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Social influencers wield far too much power.

By the definition of Cambridge Dictionary, an influencer is someone who affects or changes the way that other people

behave. And it’s the power that comes with great responsibility. However, it does not necessarily work this way.

The main reasons why social influences do their content are money and fame. That makes them do their job - advertising.

There are some profiles that we can identify as truthfully. People only promote things that they want to recommend and

what they know is safe and useful. However, it is not always like that. Some influencers advise buying it all to get their

payment. Appearance is most important nowadays. So when someone with obesity sees that influencer is using pills and that

is making them skinny, why wouldn't they try?

When Instagram had its debut, everyone started to create themselves into another version. More beautiful, skinnier, and

wealthier. Make-up, Filters, Poses. This perfect world may make us wonder "Why am I not good enough"? And it usually

does. Young girls that are following those accounts try to fit themselves in this standard of beauty. On the internet, there is

no such thing as self-assessment. Social media made us think that we are imperfect and the only thing we can do about it is

to change. They made us believe that this all is real. I have an example of a woman that hated her nose while she was
growing up. She always wanted to correct this but never had a courage to do it. Her nose was just perkier than the others. As

it turned out her nose type is now the most wanted. She will never get this time back. Beauty standards change all the time

and that shouldn’t affect us in any way but it is otherwise.

Social influencers are also responsible for changing the way people think. They create the opinions of millions. It has a poor

effect as people are hardly ever thinking of the case, only usurp judgments of the majority. When talking in the same age

group, there is a bigger chance that all the people have the same belief. But when it comes to the explanation, they would be

stuck. It is significant to have its point of view, but there are taking that from us. I have an example of an influencer that said

once the restaurant’s meal is not good. The restaurant got shot down within a month.

To sum up being an influencer is a harder job than many think. Having all of this power can cause a lot of harm and

suffering. I believe internet that isn’t use wisely is the misery of today’s world.

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