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What is an ambition? For me, an ambition is a destiny or dream that a person want to fullfil.

Everybody should have their own ambition or else they would not succeed in whatever they do. My ambition is to become a computer engineer. What does a computer engineer do? To become a successful computer engineer, I need to be good at electrical engineering and computer science. Especially when I'm interested in computer programming which is also known as coding. I would want to design my very own computer software that would bring convenience to people all around the world. I want all the big computer company to like my software and start selling it. I also wished that one day i would become the most popular and successful computer engineer. I want my school and also my family to be proud of me, and everyone will realised my existence. I need to study hard now in order to fullfil my ambition. I will pay more attention and concentrate more in my studies.

My Dear Friend, I am in receipt of your affectionate letter. It is always a pleasure for me to hear form a dear friend like you, whom I have not met for such a long time. My dear, when do you intend to your own loving friend? You have asked me about my dreams and ambitions. Every person has his own desires, and his own aims for the future, some people run after worldly wealth. They become doctors so that within only a few years they may have cars and big kothies. Others are ambitious for position and power. They try to seek Government jobs and become I.A.S. officers. I, for one, have no such ambitions. My ambition in life is to become an engineer and serve my motherland in that capacity. There are various reasons for having engineering as my ambition in life. I feel that as an engineer, I would have greater opportunities of serving my motherland than in any other capacity. India has been on the road to economic development for the last fifty years. Much has been done, but much more still remains to be done. Our economic development has not been as rapid as it should have been. It is mainly the birth of qualified engineers that has held back the progress of the country. Late Mr. Nehru was never tired of emphasizing the urgent need of engineers for the country. So, I feel that I should be an engineer and do my bit for my nation. India lacks trained hands, and depends to a very great extent on foreigners. Moreover, whatever engineers there are, they are mostly corrupt, dishonest and insincere. They do not care to do their duty; they are more interested in feathering their own nests than in the good of their motherland. Dams, bridges, roads and houses constructed under the supervision of such engineers are worthless. They do not last, they fall or cracks within no time. It is so because the material meant for these works is sold in the market and fills the pockets of these corrupt engineers. They thrive while the nation suffers. My ambition in life is to become an honest engineer and make others also honest and dutiful by my own example and influence. My ambition is to root out corruption and dishonesty from this profession, as far as it may lie within my power. It is my daily prayer that God may make me an

engineer and also successful in my ambition of doing away with dishonesty and corruption. The building up of our motherland is a mighty adventure and I want to enjoy this adventure to the fullest extent. There are other reasons also why engineering is my ambition in life. I have never liked table work and have always preferred out-door life. No other profession provides us with so many opportunities of living in the open, in the company of the grandeur and majesty of nature, as this profession. As an engineer, I would be constantly out in the open, working for my country both in rain and sunshine. Besides this, engineers are constantly on the move. They cannot be at one place for any length of time. As soon as some construction work at one place is completed, they must move on to some other place to take up some fresh work. In this way, engineers get an opportunity of seeing their motherland from one end to the other. They meet new people and enjoy new scenes and sight. I feel that life of an engineer is a glorious adventure throughout. Hence, I aspire, for it. To achieve my ambition, I am working hard for a good division in the intermediate examination. As soon as the examinations are over, I would prepare whole heatedly for the competition for various engineering institutions. With your good wishes and the blessings of God, I am confident of success. Rest is as usual. Do let me hear from you more frequently. Yours sincerely


Why i Want To Become An Engineer The Japanese people are viewed as an advanced culture that American civilians look up to in stature. The image Japan gives to other countries is one of prestige and a sense of greater intelligence. Their claim to fame is that they have the most advanced technologies and up to date culture in the entire world. The authenticity of their image as a superior society just goes to show how even the best of the best are susceptible to the worst of circumstances. There are many reasons for why I want to partake in becoming an engineer. My greatest concern for people is their need for safety and comfort. With a feeling of security come feelings of comfort for people. Growing up in a safe neighborhood, I understand the importance of safety. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan was a disastrous event in mankind. It killed thousands and displaced even more. The reason that I want to become an engineer is so that I can improve the lives of people all around the world by making life safer. My goal is to become educated by going to an institution for higher learning in order to improve the safety of others. By creating better methods of engineering, we as a society can become a safer people. The massive earthquake that triggered the massive tsunami could not have been prevented, but with technologies that are not yet available, many lives could have been saved. I would like to help better the lives of many by helping engineer technological advancements. By having radars

all around the ocean that measure seismic activity, the shore areas could have been evacuated maybe in time to save thousands. I would like to use my education in order to help the well being of others. Japan is just an example of many disasters that have happened around the world throughout history. While many of these disasters are impossible to stop, we as a society can do things to help. We could make storm shelters that are supplied with a number of goods and even implement better evacuation procedures


Essay Why Become A Engineer ESSAY: WHY I WANT TO BE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Amy McLeod Engineering is not merely knowing and being knowledgeable, like a walking encyclopaedia; engineering is not merely analysis; engineering is not merely the possession of the capacity to get elegant solutions to non-existent engineering problems; engineering is practicing the art of the organised forcing of technological change Engineers operate at the interface of science and society. - Dean Gordon Brown. Prior to starting secondary school at Spotswood College at the age of 13, I had little knowledge of the vast opportunities that the field of science offers, nor did I realise how intriguing and exciting science can be. It was in my first year at high school that was introduced to general science, a subject which I would continue to study for three years. I found that the areas within the science curriculum that I enjoyed the most were practical, real-life situations that were relevant to the real world, not just the world within the school laboratory. The process of applying scientific methods to solve real-life problems continued to interest and intrigue me throughout my years of studying general science, and I soon realised that science was the field that I wanted a career in. This idea hasnt changed. In my second year of high school at Spotswood College, I was offered the chance to take part in an extension program in Chemistry before school three times a week, as well as continuing with general science as a subject. Throughout this year, I was continually amazed at the many different fields that chemistry, and also science as a whole, is composed of, yet once again it was the real-life, realworld applications that interested me. It was at this time that I started researching engineering as a career option. By the time I reached Year 12, I had to decide which fields of science I wanted to continue studying in. Throughout my previous years at high school I had found that it was the fields of...

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