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LEARNING AIM D: Undertake the closure of a

project by reflecting on the success of personal
performance and the project outcome.
D P8: Explain how project management skills were used in the
management of an IT project
Throughout the lifespan of the project I have used project management processes that have helped to
direct ideas to the end user. One example of this is planning. Within this stage of identification, it
helps to identify goals in the project and allows us to make judgement based on its feasibility to
understand if it is good to conduct. This means that before starting to create the system, it is vital to
plan the stages and the features of the system as it will help facilitate decision making and measure
performance. Not only did this allow my ideas to broaden but it also helped to create the system in a
way with open ideas.
Moreover, I utilised communication. By communicating with the end user and others, it allows us to
share thoughts and prevent confusion. Not only does this allow to build upon thoughts but also
ensures that team members can easily maintain transparency across all areas of the project in order to
allow the project to smoothly progress over time.
Communication is vital as it improves productivity which allows us to work in a much more effective
manner. In addition to this, I implemented testing. Testing is simply a check to see whether the system
is capable of carrying out tasks and functions that it is intended to do. This also allowed me to see what
areas need improvement and gave structure to the development process. The goal of this project was to
produce software that is user friendly, easy to use and reliable in the long run. Furthermore, I
monitored the process. From the beginning of the program, I ensured that it was to be in controlled
environments. This means that I can facilitate execution of the design and ensure that the team work is
effective and defined objectives are achieved.

D P9: Explain how relevant behaviours were applied during the

management of an IT project
During the management of the IT project, I implemented relevant behaviours such as time planning.
Time planning is when all work is completed from different activities in appropriate time and sequence.
An example of this is that I managed my time effectively and consciously as the assignment went
through by enabling myself to get through pieces of work part by part. This helped me because I can
get distracted and stressed when work piles up and thus, it doesn’t let me work further. I did this to
overcome the consequences of work stress and also made ‘mini’ tight deadlines for myself so that I can
work before time. This is significantly beneficial for me as it allows me to track where I am and what
needs to be done, which maximises potential in the overall project. Additionally I have tracked my
progress in a Gantt chart every week, updating on what I have completed and what needs to be done.
Again, this allows me to recall work and I can refer to the chart when need be. This benefitted me so
much because I was able to be on top of my work as it prevented me from procrastinating.

Also, I utilised problem solving skills

while managing the project by constantly asking myself

questions and challenging myself to come up with solutions and possible errors. I used logical
thinking as I was breaking steps into manageable parts, investigating the source of the problem and
identifying one or more solutions to the problem. I believe that this is extremely important as it brings
independence into the work. An example of this is trying to make the program whilst learning how to
code. This was beneficial for me because I got to learn and make progress at the same time, however,
it became too much for me to cope with and I became demotivated to continue coding further. Saying
this, I continued using lesson powerpoints and videos to practise at home as well as school. Once I
became familiar with what I need to do and with what I am doing, I was able to make the program
without much difficulty than before in an efficient way enabling me to be proactive and productive. In
addition, communication and literary skills to follow and implement instructions appropriately,
interpret documentation and communicate effectively with others, including the use of feedback from
writing on paper as well as orally.

D M4: Recommend improvements to the project management skills and

behaviours applied during an IT project

Project management skills encompass a range of abilities that enable individuals to effectively and
successfully oversee projects. These skills can be applied to enhance various project management
techniques. One crucial skill for project managers is leadership, which involves taking ownership of tasks
and ensuring they are completed to the best of one's ability. Effective leadership facilitates goal
achievement and ensures the successful conclusion of projects.

Another essential project management skill is risk management. Despite meticulous planning, projects
may encounter unexpected challenges. By implementing a risk management plan, project managers can
anticipate potential risks and take proactive measures to prevent errors and mitigate adverse impacts.

Additionally, effective communication is indispensable for project management. Clear and concise
communication with team members and stakeholders, including end users and clients, is essential for
project success. Effective communication facilitates the efficient conveyance of messages and fosters
satisfaction among all stakeholders.

Throughout the project duration, these skills have been integral to maintaining professionalism and
managing the program effectively. They have enabled me to communicate effectively, problem-solve,
demonstrate leadership, and take ownership of project tasks.

Furthermore, at the outset of the project timeline, I employed relevant project management behaviors to
manage my IT project, unit 4. Reflecting on the project, I recognize the potential benefit of incorporating
Change Management. IT projects often involve changes, and effective change management is crucial for
success. Establishing a change control process allows for the documentation, review, and approval of
changes before implementation, ensuring logical reasoning and methods are identified and followed.

By integrating these skills and behaviors, I can enhance my project management capabilities during IT
projects, leading to improved outcomes and increased project success rates.
D D4: Demonstrate
consistently good technical understanding and analysis of the project
including the effective application of relevant project management skills
and behaviours.
The proposed project involves the development of a tournament program for a local college, which has
specific requirements. One such requirement is that participants can enter the tournament either as
individuals or as part of a team, ensuring fair participation and treatment for all students. Additionally, the
program is expected to accommodate 4 teams, each comprising 5 members, and allow for 20 individual
competitors, maximizing competition and offering students a variety of opportunities to participate and
develop relevant skills.

Moreover, the program stipulates that each team or individual will engage in 5 events, spanning both
sporting and academic competitions, enabling students to select activities aligned with their interests and
preferences. Furthermore, the primary objective of the project is to implement a leaderboard point system,
wherein individuals and teams earn points based on their performance in each event. To facilitate this, the
program will include a window displaying all scores and points achieved by participants, with
customizable scoring parameters.

However, the implementation of such a system poses certain risks, particularly in terms of data security.
There is a possibility of data leakage or corruption if proper coding practices and security measures are
not adhered to, potentially jeopardizing student safety and the college's reputation. To mitigate this risk,
the program will minimize the collection of personal information, focusing solely on names, team names,
scores, and event types, thereby reducing the potential impact of data breaches.

Another risk involves the susceptibility of the system to viruses and malware, which could compromise
its integrity and performance, especially given the involvement of students. Regular updates and robust
security protocols will be implemented to address this risk and ensure the system's reliability and

The project has been guided by a structured approach, incorporating flowchart diagrams to delineate the
logical flow of the program and facilitate decision-making. These diagrams have provided valuable
insights into the system's architecture and functionality, enhancing the development process.

Effective project management has been essential throughout the project lifecycle, with clear
communication, time management, quality assurance, and risk management practices employed to ensure
project success. Feedback loops have been instrumental in refining the software iteratively, aligning with
Agile methodology principles and fostering collaboration and problem-solving among team members.

In conclusion, the implementation phase of the project has demonstrated a thorough understanding of
technical analysis and effective project management, resulting in a software solution that meets user
requirements while adhering to best practices and mitigating potential risks. Monitoring and control
mechanisms will continue to be employed to ensure project alignment with objectives and timely delivery
of outcomes.

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