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ʚɞ PSY 2-2 ❀ SEM 1 ❀ MIDTERM ❀ NOTES ʚɞ

Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose Rizal

into English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine
L1: POPULARIZING RIZAL & THE RIZAL LAW (RA 1425) dialects; cause them to be printed in cheap, popular
OUTLINE: editions; and cause them to be distributed, free of
charge, to persons desiring to read them
● Popularizing Rizal
● Rizal Law
● Spain slowly changed its economic policies towards
● The Americans who disguised themselves initially as the 19th century. Ports were opened to new trades.
allies to the Filipino revolutionaries occupied Manila The American and British merchants entered as new
and advanced in the provinces. In the following players in the economy. Cheap agricultural produce
months, the publication of the Treaty of Paris such as rice, sugar, hemp indigo and tobacco were
(officially ended the period of Spanish colonization in produced largely by machinery and loaded in ships
the Philippines and granted possession of Cuba,
and trains. The Philippines was opened to world
Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United
States) and the shooting incident in San Juan Bridge commerce.
sparked the Philippine-American War.
● Modern technology on communications and
● On December 20, 1898, General Emilio Aguinaldo
transportations were invested in the islands, to name
issued a decree, recognizing December 30 as the
a few, telegraph (1873), telephone and the train or
commemoration of the death of Rizal and other
Ferrocaril de Manila a Dagupan (1890) and limited
Filipinos who have fallen victims to the oppressive
distribution of electricity in the suburbs of Manila.
rule of the Spanish colonization. The date marked the
● The Suez Canal was opened in 1893. It improved
celebration of Rizal Day.
trade and communications by creating a shorter route
● Governor General William Howard Taft propagated
and travel time between Spain and the Philippines.
that Rizal was the official National Hero in 1901.
The opening of the Canal also allowed the influx of
● Presidents Magsaysay, Garcia and Macapagal signed
migrants and increased activities in trade and
executive orders during their administration which
commerce. Progressive ideas, books and periodicals
promoted the significance of Rizal to the public.
and news from abroad were available to the public.
Popularizing Rizal’s memory to the public included
● The society was classified based on race.
renaming streets in Manila of the characters in the
Noli and El Fili. Filipinos associated with Rizal through PENINSULARES - Spaniards born in Spain
monuments, awards in the name of Rizal and other INSULARES - Spaniards born in the Philippines
ceremonies. The study of life and works of Rizal was MESTIZOS OR CREOLES - Half breeds
also required in universities and colleges.
INDIO - the poor and uneducated class
RIZAL LAW OR RA 1425 ● The 19th century ushered the economic standing
● Senator Claro M. Recto sponsored Republic Act of the tenant-farmers who gained sufficient wealth to
1425 also known as “Rizal Law”. educate their children in universities in the Philippines
and abroad. (GOOD 4 U PPL SANA NOW DIN)
● The middle class consists of the ilustrados or the
● SECTION 1. Courses on the life, works and writings highly educated Filipinos who were still considered as
of Jose Rizal, particularly his novel Noli Me Tangere indios. Discrimination against them was prevalent in
and El Filibusterismo, shall be included in the the 19th century. They later pushed the idea of
curricula of all schools, colleges and universities, equality amongst the Spaniards. These ilustrados
public or private wanted reforms in administration of the Philippines. A
● SECTION 2. It shall be obligatory on all schools, group of ilustrados was later known as the Reform
colleges and universities to keep in their libraries an Movement or the Propaganda Movement.
adequate number of copies of the original and
unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other works and ● The appointment of Governor General Carlos Ma.
biography Dela Torre, a liberal Spanish official, abolished
● SECTION 3. The Board of National Education shall censorship of the press; he abolished flogging as a
cause the translation of the Noli Me Tangere and El punishment and solved the agrarian unrest in Cavite.

ʚɞ PSY 2-2 ❀ SEM 1 ❀ MIDTERM ❀ NOTES ʚɞ

● Until a new Governor General Rafael Izquierdo was

appointed. The new official was reactionary. He
reversed the policies of Dela Torre and ended the
agrarian unrest in Cavite and secularization with the OUTLINE
capture and execution of the Filipinos in the 1872 ● Family
Cavite Mutiny. ● Biography (Childhood-College Education)
● The priests Gomez, Burgos and Zamora or
GOMBURZA were implicated in the 1872 Cavite
Mutiny. They were found guilty of rebellion even
without evidence to support the charges. They were
publicly executed by garrote in the field of
Bagumbayan. Those who witnessed the execution
stirred feelings for unity and change. Rizal later
dedicated his El Filibusterismo to the martyred

● By 1882 to 1892, Filipinos were still discriminated

against by the Spaniards. They were also burdened
with heavy taxes. The growing discontent led to the
creation of an illustrado group called the Propaganda
● important figures in the movement included Jose
Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jaena and Marcelo Del Pilar
to name a few. The main objective of this movement
was to assimilate the Philippines as a province of
Spain. In effect, the Philippines would have a
representative to the Spanish Cortes for redress of
grievances. Filipinos will also be treated like Spanish
citizens, and thus, enjoy the rights available to them. Jose Rizal described his father “Our father was a model
parent. He gave us an education which was suitable in a family
neither rich nor poor. He was thrifty. By careful saving, he was
● The Reform Movement was active in writing articles able to build a stone house.”
claiming for the changes in the Philippine Islands. The
articles in its newspaper, La Solidaridad, focused on
upholding the freedoms of speech, free press, His mother, “At nightfall, my mother had us all say our prayers
religion, and freedom to assemble. together...I shed tears only for my own faults, which my loving ,
prudent mother we all knew how to correct.”

● Another group formed in 1892, after the abolition of

Rizal’s La Liga Filipina, was the Katipunan. It had a SIBLING PROFILE
different objective, which was to gain absolute
independence from Spain through armed struggle or
revolution. Important figures in the Katipunan included 1. SATURNINA “NENENG” RIZAL - first-born, married
Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Pio Valenzuela Manuel Timoteo Hidalgo of Tanauan, Batangas
to name a few. The Katipunan would wage a
revolution against Spain in August of 1896.
2. PACIANO RIZAL - studied at San Jose College, became a
farmer then a general in the revolution.

3. NARCISA “SISANG” RIZAL - married Antonio Lopez from

Morong; a teacher/musician.

4. OLYMPIA “YPIA” RIZAL - married Silvestre Ubaldo; died

in 1887 from childbirth.

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● First teacher was his mother then a number of private

5. LUCIA “LUCIA” RIZAL - married Mariano Herbosa; tutors namely, Maestro Celestino, Lucas de Padua
and Don Leon Monroy.
● The parents decided to board Jose in his Aunt
6. MARIA “BIANG” RIZAL - married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Tomasa’s house in Biñan to attend the same school
Binan, Laguna as his older siblings near their house in Calamba.
● Cousins Leandro bullied Jose while Arcadia and
Florentina treated Jose like a brother and played with
7. JOSE “MOY/UTE/PEPE” RIZAL - 2nd son. Iconic king? him
● Near death experience: Leandro playfully pushed
8. CONCEPCION “CONCHA” RIZAL - 8th child; died at the Jose off the river bank. The fall and strong current
age of three caught Jose off guard and he almost drowned until
some people saved him.

9. JOSEFA “PANGGOY” RIZAL - an epileptic; unmarried

10. TRINIDAD “TRINING” RIZAL nickname unmarried; last of ● In Biñan, Rizal started formal schooling at age 9.
the family to die ● Teacher was Justiniano Aquino Cruz - Used the
palmeta (wooden paddle) or baston (cane) on
students to instill discipline
11. SOLEDAD CHOLENG” RIZAL - youngest child; married
Pantaleon Quintero “When I went out with my companions, they jokingly called me
nicknames. But individually they used to be so kind to me that I
thought little of their teasing. A few of them were very good
BIOGRAPHY and always treated me well. Later, some of them were my
schoolmates in Manila and then it became my turn to tease.”
● Born on June 19, 1861 in Calamba, Laguna
● In 1870, Jose Rizal’s formal schooling in Biñan ended
● When he arrived back in the Calamba house, he
with Rev. Rufino Collantes and Rev. Pedro Casañas
learned of his mother’s charges of being an
as sponsors;
accomplice in the poisoning of her sister-in-law. This
● At age 4, he became fond of his Yaya Valentina
incident resulted in his distrust of people. The
Alquitran of Mauban Quezon a.k.a . Yna
Rizal-Mercado life was fast changing. The house
seemed empty without Jose’s mother.


1. BODY/HEALTH - He was “frail, sickly looking as a HIGHSCHOOL
boy and had wandering and eager eyes.”
● The following year, Paciano asked Rizal to prepare
● Change in Diet + Exercise (pull ups using
and take the entrance exam in San Juan de Letran.
argolla or iron rings)
Rizal passed the exam.
● Fresh air, love for animals: had a Pony
called ALIPATO and a black dog called
USMAN ● Francisco Mercado decided that Jose should study in
2. EARLY READING AND WRITING SKILLS Ateneo. Paciano and Jose went to Manila. In Ateneo,
● the 1st teacher was his mother; had a Paciano introduced Jose to Fr. Magin Fernando for
religious inclination. the admission of his brother to school. Fr. Magin was
● Uncle Gregorio gave him candies and Jose unwilling to admit Jose. The child seemed weak and
regular lessons; a habit of speedy too small for his age of 11 years old. Paciano asked
accomplishment. again until Don Manuel Xeres Burgos (nephew of
● Drawing, use of clay for molding, wood for Jose Burgos) spoke in his favor.

● Jose enrolled in Ateneo Municipal de Manila as Jose

Rizal. He did not like to use the surname because all
his siblings used Mercado. Paciano explained to him
● Early education started at age 3 to 7. that Ricial means “growing again”. He described how

ʚɞ PSY 2-2 ❀ SEM 1 ❀ MIDTERM ❀ NOTES ʚɞ

fields regenerate when cut for fodder; how life

persists when one is injured or threatened. The
young Jose understood, little did he know that ● In Ateneo, schoolboys were grouped into two (2)
Paciano wanted to protect his younger brother from empires: the Romans and the Greeks. The leader of
the ire of the priests. He believed was under each group was called “emperor.”
surveillance by the authorities. ● Initially, Rizal had a hard time adjusting to school. He
was the smallest in class and barely spoke Spanish
but understood the language. He received teasing
● Paciano Mercado was a diligent and hardworking
from his classmates.
student in college. However, he experienced
● At one time, Rizal had to wear “mustard plasters” to
prejudice and humiliation from priests in school
relieve his stiff neck, a school bully hurled a heavy
because of his activism and ties with Fr. Jose
and large book at another student who was able to
duck in his chair. The poor Jose received the blow of
the book to his face knocking him down from his
● In 1872, the Spanish authorities charged the friars chair. He lost consciousness and spent a few days in
Gomez, Burgos and Zamora (GOMBURZA) of the the school clinic.
events leading to the Cavite Mutiny. The Filipino ● He rarely won except in one incident where he
priests were executed by garrotte y vil in a public punched a bully. The victory did not last long as other
execution. Paciano decided to end his schooling and bullies challenged him to fight them. Jose thought that
worked in the fields as a farmer with his father. he could not always win in fighting bigger bullies. He
decided to say positive words instead. Bullies who
would tease or fight Jose would be greeted with
● Lolay (mother of Rizal) decided to visit her friend Titay “Good day! Gentlemen.” The reaction of the bullies to
who owned a house in Calle Caraballo Intramuros. this gesture was quite awkward and they felt uneasy
Titay owed Lolay 300 pesos in debt, and Lolay beating Jose. Since then, they would leave Jose
decided to collect the money by sending Rizal to alone.
Titay’s place as a boarder. Titay was unmarried and ● Jose would exert effort in studying longer hours than
gambled for long hours playing panguingge (Spanish he used to. After one month, he became the emperor
cards) with her friends. After school, Jose became of his class. Later, he earned excellent marks in
curious about the card game. He would quietly physics, chemistry and natural history.
observe the mechanics of the game and the ● He also worked harder to receive medals for his
behaviour or habits of the players because Titay mother so that she would be happy. At age 13, he
prohibited him from playing. went to his jailed mother to show his medals and
prophesied his mother’s freedom. After a year, the
case against her was dismissed for lack of evidence
After Titay left the table for a few minutes, Rizal took
and she was released from imprisonment. At age 14,
her place on the table and played the card game. He
he wrote Junto Al Pasig (first novel) and at 15, he
won several games. After which Titay allowed him to
graduated with bachelor’s in arts in Ateneo.
play after school.
● Rizal had a crush in Ateneo. He describes Segunda
Katigbak (sibling of his classmate Mariano): “She
Francisco Mercado visited his son in his lodging was small, rosy cheeked with expressive eyes and
without notice. He was surprised to see the young provocative smile and beautiful teeth. She was not
Jose Rizal playing cards on the table. Rizal was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, but I have
transferred to another boarding place. never seen one more alluring and enchanting...We
have loved each other without having declared it
clearly, except with our glances.”
In his second year in Ateneo, Rizal lived with Doña ● Both liked each other a lot. Segunda gave Jose a
Pepay in Calle Magallanes Intramuros. In his third paper white rose and Jose in return, sketched
year, Paciano lived with Jose which made it difficult Segunda as a gift to her.
for Jose to join his friends after school because his ● Rizal was not outspoken about his feelings. He
older brother would ask about his whereabouts. In would see Segunda and respond with “ceremonial
his fourth year, he lived in Calle Solana Intramuros. bows and silence.” Segunda checks on Jose and
asks him: “Do you have a sweetheart?” “Would you
like me to find you a girl?” Jose heard rumors that
Segunda was engaged with a man from Tanawan,

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Batangas (Manuel Luz.). Her parents required her The audience thought that a Spaniard wrote the piece
to go home and meet the man. When he asked if she of “El Consejo”, but they were dismayed when Jose
would go to her province, she cried and confided that Rizal, an indio, who used a pseudonym won the first
if she had her own decision it would be to stay in prize. The audience jeered him when he accepted the
Manila. prize on stage.

● Paciano observed the restlessness and anger in

Rizal. The professors in UST constantly insulted
● Jose returned to Calamba and learned of the news indio/Filipino students in his classes. Rizal would miss
about his father. his classes in UST and often end up in a brawl. Also,
● An epidemic outbreak killed the turkeys, and he was a lieutenant Civil guard beat and injured Jose when
left with a few. The manager came up again and the latter failed to salute before him in Calamba.
asked for turkeys, but Francisco Mercado refused. Paciano decided to board Jose in Casa Rivera. Their
Since then, the land manager harassed Kikoy and Uncle Antonio Rivera owned the house in which
raised the rent by more than 1/3. Rizal’s father paid Leonor Rivera also lived.
the rent and increase without protest. After a few ● Jose Rizal courted two Leonors
months, the land manager doubled the rent. Kikoy ○ Leonor Valenzuela as La Leonor de Sta.
could not pay this amount of rent. He was summoned Cruz - Rizal sent her love notes written in
in court and the alcalde ordered him to leave the land. invisible ink, that could only be deciphered
● This story of injustice he witnessed inspired Jose to over the warmth of the lamp or candle.
write a chapter entitled Kabesang Tales in his When she learned that Rizal was courting
second novel, El Filibusterismo. another Leonor, they ended as friends.
● After his education in Ateneo, Lolay wanted her son ○ Leonor Rivera as La Cuestion de Oriente -
to stay at home. She warned Jose that learned men To hide their relationship, Jose and Leonor
often ended in the guillotine and the times were used secret letters and codes to write to
dangerous for men who seek further knowledge. But each other. Taimis referred to Leonor. A
both Francisco and Paciano saw much potential in photograph of Leonor was given to Jose with
Rizal to be simply kept at home. Francisco suggested a dedication: “To Jose from his faithful
that he take metaphysics or law while Lolay cousin.” But the second dedication was in
encouraged Jose to become a priest instead. Paciano secret code: “To my unforgettable and
opposed both suggestions. Jose noticed that his dearest lover, this picture is dedicated to his
mother was losing her vision. He decided to take up devoted Leonor.” The relationship lasted
medicine to cure his mother’s condition. eleven (11) years.

● But Paciano asked Jose to leave immediately for

STUDYING MEDICINE IN UST Spain. Jose was sad that he could not bid Leonor a
proper farewell. When Jose was in Spain, he wrote
letters to Leonor but many of the letters remained
● Jose Rizal enrolled in the Dominican run
unanswered. The mother of Leonor disapproved of
Universidad de Santo Tomás (UST). He
the relationship and hid the letters of Jose from her
immediately noticed that the Dominican friars
daughter. Leonor in her sad girl era.
encouraged memorization of books and humiliated
● On April 23, 1891, Jose Rizal wrote to Ferdinand
indio/Filipino students in class. He was disheartened
Blumentritt about his sadness about Leoner
with the educational system in UST. He received
marrying an Englishman, an engineer of the railroad
average grades in medicine. He missed the arts and
(Henry Kipping).
Ateneo. He joined and won in the following literary
○ 1. Liceo Literario-Artistico sponsored a
poetry contest: Rizal won with his “A la
Juventud Filipina.”
○ 2. Same organization sponsored a contest in
honor of Cervantes: Rizal wrote his “El
consejo de los dioses” under a pseudonym.

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➢ “We (mother) know you have little money, I want

to send you a diamond ring to help you get
OUTLINE through.”
● Brother’s Pact ➢ “The family is well and healthy. But I’m anxious
● Sister’s Concern about what's to come.”
● On hIs Own JOurney
● Rizal in Spain, Rizal in Paris
● Rizal in Germany, Berlin, Switzerland ON HIS OWN JOURNEY
● Return to Manila and the Noli- Effect ● On May 9-13,1882, Rizal arrived in Singapore.
Still seasick, he spent the night at Hotel dela
Paz. He went around the town of Singapore
and made some observations.
● PACIANO - stayed to take cacre of the family ➢ observed architecture of its buildings, dragon
● RIZAL - flew to Spain to expose the abuses of motifs, bright colors, and painted idols with the
the Spaniards in the Philippines. The pretense dominance of the Chinese architecture.
was that he's studying medicine abroad. ➢ cleanliness of canals and greenery.
➢ The rice was inferior compared to the
Philippines and so was the pineapple and
➢ They both didn’t tell their parents/friends about bananas.
this pact. Paciano gave Jose 3000 pesos which
was Paciano’s savings for a year as a farmer.
Uncle Antonio Rivera provided the passport and ● On May 9, he boarded the ship Djemnah from
ticket. Singapore to continue his trip to Spain.
➢ He found the boat clean and well-kept and had a
conversation with the passengers of the boat.
● On May 4, 1882, Jose Rizal boarded the ship He conversed in Spanish and French and
Salvadora to Spain. regretted not knowing English.
● Rizal’s classmate reported him as missing due ● High-class ship - facilities, furnitures, service
to having not seen him in their usual hangout
places. Guarda Civiles inquired this to the Rizal
family. ● Rizal’s bad dreams during the voyage of
● Paciano later revealed to the family that Jose is Djemnah.
otw to Spain. To their surprise, their parents A. he was traveling with Neneng
didn't talk to Paciano for a long time. (Saturnina) and their path was blocked
by snakes;
B. he dreamt he returned to Calamba and
SISTER’S CONCERN after meeting his parents who did not
● Saturnina wrote a letter to Rizal dated talk to him
September 26, 1882. It contains: C. Paciano died. Rizal was so sad and
broken-hearted because of this dream..

➢ “I have read that you wish to hear the Tagalog

language, our language, so you will not forget ● On May 14, Djemnah reached Punta de Galles,
your history, as well as we, your siblings. Colombo.
➢ “Father is worried that you might not see each ● To keep himself busy, he went around and had
other before he dies” breakfast and lunch in Grand Hotel Oriente.
➢ Before Rizal left for Spain, he dropped by to see ● On May 27, Djemnah reached Aden at and was
Saturnina but she was asleep. Hence, they headed towards the Suez Canal.
didn’t get to meet. This made her sad. ➢ Bored, he sketched the mountains of Aden and
wrote a letter to his parents describing Aden and
the Suez Canal.

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● After Rizal’s speech, this was followed by Lopez

● On June 11, Rizal went around the City of Jaena (who spoke against the frailes) and more
Naples with a guide for one hour. At 10 p.m.M speeches from notable attendees.
the boat anchored at Marseilles then he boarded
at the Noalles Hotel. He left Marseilles for
Barcelona in an express train. RIZAL IN GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, ITALY

● In 1886, he travelled to Germany. Had goals of:

1. He wanted to further his studies in
RIZAL IN SPAIN Opthalmology;
● On June 16, Rizal arrived at Barcelona and 2. Further his studies of the German and
boarded the Fonda De España. French languages
● Fr. Leoncio Lopez of Calamba issued a certified 3. Meet ups with scholars/ scientists in
copy of Rizal’s birth certificate- he rqstd this to Germany including Blumentritt.
prove he has parents in PH. ● While in Germany, he translated the works of
● His 1st article abroad "Amor Patrio" was Schiller William “Tell and the Fairytales of Hans
published in the Diariong Tagalog, a Manila Christian Andersen” from German to Tagalog.
newspaper, edited by Basilio Teodoro.
● In October 1882, Rizal enrolled in both ● In 1887, he went to Berlin where he met Dr.
Medicina and Filosofia y Letrasin Central Rudolf Virchow. Rizal became a member of the
University of Madrid. He finished Medicine in “Sociedad Anthropologica Berlines” or Berlin
June 1884 and Philosophy in June 1885; Anthropological Society where he met Dr. Adolf
earning grades of sobresaliente in both Meyer, a filipinologist and director of the Museo
courses. Etnografico.
● He then became the clinical assistant of Dr. ● He lodged in the house of his friend Ferdinand
Louis de Weckert, a Parisian occultist. Blumentritt for almost a month.
● In his remaining months in Spain (1884), he ● Rizal wrote Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) in
studied how to establish fortifications/kuta 1887 and published it the same year.
with drawings/ illustrations and explanations:
● travelled to Andalucia and Valencia, Spain to
understand the land and culture of the people. ● He then travelled to Switzerland then to Italy.
He joined student demonstrations in November Rizal travelled to Prague, Vienna, Nuremberg
1884 along with Miguel Morayta. The and Munich, Germany, Lausanne, Switzerland,
demonstrations declared liberal views which Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome at Génova to
were condemned by the Spanish bishops. Marseilles, Italy.
● From Marseilles, he boarded the ship Djemnah
which proceeded to Saigon in June 1887. From
RIZAL IN PARIS (JUST A VISIT) Saigon, he boarded the ship Haiphong which
proceeded to Manila.
● On June 25, 1883, Rizal went to Paris, France
for the first time. He visited the Arch of Triumph,
Opera House and beautiful parks and
● In 1884, he visited France again, this time with ● In the Philippines, the copy of Noli Me Tangere
Filipino friends who were part of the Propaganda was read by Archbishop Pedro Payo.
Movement (pro-assimilation with Spain). ○ August 18, 1887, he sent a copy to Fr.
● On June 25, 1884, Rizal had a speech delivered Gregorio Echevarria, rector of the Real
addressed to an Ilocano painter Juan Luna and y Pontificia Universidad de Santo Tomas
Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo. de Manila to investigate the novel with
the Council of Dominican friars.

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○ On August 30, 1887, Archbishop Payo

with the Council declared the Noli a
heresy; anti-cleric/ religion, anti-Spain. ● After six (6) months of his stay in Manila, his
He writes to capitan general Don Emilio family and friends advised Rizal to leave the
Terrero to decide on the matter. Terrero country to avoid persecution of the friars.
sends the Noli copy to "Comisión ● He travelled to Hongkong. Rizal met a certain
Permanente de Censura” headed by Fr. Balbino Mauricio who was imprisoned because
Salvador Font. of the 1872 Mutiny.
○ Decision: “Si Rizal ay isáng "han~gal" ● He stayed in the house of Don Jose M. Basa.
na waláng pagpalagyan sa catacsilán at Rizal studied Chinese language while in
samá. Ang Noli me Tangere, ay isang Hongkong and observed that the Dominican
paglabág at pamumusóng sa Religión friars dominated the arsenal there.
ng España;...upang ipagbawal ng ● Rizal was interested in investments,
mahigpít ang dito'y paglaganap ng theatre/drama, and education developed by the
librong itó…” British Colony.
● The decision of Fr. Salvador Font made the ● On March 1, 1888, a “procesion civica” was
Noli quite popular though limited in the number established along Escolta with a petition signed
of copies. by Filipinos to expel the friars in the Philippines.
1. “At lumálakí nang lumálakí ang The petition was called the Manifestation of
bulung-bulungan, ang sabihana'y ang librong 1888. It was handed to the Civil Governor Jose
iyó'y cakilakilabot,..” Centeno.
2. Limited distribution of the Noli due to
censorship resulted in overpricing of the book. RIZAL IN JAPAN, ENGLAND and the U.S.A

● Rizal was offered to stay in Spain in exchange

● The teniente of the Guardia Civil, Jose Taviel for a high position but he refused and went to
de Andrade, accompanied Rizal when he Japoan.
arrived in Manila. ● On February 22, 1888, Rizal boarded the ship
● Rizal went to Ateneo and was greeted by Fr. "Oceanic” and reached Yokohama, Japan on
Pablo Ramon and Fr. Federico Faura. In the 28th.
Calamba, he wrote a petition letter on behalf of ● Rizal studied the Japanese language, social
the people of Calamba against the increase in classes and culture.
the exaction of taxes by the Dominican ● O Sei San, a Japanese samurai’s daughter,
friars. taught Rizal the Japanese art of painting known
as su-mie. She also helped Rizal improve his
knowledge of Japanese language.
OUTLINE: ● Consuelo Reyes was Rizal’s A la Senorita
C.O. y R., which became one of his best poems.
● Leaving Early Consuelo asked him for romantic verses. He
● Rizal in Japan, England, USA backed out because he wanted to remain loyal
● Rizal in England to Leonor Rivera and he did not want to destroy
● Rizal in Paris his friendship with Eduardode Lete.
● Rizal in Spain and Belgium
● El Fili and His Return to Manila
● On April 13, 1888, Rizal left Yokohama on
board the Belgic, bound for the United States.
○ On board he met Suehiro Tetcho, who
would later write a Japanese novel set

ʚɞ PSY 2-2 ❀ SEM 1 ❀ MIDTERM ❀ NOTES ʚɞ

in the Philippines that was influenced question), thus, averting tragedy for the
by both Noli and Rizal's own compatriots.
biography. He also met a couple ● Nellie and RIzal didn’t work because Rizal
named Jackson who had read the Noli. refused to be converted to the Protestant faith,
● On the 28th of April, the ship docked in San as Nellie demanded as requested by her
Francisco but the passengers were quarantined. mother- as a way of testing Rizal’s love. Nellie’s
Hongkong confirmed that there was no cholera mother did not like a physician without enough
outbreak and no reason for the quarantine and paying clientele to be a son-in-law.
that the US was being strict about migration
policies. After the first-class passengers were
allowed to land, he went to the Palace Hotel. RIZAL IN SPAIN AND BELGIUM
● Fascinated with the houses, electricity and the
● On February 15, 1889, La Solidaridad was
Niagara Falls and the Hudson River.
founded to advance the Propaganda in Spain,
● He observed the industriousness of the
and was published in Barcelona. Graciano
working class but learned that in many states
Lopez Jaena served briefly as chief editor.
blacks and whites were not allowed to marry.
● The first issue of La Sol was printed in Madrid.
● Marcelo H. Del Pilar served as the new editor
in chief until the newspaper’s last issue in 1895.

● On May 16, 1888, he boarded “City of Rome”

● Rizal moved to Brussels in 1890 because of
and proceeded to Liverpool, England. He visited
the high cost of living in Paris. In Brussels, he
Don Antonio Maria Regidor. He was a doctor
lived in the boarding house of the two Jacoby
who was implicated in the ‘72 Mutiny.
● He stayed at the Beckett house and annotated
● Suzanne cried when Rizal left Brussels and
Morga’s Succesos. Mr. Beckett toured Rizal in
wrote to him when he was in Madrid. He joined
zoological gardens and the British Museum.
the Kidlat Club and Indios Bravos. He and
Hemet his three daughters and used “hand
other Filipino expatriates attended the Paris
tricks/magic” to their delight.
● Gertrude Beckett, a blue-eyed and buxom girl
was the oldest of the three Beckett daughters.
She fell in love with Rizal. She waited for him
after school and cleaned his room. But Rizal
suddenly left London for Paris to avoid Gertrude. ● By September 1890 - the El Filibusterismo, the
He gave the group carving to Gertrude as a sign second novel was published in Ghent, Belgium.
of their brief relationship. ● The following month, Rizal’s annotation of
Morga bears the publication of 1890, came to
the press.
RIZAL IN PARIS (ONCE AGAIN) ● Rizal received the following news in Calamba:
● Rizal proceeded to Paris, France. He’s hosted 1. Lucia’s husband died and the
by Eduardo Boustead who had 2 lovely corpse was refused internment in
daughters. consecrated ground;
● Antonio Luna courted Nellie but she was 2. Deportation of some family
deeply infatuated with Rizal. In a party, the members in the provinces. Rizal
drunken Antonio Luna uttered unsavory writes his decision to return to the
remarks against Nellie Boustead. This country for good. “The field of battle is
prompted Rizal to challenge Luna into a duel. the Philippines: that’s where we should
Fortunately, Luna apologized to Rizal (OK but meet.” He left for Hong Kong then to
did he apologize to Nellie?! That’s THE Manila (?).

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