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Unit 1, Lesson A
*calm and cool*

relaxed and not anxious or excited

*friendly and outgoing*
acting in a way that shows that you like people, want them to like you, and are
willing to meet new people
*honest and sincere*
truthful, genuine, and able to be trusted
*kind and generous*
helpful, caring, and willing to give support beyond what is usual or expected
*laid-back and relaxed*
at ease, informal, and not tending to get anxious about things
*neat and tidy*
clean and well arranged, with everything in its place
*shy and reserved*
uncomfortable with other people while tending to keep your feelings or thoughts
*strong and independent*
having a forceful and determined personality that is not influenced by others
*wild and crazy*
extreme, foolish, and not controlled

*Unit 1, Lesson B*
the husband of someone’s sister, or the brother of someone’s wife or husband, or
the husband of the sister of someone’s wife or husband
the wife of a person’s son
the father of someone’s husband or wife
the aunt of someone's father or mother
the daughter of a person’s son or daughter
the father of a person’s mother or father
the mother of a person’s father or mother
the son of someone's nephew or niece
the daughter of someone's nephew or niece
the son of a person’s son or daughter
the uncle of someone's father or mother
the aunt of someone's father or mother
the granddaughter of someone's son or daughter
the grandfather of someone's father or mother
the grandmother of someone's father or mother
the grandson of someone's son or daughter
the son of someone's nephew or niece
the daughter of someone's nephew or niece
the uncle of someone's father or mother
the mother of someone’s wife or husband
the wife of someone’s brother, or the sister of someone's husband or wife, or the
wife of the brother of someone's husband or wife
the husband of a person’s daughter

*Unit 2, Lesson A, VOCABULARY*

*aggravate a problem*
to make a problem worse
*avoid a problem*
to prevent a problem, or to not allow a situation to become a problem
*cause a problem*
to make a problem
*deal with a problem*
to try to take care of or solve a problem
*identify a problem*
to find a problem, or to figure out why something is not correct or not working properly
*ignore a problem*
to act as if a problem is not there, or to not deal with a problem
*run into a problem*
to encounter an unexpected problem when you are doing something
*solve a problem*
to find the answer to a problem, or to fix something completely
Nivel 4

*Unit 2, Lesson B*
*be certain*
to be sure of something without any doubt
*be positive*
to be certain or sure of something without any doubt
*be sure*
to know or believe something without any doubt
to accept something as true without question or proof
If you bet someone that something is true or will happen, you think it is likely
to be uncertain about something or someone, or to have difficulty believing
to expect, believe, decide, or think that something will happen or that certain
conditions will exist
to think or believe
*have a hunch*
to think something because of a feeling or idea instead of fact
*know for a fact*
to be certain of something
to expect or believe
to think or believe something is likely

*Unit 3, Lesson A*
the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place
*cost of living*
the cost of the usual expenses for a person or household such as rent, food,
clothing, and transportation
*crime rate*
the amount of crime in an area
a style of cooking
*green spaces*
parks, gardens, athletic fields, and open areas within a city or town
a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in
*job market*
the number of jobs that are available in a particular place or for a particular type of
a building or place that is easily recognized, esp. one that you can use to judge
where you are
an area with characteristics that make it different from other areas, or the people
who live in a particular area
the music, entertainment, dancing, and other activities that happen in a city or town
in the evening
the activity of looking for things to buy
*transportation system*
the bus, train, and subway systems within a city or town

*Unit 3, Lesson B, Vocabulary*

*border town*
a city or town located on the border with another country or state
*coastal town*
a city or town next to the ocean, which is its main feature
*college town*
a city or town in which a college or university is its most important feature
*industrial town*
a city or town in which factories or manufacturing plants are its main feature
*mountain town*
a city or town located in the mountains
*port town*
a city or town where ships sail into and out of, and in which the port is its main
*resort town*
a town that has activities and accomodations for people on vacation
*rural town*
a town located in the country, far from other cities and towns
*suburban town*
a town that is located close to a large city
*tourist town*
a town with attractions that many tourists visit

*Unit 4, Lesson A, Vocabulary*

*burn out*

to lose all your energy

*calm down*

to become calm

*chill out*

to relax, to take it easy

*doze off*

to fall asleep for a short time

*drift off*

to fall asleep gradually or slowly

*nod off*

to fall asleep

*perk up*

to get more energy

*race off*

to go quickly

*sleep over*

to stay for the night

*turn in*

to go to bed
*Unit 4, Lesson B, Vocabulary*
*be fast asleep*

to be sleeping deeply

*be sound asleep*

to be sleeping deeply

*be wide awake*

to be very alert when you want to be sleeping

*feel drowsy*

to feel tired, usually as a result of something

*have a sleepless night*

to have a night in which you do not sleep well or sleep very little

*sleep like a log*

to sleep very well

*take a power nap*

to take a very short nap in order to feel refreshed and energized

*toss and turn*

to be unable to sleep or to find a comfortable sleeping position

Unit 5, Lesson A

correct or right for a particular situation or occasion


unsuitable, esp. for the particular time, place, or situation


ordinary or usual; as would be expected

causing someone to be upset or to have hurt feelings


behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows respect for other people’s feelings


behaving in a way that hurts other people’s feelings; not polite


not familiar, or difficult to understand; different


showing the characteristics of a particular kind of person or thing


different from what is usual or expected

bad form

an action that is thought of as inappropriate or impolite in a social situation


a remark or action that expresses approval, admiration, or respect


an offensive remark or action

Unit 6, Lesson A

the appearance of a particular disease in a very large number of people during the same
period of time


an extreme lack of food in a region, causing suffering and death


an occasion when one or more persons stops or takes control of a vehicle such as a plane
or a bus in order to rob or harm the people onboard


an occasion when someone is kidnapped

natural disaster

a natural event such as an earthquake or volcanic eruption that causes destruction and
often numerous deaths

political crisis

a difficult and serious situation involving political leaders or government


a feeling of strong disagreement with an organization or with people in authority


a period when the economy of a country is not doing well, industrial production and
business activity are at a low level, and there are many people unemployed


the crime of stealing from somewhere or someone


an action or event that is considered immoral, causing the public to react with shock or

Unit 7, Lesson A


as a matter of fact


as a result

because of something that someone did or said, or something that happened

for instance

for example


also and more importantly

in fact

in reality, actually

in the same way or manner


despite what has just been said or referred to

on the other hand

the other opinion or point of view


in the same way or manner


for that reason


abbreviation for application: a computer program or piece of software designed for a

particular purpose that you can download onto a mobile phone or other mobile device


a website on which one person or group puts new information regularly, often every day;


a broadcast that is placed on the Internet for anyone who wants to listen to it or watch it


email that is sent to a lot of people, especially email that is not wanted


a program that is put on a computer that is connected to the Internet without the
knowledge of the user and that gathers information about the user


a short, typed message from a cell phone or other mobile device

the Cloud

large, remote information storage areas on the Internet


a hidden set of instructions in a computer program that is intended to introduce faults into
a computer system or cause it to perform actions that were not planned

voice mail
a telephone system that records messages from people who call, or a message on such a


a method of connecting a computer to the Internet or to another computer without using


Unit 7, Lesson B
banner ad

a large rectangular advertisement on a website that is linked to an advertiser's website


a large board for advertisements that stands near a road or hangs on the side of a building

bumper sticker

a sticker with a message that is placed on a vehicle

bus wrap

an advertisement that covers all or nearly all of a bus


the text that moves across the bottom of a television screen


a small booklet or piece of paper made to advertise something


a long television commercial that describes and demonstrates a product in depth

pop-up ad

an advertisement that opens as a window on top of a website


the selling of goods or services by telephone

Unit 8, Lesson A

an eager desire to know or learn about something


interested in learning about people or things around you


making choices quickly and surely, without having any doubts


the ability to make decisions quickly


the ability to continue trying to do something, even if it is difficult


showing the strong desire to follow a particular plan of action even if it is difficult


the ability to control a mental activity


behaving in a very controlled way


a new idea or method, or the use of new ideas and methods


(of ideas and methods) new and different


awareness, understanding, or information that has been obtained by experience or study,

and that is either in a person’s mind or possessed by people generally


knowing a lot


happy and enthusiastic about doing something


willingness to do something, or something that causes such willingness


someone who is an original behaves or speaks in a way that is not like other people.


the quality of being special and interesting and not the same as anything or anyone else


a powerful emotion or its expression, esp. the emotion of love, anger, or hate


full of emotion


the quality of being able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when something takes
a long time


having the ability to accept delay, suffering, or annoyance without complaining or

becoming angry


able to notice and understand things that many other people do not notice


the ability to notice and understand things, often before others do


able to find and use different ways to help achieve your goals


the ability to make decisions and act on your own

Unit 8, Lesson B
analyze a problem

to examine carefully and think about the different parts of a problem

analyze a situation

to examine carefully and think about the details of a situation

analyze information

to examine carefully and think about information

explore alternatives

to find out about other ways of doing something

explore possibilities

to find out about other things that could be done

find a mistake

to discover a mistake that you were not looking for

find a problem

to discover a problem that you were not looking for

find a solution

to look for the answer to a problem or a way to do something

find alternatives

to look for other things to do or other ways of doing something

find information

to look for information about a subject

make a decision

to make up your mind about something

make a mistake

to do something incorrectly or to do the wrong thing, usually without meaning to

organize information

to put information in a logical and useful order

solve a problem
to figure out the answer or the way to do something

Unit 9, Lesson A

willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion


If you are conservative in your appearance, you wear clothes in traditional colors and


following the usual practices of the past


having strong feelings of disagreement with people in authority, an organization, or a

government, esp. showing such feelings through force


different from what is usual or from the way most people do things


to agree to take something, or to consider something as satisfactory, reasonable, or true

be your own person

to behave according to what you believe is right and true, and to not be easily influenced
by others


to behave according to a group’s usual standards and expectations, or to operate

according to a rule


to deal with a difficult problem, situation, or person

fit in

to be accepted by a group; to be like everyone else

follow the crowd

to do the same thing as everyone else

make waves
to upset people or a process because you think or do things that do not conform to how
things are usually done

stand up for

to do or say something that shows you support someone or something

stand up to

to defend yourself against someone or something powerful

Unit 9, Lesson B
keep down

to prevent from growing or increasing

keep connected

to be in contact with someone you do not see very often

keep in touch

to be in contact with someone you do not see very often

keep out of trouble

to behave in a way that does not cause problems for you or others

keep things in perspective

to not allow unimportant things to absorb all of your attention

keep up with

do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something

stay awake

to not go to sleep when you are tired

stay connected

to be in contact with someone you do not see very often

stay in touch

to be in contact with someone you do not see very often

stay out of trouble

to behave in a way that does not cause problems for you or others
10, Lesson A
drive someone crazy

to bother someone until they feel crazy, annoyed, or excited

drive someone mad

to annoy or irritate someone repeatedly

drive someone up the wall

to bother or disturb someone repeatedly

get on someone's nerves

to bother or disturb someone

get someone down

to make someone feel sad or disappointed

get someone upset

to make someone feel sad, anxious, or worried

get under someone's skin

to bother or disturb someone

make someone mad

to make someone angry

make someone sick

to disgust or anger someone

make someone upset

to make someone feel sad, anxious, or worried

make someone's blood boil

to make someone angry

Unit 10, Lesson B

bothered by something or a person, often repeatedly


completely unable to understand something


unable to understand something


without hope or enthusiasm


feeling unhappy and without hope


without hope or enthusiasm


very angry


annoyed, disappointed, or discouraged


embarassed or ashamed by something that has happened


very angry


offended by something that has been said or done


very bothered by or angry about something


unable to understand something

sad, disappointed


shocked, very surprised by something

Unit 11, Lesson A


satisfactory; good enough


pleasant; pleasing


showing that you have a positive opinion about something or someone


a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering


showing sympathy and sadness for other people's suffering, often with a desire to help


unpleasant; unattractive


showing that you feel something or someone is bad or wrong


careful not to cause embarrassment or attract a lot of attention


not honest


a system of accepted beliefs that control behavior, especially such a system based
on morals


treating someone in a way that is right or reasonable, or treating people equally and not
allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment

willing to give help or support, esp. more than is usual or expected


truthful or able to be trusted; not likely to steal, cheat, or lie


against the law


not reasonable, wise, or practical


lacking in interest or feeling


not based on reason or clear thinking; not reasonable


not thinking carefully enough or not caring about what might result from actions taken


generous, helpful, and caring about other people


connected with or allowed by the law


reasonable and based on good judgment


showing clear thought or reason


the quality of being able to return quickly to a previous good condition after problems


able to improve quickly after being hurt or being ill


considerate of others; thoughtful, polite


having the duty of taking care of something


extremely careful to do what is right or moral


caring only about what you want or need without any thought for the needs or wishes of
other people


having or showing awareness and understanding, especially of other people’s feelings and


gentle, caring, or sympathetic


having the ability to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to keep going despite


deserving of trust, or able to be trusted


too bad to be accepted, approved of, or allowed to continue


not morally acceptable


not fair or right


willing to lie or cheat to succeed


not able to be trusted

Unit 11, Lesson B
10 palabras0 ignoradas
Listas para aprender Lista/s para repasar


choice, or the right to make a choice, based on judgment


a willingness to give help or support, esp. more than is usual or expected


the quality of being honest


the quality of not caring about or being interested in something or someone


the quality of being generous, helpful, and caring about other people, or an act showing
this quality


admiration for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities


unwillingness to consider the needs and wants of others


the tendency to become upset about things


kindess, showing affectionate feelings


willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, even if you
disagree with or disapprove of them
Unit 12, Lesson A
be excited about

to be very happy about something that is going to happen

be familiar with

to have some knowledge about something, or to intimately know something

be scared about

to be frightened of or nervous about something

be scared of

to be frightened of or nervous about something

become aware of

to realize something or to begin to learn about something

get accustomed to

to get used to something

adjust to

to adapt to or to get used to something

look forward to

to be happy about something that is going to happen

participate in

to join an activity or event, or to take part in an activity or event

take advantage of

to use something for your benefit

Unit 12, Lesson B
culturally aware

to have understanding of the culture and customs of other people

culturally sensitive

to be considerate of the culture and customs of other people


unwilling to behave in expected and accepted ways


not too critical, tending to remain neutral


Someone who is openhearted is kind, loving, and honest.


willing to listen to other people and consider new ideas, suggestions, and opinions


having confidence in yourself


having an understanding of your own thoughts, feelings, and character


having the drive or desire within yourself to do things


having the ablility to take care of yourself and your needs

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