2) For each node:
to the probability Ps to determine if the target is met. This sim- a) Generate r in the range of [0, 1].
ple process can accurately model block leader selection since b) If r < Ps , such node is recorded to have found a
the latter is commonly a stochastic process that relies on some block.

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Fig. 1. MC simulation convergence.

3) Check if end criteria have been met, if not, repeat step 2. C OMPARISON OF SIM-P AND T HEORETICAL R ESULTS FOR
4) Compute the average time taken for each node to D = 20 000, T = 13 · 1064 , AND Smin = 10 000

A. Base Proof of Work Model

When it comes to blockchain consensus protocols, PoW is
widely used as a benchmark for performance comparison [18],
[20], [21]. As such, PoW was selected to be the base model
of SIM-P. Each node is assigned its own hash rate H. These internal validity is evaluated through multiple replication runs
“nodes” may not necessarily be individual nodes but can also to ensure that there is minimal variability. This is achieved by
represent mining pools. The target T of the PoW consensus calculating the COV across multiple executions.
protocol is then calculated with respect to the global diffi- We begin by verifying the correctness of the computa-
culty D using (1). The probability of success per trial Pts for a tional model by comparing its outputs with the theoretical
node is calculated with respect to the target T and Nt possible model [38]. We first compute the theoretical estimates for
outcomes as the time required to find a block as a function of the overall
T network hash rate when the difficulty D = 20 000. We then
Pts = (18) performed three separate experiments using a cumulative hash
rate of 109 , 1010 , and 1012 , respectively. The simulation results
where Nt = 2256 . The probability of failure per trial Ptf and closely match theoretical estimates as shown in Table III.
the overall probability of success Ps with respect to a node’s Next, we further investigate the validity of the simulation
hash rate H are calculated using (11) and (12), respectively. model by comparing its outputs to historical Bitcoin data taken
The stochastic nature of solving the hash puzzle is simulated from [39]. The parameters extracted from the latter include
by generating a random number r and checking if r < Ps . hash rate (of mining pools), difficulty, and block discovery
This is performed for each node, every iteration. If the con- time (block time). We used all available samples taken from
dition is fulfilled, the corresponding node is assumed to have a 10-year time frame (2011–2020) to ensure that the simula-
found a solution then Tr and Tr a are recorded. Otherwise, the tion model is consistent for the entirety of the historical data
simulation moves on to the next iteration (the next 1-s time set and is unbiased. When simulating higher difficulty values
step), and the process repeats. The simulation ends based on (> D = 106 ), a scaling factor sf needs to be introduced to
one of the end criteria mentioned in Section IV. compensate for computing precision limitations. This scaling
1) Verification and Validation of SIM-P Simulation Models: factor is used to scale both the hash rate (H/sf ) and difficulty
In this section, we verify and validate the SIM-P simulation (D/sf ). Empirically, we found that selecting sf such that the
model from various perspectives [37]. We first verify that the difficulty is scaled to < 105 leads to the highly accurate sim-
implementation (computational model) of SIM-P is correct by ulations. The results in Table IV show that SIM-P accurately
comparing its outputs to a theoretical model before performing models the behavior of the actual Bitcoin network for all ten
data validation using a historical Bitcoin data set. In addition, years. The mean absolute error (MAE) of the block time for

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C OMPARISON OF SIM-P R ESULTS W ITH H ISTORICAL B ITCOIN DATA simulate PoC, we introduce success time Stm as an additional
S ETS B ETWEEN JANUARY 2011 AND A PRIL 2020. T HE MAE OF THE attribute for each node on top of their hash rate H. Recall
AVERAGE B LOCK T IME I S C OMPUTED IN M INUTES that global difficulty and scaled node difficulty (with respect
to success time) are denoted as D and Dn , respectively. Also,
a difficulty factor Df was introduced to properly adjust each
node’s difficulty based on Stm . If Stm = 0, Df = 1. Otherwise,
Df is calculated using (8). Dn for each node can then be calcu-
lated using (9). Dn is then used to calculate the mining target
of the underlying PoW protocol using (1). Calculations for the
various success/failure probabilities are the same as PoW and
PoRX, taking into consideration the scaled difficulty value.
Similarly, the decision of whether a node successfully finds a
solution to the hashing problem is performed by comparing
random numbers r to Ps . The simulation ends based on one
each year was at most 0.1661 min (around 10 s). Since the of the criteria in Section IV-A.
average block time of Bitcoin is around 10 min, this translates In general, PoC rewards nodes for generating valid blocks
to around 1.7%. by reducing their MD. Each time a node adds a valid block, its
corresponding Stm is incremented by 1 and Dn is recomputed
B. Proof of Reputation-X Model based on Df . Nodes with high success times (which implies
a high level of honesty) will have less difficulty finding more
Next, we show how to extend the base PoW model to sim-
ulate other consensus protocols. One straightforward example
is PoRX, which includes a reputation module on top of PoW.
In general, the reputation module reduces the difficulty for a D. PoRX and PoC Model Validity
node as the reputation of the node increases. On top of hash Both SIM-P models for PoRX and PoC were first evaluated
rate H, each node will now have an additional attribute known for internal validity. Multiple replication runs and COV values
as reputation R. Recall that maximum reputation, global diffi- for both models indicate that they have minimal stochastic
culty, the number of simulations, and local node difficulty are variability. Unlike PoW, a comparison to historical data sets
denoted as Rm , D, St , and Dl , respectively. Dl is calculated cannot be performed for these protocols as they have yet to
from R and D using either (2) or (3) depending on whether see widespread adoption. However, under certain conditions,
R ≤ Rm or R > Rm , respectively. the functionality of these protocols can be reduced to that of
Dl is then passed to the PoW module where the target T PoW. The validation performed for PoW can then be extended
is computed. Therefore, each node will have different target to these protocols for these specific instances.
values based on its reputation. The new target values are cal- Since PoRX and PoC are derivatives of the PoW proto-
culated with respect to Dl using (1). Thus, the probability of col, their SIM-P models can be viewed as submodels of the
a node finding a solution to the hash puzzle is now dependent PoW model with additional attributes that scale MD. By fixing
not only on its hash rate but its reputation. This affects the Er = 1 each round for all nodes, there will be no additional
calculations for the probability of success per trial Pts (18), reputation rewarded, which reduces PoRX to the base func-
probability of failure per trial Ptf (11), the overall probability tionality of PoW. Similarly, if the difficulty factor of PoC is
of success Ps (12) and failure Pf (13). fixed to Df = 1 each round for all nodes, the functionality of
The rest of the simulation follows PoW with regards to gen- PoC is reduced to PoW.
erating the random number r and comparing it to Ps . However, Since the correctness of their underlying mechanism (PoW)
apart from mining fees, a node is rewarded with more repu- was analyzed in Section IV-A1, the simulation models for
tation if it finds a solution to the hash puzzle. However, if a PoRX and PoC (under conditions Er = 1 and Df = 1, respec-
node fails to do so within a stipulated time, it faces a repu- tively) have been equivalently validated. In the absence of
tation penalty as described in Section III-A2. The reward Er real-world data, these models are currently the only alternative
for good behavior that affects R at the end of a competition that can be used for performance comparison purposes.
cycle is computed using (4) and (5) while reputation penalties
are calculated using (6) and (7). Ending criteria for the PoRX
protocol are the same as the ones discussed in Section IV-A. V. E XPERIMENTS AND E VALUATION
We implemented SIM-P’s base PoW model and proof-
C. Proof of Contribution Model of-concepts models with Python 3.8.81 We will show how
PoC was designed to solve the high energy consumption SIM-P can be used to generate performance metrics for PoW,
problem in PoW by reducing the difficulty of the puzzle to be PoRX, and PoC. These metrics include (but are not limited
solved by a node if such node is found to be honest. Honesty is to) throughput, security against the 51% attack, and energy
determined by the number of times a node adds a valid block consumption.
to the blockchain. The higher a node’s success time, the eas-
ier it will be for the node to find another block. Therefore, to 1 SIM-P is publicly available at

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P OW, P O RX, AND P O C W ITH D = 20 000 AND St = 10 000
able to mine blocks at a faster rate in an attempt to establish
a separate chain that is either as long as or longer than the
current valid chain. Then, these nodes can perform malicious
actions such as falsifying transactions or performing double-
spending [41]. To measure a consensus protocol’s resilience
against the 51% attack, we measure the percentage of blocks
A. Experimental Setup discovered by such an attacker per 1 million simulations. The
steps and parameters involved in the experiment for measur-
Throughput: The number of blocks that can be validated
ing the resistance of protocols against the 51% attack are as
and deployed to the blockchain per second is referred to as
throughput. Throughput can also be measured in transactions
1) PoW was first simulated as the base model with the
per second, which is the number of processed transactions per
following parameters.
unit of time (TPS). The parameters involved in the experiment
a) Hash rate H = 1015 distributed among all nodes
for measuring the throughput for PoW, PoRX, and PoC are as
with the attacker having exactly 51% of the cumu-
lative hash rate.
1) We first simulate PoW to document the number of blocks
b) Number of simulations St = 10 000.
produced with the following node attributes and network
c) Global difficulty D = 20 000.
d) Number of nodes = {6, 11, 21}.
a) Hash rate Hr = (108 to 1015 ).
e) Unit of measurement = Percentage of blocks found
b) Number of simulations St = 10 000.
per simulation.
c) Global difficulty D = 20 000.
2) For PoRX, nodes are assigned a randomly selected rep-
d) Number of nodes = {5, 10, 100, 1000}.
utation R ranging between 1000 and 4000. All other
e) Block size Bs = 1 MB.
parameters are the same as the PoW experiment.
f) Average transaction size Ts = 1 kB.
3) For PoC, nodes are assigned a randomly selected success
2) Simulation for PoRX uses the same parameters as PoW
time Stm ranging between 0 and 3. All other parameters
but includes an additional reputation attribute R which
are the same as the PoW experiment.
is randomly selected between 1000 and 4000. The ran-
4) Simulation ends when St = 10 000 (first end criteria
domized attribute values simulate the actual scenario of
described in Section IV.
a mature network whereby various nodes would have
5) The number of blocks found by the nodes is exported
different reputation levels over time.
to a spreadsheet.
3) Simulation for PoC also uses the same parameters as
6) Compute the percentage of blocks discovered by the
PoW but includes an additional success time attribute
malicious node with respect to the total number of
Stm . Stm is randomly instantiated with values ranging
blocks found.
from 0 to 3. The randomized Stm values depict an actual
The experimental results for the 51% attack are recorded in
scenario of a mature network where various nodes would
Table VII.
have different success time values over time.
Energy Consumption: As its name implies, energy consump-
4) Simulation ends when St = 10 000 (first end criteria
tion measures how much energy is expended by a consensus
described in Section IV.
protocol to produce blocks. It is one of the key problems
5) SIM-P automatically exports the average time to find a
of PoW-based blockchains such as Bitcoin which consumes
block Tra to a spreadsheet.
as much energy as entire countries. The energy consump-
6) Compute TPS for all models as
  tion of each protocol is measured in kilowatts per transaction
Bs (kW/Tx). To calculate energy consumption for each node
/Tra . (19)
Ts based on their hash rate, we use the Antminer s19 ASIC
The experimental results for throughput and average block miner’s power rating as a reference point. The Antminer has
discovery time are shown in Tables V and VI, respectively. a power rating of 3.250 kilowatts per hour (kW/h) and can
51% Attack: When a node or a pool of nodes amasses 51% produce 95 TH/s [42]. Thus, the power rating, E for a node x
of the resources used to determine block leadership, such as with a hash rate of H in kW/h is calculated as
computational power or wealth, they can theoretically perform H
what is known as a 51% attack [40] These node(s) will be Ex = · 3.250. (20)
95 · 1012
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C OMPARISON OF E NERGY C ONSUMPTION P ER T RANSACTION IN who possesses 51% of the overall network hash rate exhibit
( K W/T X ) W ITH D = 20 000 AND St = 10 000 dominance over the other nodes, producing blocks at a higher
rate than its peers. However, as the number of nodes increases,
the dominance of the attacker declines across all simulation
categories. The inclusion of reputation and success time has
a positive effect on resistance against the 51% attack. An
attacker with a similar advantage in terms of hash rate finds
The steps and parameters involved in the experiment for fewer blocks in PoRX and PoC as compared to PoW. The
measuring energy consumption are as follows. difficulty scaling mechanism negates some of the attacker’s
1) The parameters used to simulate PoW are as follows. advantages by reducing the difficulty for other nodes that
a) Hash rate Hr = (108 to 1015 ). contribute valid blocks to the network. What this implies
b) Number of simulations St = 10 000. is that a malicious node that has accumulated 51% of the
c) Global difficulty D = 20 000. resources/power would require more computational effort to
d) Number of nodes as N = 5, 10, 100, 1000. launch a successful attack (e.g., double-spending) in PoRX
e) Block size = 1 MB. and PoC as compared to PoW.
f) Average transaction size = 1 kB. Energy Consumption: All three protocols being analyzed are
2) For PoRX, nodes are assigned a randomly selected rep- based on computational effort. The energy consumed per trans-
utation R ranging between 1000 and 4000. All other action is summarized in Table VIII. Despite all three belonging
parameters are the same as the PoW experiment. to the CPE category, PoRX and PoC lead to lower energy con-
3) For PoC, nodes are assigned a randomly selected success sumption due to their underlying difficulty scaling mechanism.
time Stm ranging between 0 and 3. All other parameters This is most noticeable in the experiments involving 5–10
are the same as the PoW experiment. nodes, where the energy consumption, as compared to PoW,
4) Based on the average transactions per second in Table V, is halved for PoRX and is around 40% less for PoC. When the
the energy consumed per transaction for a set of nodes number of nodes is increased to 1000 without increasing the
X is calculated as global difficulty, the block production rate starts to saturate due
Ex to the high cumulative hash rate. Therefore, a lot of energy is
Et = . (21)
TPS wasted by all three protocols per transaction. However, PoRX
and PoC still have a slight advantage over PoW even in this
The comparison of energy consumption for the three consen- scenario.
sus protocols is recorded in Table VIII. PoW relies solely on computational power to select who
publishes a block. In contrast, the difficulty scaling mecha-
B. Discussion nism in PoRX and PoC scales the puzzle difficulty of nodes
Throughput: A comparison of the throughput of PoW, with respect to their reputation and success times. The task of
PoRX, and PoC is provided in Table V. The TPS for PoW finding the target hash value is made easier and nodes will find
is consistently lower than PoRX and PoC across all simula- a valid solution in a shorter amount of time, which implies that
tion categories. When there are fewer nodes (< 10), there less energy is required to solve the same task. One could argue
is a significant difference between the throughput of PoW as that PoW can achieve similar energy savings by reducing dif-
compared to PoRX PoC. Notably, in the 5-node and 10-node ficulty. However, both PoRX and PoC can achieve this goal
scenarios, the TPS of PoRX is double and almost triple that of without having to sacrifice other aspects such as resistance
PoW. Generally, PoC is outperformed by PoRX but still has against the 51% attack.
a higher throughput than PoW (almost two times faster). This
shows the effectiveness of the reputation module introduced
in PoRX in terms of scaling the difficulty level of solving the VI. C ONCLUSION
hash puzzle. The difficulty scaling using reputation in PoRX In this article, we proposed SIM-P, a flexible blockchain
has a larger impact as compared to scaling based on success consensus protocol simulator based on agent-based modeling
time in PoC. and the sequential MC method. SIM-P represents nodes as
As the number of nodes grows, the performance gap agents and the stochastic nature of the block leader selection
between PoRX and PoC starts to narrow. In fact, all three pro- are represented as independent trials in a binomial experiment.
tocols have a similar average block discovery time when there SIM-P provides users with the flexibility to analyze vari-
are 1000 nodes as shown in Table VI. However, this does not ous consensus scenarios and can even possibly be used with
imply that the underlying mechanisms in PoRX and PoC are optimization algorithms to find optimal performance tradeoffs.
less effective with more nodes but rather the global difficulty Since PoW is widely used as a benchmark for blockchain
of D = 20 000 is too low given the network’s overall cumula- consensus protocol design, it was selected to be the base
tive hash rate. Thus, blocks are produced at such a high rate model for SIM-P. We show that with slight modifications to
that the effect of reputation and success time becomes negli- the base model, other protocols, such as PoRX and PoC, can
gible. Even in this scenario, we still see a slight advantage of be easily simulated. We then show how SIM-P can be used
using PoRX and PoC over PoW. to generate vital performance metrics for consensus proto-
51% Attack: Simulation results for the 51% attack are cols such as throughput, resistance to the 51% attack, and
recorded in Table VII. Across all three protocols, an attacker energy consumption. Our experiments indicate that, despite
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ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middlew. Conf. Posters Demos, Las Vegas, NV, blockchain technology, information security, cryp-
USA, Dec. 2017, pp. 19–20. tography, and IoT.

Authorized licensed use limited to: United Arab Emirates University. Downloaded on March 05,2024 at 15:06:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Je Sen Teh received the Ph.D. degree in computer Jiashen Teh (Senior Member, IEEE) received the
science from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden, Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineer-
Malaysia, in 2017. ing from The University of Manchester, Manchester,
He is currently a Senior Lecturer with Universiti U.K., in 2016.
Sains Malaysia. His research interests include He is currently a Senior Lecturer with Universiti
blockchain technology, and the design and cryptanal- Sains Malaysia, Minden, Malaysia. He is also
ysis of symmetric-key cryptographic algorithms. an Adjunct Professor with the Intelligent Electric
Vehicle and Green Energy Center, National Chung
Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, and is the
Technical Director of UPE-Power Company Ltd.,
Taichung. His research interests include probabilis-
tic modeling of power systems, grid integration of renewable energy sources,
and reliability modeling of smart grid networks.

Norziana Jamil received the Ph.D. degree in secu-

rity in computing (cryptographic hash functions)
from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Seri Kembangan,
Malaysia, in 2013.
She is currently serving as an Associate Professor
with Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia.
Her area of specialization and interest includes cryp-
tography, security for cyber–physical systems, and
security analytics and intelligence.

Authorized licensed use limited to: United Arab Emirates University. Downloaded on March 05,2024 at 15:06:00 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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