(Merlot Raven) A Dark and Indecent Proposal

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Table of Contents

A Dark and Indecent Proposal

Part 1 - Paying for her Husband's Failures
Part 2 - Her Dark Temptation
Part 3 - Loving Another Man
Part 4 - Can Men Change?
Part 5 - A New Complication
Part 6 - She Has to Choose
Also by Raven Merlot:
Hotwife Bride and Cuckold Groom Bundle
Cuckold Erotica Bundle Collection
Hotwife and Cuckold Bedtime Mega-Bundle
Cuckold Erotica Bundle #3
About Raven Merlot
A Dark and Indecent Proposal
By Raven Merlot
Part 1 - Paying for her Husband's Failures

Chapter One

Rose sat at the edge of her bed, her eyes refused to even blink as she stared
at all the bills in front of her. Insurance, cable TV which she rarely even
used, taxes, electricity; it was all too much.

She was at the point of pulling her own hair out, she was aging faster each
month. All her years of studying and working her ass off so that she could
land the job she had, yet it wasn't enough.

Everything kept getting more expensive, the very act of living had become
a luxury she could barely afford. Her salary was decent, but supporting
two people who had become accustomed to a certain lifestyle on a single
salary was proving to be too daunting of a task.
Frank, her husband, had lost his job about two years ago. Before then
everything had gone smoothly. Now, however, everything had gone to utter
The man she fell in love with in high school was no longer there. The rose-
tinted glasses had broken and she could clearly see him for the first time.
He had barely made any effort to get a job. He preferred sitting at home all
day as he simply waited for his wife to support him.
"Why do you look so upset?" he asked coldly as he entered the room and
took a glance at Rose, who was still making equations in her head as she
tried to figure out how they were going to survive.

"Oh, it's nothing, honey. No need to worry about it." She faked a smile, not
wanting to cause another argument between them. After all, this was her
husband. Despite everything, she still loved him. At least, she thought that
she did.

"I hope so," he replied coldly again as he undressed himself. "So, how
about you do your wifely duties for once?" He smirked. She started to
heavily doubt her love for him at that moment.
She hadn't felt any attraction to him in quite some time, much less felt
anything to his measely cock. She hadn't known anyone but him in all her
life, yet she knew she was missing out. Everytime they had sex, she would
have to make herself cum. And it only got worse as more and more
problems had arisen. However, she didn't feel in the mood for another
argument. She knew she was betraying herself by giving in, but she was
too tired for it.

"Of course, why not?" She faked another smile at him and reached out
towards him, taking his cock into her hands. It didn't even fit properly
inside her fist, the tip not even reaching the knuckle of her index finger.

"That's what I like to hear. Mmmm, I think your lips might be better." He
smirked at her, surprisingly he showed a rare sign of emotion that wasn't
apathy or annoyance. Or lazy complacancy.
"Twelve years we've been together, and you still haven't learned that I will
NOT do that?" she emphasized, glaring at him as she stroked his cock.

"Well, I just figure that maybe one of these days you'll get over that."

She considered the pure hypocrisy of his statement, because not once had
he gone down on her either. She had usually either just jacked him off or
they'd have disappointing sex and then slept.

When she was younger and still so madly in love, it hadn't bothered her
much. But as her heart grew colder and they grew apart, she struggled to
find reason to continue fucking him. She felt that's what she did, because
they couldn't make love anymore, not when half of her despised him.

She smiled at him and laid back. She lifted her skirt up and took off her
underwear, which she then tossed aside. She exposed her slighly hairy
muff for him, using her own fingers as she toyed with herself a bit, trying
to get herself wet enough for him. She used to shave nearly daily, she
always tried to look her best for her man. Now, she simply didn't see the
point anymore. She still trimmed herself and tried her best to look neat,
but she had stopped putting in so much effort.

Frank climbed on top of her and positioned himself. He pushed himself in

with a single thrust, which caused Rose to think quick and fake a moan.
She wouldn't say she didn't enjoy it, aside from her having had lacked the
actual desire for the act. However, it just didn't please her as much
anymore. She would never had let him know, however, as she still cared
about him and she knew how men thought.

"Oh, that's it. You enjoy that, don't you? You love it when I fuck you like
that." She had to hold back a laugh at his pathetic pillow talk; instead, she
just smiled at him and nodded her head in agreement.
Frank started to thrust himself faster, groaning, his poor stamina was on
obvious display as he was out of breath already.

Rose lost herself in thought as she started to wonder; how did this happen?
She used to come home, having already started undressing herself as she
entered the door. She used to be so eager to absolutely fuck his brains out.
She would fantasize about him during the day and at night she used to ride
him till kingdom come. Now, all she did was lie down for his sake. She
hated it. And a part of her hated him for becoming the man who would be
the reason she felt like this.

Frank's breathing started to hasten, his groans got deeper as he thrust


"That's it, oh fuck, do you want it? Tell me you want it," he gasped at her.

"Oh yes, baby, give it all to me," she replied. She didn't even have the
strength to put effort into her fake excitement, she simply hoped that in his
moment of bliss he wouldn't notice.

She heard his breathing hasten, she knew he was at the edge now.

"Remember, not inside. Please," she quickly reminded him, pushing him
back slightly so he slipped out and took his cock in her hand. She stroked
it quickly and felt it swell against the skin of her palm. With a loud groan,
he started to spurt his cum onto the skin of her vagina. She felt the warmth
of his sticky cum coat the skin around her muff, caught in the short bush
she had.

"One of these days, you're gonna have to let me cum somewhere else other
than your bush," Frank said sarcastically as he tried to catch his breath.
"Well, you're not finishing inside. I'm sorry, honey, but I can't afford the
pill and I definitely cannot afford a child." Without her having realized it,
she had unintentionally emphasized her solitary role in their financial

She quickly stood up, she didn't want to give him a chance to realize what
she had actually meant with her statement.

"I'm going to go clean up and take a shower. I love you, Frankie." She
smiled at him and hurried to the bathroom.

As she sat on the toilet and wiped his cum off of her, she was suddenly
overtaken by a deep sadness. This wasn't fair. None of it was fair. She had
worked so hard to get where she was, and now she had absolutely nothing
to show for it. She deserved so much more, and as she realized this, she
broke down. Quietly, she started to break down and she sobbed into her
Chapter Two

Rose was not in the mood for work the following day, but still she pushed
through. She knew she couldn't afford to take even a single day off.

As one of the best physical therapists in the country, she was thankfully
never without work. From college athletes to professional sport stars, she
was always in high demand. One man in particular, Jimmy Bokan, always
made her days better. He was always so kind and softhearted towards her,
so when she remembered that she would be seeing him that day, she
couldn't help but to feel slightly better.
Jimmy used to be a massive star until a sudden knee injury took him out of
commission. For the past few months, she had been helping him recover.
That day's session was particularly good. They made great progress in
regards to his knee, not to mention the jokes that were shared and the wild
stories he gleefully told her. Everything was in place for a great day, until
she got a phone call.
When she came back, her face told the tale.

"Rose, what's up? You look like you just saw a ghost," Jimmy asked her as
he stretched his leg out, massaging his knee.

"It's... It's nothing, Jimmy. I'm sorry about that," she replied coldy and
tried her best to fake a smile, but her face told the true story and Jimmy
could see it clearly. He stood up and approached her.

His impressive build never ceased to amaze Rose. His dark, cofee colored
skin always looked so beautiful to her. The way he towered above her
always surprised her every single time she saw him without fail. The
definition of his arms, his legs, his abdomen; all of it always excited her in
such a primal way. She couldn't help but wonder if the rest of him was
equally impressive...
"Come now, Rose. I know you too well. You know you can tell me
anything," he said as he wrapped one arm around her body and pulled her
tightly against him for a hug.

"That was the bank... I forgot to pay them this month... If I don't have the
money by Tuesday, they're going to take my car..." She sighed softly while
tears were forming in her eyes.

This is exactly what she didn't need. Without her car, she would be
completely and absolutely fucked, for lack of a better word.

"Hmmmm... That is quite the predicament." Jimmy stepped back and

pondered for a few minutes. "Okay, I think I have an idea. But, first off,
whether you accept or refuse, this won't affect our relationship. I need you
to agree with this," he told Rose. He had dropped his sympathetic and
caring face, instead being replaced by a very serious expression as he
looked her straight in the eyes.
"O-of course, Jimmy. Nothing will affect our friendship. But I can't ask to
borrow money... I might not even be able to pay back..." She sighed softly
again. Shame consumed her.

She had spoken to Jimmy about her financial situation before. In fact, she
had spoken to him about nearly everything. He just had this charm to him
that made her completely drop her guard. She just couldn't hide from him.
In the short while they had known each other, he had become both her best
friend and the highlight of most her days.

"No, a loan is not what I meant. You don't need that stress," he replied
sternly, taking out a notepad and pen from his bag. He scribbled something
down and handed her the note.
"Seven P.M. tonight. Come to this address and then we can talk. Deal?"

She quizically took the note and stared at the address. She didn't have any
clue what to expect from this meeting, but she was desperate. And she
trusted Jimmy.
"Okay, deal. I'll be there." She smiled at him softly and wrapped her arms
around him, hugging him tightly. He returned the favor by smiling back at
her and kissed her cheek softly.

"Save that affection for later, okay? See you in a few, Rose." She felt her
heart pound as she placed her fingertips on her cheek. She still felt her
skin radiate at the spot where he kissed her. And his words... She didn't
know what he meant, but a part of her was eager to find out.

She smiled at herself and wiped her eyes. She felt a brand new optimism
awaken inside her as she folded up the note and placed it inside her purse.
She looked over to the clock and started to count down the seconds.

The time had come. Rose sat outside the house Jimmy had told her to
come to. Nervously, she tapped at the steering wheel. It was 6:52 now. Her
stomach told the story of her nerves, twisting and turning. She didn't know
why she was so nervous, but she couldn't control it.

"Goddamn, Rose, calm the fuck down," she scolded herself. Timidly, she
plucked up her courage and, with a deep breath, she stepped out of the car.
Slowly, she made her way to the door and knocked on it.
"Hey Jimmy, it's Rose," she called out as she knocked.

Jimmy opened the door wearing only a towel, having had stepped out of
the shower a few minutes earlier. Rose had to swallow a gasp, but her
widened eyes still told the story as she took in his amazing physique.
"Rose, I'm so glad you came. Come in." He smiled and gestured her inside.

"Th-thank you," she stammered softly at him and entered his room,
amazed at how minimalistic it appeared to be. Nothing too fancy, a very
humble abode that suited a very humble man such as Jimmy.

"So, would you like something to drink? A glass of wine maybe?" he asked
her and guided her to the living room.
"Yes, please." She smiled soflty at him. Her nerves were so shot that she
nearly begged him for the wine.

He went into the kitchen and returned with a glass of red wine. Without
realizing it, she had completely chugged the entire glass.

"Jesus, Rose, either you were beyond thirsty or you have a problem."
Jimmy laughed as he sat down across from her. He was still wearing only a
towel. "So, shall we get down to business?" he asked as he stared her
"S-sure..." she replied softly. She realized that she was going to need some
more wine.

"Very well. It's no secret probably that I'm quite fond of you. So, I'm not
going to give a long ass speech. I'm going to make my offer and you're
either going to accept or refuse. Then we'll go from there. Correct?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right..." She noticed a slight stir underneath the
towel and immediately she knew where this was heading. She realized
what he was going to ask and a sense of unrelenting trepidation washed
over her. At the same time, an excitement set her crotch on fire. She knew
she should have just left before he could even ask. Before he could even
make the offer. Instead, however, she felt herself glued to the couch;
eagerly and nervously she awaited his next words.
"Then I'll be blunt. I have money, a lot of it. And you need money. You
also have something I've been wanting for too long. I'll pay you one
million dollars in exchange for you giving me your body to do with as I
please for one night."

"You mean...?"

"I will pay you to let me fuck you, essentially." She noticed the towel start
to lift slighly and excitement overtook her again. She didn't know why, but
she already wanted to agree. She knew she couldn't though. She was
married, after all. She took a vow to be faithful, and she was certain she
still loved her husband too much to do something like that to him. On the
other hand, she needed the money. And that much... She would have been
set for quite some time. The more she thought about it, the more she
realized how much sense it made. After all, she had a husband at home
who refused to try and get a job. A husband who never cared about
pleasing her. A husband who had never even made her cum before. A
husband who hadn't cared about her in so long. So, why should she pass up
this opportunity just for him? She decided that, if this is what it took, then
so be it. It was her body after all, and she was going to use it how she saw

"I'm not a hooker, Jimmy," she told him and got cut off quickly by his

"Oh, I know that, Rose. I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry. All I'm
offering is a trading of favors, so to say. I help you, you help me. Simple."

"Well, then... I don't see a reason why not." She smiled at him and tried her
best not to let her fear show. She knew this wasn't right. She had made an
oath in front of God to be faithful, but at that moment, it meant absolutely
nothing to her. She was taking charge of her life and if that meant that she
had to fuck a man who actually cared about her, then she was content in
doing so.

"Okay, so we have a deal?" he asked. Jimmy was trying hard to contain his
excitement, but the bulge underneath his towel told the tale all too clearly.

"Yes, we have a deal," Rose replied. Her voice shook slightly as the words
escaped her throat.

"Great. I'm very glad," Jimmy continued, trying to keep his calm facade.
"Stand up and undress for me," he demanded as he asserted himself as the
dominant force in the situation.

She could only nod as she pressed her hand onto the edge of the couch and
pushed herself upwards. Her knees felt weak. Her hands were trembling.
Yet, at the same time, she felt so excited. She could see his bulge and it
looked massive. The majority of her was feeling an eagerness to finally
feel what the towel was hiding.
Hesitantly, she took off her jacket. She reached back and pulled down the
zipper of her dress and pulled the straps over her arms as she let the dress
fall to the floor. She was now only in her underwear as she stood in front
of this man. She saw him lick his lips, a look of pure animalistic primal
lust was painted across his face. She felt a heat rush through her body, his
excitement had given her the encouragement she needed.

She reached back and unclasped her bra and tossed it aside, smiling at him
as she exposed her beautiful breasts for him.

Her C-cup breasts were still firm, something she was always thankful for.
Time may have taken its toll on her mind, but her body had stood the trials
time gave it and still looked amazing.

She turned around and gave him an inviting look at her firm ass as she
started to take off her underwear. She spread her legs slightly as she took
her underwear off. Bent over, she made sure he could catch a glimpse at
her puffy pink lips.

She stood up straight and turned to walk towards him. She was letting her
excitement lead her solely. She buried her fear and trepidation, something
the wine helped a lot with.

"Do you like what you see? Is this a body worthy of a million dollars?" she
asked him seductively. She was showing a side of her that she didn't even
know existed. She had never felt this wanted before and it had awaken a
sense of power inside her.

She knew her body had this beautiful specimen of an alpha male under its
mesmerizing spell. She felt hornier than she had ever felt before in her

Jimmy sat forward and leaned towards her. He put his hands around her
and placed them on her buttocks. He squeezed them hard, his fingers were
digging into the skin as he pulled her towards him.

"It most definitely is. It is the most amazing body I have ever seen." He
placed a soft kiss on her stomach, then started to kiss all over her soft skin.
"And it is my body now," he said in such a soft but stern voice. He
reminded her that, no matter the effect her body had on him, she was his to
control and use for that night.

"I'm yours, Jimmy. You can do whatever you want." She felt him place soft
kisses on her mound. She suddenly felt incredibly self conscious as she
remembered she hadn't shaved, only trimmed. But when she felt him tilt
his head back slightly and felt his tongue press in between the fat lips of
her pussy, all worry washed away with a loud gasp from her side.
Jimmy positioned his face in such a way that he could comfortably trail
his tongue between her soft lips while his hands massaged her firm butt

"Oh God..." she whispered softly. It was the first time she had ever felt a
tongue on her, and it felt incredible. She couldn't believe what she had
been missing out on all this time.

Jimmy took in her scent as he intoxicated himself on the musky smell of

her sex. Gently, he twirled his tongue around her clit, which in turn elicited
more soft moans from her. He felt her hands on his head, her fingertips
were digging into the skin of his bald scalp.
He pulled back and smiled up at her while his finger took the place of his
tongue. He massaged her clit with his fingertip softly as he looked up at
"I am going to have such fun with this little pussy." He grinned and fell
back onto the couch, the towel was now no longer able to contain his
erection. "On your knees," he ordered her.
She felt his words send shockwaves of mixed emotions through her entire
body. Fear, lust, excitement; so many emotions were flowing through her
as she dropped to her knees in between his legs.
She reached out with her trembling hands and undid the knot of his towel.
His cock sprang to life completely and she felt as if she would faint. It was
almost as long as her forearm, nearly as thick as it too.
She took the thick, black, veiny shaft in her hand. She couldn't even wrap
her hand around it completely. Her eyes widened with shock and she was
sure she felt her pussy start to tremble with fear. How was she supposed to
fit this inside her?

"You look surprised." Jimmy chuckled softly as he watched her stare at his
massive cock.
"I've, uh... I've never seen one so big before..." she said softly, still
examining his massive piece of equipment.
"White boy husband not quite add up?" He laughed much harder this time.

"Not in the slightest," she replied. She didn't even feel bad about her
words. Her husband couldn't compare. It was like trying to compare a lily
to a tree trunk.

"Well, whenever you're ready, let's see how far you can fit it down your
throat." He grinned at her. Her eyes widened with shock once again. She
didn't know if she was ready for that. She felt she should repay the favor
for his amazing tongue, but it was something she always believed that she
would never do.
"Jimmy... I've never done that before... I don't know if I can..." she said
timidly, looking at Jimmy as she softly stroked the shaft of his massive
"Well, there's no time like the present, baby. Plus, remember, I own you
for tonight," he reminded her. She knew he was right, and a part of her was
eager to try. Most of her, on the other end, was tempted to call in a
complaint about this man smuggling a weapon of mass destruction.

She nervously licked her lips and brought her face closer to his cock. She
was close to shaking, but she tried her best to keep her composure.
She placed a soft kiss on the massive vein running down his dark shaft.
She closed her eyes and summoned all of her courage. Slowly, she started
to kiss up his fat shaft, feeling his rock hardness press against her lips.
She felt her lips reach his swollen head. Rose let her tongue slip out and
let it slip around the underside of his head. She started to run her tongue
all around the fatness of his cock head.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him. She was pleased at the image of
him lying back with his eyes closed, the sounds of his groans urged her on
to continue.

She swallowed her fear and wrapped her lips around his engorged cock
head. Jimmy let out a loud gasp as he felt her lips wrap around him.
His fat cock stretched her mouth so much it was painful, but she was now
filled with a determination as she saw the effect she had on him.
She took his shaft into her hand and squeezed as much as she could as she
started to pump his hard shaft. It was an odd feeling for her, not being able
to wrap her hand around him. She had become so accustomed to her
husband's tiny dick that she could hold in her hand without much effort,
but this was so much different.

She sucked hard on his fat head, letting her tongue run all around the

"God, Rosie, you're so fucking good at this. Fuck. Are you sure you've
never done this before?" Jimmy asked her as he opened his eyes so he
could take in the sight of this petite little white girl sucking on his massive
black cock. The juxtaposition of the two nearly made him blow his load
right there and then. Thankfully for both of them, he knew how to control
Rose simply smiled at him, still holding his cockhead in between her lips.

"Fuck, you liking the taste of that black dick, baby?" He grinned,
confidence and lust had taken him over.

She simply nodded, still pumping his shaft and sucking on his head.
"Well, let's see how deep you can take it, okay?" He moved his hand to her
head, wrapping her blond locks in between his fingers, and started to press
her head down.
Rose swallowed her panic quickly and played along with him. She relaxed
her mouth and throat as she felt the tip of his massive cock knock against
her tonsils.
Jimmy continued to moan loudly as he felt his cock start to slide down her
throat. He felt the flesh of her throat press against his cock and felt the
vibrations of her soft gagging send all manner of sensations through him.
"That's it, take it deeper. Breathe through your nose," he advised her as he
continued to press her head down.
Rose felt like throwing up, but years of partying hard in her youth had
taught her how to suppress it and fight past it. She breathed through her
nose as she felt his cock slide further down her throat. She had nearly half
his cock inside when she finally reached her limit. She started to press her
head upwards again, letting his cock escape her lips as she gasped for air.
Her hand was on his sopping wet cockhead as she continued twirling her
fist around it and stroked it rapidly.
"God-fucking-damn, Rose, that was incredible," Jimmy remarked as he
took her face into his hands and pulled her towards him. He kissed her
passionately and felt the excess saliva coat his own lips as his tongue
slipped between her's.

She returned his kiss as her tongue danced passionately with his, twirling
around each other. Her hand never left his massive cock. She continued to
stroke him much to his approval.

She felt him pull her body up until she was forced to let go of his cock so
she could straddle him. She knew what was coming next before he even
said it, but she was still too afraid of trying to fit him inside her to take
charge of the situation.
"Fuck me, Rose. Give me that sweet pussy," he moaned against her lips.
She no longer had time for fear. Once again, she swallowed her trepidation
and lifted her body up. Her breasts were directly in front of Jimmy's face
and he took the invitation eagerly. He wrapped his lips around her pink
nipples, taking them in his mouth as he felt the warmth that was radiating
from her wet pussy against his wet cockhead.
Rose positioned him at the entrance of her pussy and slowly started to
slide down onto his massive cock. She moaned loudly as the mixture of
pleasure and pain consumed her. The feeling of his impressive girth
stretching her cunt was such a new sensation and she was absolutely
loving it.

He let go of her nipples and let out a loud "fuck," drawing out the word as
the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped around him took over.
As Rose got as much of him inside of her as she could, she rested a bit.
She let her pussy become accustomed to the massive rod inside her before
she started to move her hips. She started to ride him, moaning softly as she
rested her hands on his shoulder.

Jimmy pulled her down and placed his lips against hers once again, his
hands rested tightly on her supple ass. He squeezed her skin as his hands
encouraged her to move faster.

Rose started to pick up her pace, switching from riding so that she could
slide him in and out of her. She was moaning loudly into his mouth when
she suddenly felt something she had never felt before. A sudden wave of
pleasure coursed through her. Her orgasm had hit and it had hit her loud.
She pulled her head back and moaned loudly, feeling every little sensation
as pleasure coursed through her veins.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. Jimmy, oh dear-fucking-God-yes," she moaned

loudly as she continued to pump his cock with her tightening pussy. Her
fat lips squeezing his cock for all its worth.

"My God, Rose, did you cum already?" Jimmy chuckled softly, watching
the pleasure that was plastered across her face as she rode him.
She could only nod, words failed her as the pleasure became too immense.
She unintentionally started to slow down as she tried to catch her breath.
She was riding a wave of pleasure she had never felt before.
"Okay, get off. My turn to fuck you for a bit." Jimmy grinned at her. She
didn't say a word, simply complied and got off of him. She stood up, her
pussy still leaking from her tremendous orgasm.
Jimmy pushed himself up and moved Rose in front of him. He brought his
lips to her ear and nippled on her earlobes softly.

"Time for you to experience what this black dick can actually do to a little
white girl," he whispered before bending her over, pushing her face into
the cushion of the couch.

He bent his knees slightly to allow himself access to her pink paradise.
With minimal positioning, he quickly thrust himself inside her. Rose let
out a loud moan as she felt her pussy being torn wide open by his massive
cock again.
Jimmy gritted his teeth and placed his hands on her hips.

"Now get ready for the fucking of your life." He grinned. Without warning,
he started to slam himself in and out of her tight cunt.
Rose could only moan as she felt her entire body reverberate from his
passionate pounding.
"That's it, take it all. You're loving this cock, ain't you?" Jimmy groaned
through clenched teeth, his thrusts were only getting faster and more
"Fuck... Yes, Jimmy, oh fuck, your cock is fucking amazing," Rose moaned
softly, her pussy was even more sensitive after her orgasm had started to
subside. She started to move her hips as she tried to match his thrusts.
Every nerve ending in her body felt as if a fire was coursing through her
flesh and she was in love with it. All fear had left her, only lust and desire
remained. A lust for this beautiful man and a passionate desire for the
sensations his gigantic cock caused her quivering pussy to feel.
"Fuck me, Jimmy. Fuck me as hard as you can," she practically begged
Jimmy was more than happy to oblige, slamming his cock as hard into her
as he could. He started to feel his balls swell up, sensing that his own
orgasm was growing closer.
"Where should I cum?" he asked her quickly. He enjoyed the sense of
domination he got from controlling her, but he knew that some things were
over the line.
"In me, cum in me, please. Just don't stop," she replied without even
Jimmy needed no more reassurance. With one final thrust, he slammed his
cock into her as he started to cum. Her tight walls milked every stream
from his pulsing cock.
Slowly, he pulled himself out of her and looked at their combined juices
coating his deflating cock.

"Fuck, Rose. That was fucking incredible."

"It was more than incredible..." She smiled at him as she stood up,
stretching her back out and picking her clothes up off the floor.
Jimmy went over to the counter and scribbled into his checkbook.
"As promised, here's my end of the bargain," he said as he handed her the

She couldn't believe what she was holding. One million dollars. She felt
all her stress and worry suddenly disappear. She was set for a good, long
while. She wrapped her arms around Jimmy's neck and gave him a long,
deep kiss.
"Thank you so much, Jimmy, I appreciate this so much."

"Hey, I should be thanking you. I've been wanting that pussy for so long
now, it was driving me nuts." He chuckled back at her and hugged her
"I should get going though, my husband is probably going to wonder
where I am." She sighed reluctantly and rolled her eyes mockingly.
"Sounds like you don't really want to go, hmmm?" Jimmy raised an
eyebrow at her in a joking fashion before he picked up his towel and
handed it to her. "You should probably just clean yourself up a bit first.
You're kind of dripping." He laughed softly at her, pointing to the cum
dripping from her still wet pussy.
She just took the towel and wiped herself off, smiling all the while. She
took her clothes and dressed herself.

"So, I'll be seeing you in two days for your next appointment, right,
Jimmy?" she asked him jokingly, but also to establish that their
relationship hadn't been altered.
"Of course, ma'am, after this, uh, exercise session I had tonight, well, it
took a toll on my knee. Might need some help with it, y'know. In depth and
very attentive care." He grinned at her as he walked her to the door.

"Good, I'll be sure to do whatever I can to fix up that busted knee all
proper like," she joked, laughing with him at her mock accent.
"Tonight was really great, Rose, I hope maybe some day we can do it
again," Jimmy said as he embraced Rose in a hug farewell. Rose wrapped
her arms around him and squeezed him tightly against her.

"We'll see what the future holds, Jimbo." She smiled and pulled his face
down so she could plant a kiss on his cheek.
She got in her car and drove off, and for the first time she wasn't dreading
going home. She knew her husband would have a million questions and
accusations, but it didn't bother her. She felt content. She felt fulfilled. She
felt like herself for the first time in years. As she drove to her home, she
smiled at the realization that all that mattered to her at that moment was
Part 2 - Her Dark Temptation

Chapter One

Rose stood in front of the door of her house. The events that transpired
suddenly hit her like a freight train. She felt guilty, she felt confused, but
she also felt a strange sense of being content.

She took a deep breath and readied herself to face her husband. She knew
he would undoudtedly have had some questions and accusations.
Nervously, she fixed her hair one last time and opened the door.

"Oh, you remembered you have a home?" she heard Frank ask
sarcastically as she entered the house.
"Sorry, love, I had a late session with a client."

"Which client, huh?" he asked, this time with less sarcasm and more
"Frank, you know I can't discuss that. All my clients are confidential."
Technically, she wasn't lying. At least that's what she told herself to
reassure herself. She did have a late night meeting with a client. And she
wasn't at liberty to disclose any details about the client or the nature of
their meeting.

Frank stood up from his couch and approached her, a look of anger painted
the canvas of his shaven face.

"So, my wife is out until past eight and I can't even fucking know why?"
he asked her, standing in front of her.

"Frank, I am not in the mood for this. We need the extra money. I'm the
only one supporting us at the moment. So sometimes I'll have to work
some extra hours." She moved past him, heading towards the bathroom.
The technicallities and reassurances were wearing thin.
"Hey, don't walk away from me. We're not done talking yet," he half-
shouted at her.

"You may not be done, but I am. I don't need to explain myself. If you
would get a job, then I wouldn't have to do things like this. So I'm going to
have a shower and then I'm going to sleep."

"So you're saying this is my fault?" he quipped.

"This conversation is over, Frank," she replied with a tired voice.

She stepped into the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She sat
down on the toilet and buried her face in her hands.

She sighed to herself softly and then got the sudden urge to smile. She
started to realize something. She started to realize that, despite what Frank
thought, she held all the power in this relationship.

She was the one with the money. She was the one who supplied everything.
If she left, he'd be beyond fucked. She smiled to herself with a newfound

She started to undress and climbed into the shower. She washed away all
trace of Jimmy from her body. She felt reluctant in doing so but knew she
didn't have a choice.

Then, for the first time in years, she picked up her razorblade. A part of
her just knew that wasn't the last time Jimmy would be with her, and she
wanted to make sure she looked her best for the next time. She was certain
there would be a next time. At least, a part of her hoped there would be.

When she exited the shower and headed to the bedroom, she found her
husband waiting for her on their bed.

"Hey, baby, let's not fight anymore. Let's just kiss and make up, hmmm?"
he asked her with what he must have thought was a seductive smile. Rose
eyed him up and down. Staring at his tiny cock, she had to hold back a
chuckle. Mentally, she compared it to Jimmy's and wondered to herself
how she survived so long with it. She felt like a brand new person. She had
finally learned what she had been missing out on. And she was not
prepared to go back to a meaningless fuck with such a unsatisfying cock
without any affection.

"I'm not in the mood tonight, Frank," she sighed to him softly and sat
down on her side of the bed.

"Oh come on, you know you want it." He grinned at her, trying to pull her
closer for a kiss. She resisted and pulled back, looking him straight in the

"I told you no, Frank. I'm not in the mood for this tonight. I have had a
long day and I need some sleep."

"Are you being serious right now?"

"Yes, I'm being serious. Goodnight, Frank." She turned herself on her side
and pulled the covers over her.

Frank didn't know what hit him. She had never rejected him before like
that. In fact, the way she lashed out at him was unlike any fight they had
He felt a fear overtake him. He finally realized that he was starting to lose
his grip on her. He finally realized that he was starting to lose her. He
could not afford to lose her. She was his life. Or rather, his ticket to a
relaxed, luxurious living. He decided to not to push her anymore. He told
himself that to secure the lifestyle he had, he would do whatever she
wanted him to. Little did he know that before too long, he would regret
that decision with all he was.

Chapter Two
Rose stared at her cellphone for what felt like hours. She was having a
rather quiet day and decided that she would allow herself to take a lunch
break that day. A lunch break she wanted to spend with Jimmy.

She had been using the money wisely. Paid off her mortage and her car.
She made an appointment to get herself on the pill. It was one of the first
decisions she made. She realized that she couldn't rely on the Plan B all
the time. Everytime she spent money though, she couldn't help but think of
Jimmy. After all, it was thanks to him that she was able to feel so stress-
free for the first time in what felt like centuries.

So she sat in her office and stared at her cellphone. Her thumb was
hovering over the little green icon on the screen. Jimmy's number was
displayed brightly in black on the white backdrop. Yet another image that
reminded her of him. She immediately felt her female bits start to tingle
again as she recalled the previous night. She thought about every single
moment, not just the sex which was beyond incredible, but also his kind
nature. She remembered the way he treated her. So kindly and sweetly, as
if she was the most important thing in his life.

Then she contrasted it to the way her own husband was treating her. As if
she was some sort of servant. As if she was only good for money, sex, and
cooking. She felt like she was a glorified fleshlight for him.

A man she hadn't even known for a year was treating her better and knew
her better than the man she had been with for most of her life.

The realization hit her hard and instantaneously swept away any
reservations or feelings of guilt she felt. She started to hatch a plan. One
that would once again be mutually beneficial for both her and Jimmy.

Without any further hesitation, she dialed the number.

"Hey Jimbo, it's Rose," she said through a soft smile when he answered.

"ROSE! Hey, how're you doing gorgeous? Everything all right?" he asked
her with a concern in his voice that instantly made her feel warm all the
way through.
"Everything's fine. I actually wanted to hear if you were doing anything
later. I wanted to ask if you'd maybe join me for lunch."

"Oh sure, I'd love to. I'll bring something to your office? It won't really be
a good idea for us to go out together. Paparazzi are always hiding
somewhere, don't want your husband getting the wrong idea." He coughed
slightly at the delivery of "wrong," which caused Rose to chuckle softly.

"Actually, I would like to go out. Let him get whatever idea he wants. Pick
me up at two?"

"Sure thing, Rosey, can't wait."

They said their collective goodbyes and hung up their respective phones.
Rose stood up and took a deep breath. She collected her thoughts and
started to think about her plan. She knew she was about to take a massive
risk, but she also she knew she didn't really have much to lose. Despite all
that's happened, she did still love Frank.

She realized this by the guilt she still felt. She knew her actions and train
of thought contradicted this, but she still felt it in her heart. So she decided
that there was only one possible way to rehabilitate him. She breathed
deeply and prepared herself for the task at hand. The next few days would
be what would either make or break them. She knew it was finally time for
her to take control of her life.

Jimmy arrived at her office later that day in the afternoon. It was slightly
before their agreed upon time, but she didn't mind. Work was incredibly
quiet. So, with her being her own boss, she gave herself some extra time
off. She felt she deserved it. She knew she deserved it.

She greeted Jimmy with a warm hug, which he happily reciprocated. He

even planted a gentle kiss on the soft skin of her cheek, which caused the
blood to run to her reddening face as recollections of his mouth had her
knees feeling slightly weak for a moment.

"So where shall we go?" she asked him with a warm smile.
"I know the perfect place. A quaint little cafe just a few blocks from here,"
he replied as he walked her outside and opened the door of his car for her.

She felt her face flush again. She knew he was kind, but these gentleman-
like mannerisms of his were quite a far cry from the dominant alpha male
she had gotten to know the previous night.

"Well, let's hope your short little review does them justice." She grinned at
him jokingly.

"Hey, Rose, when do you get a day off?" he asked her as they drove down
the street.

"Hmmm, honestly... I don't think I've ever taken a day off," she replied
solemnly. She contemplated the history of her career and realized that she
had never truly taken a day off that wasn't a weekend. Hell, she realized
that she barely even took weekends off lately.

"Well, why don't you take the day off today? Spend the day with me?" he
asked her with an earnest tone to his voice.

"Oh, I couldn't. I can't afford to-" The thought finally hit her. Of course she
could afford to take the day off. She still had over three quarters of a
million dollars. She didn't need to work herself to death. She was sorted
out for quite some time. She could afford to take the entire week off if she
so chose to.

"Actually, I think that might be a good idea." She quickly changed her
mind. She needed the break. She needed the rest.

Jimmy just smiled and nodded.

"I'm glad you came to your senses so quickly. I nearly thought I'd have to
take you hostage." He laughed loudly. Rose started laughing too. As she
embraced being in his prescence, she started to feel all her problems fade
away. He had this calming effect on her. It was something she couldn't
comprehend nor describe, but she knew that she appreciated it more than
anybody could fathom.
They arrived at the little shop and once again Jimmy hurried so he could
hold the door open for her. She felt so flustered. It may have been small
things, but she hadn't been treated like this in years.

"We have arrived, m'lady," he said mockingly in a posh British accent.

"Oh my, why thank you, my good sir," she replied in her own version of
the Brit accent, which unfortunately sounded much worse than his. They
both laughed wholeheartedly. Jimmy took her hand and in his and they
entered the little shop.

They found a nice little booth, secluded from most of the others, and they
took their seats.

"Order whatever you want. It's on me." Jimmy smiled at her as the
waitress gave them their menus.
"Oh, Jim, I couldn't."

"Don't be ridiculous. I like to view this as a date. So it's my treat."


"No arguments," he said half-sternly as he jokingly raised his eyebrow.

She just smiled and sheepishly looked down.

"Thank you, Jim. You really don't have to spoil me like this." She lifted
her head and smiled warmly at him. Her cheeks were turning crimson

"Bullshit. You deserve to be spoiled rotten." He cupped her cheek with his
large hand and felt her warm skin at his fingertips.
She placed her hand over his and moved it to her lips. She placed soft
kisses on his fingertips. She had an idea brewing in her mind and she was
trying to figure out how to bring it to fruition.
Finally, she just swallowed her nerves and stood up.

"And now, Rose?" he asked her.

"Meet me in the bathroom. I have something to ask. I suppose you could
consider it a favor." She winked at him and walked towards the restroom
Jimmy sat in shock for a few seconds before he recomposed himself and
quickly stood up. He took a quick glance to make sure nobody was spying
on him before hastily walking after Rose.
He felt her pull him into the bathroom before he even saw her. It was a
small little facility, very fitting of the quaint nature of the establishment.
"Well, hello there." He smiled at her as she quickly locked the door.

"Hey there yourself, handsome." She grinned at him as she turned to face
him. She took off her jacket and started unbuttoning her blouse.
"Whoa, Rose, you really don't have to. I honestly don't expect anything,"
he reassured her.
"Oh, this ain't for you, baby, this is for me." She took off her blouse and
dropped it to the floor, followed quickly by her bra. She grinned at him
and pushed her arms together to let her perky tits pop out towards him.
"However, I do have one condition. Or rather, a request," she told him as
she walked up towards him. She stood up on her tiptoes and placed a long,
seductive kiss on his lips.
"Of course," he replied with a newfound rasp to his voice, all his blood
was quickly draining down into his engorging large member.
Rose pushed him back against the wall and stood against him. She let her
hand trail down his body and felt every detail of his chiseled physique
through the thin fabric of his shirt. She started to massage and stroke his
growing cock through his trousers. She squeezed the head softly, which
drew a gasp from his lips.

"Anything. I'll do absolutely anything," he moaned against her lips softly.

She pulled her head while still letting her hand rub him gently, feeling him
grow against her palm.
"No sex today. I don't want to take another Plan B in such a short
Jimmy nodded in agreement, agreeing without even saying it.

"Secondly, I want you to take my phone and record what happens next.
Don't worry, it's purely for my own personal usage." She grinned at him
and brought her lips to his neck. She sucked softly and bit gently at his
ebony skin.

"Okay, deal. So long as it's just for your own use," he groaned softly.
"I'm glad we have an agreement," she whispered into his neck. Her one
hand took her phone out and opened up the video camera application. Her
other hand had already unbuttoned his pants and was unzipping him. She
handed him the phone. He took it and focused it on her as she started to
drop to her knees.

"Be sure to get my good side, baby." She winked at him and pulled down
his trousers along with his boxers. His manhood sprang forth so quickly it
accidentally hit her in the chin.
She let out a soft laugh and wrapped her hand around it as much as she
could. She looked up at the camera.

"Oops, guess I forgot how massive you are." She winked at the camera as
she brought her tongue towards his swollen head. She ran her tongue all
over the opening of his meatus, tasting his salty precum as she sucked the
entire tip of his head into her mouth.
Jimmy let out a soft moan of encouragement as she pulled back and ran
her tongue all over the entirety of his massive head.

"You want me to suck your cock, baby?" she asked him while still looking
at the camera. She was doing her utmost best to both put on a great show
for the camera while also pleasing this massive cock.
"Fuck. Yes. Please, baby," he begged her.
"I wanna hear you say it." She grinned at him as she ran his large cock
head over her soft lips, sucking softly at the underside of his head.
"Suck that massive cock, Rosey. God, please."
She stuck out her tongue and lapped it over the underside of his cock as
she trailed it all along his massive chocolate colored shaft.
"You want me to suck that big black cock, baby? Don't you think my little
white mouth might be too small for something so big?" she asked,
fluttering her lashes at him as she dragged her tongue all the way back up
to his head.

Jimmy was slightly caught off guard by her sudden method of talk. It was
something he was not expecting in the slightest and he was pretty sure it
was mostly for the sake of the camera. He didn't complain, however. He
was enjoying it too much.

"I know my little white girl can take as much of that fat black cock as she
wants," he replied.

She grinned at him and gave him a wink and a kiss to the tip of his cock
"Oh, I love the faith you have in me. Let's see if you're right."

She took the tip of his fat head into her mouth and started to slide herself
down, letting her lips stretch out over his large member as she started to
take more of him into her mouth.

Jimmy let out a loud groan and let himself relax against the wall, using it
to support himself so he could solely focus on the sight of this tiny little
white girl looking up at him as her lips passed the ridge of his massive
black dick.
Rose felt the tip of his cock at the back of her throat. She relaxed the
muscles of her throat and winked at the camera. Slowly, she pushed her
head forward, taking his cock into her throat.
"Oh, fuuuuuuuck," Jimmy let out in a long, drawn out gasp. Rose felt
herself lubricate at the pleasure she was causing him. She moved her free
hand down down her body, slipping it up her skirt. She pushed her panties
aside and gently started to rub her clit. She moaned softly around his
massive cock, his girth stretching her lips as far as they could go. The
vibrations of her moaning along with the constrictions of her throat
muscles sent Jimmy into a pleasure fueled nirvana.

She started to slowly pull back and took his cock out of her lips with a
loud "POP!" She brought her hand to the ridge of his cock and stroked him
slowly but passionately.

"Oh, I love this cock so much," she said as she kissed all over his soaking
wet head. "Just look at what sucking this magnificent cock does to me,
baby. Making me touch myself. Making my little white pussy so wet for
this cock," she said as she stood up. She let go of his cock and used her
now free hand to lift up her skirt, showing the camera how she was
furiously rubbing her clit.

"In fact, I love this cock so much. This glorious cock. The only cock to
ever make me cum. The most amazing cock I have ever touched. I love it
so much that I just need it inside me," she said into the camera before she
looked at Jimmy with a grin.

She walked towards the basin and lifted herself up onto it. She pulled off
her panties and tossed them towards Jimmy with a wink. She pulled up her
skirt and spread her legs to expose her glistening pussy to Jimmy. More
importantly, actually, she wanted to show it to the camera.
"I thought you said-" Jimmy started before being quickly interrupted by
"Forget what I said. My pussy demands more. Just look at how smoothly I
shaved it for you, baby. Only for you," she said. "Don't you want my pussy,
hmmm? Don't you want to be inside it?" she asked with a mock pout,
using her fingers to spread her fat lips and expose her luscious pinkness
"Fuck, you don't have to tell me twice," Jimmy replied as he hastily kicked
off his trousers and walked towards her.

"Let me have this massive cock, baby," she told him as he positioned the
tip of his cock at her sopping wet entrance. He slowly started to insert
himself into her, groaning as every muscle of her pussy constricted against
the thickness of his cock.
"Oh yes, oh fuck yes. Stretch my white little pussy, baby. Stretch it wide
open with that large fucking dick of yours." Rose's glance never left the
lens of her cellphone. She was making sure it captured every single word
she said and every expression her face portrayed.
"Oh, you want this cock, little girl? You think you can handle this cock,
huh?" Jimmy's own hormones started to overtake him. And moreover, he
was honestly enjoying all of her filthy talk.
"Yes, baby, give me as much as this tiny pussy can take," she moaned
softly as Jimmy pushed his cock as deep as it can go.
"Then prepare yourself, because I'm gonna fuck you like you've never been
fucked before." He grinned at her. He positioned the camera to capture his
cock inside her pussy before he started to thrust.
Jimmy was actually thankful that having to try and play cameraman drew
his attention away somewhat. Otherwise, he knew he would have cum
already. He wanted to make this last. She wanted a good show and he
wanted to make sure not to disappoint.

"Oh God, yes, baby, that's it. Just like that. Fuck," she moaned softly and
closed her eyes, savoring the feelings his massive cock was giving her.
She moved her one hand towards her soaking pussy and placed the tip of
her middle finger on her engorged clit. She started to rub herself furiously
as Jimmy's massive cock slammed in and out of her.
"Oh, baby, you make me feel so fucking good. Oh God," she moaned a bit
louder than before. Jimmy was half-sure somebody must have heard her,
but he didn't care. He just revelled in the sweet sensations of her amazing
pussy. He had been with a few girls before. More than a few, if he was
being completely honest. None, however, could come close to comparing
to this beautiful little white girl in front of him.
He placed one hand on her leg and lifted it up slightly to expose her
dripping pussy as his cock stretched it to its brim. He wanted to make sure
the camera captured it all. He already decided that he was going to ask her
for the video for his own personal use.

Her moans were urging him on, so he complied by picking up the pace of
his thrusts.
Rose opened her eyes and stared at the glorious sight of his cock sliding in
and out of her pussy. She was so wet by then that she no longer felt any
pain, while he had no issue being able to fuck her as fast as he wanted to.
She rubbed her clit furiously, her mouth agape. She tried to moan, but no
sound would escape. She simply just stared at the sight in front of her and
up at the look of absolute pleasure plastered all over Jimmy's face.

Suddenly, she started to feel the same strange sensation from the previous
night. Once again, she was approaching an orgasm. And even more
wonderful for her, it was once again an orgasm she didn't need to work for
herself. She took her hand away and used it to balance herself so she could
slam her soaking cunt towards Jimmy, matching his thrusts perfectly.

"That's it, baby, oh fuck. You're gonna make me cum again. Oh fuck, oh
fuck, I'm gonna cum. Don't stop," she pleaded before letting out a loud
moan, having to bring her one hand to her mouth and bite down on it to
stifle herself. The orgasm had arrived and flooded her body with
overwhelming sensations. She felt the warmth consume her as she started
to tremble.

Jimmy felt her pussy wetten even more as her muscles constricted and
pulsed around his cock. He was close to the edge himself, but he held back
to let her savor this for as long as possible.
Rose closed her eyes as pleasure coursed through her. Her pussy felt like it
was in a heaven of its own while the rest of her was lost in a new found
paradise. She moaned against her own hand softly as the intense feelings
of her orgasm started to subside slightly, yet didn't even begin to cease.
Finally, Jimmy couldn't hold back anymore. He felt his own orgasm close
in on him.
"Oh fuck, Rose, I'm gonna cum," he moaned softly as a warning.
She sat up and pushed him back, his cock escaping her still-tightening cunt
and springing forth. She dropped to her knees in front of him and started to
stroke his cock.
"Make sure you get this, baby." She grinned up at him as she quickly took
his cock head into her mouth.
Jimmy immediately knew what she was doing and the very idea pushed
him over the edge. He let out a loud groan and grabbed her hair, twirling
his fingers through it as his orgasm hit.
Rose choked slightly at the strange feeling of his cum shooting against her
throat, but she didn't relent. She squeezed his cock as hard as she could
and furiously stroked it. She was milking him into her mouth, tasting the
sweet saltiness of his seed as it coated her tongue.
When she felt no more cum escape his pulsating cock, she slowly
withdrew him from her mouth, still stroking him slowly. She smiled up at
him and the camera before opening her mouth to reveal the cum inside.
She winked at the camera and swallowed everything, opening her mouth
again so she could show off her swallowing abilities. She winked once
more at the camera and planted one more soft kiss on his sensitive head
before she stood up. She grabbed the phone from Jimmy and saved the
video. She planted a soft kiss on Jimmy's lips and picked up her clothes.

"Thank you, that was exactly what I needed," she said, bending down to
pick up her panties in such a way that she could deliberately showcase her
glistening cunt to him.
"Fuck. Um. It's a pleasure?" he replied questionally, trying to catch his

"Oh? You sound so unsure," she mocked him with a pseudo-hurt

"No, of course not. Just feel like I should be thanking you instead," he
quickly replied.
She smiled at him and tossed her panties towards him.

"Why don't you keep those for me? I'll get them from you later," she said
with a wink.
"Oh? So I'll be seeing you later as well?" he asked her as he tucked the
panties into his trouser pockets.
"Of course you will. After we eat, I'm just gonna go home for a little, but
then right after I want you to come pick me up." She smiled at him and
finished dressing.
"Hmmm, okay, you have yourself a deal. Now let's go eat."

Chapter Three

Jimmy and Rose finished their lunch. Jimmy spared absolutely no

expense. There were starters, a proper meal, dessert, and as many drinks as
she wanted. At the end of her little date, she felt so full that she was
certain she was going to explode.
Jimmy took her by the hand and lead her to the car, once again holding the
door open for her. He got into the driver's seat and they took off.
"Oh, just one stop quickly. You know Rob's, right?" she asked Jimmy as
she added a small detail to her master plan.
"The sex shop? Yeah, I know it," Jimmy answered half quizzically but
obliged nonetheless. He pulled up in front of the store once they arrived.
"Thank you, Jimbo, I'll be quick, I promise." She kissed him on the cheek
before she climbed out of the car and entered the store.
Jimmy sat and started to ponder about the dynamics of their current
He knew deep down that she wasn't just about to up and leave her husband.
And he also knew that this was not a permanent thing. He had heard her
talk of Frank before. He knew she loved him. But he had this unrelenting
desire for her. He had a need to take care of her and to be with her. So, he
figured, he'd be content with the relationship as it was and appreciate
whatever time they would spend together. He just wanted her happy. He
knew that was all she deserved. Money was no problem for him, he had
more of it than he knew what to do with. So giving a bit to her seemed like
a reasonable thing to him. Spoiling her rotten like she deserved seemed
like a logical decision to him. Not to mention, she seemed more than
happy to fuck his brains out.
Jimmy was snapped out of his deep thoughts by Rose opening the
passenger side door.
"Hey there, big boy." She smiled at him and climbed in.
"Hey, Rosey, you got what you needed?" he asked her and started the
"Yep, I sure did. You can just drop me off at my place and then I'll phone
you when I'm done. Shouldn't take too long." She kissed him on the cheek
softly and smile.
"Actually, I have a bit of a better idea," he replied as they started to drive.

"Oh? And what's that?" she asked.

"Well, I've seen that your car isn't in the best of shape. No offense, of
"None taken. That rust bucket has seen some better days." She laughed

She started to recognize the road they were taking. They were driving
towards his house. She felt slightly confused but didn't want to question it.
"Well, what do you think of this car?" he asked her.
"It's definitely a very smooth ride. To be honest, it's a lovely car. But even
with the money you gave, I doubt I could afford it while still having
enough left," she replied with a sigh.

"I'm glad you like it, but I didn't say you should buy one," he replied with
a smirk.
They arrived at his house and pulled up into the driveway.
"What did you mean then?" she asked him, still confused.

Jimmy climbed out of the car and walked to her side, opening the door. He
motioned for her to climb out. He took her hand in his and placed the keys
of the car in her palm, closing her hand around it.
"Consider it a gift. When you're done, I'll be right here. Enjoy your new
wheels, Rosey." He smiled softly at her and kissed her cheek gently.
"Jimmy, I couldn't... This is too much..."

"Hey, no arguments. I'll spoil you as much as I want to. Now go, do your
business. I got a busy evening planned for us."
Rose struggled to find the words. So, instead, she simply hugged him as
tight as she could.
"Thank you..." she whispered softly. She actually felt like crying. She felt
so appreciated.
She climbed into the driver's seat of her new car. Her mind was still
struggling to comprehend it. She looked over at Jimmy who just waved at
her. She started the engine and drove off, ready to put her plan into motion.
Chapter Four:

Rose arrived at her house and parked slightly away from the view of her
windows and front door. She wasn't planning to keep it a secret forever,
but she didn't want Frank to know just yet. There was something else she
had to do first. She checked the pocket of her skirt and made sure she had
her purchase from the sex shop with her. She took a deep breath and
calmed herself. It was time to execute her plan.
She walked up to her house and opened the front door.

"Honey? I'm home early today," she said in her most needy voice.
"Hey baby, welcome home," Frank said from his couch, turning his head to
look at her.
"I wanted to talk to you... About yesterday," she said as she approached
him and sat down next to him.

"Oh? Okay then, I'm listening." Frank started to feel himself get excited.
He always loved her method of apologizing.
"I was wrong... You're my husband. I should always be ready and eager to
make love to you. I was being selfish. I was being so selfish," she said in
the saddest, most apologetic voice she could muster. Her heart was racing
as the pieces started to fall into place.

"I'm glad you realized that. But don't worry, I don't blame you. You can
always make it up to me," Frank said through a grin. He took her hand and
moved it to her crotch. She was hoping he'd actually be able to change her
mind, but, unfortunately for him, he just proved that she needed to do this.
"Thank you, my Frankie... In fact, I've been thinking of a very special way
to make it up to you." She sheepishly smiled at him.
Frank felt all the blood in his body start to flow to his tiny cock. He was
beyond excited now.
"Oh? And what's that?" he asked eagerly.
She unzipped his trousers and pulled out his tiny cock, stroking it gently.
"Well, I realized I've been full of shit for too long. I should do whatever it
takes to make my man happy. Whatever he wants," she said as she dropped
between his legs and brought his cock towards her face. "And this is what
my Frankie wants, right? He wants me to suck his cock, right?" she asked
shyly and licked the tip of his cock softly. She couldn't believe he was
actually falling for this. She guessed it just showed how little attention he
was actually paying.
"Oh fuck yes, Rose, please suck it." He stared at her and licked his lips. He
was beyond excited to finally get the first blowjob of his life.
Rose smiled and took all of his cock into her mouth with one motion,
sucking on it before she lifted her head back up. His cock slipped out of
her lips.
Frank let out a loud moan. The new sensations were sending tingles all
along his spine.

"You like that, baby?" she asked him.

"Oh fuck. Don't stop. That felt so fucking good. Please don't stop," he
pleaded with her.
"Okay, baby, close your eyes and relax. Let me take care of you," she said
as she continued to stroke him, feeling him start to harden more.

Frank complied, and she took her chance.

Frank was eagerly awaiting the heat of her mouth again when he suddenly
felt a cold metal against his cock. He looked down to see Rose lock a
chastity device around his cock.
"What the fuck, Rose? What the fuck are you doing? Get this fucking thing
off of me! What the fuck do you think this is?" he shouted at her, starting
to freak out.
"You wanna know what this is, Frank?" she asked him as she stood up and
plugged her cellphone into the TV. She started to play the video she
recorded with Jimmy.

"You see that? That is how I'll treat a real man who actually treats me like
a person," she said as she turned to look at him. He looked beyond
shocked. He looked beyond hurt. She hated hurting him like this, but she
knew it was necessary. This was the only option he left her.
"You... You fucking cheated on me and now you're fucking showing it to
me? What the fuck is this, Rose?" he asked with tears in his voice.

"This, this is my revenge, Frank. This is me taking a charge. Things are

going to change around here, and this is the only way I can be certain of
it," she said with absolutely no emotion in her voice. Her face told the tale.
She was done with all the bullshit and she was putting herself first for a
Frank simply looked at her. He couldn't recognize her. He felt hurt, cheated
on, and humiliated. More than anything, he felt absolutely terrified.
Part 3 - Loving Another Man

Chapter One

Frank sat helpless and watched the woman he loved as she sucked another
man's cock. The video was torturing him, yet he couldn't look away. He
was awestruck with feelings he had never felt before as he watched her
treating an absolute stranger in ways she never treated him.
"Rose... Why? What did I ever do to deserve this?" he asked with a
genuine sadness in his voice and tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Are you fucking serious right now, Frank?" she asked, her eyes flung wide
open. His lack of self-reflection had set something off.
"What did you fucking do? You actually have the fucking balls to ask
that?" Her nostrils were flaring and a rage had consumed her.

"Yes, Rose, what did I ever do?" he asked sincerely. Tears were now
streaming down his cheeks.

"Let's take a good fucking look at the list, shall we? You treat me like I'm
some fucking slave of yours. Like all I'm good for is making money to
support your lazy ass and then just as a cock sleeve when you're feeling
horny." She stood right in front of him. Frank felt as if he was going to be
swallowed whole by the Earth. In fact, he was silently praying that he
would be. He had never felt so small or insignificant before. Rose put her
hand on his head and turned his face towards the TV.

"Oh, watch closely, this is one of the best parts." She grinned as the TV
showed her sexual escapade. She turned the volume up so they could
properly hear her loud moans of approval when Jimmy fucked her.

"You see that, Frank? That's what a real man does. Look at my face right
there, you know what that look is? That is the look of a woman cumming.
Something you never even cared doing for me."
"What are you talking about? I always make sure you cum," Frank
stammered out.

"Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of woman can cum from one
minute of fucking with such a tiny little dick, huh?" She let out a chuckle.

"Rose, why the fuck are you doing this to me?" He started bawling.
"If you don't like it, Frank, then you're free to fuck off and leave. But good
luck finding someone who would support you the way I have." She pulled
a chair so she could sit in front of him.

She looked over at the TV and lifted her skirt, revealing her naked and
shaved pussy for Frank. She moved her hand to her already moist lips and
toyed with herself playfully.

"Fuck, just thinking back on this makes me so fucking wet. Just look at
how wet I am, Frankie." She grinned as she parted her pussy lips and
showed Frank her inner wetness.
"Please stop this, Rose..." he started to beg her. He was weeping like a
child now. It hurt her to hurt him like this, but she knew what was
"Oh, stop? Just like you stopped giving a fuck about me? No, I don't
fucking think so. Things are going to change, Frankie. And they're going to
start changing right fucking now. Now, watch. Here's the best part." She
motioned with her free hand towards the TV. Frank didn't want to look. He
couldn't take anymore, but he knew he had to. Reluctantly, he turned his
head just in time to see his wife suck the cum out of the large black cock
on the screen. When he saw her open her mouth to show the copious
amount of cum inside, he weeped even more.

"Oh, stop your fucking crying. You deserve this, Frank. Never forget that.
You brought this on yourself. Now, it's time for your decision. Unless
things change, this won't stop. That device on your little baby cock? I have
the only key. Now tell me, do you want to fix this?"
"Y-yes, Rose, of course I do. Just tell me what I need to do," he said softly,
almost inaudibly.

"On your knees in front of me. This has turned me on quite a bit, and for
once, you're going to take care of me." She grinned as she motioned for
him to get between her legs.

Frank stood up but was quickly scolded by Rose.

"No, on your Goddamn knees. Crawl to me." The power and control she
suddenly experienced had gone straight to her head and she was absolutely
loving it.

Frank just nodded and dropped to his hands and knees. He crawled his way
towards her.

"What do you want me to do?" he sighed softly as he reached her. He sat

sulking between her legs. Rose took her hand away from her pussy and ran
her wet fingertip over Frank's lip.

"Why, Frankie, today you're gonna become a real boy," she mocked him.
She chuckled softly and brought her finger to her own lips. She sucked on
it softly, tasting her own juices as she winked at Frank.

"Real men know how to eat pussy, Frankie. You wanna be a real man?
Show me what you can do." She spread her legs and pulled her skirt up
completely. She exposed her wet pussy to him fully.
Frank took a deep breath and brought his face closer. He had never done
this before, and he never really cared for doing it either. But he knew he
had to. He knew that he needed to save this marriage somehow. He loved
Rose, and he loved the life they had built especially. He breathed in and
smelled her aroma properly for the first time. Taking another deep breath,
he pressed his lips against her moist cunt and slipped his tongue in
between them.

Rose let out a soft sigh as she felt his tongue on her little clit, using her
hands so she could hold his head in place.
"Right there, lick that clit, Frankie. Taste my pussy." She felt like a
completely different person. She didn't even know who she was anymore,
but she knew this person was much better and much stronger than who she
used to be.

Frank closed his eyes and parted her lips gently. He brought his face in and
gently pressed the tip of his tongue against her swollen button.

The taste was very strange to him. It wasn't unpleasant as he imagined it

would be, but it was still something entirely new and different.
He breathed in and inhaled her scent. He actually started to feel himself
harden again, which felt uncomfortable as his growing cock started to
press against the steel confines of his penile prison.

Still, he felt determined to not disappoint her. He pushed his lips firmly
against her femininity and took her clit in between his teeth gently.

She let out a loud moan as he massaged her button with his teeth gently
while the tip of his tongue rolled over it slowly.

He pulled back and looked up at her, bringing his one hand to her clit and
rubbing it gently.

"Am I doing a good job, Rose?" he asked sincerely; a look of desperation

and sadness was gleaming from his sorrow-filled eyes.

Rose swallowed the pity she suddenly felt for her newly submissive
husband. She reminded herself of the hell he put her through. She
reminded herself of what needed to be done. She reminded herself that he
needed to be broken down before he'd be able to be fixed. So, she
swallowed her love and sympathy. She looked him dead in the eyes and put
on her best heartless facade.

"You'll have done a good job when you make me cum. Now get on with it."
She laid her head back and closed her eyes.

Frank sighed softly to himself and brought his face in towards her mound
once again. Deep down, he was enjoying himself. Not the humiliation or
the emotional anguish he suddenly felt, but the idea of his wife in absolute
bliss filled him with this feeling of pride.

He took her clit back in between his lips and sucked harder on it. He let the
tip of his tongue dance all over it, occasionally he would flatten it and lap
it vertically over her soft little button.

Rose was trying to contain her moans, settling instead to whimper under
her breath. Frank was doing a better job than she expected and she was
loving it. When she felt his finger start to part her opening and slide inside
her, she knew he was dedicated. Apparently, he wasn't as uneducated as
she had thought.

Frank curled the tip of his finger and pressed it against her g-spot. He had
actually wanted to try and please her after their last fight, so he had spent
the better part of the day reading up on tips. He never thought he'd end up
utilizing them in these circumstances, but his goal was still the same.

Unfortunately for him, his tiny little cock was in more than just mild
discomfort. As he grew fully, the metal prison felt like it was crushing
him. He was in pain, but he didn't want to let it show. He needed her to
know he was dedicated to this.

He slowly slipped in a second finger while his tongue lapped at her

eagerly. Rose wasn't expecting any of this, and obviously her body wasn't
either. She felt her orgasm start to build up. She knew she couldn't let this
happen. She couldn't let him know he could make her cum.

"Ugh, that's enough. Go sit back down," she reluctantly told him. Her body
immediately hated her. If there was a female equivalent of blue balls, then
that was what her pussy was feeling right now. It was positively aching,
pleading for the release she was denying herself. She just had to remind
herself of the grander schemes of things. Just had to reassure herself about
the pay off in the long run.

"Fucking pathetic. Can't even make me cum," she lied to him, putting up a
charade composed of disdain and disgust.
"If you just give me more time, I prom-" Frank started to plead before
being interrupted by Rose.

"Save it. I was going to relent and at least give your teeny little cock a
stroke, but now? You can forget it," she snarled at him. She was grateful
that she knew how to act. All her years of pretending to be okay, the
practice of pretending that Frank's behavior didn't bother her. All he put
her through was paying off.
"Please, Rose, just take this thing off of me at least. It fucking hurts," he

"Oh? It hurts? That's fucking good then. That little thing has never brought
me any pleasure, so maybe a little pain will make it better," she scoffed at
him. A big part of her absolutely hated herself for doing this, but she knew
it was necessary. She had to put on her big girl pants and be willing to do
whatever it took.

"Please stop calling it little... I know it's not much, but it's not that small...
It's at least something..." Frank sulked.

"It's a pathetic excuse for a little dick, Frank. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Then... At least just take this thing off, please."

"That will come off when I decide it will, got it? In fact, let's make a deal.
Next time I come home and every single little fucking chore is done, then
I will take it off. Then you can go down on me and jack off, then I'll put it
back on. Deal?"


"I'm not fucking finished. The moment you get a job, and I mean a decent
fucking job where you can actually contribute to our situation, then I'll
take it off and I'll give you a blowjob every time you show me a new
paycheck. Then, it'll go back on."

"Okay, I understand, but-"

"You want it to come off permanently, don't you?"

"Well, of course... It's painful and uncomfortable, Rose."

"Then you know exactly how I fucking feel, Frank. I've given my best
years to you. I've given all to you. And how did you repay me? You
fucking treated me like some self-cleaning fleshlight. I had to make sure
there was enough money to support your lazy luxurious life. You just sat
and did absolutely nothing while I worked my ass off, stressed my ass off,
just for you. I was in pain for how long because of you? So, you know
what? The day that thing comes off, the day I'll actually allow you to fuck
me again, will be the day when I actually know that you love me. The day
that I know you appreciate me. Until then, get fucking used to it," she
snarled at him, getting in his face. This time, she wasn't pretending. All
her hurt and anger had surfaced. Frank stared blankly at her. His eyes were
wide and fixed in an expression of pure shock. Solemnly, he closed his
eyes and simply nodded.

"I understand," he half-whispered, looking back into her eyes.

"Good," she said as she fixed her skirt. "Now, Frankie dear, if you'll excuse
me." She started to walk towards the door.
"Where are you going?" he asked her softly.

"Well, not that it's any of your Goddamn business, but after being left so
disatisfied by a man who couldn't make me cum, well, let's just say, I got a
big black cock with my name written all over it." She grinned at Frank and
blew a kiss at him before exiting through the front door.

After Rose had left, Frank finally let grief take him. He rolled into a ball
on the couch and started weeping. He knew this was his fault. He knew he
had only himself to blame for what just happened. And he knew he had to
get better.
Chapter Two

Rose sat in her new car, and guilt overtook her. She knew she had hurt
Frank. She knew she went too far, but she also knew this was needed. She
knew this was their last hope. Suddenly, her phone rang. She saw it was
Jimmy. Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and answered.

"Hey there, Big Jim, I'm actually on my way over to you," she said
seductively into the cellphone.

"Hey, Rosey, we need to talk about something." Jimmy sounded quite

serious. Rose suddenly felt her stomach drop.
"Sure, Jimmy, what's up?" she asked timidly.
"Well, judging from how you were acting today, I can see you have a
certain need for a particular type of activity."

"You're saying I need to be fucked? Yeah, Jim, I know. Why do you think I
wanna come over to you so eagerly?"

"That's the thing. My best friend came over suddenly. And I was thinking;
maybe he can help too."

"Jim, okay, no. What the fuck? I'm sleeping with you because I know you
personally. Because you're essentially my best friend. Because I care about
you so much. I can't just sleep with a complete stranger." Rose felt hurt by
his request. At the same time, however, the idea of two men taking her at
once... For some strange reason, it filled her with excitement. She started
to think to herself that perhaps she should consider it.

"I know, it's just... This has always been a fantasy of mine. Having an
absolutely gorgeous girl in between my best friend and I."

"Jim, I don't know."

"Two million dollars. We'll do the same as before. But because it's double
the dicks, I'll double the money. Two million dollars. That should have you
set for quite some time."
She was dumbstruck. She didn't have words. She had only ever dreamed of
that kind of money. And all she had to do was take one more cock?
"Rose? Are you still there?"

"Two fucking million? Jesus, Jim..."

"Hey, you're worth the price of admission," he chuckled softly.

"Okay, well, I feel kinda like a whore, but all right. I'll be there shortly."
She put the phone down and sat back. She tried to process what just
happened. What was about to happen. Her heart was beating out of her
chest. She felt like a whore; this was true. However, she also felt excited.
She felt beautiful. She felt like an expensive piece of jewelry that
everyone was clamoring to pay their entire life savings for. She took a
deep breath and started the car.

"Let's do this," she said to herself as she sped off, eagerly on her way to
Jimmy's abode.

Jimmy was pacing nervously until he finally heard the knock on his door.
He swallowed his fear and opened it to be greeted by Rose.

"Rose, I'm so happy you could make it. Come in."

"Is this your friend?" she asked and motioned towards the other black man
sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, this is-" Jimmy started before being interrupted by Rose planting a
kiss on his lips. She placed her hand on his cheek and smiled at him.

"Listen, Jim, I care about you. I honestly do. But I just had one of the
worst moments of my life and I need an emotional disconnect. I agreed to
this, but there will be no names. Please. You and I can have our emotional
connection another day. Right now, I need to get fucked. No names, no
getting to know each other, no connecting. Just you two using me as you
see fit, okay?" She patted his cheek gently and started undoing her blouse.

"All right, I can respect that. So, we‘re just gonna get down to business,
hey?" Jimmy asked, undoing his belt.

"Yeah, that's exactly what we're gonna do. Let's move this to your
bedroom." She motioned for him to lead her.

Jimmy's friend stood up, and Rose could immediately see the outline of
his cock in his jeans. She was more than impressed and definitely hopeful.

"Here it is, the legendary bedroom of Jimmy Perkins." Jimy laughed and
tossed his trousers aside, his shirt soon following suite. He stood only in
his boxers in front of Rose. Rose was completely naked by now, having
wasted no time undressing on her way to the bedroom.

"It certainly is a nice room." She winked at him. "Now, tell your friend to
get undressed already so we can get started. And get those fucking boxers
off so I can get that cock."

Jimmy simply looked at his friend who hadn't said a single word yet.
Apparently, the sight of Rose's beautiful nudity had struck him silent. Rose
choked back a giggle at the thought.
She walked to the friend and pushed him onto the bed.

"If you're not gonna do it, then I will." She grinned at him and undid his
jeans. She started to pull them off along with his underwear, kissing the
small patch of skin above his pubic area. His rock solid cock sprang forth
as it was freed from its constraints. Rose let out an audible gasp when she
saw his manhood. He wasn't as large or as thick as Jimmy, but by God he
was still massive. She tossed his trousers aside and sat down with his legs
between hers. He could feel her heat radiating against his skin.

Jimmy stood back and slowly stroked himself to full mast as he took in the
sight in front of him. One of his ultimate fantasies was finally going to be
Rose took the friend's hard cock into her hand and gently stroked it. This
one managed to barely fit in her grip, but her hand still couldn't close

"Fuck me, where have these kinda dicks been all my life? Christ, I've been
missing out," she said before taking the entire head of his cock into her
mouth. Jimmy's friend let out a loud gasp, his hands immediately traveling
to her head, twirling his fingers in between her hair.

"Oh fuck, that mouth is magical," he moaned softly as he watched her lips
slide down his cock. Rose took as much of him into her throat as she
possibly could. She looked up at him and winked at him before sliding her
mouth off of him. She continued to stroke his hard shaft, only talking in
between soft kisses she was placing around the brim of his purple head.

"White girl got some skills, hmmmm?" As she finished the sentence, she
quickly took the tip into her mouth so he could feel the vibrations of her
"hmmmm." She kept her face close to his cock, kissing it all over while
she lifted her ass up into the air. She turned her head and looked at Jimmy,
who was holding his massive cock in his hand, still stroking slowly.

"You waiting for an invitation big boy? Come on, this little white cunt
needs some chocolate desperately." She grinned at him before returning
her attention to the cock in front of her.

She started to suck on the friend's cock head again, massaging the spongy
flesh with her lips while her tongue lapped all around it. She wiggled her
ass at Jimmy who approached her eagerly. He was happy to comply to her

"You ready for it, baby?" Jimmy asked as he placed his fat cock head at
her soaking wet entrance.

"Mmhmm," she sounded out, refusing to take the cock out of her mouth to
answer, instead just pushing her wetness back against him as a reply. That
was all the assurance Jimmy needed.
He grabbed her hips and buried himself as deep as he possibly could inside
of her.

Rose moaned loudly against the fat cock in her mouth as the even fatter
cock thrust inside her. It was a feeling she doubted she would ever get used
to. She felt him against every muscle of her sex as he stretched her as
much as she could. She was, however, not feeling the pain anymore.
Instead, ecstasy surged through her veins, setting her nerve endings on
fire. Jimmy didn't wait for another request. He knew what she wanted. She
wanted a good, hard fuck, and he was more than happy to grant her

With his hands firmly on her hips, he started to thrust himself in and out
of her tight cunt. Every push back inside caused her to moan around his
friend's massive cock.

She worked her mouth further down the friend's manhood, feeling him
entering her throat. Jimmy's friend just watched and enjoyed the
marvelous sight of this tiny little ivory princess taking his massive black
cock into her throat. Jimmy was right; this girl was one of a kind. He
watched his best friend slam into her, and every single time he did, he felt
her throat tighten around his swollen head and the muscles vibrate against
him as she moaned. And every time, without fail, he would moan in sync
with her. When they were little, he and Jimmy made a promise that one
day they would tag team a girl. He never thought it would actually happen,
let alone with a girl like this. Yet here they were, Jimmy with his cock
buried deep in her pussy while his own cock was buried in her throat.

"Fuck, Jimbo, you got a real fucking keeper with this, I tell ya." Jimmy's
friend groaned loudly as he used his hands to help her bob her head on his
fat cock.

"Don't I fucking know it," Jimmy laughed. His thrusts were getting more
and more desperate. He was now slamming her body back against him,
thrusting as hard as he could.

"Jimbo, I think it's time we switch, hey?" the friend moaned softly and
started lift Rose's head of his cock.
"Oh, you want some of this little pussy too, baby?" Rose grinned as his
cock exited her mouth. She wiped the saliva from her chin and turned to
look at Jimmy. "How about it, Jimbo? You willing to settle for my mouth
so your friend can have some pussy for himself?" she asked him, trying to
contain her moans.

"Fuck, so long as I get to be somewhere inside you, I don't mind," Jimmy

said as he slid his cock out of her.
"Why thank you, Big Jim, I promise I'll kiss him better." Rose winked at
him as she turned her body around and straddled the friend's groin.

"Fuck, what an ass," he remarked as he groped her soft buttocks firmly,

squeezing them tightly.
"Why thank you, darling." She turned her head to blow a kiss at the friend
before lifting her body up. She positioned his soaking cock head at her
stretched entrance and slid down his pole with a loud moan.

"Oh, fuck yes, that's what mama needs," she moaned before bending her
upper body forwards and using her lips to suck softly on Jimmy's massive

She started to quickly move and gyrate her hips, letting her cunt pump the
friend's cock as she started sucking more of Jimmy's cock head into her
mouth. Her eyes remained fixated on Jimmy's, their gaze locked as he
started to slide more of his massive cock into her mouth whilst she fucked
his friend.

"Fuck, this pussy is fucking magical. Everything about this girl is fucking
magical," Jimmy's friend moaned out, his hands were now tightly around
her waist to assist her in fucking him. Rose let out a soft chuckle around
Jimmy's cock at the compliment.

"Can't disagree there, bud. She is fucking magical." Jimmy stared down at
her with a loving smile. She simply smiled back at him as she sucked on
his massive cock.
Jimmy grabbed the back of her head and started to slide himself back
before thrusting back into her throat. Everytime she felt his cockhead slam
back against her throat, she gagged around it but continued sucking

"Fuck, man, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. This pussy just
too fucking bomb."

"Fuck, don't worry, bro, I'm not far behind."

Without missing a beat, Rose slid forward enough to let the friend's cock
escape her glistening cunt. She swung her leg off of him and simply
motioned for him to come stand in front of her, refusing to take the giant
cock out of her mouth.
"All right, I getcha," he quickly replied and rushed off the bed to stand in
front of her. Rose quickly took Jimmy's cock out of her mouth and
positioned herself more comfortably in a seated position at the edge of the
bed. Quickly, she took Jimmy's cock back into her mouth while her hand
started to rapidly stroke his friend's cock.

She could hear their breathing get more rapid. She knew their orgasms
were close. She took Jimmy's cock back out of her mouth and started to
rapidly stroke him as well.

"Come on, paint me all over with your cum, boys. Give it to me," she
basically pleaded as she held their cocks close to her face, alternating
sucking on each of the tips of their respective cock heads.

"Oh fuck, Rose, baby, get ready," Jimmy moaned. She felt both their cocks
start to swell in her hands. It was as if they had reached a type of sync
between the two of them because as soon as Jimmy exploded, soon after
his friend did as well.
"Oh, fuck," they both exclaimed as cum started flying from their cocks,
landing all across Rose's face. She felt the first warm streams splatter all
across her cheek and forehead. She used her hands so they could plaster
more of her face and lips. She stroked them furiously as she used their
cum to paint her face.
Rose smiled up at them, the two loving the sight of this tiny girl covered
in their cum. She took turns to take each cock head into her mouth, letting
her tongue lap around it passionately as she cleaned each of them.
"Well, boys, that was definitely fun." She giggled as she stood up.

"Fuck, fun don't even describe it," the friend said as he collapsed onto the
bed, exhausted from the experience.
"Yeah, it really was. Come, Rose, I'll get you a washcloth," Jimmy said as
he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"No need. I have a little surprise in store for someone." She winked at him
and licked some of the cum at the corner of her mouth.

"Well, if that's what you want. All right, let's get you dressed and get
everything else sorted," Jimmy said. They both turned around by the sound
of loud snoring.

They exchanged glances at the image of Jimmy's friend passed out before
breaking out into laughter.

"Thank you, Jim, I actually really needed this," she told him as she started
to dress.
"Well, it was most definitely a pleasure, Rosey. And, as promised." He
handed her a check. She couldn't believe her eyes. She knew he was a man
of his word, but she still couldn't believe that she was literally holding two
million dollars in her hand. In the space of essentially two days, she had
become a millionare. Her life had changed so suddenly and abruptly that
she hadn't even taken the time to process it all.
"Dear God, that's a lot zeroes... Thank you, Jim, so much." She moved to
kiss him before remembering the cum on her face. "Whoops, you probably
wouldn't like your face covered with cum, huh?" She laughed as she
hugged him.
"Yeah, not exactly my kinda thing." Jimmy chuckled softly and hugged her
back tightly. "Thank you for making my life so much better, Rose," he said
sincerely and held her tight.

"Same to you, big guy." She winked at him and headed for the door. "I'll be
seeing you for your appointment tomorrow." She blew him a kiss as she
walked out the door towards her car.
Chapter Three

Rose took a deep breath as she parked the car in their driveway. She knew
there would be questions, but she already had answers to all of them. It
was all just another part of the necessary pain she had to put Frank
through. She composed herself and walked towards the door. Before
entering, she put up her heartless facade again. She realized it was
something she was going to have to do often, at least until she could see a
result. She took a deep breath and entered into the house.

"Oh, honey, I'm home," she said jubilantly as she walked into the living
room. The sight took her breath away. In the two hours she was gone,
Frank had gone above and beyond to clean the house. Everything looked
like it was sparkling. Everything was so tidy and neat that she wasn't even
sure if she was in the right house.

"Oh, hey lovely, dinner's waiting for you," Frank said as he walked out of
the kitchen. Seeing her, he stood still in her tracks. His voice started
shaking again. "Yo-your face... Um, there's..." He tried to stammer out the
words, but they kept failing him.
"My face? Oh that, it's just a little cum," she said as she took a glob onto
her finger and sucked it off. She realized that cold cum wasn't nearly the
same as fresh, warm cum, but she was dedicated now. She faked a moan as
she seductively sucked it off her finger.
"Oh, I see..." Frank said as he hung his head, turning around and heading
back into the kitchen.
"Come back here," Rose ordered him.

"Yes, I'm sorry," he said softly and sadly.

"Until things change and until I know you're going to treat me properly,
then you better get used to this. I have needs, and right now, I'm getting
them fulfilled completely." She sat down on Frank's couch and parted her
legs. "Just look at how stretched out she is. I think she needs a bit of
relaxing." She chuckled softly.

"Anything I can do?" Frank asked. He was trying his best to be as

submissive as possible. All he cared about now was keeping her happy, no
matter how much it would end up hurting him. He needed to save this
marriage, even if it meant torture for him.

"Come clean my face please," she ordered once again as she laid her head
back and closed her eyes.

"Yes, my love, I'll get a cloth quickly." Frank slipped into the bathroom.

Rose heard the water run and let out a soft sigh. A part of her still hated
herself for what she was doing. Cheating on her husband was one thing,
but rubbing it in his face and breaking him down? She felt like such a
terrible person. However, he was going along with the agreement. He
hadn't threatened to leave. He had simply complied and had already started
trying to better himself. She comforted herself with the knowledge that
their relationship and marriage was well on the way to being saved.

She was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice Frank until she felt
the warmth of the cloth on her face.

It felt so relaxing. She simply laid back and let him clean the cum off her
face. His gentle touch started reminding her of when they first met. What a
kind and soft soul he used to be. She hoped that he would be again one day.

"Frank, you know I don't lie, right?" she asked him, immediately feeling
like a hypocrite because she knew damn well she'd lied to him quite a few
times recently. Hell, her entire attitude at that moment was a massive lie.

"Yes, angel, I know that," Frank replied as he finished cleaning her face,
faking a smile towards her.

"Good, now first off. Are the dishes done?" she asked him.

"Yes. Yes, they are. Dishes are done, floors are swept and mopped. I made
sure everything was neat and tidy for you after such a tiring day," he
replied with a false happiness in his voice. She knew he was pretending
and it broke her heart how broken he seemed.

"Okay, thank you. In that case, a deal is a deal." She motioned for him to
stand in front of her. Frank slowly walked up to her.

"Take off your pants," she ordered, taking the key out of the pocket of her

Frank obliged her request and slid off his sweatpants, revealing his
confined little cock. Rose put the key inside the lock and unlocked his
cock prison, placing the device on the couch next to her.

"Now, you may jack off while you go down on me." She pointed down at
her crotch and lifted up her skirt. Her pussy was still glistening wet.

"Yes, of course, my love. Thank you so much." He smiled at her and knelt
down in front of her.

She took his head in her hands and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Before you start, let me finish what I was saying. I won't lie to you. This
isn't permanent. This can change. If you can change and you can change
the way I feel right now, then this will end. We can be happy again. But
first I need to know that you love me. I need to know that you won't go
back to treating me the way you did. Do you understand, Frankie?"

Frank nodded at her, a tear rolling down his cheek. He brought his face to
her mound, smelling the scent of sex on her. He swallowed his despair and
gently placed a kiss on her soaking wet lips.

Rose let out a soft gasp and grabbed his head, pressing his face against her

"There's still hope for us, Frankie. Now you just need to prove me right."
Part 4 - Can Men Change?

Chapter One

It had been four months since Frank received his ultimatum: be a better
husband or never be touched by his wife again. In that time, he had been
working hard on bettering himself. Rose never had to do a single thing in
the house, Frank always made sure that every single chore had already
been completed. He cleaned the house from top to bottom, sweeping every
corner and mopping every tile. When she got home, there was always a
warm plate of dinner waiting for her and absolutely no dishes in the sink.
When she had complained one day about the color of the walls, he had
even single-handedly repainted the house. He was trying his absolute best
to win back the heart of the woman he loved.

Rose had noticed every effort that Frank made and found herself falling in
love with him all over again. Sometimes she even hated herself for what
she was doing to him, but she reassured herself that what she was doing
was what needed to be done. That was her mantra.

Every single time she had come home, she always found herself in the
same vice of conflicting emotions. And every single time, she would
simply repeat her mantra over and over again, until the fist around her
heart loosened its intense grip. That day was no different.

She came home from a rather busy day at work. She was feeling tired and
hungry. Upon opening the door, she was greeted by the same experience as
all the previous nights of the past few months. The house was impeccably
clean. The tables and countertops were practically gleaming with a pristine
shimmer. The aroma of freshly-made dinner hung in the air. It was perfect.
Frank came walking slowly out of the kitchen, drying his hands off with a
dishcloth. He quickly noted her presence in the house and put the
washcloth away.

“My angel, you're finally home,” he said happily. Frank had become so
much kinder to her. He had started calling her all manner of pet names. He
flattered her every single chance he got.

“Yeah, finally. Couldn't wait for this day to end,” she sighed out, removing
her jacket and holding it out for Frank to put away. He approached her and
gladly took the jacket from her hand, folding it as he followed her into the

"You do look like you've had a very long day, my love. May I perhaps help
you relax, please?" Frank asked as he casually put away her jacket. The
tone of his voice was the usual submissive one he had adopted. .

A part of Rose felt so guilty seeing her once confident husband act so shy
and inferior, yet another part, a much more dominant part, felt powerful.
She felt so in control. She had this indescribable sense of supremacy and
fulfillment. She had Frank, who would selflessly please her and made her
life so comfortable in the past few months. Then there was Jimmy, the
beast of a man who would fill every one of her carnal desires and also
absolutely spoil her rotten. She had everything she could ever want.

"Hmmmm, today has been a long day. I think I'd appreciate something
relaxing." Rose said, unzipping her skirt and pulling it off.

"I would be glad to, my love," Frank told her and slowly approached the
bed, watching her as she undressed completely.

Frank felt himself swell against the confines of the device imprisoning his
cock. Even after all those months, he still hadn't become accustomed to
the discomfort it caused him, but it was what his Rose wanted, so he
continued to oblige. Still, seeing her magnificent breasts, her cherry-like
pink nipples, and thinking about the sweet and musky taste of her always-
shaved pussy... Frank found himself in discomfort quite often.

Amanda was now fully undressed. She wiggled her finger at Frank in a
"come-hither" motion before pointing to her bare pussy. She laid herself
down on the bed, prepping her head up on the pillow, her legs dangling
half down the bed.
"Come now," she essentially ordered him, spreading her legs to showcase
the task he had been assigned.

Frank simply nodded and dropped to his knees beside the bed, kneeling
down on the carpet so he could be perfectly positioned between her legs.
He looked up at her and she nodded at him, giving him permission to
commence his task.

Frank took her legs and propped them over his shoulders, pulling her
closer towards him in the process. Frank gave her a kind and loving smile,
which Rose did her best not to acknowledge.

Frank started to gently trail kisses up the soft skin of her thighs,
approaching her eager mound before skipping over it completely, instead
opting to trail kisses down her opposite leg.

“Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?” she asked him, her pussy
burning for attention. She had come to crave his tongue almost as much as
she craved Jimmy's massive cock. He had become so amazing at going
down on her. So naturally she felt massive frustration when he completely
ignored her lubricating pussy.

“I'm sorry if I'm being presumptuous, my love... But I had this idea that,
instead of just finishing you off quickly, I could properly take care of you
and help you completely relax,” Frank sheepishly told her.

Rose contemplated his offer. She had badly craved cumming after her
tiring day, but the idea of him taking his time and making sure she had an
even better experience...

“Very well. You may.” She accepted his request.

Frank actually had a smirk on his face from the excitement. She wanted to
enjoy herself? Well, he was going to make sure it went above and beyond
that. Since she completely broke his spirit, the main source of pride for
him had become his ability to pleasure her. The more pleasure she felt, the
more his ego regrew.
He took a second to appreciate her beautiful organ. Her puffy, pink, and fat
pussy lips. The sweet aroma emanating from her growing excitement and
arousal. He brought his face in closer and inhaled deeply, taking it her
entire essence. He had grown to absolutely love this little ritual of theirs,
and that night he was going to improve on it.

He slowly dragged his fingertips across the skin of her thighs, feeling her
muscles twitch as his fingers moved over them. Slowly, he parted her
already wet lips, exposing her little rose bud. Softly, he pressed his finger
against it, moving it in a gentle circle on her clit. A soft gasp escaped
Rose's lips, signaling Frank that he was on the right track.

He took the little nub in between his index finger and thumb, gently
rubbing it between the tips of his digits. The gasps grew louder and
increased in frequency. Frank took his free hand and moved it closer. He
took the tip of his index finger and slowly circled it around her soaking
entrance. When he finally inserted his finger, the gasps evolved into
moans. His hands moved in unison, continuing to rub her button with one
hand while the index finger of the other toyed with her insides. He curled
his finger upwards inside of her, gently massaging the soft sponginess. Her
moans grew louder as her body started to grind against the mattress. He
had her in the palm of his hand.

Frank pinched her clit between his fingers and slowly brought his tongue
towards it. He gently pressed the tip against it, flicking over it slowly and
precisely. Again, he elicited a loud gasp from her. Frank grinned and
flattened his tongue, dragging it over her clit repeatedly. He took his
tongue and ran it down her slit, savoring the taste of her juices while she
savored every feeling that he was causing her. His tongue gently massaged
her opening, rubbing around his finger to reach every part of it.

Rose was in absolute heaven. She was used to him just going at it, just
doing whatever he could to make her cum. But the sensations she was
experiencing at that moment, the feelings of his slow, methodical teasing,
the precise stimulation; she felt herself getting addicted to such treatment.
Frank slowly started to increase the speed of his sliding finger, making
sure she was excited enough before he inserted his middle finger as well.
His lips moved to her tiny clit, engulfing it so he could suck on the little
button. Rose had started to constantly switch between loud gasps and even
louder moans, her hands clutching at his hair so hard it actually hurt. His
tongue was dancing all around her clit as his lips grinded it, his fingers
now sliding so quickly that his hand had started to cramp. Yet, he kept his
determination. He could tell she was close. Her chest was heaving. Her
stomach was rising and falling rapidly. Her breathing was desperate.

Rose felt the familiar tightening of every muscle in her body. She was
there. She had reached her breaking point, and she could feel it was going
to be stronger than most that came before. Her hands pushed his face
against her crotch, grinding her leaking pussy desperately against his
mouth and chin, moaning so loud it felt like she was basically screaming.
Her orgasm hit. Electricity ran through every single muscle she had,
lighting up every nerve ending along its way. Warmth flooded her insides.
Her soaking wet cunt was tightening frantically around Frank's fingers
while leaking juices for his eager tongue to lap up. She always had
incredibly powerful orgasms, but that one... That was something entirely
different. The experience was something much more powerful. Her body
was convulsing, her moans were rapid and desperate, her vision even went
black for a few seconds.

Frank stood up and watched her body trembling, sucking her delicious
nectar off of his fingers. His face was slick from her juices, his entire
mouth and chin was completely covered. “Well, you certainly look
relaxed. I hope I did a good job,” Frank told her sincerely, radiating pride
at making her cum so hard.

Rose tried to say something, but her voice went mute. She was trying to
catch her breath, but her body was still coming down from the high her
orgasm had given her.

“Well, my love, when you're ready, dinner's waiting for you. I made your
favorite.” He smiled at her and left the room, leaving for the kitchen.
Rose remained motionless, her naked body still shaking and trembling.
She felt something strange, yet so familiar overwhelm her. When she
realized what it was, panic overtook her. She knew it had been growing for
a while, but to feel it so suddenly... It was too soon. Yet, there it was. A
feeling of security and affection for Frank had returned.

Chapter Two

Rose spent the next day in absolute conflict with herself. Why was she so
afraid of what she was feeling for her husband? Wasn't that the primary
end goal of her entire “plan?” To feel loved and cared for by her husband,
that is what she wanted. At least, she thought it was. However, the time
that she had spent with Jimmy... She felt torn. Torn between two worlds.
She loved Frank and wanted desperately for their relationship to be saved,
but her body craved Jimmy, craved his gigantic cock, craved the way he
used that cock to fuck her until she couldn't walk. She didn't know if she
could just simply let that go. Rose let out a sigh of frustration and dropped
her forehead onto her office desk. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was Jimmy.
She wondered if he had somehow read her mind and wanted to confuse her
even more for a second before she quickly answered.

“Hey there, big boy,” she answered flirtatiously. No matter her confusion,
Jimmy still brought out the depraved sex addict she always had hidden
deep inside.

“Hey Rosey, are you busy?” Jimmy asked.

“Not really. It's quite a quiet day. Why? You wanna meet up?”

“Actually, yeah. Come meet me at Heatherton Ave., house number 46.”

“Heatherton Avenue? What on earth are you doing there?”

“You'll see soon enough. Drive safely, puppet,” he said and hung up.

More confusion overtook Rose. Thankfully, that particular one was a sense
of confusion she could solve. There was at least a definitive answer for her
that she was about to find. She tossed the cellphone back into her bag
before picking up her bag and making her way out of the building. She
didn't know if she was even in the right mindset to see Jimmy, but she felt
herself already getting wet at the thought of being around him. She well
and truly had become addicted to him.

Driving to the destination Jimmy had given her, she found she had to stop
herself from speeding more times than she would have liked. Her body
needed him. She didn't even know if they would do anything, but her body
prepared itself regardless. The drive felt so long. She reached the house in
about fifteen minutes, but she felt as if she had been driving for days.
When she stopped the car and saw Jimmy, with his signature wide smile
welcoming her, she felt her knees go weak. She had been with him so
many times by then that she had actually lost count, so why was she
gushing over him again all of a sudden? She felt as if that entire day
existed for no other reason than to continually give her new reasons to be
confused. She tried to push down on the confusion, tried to hide in the
back of her mind, and stepped out of the car.

“Hey, Jimbo,” she said warmly and embraced him in a hug.

“Hey, Rosey. You got here quick,” Jimmy replied, wrapping his long,
muscular arms around her.

“So, what's the deal? Why are we meeting here?” She stepped back and
questioned him, trying not to glare at him for too long.

“It's a pretty nice place, isn't it?” He motioned towards the house.

It was a very beautiful place. The lawn was as green as emeralds,

practically shining from the water the sprinklers administered. There were
four large trees, one at each corner of the lawn. Flowers adorned the porch
and the walkway that led from the sidewalk towards the front porch steps.
Not to mention the beauty of the small little house, with its black and
caramel walls and red roof.

“It looks like quite a nice place to live. You moving here?” she inquired.
“Nope. You should see inside. Two bathrooms, three bedrooms, a study.
And the wallpaper completely livens the place up. Plus, there's even a
windowed panel in the roof for midnight star gazing,” he explained,
almost as if he was trying to sell her the place.

“Well, if you're not moving here, then what's the deal?” she asked him.

“Remember a few weeks ago, you told me you wished you had a private
office? Someplace where you could bring clients who don't want the
public to know they were seeking therapy? Someplace where you can go
when you just want some peace and quiet? When you don't want to be
around Frank? Or where you and I can meet up and spend the night?” he
quizzed her.

“Uh-huh...” Rose felt a knot in her stomach.

Jimmy reached and grabbed her hand. He turned her palm upwards
towards the clear, blue sky and placed a pair of keys in the center of it
before closing her fingers around it with his own large hand.

“Welcome home, Rosey.” He smiled.

Rose was awestruck and speechless. Jimmy had bought her things before,
but a bloody house? She felt as if she was about to faint.

“Come, let me show you the inside.”

Jimmy was right. The interior was even more beautiful than the outside.
The walls were decorated with a calming crimson wallpaper,
complementing the black carpet perfectly. Yet, she couldn't appreciate it
fully. She couldn't even pay proper attention to it. All she could focus on
was Jimmy. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. When they walked into
the master bedroom, she quickly pushed him against the wall, standing on
her toes to press her lips against his.

Jimmy was surprised by her spontaneity at first before quickly taking

control, switching their positions so he could pick her up and tightly press
her against the wall. Rose wrapped her arms tightly around Jimmy's neck,
her tongue dancing ferociously with his as she humped her lower body
against his. She was a bitch in heat again.

“Let's break in the place, hmm?” She pulled back from the kiss and asked
him with a smirk. She could already feel his godly member press against
her panties, the thin layers of clothing frustrating both organs.

“Let's,” was all Jimmy could muster before quickly pressing his lips back
against hers. Jimmy eagerly brought his hand between them and shimmied
his pants down slightly. Rose felt the familiar thickness of his massive
cock press against her panties as the organ sprang free. There was to be no
foreplay that day. Neither had the patience for it.

It had been nearly a week since they last saw each other, and both were
craving for the fix that only the other's body could provide.

Jimmy moved his hand underneath Rose's skirt and found her soaking
panties. He smirked against her lips at how lubricated she was already.
Both he and Rose knew she was completely ready to be fucked by him. So,
Jimmy decided not to delay.

He took his rock-hard cock into his hand, and with one quick thrust, he
was as deep inside of her as he could be. Both Jimmy and Rose gasped in
unison as he pushed inside of her.

Rose felt the familiar relief when her pussy enveloped his massive cock.
She no longer felt any pain; instead, she just experienced sensations of
absolute pleasure. She could feel every pulsing of the massive vein that
ran down the fat shaft of his massive manhood. She could feel every
detail, every muscle twitch, as he thrust himself in and out of her.

Every single thrust back into Rose's pussy was met with her puffy lips
vacuuming him against him, her walls pushing tightly against his cock.
Every single one of his groans was met with a moan from Rose. Every
single one of his thrusts was met by a grind from her. They had developed
a perfect rhythm, and they were in the process of perfecting it.
Jimmy's thrusts were quickly become more desperate, more passionate,
and more fierce. He was practically slamming her body against the wall
now, the sound of her bottom smacking against the wall with every single
insertion echoed in unison with their sounds of pleasure.

Rose's pussy was leaking juices all around the thick shaft continuously
penetrating her, her fat lips squeezing at the member while her walls
hugged him for dear life.

Rose hadn't even noticed her orgasm approaching until she was suddenly
overwhelmed with intense pleasure. She broke the kiss and brought her
lips to Jimmy's shoulder, biting into the fabric of his shirt onto his
shoulder. She frantically grinded herself against him, trying to get more
and more of his massive cock inside of her. Her pussy was in a state of

Jimmy felt his cock being enveloped by her contracting walls, her juices
leaking out and covering his cock. He felt a sense of relief. He didn't have
to hold back the orgasm he'd been denying himself.

As Rose lost herself in the throes of passion and pleasure, she heard
Jimmy moan her name as his cock started pulsing inside of her and
dumping his cum into her pulsating pussy. Each stream that hit her walls
filled her with a warmth, and every moan that came from Jimmy ignited
her pride.

“Well, I guess we can consider the place officially broken in.” Rose
giggled softly.

“Yeah, I suppose we can. Even though that wording sounds quite strange.”
Jimmy chuckled in agreement as he slid out of her and put her down.

“Well, that was most definitely fun.” She winked at him.

“Isn't it always?” He smirked.

“Most definitely,” she agreed.

“So, can I maybe take you out for dinner tonight?” Jimmy asked as he
tucked away his slick and cum-covered cock.

“What kinda dinner are we speaking about here?” Rose grinned and
winked at him.

“Oh, get your mind out of the gutter.” He laughed. “I'm talking a proper
dinner. Like a date. I know the most amazing place. They have the most
delicious-” he started to tell her before Rose cut him off.

“I would absolutely love to, Jimbo,” she told him as she cupped his cheek
with her hand, smiling warmly at him.

“Well, then it's a date,” he said to her with a hint of excitement to his

Chapter Three

Rose hasn't dressed up like that in a while.

She admired the way the teal green dress fit snugly to her body, defining
the beautiful curves she would so often hide. Her makeup was light, but it
defined her already sharp facial features. The dress, of course, had been
courtesy of Jimmy. So had her shoes. Gorgeous black stiletto heels which
caused her long, shapely legs to be even more toned, and her ass just
completed the look.

She looked at her reflection and actually giggled. She couldn't remember
the last time she had actually felt this excited. She couldn't even remember
the last time she had been on a date. She thought about how quickly
everything had changed; she had gone from completely dreading getting
out of bed in the morning to a happy, giggly, skip-in-her-step woman. She
felt like she was back in high school, being finally noticed by her crush-

Oh yeah, that was also a key component, but one she was going to happily
try and ignore for the rest of her night. Yes, the guilt might eat her up the
next day, but that's then's worries. Rose was planning on enjoying the rest
of her night and trying to show Jimmy a good time.

Her phone made a small sound, indicating that she had a message. She
looked at her phone, and as soon as she saw the text, her face
instantaneously lit up. Jimmy had texted her that he was waiting for her
outside. She grabbed her clutch bag and walked out as fast as her heels
would allow. She couldn't completely shake the guilt, especially
considering how Frank had made her feel just a day prior, but she did her
absolute best to ignore it.

Outside, Jimmy was waiting outside, leaning against the grand car. The
moment he saw Rose, his face lit up. His handsome features spread into a
bright smile, his eyes crinkling a bit. He gave a low whistle, which caused
Rose's cheeks to redden in a small blush. She walked up to him, holding
her clutch bag nervously, looking down at her feet. Jimmy held her chin
between his thumb and forefinger, tilting her head up gently. His gaze was
on her eyes, and her gaze was on his plump lips.

“Why, hello there, pretty lady.” He grinned, and she gulped, already
feeling nervous. Why? This man had seen EVERY part of her. So why was
she all of a sudden feeling like some teenage girl on a date with the local
jock? She couldn't understand. He stepped back and opened the passenger
door for her.

“Hi, Jimmy,” She swiftly kissed his cheek before stepping into the car
which smelled expensive. The leather was smooth, and she was
threatening to slide right off. Well, that would be a problem. Jimmy
climbed in right next to her, his longs legs looking quite awkward, but
Rose chose not to bring that up. When he closed his door, he leaned over
and pulled her in for a proper kiss.

He tangled his hand in her hair, holding her head close, while their lips
danced together. She held her breath as well, her one hand being placed on
his muscular thigh, digging her newly manicured fingers slightly into the
limb. The kiss was gentle, and so sweet, but he eased out way too soon for
her liking.

“Honey, if we allow this to continue on the path we're currently on, I doubt
we'd get very far.” Jimmy chuckled, buckling his seatbelt in, and Rose did
the same. She looked at herself in the rearview mirror to fix her hair.
Jimmy had messed it up a bit, but she wasn't complaining.

“Like you wouldn't like that,” she said as she put her hand back on his
thigh, smoothing out the fabric of his pants while he drove off. He
chuckled huskily.

“Then our reservation would go to waste, wouldn't it?” He looked at her

momentarily before turning his eyes back to the road. Rose bit her lip
playfully, trailing her fingers up and down his thigh.

“You're no fun,” she joked, before turning her attention to his knee. She
gently rubbed it with care, and her professional mind urged her to ask him
out about that, but another part of her was telling her to not mix business
with pleasure. She should rather focus on the pleasure.

“Hey, it's good food. We'd be missing out, you know?” He patted her hand
gently, but it was as if he could read her mind. “And my knee is doing fine,
Rosey. No need to worry. Tonight isn't about that. Tonight is about us.”

Rose nodded her head and she breathed in deeply to calm the ocean of
emotions in her chest. For the rest of the ride, they were clouded in a
blanket of comfortable silence. Rose kept her hand on Jimmy's thigh,
brushing her fingers up and down absentmindedly, and kept her gaze on
the world outside as they sped by.

Once they reached the restaurant, Jimmy got out and opened Rose's door
for her, holding out his large hand for her to take. She accepted, smiling at
how minuscule her pale hand looked in his dark hand. She stepped out in
such elegant and grace that Jimmy's breath had been momentarily blown
away. He smiled like an idiot and proudly held his arm out for Rose to
take. She took his upper arm, her dainty hand enjoying the feeling of the
strong muscle.

Jimmy walked with Rose on his arm, that idiotic smile still dominating his
features. Rose stood proudly as well, an unknown sense of confidence
filling her from top to bottom. When she was next to Jimmy, she felt so
beautiful, wanted, needed. He looked at her in a way she wasn't used to, he
touched her in ways that made her mind turn to white noise, he spoke to
her as if she was his entire world.

At the front desk, Jimmy didn't even ask for his reservation. The waiter
was waiting by the entrance, two menus in his arms. He smiled when he
saw the couple and nodded, indicating that they should follow. The
restaurant inside was absolutely gorgeous. Small, personal tables, with
basic glass vases with lilies in them adorned the main floor. Above hung
fairy-lights, and the color scheme was natural cream and beige, with soft
wood floors and nature paintings that hung on the walls.

Rose looked around like an excited child. “It's absolutely beautiful,” she
remarked. Jimmy smiled in return, taking her chair out for her at the table.

“Not as beautiful as you.” He winked and sat down, immediately taking

her hand from across the table. Their eyes locked for a moment before he
looked at the waiter. “A bottle of your finest red, please, to start us off
with.” The waiter nodded and walked off. Rose rubbed her thumb over
Jimmy's, her heart beating to an unfamiliar melody, causing a strange
feeling to race through her veins.

“I still can't believe that I'm here.” Rose chuckled under her breath. “This
place is stunning. I honestly never thought I'd have the chance to go on a
fancy date like this.”

“Really?” Jimmy asked, raising his eyebrows. “Frank never took you out?”

He hadn't meant to bring Frank up, but he couldn't help it. When
something bothers you, you tend to bring it up more than you mean. Thank
goodness, Rose only responded with, “Mm-mm.”
She really wasn't in the mood to talk about her husband, especially
considering he had been the center point of her confusion and she was on a
date. She was on a high when she was with Jimmy because he was like an
escape from the real world, from reality. She was in a completely other
head space around Jimmy, a completely different plain of existence. When
she was with him, the stress of the real world was merely an abstract

However, Frank had become an escape too... She pushed the pestering
thought back again, but it simply refused to die.

“Where is that wine?” Rose asked, looking around for the waiter. Jimmy
laughed softly, putting his foot against Rose's under the table. She
chuckled as well, running her foot up his leg, smiling at him
mischievously. He bit his plump lip, but averted his attention to the waiter
as he came walking up with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He set a glass
down by each of them and poured the dark, red liquid into their glasses.

“Shall I come back later to take your orders or do you wish to order now?”
the waiter asked politely, and Jimmy looked at Rose and smirked.

“We'll like a plate of French fries to start us off with.” Jimmy winked at
Rose, and she giggled behind her hand. The waiter even chuckled and
nodded before walking off, leaving Jimmy and Rose alone with their bottle
of wine. Rose took her glass and held it up, smiling softly and adoringly at
Jimmy. He lifted his glass as well and clinked their glasses together.

“A toast. To a happier future, and new possibilities.” Jimmy winked at her

and took a sip of his wine, and she did the same.


The evening went on, one glass of wine became two and a half, starters
became the main course. Chuckling and giggling turned into laughter and
ugly snorts. Subtle touches became outright hand holding. Rose's foot
would travel even higher up Jimmy's leg, even going up his thigh, and she
laughed every time he shifted uncomfortably. The one time, he actually
dropped his fork into his plate and jumped up a tiny bit, which caused
Rose to laugh loudly. She had always wanted to see what his reaction
would be if she teased him in a public place.

“Your reaction gets me every time. The look on your face is absolutely
priceless!” Her eyes crinkled in laughter, and Jimmy's gaze softened as he
looked at her amused face. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her
being happy. It was a look that suited her.

“You like teasing me, don't you? I'll get you back for this,” he warned,
biting his lip seductively while smiling mischievously. She raised a single
eyebrow, the one side of her mouth twisting up in a smile. She ran her
fingers up his arm, and she liked the way his chocolatey skin broke out in
goosebumps beneath her touch.

“I'll look forward to it.” She took her hand back to take a bite of her food.
“So, I can't believe how little I actually know about you. So, let's start off
easy. Tell me a bit about your childhood.” She looked at him, her long
lashes fluttering as she blinked. He thought for a bit, resting his chin in his
hand and his elbow on the table as he looked at her. He smiled widely and
sat back, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

“I was a very naughty kid,” he admitted, and he laughed at her wide-eyed

expression in reaction to his statement.

“You? Naughty? No way! You're so sweet now!” She giggled, imagining

him as a naughty kid.

He shrugged in response. “I had a sweet face, so I could get away with

nearly anything. It wasn't, like, a bad naughty. It was a good naughty.
Pulling pranks, practical jokes, you know? I gave my poor momma all her
days.” He laughed along with Rose.

“So you had a nice childhood?” she asked, and he nodded.

“Yes, it was actually. My momma supported me a lot, which really got me

through a lot of tough times.” He smiled fondly at the thought of his
mother, and this caused butterflies to flutter in Rose's stomach. “What was
your childhood like?” Jimmy asked.

Rose looked off, sighing softly, her petite shoulders slumping a bit. “My
parents were very strict. They pushed me a lot in school, you know? It was

“And... Frank?” Jimmy asked carefully. He knew that he'd break the spell
that was currently cast over them with the mention of Frank, but he knew
he had to ask. Rose sighed and looked at Jimmy with a small smile.

“I was young, he made me feel special. We were stupid, we fell in love, we

got married young. He was my high-school sweetheart, Jimmy.” Her tone
wasn't full of guilt. Nor was it regret. Instead, Jimmy sensed a confusion
in her voice that made him incredibly nervous for some reason

“Rose, he makes you unhappy.” Jimmy's tone was soft, sensitive, and
caring. “Why are you with someone if he makes you unhappy?” Jimmy
once again took her hand, holding it tightly and affectionately. “Why do
you do this to yourself?”

Rose bit her lip. She honestly didn't know how to answer. She couldn't
exactly tell him that Frank was getting so much better, yet she didn't want
to lie to him either. If he had asked her a few months ago, she would have
said that maybe she was secretly super sadistic or she had some deep
underlying psychological issue that made her scared of feeling loved
completely. Now, however, she didn't know.

“I love him, Jimmy. He's my husband. I can't just leave him, you know.”
She sighed deeply, taking his hand and placing a soft kiss to his dark skin.
He rubbed his thumb over her pink and plump lips.
Part 5 - A New Complication

Chapter One

Rose stood outside in the cold air, every breath burning her throat as the
chilly air hit her lungs. She awaited the cab she phoned for as she shivered
in the cold night air. She cursed herself for not thinking ahead enough to
bring a jacket with. She cursed her reasoning that it would have just been
more clothes to take off when they finally got to the “fun” part of the date.

She stood and replayed the events in her head. It felt more like a dream to
her than a memory, it felt more like a distant fantasy than something that
had transpired mere minutes ago. She hated her reaction to it, she hated
how indecisive she was, she hated that she had hurt Jimmy. She was able
to see it in his eyes. He had laid it all out for her. He had been honest and
opened his heart for her, spilling all his feelings. And how did she
respond? She ran away. What the fuck is wrong with you, Rose?

She kept waiting to hear Jimmy behind her. A part of her had hoped he
would run out after her. A part of her hoped he would come out of those
doors, take her in his muscular arms, and that he would have just kissed
her until her world stopped spinning. Until her mind stopped screaming.
Until everything made sense again. Yet, when her cab finally arrived,
Jimmy was nowhere in sight.

Rose scolded herself mentally. She had just crushed him, now she wanted
him to come and make her feel better? She had no idea what was going on
with her mind. With her heart. With her.

She sighed to herself softly and simply shook her head as she climbed into
the cab. She gave the address to the driver and lost herself in thought as
the car drove off. She had no idea what she wanted. She finally realized
why she reacted the way she did. She loved Jimmy too, she wanted to be
with him too, yet... She still loved Frank. She still wanted to be with
Frank. She wanted them both. The new caring attitude that Frank had
adopted, the way he made her heart feel with every little effort he put into
fixing their broken marriage, yet she also loved the way Jimmy made her
body feel. She craved the way he made her feel alive, the way he set every
part of her on fire with a passionate yearning for every single inch of him,
and dear God was there more than just a few inches. Jimmy made her feel
like a woman, he made her feel wanted, desired, he made her feel so
fucking good. Yet, Frank, or well, the new Frank, made her feel so happy,
so content, so special. She was torn in two.

She was so deeply lost in thought that she didn't even notice the cab pull
up in her driveway. She was only brought back to earth when the driver
told her the amount due. She quickly pulled the money out of her purse
and handed it eagerly to him, telling him to keep the change as she hastily
climbed out of the cab. She just wanted to get home. It was something she
hadn't wanted in so long, yet she just craved the safety and consistency of
her home.

Rose entered through the door slowly and softly, thinking Frank might
have been asleep by that time. It was already close to midnight. Yet, when
she walked into the house, Frank was sitting on the couch, eagerly
awaiting her.

“Honey, you're home,” he said happily.

“Oh, Frank. I thought you'd be asleep. What are you still doing up?” she
asked him, trying to be as nonchalant about it as possible. She actually felt
so happy to find her husband waiting up for her, but she couldn't let him
know that. She barely wanted to let herself know it.

“Well, I kinda have a surprise for you. First though, how was your, uh...”
Frank swallowed, trying not to let his hurt at the question he was about to
ask show. “How was your date?” He forced a smile, trying his best to sell
it. Rose could see the truth in his eyes and she felt her heart hurt again. He
had become such a good husband and now she was the one being the
terrible paramour. No. It has to be this way. She reminded herself quickly
that it was only the start of progress.
“Oh, you knew about that?” she asked dryly, sitting down on the couch
opposite him.

“Well, no, I didn't. But when I saw you in that pretty dress, with the
beautiful makeup and the pampered hair... Well, we've been together a long
time, I know when you want to dress up.” He smiled sadly at her.

“I don't want to talk about it,” she answered as coldly as she could allow
herself. “So, what's this surprise then?”

“Well, while you were working or busy during the day this past week, I've
been doing some electronic work in a few houses, and...” He grinned as he
pulled an envelope out of his pocket. When he opened it and pulled out the
bills inside along with a written pay slip, Rose felt her head spinning
again. Frank actually got himself a job. He actually wanted to contribute,
all because he didn't want to lose her. Rose's confusion continued to
consume her heart.

“FRANK! You got a job?” she asked excitedly, not being able to contain
her emotions anymore.

“Yeah, they said that they think I'm doing a great job and I'll be given a
contract shortly. So, I have a job.” He smiled sheepishly, blushing slightly.

Rose breathed in deeply. She felt so much more conflicted, yet so much
more secure. Nothing made sense to her, so she focused on the one thing
she actually knew. She stood up and approached her husband, dropping to
her knees in between his legs and taking the small key out of her purse.
She had gotten into the habit of always carrying it with her. At first, it was
because she didn't want him to find out and possibly get rid of his cock
prison. Then, her reasoning started to change with his personality. Later,
she was carrying it for the precise reason she wanted to use it for at that
moment: because she wanted her husband. She wanted to thank him for

“Baby, it's okay... You really don't have to,” he told her shyly, smiling
softly at her.
“Shhhhhh. A deal is a deal. You've done more than enough, you deserve
this, Frank.” The sincerity in her voice tugged at Frank's heart strings. She
had finally dropped the cold and apathetic facade, replacing it with the
warmth that he had fallen in love with so many years ago.

“Okay... Thank you...” he said softly and sat back, keeping his eyes on her.

Rose gave him a sincere smile as she tucked her fingers into the waistband
of his plaid shorts and started pulling them down. Frank eagerly lifted his
hips as his pants slid down past his buttocks. Rose tossed the pants onto
the opposite side and brought the key to Frank's chastity device, unlocking
it. Frank let out a gasp of pure relief at the feeling of his swollen cock
finally being freed from its confines.

Rose took his already hard cock into her hand. It felt so strange to her. She
had become accustomed to a cock so gigantic that she couldn't wrap her
hand around it. Frank's, on the other hand, fit so snuggly in her fist that the
head barely showed. She started to slowly stroke the thin and small cock in
her hand, eliciting a loud gasp from Frank. It had been so long since he felt
her touch that he nearly exploded when she first touched him.

Rose took a deep breath. She hadn't imagined that she'd be doing this for
Frank so soon, but a part of her felt so happy that it was happening. She
leaned her head in and moved her hand to the base of his hard cock, gently
holding him in place as she stuck out her tongue and ran it all around his
bulbous head. Frank gasped loudly again. He wasn't expecting that. He felt
so grateful for the idea of just a hand job, yet she was actually sticking to
their original deal. Frank watched intently as she ran her tongue all around
the swollen head, planting soft kisses on the purple tip. It was finally about
to happen. His first ever proper blowjob. Frank felt as if he could explode
at that very moment merely from excitement. He had to fight the urge. He
needed this to last.

Rose slowly slipped her lips over the very tip, suckling on the soft flesh
gently, tasting the pre-cum that her gentle teasing had brought out. It felt
so strange to work her lips around a cock and not feel in pain from her lips
stretching. Strange, yet she didn't mind it. At that moment, she actually
wanted to please Frank. Through the confusion, that was all that made
sense. So she started to slowly suckle more of his tiny head into her
mouth, her cheeks caving in as she sucked hard on it. Her tongue
continued to run around the head as she sucked on it, her hand staying at
the base of his cock.

Frank groaned softly as he watched his cock start to disappear in between

Rose's ruby red lips. He was feeling sensations he had never felt before in
his entire life. Waves of pleasure were coursing through his body like
electric currents. His cock had never felt so amazing before, rested in her
mouth with her tongue massaging him.

Rose smiled up at Frank, who was staring at her intently. She rejoiced in
his rapid breaths. With one swift motion, she effortlessly took his entire
cock into her mouth. Thankfully, due to his size, her throat was left alone.
This allowed her to toy around some more. She let her tongue slip out and
rested it on his ball sack, brushing it over the skin of his scrotum softly.
Frank started to moan louder, his hips involuntarily thrusting upwards.

It's been a while for him. Guess this won't last too long.

Rose decided to ease the pressure in his balls, she decided to let him have
an orgasm as amazing as all the ones he was always giving her. As all the
ones she was always giving Jimmy.

Rose brought her lips back to the tip of his cock and pushed them down
again, repeating the motion over and over again. She didn't want to use her
hands. She promised him a blowjob, and that was exactly what she was
going to give him; the greatest blowjob he'll ever have dreamt of. She
started to pick up her pace, slamming her head down into his groin.

“Oh fuck, angel. Fuck, slow down. If you keep going like that I won't last,”
Frank moaned loudly. His eyes had fallen closed and he was clutching at
the fabric of the couch, his hips thrusting themselves upwards into her
mouth. Rose simply smiled with her lips around his hard cock and started
to move her head even faster, sucking him tighter. She could feel him start
to swell in her mouth. She brought her hand to his ball sack, gently
cradling his balls in her hands, feeling them start to tighten.

“Oh fuck, oh God, oh fuck, baby. I can't- I can't hold back anymore,” Frank
cried out softly, his hips buckling underneath Rose's face. She felt his cock
swell in her mouth. She moved her head as fast as she possibly could,
knowing he had reached the edge. Frank let out a loud groan and pushed
his hips upwards. Rose felt the force of his powerful first stream as it
escaped the head of his cock and shot straight against her throat. She
gagged softly but kept her lips sealed, bringing them to his pulsing head.
Stream after stream of warm, salty cum shot onto her tongue. Rose sucked
eagerly at his head, her tongue continuing to lap around it as she milked
every drop of cum from his cock. Rose sat back and opened her mouth,
showing Frank the cum she had collected. Frank sat with a look of pure
shock on his face, his head still spinning from the intense pleasure he had
just experienced. Rose smiled at him and swallowed all of his cum, licking
her lips afterwards.

“So, I hope that was what you expected,” Rose said. Her hand instinctively
moved down to her crotch and she was surprised to find that she was
actually soaking wet. Frank had somehow managed to turn her on without
even laying a finger on her. She had no idea what was going on anymore.

“Fuck,” was all Frank could muster, gasping for air.

Rose simply smiled before noticing that his cock still hadn't started to
deflate. She didn't understand why she was doing what she was doing, but
she stood up and pulled her panties down. Frank's eyes were closed so he
hadn't even noticed anything up until he felt a sudden weight on his pelvis
and a heat on the tip of his wet cock. He opened his eyes and felt shocked
at the sight he was witnessing: his wife was straddling his hips,
positioning his still hard cock at her soaking entrance. He looked her up
and down, his mouth agape. Rose smiled at him and brought her lips to
his, kissing him as she quickly plunged herself down onto him.

Frank groaned loudly against his wife's mouth, tasting himself on her
tongue as it slid past his lips and started to twirl around his. Frank didn't
understand what was happening, and to be honest, neither did Rose, but
neither wanted to question it. Rose felt a similar strangeness as earlier at
the tiny cock invading her. She was so used to feeling her lips and walls
being stretched out from the massive black cock that usually penetrated
her, that she barely registered any feeling at first. When she started to
move her hips, though, and felt his hard cock brush against her yearning
walls, she couldn't help but moan softly.

Frank hadn't felt his wife's warmth in so many months. He completely lost
himself in her soft, warm, soaking wet walls holding his cock tightly. For
the first time in his life, he felt everything. The sponginess inside of her
pressing against his sensitive glans, her puffy lips clutching at the base of
his shaft, her walls tightening and loosening around him. He brought his
hands to her shoulders, slowly pulling down the straps of her dress. She
eagerly shimmied her arms out of them, allowing Frank to tug her dress
down. Her breasts plopped out, the massive mountains of soft flesh being
freed. Frank hastily shifted his mouth from her lips to her right tit, taking
her sensitive nipple in between his teeth whilst his hands moved to her
buttocks, squeezing them as she rode him.

Rose felt a brand new sensation course through her. The pleasure she felt
flowing through her was both physical and emotional. She felt a sudden
safeness with her husband. She felt his one hand move between their
bodies and his finger press against her clit while his teeth softly tugged at
her soft nipple. Waves of pleasure consumed her. Rose grinded herself
onto Frank, throwing her head back and moaning loudly as she increased
her pace. Frank frantically rubbed her clit as she rode him. He suckled
onto her nipple, switching between gentle bites and rubbing the tip of his
tongue all around it. She couldn't take all the different sensations anymore.
Her body gave in.

Rose clutched at Frank's shoulders, digging her nails into the skin as her
orgasm started to roll over her. Frank felt her juices leaking down around
his cock, coating him in all of her sweet juices. Her walls were convulsing
around him with a desperation he had never experienced. Her moans were
frantic, her breath rapid. She was cumming hard, because of him. Because
of his cock. Because of his attention to her and her needs. He felt so proud
that he couldn't describe it.

“I hope that repaid the favor,” he whispered into her ear.

“No... We're not done yet...” she whispered back before starting to slowly
thrust her hips again, commencing her riding of him once more.

Frank let out a soft, surprised gasp, his hands moving to her supple
buttocks once again.

“Oh, baby... You don't have to... Just so long as you enjoyed yourself,”
Frank moaned softly, hoping that she didn't actually listen to him.

“Shhhh... I want... You... To cum... In me...” she moaned softly through

deep, gasping breaths before licking at his ear and biting the earlobe

Hearing her words brought back the familiar tightening in Frank's balls.
Now that he no longer focused solely on her pleasure and bringing on her
orgasm, he could feel every sensation much more clearly. He closed his
eyes and laid his head back, focusing on all the pleasure her sweet pussy
was causing him. Frank's groans started to increase in pace as his orgasm
started to approach again.

“That's it, baby, cum in me... Cum for me...” She kissed at his neck,
sucking on the skin gently. Finally, Frank couldn't take it anymore.

He tried to moan out, but his voice failed him. He felt an orgasm stronger
than ever before. He felt his toes curl, he felt every muscle in his body
tighten. When his voice finally returned, it escaped his throat in a loud,
animalistic groan as his orgasm hit. Rose moaned when she felt him pulse
against her sensitive walls, her tightening cunt latching onto his cock and
milking all the cum it could from his cock. Frank thrust his hips upwards,
slamming his cock into her as he continued to spurt into her tightening
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Frank repeated, the only words he could muster. Rose
smiled and climbed off of him. She watched him as he started to fade, his
“fucks” slowly dying out as sleep overtook him.

She sighed softly and picked up the chastity device again. A massive part
of her didn't want to do it any longer, but it was working. And he had just
experienced such amazing pleasures, so she realized that he would work
even harder at improving himself to experience them again. Yet, she did
feel some remorse as she closed the device around his soft cock and
locked it shut. She couldn't begin to imagine how uncomfortable it must
have been, yet he hadn't complained since that first night. All for her sake.
She couldn't believe how quickly her plan had started to work. She smiled
at the sleeping body of her husband, the chastity device now firmly around
his cock once again. She stood up and turned to walk away.

She felt their combined juices start to trail down her thighs as she moved.
She walked to the bathroom and took a washcloth, cleaning off the
stickiness that was coating the skin of her upper legs. She took a look at
herself in the mirror and was so surprised to see how brightly she was
smiling. The husband who she felt she hated not too long ago... She had
just made passionate love to that very same husband, and she felt so
content and so happy. She felt so safe when he was holding her, she felt
such emotional security when they were making love. At that moment, she
didn't even think of Jimmy. Of course, her happiness quickly started to
fade as Jimmy made his eventual way into her mind again. How was it that
the roles got so reversed? That Jimmy was the one who had confessed his
love, yet it was Frank's cum on her breath. The confusion had overtaken
her again.

Chapter Two

It was a week before Rose summoned the courage to see Jimmy again. She
had her thumb over the green icon below his name on her cellphone for
what felt like hours, yet she couldn't bring herself to actually push it and
phone him. What would she even say? She had no clue. Sighing softly to
herself and cursing her own stupidity, she tossed the phone into her purse.
She decided that, after what had happened between the two of them, a
phone call wasn't good enough. She needed to physically see him and look
at him when she talked to him. She plucked up all her courage and headed
for her car.

The drive once again felt so long. Rose was lost in thought the entirety of
the way to Jimmy's house. She found herself talking to herself more often
than she liked. She was convinced that the duality of her affections and her
growing confusion was driving her insane. She had to figure the answers
that her heart yearned for, that her mind craved, before it killed her.

Finally, she arrived at Jimmy's house. She stepped out of the car and
suddenly all her courage abandoned her. She felt so terrified at that
moment. How was Jimmy going to react? Did he even want to see her
again? He hadn't phoned or visited since their incident. She knew she hurt
him. She knew that she damn near shattered him. He had handed her his
heart and she completely stomped on it. She wouldn't blame him if he
hated her. If he never forgave her. She took a deep breath and collected
herself. She needed the closure. So she plucked up her courage once more
and slowly approached the door. She played every possible conversation
they could have through her head as she closed in on his front porch.
Shaking every thought out of her head, she nervously tapped at the wood.

“Yeah? Who is it?” Jimmy's usual kind and happy voice sounded so upset,
so hurt, so fragile. Rose's heart seemed to be feeling a lot of hurt lately.

“It's Rose,” she forced out. She was trembling, her knees shaking.

“Oh. It's open, come in.” She heard a slight excitement in his voice, but it
quickly gave way to sorrow once more.

Rose took a deep breath and slowly opened the door, walking inside. There
she saw Jimmy lying on his couch, tossing a football up into the air before
catching it again. He turned to look at her and sat up, smiling softly.

“I'm so sorry about what happened, Jimmy... You didn't deserve that...”
She started to tear up.
“Hey, don't worry about it. I overstepped. You're married, I should have
respected that,” he said sincerely.

“It's not that...” Rose sat down next to him and placed her hand on his leg.

“Oh? What is it then?” he asked her, staring into her eyes.

“I love you too, Jimmy... You literally saved my life. You gave me back
my identity. You helped improve my identity. You make me feel so alive.
You make me feel so beautiful. You make me feel so good,” she admitted
to him. Jimmy felt as if his heart was about to leap out of his chest cavity
from happiness before realizing she wasn't finished.

“I sense I'm not going to like the next part. Still, continue. You do love me,
“But I also love Frank. And he's become so much better lately. He's taking
such good care of me. He's making me feel so loved and cared about. He's
back to the young man I first fell in love with.” She started to sob into his

“I see...” Jimmy softly said, stroking her back gently. He felt himself
losing her, he felt his heart start to physically ache.

“Can't I just love you both, Jim? Can't I just have you both? Can't we
continue what we have now, but I still get to have Frank? I don't want to
lose you, I don't want to lose him. I know I'm selfish, but I want both of
you. I need both of you.” She stared into his eyes, waiting for his answer.
He simply smiled at her and brushed the tears from her cheek. He leaned
over and softly kissed her.

“You ain't about to lose me, baby. I'm perfectly fine with how we are now.”
Jimmy knew he was lying. He wanted her all to himself. He wanted Rose
to be his alone. However, he didn't mind sharing her if it meant that he
wouldn't lose her. He had become so addicted to her. He needed her. He
loved her. He craved her.

Rose smiled softly and pressed her lips against his tightly, locking him
into a passionate kiss.
“Thank you, Jimmy... I meant it. I do love you,” she whispered against his

“I love you too, Rosey.” He smiled and looked at her. “In fact, how about
you relax and I show you just how much.” He grinned and moved his hand
up her thigh, underneath her skirt. Rose immediately felt all sadness wash
away. Jimmy just had that effect on her. His slightest touch and she was a
dog in heat, just craving more and more. He moved the underside of her
panties to one side and slowly dragged the tip of his long finger between
her slit, feeling her cunt wetten at his gentle touch. He figured that he had
to give her a reason to stick around, and making her feel better than her
husband ever could would definitely be a good enough reason.

He pressed his index finger firmly against her clit, slowly rolling it as he
slid his finger up and down between her thick lips. Rose rested her head
against the couch and closed her eyes, sighing softly at his touch. Jimmy
felt start to lubricate as he brushed his finger against her little nubbin. He
slowly moved his finger down her slit again and started to insert it inside
of her. He felt her tighten eagerly around his finger as she sucked him in,
moaning softly. Jimmy pressed his lips against hers and kissed her softly
as his finger started to slip in and out of her, her cunt now soaking against
his hand. He slowly slid his finger out, causing her to snap out of her
trance and stare at him needily.

“Don't worry, the fun is only about to begin.” He grinned at her and slid
himself down. He pushed her skirt up and slowly slid down her panties. He
took them in his hand and brought the soaking wet fabric to his face,
inhaling her aroma deeply.

“Fuck, you smell so good, baby. Now lemme enjoy how good you taste
too.” He smirked and tossed the panties aside, hastily burying his face in
her crotch. He parted her soft lips and pushed his tongue inside her, tasting
all of her sweet nectar as it leaked into his eager mouth.

“Oh. OH. Fuck, yes, that's it. Fuck,” Rose moaned softly, clutching at
Jimmy's bald head, digging her fingertips into the skin as she pressed his
face against her mound.

Jimmy withdrew his tongue and slid it up and down between her wet slit,
tasting every bit of her sweet juices as it coated his tongue, savouring her
soft moans every time his tongue brushed over her swollen clit. He twirled
his tongue all around her engorged clit, lapping at it like a thirsty animal.
He wrapped his lips tightly around her clit, pressing his mouth firmly
against her mound, and moaned softly. The vibrations of his moans against
the sensitive flesh of her clit sent jolts of pleasure traveling through Rose's

Jimmy took out his massive and rock hard cock, pushing his finger into
her and using the juices to coat the head of his cock. He lapped at her
eagerly while stroking himself furiously.

“Jimmy, in me. Now. Please, for the love of fuck.” She grabbed his head
and pulled him up. She kissed him eagerly, tasting her juices on his tongue
as her tongue passionately swirled in his mouth. She looked at him and
grinned before pushing him back, gesturing for him to stand up.

Jimmy's cock was right next to her face. Rose turned her head and kissed
his thick shaft softly before leaning back to get to his massive, swollen,
and throbbing head.

“Just can't help myself.” She grinned and winked at him before engulfing
the head in her mouth. She felt much more at home for some reason,
feeling the corners of her mouth stretch to accommodate the incredible
girth of his fat cock. So much bigger than Frank's and felt so much more at
home. She needed him inside her. She needed her pussy to feel at home
again too.

Rose turned herself around and positioned herself on all fours, sticking her
ass up for Jimmy to ogle. She wiggled her bottom playfully and brought
her hand between her legs, spreading her lips and exposing her pink flesh
to Jimmy. Jimmy couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed her hips and pulled
her back, his cock stretching out her cunt as he pushed inside of her.
“OH FUCK, YES!” Rose screamed out as she felt herself stretching to
welcome the massive black cock penetrating her.

“Oh fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good,” Jimmy sighed softly, feeling
the warmth engulf as much of his cock as her tiny pussy could take. He
didn't waste any time. He desperately started to thrust, sliding himself out
almost entirely before quickly pounding himself back into her.

Rose had her face buried in the cushions of the couch to stifle her moans,
which were growing louder by the second. Jimmy himself was groaning
loudly, his thrusts getting more and more desperate as he tried to bury
himself as deep within her cunt as possible.

“Oh fuck, Rosey, fuck, I fucking love you,” he groaned out. Rose couldn't
help but smirk at his over usage of “fuck,” sensing the power her puffy,
pink pussy had on this mammoth of a man.

Rose wiggled her hips, matching her circular motions with his thrusts,
making sure he brushed against every single part of her soaking cunt.

“Oh baby, I love you too. And I fucking love that gigantic black dick of
yours,” she moaned out.

At her words, Jimmy increased his pace. He was pounding her pussy so
hard by that point that it almost hurt. “Almost” was the key word though.
Each intense slam into her just sent jolts of fire and electricity through her
body, igniting every single pleasure receptor in her brain. She didn't even
try to hold back her orgasm. She simply let out a loud moan as her pussy
started to convulse around Jimmy's cock. And, as usual, Jimmy wasn't far
behind. Just like nearly every single time before, their bodies read each
other's perfectly and synchronised impeccably. As her orgasm started to
take hold, Jimmy let go and let his own orgasm wash over him. As their
vocals filled the empty house with an orchestra of pleasure, their
respective organs worked in harmony to increase the sensations of the
other. As her walls tightened around him, his cock swelled and pulsed
against her. As he started spurting out stream after stream of cum into her
moist depths, she vacuumed him in and milked him as much as she could.
It was almost as if their bodies had melded together and become one,
working together with one singular goal: absolute and total bliss. And that
is why Rose couldn't afford to lose Jimmy. That was an experience she
could never have with Frank.

“Oh, Jimmy... Oh, fuck, I love you,” she moaned out as her pussy trembled
against his massive cock, squeezing it as if it meant to never let him

“Oh, Rose...” Jimmy groaned softly. Finally, he slid out of her and
collapsed on the couch. Rose collapsed next to him and fell into his lap.
She gave him a sly grin and took his softening cock into her hands. She
gently and slowly slid her lips down him, taking him as deep as he could
go, tasting the sweet and salty flavor of their combined juices. She took
his cock out of her lips with a loud “PLOP” sound before turning onto her
back and staring up at him.

“Thank you for being such a fucking incredible man,” she told him.

“Thank you for giving me a reason to be such a fucking incredible man.”

He smiled at her. And for the first time in a week, both of them felt at ease
and at peace. Sleep quickly took them, and that's how they slept through
the night. On the couch with her head in his lap and his hand in her hair.
Chapter Three

In the three weeks since she fixed things with Jimmy, her mind finally felt
at ease. The confusion had died down and the voices of doubt were silent.
Her inner turmoil and conflict was no more. Frank had continued on his
path to being a better husband, and continued working hard. Her
relationship with Jimmy was finally back to what it was. Life was finally
good again. Life finally made sense again.

“Good morning, beautiful.” Frank smiled as he walked into the bedroom,

greeting the awakening Rose with a plate of freshly scrambled eggs and

“Oh, good morning, Frank.” She had gone back to putting up her cold
facade. She didn't want to any longer, she wanted to just treat Frank the
way he deserved to be treated. However, she felt it was too soon to give in.
The memories of how he treated her before were still too fresh. She
decided she would have to keep up the charade for a little while longer.

“I made you some breakfast. I hope you enjoy it my angel.” He smiled and
handed her the plate.

“Thank you, it does smell good.” She gave him a soft smile and happily
took the plate as she sat up in the bed. Propping a pillow onto her lap, she
placed the plate down and dug into the eggs.

Something was off that morning. She felt something was wrong. She
usually loves eggs, especially Frank's. He always knew just how to make
them. So fluffy and creamy, yet the very smell of them turned her off. For
some reason, even the bacon didn't look appetizing. Bacon was one of her
favorite things in the world, yet the sight of it set her on edge. She figured
it was just the fatigue from a long week of working and took a bite
anyways. Suddenly, she felt her stomach rebel.

She knocked the plate to the floor as she ran for the bathroom, her stomach
turning against her. She practically dove for the toilet, vomit rising from
her stomach and spraying profusely out of her mouth. She had no idea
what was going on, but she prayed it wasn't what she was thinking. Dear
God, please don't let it be.

She grabbed one of her emergency pregnancy tests out of the cupboard
above the sink and squatted over the seat of the toilet. All the while she
was silently praying to whichever God she hoped would listen. The two-
minute wait was an eternal torment for her. Finally, she swallowed her fear
and looked at the test. She had had many pregnancy scares before, she told
herself. She brought the test closer to her face to make sure she was seeing
it clearly. Suddenly, she started sobbing as the second line faded in. The
test was positive. She was pregnant.
Part 6 - She Has to Choose

Chapter One

“Rose? Is everything all right?” Frank asked with a deep concern in his
voice as he knocked on the bathroom door. He was in the kitchen when he
had heard her sobs start. She tried to muffle them, but Frank knew her all
too well.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it,” Rose replied dismissively, still holding
the pregnancy test in her hand and staring at the life-changing result it
displayed. She was pregnant. How could she be so foolish? How could she
let this happen? How could it happen? She was on the pill, she was
supposed to be safe. Yet, the two blue lines told the tale of a future she
wasn’t prepared for. She didn’t want children. She couldn’t afford to have
children. Financially perhaps, but emotionally she wasn’t ready for the
responsibility. She didn’t have the time for it. Suddenly, the door swung
open and Frank entered the bathroom.

“FRANK! Get out!” she shouted as Frank’s sudden presence surprised her.

“No, I’m sorry, I don’t like refusing you. But when I know something is
wrong, then I can’t just ignore it nor can you expect me to. Now tell me,
what’s going on?” Frank sat down on the rim of the tub next to her and
placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Rose sighed softly and uncurled
her fingers, showing Frank the pregnancy test in her palm.

“I’m pregnant, Frank... I’m fucking pregnant.” She started to sob again.
Frank was completely silent and dumbstruck. Rose looked at him,
expecting to see nothing but shock and horror. Instead, she saw a massive
smile plastered across his face, excitement burned in his eyes.

“I’m gonna be a-” Frank started to ask with such a jubilant tone before
realization hit him like a locomotive. His happy expression faded and gave
way to one that told a much different story: pure sorrow and dread.
“It’s not mine, is it?” he asked sombrely.

“I don’t know, Frank... It could be... We did have sex, and you did finish
inside of me... So, it could possibly be yours...” Rose told him. Guilt had
flooded her id once more. The look of pure happiness that Frank had
displayed before; she had felt such a sudden security at the thought of their
family. At the thought of Frank running around the yard and playing with
their child. At the thought of Frank reading their child a bedtime story,
tucking them in and assuring them that there’s no monsters underneath
their bed or in their closet. She had felt a sudden contentedness at the very
idea of Frank as a father. Then, just as quickly as his excitableness had
faded, so too had her security. Seeing how depressive his expression had
gotten wrecked her emotions and left her feeling so guilt ridden. She felt
as if she had given him a lifeline and then suddenly tugged it away, leaving
him to drown. She felt as if she may have just possibly killed his dream.

“Yeah, but it could also be... His.” Frank nearly hissed as he finished his
statement, snapping Rose out of her trance.

“Yeah, Frank... It could very well be his too... I guess we will have to wait
and see...” she replied softly, sounding almost apathetic.

“You realize you have to tell him, don’t you?” Frank asked her.

“Yeah, I know... Frank, I’m so sorry... I took this way too far... You don’t
deserve this...” she admitted, more so to herself than to Frank. Tears were
streaming down her cheeks once again. Frank simply looked away and
squeezed her shoulder lightly.

“No, I was a terrible husband. I deserved what happened,” Frank said


“But you changed, Frank... You became such an amazing husband. And I...
I became such a terrible wife.” She lifted up his head and looked him dead
in the eyes.
“Pity that change came too late. I should have appreciated what I had
before I lost it,” Frank replied with a sad smile.

“You haven’t lost me, Frank... I promise.” With that, she moved her head
towards his and planted her lips firmly against his. Frank sat in shock for a
second before kissing her back softly. Then Frank suddenly stood up.

“I should go do the dishes,” was all he said as he hurriedly exited the

bathroom. Rose was left in a state of slight shock. She felt flabbergasted at
what had just happened. Did Frank reject her advances? Had he grown to
loathe her so much that he no longer wanted to be touched by her? No, that
couldn’t be the issue. Frank would have left a long time ago if that were
the case. Rose collected herself and stood up, hastily chasing after Frank.
She entered the kitchen to find him at the sink, washing the dishes with a
vacant expression on his face.

“Frank, are you all right?” she asked as she moved closer to him, running
her hand up his left arm.

“I’m fine, just need to get the dishes done for you.” Frank smiled at her.

“You’ve done more than enough for me, Frankie... Let me do something
for you instead.” She pecked his cheek softly and dropped to her knees in
front of him.

“It’s okay, my love, you don’t have to worry about me,” Frank told her,
caressing her cheek softly with his fingertips.

“No, you be quiet now. You deserve this,” she told him with a soft
sternness as she slid his pants down to his ankles. She took the key out of
her pocket and quickly unlocked his chastity device. She tossed the device
across the kitchen floor, not caring whether she could find it again. She
took his still soft cock in her hand and gently ran her tongue over his tiny
head, eliciting a soft gasp from Frank.

Frank stared down at his beautiful wife as she trailed her tongue all over
his hardening cock, watching himself grow in her palm. The flicking
motion of her tongue against his frenulum was sending little jolts of
pleasure through his spine. It wasn’t long until he was at full mast, his tiny
cock standing proudly erect.

Rose smiled up at her husband and, with a seductive wink, took the
entirety of his cock into her mouth with ease. Frank was practically
moaning now, his legs buckling at the overwhelming sensations her mouth
was causing his eager cock. Rose tightened her lips around him and sucked
hard, letting her tongue rub all over his sensitive head and rock hard shaft.
She found herself actually enjoying the feeling of sucking a cock without
her mouth having to be stretched in a painful way. She also found herself
get turned on at the thought of bringing such pleasure to a man who had
come to care for her and love her in such immense ways that he would
deprive himself of all sexual pleasures. She felt... Content. Content on her
knees with her husband’s tiny, but hard as a rock, cock sliding in between
her lips. Rose closed her eyes and lost herself in the moment, slowly
sliding his cock in and out of her mouth, running her tongue all over his
tip whenever she drew back.

“Oh fuck, Rose, that feels so fucking good. Oh my God,” Frank moaned
softly, leaning back against the top of the counter, his hands supporting
him. Frank felt as if his legs would give out at any moment. Pleasure was
coursing through every single part of him, the sensations his cock was
experiencing sent him into a highly intoxicated state of bliss. Rose simply
smiled around the shaft of his cock and started to pick up her pace,
practically slamming her face into his pelvis as she took him completely
with every thrust back into her mouth.

Frank tilted his head back and let out a soft few gasps. He knew his climax
was approaching, so he was battling hard with his inner urges to cum as he
wanted to prolong the sensations for as long as he could. Rose could feel
his balls tighten against her palm as she toyed with them gently, grinning
around his cock at the knowledge of how quickly she had brought him to
the edge. She felt a sense of power over him, a feeling of utter control at
how much he had desired her. She picked up her pace, furiously slamming
his cock in and out of her. Frank lost the battle. With a loud groan, Frank
started to thrust his hips as his cock began spurting stream after stream of
warm, salty cum into her mouth.

Rose gleefully started to swallow the thick, ropey cum as it landed in her
mouth and on her tongue, sucking hard on his pulsing head as she milked
him for every drop he had. She savored the sounds that were coming from
her husband. She brought her hand to his cock and started to squeeze at his
shaft, trying to get every little droplet of cum from him, swallowing as she
suckled on his head. She finally withdrew his cock from her lips, causing a
loud “pop” sound to echo through the kitchen. She smiled at Frank and
stood back up, staring into his eyes, listening to his rapid breaths.

“Th-thank you, my love,” Frank exclaimed, smiling at his wife.

“No need to thank me, my angel. You deserved it,” she said as she brought
her palm to his trembling cheek, caressing it gently.

“Guess I should look for that chastity prison thing. I have no idea where
you threw it.” Frank laughed softly, placing his hand over hers.

“I made you a promise. When I felt safe and secure with you, and I knew
that you truly loved me, then it would come off for good. So forget about
it. It’s staying off now,” Rose told him. Frank’s expression changed from
bliss to surprise.

“Wait, are you sure?” he asked.

“As sure as I can be.” She smiled at him and kissed him on his cheek.

Frank couldn’t believe it, and a part of Rose couldn’t either. Their journey
was almost at an end, her plan had seemingly worked. Unfortunately, there
was still the issue of a baby on the way and she knew she had to see
Jimmy. For some reason, that thought absolutely terrified her.
Chapter Two

Rose waited three more days. She took a few more pregnancy tests in the
hopes that the first was perhaps a false positive, but alas, all the other tests
told the same story: she was pregnant. She couldn’t understand why she
was so petrified at the concept of being a mother, but she was beyond
terrified nonetheless. What terrified her even more though was the idea
that she had to tell Jimmy. She had to not only tell him that she was
pregnant but that the child might be his. Or rather, that the child might not
be his. She didn’t know what would hurt him more. Still, she called to all
her courage and phoned him, asking him to come over to her house since
Frank was off at his job and she had taken a few days off. When she finally
heard the knock on the door, butterflies took over every cavity of her
intestines, swallowing her heart whole.

“Hey there, you big, beautiful, piece of chocolate.” She smiled as she
greeted Jimmy at the door, standing on her toes to kiss him softly.

“Hey there yourself, Rosey.” Jimmy grinned and picked her up, kissing her
fiercely as he carried her inside.

Rose kissed him back intensely before pulling back.

“Whoa, slow down there, cowboy. We need to talk.” She smiled at him and
motioned for him to put her down.

“We can talk anytime. I haven’t seen you in nearly a week, talking is the
last thing on my mind,” he said as he reluctantly put her down. Rose sat
down on the couch and patted the cushion next to her.

“This is important, Jimmy. We need to talk,” she said sternly.

Jimmy sighed and sat down next to her.

“All right, what’s up?” he asked her.

“Okay, um...” She struggled to find the words. How was she supposed to
say it? Start off with a light topic and then work her way into it? Or just
come out with it? Rip off the Band-aid and just tell him? She didn’t have
the time to think about this, she needed to tell him.

“Well?” he asked her again.

“I’m pregnant...” she said softly, trepidation resounding clearly in her


Jimmy’s face told a story of astounding surprise before transforming into

one of pure excitement, much like the one Frank wore when he first found

“I’m gonna be a dad?” he asked her gleefully.

Rose mentally prepared herself for the next part. Once again, she would
have to crush a dream.

“Maybe... But it may be Frank’s as well... I don’t know which of you two
is the father...” She sighed softly, looking at the carpet, trying not to meet
Jimmy’s gaze.

“It could be Frank’s? You actually slept with him again?” Jimmy asked
her, the joy in his voice giving way to sorrow and a bit of anger.
“Yes, I did. He’s my husband, Jim. I don’t have to justify having sex with
him,” she replied.

Jimmy felt an onslaught of mixed emotions wash over him. Jealousy,

anger, sorrow, he couldn’t make out what he was feeling. The idea of her
sleeping with Frank again had him feeling all kinds of terrible. He felt as
if he was losing her. He had to do something.

“Okay, well, enough talking. Can we get to the fun part now?” Jimmy
asked her, feigning his best grin.

“You still want to fuck me? Even after what I just told you?” she asked
him, surprised.
“Of course, Rosey. I always want you,” he replied as he leaned in and
nuzzled her neck, kissing the soft skin.

“Well, if you say so then who am I to deny you?” Rose grinned. As

Jimmy’s hand made its way up her thigh and underneath her skirt,
something felt off. For some reason, she felt guilty. For some reason, all
she could think of was Frank. Even when she felt him move her panties
aside and felt his long index finger find her sensitive clit, the sensations
weren’t as powerful as they usually were. Rose did her best to push back
on the guilt-ridden feelings and simply tried to enjoy Jimmy’s stimulation.

Jimmy’s finger slowly made its way down her slit and toyed with her
entrance, eliciting a soft moan from Rose as he started to toy with her wet
hole. Slowly, he plunged his finger inside of her, drawing out a loud gasp
from Rose.

“I see that pussy still likes me best, hmmm?” Jimmy whispered into her
ear, toying with her wet mound.

Rose tried to ignore the assurance Jimmy was trying to get from her. She
felt as if she had somehow hurt his ego, but she had no idea how she
managed that.

Rose laid her head back and let Jimmy toy with her, trying her best to
simply enjoy what he was doing. Jimmy continued to toy with her soft
mound, sliding his long finger in and out of her slick pussy while nibbling
at her neck. Rose moaned softly and moved her hands down towards her
groin, holding Jimmy’s hand in place as she started to grind her hips
against his palm. The guilt had started to fade and pure pleasure was
taking its place. Rose was getting her fix and she had finally started to
completely enjoy it. She tilted her head to the side and pressed her lips
against his, kissing him softly and moaning against his lips as Jimmy
pushed another finger inside of her, his hand sliding rapidly now. Rose’s
breathing started to get more and more rapid, her moans took on a more
desperate rate. She hadn’t had any proper stimulation in what felt like
ages, and Jimmy knew exactly how to touch her, so she wasn’t surprised at
how quickly her orgasm was approaching.

“Oh God, yes, Jimmy, that’s it. Oh fuck, make me cum, please. Oh fuck.”
She laid her head back again and moaned softly, closing her eyes.

“As you wish, Rosey.” Jimmy grinned and quickly slithered down between
her legs. Without even withdrawing his fingers, he masterfully changed
his position so his face was right by her glistening cunt. Jimmy inhaled her
aroma deeply, her sweet and musky scent filling his nostrils and inflaming
his desire. He brought his face to her puffy lips and slipped his tongue in
between them, eliciting an even louder moan from Rose. He slid his
tongue up between her soaking slit and flattened it against her clit, rubbing
the roughish top of his tongue against her increasingly sensitive button.

“Oh fuck, Jimmy, oh fuck, that’s it. Right there. Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum.
Don’t stop,” Rose moaned with an eager desperation, making a request
that Jimmy was all too happy to grant. He lapped at her little nub eagerly,
rubbing his tongue all over it while his fingers continued thrusting. He
started to feel her walls tighten and contract against his digits. Rose
started to frantically grind herself against his palm and face, her orgasm
veering on the horizon. Rose let out a loud moan, pressing herself hard
against his hand and tongue before her orgasm consumed her. Electricity
shot through her body. Her body trembled on the couch, her voice
disappeared which replaced her moans with rapid, desperate breaths.

Jimmy felt the warmth of her wet walls constrict against his fingers,
hugging them so tight that he could barely move his digits while her
delicious juices started to flow. He lapped up her sweet nectar eagerly,
coating his mouth in her slickness.

“Oh, Jimmy,” she moaned softly as she grabbed his face in her hands,
pulling him up towards her. Rose pressed her lips firmly against his and
kissed him with a burning passion, tasting herself on his breath as her
tongue danced around with his inside his mouth. She felt his massive
hardness press against her through the thin fabric of his shorts, igniting a
brand new desire inside of her. Without missing a beat, she had slid his
pants down enough that his enormous cock had sprung free, the girth
smacking against her soaking wet mound as it was freed. She pressed her
hands against his chiselled chest and pushed him down onto the couch,
mounting him quickly in the process.

“Whoa, Rosey, seems like you’re eager.” Jimmy grinned at her, placing his
hands at her sides.

“You have no idea,” Rose whispered into his ear while positioning the fat
head of his massive cock at her slick entrance. With one quick motion, she
lifted her body up and impaled herself on his spectacular rod.

“Oh, fuck yes,” Rose hissed with pleasure as she felt her cunt being
stretched to its absolute limit by Jimmy’s massive cock, every single
detail and vein that covered his cock was felt by her already sensitive

“Oh fuck, Rosey, I forgot how tight you were,” Jimmy groaned out,
looking down to see his cock sliding in and out of her puffy, wet lips. He
savored the sight of his thick brown cock being coated by her juices, her
essence dripping down onto his full sack. He grabbed tightly at her hips
and used his hands to help her ride him, groaning at every motion she
made, feeling her walls tighten around him with every time his cock
penetrated her cunt.

Rose sat up straight and took off her shirt, tossing it across the living room
floor. Her bra soon followed the shirt, leaving her luscious, milky breasts
on full display for Jimmy. Rose grabbed Jimmy softly by the back of his
head and brought his face to her beautiful tits. Jimmy didn’t need any
further invitation.

Jimmy took her swollen cherry-like nipple in between his lips, grinding it
gently between his teeth while rubbing the soft, silky underside of his
tongue across it. Rose started to moan louder as she increased her pace,
riding Jimmy for all he was worth. All her guilt had now faded and only a
burning, passionate, animalistic lust remained. She threw her head back
and closed her eyes. She was lost in all the sensations her body was
experiencing. The sensations of the massive, fat, black cock inside of her.
Her tiny cunt being stretched as wide as it possibly could be by Jimmy’s
God-like manhood. The sensations of her walls trembling every time he
was thrusted back inside of her. The painful pleasure of his teeth
massaging her sensitive nipple. The sensation of his thumb that had moved
to her overly sensitive clit, rubbing it frantically. She was in a state of
absolute nirvana. Until she suddenly heard the front door open. Frank was
“Hey angel, I’m ho- Oh. Hi there,” Frank started before cutting himself off
as he witnessed the event taking place on his couch. There was his wife,
furiously fucking another man. He felt a sudden wave of sadness and
despair wash over him. He had somehow managed to forget that his wife
was sleeping with another man.

Rose turned her head around and suddenly her body went numb. She no
longer felt any pleasure from the massive cock inside of her. In fact, she
couldn’t feel Jimmy inside of her at all. As she took in the sadness that
emanated from Frank’s sorrowful green eyes, all she could feel was an
immense guilt once more. Then she heard Jimmy speak, and her heart felt
as if it had fallen straight through the crust of the earth and into the
supernova centre of the world.

“Hey buddy, you’re kinda interrupting here,” Jimmy said sarcastically as

he continued to thrust his hips upwards, driving himself into the now-
motionless Rose.

“Right, I’m sorry. I’ll leave,” Frank said with a shaky voice. Rose could
see that he was trying to be strong, that he was trying to fight off the tears,
that he was hurt. She felt her heart break over and over again.

“Yeah, that would be best. You can come back after your wife is finished
being fucked by a real man.” Jimmy grinned, and a sharp malice radiated
in his voice. Rose broke free from her trance by the sudden anger Jimmy’s
words ignited within her.

“What the fuck, Jimmy?” she asked him angrily, turning back to face him.
Frank stopped himself as he heard Rose. Was she about to stand up for
him? He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to see the sight of her on top
of the tall black man again, the man who was so much more of a man than
he could ever have dreamt of being. So instead he stood still with his back
to them, listening intently to the conversation.

“What you mean, Rosey? You know this black dick treats that pussy better
than his pencil pecker ever could.” Jimmy grinned at her, moving his hips
in a circular motion before thrusting his cock upwards into her. Rose’s
expression of anger didn’t falter in the slightest. Instead, she only seemed
more enraged. Jimmy suddenly realized that he had crossed the line.

“What the fuck gives you the right to speak to my husband like that?” she
angrily asked him. Jimmy felt a sudden weight on his chest. His heart felt
heavy. He tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry.

“What do you mean, Rosey? You know I’m better for you than he could
ever be. You know that I can treat you better and love you better. Don’t tell
me you’re actually going to defend him,” Jimmy sheepishly told her.

“That’s it,” Rose said as she climbed off of Jimmy, his cock sliding out of
her as she stood and pointed towards the door. “Get the FUCK out of my
house,” she demanded.

“What? Why? I’m not even finished yet,” Jimmy remarked in surprise and

“Does it look like I give a solitary fuck about whether you’ve cum or not?
Go fucking jack off for all I care. Just get the fuck out of my house.” Rose
was absolutely steaming. First, he insults her husband, then tries to tell her
that she’s being unfair because he hadn’t cum yet? Rose felt as if Jimmy
had just spat in her face. She didn’t even know what had come over him.
The way he was acting. He wasn’t the kind and sweet person she had met.
He was a jealous fiend at that moment, overtaken by envy and insecurity.

Jimmy stood up and approached her, holding out his arms as if to hug her.
“C’mon, Rosey, I’m sorry. Don’t let him come between us, please.”
Suddenly, Jimmy felt a sharp sting. His cheek was on fire. It took him a
few moments to realize what had happened: Rose had slapped him. He
stared at her in shock and disbelief, but she was red hot with anger.

“He didn’t come between us, your fucking ego did. He was never a part of
us. What I have with him I have with him alone, and what I had with you I
had with you alone. But that wasn’t fucking good enough, was it? He may
not have liked it. Hell, I used it as a fucking punishment, but he respected
it. But the moment you realized I may still love the man I fucking married
and fought so fucking hard for, your ego just crumbled. You just had to do
your best to hurt him. You did this, Jim. You came between us. Now, I’ll
say it once more. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. House,” Rose told Jimmy in
a voice so calm it terrified him. He had never seen this side of her before.
He felt an ache in his chest and a sinking feeling in his stomach. He
realized what he had just done. He had just ruined the best thing to ever
happen to him all because he felt insecure and scared of some competition.

“I’m sorry, Rose, and I’m sorry, Frank. I went over the line. You both
deserve better than that.” Jimmy pulled up his pants and made his way to
the door. A part of him naively clung onto the hopes that Rose would call
him back. That she would tell him that all was forgiven. That they would
kiss and make up. Instead, he just heard the door being slammed shut
behind him as he exited the house.

As Jimmy climbed into his car, he took a deep breath and felt the tears
start to swell in his eyes.

“Oh dear God, what the fuck did I just do?” He started to cry softly.

He finally realized the extent of his mistake. He realized that he had just
possibly ruined a future with the only woman he had ever loved. A future
for him and her. A future with his child.
Chapter Three

Later that same evening, Rose sat across from Frank at their dining table,
something they had been trying to do much more often lately. Frank had
once again outdone himself with dinner. The roasted salmon was exquisite,
the mix of steamed vegetables were heavenly combined with the creamy
cheese sauce, and even the potatoes were divine. She never really knew
just how great a chef Frank was until their whole ordeal started, but she
counted as one of the biggest positives to come out of it. Yet she had no
appetite. Both of them just sat in silence and toyed at their food. The
events from earlier taking their toll on their collective psyche and

“Thank you. For earlier,” Frank said softly, finally breaking the awkward
and crushing silence.

“What do you mean?” Rose asked, surprised by his words.

“For sticking up for me. Thank you for that.” Frank smiled at her. Rose
was taken aback by the sincerity of his smile. He was actually grateful.
After what he had to witness, what he had to hear, what he had to go
through, he was still grateful. He was still staying with her.

“You don’t have to thank me for anything, Frank. I love you, and I will
always stick up for you. I’m just sorry that you had to see that...” Frank
thought about how things had changed. At first, she was all too happy to
show him a video of her blowing and fucking the same man he saw earlier.
Yet, at present, he had seen the same thing again and Rose was upset about
it. He thought about how she was the one to tell him she no longer wanted
him to wear the chastity device. He felt a hope burning inside him, a hope
that their marriage was on the brink of being saved. A hope that the baby
would actually be his. A hope for their future family. A hope for himself
and his wife.

“I knew what it was from the start, so you honestly don’t have to worry,
my love. I knew you were seeing and sleeping with him, remember? That
was part of our whole arrangement,” he told her sheepishly. Rose knew he
was trying to reassure her, but his words offered no comfort. Instead, they
only increased the resounding guilt she was already drowning in. She
reached across the table and took his hand in hers, squeezing his palm with
her soft fingers tightly.

“And you honored your part, Frank. You saved this marriage. So you don’t
have to worry about seeing something like that ever again.” She smiled
sincerely at him.

Frank didn’t know if she meant that she’d stop sleeping with Jimmy or if
she were to just stop sleeping with him in their house, but her words still
comforted him. Her words still stoked the fire that was his ever-growing
Chapter Four

A few months later, as they were shopping around for their monthly
groceries, it finally happened. In the middle of the fruit and vegetable
aisle, Rose's water broke. Frank wasted no time. He didn't allow himself
the luxury of feeling the shock, worry, excitement, and fear that the
situation brought. He'd let himself experience all of those feelings later,
but at that very moment, his wife needed him. So he quickly summoned all
of his strength and picked her up, leaving all their groceries in the middle
of the aisle in order to carry her to his car.

“Sorry about this, but there's a cleanup in aisle 2,” he joked with the
cashier as he carried Rose out of the building, causing Rose to laugh softly
even in her shocked state.

The drive to the hospital was a rapid and silent one. Aside from Rose's
growing groans of pain, the car was silent. The only words that were
spoken was when Rose asked Frank if she could phone Jimmy.

“He should be here, Frank. You know he should,” she groaned softly.

“You don't need to ask my permission, Rose. It's all up to you,” Frank
reassured her calmly, keeping his eyes fixated on the road.

So, for the first time in months, Rose spoke to Jimmy, even if the
exchange was a mere three sentences.

“Jimmy, my water broke. I'm on my way to St. Anne's. Please come,” she
told him, trying not to speak too much as every word and breath caused
her more pain. Her contractions had started much earlier than anticipated.

“Okay, Rosey, I'm on my way,” he answered, trying to hide the excitement

in his voice.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, Rose was immediately taken into
one of the available rooms. Her contractions had escalated rapidly and she
needed to deliver quickly. Frank went with his wife into the room, holding
her hand tightly. He felt as if her tight and hard grip was about to crush
every bone in his palm to dust, but still he held onto her hand with a smile.
The moment they had been planning for so long was finally there. Their
child was about to be born. At least, he hoped it would be their child. He
knew there was a 50 percent chance it might be Jimmy's. In fact,
considering the frequency of the times where he actually knew that Rose
was seeing Jimmy, the percentage may have been higher. Still, Frank made
a promise to himself. He loved Rose with all he was and he had changed
every aspect of his horrible former self for her, so he easily promised
himself that he would love their child no matter what. Rose was almost at
the point of crowning when Jimmy finally arrived.

“Rose- Oh, fuck me,” Jimmy said as he entered the room and immediately
winced with a painful expression, sympathetic of the image he saw of
Rose. Rose was uttering every single swear word she knew, even
screaming some from the foreign languages she had learned over the
years. She felt as if her body was being torn in two, but she held onto the
memory of Frank's smile when he first heard the news. She held onto the
idea of a future with her, her husband, and their son. A part of her was
even praying to every God that would listen that the child be Frank's. In a
little over a year, Frank had gone from being a toxic poison that drained
every single joy out of her life to a wonderful, caring, and loving husband
who she could no longer imagine her life without.

“Rose, honey, I'll be right back. Just give me one minute. I just need to talk
to Jimmy,” Frank told his wife and kissed her forehead gently, tasting the
salty sweat on his lips.


out. Frank pried himself from her grip and moved over to Jimmy. Only
when he stood in front of him did Frank realize what a giant of a man
Jimmy truly was. Jimmy easily towered over him. Yet, Frank felt like the
stronger man at the moment as Jimmy was completely frozen with a wince
burned onto his face, his one hand clamped tightly over his mouth.

Frank lifted up his hand and placed in on his shoulder, shaking him gently.
“Hey, Jimbo, come. We need to talk,” Frank said and motioned Jimmy
towards the door. Jimmy's pained expression didn't falter, but he still
turned around and walked with Frank into the hallway.

“So listen, Jimmy-”

“You can call me Jim. 'Jimmy' is for friends. And I don't mean offense
with this, Frank, but you and I ain't never gonna be friends,” Jimmy
interrupted Frank. Frank felt sincerity in Jimmy's words instead of malice.
So, Frank accepted as a courtesy between two people who may never be
friends, but weren't enemies either.

“Okay, Jim it is. Jim, listen. I think we can both agree that we love Rose,
and no matter the outcome, no matter whose child it is, I think we can both
agree that we will love them no matter what, right?” he asked him
sincerely and calmly.

“Sorry, Frank, but that's where you're wrong. I love Rose, yeah. I love her
with all that I am. I love her so much that if she decides to never want to
be with me again and spend the rest of her life with you, I'll respect that.
And if that child is mine and she still wants to spend her life with you,
then I'll accept that and only ask that y'all both let me see him or her and
let me be a part of their life. But if that child is yours, my man? I can't
handle that. I won't be able to. I know this may be a massive fucking dick
thing of me to say, but if that baby ain't brown or black, then I'll know it
ain't mine. And every time I'll look at that pasty white face, all I'll see is a
life that ain't ever gonna be mine. All I'll see is what I had with Rose, what
I had with the only woman I ever loved, the only woman who ever got me
and understood me, man. And then, all I'll see is how I lost her to you,
Frank. So nah, I'm sorry, brother, but if that kid ain't mine, I ain't gonna be
a part of nothing. God may send me to Hell for this, but I don't wanna be
the guy who looks at a child and hates them for something that ain't their
fault,” Jimmy explained, tears starting to form in his ebony eyes.

Frank stared up at the massive man and felt a sense of empathetic hurt
grow inside him. He knew all too well how it felt to nearly lose Rose, the
agony he felt. Yet, Frank at least had a chance to fight for her, he at least
had a chance to gain back her love, trust, and a future with her. Jimmy
didn't have that chance. Jimmy would never have that chance. So while
Frank knew he should have been disgusted or, at the very least,
disappointed by Jimmy's remark, all he felt was an empathetic
understanding for Jimmy's position. He knew the dread he felt at the idea
that the child might not be his, but at least he was still the foundation for a
future with Rose and the child regardless of the child's parentage. Jimmy
didn't have that. Frank placed his hand on Jimmy's muscular arm and
squeezed it tight.

“I completely understand, Jim,” he told the man he used to hate with a

sympathetic smile.

“You do? You don't think I'm an awful person?” Jimmy asked Frank, tears
rolling down his cheek.

“Of course not. I'd probably feel the same if I were in your shoes,” Frank
told him.

“Fuck, thank you, Fra-” Before Jimmy could finish, they heard a loud
scream coming from the room and echoing through the hall. Both men
looked at each other in shock for a second before rushing into the room.
Rose had crowned. The doctor was busy helping the baby escape her body.
Frank quickly rushed to Rose's side and grabbed her hand tightly again.
Frank had to bite his free hand to keep from yelping in pain as Rose's grip
was much stronger, cracking all the knuckles of his hand as she squeezed
as hard and tight as she could. Jimmy, however, was frozen. From the
angle he was viewing the birth, he could see the baby perfectly. He could
see perfectly as the head exited Rose followed by the tiny body. He could
see the placenta covered pale white skin clearly. He felt dread, sorrow, and
a great depression wash over him.

After nearly two hours, the birth was done. Rose laid back in a daze, her
body still feeling as if it was burning with red hot coals shoved inside of
her. Thankfully, the worst was over with. When she saw the baby, she
instinctively reached out to grab him. Hearing the sharp cry echo
throughout the room. She took him in her arms. Frank stared at the little
baby and felt a sense of pride and pure, utter happiness take over his
psyche. There lay a pale white, green-eyed little boy. The child was his. He
actually had a son. It was his son. He had never felt such immense pride

“Hey, Jim, do you wanna see?” Frank asked and turned towards the door,
but there was no one there. He walked to where Jimmy stood and opened
the door, searching for him, but he was nowhere to be found. When Frank
closed the door and turned to walk back to Rose, two sheets of paper that
were resting on the chair caught his attention. On the couch was a letter,
addressed to both Rose and Frank. Frank picked it up and started to read
through it.

Dear Rose and Frank,

I'm sorry I left but seeing that pale face and knowing that child ain't mine
just completely broke me. Still, I want to thank both of you for the
experience of a lifetime I had. Rose, I wanna thank you for showing me
what it meant to be alive. For teaching me how to love. For being the most
incredible person I'll ever have the privilege of meeting. And Frank, I
wanna thank you too. Because of you, Rose actually took the chance and
got with me. If it weren't for you, she would never have come into my life. I
knew there was a chance that kid might not be mine, so I wrote this in
advance for in case of that situation. Frank, from what Rose told me, I
always thought you were an awful guy. No offense. But the way she stood
up for you that day, my man, you must have really turned yourself around.
You're probably the luckiest guy in the world because you have the most
amazing girl in the world. I'll just console myself with the fact that you
must have worked your nuts off to get there. I hope someday I'll have
something that good, something that I'd work my nuts off to keep. But yeah,
this is already too long. So I'll end it here. Thank you both for all the
wonderful memories that I got, memories I'll cherish 'til the day I die. I can
promise that. So, consider this a thank you gift. And an apology to the
child for the way I feel about them. Or just consider it a bribe for keeping
our whole ordeal out of the media. Doesn't really matter. Goodbye.

P.S. Please don't try to contact me, Rose. I know Frank won't. I'm changing
numbers and moving away. This town just holds too many painful
memories now. Thank you for what we had, but I think it's best we stay in
each other's past from now on.

Underneath the note was a check for ten million dollars. Frank held it in
his hands and stared at in awe. He couldn't believe any of what just
transpired. He finally had his wife back to himself alone, Jimmy was out
of their life, there was no fight necessary for any of it to happen, and he
finally had a solid future with his wife and his newborn son. His very own

“He's so beautiful, Frankie. What should we name him?” Rose asked, still
in a daze. She hadn't even noticed Jimmy's disappearance.

Frank stuffed the note and the check into his pocket and approached his
wife, smiling widely again as he saw her holding their son. He knew
exactly what the child's name should be.

“You know, this child is a miracle child. A year ago, if you hadn't brought
me to my senses, then this child might never have been born. And we both
have somebody to thank for that. So, I have the perfect name for him.”
Frank smiled as he picked up the child and cradled him in his arms.

“Oh? What do you want to call him?” Rose asked, exhaustion taking its
toll on her.

“His name is Jimmy.” Frank smiled at his wife. Rose looked shocked at
first and then smiled softly, laying her head down and resting her weary

“Jimmy... I like that. Our little Jimmy.” With that, she finally fell into a
slumber. Frank smiled with content as he stared at her and then back at his
little son. His little Jimmy.
Also by Raven Merlot:

Hotwife Bride and Cuckold Groom Bundle

Many couples start experimenting later on in their marriages, when they're
comfortable with each other. The brides in these two series have
something different in mind. They're going to cuckold their husbands right
from the beginning so there is never any doubt that the wife's pleasure has
to come first!

In Hotwife's Revenge Julie discovers that her fiance has not only been
cheating on her, but is insistent on marrying her now to secure his
deceased grandmother's fortune! When she discovers that he has to stay
married to her for at least a year before he becomes a wealthy man, she
knows that she has the upper hand and forces him to watch her with man
after man after man...

In The Hotwife Bride and Cuckold Groom series, Rebecca loves her fiance
Jacob with all of her heart. There's just one little problem. He can't get it
up to please her in bed. After being nearly celibate for so long Rebecca
gives into temptation and cheats. She thinks this means that it is over but,
to everyone's surprise, being cuckolded has cured Jacob's impotence! He
can finally make love to his wife, so long as another man has taken her

Get it here for just $4.99 or for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Cuckold Erotica Bundle Collection
You can get four of my cuckolding series for just $5.99 in this bundle
collection! That's 23 separate short stories!

In Cuckolds in Paradise an adventurous young couple meet an experience

Hotwife and cuckold at an adult's only resort. The older couple is there to
get the wife pregnant by a stranger and the younger couple become
intrigued by their lifestyle. Once they all return to their homes, one couple
has a pregnancy and the other has a brand new kink!

In Cuckolding My Billionaire Husband Rebecca is sick of her husband

John's cheating. It doesn't matter how much money he makes, some men
need to learn their place. She begins a campaign to show John who is
really in charge of the relationship by sleeping with his employees, rivals,
and friends. In the end that leads them to a greater intimacy and
understanding of their love than anyone could have predicted!

In Paying My Cuckold Husband's Debts Antonio is in a lot of trouble. As a

victim of identify theft, he's lost all of his family's money. As he drinks
away his sorrows he is propositioned by a beautiful woman and her
cuckold husband who offer to solve his money problems in exchange for
the sexual services of his wife. Antonio laughs the deal off…until his wife
tells him that she’s willing to sign a contract and perform, IF it will solve
their debt crisis.

What follows is a shocking journey into sexual depravity, where macho

man Antonio will have to unlearn his big ego and watch his wife surrender
herself to one orgasmic experience after another at the hands of men she'll
be dreaming about for the rest of her life. The psychological torments he
must endure mount through each encounter as he discovers what it means
to be truly cuckolded by his wife, inside and out.
In Cuckolded in Couples Counseling Julie and Trey come to Dr. Wayne to
fix their marriage after an ugly incident in which Trey’s infidelity is
discovered. Julie feels unattractive, neglected and betrayed after ten years
of marriage and two children. Dr. Wayne says “Freudian” theory suggests
she needs to cheat on Trey and get the revenge sex her ego/id craves. Trey
consents to it if it will lead to his wife's forgiveness but before he can say
"I'm a beta cuck now" Julie has slept with the therapist, Trey's brother,
their son's coach, and a variety of other men. Trey is shocked and
embarassed, and completely ashamed that he's more attacted to his wife
than ever before.

Get it here for just $5.99 or free on Kindle Unlimited!

Hotwife and Cuckold Bedtime Mega-Bundle
Sometimes your husband is not enough. Hopefully he understands this,
and supports you in getting the pleasure you need. This is the sweet kind
of cuckolding. There is a husband who loves you and wants you to be
sexually satisfied, even if it isn’t with him.

These twelve bedtime stories are for those times when you want to be
physically taken care of by a man who knows exactly what your body
needs while being loved by a man who is committed to you no mater

These twelve sweet but raunchy sexual romps are just what you need
before bed, or any other time of day for that matter. They tell the stories of
women finding passion and excitement in the embrace of other men. They
seek it because their marriages have become dull, because they need an
encounter with an aggressive alpha male, because they want to get
pregnant, because they need to feel what it’s like to have multiple strange
men use them at the same time, and because their husbands know that a
wife’s pleasure has to come first.

Get it here for just $4.99 or free on Kindle Unlimited!

Cuckold Erotica Bundle #3
Here are two of newer series in one awesome bundle!

In The Dorm's Hotwife MILF Kelly and Annie Doll had made it through
the rain. They loved each other, had their own home, and their son was
getting a good education at a nearby college. They preferred a life with
few risks and surprises and that is exactly what they had. At least, that's
what they thought that they wanted.

When their son brings home is dorm roommate his parents are more than a
little unnerved. They aren't racists but their conservative suburban life
didn't bring them into much contact with black people. Annie can barely
remember the last time she interacted with a man as big, black, and
attractive as Steven's roommate, Jeremiah.

When Jeremiah makes a pass at her Annie is as shocked as she is secretly

flattered. She had never thought of herself as overly attractive but when
Jeremiah deems here a "MILF," she accepts his offer. It isn't long before
Jeremiah is taking her mature, hot body to levels she can't even imagine.
But Jeremiah is a gentleman at heart and it isn't too long before he feels
the need to share Annie with his friends.

In The Bad Boy Bull Who Saved Our Marriage John and Stephanie are
married but haven’t been having much sex lately. John will be the first to
admit it’s probably because he’s having a not-so-secret affair with
Stephanie’s best friend, Christa. He likes to be the man-in-charge in his
house but he makes the mistake of his life when he meets Connor, a bull
on the Internet who’s very willing to turn John’s taboo cuckold fantasies
into reality.

John has his rules and demands…but Connor wants to play the game on
his terms. “The Bad Boy Bull Who Saved My Marriage” is a cuckold
erotica series that will tantalize you at every turn.
Get it here for just $4.99 or for free on Kindle Unlimited!
About Raven Merlot

My husband and I have been in a cuckolding relationship for seven out of

twelve years of marriage. It's been a journey for both of us and while on it
we learned that we love each more than we ever imagined. Contrary to
what someone may see on tumblr or in porn I never deny my husband what
he needs and he never denies me what I want. Our passion for each other
spills out into my writing and every other aspect of my life.

I write about cuckolding, kink, spanking, and whatever else excites me. I
love connecting with my readers and try to respond to everyone. I'm
available at raven@kumquatpublishing.com.

My non-writing time is spent with my husband and son and being a part-
time couples therapist. I never write about my patients but I do
occasionally get inspired by them.

My books aren't for everyone and I don't take that personally. Read for
yourself to find out! You can sign up for my e-mail list
at www.kumquatpublishing.com. I frequently give away books for free and
want you to know how to get them.

Check out all of my books here!

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