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Clin. Cardiol.

10, 561-566 (1987)


The Effects of Beta-Adrenergic Blocking Agents on Blood Lipid Levels

Department of Medicine,Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York,USA

Summary: This review examines the effects of beta- Key words: beta-adrenergic blockers, atenolol, pro-
adrenergic blocking agents on blood lipids. These agents pranolol, metoprolol, pindolol, labetalol , sotalol, ox-
have been effective in the treatment of angina and hyper- prenolol, bevantolol, cholesterol, highdensity lipoprotein,
tension and in the reduction of recurrence of ischemic low-density lipoprotein, very lowdensity lipoprotein,
cardiac disease, such as myocardial infarction. Many beta coronary heart disease, alpha-adrenergic blockers
blockers, however, have an adverse effect on blood lipids,
especially by reducing high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol and increasing triglycerides. One result is an Introduction
unfavorable influence on the cholesterol ratio (expressed
either as low-density lipoprotein [LDL]/HDL or total Hypemwion is clearly associated with an increased risk
cholesterol/HDL).These cholesterol parameters have been of cardiovascularmorbidity and mortality. Lowering blood
shown to have a strong influence on coronary heart dis- pressure, alone or in concert with reducing other risk fac-
ease (CHD) risk. Studies have shown that antihyperten- tors, decreases morbidity and mortality. Given these clear
sive therapy has reduced the incidence of cerebrovascular results, a new challenge for physicians is to select from
disease but, in many instances, has not reduced the inci- numerous effective antihypertensive medications that will
dence of CHD. A hypothesis for this lesser effect on corn- not adversely affect coexisting risk factors, especially se-
nary disease is that antihypertensive agents may be ad- rum cholesterol. The use of diuretics in traditional step
versely affecting blood lipids. Thus, while one major risk 1 therapy may, therefore, be questioned because of the
factor for CHD is reduced, another may be somewhat en- accumulated evidence that these agents adversely affect
hanced. Pharmacologic properties of some beta blockers blood lipids. Conversely, alpha blockers, which do not
such as peripheral alpha blockade (e.g., with labetalol) appear to adversely affect the lipid profile, may sometimes
or intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (ISA) (e.g., with be more attractive.
pindolol) may counteract some of these negative lipid ef- Beta-adrenergicblocking agents have been used to treat
fects. An investigational beta blocker, bevantolol, which hypertension and angina and to prevent recurrence of
will be marketed shortly in the United States, has been ischemic cardiac disease, such as myocardial infarction.
effective in antihypertensivetherapy. Bevantolol has been There are many differences among the beta blockers. The
shown to lower LDL cholesterol and not adversely affect presence or absence of properties such as beta, selectivity
HDL cholesterol; in this way, bevantolol favorably in- or intrinsic sympathomimetic activity may account for the
fluences the serum lipoprotein profile. Whether this ef- various findings reported by a wide range of investiga-
fect will have clinical significance remains to be seen. tors concerning the side effects of these agents. A poten-
tially important side effect-certainly in terms of risk of
coronary heart disease (CHD)-is the effect of these agents
on blood lipid levels.
Although numerous studies have shown that beta block-
Address for reprints: ers have an adverse effect on blood lipid some investigators feel that there is no such
Harvey Wolinsky, M.D.
Depaltment of Medicine adverse e f f e ~ t . ' . ' ~These
, ~ ~ studies have been done primar-
Mt. Sinai Hospital and Medical Center ily in patients being treated for hypertension; thus, this
New York, NY 10129, USA review will focus on the effect of these agents on blood
Received: May 19, 1987 lipids in patients with hypertension and the subsequent im-
Accepted: July 24, 1987 pact on CHD.
19328737, 1987, 10, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [02/03/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
562 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 10, October 1987

The Cholesterol Hypothesis high-risk individuals, indicate that a 1 % reduction in se-

rum cholesterol or LDL is associated with an approximate
The major blood lipids include cholesterol and the tri- 2% reduction in risk of death from CHD.14.44
glycerides. The cholesterol fractions include low-density
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, very low-density lipo- The Benefit of Antihypertensive Therapy
protein (VLDL) cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol. High-density lipoproteins can be sub- The Hypertension Detection and Follow-Up Program
divided: HDLz and the even denser HDL,. The Framing- demonstrated a 20.5% reduction in overall mortality in
ham Study17firmly established elevated blood cholester- patients with mild hypertension (initial diastolic blood
ol along with hypertension and cigarette smoking as major pressure 90-104 mmHg) and 26% fewer deaths from
risk factors for CHD. Elevated levels of triglycerides have cardiovascular causes among patients receiving stepped-
been established as a secondary risk factor. In 1979, the care antihypertensive therapy versus refed-care patients
Framingham Group identified the LDL fraction as athero- who received less systematic t ~ e a t m e n t . ~However,
.’~ a
genic and the HDL fraction as protective against CHD. number of studies have shown that, while antihyperten-
sive therapy definitely reduces the incidence of stroke and
congestive heart failure, the incidence of CHD is not sig-
Pathogenesis of Atherosclerotic Disease
nificantly diminished.15.2831.38.40 There has been much
speculation as to why this has occurred. One hypothesis
The mechanisms responsible for the acceleration of
is that antihypertensive agents themselves may alter
atherosclerosisand the subsequent risk of CHD in hyper-
cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations; this might
tension are not entirely certain; however, the role of the
negate the beneficial effect that reduced blood pressure
cholesterol fractions in cellular lipid metabolism is becom-
would otherwise have on CHD. Because of their
ing clearer. The lipoprotein fraction that carries most of
widespread use and importance in the treatment of hyper-
the cholesterol is LDL. Borne by the bloodstream, the en-
tension, the impact of beta blockers on serum lipids in
dogenous, cholesterol-richLDL fraction apparently enters
the cardiac patient should be considered when selecting
the artery wall. The cholesterol load is deposited in the
a therapeutic regimen.
intima, where it may initiate or aggravate the process of
atherosclerotic plaque formation, both by intra- and ex-
tracellular accumulation. The HDL lipoprotein, on the
other hand, may protect against the development or
Effect of Beta Blockers on Blood Lipids
progression of atherosclerosis by serving as an acceptor
The effects of beta blockers on blood lipids have been
of excess cholesterol from arterial and other tissues and
studied extensively. The results of many of these studies
returning it to the liver for further metabolism and even-
can be found in Table I. In general, beta blockers tend
tual e x ~ r e t i o n . ~ ~
to significantly increase serum triglycerides and decrease
HDL cholesterol. This trend proved to be true in short-
The Importance of HDL Cholesterol and long-term studies, in large and small patient popula-
tions. However, interstudy variability of results for a par-
A correlation between the severity of CHD and the ticular drug may still be due to differences in duration of
blood levels of both HDL and LDL cholesterol has been therapy, previous treatment, the number of study subjects,
consistently observed. A high level of HDL cholesterol pretreatment serum lipid levels, and concurrent antihyper-
is associated with less severe and reduced risk of CHD; tensive therapy (e.g., a diuretic).
the inverse is true for a low level of HDL cholesterol. Spe- Atenolol has been found to produce adverse effects on
cifically, the HDLz cholesterol subfraction-rather than lipid levels over the long as well as the short term in a
HDL,-is more strongly associated with protection against number of studies, the most dramatic being the 36% in-
CHD. crease in triglycerides (p<0.05) and 13% decrease in
The relationship of the HDL cholesterol level to the risk HDL cholesterol (p<O.Ol) reported by Middeke et al.
of CHD has been confirmed by a number of studies, after 42 weeks of therapye2’In a study by Day and co-
among them the Cooperative Lipoprotein Phenotyping workers, atenolol was associated with a 24% increase in
Study,3the Framingham Study,I4and the Lipid Research total triglycerides (p < 0.05) and a 48 % increase in VLDL
Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial.24In addition triglycerides (p<0.05), after 12 months of treat men^^
to HDL and LDL levels themselves, increases in both the Numerous investigators have reported similar statistically
ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol and the ratio significant increases in total triglycerides and decreases
of LDL to HDL cholesterol have been associated with an in HDL cholestero1.5-7~18~20~33.39In one study, atenolol was
increased risk of mortality.13Even small reductions in lipid associated with greater increases in total triglycerides than
levels over 5 to 7 years have been shown to substantially pindolol, propranolol, and metoprolol after four weeks of
reduce the incidence of myocardial infarction and death. therapy.37 Rouffy and Jaillard observed significant in-
In fact, these studies, some of which were conducted in creases in LDL cholesterol ( + 5 . 6 % , p<0.05), VLDL
TABLEI Effects of beta blockers on lipid component
No. of
Agent Source subjects Duration TC HDL TG LDL

Metoprolol, Bielmann and Leduc (2) 6 8 wk NC M NC MI75 mgldlb M115 mgldl"

propranolol P16 mgldl P1 194 mg/dl" P128 mg/dl"
Atenolol, Day et al. (4) 53 3 mo-1 yr 10.06-0.36 mmolll 10.04-0.18 mmol/lc 0.30-0.67 mmol/ld 10.11-0.40 mmollld
Atenolol, Day et al. (5) 30 3-6 mo iO.11-0.40 mmolll At0.34 mmollld
propranolol P10.91 mmolll"
Atenolol Eliasson et al. (6) 15 2-15 mo NC NC 10.50 mmolllb 10.05 mmollld
Atenolol, England et al. (7) 34 3 mo A10.05 mmol/l A113 mmol/ld AtO.lld A10.07 g/l
metoprolol M10.06 mmol/l M 118 mmollld Mt0.18d M10.03 gll
Labetalo1 Frishman et al. (10) 35 12 wk NC NC NC NC
Propranolol Gemma et al. (11) 11 8 wk NC NC 137.3% NC
Oxprenolol, Kjeldsen et al. (18) 19 18 wk NC 010.13 mmollld 0114.9% NC
atenolol A10.20 mmol/lb A1 17.9%
Sotalol Lehtonen and Viikari (2 12 1 Yr 10.88 mmol/lb 10.39 mmolllb 10.75 mmoiiib 11.27 mmolll'
Pindolol Leren et al. (22) 10 10 wk NC NC NC -
Propranolol Leren et al. (23) 23 8 wk NC 113%' 124%' NC
propranolol Lowenstein and Neusy (25) 29 2 mo NC NC NC NC
Labetalo1 McGonigle et
al. (26) 33 1 Yr 10.24 mmolll 10.14 mmolll
Atenolol Middeke et al. (27) 9 42 wk 19 mgldl 15 mgldlb 156 mgldld
Labetalo1 Pagnen et al. (29) 8 12 wk NC NC NC
Atenolol Roum and Jaillad (33) 50 3 mo 10.18 mmol/lb 10.12 mmolllb 10.24 mmollld
Bevantolol , Salonen (35) 33 12 wk B 16 mgldl B13 mgldlb B128 mgldld
atenolol A f 9 mg/dl A14 mgldld A142 mg/dld
Atenolol, Shaw et al. (37) 17 4 wk NC 10.38-0.84 mmollld
Propranolol Tanaka et al. (39) 10 8 wk NC
Metoprolol Waal-Manning (41) 14 3 mo NC

"p<O.l, 'p<O.OI, 'p<O.OOl, dp<0.05 compared to baseline.

Abbreviations: TC =total cholesterol; HDL= high density lipoprotein; TG =triglyceride; LDL=low density lipoprotein; NC =no change.

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564 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 10. October 1987

cholesterol (+20%, p <0.05), and total triglycerides Some investigators suggest that agents with peripheral
( + 18% , p < 0.001) after three months of atenolol thera- alpha-adrenergic activity appear not to affect the serum
py, as well as significant decreases in HDL cholesterol lipid profile adversely.8,26Labetalol, which is a combined
(-10.2%, pcO.001) and HDLz cholesterol (-6.l%, alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocker, is the first of a new
p < 0.05).33 group of adrenergic antagonists. Several studies have
Evidence that propranolol adversely affects lipid levels shown that labetalol does not adversely affect lipid
is also considerable. Day et al. reported an increase of parameters and may, in fact, demonstrate a positive
65% (pcO.01) in total triglycerides after six months of effect. 102629
propranolol therapy .5 Other investigators have reported Bevantolol, a cardioselective beta blocker, is an inves-
statistically significant increases of 24-37 % in total tigational agent that will be approved shortly in the Unit-
triglycerides and decreases of 13% in HDL cholesterol ed States for the treatment of hypertension. Bevantolol has
after 4 to 8 weeks.4,23-37 minimal membrane-stabilizing activity, is devoid of ISA,
Metoprolol has been associated with a 14% increase in and has mild peripheral alpha-adrenergic activity. One
total triglycerides (p <0.05) and a 13% decrease in HDL would expect this last component to promote a favora-
cholesterol (pcO.01) after 12 months in a study by Day ble, or at least negligible, effect on a patient’s serum lipid
and co-wo~kers.~ Other investigators reported statistically profile. In fact, a study in rats compared prazosin,
significant triglyceride increases of 10-34 % and HDL propranolol, bevantolol, and a saline control. At 3 and
decreases of 13% in studies lasting from 4 to 12 10 mg/kg per day doses that approximate the human ther-
week^.^,^',^^ apeutic dosage range, bevantolol and prazosin lowered se-
Study results indicate that several other beta blockers rum triglycerides, total cholesterol, and total VLDL +
are also associated with adverse effects on lipid levels. LDL cholesterol. These results were significant at the
Day et al. observed a 25 % increase in triglycerides after p<O.O5 or better level for both agents. In contrast,
12 months of oxprenolol therapy (p < 0.01) and an 11% propranolol tended to increase plasma levels of all lipids
decrease in HDL cholesterol ( p ~ o . O l )Kjeldsen
.~ er al. studied (R. Goldberg, personal communication).
reported an 11% decrease in HDL cholesterol levels with Salonen compared the effects of bevantolol and atenolol
oxprenolol after 18 weeks (p<O.05).l8 Lehtonen and Vii- on serum lipid levels.3sIn angina patients, bevantolol was
kari reported a 66% increase in triglycerides after 12 associated with a 10% reduction in LDL cholesterol lev-
months of sotalol therapy (p <0.01) and a 26% decrease els after 12 weeks of therapy (p<0.05), while atenolol
in HDL cholesterol ( ~ < 0 . 0 1 ) .Finally,
~~ Shaw et al. was associated with a trend toward increased LDL lev-
reported a 28 % increase in triglycerides with pindolol af- els. There was a favorable change in the bevantolol group
ter 4 weeks of therapy.37Other investigators have report- for both LDLlHDL (pc0.01) and LDL/HDLz (p c0.02)
ed no adverse effects with pindolol.20 cholesterol ratios, with virtually no change in the atenolol
In support of the claim that plasma lipid changes are group.35
not merely transitory but persist during long-term treat-
ment, Day and co-workers observed that subjects ad-
ministered a variety of beta blockers (atenolol, metoprolol, Possible Mechanisms
oxprenolol, and propranolol) sustained increased triglycer-
ide levels and decreased HDL cholesterol levels through That beta blockers influence plasma lipid levels is well
12 months of the rap^.^ Although there was some variance documented. What is not clear is the mechanism by which
in HDL cholesterol levels between the third and sixth this occurs. A number of observations can be made based
months of therapy, with a temporary return almost to base- on the data provided by the aforementioned studies. In
line, the lowest HDL levels were nevertheless found af- some studies, noncardioselective drugs, such as oxprenolol
ter 12 months of therapy. and propranolol, appear to have a greater adverse effect
In one study, when nonselective (e.g., propranolol and on total and VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides than do
oxprenolol) and cardioselective (e.g., atenolol and the more cardioselective agents, such as atenolol and
metoprolol) beta blockers were compared, it was found m e t ~ p r o l o l . ~However,
~ ~ . ~ , ~other
~ investigatorshave found
that the cardioselective drugs produced smaller increases no consistent differences between cardioselectiveand non-
in triglyceride levels than did the nonselective drugs .4 cardioselective agents. L8~20.37.42
However, all four agents produced significant increases A recent review of the potential mechanisms of altera-
in VLDL levels (p <0.05) and significant decreases in the tions in plasma lipoprotein metabolism discussed the rela-
antiatherogenic lipid HDL (p <0.05 to 0.01). According tionship between extrahepatic lipoprotein lipase (LL) and
to some studies, beta blockers with ISA may be less like- the various lipid types.34This enzyme appears to catabo-
ly to alter total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, or triglycer- lize chylomicrons and VLDL, the major triglyceride car-
ide level^.^^^^^ riers in plasma. These lipoprotein components are, in turn,
It has been postulated that beta-blocker-induced altera- incorporated into circulating HDL particles. It is known
tions in lipid levels may result from interactions with that catecholamines may inactivate LL and that serum lev-
lipoprotein lipase (LL) or other metabolic els of catecholamines may be increased during beta-
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H. Wolinsky: 0-blocking agents and blood lipid levels 565

adrenergic bl~ckade.~’ Therefore, one hypothesis for the The presence of ISA may explain pindolol’s relatively
effect of beta blockers on serum lipids is that their indirect favorable lipid profile. There is also, as stated above, a
inhibition of LL may be involved in lowering HDL strong case for the beneficial role of alpha-adrenergic
cholesterol levels in the plasma.34 Lipoprotein lipase is blockade, either through increased levels of extrahepatic
also involved in the metabolism of triglycerides to free LL or through improved peripheral flow. This is a possi-
fatty acids. However, Day et al. reported that increases ble explanation of why beta blockers with an alpha-
in triglyceride concentration with beta blockers cannot be adrenergic blocking component, such as labetalol or
related to changes in plasma insulin or glucose concen- bevantolol, have not been associated with negative effects
tration, or to any consistent decrease in free fatty acids.s on lipid levels.
Thus, one hypothesis is that stimulation of alpha-
adrenergic receptors, which is unopposed during beta
blockade, plays the predominant role in inhibiting LL.4,8 Conclusions
Alpha-adrenergic blockade can stimulate LL, thereby
reducing serum triglyceride levels.4,8 This review has examined the effects of beta-adrenergic
Lipoprotein lipase also catalyzes the conversion of blocking agents on blood lipids. Although several agents
VLDL to HDL.36This observation is consistent with the have inconsequential effects on blood lipids, many beta
notions that extrahepatic LL plays a major role in regulat- blockers show an adverse effect. The clinical significance
ing lipid levels and that unopposed alpha stimulation dur- of these findings is unclear at present. With the necessity
ing beta-blocker therapy may result in inhibition of for long-term treatment of hypertension, it is possible that
lipase.4.8.34 some of the unfavorable changes in blood lipids seen with
There are conflicting reports regarding the relation be- most beta blockers are deleterious to patients with CHD.
tween free fatty acids and the increased serum triglyceride The question at hand is to what degree the benefits of
levels found during beta blockade. Tanaka and co-workers treatment of hypertensive patients-with respect to
observed increased VLDL and triglycerides concomitant CHD--are reduced by these lipid changes. Although the
with increases in fasting free fatty acid levels during 8 clinical significance of drug-induced blood lipid changes
weeks of propranolol therapy.39In contrast, Day et al. has not been demonstrated, it is certain that differences
reported that a variety of beta blockers reduced free fatty exist between antihypertensive agents in different phar-
acid concentrations by nearly 50% (p<O.OOOl) while in- macologic classes and even among agents within the same
creasing triglyceride and VLDL levels, during 12 months category, namely beta blockers, with respect to their ef-
of the~apy.~ Other investigators found that propmolol had fects on serum lipids. Given the epidemic proportions of
opposite effects in hypertriglyceridemicsand normal con- CHD and the huge segment of our population now receiv-
trols. Subjects with elevated fasting triglyceride levels ing treatment for hypertension, the potential impact of
showed an enhanced postprandial lipemic response after these differenceson long-term outcome merits concern and
2 weeks of propranolol therapy; in controls, postprandial consideration in treatment choices. Thus, beta blockers
lipemia was significantly reduced after propranolol treat- with a moderating property, such as mild alpha activity,
ment.’ The paucity of negative lipid effects reported with that has been shown to exert a beneficial effect on a pa-
pindolol has led some researchers to suggest ISA as ex- tient’s lipid profile may deserve special attention when
erting a potentially positive effect on lipid para- choosing among antihypertensive medications.
meters.10.32.44 Lehtonen reported some data that seemed
to indicate that pindolol has a positive effect on HDL lev-
els.*ONevertheless, at least one study has shown pindolol References
to increase triglyceride level^.^'
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