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Mimsy’s Strixhaven

Shop of Treasures
Written by E. R. F. Jordan
Illustrated by Sage Cato-Atlas, grandfailure (Adobe Stock)

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand,
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by E. R. F. Jordan and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Introduction left by the professors of the academy for adventurous
students to find. These theories are furthered by the
The elvish student only half-believed the stories she’d been fact that no record of the Wandering Shop exists in the
told until she investigated herself. A secret shop of magical libraries of Strixhaven—even the Biblioplex, which
wares that wanders from room to room under the very noses contains records of nearly every magical phenomenon
of the deans and professors? It seemed like the sort of story ever recorded.
seniors would tell first-years to watch them run around like Most professors and deans refuse to formally
headless chickens looking for it. Nonetheless, she was a acknowledge the existence of the Wandering Shop.
Lorehold mage, and she never left a stone unturned—a Only those who were previously students of the
principle that brought her all the way to a Witherbloom academy will deign to discuss it in private—and even
supply closet in the middle of the night. fewer try to dismantle it themselves, knowing that it
Feeling distinctly foolish, the student looked both ways, serves a valuable purpose to the students of Strixhaven.
then turned the doorknob and quickly stepped inside. She After all, magic items are an important part of a mage’s
expected to knock her nose against brooms and mops; instead, arsenal, and being able to discern an item’s quality is a
she found herself in a cluttered room lit by floating candles valuable skill. If they learn that the Wandering Shop
and stuffed with bizarre items. At the far end of the room, a poses a threat to Strixhaven, that attitude may change—
horned woman watched her from behind a counter with but until then, the staff appears content to let the
bright eyes, her hands folded on the table. “I love first-time rumors run their course.
customers,” the woman murmured, sending a blush of
embarrassment through the student’s cheeks. “That look of Using this Book
delight and confusion is a treasure itself.” This book introduces a new resource for students of
Strixhaven: a mysterious shop that makes itself known
According to the most superstitious students of to those in need of it. The book is broken down into
Strixhaven, if you hunt down a certain door in a certain two sections: the first explores the shop and its keeper
campus at a certain hour of the night, you might in detail, while the second catalogues 100 new magic
stumble into the Wandering Shop—a secret collection items themed around Strixhaven and its prestigious
of magical items that moves from place to place, curated colleges. At the back of the book, an appendix organizes
by a woman known only as Mimsy. There are many the magic items by rarity.
different theories about the shopkeeper: some say she is As usual for fifth edition, spells and magic items
an extraplanar entity that draws power from bargains, are italicized, while the names of stat blocks are bolded.
like a fey or a demon, while others believe she is a test
Mimsy, the Shopkeeper Her act of murder was quickly discovered by the
staff of Strixhaven, and an investigation was launched—
The keeper of the Wandering Shop is a mage called but no evidence remained that the collapse was
Mimsy. She appears to be a short dark-haired woman anything but an accident. Knowing she’d be expelled
with horns and bright golden eyes, usually garbed in and imprisoned for murder and for her dealings with
mage robes and strapped with various belts and Obyroa, Mimsy fled the campus in the dead of night.
pouches. Her manner is polite and charming, even
flirtatious at times—but when it comes to personal Return to Strixhaven
matters, she quickly becomes cold and uninterested. She For many years, Mimsy wandered the plane in search of
is supremely slow to trust others. a new purpose, making her coin as a black market
In trade, she refuses to take any less than she feels purveyor of the same relics she once studied.
an object is worth, and she has an extremely discerning Eventually, Obyroa reached out to her once again,
eye about the quality of magical items. However, she demanding her soul as payment for the powers it
values loyalty and consistency, and as repeat customers granted her. The demon knew Mimsy wasn’t ready to
build her trust, she slowly lowers her prices—and die, and when she begged for a different way to pay, it
begins to show off her more exquisite treasures. This began to weave its decades-long scheme to assume
strikes closer to Mimsy’s true nature: when someone control of Strixhaven. Obyroa sent Mimsy back to
earns her trust, that coldness thaws to reveal a curious Strixhaven with explicit instructions: collect the most
and ambitious mage with a passion for collecting items potent magical artifacts she could from the students and
of all sorts. staff, and return the greatest of them to Obyroa.
To this day, Mimsy barters in magical goods to pay
Mimsy’s Past off her soul-debt to Obyroa. She knows that she’s being
Though you wouldn’t guess by her appearance, Mimsy exploited, and that the demon will keep demanding
was a student in Strixhaven’s halls almost forty years power until she outlives her usefulness; her true goal
ago. During her academic career, she was a Lorehold isn’t to pay off the debt, but instead to find the right
mage, specializing in ancient artifacts. This interest tools to slay the demon and free herself of its influence.
eventually turned into a love for all kinds of magic
items, leading her to dabble in the creative skills of the
Mimsy in Combat
Prismari, but her home was firmly rooted in the If forced into combat to protect herself or her shop,
Lorehold campus. Mimsy is a relentless combatant that uses her
After years of studying relics and ancient magic, environment to her advantage. She will trigger as many
Mimsy was charged by her professor with leading an of the shop’s protections as she can, through her lair
archeological dig in a nearby ruin. At first, things went actions or theft wards (see Features of the Shop later in
smoothly: she discovered signs of fiendish influence in this section), hiding behind her counter if need be.
the ruins, and a number of books and tools that If pushed to lethal combat, she will use her cube of
suggested a cult presence nearby. Unfortunately, Mimsy force to isolate a single person in an enclosed area with
wasn’t aware that one of her student archeologists was a her and her helmed horrors, then bear down on them
member of this cult; before she could present her with her Blade of Obyroa, knowing that it does more
evidence to her professor, the student collapsed the damage than the average weapon. If she can’t isolate
ruins on top of her, disguising the incident as an one person, or has the opportunity to catch a few in a
accident. line, she’ll cast lightning bolt instead, aiming to avoid her
merchandise if possible.
Falling from Grace
After the ruins collapsed, Mimsy awoke in a dark Mimsy’s Traits
chamber, shocked to find she wasn’t dead. She had Personality Trait: “I act as if I know everything and
fallen into a hidden chamber beneath the ground, fake it when I don’t.”
pulled there by the demon that lived below the ruins. Ideal: “History is the greatest teacher.”
The demon, who called itself Obyroa, made many offers Bond: “If I gather enough power, I can thwart Obyroa’s
to Mimsy, tempting her with power, wealth, and a plans and free myself from its influence.”
place in history; in the end, it was the promise of Flaw: “I find it difficult to truly trust anyone. Trust got
revenge that sealed the deal. Mimsy emerged from the me killed and bound to service.”
ruins with a demonic power in hand, a wicked blade
and sulfur-yellow eyes as signs of her pact. Within a
few weeks, she hunted down the student that betrayed
her and killed them in cold blood.
Mimsy creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 35 (10d6) lightning damage on a failed save
Medium Humanoid (Tiefling), Lawful Neutral or half as much damage on a successful one.
Armor Class 16 (pendant of fractal armor) Use Magic Item. Mimsy is armed with a bag of holding,
Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39) and in it, a variety of magic items. As an action, she can
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (wings of flying) reach into the bag, produce a magic item, and create one
of the following effects. After using an item its listed
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA number of times, she must wait 24 hours before she can
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) use that item again.
Immovable Rod (1 Use). Mimsy drops a 3-foot-long rod at
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +5 a spot within her reach. The rod can support up to 8,000
Skills Arcana +8, History +8, Investigation +8, Insight lbs., and requires a DC 30 Strength check to move. On a
+5, Perception +5 successful check, a creature can move the rod up to 10 feet.
Damage Resistances fire Potion of Healing (3 Uses). Mimsy drinks a potion,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 regaining 28 (8d4 + 8) hit points.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal Marble Elephant (1 Use). Mimsy throws a figurine at a
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) PB +4 point within 60 feet of her, summoning a loyal elephant
that remains for 24 hours or until reduced to 0 hit points.
Attuned Magic Items. Mimsy is attuned to the Blade of Cube of Force (3 Uses). Mimsy creates a 15-foot cube of
Obyroa, a pendant of fractal armor, and wings of flying. invisible force centered on her, which moves with her
Contingency Watch. Mimsy always has a contingency watch and lasts 1 minute or until dismissed as an action. Living
in her pocket, which stores a plane shift spell. If Mimsy is or nonliving matter can’t pass through the cube
reduced to 0 hit points, the watch goes off, teleporting her (Mimsy’s choice when she creates it).
and anything she is wearing or carrying to a safe demiplane.
This casting fails if Mimsy is inside an antimagic field. Reactions
Actions Shield (1st-level Spell). As a reaction to being targeted by an
attack, Mimsy gains a +5 bonus to her AC until the start
Multiattack. Mimsy makes two attacks with her Blade of of her next turn. If the attack is a magic missile spell, she is
Obyroa on her turn. immune to its damage.
Blade of Obyroa (+1 Shortsword). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to Counterspell (3rd-level Spell). Mimsy interrupts a creature
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage within 60 feet of her trying to cast a spell. If the spell is
plus 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. The blade disappears if 3rd level or lower, it fails. Otherwise, she must make an
Mimsy dies or falls unconscious. Intelligence check (DC 10 + the spell’s level), causing the
Lightning Bolt (5th-level Spell). Mimsy creates a bolt of spell to fail on a successful check.
lightning in a 100-foot-long, 5-foot wide line. Each
The Wandering Shop Theft Wards
A variety of spells are placed on the Wandering Shop to
The Wandering Shop was created by Mimsy using one foil thieves, as described below.
of the most powerful items in her possession: a brass Display Cases. Each display case is carved with a
key that allows her to create and travel between glyph of warding. If someone attempts to pick the lock
demiplanar spaces. Mimsy maintains a number of on a case, the glyph casts a cause fear spell (save DC 16)
spaces like this, including the shop, a storeroom, a on the would-be thief. Each case is also wired with an
private abode, and a panic room for emergencies. These alarm spell, which triggers if anyone but Mimsy reaches
spaces are hidden from most sorts of divination magic, into the case, alerting her to the intrusion.
as they are technically located on another plane of Suits of Armor. Three suits of armor are placed
existence. Mimsy determines where the shop is accessible around the shop on stands, smithed into wicked portraits
from by sliding the key into any door, transforming it of demonic warriors. If any of the display case wards are
into a temporary portal to the Wandering Shop. This triggered (see above), or if Mimsy speaks their command
connection lasts until she ends it as an action—something word as an action, the suits spring to life and become
she can do even when others are standing in the shop. helmed horrors. The horrors prioritize defending Mimsy
The shop itself is a large square room draped with and the shop from harm, and obey Mimsy’s verbal
plum velvet and lit by floating candles. Throughout the orders. The Spell Immunity traits of the horrors are
room, small wooden tables and cases display a variety of usually set to magic missile, fireball, and polymorph.
magic items; the most valuable items, however, are kept Watching Statue. High up on a shelf behind the
in a separate demiplane and fetched to show customers counter, a small statuette of an owl looks down on the
at Mimsy’s discretion. Behind the counter, a number of shop. This statue is a watching statue (see “Mimsy’s
shelves show off strange and unusual trinkets Mimsy Wares” later in this book), and records anything it sees
has bought off her customers. An enchantment on the happen in the shop. This includes anything that a
room continually vanishes dust and dirt, keeping the creature hasn’t explicitly hidden from the statue’s view
space clean. with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check, as its
Mimsy exerts total control over the appearance vantage point is excellent.
and layout of the demiplanar shop, and can change it at
a moment’s notice. As a result, it often changes its decor Lair Actions
and wares from visit to visit.
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) while
Features of the Shop inside the Wandering Shop, Mimsy can take one of the
following lair actions:
Regardless of how the shop’s appearance changes, the
following features are always present. • A display case within 60 feet of Mimsy that she can
see springs open and hurls a potion at a creature
Front Door within 30 feet of it. Make a ranged attack roll against
At one end of the room, a door sits between two velvet the creature (+8 to hit). On a hit, the potion deals 10
curtains. When Mimsy anchors the shop to a particular (3d6) fire, acid, or poison damage (Mimsy’s choice).
door in the outside world, it always connects to this • The velvet curtains spring to life and attempt to
door. The size and shape of the door changes to reflect restrain one creature Mimsy can see within 60 feet of
its partner outside the shop. her. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
The door can be destroyed, but it reforms when saving throw or be restrained until Mimsy uses this
Mimsy disconnects the shop. The door is protected by action again. A creature can free itself or another
an arcane lock spell; unless the spell is removed, the creature by making a DC 15 Strength check, ending
door requires a DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’ tools) check the effect on a success.
to unlock without the key. • The candles in a 20-foot cube Mimsy can see within 60
Mimsy’s Counter feet of her light or dim. Mimsy chooses whether the
cube is filled with bright light, dim light, or darkness.
At the far end of the room from the front door, Mimsy
conducts her business from behind a polished wooden
counter. Contrary to its simple appearance, the counter
is imbued with powerful magic: when Mimsy speaks
the counter’s command word, an invisible wall of force
spell springs up to separate the counter from the rest of
the shop. Mimsy can make the wall opaque or invisible
as a bonus action, and can dismiss the wall as an action.
Mimsy’s Wares Spell Focus. While attuned to the tattoo, you can
use it as an arcane focus for your spells. You gain a
The Wandering Shop has a constantly changing stock bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs
of wares, showcasing dozens of magic items on its of spells cast through the tattoo. The bonus is
shelves and tables. Mimsy herself personally curates the determined by the tattoo’s rarity.
collection, choosing items she feels are appropriate to Illumination. When you cast a spell through the
Strixhaven and its students. Some of the items are of tattoo, you can cause it to burn with bright light in a
Strixhaven design, while others are gathered from 10-foot radius and dim light for 10 feet beyond that.
wanderers across the planes. A few are even designed The illumination lasts until the spell ends or until you
by Mimsy herself! dismiss it as a free action.
This section details a hundred of the items in
Mimsy’s collection. Each item is accompanied by a short
box of text, representing how Mimsy pitches the item “In addition to enhancing your spellcasting
to interested customers. prowess, this tattoo is also a fashion statement! It’s
all the rage among senior students right now.”
Tattoo Attunement
Following the examples in Tasha’s Cauldron of Archeologist’s Eyes
Everything, a handful of magical tattoos are presented Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
in this collection—the results of Prismari creativity and
Silverquill ink magic. The rules of attuning to a magic These silver-rimmed glasses seem to attract dust, as if
tattoo are the same for every tattoo, as described below. they belong in old and abandoned places. Over the
Attuning to Tattoos. To attune to a magic tattoo course of 10 minutes, you can examine an object or a
needle, you hold the needle to your skin where you piece of text while wearing the glasses to learn more
want the tattoo to appear, pressing the needle there about it. At the end of the examination, you learn either
throughout the attunement process. When the the object’s magical properties, as if by an identify spell,
attunement is complete, the needle turns into the ink or the meaning of the text, as if translated by a
that becomes the tattoo, appearing on your skin. comprehend languages spell.
If your attunement to the tattoo ends, the tattoo
vanishes, and the needle reappears in your space.
“A staple among first-years aspiring to Lorehold,
Item Descriptions especially those who hate studying.”

Magic item descriptions are presented alphabetically.

Archival Lens
Abacus of Ease Wondrous item, uncommon
Wondrous item, common
These unsuspecting glasses have large circular lenses
This faintly glowing abacus is fitted with smooth white that fill up your entire field of vision. While you are
beads. As an action, you can hold the abacus and point wearing these glasses, you can cause them to start
at a collection of objects or creatures that fit within a 5- recording as an action. For the next hour, everything
foot cube. The abacus instantly counts out the number you see is recorded by the glasses and stored in its
of items in the collection, then displays the result using magical memory. If you are blinded during this time,
its beads. the glasses continue to record as if you were seeing,
unless the effect blinding you also obscures the lenses
“A Quadrix favorite. After all, who can be bothered themselves. The recording ends early if you take the
to count out all the possible outcomes of your work glasses off or end the recording as an action.
by hand?” At any time after a recording is taken, you can
recall it from the memory of the glasses and watch it
through them. The lenses can hold up to three
Arcane Sigil Tattoo recordings at a time, after which you must choose a
Wondrous item (tattoo), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare recording to erase in order to take another. You can
(+3) (requires attunement) erase a recording at any time as an action.

Produced by a special needle, this magic tattoo draws “These glasses are perfect for watching back lessons
arcane runes along your skin, which resemble scars in your free time. You might pick up a few details
when not in use. that you missed the first time around.”
Bag of Mimsy Barrier Bead
Wondrous item, rare Color The barrier works like a...
This leather bag has a number of weird and colorful Blue Wall of water
patches sewn onto it, giving it a whimsical appearance. Green Wall of stone
When you look into the bag, it appears empty; however, Red Wall of fire
when you reach into the bag without looking, you can White Wind wall
feel a variety of objects of different shapes and textures.
The bag spits out any other objects placed into it.
The bag has 3 charges. As an action, you can “These beads were originally invented for Mage
expend a charge and reach into the bag, pulling out a Tower players, allowing them to dramatically
random trinket. Each trinket is imbued with a random change the playing field in seconds. Red barrier beads
spell, as determined by the Mimsy Trinkets table below. are banned, as they’ve proved too dangerous.”
At any time in the next minute, you can use the trinket
to cast the associated spell (save DC 15, +7 to hit with
spell attacks). After being used, the trinket disappears. If
the trinket isn’t used after 1 minute, it disappears
Bead of Memory
without being used, wasting the charge. Wondrous item, uncommon
The bag regains 1d4 - 1 charges each day at dawn. This small translucent bead swirls with a glowing
If you use the bag’s last charge, roll a d20; on a roll of 1, purple fluid that moves in mesmerizing ways. Over the
you’ve used the bag’s last trinket, rendering it a course of 1 minute, a creature holding this bead can fill
nonmagical but fashionable backpack. it with a copy of a memory lasting no longer than 1
hour. At any point thereafter, a creature holding the
Mimsy Trinkets bead can concentrate on it to experience the memory,
d8 trinket spell as if they were the memory’s original holder. While
1 A glass prism Chaos bolt (at 3rd level) experiencing the memory, the creature is blinded and
deafened to their current surroundings.
2 A sheathed dagger Cloud of daggers
Unless the creature has a perfect memory, the
3 A clay thumb Earthen grasp memory plays out how the creature remembers it
4 A planchette See invisibility happening, not how it actually occurred. Parts of the
5 A wishbone Dispel magic memory that were important to the original holder are
especially clear, while things they ignored are difficult
6 A white handkerchief Expeditious retreat
to decipher. If part of the memory is especially
7 A vial of oil Grease upsetting, it might be distorted to monstrous
8 A stick of charcoal Wall of fire proportions or absent altogether, repressed by the
original holder. Ultimately, it is up to the DM how
heavily a creature’s biases influenced their recollection
“This little joy was invented by yours truly! Sometimes of the event.
a little chaos is the best source of creativity.”
“These were originally invented by Lorehold
archivists to record important moments of history
Barrier Bead just after they occurred. Nowadays, they’re popular
Wondrous item, uncommon for preserving sentimental memories—or catastrophic
This small bead comes in four varieties, as marked by failures, if you’re into that sort of thing.”
its color. As an action, you can crush this bead to create
a barrier centered on a point within 60 feet of you. The
barrier can be up to 20 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 2 feet Belt of Stolen Life
thick. It must be created on a surface large enough to Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
hold it, otherwise the effect fails and the bead is wasted.
The barrier remains for 1 minute or until it is destroyed This leather belt, carved with the Witherbloom crest,
or dispelled by a dispel magic spell. emanates faint whispers in the presence of pain and
Each type of bead corresponds to a certain spell. death. When a Small or larger creature dies within 10
Other than its size and duration, the barrier mimics the feet of you, the belt siphons a portion of its life essence,
effects of the spell (save DC 14). The barrier doesn’t causing you to regain hit points equal to your
require concentration to maintain. proficiency bonus.
Cursed. The necromancy used to create this belt is Once you have the creature’s blood, you can use
sensitive to the intent of its user. If you kill a harmless the compass to cast the locate creature spell, targeting the
or friendly creature in order to heal yourself while creature the blood belongs to. If the creature has been
attuned to this belt, your hit point maximum is reduced affected by a reincarnate spell since you drew the blood,
by a number equal to the creature’s proficiency bonus. the effect fails.
This reduction can be removed by ending your Once you use the compass, you can’t use it in this
attunement to the belt, but returns if you resume your way again until the next dawn.
attunement to it at any time.
“This is an oldie but a goodie from the Blood Age. I
“This belt can be extraordinarily useful to frontline sometimes use one to find people who owe me
fighters. However, the deans of Witherbloom money… Consider that a warning.”
worked hard to ensure the belt could only be used
responsibly, so be careful if your intent is mischievous.”
Bloodthorn Glove
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Belt of the Alchemist This reddish leather glove is studded with tiny barbs,
Wondrous item, uncommon making it difficult to handle safely. While you are
This leather belt, which straps across your chest or attuned to and wearing this glove, your unarmed strikes
waist, has five adjustable slots perfect for holding deal piercing damage instead of slashing damage.
potion vials. As an action, you can fill any number of As an action, you can direct the glove at a creature
these slots with potions. At any time thereafter, you can you can see within 10 feet of you and ensnare the target
drink a potion stored in a slot as a bonus action instead in bloodthirsty vines. The target must succeed on a DC
of an action. 15 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained for 1
minute. As an action on each of your subsequent turns,
you can draw blood from a creature restrained in this
“A common tool among Witherbloom students. I
way, dealing 3d6 necrotic damage and regaining hit
once saw a student wear three of these at once; it
points equal to half the damage dealt. A restrained
was funny until he grabbed the wrong potion.”
creature can free itself with a DC 15 Strength saving
throw, ending the effect on a success.
Once you use the ensnaring property of the glove,
Blanket Robe it can’t be used again until the next dawn.
Wondrous item, common
This thick fuzzy blanket is large enough to comfortably “I knew the girl who invented this glove, actually.
cover two Medium creatures or one Large creature. As She was a Witherbloom student with anemia and a
an action, you can speak the blanket’s command word, macabre streak. She created this glove to supplement
causing it to transform into an equally thick and fuzzy her natural supply of blood.”
robe or back into a blanket.

“I doubt you’ll be shocked to learn this, but this is Blooming Bark Amulet
my most popular item by a wide margin.” Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This wooden pendant is infused with the heart of an
Blood Compass ancient mystical tree, and is extremely sensitive to
magic cast near it. When you cast a spell of 1st level or
Wondrous item, uncommon
higher while attuned to this pendant, blooms of
This silver compass has a pointed tip with a hollow protective bark spread across your skin, granting you
center, allowing it to draw blood when thrust into temporary hit points equal to twice the spell’s level.
another creature. As an action, you can make a weapon These temporary hit points remain for 1 hour.
attack with this compass against a creature within your
reach, as if you were wielding a dagger. On a hit, you “For a delicate mage, this amulet is a miraculous
deal no damage, but you draw a vial of the creature’s tool in keeping all your organs where they belong.”
blood, which is stored in the compass. Alternatively,
you can draw from a vial or a puddle of blood as an
action by holding the compass up to it. The compass
can only hold one creature’s blood at a time.
Book of the Biblioblex Call from the Archive. Using this book, you can
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a spellcaster) attempt to call a spell from the deep shelves of the
Mystical Archive. When you do so, choose and cast any
This tome, originally interred in the Mystical Archive, spell of 8th-level or lower from the wizard spell list.
is connected to the heart of the library, and has a direct Then make a DC 20 Intelligence saving throw. On a
line to all the knowledge stored there. Nobody knows failed saving throw, your mind is wracked by the effort
exactly how it came to be: some say it was created by of channeling the vast knowledge of the book, and you
one of the founder dragons; others suspect it was made gain levels of exhaustion equal to the spell’s level
by one of the earliest deans of the academy, who was (minimum of 1). You still require any material components
banished for trying to spread the knowledge of the necessary to cast the spell when you cast it in this way.
Mystical Archive to the masses. Many mages have made Once you use this property, you can’t do so again
entire careers of searching the plane for this tome, and for seven days.
very few have ever succeeded. Destroying the Book. This book requires a
Random Properties. The book has the following disintegrate spell or a strike from a +3 weapon to destroy.
randomly determined properties: However, if it isn’t destroyed in the heart of a snarl, it
• 2 minor beneficial properties reappears in the Mystical Archive after 1d100 years.
• 1 major beneficial property
• 1 minor detrimental property Mimsy never shows this item to a customer directly, only
Flow of Knowledge. While holding this book, it showing it through illusions or drawings.
whispers tidbits of arcane knowledge into your mind, “Acquiring this book was one of the most difficult
granting you advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks. things I’ve ever done, and it nearly cost me my life.
Minor Magic. At the end of a long rest spent It has the potential to advance any mage’s understanding
studying this book, you can choose one cantrip from of the arcane by leaps and bounds; it can cheat death,
the wizard spell list and cause it to become fixed in your summon hordes, and change the face of the world.
mind until the end of your next long rest. For this There’s only one condition under which I’ll
duration, you can cast the cantrip at will. Intelligence is relinquish it: bring me something that can kill a
your spellcasting ability for this cantrip. demon lord forever, and it’s yours to take.”
Bookbeast Boots of the Dancer
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a
This book has a portrait of a beast painted delicately on
its cover, and quietly growls when left alone for too These boots are striped with bright blue and orange
long. As an action, you can toss the book and speak its fabric, giving them a circus-like appearance. When you
name, causing it to spring to life as a creature made of cast a spell of 1st level or higher while wearing these
paper and ink. boots, your speed increases by 10 feet until the end of
When the bookbeast is created, the maker chooses a your turn.
beast of CR 2 or lower. The creature uses the statistics
of the chosen beast, with the following changes: “Now I’d never be caught dead wearing Prismari
• Its type is construct. colors, but if you specialize in hit-and-run tactics,
• It doesn’t need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. these boots are a must-have.”
• It understands Common and one extra language of
the maker’s choice, though it can’t speak.
• Its proficiency bonus matches that of the creature
Bracers of Prismatic Energy
attuned to the book. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
Once the creature is summoned, it remains until it is These bracers are each studded with five gems along
reduced to 0 hit points or dismissed as an action, at the outside of the arm, the colors of which correspond
which point it reverts to the shape of a book. After to five different elements. While you wear these
being dismissed or destroyed, the bookbeast can’t be used bracers, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and to
again for 1d4 days. the saving throw DCs of your spells.
Additionally, each time the creature is reduced to 0 The bracers have 3 charges. When you cast a spell
hit points, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the book is torn to that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage,
pieces, rendering it unusable. you can expend a charge to change the spell’s damage
type to one of the others listed above. The bracers
regain 1d3 charges daily at dawn.
“Whether you need a guardian in battle or a
companion for long nights of studying, the bookbeast
is an all-around solution. I’ve got everything from “Look, you could just pick another spell, sure. But
wolves to weasels—what’s your favorite animal?” sometimes you have an aesthetic to maintain, and
you just want to hurl bolts of lightning until the
cows come home. D’you feel me?”
Boots of Silverstep
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a
These ink-black boots rise well above the knee, and are
unusually light for their size. When you cast a spell of
1st level or higher while wearing these boots, you can
teleport to an unoccupied space you can see. The range
of this teleport is a number of feet equal to 10 times the
spell’s level.
Once you use the boots in this way, you can’t do so
again for 1 hour.

“These beauties are great for turning heel in the

heat of combat, and they’re fashionable to boot!”
Cauldron of Plague transformed, you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom,
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) and Charisma scores. The cloak regains any expended
charges each day at dawn.
This foot-wide cauldron is forged in the shape of a Cursed. This cloak is cursed, and while you are
gourd, and always smells faintly sour. The cauldron can attuned to it, its curse extends to you. While cursed in
be used as an arcane or druidic focus when casting spells. this way, a thin layer of translucent webbing
Identify Plague. By placing boiling water in this resembling the wings of a fly spreads between your
cauldron along with a piece of a person, such as a strand fingers. Additionally, insects and other small pests are
of hair or a drop of blood, you can determine whether drawn to you in droves.
that person is suffering a disease. If so, you learn the
effects of the disease, how long it typically lasts, and any
countermeasures the person can take. “This cloak is excellent for would-be spies and
Diseased Touch. While you are attuned to the scouts, whether you want to sit in plain sight as a
cauldron, you know the inflict wounds and ray of crow or hide in the rafters as a spider. Just be
enfeeblement spells, and have them prepared in addition careful—one hit and you’re back to normal.”
to any other spells you can prepare. You can cast each
spell once without expending a spell slot, after which
you can’t do so again until the next dawn. Cloak of Plentiful Pockets
Wondrous item, uncommon
“Another Witherbloom classic. What completes This cloak, sewn with the crest of Strixhaven, is an
the witchy image better than a cauldron hanging officially recommended item on the student supply list.
from your arm?” The cloak has six pockets, each of which is an
extradimensional space. A pocket can hold up to 10
pounds of material, not exceeding a volume of 1 cubic
Cloak of Inkshadow foot. Regardless of its contents, the cloak weighs 5 pounds.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) The cloak is more convenient than other
extradimensional storage spaces of its type, allowing
This jet-black cloak has the Silverquill emblem sewn one to retrieve an item from any pocket as a bonus
across its back, barely visible at most angles. As an action. The pockets do not empty their contents if
action, you can raise the hood of the cloak to cast the upturned. However, inverting or tearing a pocket
mislead spell, becoming invisible and fashioning an causes all its contents to spew forth.
illusory duplicate of yourself from ink magic. This Placing the cloak inside a bag of holding or similar
special casting of the spell only lasts 1 minute, and ends extradimensional item destroys both items and opens a
if you move more than 60 feet from your illusion. gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where one
If you end the effect early by making an attack, item was placed inside the other. Any creature within
your strike is imbued with shadow force. On a hit, the 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random
attack deals an additional 4d8 psychic damage. location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The
Once you use the cloak, you can’t do so again until gate is one-way only and can't be reopened. Two
the next dawn. pockets from the same cloak can’t interact in this way.

“Say what you will about Silverquill, they’ve got one “These cloaks are available all over Strixhaven, but
thing right: there’s nothing more satisfying than nowhere else at this excellent price. They are
complimenting someone to their face and stabbing slightly used, but hey—you get to keep whatever
them in the back at the same time.” you find in their pockets!”

Cloak of Pestform Cloak of the Elemental Arts

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This green cloak is plain and unassuming, with only a This flashy cloak subtly changes color at different
golden brooch in the shape of a moth to set it apart. angles. When you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
The cloak has 3 charges. As an action while wearing the thunder damage, you can activate the cloak as a
cloak, you can expend a charge to cast the polymorph reaction, halving the damage you take. Once you block
spell on yourself, transforming into a Tiny beast with a a damage type in this way, the cloak can’t protect
challenge rating of 1/8 or lower. While you are against that damage type again for 24 hours.
“I recommend this cloak to every first-year hoping
to join Prismari. It provides all-around protection
while you start to experiment with each element.”

Cloak of Warding
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a
This cloak is lined with simple abjuration runes,
creating a layer of protective magic around your body.
While you are wearing this cloak, you can use it to
create one of the following effects:
• As an action, you cast dispel magic, targeting yourself.
• As a reaction, you cast counterspell, targeting a
creature casting a spell that would target you.
Once you use the cloak to create either effect, you can’t
use it again until the next dawn.

“While not as flexible as proper countermagic, this

cloak provides you with a reliable layer of protection
from basic magic. That’s hard to pass up.”

Conductive Cloak
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This blue cloak crackles with sparks in the presence of
magic. When you cast a cantrip or spell while wearing
this cloak, it crackles with electricity until the beginning
of your next turn. While crackling in this way, the next
creature to hit you with a melee attack takes 1d4
lightning damage per slot level of the spell you cast
(minimum of 1d4). The charge then dissipates until you
cast another spell.

“If you don’t like being touched by people you don’t

know, pop this baby on and start practicing your
1st-level magic. Trust me, people learn to keep
their hands to themselves real quick.”

Contingency Watch
Wondrous item, very rare
This brass watch is carved with an ivory rose and
decorated with tiny but startlingly clear rubies. Over
the course of 10 minutes, you can store a spell in the
watch, expending the appropriate spell slot needed to
cast the spell in the process. The spell must have a
casting time of 1 action and must be able to target you.
If the spell requires a material component, you must
have that component on hand when storing the spell,
and if the component is consumed, it disappears as part command word, causing it to emit a 40-foot cube of
of storing the spell. translucent force. The area inside this cube is magically
As part of storing the spell, declare a condition; for preserved, slowing the process of rotting, deterioration,
instance, you might say “cast this spell if I fall more than and erosion to a halt until the area is dismissed.
30 feet,” or “cast this spell when I am reduced to 0 hit Additionally, objects in the area that aren’t being
points.” If the condition occurs within 24 hours of worn or carried are held in place, requiring a DC 20
storing the spell, the watch casts the spell without any Strength check to pick up or move. Once an object is
components, targeting the creature holding the watch. successfully picked up, it behaves normally until placed
If the spell requires concentration, the creature affected back in the area. An object that enters the area after the
by the spell chooses whether to concentrate or allow cube appears is only held in place once it stops moving.
the spell to end. The area of preservation remains until the cube’s
If the spell isn’t cast within 24 hours, it fades from command word is spoken again, at which point decay
the watch without being used, leaving it empty. resumes.
Material components consumed by the spell aren’t
returned if the spell isn’t cast.
“This nifty little cube was designed by Lorehold
archeologists to keep their discoveries pristine
“Though expensive, this watch has saved my life while they set up a digsite. It wouldn’t do for some
more times than I can count. It’s perfect for storing rookie to stumble and fall on your antique urns,
a clutch dispel magic, a surprise invisibility, or an after all.”
emergency dimension door.
It’s also the most accurate watch I’ve ever owned,
but that’s just a bonus.” Dagger of Retort
Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

Crown of the Spotlight This black steel dagger is faintly embossed with the
Silverquill crest. You have a +1 bonus to attack and
Wondrous item, common damage rolls made with this dagger.
This crown is subtle enough to hide under a hat or a When a creature hits you with an attack roll, you
wig, making it a perfect accessory for actors and can use your reaction to immediately make a weapon
performers. As an action, you can cause the crown to attack against the same creature with this dagger.
create a 5-foot radius, 30-foot tall column of bright
light centered on you or a creature or object you can see “This Silverquill-special cuts best when
within 30 feet of you. The spotlight follows the target accompanied with a scathing insult. If your words
as it moves, and remains for 10 minutes or until the don’t cut deep, at least the dagger will.”
target moves more than 30 feet away from you. You can
end the spotlight early as a bonus action.
If a target is unwilling to be in the spotlight, it can Dimensional Portrait
make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw at the start of
Wondrous item, very rare
each of its turns to avoid the column, ending the effect
on a successful save. This 3-foot square painting displays a pastoral
Once you use the crown, you can’t do so again countryside, the specifics of which vary from portrait to
until the next dawn. portrait. Beneath the paint, however, the painting is a
passage to a hidden extradimensional space. A Medium
or smaller creature can enter or exit this space by
“Sometimes you need a little extra flair for your climbing through the frame of the painting. The paint
dramatic speeches—and this crown has you itself is opaque but ephemeral, providing only faint
covered. It’s also good for keeping your enemies in resistance to being pushed through.
sight when fighting in dark places.” The space on the other side of the painting is a 30-
foot cube, usually with a superficial resemblance to the
painting’s contents. The only furnishing in the room by
Cube of Preservation default is the exit frame, but objects placed in the space
Wondrous item, uncommon remain there. The walls are indestructible, and the
This 2-inch silver cube faintly glows with cold light. As space does not react to other extradimensional objects,
an action, you can place the cube and speak its like bags of holding or portable holes.
If the painting outside the space is rotated, gravity resembles a glowing orb until affixed to a creature with
inside the space changes to reflect its new orientation. a missing limb. Over the course of 1 minute, the
Regardless of its contents, the painting weighs 100 lbs. prosthesis takes the shape of the missing limb, only
composed of elemental materials such as fog or stone.
“There are only a couple dozen of these paintings in Once the prosthesis is applied, it functions as a normal
all of Arcavios, most of which were painted by a limb. Even if the limb is composed of a volatile element
Prismari alumni. They regularly sell to private like fire or lightning, it is solid and harmless to touch.
collectors for tens of thousands of gold pieces. The prosthesis can be removed as an action, and can’t
Would you like to start the bidding, or shall I?” be removed against the wearer’s will.

“Magic is a dangerous art; all it takes is one clumsy

Duelist’s Wand spell to sever an arm or a leg. On the bright side, if
Wand, rare your accident took place on campus, Prismari College
will provide you with an elemental prosthesis for free.”
This wand is streamlined for quick movement, and is
usually accompanied by a matching leather sheath and
belt. You gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the Exorcism Glove
saving throw DCs of spells cast through the wand. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
When you are hit by a spell attack or fail your
saving throw against a hostile creature’s spell, you can This leather glove is threaded with silver in the shape of
use your reaction to immediately cast a cantrip. If the holy runes. The glove can be used as an arcane focus or
cantrip targets any creature other than the source of the holy symbol when casting spells.
triggering spell, it deals half as much damage as normal. The glove has 5 charges. You can expend a number
of charges to cast one of the following spells, using your
spell save DC: protection from evil and good (1 charge),
“There are a handful of secret mage-duelling rings magic circle (3 charges), or banishment (4 charges). The
across campus, and these babies are popular in all of glove regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn.
them. A nasty spell demands a quick and equally
vicious answer.”
“Lorehold mages love to dredge up old spirits and
demand they answer questions—but if you can’t put
Echoing Blade them back, you’re in for trouble.”
Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)
This blade leaves a trail of razor-sharp fractals when it Eye of Probability
swings. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
with this blade.
When you make an attack roll against a creature This golden crown is embedded with a ruby positioned
with this blade and miss, you can cause a fractal echo of over the wearer’s third eye. The crown has 3 charges.
the blade to lash out. Repeat the attack roll against the When a creature targets you with an attack roll, you can
same creature. On a hit, the attack deals all of its expend a charge from the crown to predict the creature’s
damage as force damage. Once you successfully hit a movements, imposing disadvantage on the attack.
creature with this property of the blade, you can’t do so The crown regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn.
again until the next dawn. When you use the crown’s last charge, roll a d20. On a
roll of 1, you are staggered by visions of all the possible
futures, distracting you and granting the attacker
“Finally, a useful application of all that Quandrix advantage on its roll instead.
mathematics: increasing the probability that you’ll
hit someone.”
“As Quandrix inventions go, this one is both
fashionable and useful. Just don’t look too closely at
Elemental Prosthesis the future, or you might find the possibilities…
Wondrous item, common
This prosthetic limb, favored by Prismari mages, is
shaped from pure elemental magic. The prosthesis
Fractal Bracers
Wondrous item, uncommon
These surprisingly light bracers are made of a cool blue
metal. As a bonus action, you can activate the bracers,
causing them to shatter and reform as a fractal shield in
one of your hands. This shield confers the normal
benefits of wielding a shield, but you don’t need to be
proficient in the use of shields to wield it. The shield
reverts to bracer form if you relinquish it or are
disarmed of it.

“Look, mages are not notoriously strong folk. The hammer has 3 charges. When you hit a
Sometimes you just need a shield as light as paper, creature or object with the hammer, you can expend a
and this bracer fits the bill. Call it a companion charge to imbue the strike with destructive force,
piece to your mage armor, if you like.” dealing an extra 2d8 thunder damage to the target. This
effect deals double damage to targets made of stone,
crystal, glass, and other inorganic materials.
The hammer regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn. If
Gloves of Mirror Motion you use the hammer’s last charge, roll a d20. On a roll of
Wondrous item, common 20, the hammer instantly regains all its charges. On a
Despite these gloves both fitting the same hand, they roll of 1, the hammer shatters, rendering it useless.
are marked with two halves of the same circular
symbol, denoting them as a pair. As an action, you can
“As any Lorehold archeologist can tell you,
touch the symbol to activate the glove, linking it to its
sometimes you need to knock down walls to get
partner. When both gloves are activated, any
into old places. This tool is perfect for demolition
movement in one glove causes an identical movement
of all sorts—other creatures included.”
in the other, as if guided by an invisible hand.
Deactivating the gloves is also an action.
Resisting the glove’s movement initiates a
contested Strength check between each creature
Helix of the Elements
wearing a glove. The winner of the contest determines Staff, artifact (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
where the gloves move. This braided staff is a fusion of wood, bone, iron,
copper, and brass, imbued with five distinct strands of
“These gloves were originally designed to teach the evocation magic. The braid curls around a spherical
somatic components of spells to new mages. By black stone at its head, a sharp contrast to its otherwise
putting on a glove and casting a spell, you guide colorful profile.
your partner through the motions of that spell! This staff was forged by five Prismari deans over
Neat, right? the course of a few centuries, each assuming the craft
Unfortunately, a couple students snuck these after the last retired. Each dean brought their own
into an exam hall and used them to cheat on their elemental expertise to the project, creating a perfectly
finals, so they’re banned outside of classrooms now.” balanced instrument of power. The only time it’s
wielded in combat is in defense of Strixhaven’s halls—a
rarity throughout history.
Hammer of Excavation Random Properties. The book has the following
Weapon (any hammer), rare (requires attunement) randomly determined properties:
• 2 minor beneficial properties
This heavy hammer has a slightly chiselled point,
making it a perfect tool for demolition. You have a +1 • 1 minor detrimental property
bonus to attack and damage rolls with this hammer.
Arcane Focus. The staff is an arcane focus. You coals continue to smolder, and so on. Regardless of the
gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving contents of the box, its temperature remains the same.
throw DCs of spells cast through the staff. A corpse placed in the box does not decay or
Primal Reservoir. The staff has 20 charges. When dessicate, but the time limit on resurrecting it continues
you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or as normal. Living creatures placed in the box are
thunder damage, you can expend charges instead of a unaffected by it, aging normally.
spell slot. The number of charges equals the spell’s level. The box is cube-shaped, and its dimensions vary
When cast in this way, the spell deals additional by its rarity, as shown in the table below.
damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. The
staff regains 3d6 + 2 charges each day at dawn. Lockbox Size by Rarity
Elemental Resilience. When you finish a long rest rarity Maximum size
while attuned to the staff, choose one of the following Uncommon 1-foot cube
damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
You have immunity to the chosen damage type until the Rare 5-foot cube
end of your next long rest. Very rare 10-foot cube
Destroying the Staff. To destroy the staff, it must Legendary 30-foot cube
take acid, cold, fire, lightning, and thunder damage all
in the same turn. The damage must also exceed 200
points total, or else the staff remains. “There are a number of these boxes maintained by
the Lorehold College for artifacts of extreme value
recovered at their digsites. Personally, I use one to
Mimsy does not possess this staff, but knows of its history keep my drinks cold.”
and properties, and is willing to discuss it with customers.
“The Helix is the prized artifact of the Prismari
College. Interestingly, most of its properties Horn of the Hero
amplify your abilities rather than granting you new Wondrous item, rare
ones. It takes a master of evocation to use the staff This horn was taken from the skull of some great beast,
to its full potential.” and its length is carved with portraits of heroes and
mythic creatures. As an action, you can blow into the
horn to summon the spirit of a fallen hero, which appears
Helm of Focus in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. The spirit
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) behaves as a guardian of faith spell (save DC 15).
This leather helm is fitted with three crystal nodes that Each time you use the horn, choose one of the
control surges of unfocused magic. When you lose following myths. In addition to the effects of the
concentration on a spell while attuned to this helm, you guardian of faith spell, the spirit summoned by the horn
can expend a spell slot to retain concentration instead. gains the benefits of the chosen myth.
The slot’s level must be equal to or higher than the level The Dragon King. When you summon the spirit,
of the spell slot expended when the spell was cast. choose cold, fire, or lightning damage. It deals the
chosen damage type instead of radiant damage.
The Fanged Knight. A creature that fails its saving
“It might look a little silly, but this helmet is a throw against the spirit is poisoned until the start of its
powerful tool for a support caster. It can also keep next turn.
your spells from backfiring while you perfect them, The Shadow Blade. The spirit is invisible until it
which your roommates will thank you for.” deals full damage for the first time. While invisible,
saving throws against the spirit have disadvantage.
The Warden of the Wall. A creature that fails its
Historian’s Lockbox saving throw against the spirit has its movement speed
Wondrous item, rarity varies halved until the beginning of its next turn.
This brass chest is studded with a large diamond on its
lid, and never seems to accumulate dust or weathering. “This horn is a favorite among Lorehold seniors.
While the lid of this chest is closed, an object fully There are supposedly a hundred different myths
contained within it does not rot, decay, erode, or otherwise chronicled by these horns, though each one only
age. The object’s temperature is maintained while contains three or four of them.”
inside the box: while the lid is shut, ice remains frozen,
Inkarrow Wand Lorehold Rapeller
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous item, common
This smooth obsidian wand faintly sings as it cuts This simple brass device mounts a reel of thick silk rope
through the air. When you cast a spell of 1st level or on a tripod of spikes. Over the course of 1 minute, you
higher while attuned to this wand, you can create an can hammer the tripod into a surface you can reach,
arrow of inky black magic, which floats in an orbit securing it in place. While secured, the device can
around you for 1 minute. If you would create a second support up to 2,000 lbs. It can be pried free reliably over
arrow, you choose which one to keep. the course of 1 minute, or yanked free as an action with
As a bonus action, you can shoot the arrow at a a successful DC 25 Strength check.
creature within 60 feet of you. Make a ranged spell The device has two command words. The first
attack against the creature. On a hit, the arrow deals word causes the device to dispense rope, allowing a
1d6 piercing damage for each slot level of the spell cast. creature holding the rope to safely descend at a rate of
120 feet per round. The second word causes the device
“This wand punctuates your spells with a little extra to retract rope, allowing a creature holding the rope to
damage. Incidentally, it also works as a pen! Talk safely ascend at a rate of 60 feet per round. These
about bang for your buck.” speeds are halved if the device is supporting more than
half its maximum weight.

Inkbottle Weapon “This ingenious little thing was designed by a

Wondrous item, uncommon loxodon from the Lorehold College. When
descending into underground digsites, he didn’t
This bottle of jet-black ink comes with a leather belt and trust his teammates’ rappelling gear to work for
harness, allowing it to be hung securely and discreetly on someone of his size. Rather than stay behind, he
your body. As a bonus action while wearing the bottle, you invented a rappelling system strong enough to hold
can cause the ink inside to fly to your hand and take the his weight and then some.
shape of a weapon you are proficient with. You choose the Now Lorehold uses them to lift statues and other
weapon’s shape each time you use the bottle in this way. heavy artifacts out of digsites, and he’s a millionaire.
The weapon is obviously made of ink to an Go figure.”
observer, but otherwise functions as a normal (albeit
magical) weapon of its type. A ranged weapon created
in this way still requires ammunition. If the weapon is Loreholder’s Staff
used to make a thrown attack, it returns to your hand
Staff, uncommon (requires attunement)
after the attack is complete.
If you relinquish the weapon for any other reason This twisting white staff is made of carved white stone,
or dismiss it as a bonus action, it liquifies and returns to and is faintly cold to the touch. The staff has 3 charges.
the bottle. As an action, you can touch the staff to a corpse and
expend a charge to cast the speak with dead spell without
a material component. When you cast the spell in this
“Stylish, secret, and potent enough to cut through
way, you can see the corpse’s animating spirit, which
magical resistances—this weapon has it all.”
covers the body in a translucent illusion that resembles
its appearance in life.
Lens of the Quick Study The staff regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn.
Wondrous item, common
These gold-rimmed glasses highlight words as you read “This signature Lorehold staff is a vital tool of the
them, naturally speeding up your comprehension. trade, allowing a mage to interview the long-dead
While you are wearing these glasses, you read twice as souls of ancient history and record their knowledge.”
fast as you normally would.
“These glasses are perfect for catching up on missed Potion, rare
work, studying for exams, and finishing the reading
you forgot about in the ten minutes left before This vial of teal fluid grows hot in the presence of
discussion time. I’m pretty sure every other student magic. A creature that ingests this poison is filled with
has a pair of these in their pocket.” magic-sensitive venom for 8 hours. Each time the
creature casts a spell of 1st-level or higher before the Metaphysical Edge
duration ends, it must make a DC 15 Constitution Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement)
saving throw. It takes 2d6 poison damage for each level
of the spell cast on a failed save, or half as much damage This narrow longsword is forged not from metal, but
on a successful one. from thousands of paper-thin fractals layered together.
The venom is resistant to magical means of Its edge is so sharp it can cut through the very fabric of
cleansing poison. If a creature uses a magical effect such space around its wielder. Symbols riddle the blade’s surface,
as a lesser restoration spell to end the effect, it must constantly shifting and flowing to form new equations.
succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check or the This blade was created by an alumni of the
effort fails. Quandrix College, who found themselves assailed by
visions of far-off worlds. The Metaphysical Edge was
their solution: using its razor-sharp edge, the mage cut
Mimsy only reveals this item to the characters if they’ve a path through space to find the worlds that haunted
earned her trust. them. Nobody knows exactly what happened to the
mage, but the blade appeared on the Quandrix campus a
“If your enemy is a mage, there are few weapons few years later, bloody but intact.
more deadly than magevenom. Technically, this Random Properties. The longsword has the
brew is illegal in most parts of Arcavios—especially following randomly determined properties:
near Strixhaven—so don’t snitch on me or you
might experience its effects firsthand.” • 1 minor beneficial properties
• 1 major beneficial property
• 1 minor detrimental property
Mask Ring
Magic Weapon. You have a +3 bonus to attack and
Ring, uncommon or rare (requires attunement)
damage rolls made with this longsword. While attuned
This silver ring is adorned with a tiny metal face, which to the blade, you can wield it even if you lack
at some angles resembles a beautiful woman and at proficiency in the use of longswords.
others looks like a skull. When the ring is created, the Bane of Far Worlds. While you are attuned to and
creator designs an illusory appearance. A creature wielding this blade, you are immune to being charmed,
attuned to the ring can cast disguise self at will, limited frightened, or possessed by aberrations.
to donning the appearance designed by the creator of Spatial Step. As a bonus action while holding this
the ring. The spell has no duration when cast in this way. blade, you can teleport to an unoccupied space you can
The rare variant of this ring also bestows the see within 60 feet of you. Teleporting in this way
wearer with the effects of an arcanist’s magic aura spell, charges the blade with dimensional force until the end
which takes effect while the wearer has donned the of your turn. The next weapon attack you make while
ring’s illusory appearance. Like the illusion, the effects the blade is charged deals an additional 1d10 force
of this spell are determined when the ring is created. damage on a hit.
Door Through Space. As an action, you can slash the
“This ring is coded with a single illusory face. If air with the blade and cast the arcane gate spell. When
you’re willing to put in the work—fake papers, cast in this way, the spell has no verbal component.
changing your voice, all that—this ring is basically Once you use this property, you can’t do so again until
another identity. Perfect for rogues and mages with the next dawn.
a checkered past.”
Destroying the Edge. The blade is immune to most Once the cube is used to try and trap a creature, it
forms of damage, as it is made of unreal materials. The can’t be used again for 1 hour, regardless of whether it
only way to destroy it is closing a gate spell while the succeeds or fails.
blade is partway through the portal, shattering it across
space and time.
“Witherbloom students rely on pests to power their
magic—and sometimes, you have too much
Mimsy does not possess this blade, but knows of its history homework to go digging around the Sedgemoor for
and properties, and is willing to discuss it with customers. little beasties all night. This cube expedites that
process considerably.”
“For a long time, Metaphysical Edge was purely
theoretical—a tool Quandrix mages dreamed of
between studying and running calculations. Then it
showed up at the deans’ front door. Apparently it Orb of the Path
proved all sorts of theories about the fabric of Wondrous item, common
space, but I’m not an arithmancer.” This glass orb houses an arrow-shaped needle,
suspended in a translucent blue gel. Over the course of
10 minutes, you can attune this orb to a map in your
Mimsy Membership Card possession or end its attunement to a map.
Wondrous item, rare As an action while holding the orb, you can
declare any location that appears on its attuned map. If
This sleek purple card has eight white circles on its
the declared location is within 1 mile of you, the needle
surface, as well as a small sketch of a horned woman in
inside the orb points towards it. If the location is
golden ink. As an action, you can focus on the card to
protected from divination magic, the needle spins
learn the direction and distance of the Wandering
wildly in all directions instead.
Shop, so long as the door is within 10 miles of you and
on the same plane of existence as you.
When a creature uses this card, Mimsy learns the “I recommend these orbs to any first-year that finds
identity of the creature and the fact that they’re looking their way into my shop. Get your hands on a map of
for her. As an action, Mimsy can cut a card’s connection Strixhaven and you’ll never get lost on campus again!”
to the Wandering Shop, rendering the card useless.

Mimsy doesn’t sell these cards, instead giving one to a Paired Notebooks
character or group on their third visit to the shop. Wondrous item, common
“Say, you’ve been a loyal customer, haven’t you? These notebooks are marked with mirrored symbols,
Consider this a gift and an investment. Whenever you denoting them as a pair. When a page from one of
need magical wares, you’ll know where to find me.” these books is marked with ink, water, blood, or
another liquid, an identical marking appears on the
same page of the corresponding book. If a page or a
Miniscule Cage fragment of a page is torn from the book, it no longer
Wondrous item, uncommon functions in this way.
If one of the two books passes into an area warded
This 2-inch cube is made of braided iron wire and is against divination magic, it doesn’t receive any
hung with a tiny flower-shaped padlock. As an action, markings from its partner book until it leaves the area,
you can point the cube at a creature within 30 feet of at which point the markings appear all at once. If either
you. If the cube is empty and the creature is no larger book is targeted by a dispel magic spell, the enchantment
than Tiny, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving that binds them together is permanently severed.
throw or be pulled into the cage, where it remains until
released as an action. A creature trapped in this way
shrinks to fit inside the cube, and returns to its normal “These notebooks are a gem for talking to a friend
size when it is released. during lectures, sharing notes after class, or keeping
Creatures reduced in size by magical means, such in touch with long-distance partners outside Strixhaven.”
as a reduce spell or a potion of diminution, can’t be trapped
in the cube. A creature of CR 1 or higher has advantage
on its saving throw against the cube, and a creature of
CR 5 or higher automatically succeeds.
Parchment Plant Pen of Disappearing Ink
Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, uncommon
This tiny seed grows into a foot-tall plant over the This black-tipped pen is marked with a closed eye in
course of a month. In its full-grown state, it is white ink. Anything written or drawn on with the pen
remarkable for its beige color and library-like aroma. appears faintly magical under a detect magic spell, giving
The plant has four large, flat leaves, each of which off an aura of illusion magic.
has the color, texture, and properties of a sheet of While looking at something written or drawn by
parchment. So long as the plant is watered regularly, it the pen, you can speak the pen’s command word to
regrows all of its plucked leaves over the course of a day. cause the ink to disappear. It reappears when the pen’s
command word is spoken again or if the ink is targeted
by a dispel magic spell. A creature that can see through
“If you want to save money on paper and protect the invisibility can see the ink clearly.
environment, this little guy is a must-have. And a
tip from yours truly: if you water it with tea or fruit
juice, the leaves will be faintly colored and scented!” “Members of the Lorehold College like to leave
secret messages for each other with these pens,
usually in the form of obscure quotes or historical
Peering Tattoo references. Back in the day, I made maps to my
Wondrous item (tattoo), uncommon (requires attunement) shop with vanishing ink for loyal customers—but
then a dean got their hands on one, which put an
Produced by a special needle, this magic tattoo
end to that little convenience.”
resembles an embellished eye, which blinks on
occasion. While you are attuned to this tattoo and it
isn’t covered, you can see through it as if it were one of
your eyes. However, you have disadvantage on saving Pendant of Eloquence
throws against being blinded while the eye is Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This pendant, which resembles a golden four-pointed
star, imbues its wearer with eloquence and charm.
“If you want my opinion, the best place for one of While you are attuned to and wearing this pendant,
these is the palm of your hand. That way, you can you gain proficiency in Persuasion.
peer around corners without exposing your entire As an action, you can touch the pendant and alter
body. That said, the back of your neck is also a your voice, changing its pitch, rasp, and other qualities.
sufficiently spooky choice.” You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks
made to mimic the voices of others using this property.

Pen of Dictation “I know more than a few nervous students use

Wondrous item, common these to stop their voices from wavering during
This red pen is perfectly balanced, and writes with an presentations. I used one myself, back when I was a
unusually smooth motion. As an action, you can speak student here.”
the pen’s command word to activate it. While active, it This can lead to a discussion of Mimsy’s time in the
writes whatever you say on the nearest surface in neat Lorehold College, but she refuses to elaborate on why she left
print, using appropriate punctuation to mirror your Strixhaven unless the characters have earned her affection.
inflection and volume. Speaking the pen’s command
word again causes it to stop writing.
Pendant of Fractal Armor
“Lots of professors use these pens to make copies of Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
their lectures and hand them out to missing The bauble that hangs from this necklace looks like a
students. If you have problems articulating your circle of fractured glass, but in truth contains a series of
hands—or if you lack hands altogether—Silverquill overlaid fractals. As an action, you can touch the
College will provide you with one of these bad boys pendant and cause the fractals to cover your body,
for free.” creating a suit of fractal armor. While covered in this
way, your Armor Class equals 13 + your Dexterity
modifier. Dismissing the armor is also an action.
If the armor is targeted by a dispel magic spell, it When you cast a spell of 1st-level or higher
disappears, and the pendant can’t be used again for 1 through the staff, you can cause it to emit a cloud of
minute. poisonous pollen in a 5-foot radius, which surrounds
you and follows you until the beginning of your next
“Why keep wasting spell slots on mage armor when turn. A creature other than you that enters the pollen
you can wear one of these and get the same effect?” for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there takes
poison damage equal to twice the triggering spell’s
level. Plants and creatures that don’t breathe are
Pest Bomb immune to this damage.
Wondrous item, uncommon
This hard clay sphere is filled with magically subdued “Another Witherbloom staple. This staff is a potent
insects, which buzz angrily if the sphere is agitated. As way to punish your foes for chasing down
an action, you can throw the bomb up to 60 feet in a vulnerable spellcasters. That said, it can hurt your
straight line. As soon as it hits a surface, object, or allies too, if you aren’t careful with it.”
creature, it shatters, unleashing a swarm of furious
insects in a 20-foot radius sphere.
The swarm lightly obscures its area. A creature Potion of Cramming
that starts its turn in the swarm must make a DC 14 Potion, uncommon
Constitution saving throw, taking 2d10 piercing This bright purple potion fizzes and fumes, and has a
damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a strong fruity taste. When you drink this potion, you
successful one. The swarm remains for 1 minute, after don’t suffer the effects of exhaustion for the next 24
which it disperses harmlessly. hours. You still gain exhaustion as normal during this
time, and you cannot recover from exhaustion until the
“These are a favorite of Witherbloom students, duration ends. When the potion wears off, you
creating a cloud of absolute chaos at a moment’s immediately gain a level of exhaustion.
notice. Just don’t mistake it for a bath bomb or
you’re in for a bad time.” “Okay, so this potion is super useful during exam
time, especially if you need to cram—but don’t take
it more than once a week. A student drank two or
Pocket Spellbook three in the same week a few years back, and
Wondrous item (spellbook), common apparently he still has trouble falling asleep.”
This spellbook is simple in design, with one large flat Mimsy only gives the potion to the characters if they
gem slotted into its cover. As an action, you can press promise not to drink more than one per week.
the gem on the book’s cover, causing it to shrink down
to a quarter of its size. Pressing the gem again reverts
the book to its normal size. The book’s weight is Pouch of Pests
unchanged regardless of its dimensions. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This chitin-lined pouch is filled with tiny squirming
“Your spellbook is your most important tool as a creatures that never seem to rest. While attuned to the
wizard, and it’s worth keeping close at hand at all pouch, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and the
times. With this, you can shrink your spellbook saving throw DCs of spells you cast. You can use the
down and keep it in your pocket all the time!” pouch as an arcane focus or druidic focus.
The pouch has 5 pests, which fully replenish each
day at dawn. You can use these pests to power the
Pollen Staff following traits.
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) Life Siphon. As a bonus action, you can reach into
the bag and crush any number of pests. You gain
This wooden staff has a bouquet of bell-shaped flowers
temporary hit points equal to 5 times the number of
at its head. While attuned to the staff, you gain a +1
pests crushed. The temporary hit points last until you
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of
finish a long rest.
spells you cast. You can use the staff as an arcane focus
Release Swarm. As an action, you can expend 3
or druidic focus.
charges to cast insect plague without expending a spell
slot, using your spellcasting ability. When you cast the fireball (3 charges), scorching ray (2 charges), or wall of
spell in this way, the plague is composed of the same fire (4 charges). You can expend charges above the
kind of pest as the pouch itself. spell’s cost to cast it at higher levels; each additional
charge increases the spell’s level by 1.
The lute regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn.
“Personally I find this one a little gross, but I won’t
yuck anyone’s yums. I certainly can’t argue with the
results.” “This lute is one of a set of three instruments, used
by Prismari mages to create their grand elemental
orchestras. Even in combat, you’ll find it grants you
Prelude Circlet a destructive chorus like no other.”
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This crystal circlet bestows flashes of prescience. When
you roll initiative while attuned to this circlet, you can
Prismari Icehorn
choose to immediately cast a spell with a casting time of Wondrous item (instrument), rare (requires attunement by a
1 action or 1 bonus action. If you do so, you can’t cast spells bard)
of 1st level or higher until the end of your next turn. This horn, painted and carved with patterns of
spreading frost, is used by students of the Prismari
“This circlet gives you a flash of awareness before College to weave songs of ice and calm. While attuned
danger breaks out, allowing you to cast a clutch to the horn, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls
spell before a fight breaks out. If you’re lucky, you and the saving throw DCs of spells you cast.
might even avoid the fight altogether!” Ice Magic. The horn has 7 charges. You can expend
charges from the horn to cast the following spells
without expending a spell slot: calm emotions (2
Prismari Firelute charges), cone of cold (5 charges), hold person (2 charges),
or ray of frost (0 charges). You can expend charges
Wondrous item (instrument), rare (requires attunement by a above the spell’s cost to cast it at higher levels; each
bard) additional charge increases the spell’s level by 1.
This lute, painted and carved with patterns of burning The horn regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn.
flame, is used by students of the Prismari College to
weave songs of fire and passion. While attuned to the “This horn is one of a set of three instruments, used
lute, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and the by Prismari mages to create their grand elemental
saving throw DCs of spells you cast. orchestras. The sound of it is quite calming—as a
Fire Magic. The lute has 7 charges. You can student, I would sometimes listen to one as I
expend charges from the lute to cast the following spells studied. Puts me right to sleep.”
without expending a spell slot: control flames (0 charges),
Prismari Stormdrum “Now, I’ll remind you that the Laws of
Wondrous item (instrument), rare (requires attunement by a Thaumodynamics still apply here: only two spells of
bard) 1st-level or higher can’t be cast in rapid succession,
This drum, painted and carved with patterns of raging as the void of arcane energy you create by casting
storms, is used by students of the Prismari College to takes time to fill. The best you can get is a spell and
weave songs of wrath and lightning. While attuned to a cantrip, even with this ring.
the drum, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and That said, the ring gives you a precious few
the saving throw DCs of spells you cast. seconds to do other things, like activate a magic item
Storm Magic. The drum has 7 charges. You can or drink a healing potion. Time is money, after all.”
expend charges from the drum to cast the following
spells without expending a spell slot: call lightning (3
charges), fear (3 charges), shocking grasp (0 charges), or Restoration Powder
thunderwave (1 charge). You can expend charges above Wondrous item, very rare
the spell’s cost to cast it at higher levels; each additional
charge increases the spell’s level by 1. This powder is made of pulverized mithral and
The drum regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn. diamond dust, making it extremely valuable even in
tiny amounts. A pouch of this powder has 1d4 uses
when discovered. As an action, you can sprinkle
“This drum is one of a set of three instruments, restoration powder on a surface or object no larger than
used by Prismari mages to create their grand a 5-foot cube. The effects of time and deterioration on
elemental orchestras. A firm hit to the skin of this the object reverse, restoring it to a pristine, functional
drum creates a perfect clap of thunder—a sound state. If there is text on the object, the text becomes as
that inspires fear and awe, to be sure.” legible as when it was written.
This powder cannot replenish magic that has been
lost or dispelled, meaning it will repair a magic item to
Quandrix Notebook its original form but not restore any of its enchantments,
Wondrous item, common charges, or special properties. The powder also does not
change the window in which a corpse can be brought
This notebook has a small blue crystal embedded in its back to life by spells like revivify or reincarnate.
cover, carved into the insignia of the Quandrix College.
The notebook has two command words. By speaking
the first command word, you can cause the pages to “This stuff is the golden goose of Lorehold
turn without being touched. By speaking the second College—they only trot it out for discoveries that
command word followed by any phrase, the book will could change the way we look at the history of
search for the next page that references the chosen Arcavios. If I get word that you’ve used it for
phrase, then show it to you. something stupid like un-spilling coffee on your
homework, I will personally come to your dorms
and age you by a few decades.”
“This bad boy is a killer studying tool in the right
hands. It’s also good for reading while in the bath,
but that’s just a bonus.” Ribbon of Silence
Wondrous item, rare
This red ribbon has runes drawn on its length in
Quickcaster’s Ring permanent black ink, giving it a foreboding appearance.
Ring, rare (requires attunement) As an action, you can attempt to attach the ribbon to a
This ring is carved from a ruby and faintly glimmers creature within your reach. Make a grappling check
with an inner light. While you are attuned to and against the target, using your choice of Strength
wearing this ring, you can cast a spell with a casting (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics). On a success, the
time of 1 action as a bonus action. Once you use this ribbon is magically attached to the creature for 1 hour
property, the ring can’t be used again for 24 hours. or until removed by you. While the ribbon is attached,
the creature can’t speak or cast spells with a verbal
After the duration ends, the ribbon burns up,
rendering it useless.
The ring regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn. If you
“While these ribbons were originally designed use the last charge, roll a d20. On a roll of 1, the ring
during the Blood Age to capture and kill enemy shatters, rendering it useless.
mages, they’re now used by the Academy to safely
apprehend students who haven proven dangerous “According to legend, an Archaic called Two-as-
to themselves or others. Few things make you feel One taught the art of spell-sharing to a mage and
more helpless than this ribbon tight around your her wife almost a thousand years ago. It’s said they
neck—I would know.” could weave incredible spells together by sharing
Mimsy is visibly disgusted by this ribbon, and holds it the burden of arcane power between them.
only gingerly. This ring was inspired by that story, allowing
casters to cooperate and share spell slots—a perfect
gift for a caster who has caught your eye.”
Ring of Distractions If Mimsy senses that a member of the party has romantic
Ring, common feelings for someone at Strixhaven, she directs this
This ring has a sliding component that makes a comment at them.
satisfying click as it turns. While you are wearing this
ring, you have advantage on checks made to ignore
distractions. Ring of the Familiar
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
“If you fidget a lot during lectures, this baby will This charcoal-black signet ring bears the symbol of one
keep your hands busy. Prismari mages seem to flock of Strixhaven’s five colleges. While you are attuned to
to them.” and wearing this ring, you can perform the find familiar
spell as a ritual, providing material components as
normal. When you cast the spell in this way, the
Ring of Recollection familiar’s type and appearance are determined by the
Ring, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster that can college marking on the ring, as shown below.
prepare spells)
Rings by College
This ring is embedded with a lustrous purple gem and
feels faintly cool against your finger. While you are symbol appearance type
attuned to and wearing this ring, you can prepare one Lorehold Spirit of a beast Undead
additional spell from your spell list. Prismari Beast made of an element Elemental
As a bonus action, you can touch the ring to recall Quandrix Fractal of a beast Construct
a spell from your spell list, preparing it. In exchange,
you lose access to one of your prepared spells until you Silverquill Inkling of a beast Construct
finish a long rest. Once you use this property, you can’t Witherbloom As normal Fey
do so again for 24 hours.
“These rings are sometimes given to Strixhaven
“You never know what spell you’ll need in the midst mages as they graduate their first year and choose a
of danger, and this ring allows you to adapt to the college. Wizards usually prefer the traditional
challenge right in front of you.” method, but for those who can’t summon a
familiar, an attunement slot is a good trade for a
magical companion.”
Ring of Spell Borrowing
Ring, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This silver ring resembles two hands clasped together, Rod of Subspace
with a small star-shaped gem between their palms. The Rod, very rare (requires attunement)
ring has 3 charges. When you cast a spell while attuned
This shining white rod is made of an unreal material
to this ring, you can touch a willing creature and
that faintly shifts and hums as it moves. The rod has 5
expend a charge to borrow a spell slot from the
charges. You can expend a charge to cast dimension door
creature. The spell is cast using one of the target’s spell
without expending a spell slot.
slots (the target’s choice).
The rod regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn.
When you use the rod’s last charge, roll a d20. On a roll
of 1, the rod teleports you to an unoccupied space 500
feet in a random direction instead of your destination.

“According to my supplier, these rods pull you

through a subspatial dimension using the
diffusion... of matter... in the normal dimension?
Hell, I don’t know, but it does the job.”

Rose of Terror
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a
This preserved rose has a deep blood-red hue,
indicative of the many lives its thorns have consumed.
The rose was created by a dean of the Witherbloom
College in pursuit of immortality. The dean took the
common techniques of the college—drawing magic
from tiny pests—and took it to its logical conclusion,
creating a tool that could siphon the vital essence from
any creature. This energy suffuses the user, closing
their wounds and extending their lifespan.
Shortly after the dean created the Rose of Terror,
they were investigated by their partner dean and found
to be experimenting on their students. They took the
artifact and fled, carving a devastating path of death
through the campus as they went. In the end, it took
the intervention of a founder dragon to apprehend the
dean. Their name was scrubbed from the Academy’s attune to the rose, you can’t end your attunement to it
records, and all that remains is this terrifying artifact. unless you are rejected by the rose (see below) or
Random Properties. The rose has the following targeted by a remove curse spell cast at 5th-level or higher.
randomly determined properties: You must kill at least one humanoid for every
month you spend attuned to the rose. If you fail to do
• 2 minor beneficial properties so, the rose ends its attunement to you, and you must
• 1 minor detrimental property succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be
Spellcasting Focus. The rose can be used as an transformed into a shambling mound. This
arcane focus or a druidic focus for spellcasting. While transformation can only be reversed by a wish spell.
attuned to the rose, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack Once the rose rejects you, you cannot attune to it again.
rolls and the saving throw DCs of spells you cast. Destroying the Rose. The Rose of Terror can only be
Old as Oak. While attuned to the rose, you age only destroyed by planting it in the hallow-blessed soil of a
one year for every ten years that pass. temple, watering it with holy water, and performing
Well of Blood. The rose has a pool of life-restoring funeral rites for the lives destroyed by it.
blood, as represented by 100 charges. As an action, you
can expend any number of charges and regain an equal
Mimsy does not possess this rose, but knows of its history
number of hit points. The well regains 10 charges at the
and properties, and is willing to discuss it with customers.
end of each hour.
Thorn Magic. You can spend charges from the “This is some serious dark magic—the work of a
rose’s Well of Blood to cast the following spells using mage that didn’t care whose lives he ruined in the
your spellcasting ability: blight (8 charges), commune with pursuit of power. I think the deans should’ve
nature (10 charges), entangle (2 charges), spike growth (4 destroyed the damned thing by now, but apparently
charges) or wall of thorns (12 charges). there are ‘long-lost secrets of necromancy’ hidden
Cursed. The Rose of Terror is cursed with a in its bloody petals. Mages are all the same.”
bloodthirst that can never be truly slaked. Once you
Scroll of Stories Legends of Old. You can use the scroll to cast legend
Wondrous item, common lore without expending a spell slot or material components.
Setting the Stage. By reading from the scroll, you
This gold-rimmed scroll contains a myth, legend, or can cast the mirage arcane spell, creating the illusion as
important parable, written in spellcasting ink and you describe it aloud. A creature that touches the Scroll
illustrated in loving detail. As an action, you can touch of the Epic immediately sees through this illusion as if it
this scroll to cause its story to spring to life in the form had truesight, but can still interact with it as normal.
of a tiny illusion. The illusion plays out the story Summon Ink Figment. As an action, you can touch
written in the scroll, never straying more than a few the scroll and summon an ink duplicate of a creature
inches from the edges of the paper. When the story is from the stories within. Choose a non-humanoid
complete, or when the scroll is touched again as an creature of CR 10 or lower. It appears in an unoccupied
action, the illusion fades. space within 30 feet of you and remains for 1 hour or
until it is reduced to 0 hit points.
When you summon the creature, roll a d20. On a
“At some point, Lorehold College faced a serious
roll higher than the creature’s CR, it is friendly to you,
problem: how do you make people who don’t care
obeys your verbal commands, and can be dismissed
about history learn from its lessons? These scrolls
early as an action. On a roll equal to or lower than the
were the answer. Reading is boring, but watching a
creature’s CR, it ignores your commands and acts
little adventure play out in front of you is excellent
according to its usual nature, and cannot be dismissed.
Once you use this property of the scroll, it can’t be
used again until the following day at noon.
Destroying the Scroll. The Scroll of the Epic is hewn
Scroll of the Epic from the hide and bones of a fey beast, and as such, it
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a can only be destroyed by fey magic. If a fey creature
spellcaster; see Deciphering the Scroll for details) speaks the entire length of the epic in reverse, the Scroll
of the Epic crumbles to ash, rendering it useless. A fey
This epic poem, scribed on the hide of a fey beast and creature summoned by the scroll’s Summon Figment
stored in its hollowed thigh bone, is a record of a story property can’t perform this ritual.
once told by an Archaic. Among the scholars of
Silverquill, many believe that every significant legend in
the past (and, quite possibly, the future) of Arcavios is
represented somewhere in the epic, whether directly or Mimsy does not possess this scroll, but knows of its history
symbolically. and properties, and is willing to discuss it with customers.
Words and phrases of power are strewn about the “Nobody knows the exact limits of the scroll, but
Scroll of the Epic, and a mage that learns to read them students tell stories of a dean who used it to conjure
can command its magical abilities. However, only one a gold dragon on the Rose Stage, then filled the
dean of the Silverquill college has ever deciphered bleachers with illusory gold and jewels. Classic
enough to use the scroll effectively, and doing so was Silverquill theatricality for you.”
her life’s work.
Random Properties. The scroll has the following
randomly determined properties:
• 2 minor beneficial properties Seed of Life
Wondrous item, rare
• 1 major beneficial property
• 1 major detrimental property This jade seed is lined with tiny illustrations of celestial
bodies. As an action, you can use this seed to cast the
Spellcasting Focus. Bards can use this scroll as a
awaken spell, planting it within 5 feet of a plant or
spellcasting focus. While attuned to the scroll, you gain
feeding it to a beast you wish to target. This special
a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw
casting of the spell does not cause the target to be
DCs of spells you cast.
charmed by you.
Deciphering the Scroll. The scroll’s properties must
first be deciphered before they can be used. A creature
proficient in History, Religion, or Performance must “Not everyone in the Witherbloom College is so
spend at least ten years and a day deciphering the scroll doom-and-gloom, and this seed proves it—life
before it can be attuned to as normal. A creature with given instead of life taken!”
access to the notes of a previous wielder of the scroll
can perform this feat in one year and a day instead.
Shield of Patterns Spell-Proof Vest
Armor (shield), common (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This shield is embedded with tiny square fractals, which This vest is threaded with abjuration runes, which
glow faintly with arithmetic equations. While wielding faintly glow in the presence of powerful magic. The
this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC against attacks vest has 3 charges. As a reaction to taking damage from
from creatures that have already hit you on the same a spell or other magical effect, you can expend a charge
turn. This bonus is in addition to the normal bonus to halve the damage the effect deals to you.
provided by shields. The vest regains all of its expended charges each
day at dawn. If you use the vest’s last charge, roll a d20.
“Many fractals are more potent in the presence of On a roll of 20, the vest regains all of its charges
patterns, and this is one such: the more often it’s instantly.
struck in quick succession, the stronger it becomes.”
“If you’ve any interest in dueling with mages, this
vest is a lifesaver. It should be standard equipment
Silverquill Manual of Insults for Strixhaven students.”
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This manual, embossed with the crest of Silverquill Spellforce Weapon
College, is a guide to delivering devastating insults.
Weapon (any), uncommon (requires attunement by a
While you are attuned to this manual, you know the
vicious mockery cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for this spell, and you can add your Charisma This weapon is made from mithril and studded with a
modifier to the spell’s damage roll. single magic-sensitive gemstone. The weapon can be
used as an arcane focus for casting spells.
When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher
“Here’s a hot tip if you’re gunning to join the through the weapon, it becomes charged with magical
Silverquill College: study the hell out of this energy. The next weapon attack you make with the
manual, then pick the meanest person you know weapon deals an extra 1d4 force damage per spell level
and tear them apart. In public.” of the triggering spell (to a maximum of 5d4). The
charge fades after 1 minute if unused.

Skull of Withering “Simple but powerful—this weapon is an excellent

choice for paladins, rangers, and other spellcasting
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) warriors.”
This bone helm is carved in the shape of an animal skull,
and carries a dark weight. While you are wearing this
helm, small nonmagical plants like flowers and shrubs in Staff of Fractals
a 5-foot radius of you wither and die. This effect negates Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
difficult terrain caused by nonmagical plants.
Withering Stare. The skull has 3 charges. You can This staff has a silvery dodecahedron floating above its
expend a charge to cast the blight spell (save DC 15). tip, constructed from twelve tiny fractals. The staff can
The skull regains 1d4 - 1 charges each night at midnight. be used as an arcane focus for spellcasting. While
attuned to the staff, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack
rolls and the saving throw DCs of spells you cast.
“I could never pull this one off—bones and death Create Fractal. As an action, you can create a fractal
aren’t really my aesthetic—but I respect Witherbloom’s creature in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you.
dedication to looking hardcore at all times. Just The fractal takes the form of a beast of CR 5 or lower,
don’t pick this one up if you’ve got a garden; you using that beast’s statistics with the following changes:
won’t like the result.” • Its creature type is construct.
• Its attacks deal force damage instead of their normal
damage type.
The fractal acts on its own initiative count, obeying
your telepathic commands (no action required). If you
fall unconscious or otherwise stop delivering commands, (1 charge), fear (3 charges), light (1 charge), major image
it acts on its own to defend you from harm. It remains (3 charges), or mirror image (2 charges). The staff regains
for 1 hour or until it is reduced to 0 hit points, at which 1d8 + 2 charges daily at dawn.
point it disappears.
Once you use this property to create a fractal, you
“It does light! It does sound! This staff is an absolute
can’t do so again for 24 hours.
powerhouse on the stage. While you’re holding this
staff, nobody will be able to take their eyes off you.”
“This staff gives you command of a wild animal
made out of math. Don’t ask me how it works
because I don’t know.” Stake of Annihilation
Wondrous item, very rare
Staff of Magical Assistance This spike is made of a dark green metal and gently
fumes with smoke when exposed to open air. As an
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
action, you can ram this stake into a creature or object
This staff is a braid of silver and gold that forks at its within 5 feet of you to annihilate it. Make a melee
tip. The staff can be used as an arcane focus for weapon attack against the target using your Strength or
spellcasting. While attuned to the staff, you gain a +2 Dexterity modifier. On a hit, the target takes 10d6 + 40
bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of force damage. You cannot score a critical hit on this
spells you cast. attack roll. If the damage from this stake reduces a
Shared Spellcasting. As a reaction to a creature target to 0 hit points, it crumbles to ash, as if struck by
within 30 feet of you casting a spell of 1st level or the disintegrate spell.
higher, you can expend a spell slot of equal or higher Once you use this stake, it disappears in a flash of
level to magically assist the spellcaster. Choose one of green light.
the following benefits:
• The spellcaster has advantage on attack rolls and For her own safety, Mimsy never shows this item to a
ability checks associated with the spell. customer directly, only describing it through illusions.
• The spellcaster has advantage on concentration
checks made to maintain the spell. “This is one of the most destructive tools in my
• Each of the spell’s targets has disadvantage on its first shop by a wide margin, and it only works once—but
saving throw against it. boy, does it work. Never point it at something you
aren’t willing to utterly destroy.”

“This staff was originally devised by a Strixhaven

instructor to help his students master new spells. Stewmaster’s Pot
It’s an excellent tool for spellcasters that prefer to Wondrous item, common
support their friends.” This miniature cast-iron pot is shaped like a rotund pig
with four stubby legs. You can use the pot to create a
magically nourishing stew by adding any nonmagical
Staff of Spectacles plant or meat to the pot alongside a gallon of fresh
Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) water and cooking the pot over an open flame for 1
This sleek golden staff glows and hums when used, hour. The resulting stew can feed four Medium
giving it a distinct flair of showmanship. The staff can creatures, and tastes completely average in a manner
be used as an arcane focus for spellcasting. While difficult to describe. No amount of spices or garnishes
attuned to the staff, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack can improve the stew’s taste.
rolls and the saving throw DCs of spells you cast. This pot does not remove any poisonous or
Vanishing Staff. As a bonus action, you can twirl otherwise adverse properties from the ingredients of
the staff and cause it to disappear into an extra- the stew. If the stew would be harmful to eat, it tastes
dimensional pocket space, where it remains until you extremely salty instead of its normal, average taste.
call it to your hand again as a bonus action. If you die
while the staff is dismissed, it appears at your feet. “No matter what food or foragables you put in this
Illusion Magic. The staff has 10 charges. You can pot, it makes a decent stew—not fantastic, but not
expend a number of charges to cast one of the following terrible. Given that you’re all university students, it
spells from it, using your spellcasting ability: color spray goes without saying how valuable that is.”
Strixwing Cloak Sanguine Focus. When you cast a spell using the
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a tome’s Blood Magic property, you can use a vial of the
spellcaster) target’s blood as an extra material component, which
the spell consumes. If you do, the target has disadvantage
This deep blue cloak has the crest of Strixhaven inked on its saving throw against the spell. Gathering a
in gold across its back, and ends in two wing-shaped target’s blood in the midst of combat requires an action.
tails. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher while
wearing this cloak, you gain a flying speed of 50 feet
until the end of your turn. If you end your turn in mid- “This book is an extremely effective tool in controlling
air, you gently fall to the ground without taking damage. the battlefield—so long as you don’t have any moral
issues about using blood magic. I don’t, for the record.”

“This cloak used to be official Strixhaven merchandise,

but the student shop doesn’t carry them anymore— Tome of Transfixing Verse
there were too many mid-air collisions in the halls.” Wondrous item (spellbook), rare (requires attunement by a
Tattoo Pocket This leather tome has a painting of a beautiful faerie on
Wondrous item (tattoo), rare (requires attunement) the cover, and contains a variety of charming poems.
When you finish a long rest attuned to this tome,
This tattoo needle is curiously heavy for its size. While choose one of the following skills: Deception,
you are attuned to this tattoo, you can access a special Persuasion or Performance. You gain proficiency in the
extradimensional storage space. To stow an object in chosen skill until the end of your next long rest.
this space, you must touch it to the tattoo, and inversely Enchantments. The tome has 10 charges. You can
must touch the tattoo to retrieve an object from within expend charges from the tome to cast the following
it. Stowing or retrieving an object requires an action. spells using your spellcasting ability: calm emotions (2
The tattoo can hold up to 500 pounds of objects, charges), charm person (1 charge), or enthrall (2 charges).
not exceeding a cubic volume of 64 feet. You must be For every additional charge you expend beyond the
able to hold the object in one or both of your hands to spell’s base cost, the spell’s level increases by 1.
stow it in the tattoo. Objects can’t be removed from the The tome regains 1d8 + 1 charges daily at dawn.
tattoo against your will, except by a dispel magic spell
targeting the tattoo, which can expel a single object the
caster is aware of. An expelled object lands in an “Beware of handsome people that speak pretty
unoccupied space within 10 feet of you. words—unless you’re the handsome person with
If you end your attunement to the tattoo, enter the the poetry book, in which case, go wild.”
area of an antimagic field, or die, the extradimensional
space expels its contents. The objects fall into
unoccupied spaces within 10 feet of you.

“This tattoo is much more discreet than a bag of

holding and stylish as hell. Just about all of the
seniors in Silverquill College have one.”

Tome of Sanguine Arts

Wondrous item (spellbook), very rare (requires attunement
by a spellcaster)
This tome was written by some of the less morally
upstanding members of the Witherbloom College and
inspired by the sinister arts of the Blood Age.
Blood Magic. The tome has 20 charges. You can
expend charges from the tome to cast the following
spells using your spellcasting ability: bestow curse (3
charges), crown of madness (2 charges), hold monster (5
charges), hold person (2 charges), or scrying (5 charges).
The tome regains 2d8 + 2 charges daily at midnight.
Vanguard Bottle Search. By speaking the statue’s second command
Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement) word and declaring a topic, you can cause the statue to
list everything it has seen in the past day that relates to
This gilded glass bottle swirls with elemental energy. the chosen topic.
There are many varieties of this bottle, each marked by Forget. By speaking the statue’s third command
a different gemstone on its stopper. The gemstones word, you can cause it to forget everything it has seen
correspond to what elementals are stored within the in the past day.
bottle, as shown in the Vanguard Elementals table.
If you are reduced to 0 hit points and fall
“Aside from the tactical applications of this statue,
unconscious while attuned to the vanguard bottle, the
it’s great for keeping an eye on your dormitory—
stopper opens, releasing the elementals stored in the
especially if your roommates steal your spellcasting
bottle. The elementals appear in unoccupied spaces
ink without asking.”
within 10 feet of you, acting at the end of your initiative
count and defending you from harm. The elementals Mimsy visibly darkens, as if thinking back on an old
cannot deal damage to you while you are attuned to the and well-worn grudge.
vanguard bottle.
The elementals remain for 1 hour or until reduced
to 0 hit points, at which point they return to the bottle. Well of the Ancient Dead
After the bottle is used, the elemental goes dormant for Wondrous item, artifact
1d4 days, rendering the bottle useless until the elemental
awakens again. This 5-foot diameter stone vessel is one of the oldest
artifacts in Lorehold College’s stewardship, predating
Vanguard Elementals Strixhaven by centuries. Even when empty, the vessel
gemstone Elemental(s) rarity appears to be full of an ethereal gray fluid that gently
Quartz Four dust mephits Rare whispers and groans with the voices of the dead.
The historians of Lorehold are uncertain who created it
Onyx Four magma mephits Rare or when; it bears glyphs and symbols that appear in
Turquoise Four ice mephits Rare civilizations throughout history, passed from one to the
Obsidian Four steam mephits Rare next like a grave and powerful heirloom. Some of the
Sapphire One air elemental Very rare greatest leaders and scholars of Arcavios have consulted
at the well, divining wisdom from the sages before them.
Yellow diamond One earth elemental Very rare Today, Lorehold protects the well from the
Corundum One fire elemental Very rare outside world, only consulting its archives of
Emerald One water elemental Very rare knowledge in the most dire of circumstances.
Random Properties. The well has the following
randomly determined properties:
“When you’re knocked unconscious in battle, • 1 minor beneficial property
you’re at your most vulnerable. This Prismari
invention will punish anyone who tries to kick you • 1 major beneficial property
while you’re down.” Consult the Dead. Over the course of 1 hour, you
can meditate while touching the well to ask a question
of the dead. At the end of the meditation, you receive
Watching Statue an answer that reflects the knowledge of every creature
Wondrous item, rare that has died in a 5-mile radius of the well. The answer
can only be heard by you, as it is conveyed telepathically
This small statuette, which usually resembles a to you by a chorus of ghostly voices.
woodland creature or a figure from folklore, has two Once this property of the well is used, it can’t be
tiny spheres of glass for eyes. The statue remembers used again for 1d4 weeks.
everything it sees for a period of 24 hours in perfect Forced Departure. A creature that dies within 120
detail. Creatures and objects hidden from divination feet of the well can’t be returned to life by any means
magic are invisible to the statue. short of a true resurrection or wish spell.
Recall. By speaking the statue’s first command Gate to the Afterlife. As an action, you can reach
word, you can cause it to summarize everything it has into the well and declare the name of any “afterlife”—a
seen in the past day. Its description is highly literal, and plane of existence where souls travel after they die. You
it can’t interpret meaning, guess at intentions, or read and up to eight other willing creatures within 10 feet of
expressions on the faces of creatures. you are transported to the chosen plane, as if by a plane
shift spell. Creatures transported in this way can only Witherbloom Reins
remain in the chosen plane for 24 hours, after which Wondrous item, rare
they are transported back to unoccupied spaces within
10 feet of the well, along with anything they are These reins are made from tanned leathery vines and
wearing or carrying. imbued with necrotic energy. As an action, you can
Once this property of the well is used, it can’t be snap the reins to cast the find steed spell. This special
used again for a year and a day. casting of the spell has a casting time of 1 action instead
Destroying the Well. Living creatures have no true of 10 minutes, and summons a steed with the undead
power over the Well of the Ancient Dead, and as such, creature type instead of the options listed in the spell’s
they can’t destroy it except by a wish spell. An undead description. Snapping the reins a second time dismisses
creature, however, can destroy the well as easily as any the steed.
stone vessel. Once you use the reins to summon a steed, you
can’t do so again for 24 hours.

Mimsy does not possess this well, but knows of its history
and properties, and is willing to discuss it with customers. “Once I discovered these reins, I swore I’d never
“The Well of the Ancient Dead is perhaps the most take a journey again without them. Snapping a
valuable item in all of Strixhaven’s halls. The ghost steed into existence is so much less work than
knowledge of thousands of dead souls at your lugging a normal one around.”
fingertips… What I wouldn’t give to ask a single
question to the well.”
Item Directory Metaphysical Edge
Mimsy Membership Card
Abacus of Ease 5 Miniscule Cage 18
Arcane Sigil Tattoo 5 Orb of the Path 18
Archeologist’s Eyes 5 Paired Notebooks 18
Archival Lens 5 Parchment Plant 19
Bag of Mimsy 6 Peering Tattoo 19
Barrier Bead 6 Pen of Dictation 19
Bead of Memory 6 Pen of Disappearing Ink 19
Belt of Stolen Life 6 Pendant of Eloquence 19
Belt of the Alchemist 7 Pendant of Fractal Armor 19
Blanket Robe 7 Pest Bomb 20
Blood Compass 7 Pocket Spellbook 20
Bloodthorn Glove 7 Pollen Staff 20
Blooming Bark Amulet 7 Potion of Cramming 20
Book of the Biblioblex 8 Pouch of Pests 20
Bookbeast 9 Prelude Circlet 21
Boots of Silverstep 9 Prismari Firelute 21
Boots of the Dancer 9 Prismari Icehorn 21
Bracers of Prismatic Energy 9 Prismari Stormdrum 22
Cauldron of Plague 10 Quandrix Notebook 22
Cloak of Inkshadow 10 Quickcaster’s Ring 22
Cloak of Pestform 10 Restoration Powder 22
Cloak of Plentiful Pockets 10 Ribbon of Silence 22
Cloak of the Elemental Arts 10 Ring of Distractions 23
Cloak of Warding 11 Ring of Recollection 23
Conductive Cloak 11 Ring of Spell Borrowing 23
Contingency Watch 11 Ring of the Familiar 23
Crown of the Spotlight 12 Rod of Subspace 23
Cube of Preservation 12 Rose of Terror 24
Dagger of Retort 12 Scroll of Stories 25
Dimensional Portrait 12 Scroll of the Epic 25
Duelist’s Wand 13 Seed of Life 25
Echoing Blade 13 Shield of Patterns 26
Elemental Prosthesis 13 Silverquill Manual of Insults 26
Exorcism Glove 13 Skull of Withering 26
Eye of Probability 13 Spell-Proof Vest 26
Fractal Bracers 14 Spellforce Weapon 26
Gloves of Mirror Motion 14 Staff of Fractals 26
Hammer of Excavation 14 Staff of Magical Assistance 27
Helix of the Elements 14 Staff of Spectacles 27
Helm of Focus 15 Stake of Annihilation 27
Historian’s Lockbox 15 Stewmaster’s Pot 27
Horn of the Hero 15 Strixwing Cloak 28
Inkarrow Wand 16 Tattoo Pocket 28
Inkbottle Weapon 16 Tome of Sanguine Arts 28
Lens of the Quick Study 16 Tome of Transfixing Verse 28
Lorehold Rapeller 16 Vanguard Bottle 29
Loreholder’s Staff 16 Watching Statue 29
Magevenom 16 Well of the Ancient Dead 29
Mask Ring 17 Witherbloom Reins 30

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