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NYSC Registration Portal

Actions Today's Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Dashboard | Basic Details

 My Dashboard

Names Adeyeye Joseph Oluwatimilehin

Bat ch C, 2023
GSM No|Gender 08103972820 | M
 Change Email
Password Callup No NYSC/FPE/2023/274221
St at ecode LA/23C/3317
(CorpChangePassword) NHIS No 78063061
 Course Click the link to login to the NHIA portal using your Call-up number and NHIA number as password

Correction (
Pls note: You cannot apply for DOB (Date of Birth) Correction after you have been documented in CAMP.
(CourseCorrect ion.aspx) Also note that your Graduation Date, Date of Birth and Course of Study are going to appear on your Certificate of
National Service.
 PPA Letter
Ensure that the above are correct before documentation in CAMP.
(corpsppalet t er.aspx) Ensure you print your green card slip, sign it And bring it to camp. It Is compulsory for registration in camp

 LGA Clearance
Print Slip Relocat ion
(lgaclearance_ CM.aspx)

 Disciplinary If t he spelling/arrangement shown above is incorrect , Apply f or Correct ion/Rearrangement of Name

You have been scheduled for your mont hly clearance. you are expect ed t o be at your LGA on Tuesday,
02/01/2024 from 8.00 AM t o 9.30 AM. Click here t o print your schedule.
 Log out Failure t o show up on your scheduled dat e implies t hat you are absent from your PPA.

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