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One Pacific Health Club

One Pacific Health Club is a health club located in Pokhara. The aim of this club is to promote a healty lifestyle. It
offers an extensive selection of club facilities and classes such as aerobics, yoga and fully-equipped gymnasium
with well-trained instructors experienced in tailoring individual and group programme.

All customers need to apply for membership and pay the annual fees to the club. Special discounted memberships
are available to students and senior citizens. Each of the membership has account number and the club maintains
all information about each member.

The health club offers several class such as aerobics, yoga and etc. Each class is offered several times a week.
Below is the example of schedule for the classes:

Aerobics : Monday to Sunday (2 to 3 sessions per day, 2 hours per session)

Yoga: Wednesday to Sunday (2 to 3 sessions per day, 1 hour per session)

Each member can join any of these classes and there is an instructor for every classes. The health club maintains
the attendance of the members.

Personal class
Instructors can also work as personal trainers for the members of the health club. As a personal trainer, the
instructor works one on one with the members. There is a fee charge to members who contract their sevices for a
specified duration (e.g: one month, three months, or six months). Any members wish to use this service need to
inform the club and pay the extra fee.

Since the health club is planning to offer more services, you and your team are expected to develop a system to
help them in managing One Pacific Health Club common operations.

Basic requirement:

 Manage members details, instructors details and classes details

 Manage memberships fees, personal class fees and any extra fees
 Update payment details
 Capturing attendance of members
 Update personal instructor schedule
 Produce report
 Produce receipts, and other necessary outputs and deliverables

1. Context Diagram
2. LEVEL – 0 DFD
3. LEVEL – 1 DFD
4. Data dictionaries based on Level – 0 DFD for one each of the external entity, data flow, process and data

1. Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Problem Statement
1.3. Objectives
1.4. Scope and Limitation
1.5. Development Methodology
1.6. Report Organization

2. Chapter 2: Background Study and Literature Review

2.1. Background Study (Description of fundamental theories, general concepts and
terminologies related to the project)
2.2. Literature Review (Review of the similar/relevant projects, theories and results by
other researchers)

3. Chapter 3: System Analysis

3.1. System Analysis
3.1.1. Requirement Analysis
i. Functional Requirements (Illustrated using use case diagram/use case descriptions)
ii. Non-functional Requirements
3.1.2. Feasibility Analysis
i. Technical
ii. Operational
iii. Economic
iv. Schedule
3.1.3. Analysis (May be Structured or Object Oriented)
If structured approach:
 Data modelling using ER Diagrams
 Process modelling using DFD
If object oriented approach:
 Object modelling using Class and Object Diagrams,
 Dynamic modelling using State and Sequence Diagrams
 Process modelling using Activity Diagrams

4. Chapter 4: System Design

4.1. Design (May be Structured or Object Oriented as per the approach followed in
analysis chapter)
If structured approach:
 Database Design: Transformation of ER to relations and normalizations
 Forms and Report Design
 Interface and Dialogue Design
If object oriented approach:
 Refinement of Class, Object, State, Sequence and Activity diagrams
 Component Diagrams
 Deployment Diagrams
4.2. Algorithm Details

5. Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

5.1. Implementation
5.1.1. Tools Used (CASE tools, Programming languages, Database platforms)
5.1.2. Implementation Details of Modules (Description of
5.2. Testing
5.2.1. Test Cases for Unit Testing
5.2.2. Test Cases for System Testing
5.3. Result Analysis

6. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Recommendations

6.1. Conclusion
6.2. Future Recommendations

The IEEE reference format is a commonly accepted style for writing, formatting, and citing research papers [1].

[1] G. K., “IEEE format: Full writing guide with ieee citation example,” EssayPro. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Nov-2022].

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