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okay, I will continue the material, first is about multiple choices.

We chose multiple choice

because most TOFL tests use multiple choice as the test model and questions. and multiple
choice in TOEFL is divided into two, namely conversation task and general passage and
conversation task is Students listen to a statement followed by a response, and indicate A if
the response is appropriate and B if it is not. the meaning is the students listen to a statement,
and then they evaluate the subsequent response by indicating whether it is appropriate (A) or
not (B) and the second is general passage. and the purpose of the general passage is Students
listen to a monologue or dialogue, and then answer several multiple-choice questions.
OK, next, the following is an example of multiple choice in the TOEFL test, the left side is
simple text and the right side is complex text, the teacher or lecturer will play listening audio
then students will answer the test questions that have been provided based on the instructions
from the audio.
OK, next, this is The Principle used in the listening test, namely practicality, validity, and
reliability. Practicality refers to the feasibility and convenience of conducting a research study
or measurement procedure. This involves considering factors such as time, cost, and
resources required to collect and analyze data. Practicality addresses whether a study can be
conducted efficiently and effectively within existing constraints. Multiple choice tests are
particularly useful when many participants need to be assessed within a limited time. The
second is Validity. Refers to Validity in listening test design the degree to which the test
measures what it is intended to measure. Validity helps prevent bias or discrimination in the
assessment process. This relates to whether the conclusions drawn from the data are justified
and meaningful. Establishing validity involves using a variety of methods, such as comparing
measurements to established standards, conducting statistical analysis, and using expert
judgment. and finally, Reliability ensures that the scores obtained from multiple-choice
questions are consistent and dependable. Reliability refers to the stability, and repeatability
of a measurement or research study. It addresses whether the results obtained from a
measurement or study can be consistently replicated or trusted over time and across different
conditions. Reliability is crucial because if a measurement or study is not reliable, it becomes
challenging to draw meaningful conclusions or make accurate predictions. Various methods,
such as test-retest reliability and internal consistency, are used to assess reliability.
OK, next, this is a scoring rubric for multiple choice. For example, in TOEFL test 50
multiple choice questions provided, so one question has a weight of 2 points and if you make
a mistake, you get a score of 0.

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