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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

For Kindergarten

“tude t’s Name: Rae Anne D. Sapuan

I stru tor’s Na e: Jelfa “ollesta

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to:
A. identify the objects that starts with letter A;
B. write correctly the capital letter A and small letter a; and
C. appreciate the importance of letter A through an activity called Draw me.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Letter A
B. Reference:
C. Materials; pictures, practice sheet, big notebook

III. Methodology

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparation
Good morning class! Good morning too teacher!
How are you this morning? We’re good!
Very Good!
No let’s sta d up for the pra er. (The kids stand and recite the prayer.

Okay, everybody sit down now.

Who are absent this morning? Rae Anne Teacher!
Do you know why Rae Anne is absent? No teacher!
Ah oka , a e I’ll just ask her pare ts for
Now class! What can you say about this There are children and a teacher.

Okay very good.

How about the way they sit, what can you say They are sitting properly teacher.
about that?
Very good! So our first classroom is sit down
properl . What’s agai our st classroom rule? 1. Sit down properly.
Oka let e see if ou’re sitti g properl .

What else can you say about this picture? Some children are raising their hand teacher.
Exactly! So our 2nd classroom rule is to raise
your hand if you want to answer. Okay? 2. Raise your hand if you want to answer.
Where is your hand?

Now take a look at this children are they

talking to each other? No!
Yes! So meaning to say our 3rd classroom rule
is? 3. Do not talk to your seatmate
Very good!

So again what are those 3 classroom rules that * Sit down properly.
we have? * Raise your hand if you want to answer
* Do not talk to your seatmate
Okay good!

“o to start our lass let’s si g our Good

morning song, but before that what is the
weather for today? Is it sunny day, rainy day
Sunny day!
or cloudy day?
Yes today is sunny day!
So the song goes this way..

Good or i g it’s a happ da ! ( children are singing)

Happy(4x) day
Tell me the weather, the weather now(3x)
And today is a sunny day!
Today is a sunny, sunny day(3x)
And that is the weather today.
Yes teacher
Do you like the song class?

B. Motivation

Okay so this morning we will be having a new

lesson but before that we will sing another
song again. We will sing the ABC song. So the
song goes this way!
Up to the ceiling down to the floor
Left to the window, right to the door.
Mama kiss me, papa kiss me
( children are singing)
For I know my ABC
Boys and Girls Come sing with me,
Come and sing our ABC.

C. Discussion
so base on the song, do you have now an idea
what is our lesson for this morning? ABC teacher
Okay, so our lesson is all about the letters in
the alphabet but this morning we will focus
first to the Letter A.

So this is letter A

Letter A is the 1st letter in the alphabet.

So this picture is the capital letter A, and this
one is the small letter A.

Yes! Teacher.
Children at the back can you see this?
oka so let’s sa that this is the Mo A, a d
Baby A.
So the sound of A is /ă/. ah
E er od sa ah .
Again! ah

Mommy Letter A and Baby Letter A says

Mommy Letter A and Baby Letter A says
everybody sing with me

Very good!
Now what are the things that start with letter
A? So in order for you to know, I have here a ( the children are watching the video)
Now , base on the video, what are the things
that starts with letter A? Apple!
Yes, 1st is Apple!

So the word apple starts with Letter A.

Everybody say a-a-a apple!
Very good! a-a-a apple
So A is for Apple!
(teacher is singing)
A is for Apple

so have you eaten an apple before? Yes teacher!

“o ho ’s the taste? Delicious!

Yes! Apple are deli ious! “o hat’s the olor of Red!

an apple?
Red very Good!
So next picture is? An ant!

Yes exactly!
This is an ant! a-a-a-ant
Everybody say a-a-a-ant
Okay so what can u say about an ant? they are small
Yes, they are! What else? They bite us teacher!
Yes, ants bite us especially if we step on their
territory but though sometimes ants hurt us, it
is not an excuse for us to do something that
Yes, teacher!
would hurt them also. Okay?
So the word Ant starts with Letter A.
So A is for Ant
A is Ant
Okay so again, everybody stand up and
wiggle2x your butt. Then sing! A is Ant
Next picture is? An axe!

Very Good! This is an axe! This is used for Cutting the wood teacher!
Yes. This thing is not a toy so if you have this
at home, do not play with it, okay? Yes! teacher
So, this thing starts with letter A.
a-a-a-axe a-a-a-axe
A is For Axe

Next is?
an ambulance!

Yes exactly! This is an ambulance. a-a-a-ambulance

It is a vehicle used for taking the sick people
to the hospital.
We do ’t k o teacher!
Now what is this?

Okay, so this is an Anchor. What is an anchor teacher?

Well, an anchor is a heavy device that is
attached to a boat by a rope and that is
thrown into the water to hold the boat in
So everybody say a-a-a-anchor. a-a-a-anchor

Very good!
Next. What is this?
A crocodile!

A crocodile? Yes! They are somewhat related! Alligator teacher!

Remember our letter for today is A.
Exactly! So this is an alligator.
a-a-a-alligator a-a-a-alligator
Alligator have sharp teeth, thick body skin,
and long body. So if you see a real alligator,
you should stay away from them. Okay? Yes teacher!

Our last picture is? An antenna

Antenna! Very good! a-a-a-antenna

So antenna is used for what? For the television teacher!
Yes this antenna is used for the television for
us to have a clear signal.
So A is for Antenna!
A is for Antenna A is for Antenna
a-a-a-antenna a-a-a-antenna
Everybody sing!

Actually there are plenty of words that start

with letter A, but I just give you 7.
So what are those words that start with letter
1. Apple
2. Ant
3. Axe
4. Ambulance
5. Anchor
6. Alligator
7. Antenna

Very good!
No this ti e, I’ll tea h ou ho to rite the
Letter A.
I’ll gi e ou a pra ti e sheet.
A d I’ll use this ig ote ook.
Let’s start ith the apital letter A.
Okay point your pencil here at the top. And
make a line down. Then go back to the top
and make a line down. Now go the middle and
make a line across.
Oka let’s do it agai , do , do , a ross.
Now who wants to try here at my big
Yes, Elaine!

Wow! Great job Elaine!

No let’s rite the s all A.
Okay start at the middle and go all the way
around. Next go up and then down.
Did you get it? Yes teacher!
Oka let’s do it agai !
Around, up and down.
Now you try, BL.

Well done BL.

Now class, write 5 capital letter As on your
practice sheet and then 5 small letter As.
Okay? Then pass it to me after. Yes. teacher

D. Application

Now class its drawing time!

I have here bond papers and all you need to
do is to draw the things that start with letter
A. and then on the top of the paper write
there the capital letter A and the small letter
A. Then paste your work on the board. Is that Yes teacher!

E. Generalization
Now class, take a look at this works here. Do
you think letter A is very important? Yes teacher!
Why? Be ause ithout letter A there’s o su h thi g
as Apple.
Very good!
Without letter A, there’s no apple, ant,
ambulance, antenna, axe, anchor and
alligator. So it is also important that we learn
about letter A.
IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Encircle the things that start with letter A.




V. Assignment
A ball teacher!
What is this class?

Very good! so this is a ball.

so the ball starts with letter? B!
Okay so tomorrow we will discuss about the
letter B. And for your assignment;
Look for the objects that start with B-b-b.
okay? Yes teacher!

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