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What Good Managers Do:

Management Priorities for the 21st Century
By Jaume Llopis & Joan E. Ricart

Managers’: good (general) managers

have a clear agenda for the future and a
good network of (internal and external)
contacts they can use to get things done.
Previously, H. Mintzberg (1973) in ‘The
Nature of Managerial Work’ challenges
some myths on the work of managers by
describing people as less predictable, less
systematic, and acting fast on minimal
information. In a more recent publica-
tion Mintzberg insists on not studying
management as a science, forgetting it is
an experimental act where art and expe-
rience are as important, if not more,
than science elements of the profession.
More recently, Barlett and Ghoshal
(2000) in ‘Individualized Corporation’
illustrate that the basic imperatives of
strategy, structure, and systems, are
substituted by the softer elements of
purpose, process, and people.
Over many years Jaume Llopis and are so many contingencies to take into Unsatisfied with these answers we
Joan E. Ricart have interviewed more account that to generalise is extremely decided to ask managers directly. For 10
than 200 managers that have attended difficult. years we have been inviting top execu-
their classroom to explain to MBA One could try to find an answer in tives from a very diverse set of compa-
students what the priorities for top literature, just to realise that there is nies to discuss with our MBA students
managers in organisations are. Below, no clear answer. The classic literature their priorities and their agendas. In this
the authors discuss how they have on this question should of course start period of time more than 200 profes-
identified four fundamental priori- with Peter Drucker (The Practice of sionals accepted our challenge. Many
ties that explain what good managers Management, 1954) where he focuses of them were further interviewed and a
really do. on three areas for action: Taking small sample reproduced in two books,
responsibility for the economic results one published (in Spanish) in 2007 and

s professors of Strategy and of the company (the business), manag- in 2013.1 We provided very little struc-
General Management, the ing the managerial structure or intel- ture to our research and allowed them
question of what good man- lectual force, and organising the labor to use their own words to describe what
agers do is a very relevant one. We are force towards efficiency. To do so, they considered good management
always worried about what is good managers set objectives, organise, moti- practice, what had worked for them, and
management, what is a good manager, vate and communicate, measure, and what they consider the essential tasks
or what characterises good manage- manage people. and priorities for their level of respon-
ment. The question is clearly rel- Another complementary answer can sibility. What we found can be sum-
evant but the answer is far from easy. be found in J. Kotter (1982), ‘The General marised in four fundamental priorities:
Managers differ a lot in their respon-
sibilities, in their style, on the type of
problems that they face, on the industry What is good management? What is a good manager? One
in which they compete, on the strategy could try to find an answer in literature, just to realise that there
that the company follows, on the char- is no clear answer....We decided to ask managers directly.
acteristics of the company, etc. There

4 The European Business Review September - October 2013

1. Create a future and communicate it. All the managers relevance of innovation, and the care taken with details in
shared with us his/her worries about the future. Mr. Jaime order to get the job really well done, a kind of a search for
Aguilera, President of Unilever in Spain, clearly summarised excellence. Companies are discovering innovative business
the role of a General Manager as ‘leaving the company is a models to develop and sustain the competitive advantage to
better position to face the future than the initial one’. This drive their organisations into the future. This is a creative,
role can be trivialised but it is extremely important. It means design-oriented capability that is fundamental in today’s com-
an exercise in the anticipation of changes, in sensing oppor- petitive landscape.
tunities, in creating new spaces for competition… If the top
manager is not thinking about the future, who in the company
is doing it? To manage organisations in the twenty-first
David Teece (2009)2 describes sensing as one of the three century is to manage people as the center
fundamental dynamic capabilities. To do so, managers need of any activity in the firm.
to know well their business, the industry, the clients, the cus-
tomers, and the competitors. But they should also make the
effort to consider, to imagine, to create the future. They need 3. People as the center of the organisation. Many corporate
to develop a long-term vision. They need time to think. cultures highlight people, human capital, and/or knowledge
Our analysis shows two very important points in this as the key resources and advantages in organisations. But the
context. Most of our sample managers have an extreme focus managers in our sample have a clear commitment to people
on the customer and on the competitors. While they also refer in terms of the time they involve and the effort they exert in
to other relevant players, the key focus is customer intimacy this area. They are thinking ahead of the capabilities they will
and competitor benchmarking. Furthermore, complexity need to reach the future they dream about, and they develop
increases with time. Complementors and even ecosystems are talent as needed in their organisations.
increasingly important as well as relations with government We found three regularities worth mentioning in this area:
agencies, regulators, and different associations as globalisa- first, the time and dedication of top management in talent
tion increases. management and team development. All managers put a lot
Future plans are reflected in a clear strategy that can be of effort in searching for and developing individuals with high
communicated and that helps in mobilising the whole organ- potential, and in following and mentoring them. But also in
isation. Peter Betzel, now at IKEA Germany, explained that developing teams: Francisco Roman, President of Vodafone
any good strategy should have a long-term vision but clear Spain insisted on the importance of team composition. Kim
short-term objectives. Laura González-Molero from Merck Faura from Telefonica noted that individuals should aim to
explained that strategy should focus the organisation on a develop the best complementary skills without being afraid of
common goal but be flexible to contingencies in the way to excelling in areas in which others do not.
reach it. Enrique Martinez from FNAC reminded us that clear A second key element in people as priority is challenge
goals are needed to better assign resources even in good times. and risk management. Give people the right assignment,
allow them to grow and learn, challenge the status quo and
2. Constant adaptation of the business model. To compete take risks when needed. All recognise that this is a funda-
in the 21st century is far from easy. Rivalry is tremendous, mental job that balances efficient task assignment with the
competitors emerge from other lands or even other industries, opportunities to grow and develop fundamentally if we not
new ideas emerge, and disrupt current business models: the only want to have the right team today, but a high performing
competitive advantages of today are fast substituted and not team tomorrow.
adequate for the future. Therefore, in the fight for the future, Finally, talent management and task allocation should be
top managers needs to rethink, reconfigure, and constantly combined with a demand of high performance and the drive
reinvent their business models. to excellence in the organisation. All managers are highly
Our protagonists talk about constant adaptation, continual demanding of their team. Josep M. Pujol, President of Ficosa
change, renewal, noting that nothing lasts forever anymore. International, told us that a good manager should love his/her
A Company such as Ficosa International, a component sup- team, but this cannot be a deterrent to demanding high per-
plier to the auto industry, had to totally re-invent itself when it formance. Rosa Garcia, President of Siemens but with a long
realised the industry was rapidly globalising. Even a company career at Microsoft, said that managers are trainers and should
such as IKEA, an innovative business model, has been chang- balance the development of talent with the demand of high
ing and adapting as its size and geographical imprint has been performance.
changing. This task is not a consequence of the other two, it is a prior-
The rules for adaptation differ from one company to the ity in itself, and one in which good managers invest a lot of
other, but we found some dominant threads such as the search time: To manage organisations in our century is to manage
for differentiation, the focus towards quality, the increasing people as the center of any activity in the firm. 5

4. Integrate with an institutional strat-

egy. Essentially this is providing meaning
to any task in a firm. While the other VALUE + PRINCIPLES

three priority task are quite expected,

they emerge in other studies, perhaps IDEOLOGICAL RULES INSTITUTIONAL PURPOSES
with other wording, subdivided in differ-
ent ways, but essentially are constant in
most studies. However in our work a fun- STRATEGY
damentally different task emerged that
integrates everything in the organisation
and it is a unique and exclusive priority
for the top management of a company. PEOPLE FUTURE
We have called it institutional strategy.
Institutional Strategy Integrates the
organisational values and principles, BUSINESS
the institutional purposes of the organ- MODELS
isation, and the ‘ideological’ rules that
underline the firm. As such it is the basis
that supports, integrates and coordi- Finally, the action, the day-to-day, About the Authors
nates all organisational efforts towards develops a culture and an ideology about Prof. Joan E. Ricart is Carl Schrøder
the organisational goals and aims. what is right or wrong, about what is Professor of Strategic Management and
Values and principles are fundamen- excellence in an organisation as a con- Chairman of the Strategic Management
tal in any organisation, and top man- crete notion, not as an abstract idea. Department at the IESE Business
agement should not only comply with In this way rules, norms, and codes of School. He is Associate Director for
them, but also live and share them, as conduct get developed and embedded in Faculty and Research, and was Director
he/she has to set the example. The the organisation. of the Doctoral Program (1995-2006)
role of management can be different Managing these elements is a funda- and Associate Dean for Research (2001-
depending of the type of company. Rosa mental task for top management in any 2006). He is also Fellow of the Strategic
Garcia highlights the role of a manager organisation. They may do it with differ- Management Society and the European
as ambassador, typical in a large multi- ent styles, in different forms, with differ- Academy of Management, and has
national. In contrast, if one is the main ent emphasis… but all do it. published several books and articles in
leading journals.
Prof. Jaume Llopis is Senior lec-
Values and principles are fundamental in any organisation. turer in the Department of Strategic
Top management should not only comply with them, but Management at the IESE Business
also live and share them, as he/she has to set the example. School. He has served as CEO at
a number of prominent companies
including Agrolimen, AGF Unión-
owner, he/she can do a lot to define the The overall set of priorities can be Fénix, Nestlé, Moulinex and Borges
values that should drive the company, represented in the figure above. It is Mediterranean Group. He is a member
and that are consistent with the strategy important to highlight that, while one of the board of directors at several mul-
and business model of the company. may consider that the tasks may not look tinational companies as well as family
Think for instance about the origin of too novel, two things are very important. owned businesses. He has published
the strong values of companies as Ikea First, the institutional strategy is a very several books and articles in leading
or Southwest, to mention just two. important umbrella that covers the other newspapers and magazines and speaks
Values are key but need to be comple- tasks. And second, while most managers at events and seminars.
mented with organisational purposes have full working schedules, they all put
and goals. And this cannot be imposed, their quality time, and more time than References
it is the result of dialogue with different less effective managers, into real priori- 1. Yo Dirijo: La Dirección del siglo XXI según sus pro-
stakeholders, and a balancing exercise ties: creating a future and communicat- tagonistas, Ed. Deusto, Barcelona, 2007; “Qué
on internal and external coherence. It ing it, constantly adaptating a business hacen los Buenos Directivos: El reto del siglo
XXi”, Ed. Pearson, Madrid, 2013.
is a balance between continuity in the model, putting people as the center of 2. David Teece, Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic
mission but also change in the strategy the organisation, and integrating with Management, Oxford University Press, New
and renewal in the business model. an institutional strategy. York, 2009.

6 The European Business Review September - October 2013

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